"John W. Redelfs" wrote:

>   Is the road from Edmonton to Prince George as good as the road from
> Prince George to Prince Rupert?

It's basically freeway* almost half the way (from Hinton to Edmonton -- the last
40% of the way, iow), and good 2-lane highway with shoulders and passing lanes
from just west of Hinton to Prince George. Watch the weather in the Yellowhead
Pass and the mountain parks -- bridge decks can ice over quickly, but I'm sure
you're used to those kinds of conditions from your trips to Whitehorse.

Edmonton to Fort Macleod is good freeway all the way -- with 110 kph speed limits
except in Calgary city limits, where it's 100 (flow of traffic is usually 120
kph). You pass the Edmonton temple coming from Mark's and my area (via the
Whitemud Freeway -- the temple's at the 53rd Avenue interchange on your left --
believe me, you can't miss it), and take Calgary Trail south at Whitemud Crossing.
Calgary Trail turns into Highway 2 at the city limits, just north of the
international airport.

In Calgary Highway 2 becomes Deerfoot Trail, a 6-to-8-lane urban freeway, which
takes you all the way through the city. Right now an extension is being built (I'm
not sure if it's finished yet) which allows a smooth junction with Macleod Trail,
the old Highway 2; last time I was there the Deerfoot ended at Marquis of Lorne
Trail (164th Ave SE) and you had to go west a few klicks to connect with Highway 2
and continue on to Fort Macleod, where the divided highway ends. The highway goes
through several towns, where you have to slow down: Nanton and Claresholm, in
particular. On a clear day this is one of the nicer stretches, with the Rockies
off to your right, and flat-as-a-pancake prairies to your left.

To get to Cardston, you go through the town of Fort Macleod, and you'll see the
turnoff, to the right, for Highway 2 to Cardston (if you keep going straight
you'll be in Lethbridge). The only town between Fort Macleod and Cardston is
Stand-Off, on the northern border of the Blood Reserve (it's the site of a
Hutterite colony), then just occasional houses by the road. Good highway, but
tends to be subject to white-outs in blizzard conditions. On a clear day see who
spots the temple first -- it is truly the town's landmark, and is kind of an
architectural "echo" of Chief Mountain behind it (which is a squarish massif). The
Blood Reserve ends at the Cardston town boundary (highway 5 west to Waterton
NP/Glacier NP forms the boundary). You'll want to stay to the left, to Main
Street. Tom's place is almost all the way through town, over Lee's Creek and up a
hill and then to the left -- he can give you more precise directions (he only
lives a few doors away from my brother).

*but with some level crossings -- watch out for logging, coal and oil rig trucks
between Hinton and Edson. This is prime drilling season in the northern muskeg
because the ground will be frozen, and the Yellowhead skirts the southern edge of
the muskeg in some areas.

> Anyway, I'm still just juggling things in my mind.  I'm actually pretty
> excited about this new adventure, not to mention having my daughter and her
> husband living a little closer.  Becky has health problems, and her mother
> worries about her being so far away.
> I'm also really glad she is moving to Juneau.  If she and Jeff settle
> there, when Esperanza retires from the government in about 2 years, we are
> more likely to stay here in SE Alaska if Becky is up here.  And to tell you
> the truth, I have not been looking forward to moving south.  I just love it
> up here in the north country.  The air is clean, and that is important to
> me, not so much because it is healthier to breathe, but because it doesn't
> muck up my view of the mountains.
> Your friend and brother,
> John W. Redelfs, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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