On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 11:51 PM, Mathias Bauer <nospamfor...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Now an interesting question: shall we also have "MOD3" in the keyboard
> configration dialog that I currently "enhanced" to support "MOD2". I did
> not enable multiple modifiers like "MOD1+MOD2" as I was afraid that the
> list could become too large.

I'm afraid that the list is large enough even now. My idea is to have
something like this [1]. Explained in words:

 - do not list all possible shortcuts (as this is misleading, because
some of these shortcuts can't be used on some platforms, Mac OS X
example and > F8, etc.), list is huge a no one is willing to go
through it,

 - it's easier to select category, function and click on Assign
(Modify) button, small, very simple dialog appears and user can press
keys combination, which will be interpreted and displayed, if user
agrees, he can click ok to save it or cancel

[1] http://idisk.mac.com/rvojta-Public/OO.o/ideas/tools-customize.jpg
[2] http://idisk.mac.com/rvojta-Public/OO.o/ideas/capture-keys.jpg

Or another idea. Can be something like intermediate step. Do not list
all possible combinations, but only main available keys like F1, A, B,
arrows, ... And put checkboxes [ ] Ctrl, [ ] Alt, [ ] Cmd on the right
side of this list. User can easily compose any shortcut combination.
Replace [2] with [3].

[3] http://idisk.mac.com/rvojta-Public/OO.o/ideas/define-keys.jpg

The prior idea is better, but it needs more time to implement it. The
second one is something like intermediate step, but it is definitely
better than the table with list of all possible shortcut combinations.

Or combination of these dialogs in one. Just my idea.

> This would be even more judged by MOD3-support as then we have 3
> combinations of two modifier keys plus the same number of combinations
> with an additional SHIFT key.

Agree, as I said, I think that the list is very long even now and
another solution should be selected.

> I left out the possibility for pressing
> three modifiers at once, I even don't know if that is supported by the 
> keyboards. :-)

Yes, it is possible. On Mac, it's not rare. You can use shortcuts like
Option-Shift-Cmd-V, etc. You need more than 10 fingers sometimes, but
these kind of shortcuts are here ;-)

> What do you think? Should I allow combinations? All 6 of it? It wouldn't
> be more effort than just writing the table of keys (more or less some
> C&P and editing), but I wonder if having such large tabel makes sense.

But because there are limited resources to implement all ideas around,
something should be selected. The current table is quite huge and I
think that no one will be surprised if it will be "slightly" bigger. I
think you can introduce all combinations. New combinations should be
added at the end of this list, so, user will see well known
combinations and new combinations below. It doesn't hurt and people
who wants to use more polished shortcuts will be able to do it.


Robert Vojta

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