
Please look into your own mind and tell us what motivation (other than
curiosity) prompted you to ask that question.


PS: In Mahayana and Tantrayana Tibetan Buddhism, there is strong focus
on motivation.

--- In, Anthony Wu <wu...@...> wrote:

ED,   Please find the most representative definitions of sex ritual. I
limit you to 3 of them. It is best if they shed light on the
relationship with lust and spiritualism.   I am curious why Tantrism
attaches so much significance to that.   Anthony

   Definitions of illusion on the Web:
    * an erroneous mental representation     * something many people
believe that is false; "they have the illusion that I am very wealthy"
* delusion: the act of deluding; deception by creating illusory ideas
* magic trick: an illusory feat; considered magical by naive observers
FRJNZpjADddoe9-Y-x-w1AaifpUQ>       * An illusion is a distortion of the
senses, revealing how the brain normally organizes and interprets
sensory stimulation. While illusions distort reality, they are generally
shared by most people. ...

   Bill,   Thank you for clarification of the sense in which persons who
are enlightened experience reality.   However to the more than 99.9999%
of humans who do not experience satori, 'Maya' is very, very real.  
Therefore, I submit to the Zen Forum the proposition that the reality
experienced by the very, very few is not relevant to the world.   --ED
--- In, <billsm...@...> wrote:
> Mayka,
> What I meant to say was that if you are living in a world of illusions
(maya) compassion is a badge of honor and something you need to
cultivate and practice.
> If you are not living in a world of illusions there is no compassion,
no honor, nothing to cultivate and nothing to practice. There is Just
> ...Bill!

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