--On 23. April 2008 09:20:00 -0600 Shane Hathaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Wichert Akkerman wrote:
I would like to get that fix in for Zope 2.11, which will use ZODB 3.8.
Are  there any objections to changing this there as well? This is a bit
of a grey  area between a bugfix and completing an unfinished feature,
and I'm do not  know what the rules for ZODB development are.

I have a similar request: I'd like the invalidation polling patch (needed
by RelStorage) to be included in Zope 2.11.  Is there some way that can
be done?

AFAIK, Jim is working on major ZODB changes for ZODB 3.9.  Could we move
those major changes into ZODB 3.10 and create ZODB 3.9 with only modest
feature enhancements, then use ZODB 3.9 with Zope 2.11?

Zope 2.11 will ship with ZODB 3.8 - not with 3.9.


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