Physical pain was obvious. Whether mental was also present I don't know.

--- On Fri, 16/1/09, Edgar Owen <> wrote:

From: Edgar Owen <>
Subject: Re: [Zen] Re: The Reason For God
Date: Friday, 16 January, 2009, 8:22 AM


Was it mental suffering or physical pain? An important distinction is to be 


On Jan 15, 2009, at 5:32 PM, Anthony Wu wrote:

I agree and believe practicing zen helps give up worries. However, not all 
anticipation is useless. I would like to bring up a big question here: how to 
respond to and/or avoid pain on the deathbed? Take for example the famous zen 
master Daisetzu Suzuki. Most agree he was a very advanced zen practitioner. At 
around 100 years of age, he went through a lot of suffering on his deathbed, 
which was recorded by his secretary and nurse ( I can't remember her name and 
the title of the article). I was very disappointed when I read that.

--- On Fri, 16/1/09, cid830 <summitj...@att. net> wrote:

From: cid830 <summitj...@att. net>
Subject: [Zen] Re: The Reason For God
To: zen_fo...@yahoogrou
Date: Friday, 16 January, 2009, 3:54 AM


I'm sure you needed that lesson on the samarai! LOL.

My point, in Bill's defense, was that this is not comparable to his 
response to Anthony's questions. Anthony is anticipating what will 
happen if he runs into a killer or how he will react while starving, I 
see Bill's point as telling him the anticipation is the problem. The 
zen training will allow him to react to the situation at hand from his 
Buddha Nature. Anticipating or worrying about situations that may or 
may not actually occur is a sign that you are not engaged in your zen 
practice.. If you are not engaged in your practice, how can you expect 
to react to a situation with your Buddha Nature?

This is one thing that led me to Zen. I used to worry and plan for 
situations that never happened. I used to run "what if" scenarios thru 
my head, to the point that it was driving me crazy. Zen practice 
helped me tremendously!

Thanks again,


--- in zen_fo...@yahoogrou, Edgar Owen <edgaro...@. ..> wrote:
> Chris,
> I am in agreement with your thoughts. Thanks for jumping in.
> Edgar

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