* Andy Lester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-09-05 18:15]:
> > >"Here are test reports reporting on failures for these
> > >things that  we care about you caring about."
> > 
> > Again, this is CPANTS, not CPAN Testers.
> Getting failure reports for a module not running on Perl 5.005
> is a test about something I don't care about.  I don't give
> Shit One if my code runs on 5.005, and yet, I've had failures
> for them.

Sure. You have had failures because your code doesn’t run on 5.5
means it doesn’t run on 5.5 means it doesn’t run on 5.5. If I am
using 5.5 for whatever reason and am considering trying your code
for whatever reason [chromatic: let’s not get into that right
here], then to me it is interesting to know that your code is
going to fail. I don’t give Shit One about how you feel about me
running 5.5, I just want to know if the code works or not. I
would be interested to know that you don’t care about supporting
my configuration, but as you don’t even care enough to declare
your non-support explicitly, I have to find out otherwise.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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