Unfortunately despite most of us objecting to this change, I doubt Valve
will change their stand on it. We've had other objections over changes in
the past with Valve not saying a single word in response, I'm almost
certain Valve will turn deaf ears on our objections once again, I get the
impression that they don't seem to really care for the community servers
anymore and are making good attempts at driving them away little by little,
the very servers which (for the most part anyway) made Team Fortress 2
populated and gave it recognition. Now it seems it has population and
recognition, it feels as if they're making efforts to ditch community run
servers and do it by themselves.

In a basic summary, this is just another bodged quick fix method to dealing
with servers that aren't really vanilla or completely following their
(Valve) QP requirements, rather than actually doing something useful for
the majority of community servers (which are playing fair) about such
servers (which aren't playing fair). "If one isn't alright, then we'll
pretty much punish everyone including the one that isn't alright". Also
@Kyle, I don't see how ads are related to this change. Ads were blocked on
Quickplay connecting clients way before this update.

Quickplay is really just a bad implementation imo. Return to the good ol'
days where we had to use the server browser, we found unique communities
and explored more of them that way, than most newcomers would bother doing
these days because of QP.

My two cents. I'm sure someone will disagree with me though - lol.
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