Christian Schoepplein, le ven. 06 oct. 2023 20:52:20 +0200, a ecrit:
> On Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 02:27:41AM +0200, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> >
> >I have updated with an
> >improved patch. Could people try it? I have also uploaded patched Debian
> >packages on
> I was on vacation for three weeks and updated my Debian testing system 
> today. Also the libvte packages have been updated to a newer version, 0.74, 
> and the packages with all fixes from your repo, Samuel,

Which exact version are you testing? Please use

dpkg -l libvte-2.91-0:amd64

otherwise I cannot say anything about your results. My package with
latest changes is versioned 0.73.99-1+fix, not 0.74.

> I took a look at the bug report and into the changelogs, but its not really 
> clear to me, if the fixes are included in the 0.74 version now or if they 
> are still not included.

They are not.

> Whats the current state of the bug?

We are waiting for feedback to make sure that things are fixed without
introducing regressions.

> Can I somehow install the old 0.73 packages from your repo,

Sure, see the readme file.

> Samuel, or can you provide the 0.74 packages with the fix please or
> shall I try to build the new packages myself and include the patch?

No need to build anything, just pick up my packages.


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