Excellent results were obtained! managed to create 5 zones on on T2k and
another 4 on a 2nd T2k. Error msgs (as described) on one, no error messages
on the other. And all the zones behaved perfectly. Gratifying. Thanx to
everyone who contributed...

It seems there is a plan to add some dedicated RH AS 3.8 boxes to the
network, but I see from the zonemgr docs that it is possible to create some
virtual Centos machines, on a T2k. What would we the fastest way to do
this? I do have a CentOS-3.8-server-i386.iso to hand. Can I use that

Well, you might have a problem there, seeing that the iso image has binaries for an x86/x64 computer and the T2k isn't. ;-)

Jeff VICTOR              Sun Microsystems            jeff.victor @ sun.com
OS Ambassador            Sr. Technical Specialist
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