On Fri, Sep 05, 2008 at 11:56:02AM -0700, Eric Wilhelm wrote:

> It should not be a "big red deal" if an author omits the declaration of 
> requiring perl 5.8.mumble+.  At this point, it is a reasonable 
> assumption that code "should" run on 5.8.8 and 5.10.+, but an 
> unreasonable assumption that it runs on 5.6.x or less.
> It should not be a "big red deal" if a distribution doesn't run on VMS.  
> This is not a system many people have ready access to or interest in.

The various tools that people have written recently for looking at
CPAN-testers results make it easy to filter them by perl version and by

eg ...


So if a user doesn't care about 5.6 or VMS, he can just ignore those data.

> Now, also currently, there is only one web-view presentation of the 
> reports on search.cpan.org and cpantesters.perl.org.  This also causes 
> conflict:
>   * If anybody starts a VMS smoker, the entire CPAN is likely to
>     light-up red.

Nah.  Randomly picking on DateTime again, you'll just see a tiny little
red tick at the right hand edge of the green bar that's currently at the
top of this page:

or maybe you won't, cos the overwhelming number of passes would still
swamp it, just like it swamps the two fails that are there already.

David Cantrell | top google result for "internet beard fetish club"

       23.5 degrees of axial tilt is the reason for the season

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