On Fri, Jan 05, 2007 at 10:29:03AM -0500, Jim Fulton wrote:
> Reinoud van Leeuwen wrote:
> > On Wed, Jan 03, 2007 at 05:12:18PM -0500, Jim Fulton wrote:
> >> Some thoughts on Zope 3, Zope 3 applications, and Zope 3 instances
> > [...]
> >> I should note that there have been a number of sucessful Zope 3  
> >> applications that were not the OFS.  In fact, some of the earliest  
> >> production Zope 3 applications were not based on the OFS.
> > 
> > One of the first Zope 3 applications I looked at was SchoolBell. I was 
> > charmed by the elegant structure after install: a bunch of libraries 
> > somewhere, and a single instance directory containing a configuration file 
> > (for SchoolBell only, not Zope), and start and stop scripts. The Data.fs 
> > file was built during the first run.
> Where did log files end up? How about the zademon socket file?

There is no zdaemon socket file, the server is daemonized using the -d
option. Instances can be created and the logs are stored as in Zope3.

Providing daemon start/stop capability is left up to operating system
tools. As a packaged distribution (dpkg) the daemon control is a
standard lsb compliant shell script that calls start-stop-daemon.

Note that schooltool only really supports production use as a packaged
application at this point.

> > As a system administrator, this is how I like to see applications.
> That's interesting.  As a developer, I like things to be
> self contained.  Most Unix system administrators I know want me
> to follow standard Unix file-system layour conventions (e.g.
> http://www.pathname.com/fhs/).

Wearing my sysadmin cap, I'd like to say +100 to following the FHS.

Brian Sutherland

Metropolis - "it's the first movie with a robot. And she's a woman.
              And she's EVIL!!"
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