John W. Redelfs wrote:

> Eternal Marriage Is Essential for Exaltation
> (* * *)
> Anyone disagree that this is official Church doctrine?  Our missionaries 
> teach it to investigators and it is taught to all new members as part of 
> the Gospel Essentials Sunday School class.  Is this controversial, or 
> what?  Are any of the Brethren divided on this?

I certainly don't believe these is any division, but wonder if perhaps 
the focus has shifted more towards the preservation of _existing_ 
marriages.  For instance, just in the last few weeks, in our ward alone, 
we've had two couples get separated, and in the prior year and a half, 
three divorces were finalized.  Four of these were temple 
marriages...the fifth might be also, but I'm not sure.  And that's just 
the stuff I'm personally aware of...I imagine the Bishop might have 
knowledge of others.  But mainly I just get the sense what our ward is 
experiencing may not be an anomoly.

Celestial marriage is important...if I didn't think so, I wouldn't have 
written so many "woe is me" posts over the years.  ;-)  But the 
covenants made in the sealing room won't exactly hold a lot of water if 
the persons who made them don't follow through, or in other words, 
"endure to the end."  Even worse, children get caught in the crossfire, 
and their spiritual state has to be considered as well.  I tend to think 
the Lord may hold such parents responsible to the extent that their 
children have fallen away as a direct result.  /Sandy/ 

The Rabinowitz Family, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Spring Hill, Tennessee

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