OK I'm definitely not sure which case you are talking about : H1 with no EP.
Could you link me an image ? (and where could I have the full name list so that I understand what your talking about :p)


2005/12/12, cmhardw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hey everyone,

Here are the stats of my T orientation case 1 algs (no corner perm)

The cases are as:

T1-1: F' U' F U' F' U2 F B U B' U B U2 B'
average: 2.48
times: 02.81, 02.24, (02.99), 02.98, 02.42, 02.43, 02.42, 02.18,
02.23, 02.14, (02.07), 02.92

T1-2: R U2 R2 U R' U R' U R' U R U2 R2 U' R2
average: 2.65
times: 02.88, 02.51, 02.44, 02.57, (03.20), 02.68, 03.06, 02.73,
02.39, (02.34), 02.61, 02.66

T1-3: F' U' F2 U F2 U F2 U2 F' U F' U F U'
average: 2.77
times: 02.94, 02.58, 03.15, (02.36), 02.88, 02.81, 02.94, 03.13,
02.49, 02.37, 02.42, (04.66)

T1-4: F U F2 U' F2 U' F2 U2 F U' F U' F' U
average: 2.84
times: 02.97, 02.83, 02.78, 02.55, 02.93, 02.49, 02.85, (03.76),
02.73, 03.74, (02.34), 02.53

T1-5: B L U L' U B' R B' R' B2 U2 B'
average: 2.85
times: 02.31, 02.92, 02.84, 02.48, (04.76), 02.64, 03.14, 03.15,
(02.30), 03.32, 02.67, 03.04

T1-6: B' R' U' R U' B L' B L B2 U2 B
average: 2.80
times: 02.29, 02.71, 02.54, 03.12, (02.24), 02.78, 02.93, 03.26,
02.99, (04.08), 02.37, 02.98

T1-7: F' U' F U' F' U2 F R' U2 R U R' U R
average: 2.91
times: 02.34, 02.33, 02.72, 03.38, 03.70, 03.44, (02.28), (04.04),
02.91, 02.97, 02.69, 02.60

T1-8: F U F' U F U2 F' L U2 L' U' L U' L'
average: 2.56
times: 02.51, (02.22), 03.06, 02.63, (03.27), 02.47, 02.30, 03.01,
02.34, 02.63, 02.26, 02.39

T1-9: R U2 R' U' R U' R' B U B' U B U2 B'
average: 2.66
times: 02.46, 03.24, 02.59, 02.34, (03.60), 02.78, 02.66, 02.95,
02.64, (02.24), 02.28, 02.66

T1-10: L' U2 L U L' U L B' U' B U' B' U2 B
average: 2.92
times: 02.65, 02.57, 02.52, (03.94), 02.81, 02.72, 03.20, 03.60,
(02.46), 02.53, 03.09, 03.52

T1-11: R U2 R' U' R U' R2 U2 R U R' U R
average: 1.97 (!!!!!!)
times: 01.93, 01.88, 01.97, 01.90, 01.91, 02.33, 01.84, (03.04),
01.81, 02.27, 01.87, (01.79)

T1-12: L' U2 L U L' U L2 U2 L' U' L U' L'
average: 2.60
times: 02.28, 02.26, 03.08, 03.54, 01.94, (03.60), 02.51, (01.86),
02.41, 02.08, 02.89, 02.98

I couldn't believe the 1.97 for T1-11 that was so amazing!  I had no
idea that alg was that fast!  No wonder I always get my best times
with that one!  My record with it was 1.78 when timing.

Alright, well I feel ok with the T Case 1 algs.  Some of them could be
better practiced for me (the 2.9's can be faster in my opinion).

How much work shoudl we spend on T1?

I will time the others tomorrow, my wrists really hurt after this session.


--- In zbmethod@yahoogroups.com, "cmhardw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Chris, you could go through all of your T-Orintation algs and list a
> > time for them. I know that I use a slightly different set of algs
> > than you, perhaps some of mine are faster.
> Hey Doug, I agree I think that will be an excellent starting point.
> I'm going to take some averages for each alg right now and start
> posting them.
> Chris

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