Everything you've said is perfectly relevant and 100% besides the point.
You are talking to a list of people who have been running TF2 servers since
its release.  TF2 was built by Valve, came out, and was popular for about a
year in its default format.  When its charm had worn off, communities took
it, modded it, added incentives such as hats, custom weapons, skins, in
their mods, and built large playerbases from it.  The TF2 community rose up
and expanded again based on these mods, and communities kept their servers
up by having them as donator perks.  The better communities (those who had
weapons be free and donator perks be *only* cosmetic) prospered and
everything was great for about another year, until the day when (some of
you probably remember) those running communities with cosmetic donator
perks were sent emails from Valve asking us to remove the cosmetic and
custom items from our servers or have them blacklisted, as they were
getting ready to release their own.

The ENTIRE POINT of this discussion is that Valve released a game, it
didn't do as well as counterstrike or half life, and the *COMMUNITIES* took
it and molded it into something that people loved.  Valve took the best
ideas from those communities and monetized them.  We lost any way to bring
in donations to fund servers because the only donator perks we can offer is
end-of-round immunity (whoop de doo).  We lost our playerbase because the
fun stuff that kept players on our servers was now built into the game.
Quickplay was introduced, making us turn off more stuff to try and bring
people in and keep them.  It has been downhill from there.

So pardon the hell out of me, I do indeed feel like I am a little bit
entitled to have some support from the company that took the things we were
offering to players and monetized them.  I feel like I'm entitled to a
small portion of the playerbase and I feel like I'm entitled to at least
some answers from the people who made the decision.  We are well over 50
replies into this thread and we have not yet heard back from them on ANY of
the questions we've had since we found out that they have priority in QP
during the halloween update.  I feel like I'm entitled because without the
communities, the game would have died off to everyone except the
hardest-core comp players years ago.  We helped build it, we helped
maintain it, and now we're being crapped on from on high and feel like the
LEAST we deserve is some freaking answers.  Your being derisive towards
everyone else here simply tells me you haven't been as invested into the
game and the aspect of the community behind it as some of us.

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 2:08 PM, dan <needa...@ntlworld.com> wrote:

> On 24/01/2014 18:04, thesupremecommander wrote:
>> I actually sent an email to Valve about a week or so ago (back when this
>> issue was just bubbling up) asking them to implement a CS:GO
>> Overwatch-type
>> system for TF2 servers. I still think that such a system is the best way
>> to
>> go without requiring Valve to manually police servers themselves, allowing
>> community owners to still compete for QuickPlay traffic with servers both
>> following the intent and the text of Valve's QuickPlay rules, and giving
>> players the same unadulterated vanilla experience that they want.
> I just joined a valve server with quickplay and 'official servers' checked
> to play 2fort.
> The experience of joining is pretty good. Fast and I got a server with a
> low ping
> that played well.
> All I can say to the folks here is though, if you can't compete with a
> Valve server, switch
> off your servers and bake cakes to sell because you're in the wrong game.
> It was a complete farce. Barely anyone knew how to cap, where to cap,
> or what the objectives were. Neither team had any defence, certainly no
> engineers.
> I was told what I was doing was "impossible" (i.e shooting nades at people
> and hitting them)
> So, relax. No one who sits facing the shiny side of their monitor
> will  be playing on Valve servers via quickplay for any length of time
> because
> the servers are swamped with the confused and bewildered.
> You can (as I have in the past) jump from valve server to valve server and
> find a decent round, but you'd spend all day doing that with
> the quickplay button joining random servers.
> Who knows, perhaps the official checkbox will mix up the player base and
> change
> that, but right now that doesn't appear to be the case.
> --
> Dan
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