On Sep 27, 2007, at 10:00 AM, Stephan Richter wrote:

On Thursday 27 September 2007 09:35, Jim Fulton wrote:
On Sep 26, 2007, at 7:57 PM, Roger Ineichen wrote:

Can anybody tell me why we restrict our test setup
in zope eggs and only use a subset of package for
our test setup?

It isn't practical, during development, to test all of the eggs that
might be affected by a change, which is, BTW a *much* larger set than
the old Zope 3 tree.

I am not saying that testing *all* packages is necessary, but a healthy set of them. We did not consider this impractical when developing on the entire trunk. Back then, it was part of our development responsibility. We always
ensured that some set of Zope 3 was always stable together.

But we were developing the entire trunk as a whole. We were developing a monolith. For example, it was acceptable, when changing a particular Python package to "fix" the tests in other packages that broke by changing the tests (or the code they test) to reflect the change in the original component. This provided less than no protection to 3rd-party packages.

Recently, y'all removed some files from zope.app.security. I bet you adjusted other files in the Zope 3 tree to reflect that change, but that didn't help the many more 3rd-party packages and applications that were broken.

This is
completely gone now. I want a solution; buildbot is okay,

Good. Now we need someone to implement it.


Depends on what "this" is.  I think running all of the tests in the
old Zope 3 tree whenever we change a component is a waste of time.

I beg to differ. It has something to do with responsibility to the community.
I am not saying you have to test all of Zope 3 when changing zc.* for
example. But I think if a package in a defined "core" set is changed,
requiring to run all the tests of the "core" set should be required. A really good example is ``zope.component``. Not testing it across several packages is
very dangerous for our stability.

That's a good example. The last time I changed zope.component, I *did* test it with the tree. It would be useful to be able to do that conveniently in the future.

What I really want is a buildout for a big Zope 3 application, similar to what we've released in the past. Then, I will often choose to test a change in something as core as cope.component as a develop egg in that buildout. I would definitely do that.
(I don't want a meta egg.)

I'll note that I don't work on "core" components very often so testing against the Zope 3 app wouldn't be something that I would do often, but I'll concede that on those rare occasions that I do, having something like this would be useful.


Jim Fulton
Zope Corporation

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