I recently finished reading "The Life and Times of Martin Luther" by D
aubigne. As a minor point, Luther never left the Catholic Church, he was
excommunicated twice though. It is no doubt that they did not have the
fulness of the gospel, but I do believe that they were led by the Spirit to
achieve what was necessary in preparation for the restoration of the gospel.


-------Original Message-------

Date: Sunday, October 27, 2002 1:11:57 PM
Subject: Re: [ZION] Jerusalem temple

At 05:00 AM, Sunday, 10/27/02, Grampa Bill wrote:
> This is true. Martin Luther, the founder of Lutheranism and John Wesley,
> the founder of Methodism are pointed to as examples. However, can any one
> name a person living while the Fullness of the Gospel was on the earth
> who was called of God to teach a lesser truth?

Amen, Grampa. And remember, Martin Luther and John Wesley left the
apostate religion of their childhood, just as all those who hearken to the
call of our missionaries have to do. The churches they left had not power
to save. Even the satanists have some truth.


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