On Mon, 15 Sep 2003 11:50:33 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> I, too, would also like decent health care for my family, but we pay 
> more
> and get less coverage than the union employees do.  He doesn't get
> overtime.  They do.  He doesn't have any recourse when he doesn't 
> like how
> he's being treated by his bosses.  They do.  All they have to do is 
> grieve
> whatever clause in their contract they feel is being violated.  
> What
> recourse does my husband have?  He has been told by HR people that, 
> as a
> white male, he legally has no recourse for anything.
> Heidi

Here in Texas the company can fire you for any reason and there is
nothing you can do about it. Workers have no rights or safeties in place.

Paul O

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