
I suspect what it comes down to - I'm tossing this out off-the-cuff - is that each new branch of maths involves new rules, new operations on numbers and figures, and new ways of relating the numbers and figures to real objects and sometimes new signs, period. And they aren't predictable or derivable from previous ones. Set theory is ultimately a v. useful convention, not an absolute necessity?

Perhaps this overlaps with our previous discussion, which could perhaps be reduced to - is there a universal learning program - an AGI that can learn any skill? That perhaps can be formalised as - is there a program that can learn any program - a set of rules for learning any set of rules? I doubt it. Especially if as we see with the relatively simple logic discussions on this forum, people can't agree on which rules/conventions/systems to apply, i.e. there are no definitive rules.

All this can perhaps be formalised neatly, near geometrically. (I'm still groping you understand). If we think of a screen of pixels - can all the visual games or branches of maths or art that can be expressed on that screen - mazes/maze-running/2d geometry/ 3d geometry/Riemannian/ abstract art/ chess/ go etc - be united under - or derived from - a common set of metarules?

It should be fairly easy :) for an up-and-coming maths star like you to prove the obvious - that it isn't possible. Kauffman was looking for something like this. It's equivalent, it seems to me, to proving that you cannot derive any stage of evolution of matter or life from the previous one - that the world is fundamentally creative - that there are always new ways and new rules to join up the dots.


The answer here is a yes. Many new branches of mathematics have arisen
since the formalization of set theory, but most of them can be
interpreted as special branches of set theory. Moreover,
mathematicians often find this to be actually useful, not merely a

--Abram Demski

On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 12:32 PM, Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Valentina:In other words I'm looking for a way to mathematically define how
the AGI will mathematically define its goals.

Holy Non-Existent Grail? Has  any new branch of logic or mathematics ever
been logically or mathematically (axiomatically) derivable from any old
one?  e.g. topology,  Riemannian geometry, complexity theory, fractals,
free-form deformation  etc etc
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