I've usually interpreted rest like finger position when tuning as 
damping, although "quilling" pairs would certainly be an option if 
you count beats when tuning.

At 05:10 AM 1/19/2010, you wrote:
>I've seen Paul O'Dette use repeated rest strokes in the bass, 
>sometimes for fairly fast lines that I would take with p-i 
>alternating (free) strokes.  On the other hand, I've seen Robert 
>Barto occasionally use rest strokes in the treble.
>    There are an awful lot of paintings (especially, but not 
> exclusively, baroque) in which the players are clearly using a rest 
> stroke with the fingers a la classical guitar.  In most of these 
> the player is obviously tuning; in some, its not so clear.  I know 
> of no printed instructions, however.
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