Hello Tony,

The zone type by default is sparse.  Thus /usr and other filesystems
will be inherited in read-only mode from the global zone.  I suspect
that all of the SMC* packages that gave errors included pre or post
processing scripts that attempted to change permissions of files or
directories associated with the package contents.  Changing permissions
on a read-only filesystem will fail and hence you get the errors that
you saw.  Lastly, some packages are marked for global zone only.  
Thus installation of global specific packages into non-global zones 
is expected to fail.


On Sun, 2007-02-11 at 23:06 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello,
> Created a zone - seemed to go well! Just a few error mesages. Not sure if 
> these errors will cause problems.
> ./zonemgr -a add -n helium -z "/zones" -P "abc123" -I 
> "|ipge0|24|helium" 
> Checking to see if the zone IP address ( is already in use...IP 
> is available.
> Preparing to install zone <helium>.
> Creating list of files to copy from the global zone.
> Copying <11624> files to the zone.
> Initializing zone product registry.
> Determining zone package initialization order.
> Preparing to initialize <1040> packages on the zone.
> Initialized <1040> packages on zone.                                 
> Zone <helium> is initialized.
> Installation of these packages generated warnings: <SMCgettxt SMCzlib 
> SMCncurs SMClxml2 SMCcvs SMCgtk SMCglib SMCgcc SMClxslt SMCliconv SMCsasl>
> The file </zones/helium/root/var/sadm/system/logs/install_log> contains a log 
> of the zone installation
> <snip>
> *** package <SUNWexplo> was not installed:
> The package <SUNWexplo> is registered to be installed in the
> global zone only. The package may have been installed in the global
> zone using the pkgadd '-G' option, or the package may contain a
> request script, or the package may directly set the package attribute
> SUNW_PKG_THISZONE=true in the pkginfo file.
> <snip>
> pkgadd: ERROR: unable to create package object 
> </zones/helium/root/usr/local/bin>.
>     unable to fix attributes
> <snip>
> Is a patch level of recommended patch set from 12 months ago, likely to be 
> OK? (Sol 10 on T2000)
> This message posted from opensolaris.org
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