Stephen Kellett writes:
| In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jon Freeman
| <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
| >I had one for a while but took it down after some abc from somewhere caused
| >abcm2ps to loop and I had my ISP phoning me up asking what abcm2ps was and
| >telling me that it had been using something like 90% of the processing power
| >for a good hour or more. I'm not prepared to take the chance on the shared
| >server again.
| Write a monitor process that monitors your abcm2ps processes. Any
| process that has been at a high CPU for more than X time, kill it. Or
| modify abcm2ps to include a monitor thread to do the same task (better
| as it'll know how long each tune processing has taken).

A monitoring process or thread is radical  overkill  for  this  task.
We're  talking about a C program.  The standard C library handles the
job almost trivially (as the term is understood by C programmers ;-).
Here's  a  demo program that should run anywhere you have a minimally
POSIX-compliant C library:

* Demo of using the signal/alarm routines to interrupt a program that
* runs for too long.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>

int timeout = 5;        /* Kill the program after this many seconds */

sig_t alrm() {          /* Alarm handler */
        exit(0);        /* Exit normally */

main(ac,av) char **av;
{       int n = 0;
        signal(SIGALRM,(sig_t)alrm);    /* Declare our alarm handler */
        alarm(timeout); /* Set alarm timer */
        while (++n) {
                printf("%d ...\n",n);
        printf("Can't get here.\n");
        exit(1);                /* Paranoia */

Supposedly even Windows has a POSIX-compliant C library,  though  I'd
guess  you'll  find that this needs a bit of tweaking there.  Anyway,
this takes no extra process or thread. You should be able to copy the
alrm()  routine  and  the  signal()  and alarm() calls to any other C
program to kill the program after some interval.

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