Re: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] Success with flicker-free windows!

2003-12-14 Thread Jeremy White
Humm - for some reason I'm not getting all messages to this list - anyone 
else have that problem? The archive is also not up to date...

I missed the start of the thread - Anyway my 2 cents

Garside Trevor say on win32::GUI Users list flicker problem when 

window can be remove by set default class style to 0.

In GUI.xs, RegisterClassEx : = 0; // CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; // TODO (default class

It's look better when resize main window.
I don't have samples whith lot of flicker problem.
So, don't know if it's sufficient.

This is the 'fix' that I have been using for a while, and works well in most 
simple cases. However you can get horrendous striping when reducing the size 
of a window - the GUI Loft being one example. In my case I had one window 
which suffered this problem, I just had to create a class with  CS_HREDRAW | 
CS_VREDRAW and suffer the flickering.

   4.Graphics objects no longer show up (DCs don't seem to support
   5.Setting WS_CLIPCHILDREN results in massive flickering (the
 opposite of
   what it used to do) and causes no background to show.
  Well, I don't really understand a lot of what you said, and I don't 
  any applications that flicker with the current GUI, so I guess I'd 

  to say that if *anything* gets broken by this enhancement, that it
  should definitely be an extra cost option, rather than the default.

 All my application widgets flickered when I resized the windows,
 tree and listviews. This fix prevents the erase-redraw mentality of
 Windows, which is a stupid way of doing things in the 1st place. It 

 easy to add an option -noflicker to all windows so that you can
 say I want to use the non-flicker drawing routines. I will do this.

I like the idea of the -noflicker option (assuming you can turn it on and 
off during runtime). If it works with no cost, then perhaps it could become 
the default in future versions? Flicker free resizes are so *much* better.

Looking forward to seeing this fix in action.



Find a cheaper internet access deal - choose one to suit you.

Re: [win32gui] Re: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] Any release soon? (was: CVS Commits - bug fixes and enhancements)

2005-06-13 Thread Jeremy White
We need to agree a version number for the next release.  I would propose 
1.01 - I think that we should be using a 2-digit second part of the version 
number to be CPAN friendly (See perldoc perlmodstyle), and don't see that 
there's enough change to justify anything other than incrementing the minor 
version by the smallest increment.

1.01 sounds fine by me.

If we can agree the version numbering issue,. I'd be happy to make a 
release candidate available from my website.


I'll also write up my notes on building the PPM, so others can do it.  I've 
added a note to my TODO list to look at adding a PPM target to the makefile 
(so we can just do nmake ppm (or whatever).  I've also noticed that many of 
the document links with a page are broken, but don't have time to explore 
this further right now.

I've noticed these broken links before, and have tried to fix a few of them 
when updating documentation. I suspect that the document parser could be 
improved a little to cope with the differing styles of text - it's a rather 
manual process otherwise.



Re: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] Tests

2005-07-01 Thread Jeremy White
Does anyone have any experience with any of the GUI test packages that 
actually allow you to interact with a GUI in test, and if so what would 
people recommend?

I work professionally as tester. GUI testing is part of my job :) (AutoIt, 
Win32::GuiTest and Rational Robot)

Testing GUI apps can be a pain to do correctly, so it's good that we've got 
someone who knows what they are doing:)

I'll write down my ideas and which module would fit best.
The module (e.g. Win32::GuiTest) should be optional.

It would be nice if we could use Win32::GuiTest simply because it's free and 
open:) But I don't know enough about the options to contribute.

Leaving aside GUI testing, there is still quite a bit that could be done via 
the command line - things like testing destruction of controls/windows, 
creating lots of controls, testing for memory leaks etc.



Re: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] more 1.1.03 patches

2005-07-04 Thread Jeremy White


I'm sure if you ask Aldo for permissions to commit changes, he'll add you 
(or, indeed anyone else).

Cheers (and good work BTW).


RE: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] Web Presence

2005-07-28 Thread Jeremy White
I've spent the last week or so struggling to come to terms with CSS and its 
non-standard implementations accros browsers.  I have the outline of a site 
that I'd appreciate feedback on:

Nice, good job:)

I tried with Opera and it looks fine.

Suggestions, it would be nice if there was a screenshots link under Site 
navigation (perhaps users could submit screenshots of their applications 
built using Win32-GUI). Perhaps it would be nice if the examples also had 
their own link - with each example presented as a separate page (with 
HTMLerizied code, and perhaps a screenshot). I only mention these items as 
this is what I look for when evaluating a new tool:)



[perl-win32-gui-hackers] Using Windows as Objects

2005-07-30 Thread Jeremy White


I've been putting together an example of several of the techniques I use 
when building a GUI. One of the things I do is to use lots of child windows 
to encapsulate many controls and functionality into one logical package. 
This works really well for me, but is still on the 'messy' side, so I've 
tried to encapsulate all functionality (event handling and method calls) 
into a single perl object that could be used throughout the application.

The example below is rather simple, but should explain the concept. In a 
hypothetical application, the user needs to be able to select the Employee 
ID in lots of places in the application. As well as being able to type in 
the ID directly, the user might also want to search for the ID. Rather than 
create lots of individual controls, an object does all the work for you...

Except for when you exit, and a crash occurs (perl 5.6 GUI 1.02 Attempt to 
free unreferenced scalar at C:/Perl/site/lib/Win32/ line 3266). I do 
create a circular link, with a closure being used to 'remember the object 
(In my own application, the closure is of the window, not an object that 
contains it, and this doesn't crash). I'm not sure if this is a bug within 
win32-gui or my code?

Or is there a better way to create a perl object that can handle both method 
calls and events?




use strict;
use Win32::GUI;

#We init the EmployeeSelector class

# Create the main window
my $mainwindow = new Win32::GUI::Window(
   -name   = Window,
   -title  = Objects and Windows,
   -pos= [100,100],
   -size   = [400,400],

#We now create several employee selector 'controls'.
my $search1=EmployeeSelector-new($mainwindow,20,20);
my $search2=EmployeeSelector-new($mainwindow,20,50);
my $search3=EmployeeSelector-new($mainwindow,20,80);
my $search4=EmployeeSelector-new($mainwindow,20,110);
my $search5=EmployeeSelector-new($mainwindow,20,140);
#Show all our controls

#Enter the message processing loop

package EmployeeSelector;
 #Class spefic globals
 my $searchwindow; #The search window
 my $active;   #The active object

sub Init {
 #This is a class function, and is used to initilise all objects
 $searchwindow = new Win32::GUI::DialogBox(
   -name   = EmployeeSelector,
   -title  = Search for Employee,
   -size   = [300,270],
   -name = 'ListView',
   -pos= [8,8],
   -size   = [280,189],
   -fullrowselect= 1,
 $searchwindow-AddButton (
   -name   = 'OK',
   -text   = 'OK',
   -pos= [164,208],
   -size   = [60,21],
   #When we click ok, we populate the calling controls EmpID
   -onClick = sub {my $item=$searchwindow-ListView-SelectedItems();
my %hItem=$searchwindow-ListView-ItemInfo($item,0);
return -1;
 $searchwindow-AddButton (
   -name   = 'Cancel',
   -text   = 'Cancel',
   -pos= [228,208],
   -size   = [60,21],
   -onClick = sub {return -1},
 #populate the list view
 $searchwindow-ListView-InsertColumn(-width = 55,-text  = 'Emp ID');
 $searchwindow-ListView-InsertColumn(-width = 205,-text  = 'Employee 

 $searchwindow-ListView-InsertItem(-text = [1234, 'Bob Smith']);
 $searchwindow-ListView-InsertItem(-text = [4321, 'Peter Jones']);
 $searchwindow-ListView-InsertItem(-text = [7890, 'John Brown']);

#The constructor
sub new {
 my $proto = shift;
 my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
 my $self  = {};
 bless ($self, $class);
 my ($parent,$xcor,$ycor)[EMAIL PROTECTED];
 #Create window
 my $childwin = new Win32::GUI::Window (
 -parent  = $parent,
 -name= ChildWin,
 -pos = [$xcor,$ycor],
 -size= [150, 24],
 -popstyle= Win32::GUI::WS_CAPTION | Win32::GUI::WS_SIZEBOX,
 -pushstyle   = Win32::GUI::WS_CHILD | Win32::GUI::WS_CLIPCHILDREN,
 #add the window to the object
 #Create other controls
   -name   = 'Label',
   -text   = 'ID#',
   -height = 20,
   -width  = 20,
   -top= 6,
   -left   = 0,
 $childwin-AddTextfield (
   -name   = 'EmpID',
   -height = 20,
   -width  = 35,
   -top= 2,
   -left   = 20,
   -tip= 'Employee ID',
 $childwin-AddButton (
   -name   = 'Search',
   -text   = 'Search',
   -height = 20,
   -width  = 60,
   -top= 2,
   -left   = 60,
   -tip= 'Search for a Employee  ID',
   #$self will become a closure
   -onClick = sub {Search($self)},
 return $self;

sub Search {
 #Open the search window - can be called as a method or as an event handler
 my $self=shift;
 #Set the active object to be this object

sub SetEmpID {
 #Set the EmpID of the text box - can be called as a 

Re: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] Using Windows as Objects

2005-07-31 Thread Jeremy White

This is a known bug with win32-gui.
It is fixed by using perl 5.7 or later or using the circular ref patch

Ok - I've created a tracker item so this issue isn't lost:)

I've just ran that example under 5.8.7 and it still crashed?

I posted to the list during the 1.02 release cycle. A similar section was 
applied some years ago, but removed because older perl don't allow circular 
refs at all.

I just searched the archive but it doesn't show any attachments - could you 
forward it again so I can see if it fixes the problem?



RE: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] Support of old Perl versions

2005-10-02 Thread Jeremy White
Would anyone have an issue if I was to make a decision to only support 5.6 
and 5.8 going forwards?

Makes sense as far as I'm concerned.



[perl-win32-gui-hackers] Crash with Combobox GetLBText

2005-10-15 Thread Jeremy White


perl.exe caused an Access Violation at location 7c93426d in module ntdll.dll 
Reading from location .

eax= ebx=01a4 ecx=00230ef0 edx= esi=002301a8 
eip=7c93426d esp=0140efdc ebp=0140f1fc iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na po 
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs= 

Call stack:
7C93426D  ntdll.dll:7C93426D  RtlInitializeContext
77C2C3C9  MSVCRT.dll:77C2C3C9  free
77C2C3E7  MSVCRT.dll:77C2C3E7  free
77C2C42E  MSVCRT.dll:77C2C42E  malloc
2808991F  perl58.dll:2808991F  Perl_my_socketpair
28066038  perl58.dll:28066038  Perl_sv_setpvn
280693EB  perl58.dll:280693EB  Perl_newSVpv
28013436  perl58.dll:28013436  Perl_despatch_signals
2801328D  perl58.dll:2801328D  Perl_despatch_signals
280131CF  perl58.dll:280131CF  Perl_despatch_signals
28063230  perl58.dll:28063230  Perl_sv_2iv
233D1B39  GUI.dll:233D1B39  XS_Win32__GUI__Combobox_GetLBText(interpreter*, 
cv*)  Combobox.c:626

void XS_Win32__GUI__Combobox_GetLBText(interpreter*, cv*)(
PerlInterpreter * my_perl = (indirect),
CV * cv = (indirect)

This one is a little harder to reproduce, but I think it's easy enough to 

[from line 399 in Combobox.xs]

   cbString = SendMessage(handle, CB_GETLBTEXTLEN, index, 0);
   if(cbString != LB_ERR) {
   szString = (char *) safemalloc(cbString);

It looks like we're not allocating enough space for the string - adding 1 to 
cbString stops the crash (another issue is that we're assuming 1 byte = 1 
char which might not be the case...).



RE: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] Crash in CommonMsgLoop

2005-10-16 Thread Jeremy White

I apologies for using this forum as a sounding board...

This is going to be a pain to track down. I've got a case where I'm almost 
guaranteed to cause a crash on exit - it's not a simple case

Ok - think I've got it - just not sure what the fix should be - or even if a 
fix is needed. In my app, I catch the terminate event and ask the user if 
they are sure they wish to exit. If they say yes, I perform logic to save 
various settings. Once the settings have been saved I return -1, which 
should exit. During this exit phase (for some reason) various WM_NCHITTEST 
message are sent, and I assume that the window has already been destroyed(? 
- or perhaps some kind of timing issue, which explains why adding the print 
statements and Perl 5.6 don't cause the crash) - the crash happens when the 
function CallWindowProc is called. The 'fix' in my case is to hide the main 
window as soon as the user clicks on the yes button...



[perl-win32-gui-hackers] Combobox_onEvent crash

2005-10-17 Thread Jeremy White
perl.exe caused an Access Violation at location 7c910f29 in module ntdll.dll 
Reading from location .

eax=0a4fc680 ebx=0023 ecx= edx= esi=0a4fc678 
eip=7c910f29 esp=0140e000 ebp=0140e00c iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na po 
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs= 

Call stack:
7C910F29  ntdll.dll:7C910F29  wcsncpy
7C910D5C  ntdll.dll:7C910D5C  wcsncpy
77C2C2DE  MSVCRT.dll:77C2C2DE  free
28089A02  perl58.dll:28089A02  Perl_my_socketpair
2808DB12  perl58.dll:2808DB12  PerlIO_binmode
28041DCB  perl58.dll:28041DCB  Perl_sv_compile_2op
280602FE  perl58.dll:280602FE  Perl_runops_standard
2802587C  perl58.dll:2802587C  Perl_call_pv
233CE770  GUI.dll:233CE770  Combobox_onEvent(interpreter*, 
tagPERLWIN32GUI_USERDATA*, unsigned, unsigned, long)  Combobox.xs:132
int32 Combobox_onEvent(interpreter*, tagPERLWIN32GUI_USERDATA*, unsigned, 
unsigned, long)(

PerlInterpreter * my_perl = (indirect),
LPPERLWIN32GUI_USERDATA perlud = (indirect),
UINT uMsg = 273,
WPARAM wParam = 65536,
LPARAM lParam = 5702702

return PerlResult;



233C6E4C  GUI.dll:233C6E4C  WindowMsgLoop(HWND__*, unsigned, unsigned, long) 

LRESULT WindowMsgLoop(HWND__*, unsigned, unsigned, long)(
HWND hwnd = (indirect),
UINT uMsg = 273,
WPARAM wParam = 65536,
LPARAM lParam = 5702702
childud-forceResult = 0;

	PerlResult = OnEvent[childud-iClass](NOTXSCALL childud, 
uMsg, wParam, lParam);

if (childud-avHooks != NULL)

77D48734  USER32.dll:77D48734  GetDC
77D48816  USER32.dll:77D48816  GetDC
77D4B4C0  USER32.dll:77D4B4C0  DefWindowProcW
77D4B50C  USER32.dll:77D4B50C  DefWindowProcW
7C90EAE3  ntdll.dll:7C90EAE3  KiUserCallbackDispatcher
77D4B903  USER32.dll:77D4B903  SendMessageW

Dont know why - but have a test case...



[perl-win32-gui-hackers] GUI_Events.cpp/DoEvent correct behaviour?

2005-10-17 Thread Jeremy White
While tracking various crashes down I found myself in the DoEvent function 
in GUI_Events.cpp, now I don't think there is a issue here - but I did 
notice something surprising.

I would have through that if a control was using NEM events, the OEM logic 
wouldn't be called for that control.

For example, a button has a NEM click handler, I wouldn't expect DoEvent to 
look for OEM events such as MouseMove for the same button - but it does. If 
this is correct, it would mean that to save doing a perl_get_cv call (which 
is really inefficient) you would have to define all possible events for all 

Add this line:

  printf(EventName %s \n,EventName);


   // OEM name event
   char EventName[MAX_EVENT_NAME];
   strcpy(EventName, main::);
   strcat(EventName, perlud-szWindowName);
   strcat(EventName, _);
   strcat(EventName, Name);

To see the amount of needless calls made...



Re: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] Crash with Combobox GetLBText

2005-10-20 Thread Jeremy White
This would lead to a more complex macro/function, but would, I think be 
worth it.


It would be a more complicated macro/function - but I agree with you, it 
would be worth it.

This works nicely for the ANSI versions of the call, which return th ANSI 
encoded string of bytes that is suitable for directly inserting into the 
PV, but this doesn't address the Unicode issue at all, where the string 
copied by CB_GETLBTEXT would have to be converted from UCS-2 to utf-8 and 
then copied into the SV, setting the SVf_utf8 flag appropriately.

If we spend time on reworking some of the internals for Unicode is it worth 
us considering the implications of 64bit further down the road?



Re: [win32gui] RE: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] Crash in CommonMsgLoop

2005-10-20 Thread Jeremy White
If you have some code that exhibits this, then I'd be interested to try to 
reproduce it.  I though I could explain it, but then couldn't get an 
example together that validated my explanation.

Not really - as when you reduce the size of the application, the issue 
disappears. I'll keep an eye on it and as soon as I have something solid 
I'll raise a bug.



Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-hackers] GUI_Events.cpp/DoEvent correct behaviour?

2005-10-20 Thread Jeremy White
I haven't tried this yet, but it seems wrong.  Can you raise a bug report 
and I'll dig further into this one.

Ok - it seems this is only an issue when SetEvent is used (see example 
below, also on tracker).

What seems to happen is that the NEM event is called, and then it looks for 
an OEM event - if found that is ran too.



use strict;
use Win32::GUI;

my $W = new Win32::GUI::Window(
   -name = TestWindow,
   -pos  = [  0,   0],
   -size = [210, 200],
   -text = TestWindow,

$W-AddButton (
   -name= Start,
   -pos = [65,5],
   -text= Start,
   -tabstop = 1,
   #-onClick = sub {print 'clicked'},

#add the events to the button

$W-Start-SetEvent('Click',sub {print 'clicked'});



Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-hackers] Win32::GUI::Dialog() failure

2005-12-17 Thread Jeremy White

Arthur I Schwarz wrote:

I'm have partitioned my program into modules:


The program driver is in name:

  name.anonymous subroutine (the nameless thing at the end)
  StartWindows   # name::GUI::StartWindows

and name::GUI::StartWindows I do:


The window displays correctly.
All the pull down menus display correctly.
Selecting any item in a pull down menu has no effect (the event seems to 

Selecting the big X in the window causes the window to close and control 

return to the perl program.

The GUI did work with the same code before partitioning, all code in a
single .pl file.

My suspicion is that you are letting the variable that holds your menu 
object go out of scope, but with no code posted it's hard to tell.  Try 
using 'our $menu = ...' rather than 'my $menu = ...' when you create the  
menu object.   Letting things go out of scope is very easy to do when you 
split code into modules.

I split my code in the same way you do, so I doubt that there is problem 
with Win32::GUI::Dialog();

Another alternative might be that if you are using OEM events Win32-GUI 
can't see your handlers, as they have do be defined in the main package. For 
example, you might have had:

sub Button_Click {};

now it would have to be

sub ::Button_Click {};

Is this a perl implementation of an mph polynomial generator?  I've already 
re-worked the whole constants support (see the archive for this list a 
couple of months back), and it currently uses a perl hash to hold the 
constants and do the lookup, but given the potential number of constants in 
the windows header files I was thinking of implementing a mph solution (and 
have been playing with Taj Khattra's mph-1.2, which I have ported to 
compile under MS VC++).  A perl implementation that generates the 
polynomial values to stick in the C code would be a nice way to solve the 
problem that I have been struggling with of how to make  a distribution 
that others can easily add constants to.

Out of curiosity how much faster is a lookup using the mph-1.2 tool set V 
the perl hash? How much smaller is the mph structure V the perl hash 

In terms of distribution, couldn't we assume that anyone wanting to add a 
constant would have (or need) the ability to build Win32-GUI from source? In 
which case, couldn't the hash be built as part of the build process?



Re: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] Re: DragDrop as xs

2006-03-12 Thread Jeremy White

It's very easy to make terrible mistakes in the XS part.
Devel::LeakTrace helps. I don't like leaks in MessageLoop events.

I'll have a look at that module.

No, more like:
-onDragDrop = sub {
  my ($win, $drag) = @_; # dragged to win
  print Mouse: , join(, , $drag-MousePosition), \n;
  print Files: , join(, , $drag-Files), \n;

Looks good. Is there any chance that you could provide a simple working 
example that could also be added to CVS?



RE: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] Commit Win32::GUI::DropFiles

2006-04-26 Thread Jeremy White

As always, any reports of success and/or failure are welcome.

All ok under XP. Nice work.



RE: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] an introduction

2006-05-09 Thread Jeremy White


I exported the cvs source and began to familiarize myself with it.  Once
I feel comfortable with that, I will try and work on either some low
priority bugs or feature requests that no one has taken up yet.  If
anyone has any suggestions, tips, unstated best practices, advice, or
whatever, I'd welcome and greatly appreciate it.

If you haven't already done so, create a sourceforge ID, and drop an email 
to Rob May who will give you permissions to check in code.

As for advice...For me the biggest learning curve was perl XS - the perl 
documentation isn't ideal (for a starting point see perlxs and perlapi) - 
the best resource I've found is the book Extending and Embedding Perl by Tim 
Jenness and Simon Conzens. Most of the XS code for win32-GUI is 

Choosing a low priority bug or feature requests is a good way to start - if 
it's just about learning, just play and ask questions:) If you think you'll 
be checking it in at some point, ask the list first as someone else might be 
working on the same thing. Rob is working on some big chunks of 
functionality, and some coordination might be required.

All the best, and welcome to the team.



RE: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] CVS Commit - Win32::GUI::Constants added

2006-05-14 Thread Jeremy White
I just added my code for the Win32::GUI::Constants module that we have 
discussed here recently.  The build process is internally a bit convoluted, 
but should happen smoothly from the outside!

As always comments on success and/or failures in your build environment are 

No cup final for you eh?:)

Ok - builds fine under my environment, with all tests passing.



Re: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] CVS Commit - Win32::GUI::Constants added

2006-05-15 Thread Jeremy White
In the mean time, can anybody suggest why it might be a bad idea to remove 
'Win32::GUI' from the @ISA of Win32::GUI::Class Win32::GUI::MenuButton or 

Not that I can think off.



Re: [win32-gui] RE: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] CVS Commit - More Win32::GUI::Constants changes

2006-05-19 Thread Jeremy White
The only thing that concerns me is that the distribution is growing in size 
quite rapidly, and once things are in it's difficult to take them out.   Is 
anyone concerned if the binary distribution doubles in size? How about if 
it trebles in size?

I guess the real question is how do we decide what's in the core and what's 
not.  Should we start separate distributions for some modules instead of 
having one large distribution?

Personally I wouldn't mind if the binary distribution increased by 10 times 
- even then it would still be small compared to some toolkits!:) As long as 
the runtime sizes are kept the same (i.e., we're not loading modules if they 
aren't being used) and the exe generators (PAR, perl2exe  perlapp) don't 
automatically include them - then there really isn't any issue other than 

There are other advantages of bundling them together - there is some shared 
code which could be removed, with other code simplified. Going forward, all 
these modules need to brought together anyway so we can support the NEM, 
improved class logic (via UserData type methods), Unicode and no doubt other 
things too:)  We could always assume that the user will have these modules 
installed. Your win32-gui widget script for example, would show Perl code 
via Scintilla and link to the documentation (locally or on the web) via 
AxWindow (click on a method in the Scintilla window, and the documentation 
is shown).



[perl-win32-gui-hackers] Com in C, part 4 5

2006-05-31 Thread Jeremy White



RE: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] Constants, Scintilla, Grid, DIBitmap and AxWindow

2006-05-31 Thread Jeremy White

Here's how I stand:

Scintilla - no problems with this. I have the code ready to become Grid - 
I'm ready to make this part of core too.  As it relies on the DIBitmap - 
Whilst this should technically be compilable (sp?) using AxWindow - relies 
on the MS ATL framework, so I doubt it can ever be

Unless anyone want me to stop, I intend to raise a support request

Sounds good to me. I assume that we'll end up with one PPM that will install 
all the modules?



Re: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] [win32-gui] Re: CVS Commit - More Win32::GUI::Constants changes

2006-06-12 Thread Jeremy White

 Right :)  I don't pretend to speak for everyone, of course.  I was a
 little concerned, though, about Jeremy's comment of sharing stuff that
 isn't presently shared, betweeen sub-modules... I don't know how much
 that is, or if it can be done without making more dependencies or bigger
  hunks of stuff.

I think Jeremy's comment was about sharing GUI.h (and other headers
etc.) during the build process - not about increasing dependencies
between modules.

Yeah, there are also some helper functions that could become common across 
modules - even if they just get defined as macros.



Re: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] AxWindow, DIBitmap, Grid and Scintilla [Was: CVS repository clean-up: perl-win32-gui]

2006-06-12 Thread Jeremy White

See the 'Changes' file in each subdirectory for highlights of any
significant changes.

She builds fine for me. Good job.



Re: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] Commit: -wantreturn and $win-Animate()

2006-06-24 Thread Jeremy White

I've added support for the Win32 AnimateWindow() API, as requested by
tracker 1266930:

Now, as well as $win-Show(), $win-Hide() you can use $win-Animate().

I had problems building under mingw - I had to set:

#define WINVER 0x0501

in windef.h for it to build - after that, all tests pass, and the example 
runs (nice BTW!).



Re: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] [win32-gui] Re: Possible WinXP memory leak [Was:Commit]

2006-06-27 Thread Jeremy White

As Rob said, this is primarily going to impact on an application that opens
and closes many windows. At least the memory is more or less returned
instantly on exit.

Yeah - and as it looks like it's XP only we can assume that it's a windows 
thing rather than being a perl/win32-gui issue.

Is there a Known Issues or limitations section somewhere in the
documentation until this is eventually tracked down?

Perhaps we should just update the tracker item, but leave it open for future 



[perl-win32-gui-hackers] Problems building with VC

2006-06-28 Thread Jeremy White


I've got a box with VC6 on it and I'm trying to build Win32-GUI - I know I 
need to download the latest headers etc, but for the life of me (I've spent 
over an hour looking!) , I can't seem to find the correct place/right SDK? 
The errors below. Any suggestions?



NOTE: WINVER has been defined as 0x0500 or greater which enables
Windows NT 5.0 and Windows 98 features. When these headers were released,
Windows NT 5.0 beta 1 and Windows 98 beta 2.1 were the current versions.

For this release when WINVER is defined as 0x0500 or greater, you can only
build beta or test applications.  To build a retail application,
set WINVER to 0x0400 or visit
to see if retail Windows NT 5.0 or Windows 98 headers are available.

See the SDK release notes for more information.

*** Using Preserved Perl context.

GUI_Options.cpp(934) : error C2039: 'uVersion' : is not a member of 

   C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual 
Studio\VC98\include\shellapi.h(500) :

see declaration of '_NOTIFYICONDATAA'
GUI_Options.cpp(934) : error C2065: 'NOTIFYICON_VERSION' : undeclared 

[perl-win32-gui-hackers] Embedded HTML and COM part 7

2006-08-11 Thread Jeremy White


Jeff Glatt has just updated his article Embed an HTML control in your own 
window using plain C

He has also released COM in plain C, Part 7

Both links are excellent sources of how to information when dealing with 
COM/C and the understanding of whole windows API event handling.



Re: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] Memory leaks

2007-01-21 Thread Jeremy White

Tracker 1417288

This bug report claims that the following code leaks memory:

#!perl -w

I don't see any leak with Win32::GUI v1.05, perl 5.6.1, 5.8.7, 5.8.8,
Win98 or Win2K.

Can anyone reproduce this leak (I'm particularly interested if this is a
WinXP thing) or can I close the report?

I've just tried to reproduce it in an old Win32-GUI environment and it was 
leaking - upgrading to the latest code (via CVS) fixes the issue (that bug 
report might have come from me!)



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Re: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] TODO for 1.06 release

2008-02-01 Thread Jeremy White

 On 31/01/2008, Jeremy White  wrote:
 Just testing the latest Win32-GUI code line and I'm getting a few odd errors 
 (mingw  5.8.8)

 ActiveState Perl 5.8.8 build 822?
 What gcc version?

Vista, AS822, 3.4.5 (mingw special)

 It could be my environment and I haven't got time to dig deeper, but thought 
 I'd report
 them just in case it's something simple.

 I hope it's your environment ... I can't get anything similar with
 WinXP, AS822, 3.4.5 (mingw special)

 Do the build test OK?

Yeah - a few issues surounding pod and BitmapInLine (about closing files - 
probably a Vista thing).

BTW - Installing V 1.5 back and the errors go away...

 I'd appreciate it if nothing else if you could send me a script
 exhibiting one (or more) of these problems so I can be sure whether
 I'm not seeing them too.

I should have some more time to look at this over the weekend.


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Re: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] Win32::GUI 1.06 RC1 release candidate available for download

2008-02-04 Thread Jeremy White

 If you download it please feedback your experience (even if it is only
 'OK so far') by replying to this thread (or directly to me) so that I
 can get a feel for whether there are any significant issues with the

Was unable to do any testing over the weekend. Sorry. I uninstalled the 
previous version (via ppm) and installed the binary for 5.8 on my clean build 

XP, 5.8.7 (813):

Running any win32::GUI script I get:

A windows error message box: The procedure entry point Perl_sv_2uv_flags could 
not be located in the dynamic link library perl58.dll

Once you click on, you get the following on the command line.

Can't load 'C:/Perl/site/lib/auto/Win32/GUI/GUI.dll' for module Win32::GUI: load
_file:The specified procedure could not be found at C:/Perl/lib/ li
ne 230.
 at C:\Perl\bin\win32-gui-demos.bat line 42
Compilation failed in require at C:\Perl\bin\win32-gui-demos.bat line 42.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:\Perl\bin\win32-gui-demos.bat line 42.


In my main development environment (Vista, 5.8.8 (822)) I did the same 
(uninstalled and used the binary) and am getting the same issues (undefined 
value during destruction and Scintillia) I mentioned a few days ago.

I am snowed under at the moment so I wont be able to create example showing the 
errors or to provide a fix. If you don't get anyone else reporting these issues 
- just release the version anyway - I am doing heavy things with Win32-GUI so 
it could even be my code.

Sorry for the useless bug reports!



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Re: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] Win32::GUI 1.06 RC1 release candidate available for download

2008-02-05 Thread Jeremy White

 In my main development environment (Vista, 5.8.8 (822)) I did the same 
 (uninstalled and
 used the binary) and am getting the same issues (undefined value during 
 destruction and
 Scintillia) I mentioned a few days ago.

 Hmmm. I wonder what's causing that. I had really hoped that I had
 resolved those destruction warnings. Are these warnings that you don't
 get with Win32::GUI v1.05?

Yes, I dont get them with v1.05. The only thing that I can think of is that I 
use a lot of child windows and for some reason they are getting destoryed twice 

Any thoughts on the scintilla issue?

I'll try and find time to debug this week - although I need to test the latest 
version of PerlApp against Vista!


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Re: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] Announce: v1.06 RC2 available for download.

2008-02-09 Thread Jeremy White

 Please could those who reported problems with RC1 download again, and
 confirm that their problems are resolved.

 New reports, successful or otherwise, are welcome from anyone - please
 reply to this thread.

The following errors have been fixed:

Can't call method FETCH on an undefined value during global destruction.
Callback called exit during global destruction.

Still have the scintilla issues - I should be able to do some debugging this 



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Re: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] Announce: v1.06 RC2 available for download.

2008-02-09 Thread Jeremy White

 Typo. That should be SendMessage rather SendMessageNN.

 Fix on its way to CVS now.

 Many thanks for taking the time to investigate this. Is that all your
 issues dealt with?

Yep, should be. Once the fix is in I will have to do more testing as the 
scintillia issue was blocking some functionality - but it looks good:)



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Re: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] Announce: v1.06 RC2 available for download.

2008-02-09 Thread Jeremy White

 Yep, should be. Once the fix is in I will have to do more testing
 as the scintillia issue was blocking some functionality - but it looks good:)

 Fix is in CVS now. Thanks for your time.

Done some more testing - had an issue where I was manually removing the 
linefeed characters after this method was called - this resulted in the text 
being truncated by two chars. Changed my code and it seems fine.

Thanks for committing the fix.



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[perl-win32-gui-hackers] Crash with perl 5.10 and Win32::GUI 1.6

2008-04-06 Thread Jeremy White


I am getting a crash when using Perl 5.10 and Win32::GUI 1.6. The same 
application doesn't crash under 5.8.7 or 5.8.8. I've tracked down the 
problem, but I'm not convinced it's the actual underlying issue. The crash 
was occurring at:

GUI_Helpers.cpp line 757 proc WindowsHookMsgProc 

When I was selecting from the main menu of the application. The problem is the 

arrayref = av_fetch(perlud-avHooks, WM_TRACKPOPUP_MSGHOOK, 0);



contains zero (NULL)

Simply adding:

if (perlud-avHooks !=NULL ) {

before the call to the av_fetch stops the crash and the application runs 

A potentially related issue is that I'm also getting:

Can't call method STORE on an undefined value during global destruction.

When the application exits. Again, this doesn't happen under 5.8.7 or 5.8.8. I 
am therefore suspecting a reference count issue somewhere? Any thoughts? I am 
going to try and create a simple test case.



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Re: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] Crash with perl 5.10 and Win32::GUI 1.6

2008-04-06 Thread Jeremy White


Found a simple way to reproduce the error:

  Can't call method STORE on an undefined value during global destruction.

It doesn't seem related to the crash. The stripped down example below is odd as 
most of the code doesn't make sense (!) but if you comment out any of the lines 
it doesn't show the error. The error happens with the stock Win32::GUI 1.6 ppm 
and with the mingw built source under Perl 5.10 (activestate build 1002). I 
suspect the hook method - but I'm lost...Thoughts?



use Win32::GUI();
use strict;

my @rows;
for (0..250) { push @rows,'abc'; }

my $win = new Win32::GUI::Window (-name = win);
$win-Hook(32768+3,sub {});
my $label   = $win-AddLabel(-name = abc);  

#print $win  $label\n;
sub Message3 {$win-Hide();};

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Re: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] Crash with perl 5.10 and Win32::GUI 1.6

2008-04-13 Thread Jeremy White


I've spent some more time on this. I've created a bug report on sourceforge so 
this isn't lost:

Ok - it's not a hook issue, it looks like its just the normal destruction 
process which seems different under 5.10. Any changes to the code below (such 
as commenting out a line) changes the destruction order and thus the message 
isn't reproduced. Spent a while looking through the code, 
(Win32::GUI::WindowProps) and I admit I'm stumped:)  Is all this functionality 
to support  accessing the internals of an object? I thought that was deprecated 

As a side, I couldn't get Win32::GUI to crash because of this issue but it does 
mean that the script doesn't finish correctly - which in turn could have other 
issues (such as with PerlApp).



 Date: Sun, 6 Apr 2008 17:54:27 +
 Subject: Re: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] Crash with perl 5.10 and Win32::GUI 1.6
 Found a simple way to reproduce the error:
   Can't call method STORE on an undefined value during global destruction.
 It doesn't seem related to the crash. The stripped down example below is odd 
 as most of the code doesn't make sense (!) but if you comment out any of the 
 lines it doesn't show the error. The error happens with the stock Win32::GUI 
 1.6 ppm and with the mingw built source under Perl 5.10 (activestate build 
 1002). I suspect the hook method - but I'm lost...Thoughts?
 use Win32::GUI();
 use strict;
 my @rows;
 for (0..250) { push @rows,'abc'; }
 my $win = new Win32::GUI::Window (-name = win);
 $win-Hook(32768+3,sub {});
 my $label   = $win-AddLabel(-name = abc);  
 #print $win  $label\n;
 sub Message3 {$win-Hide();};
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Perl-Win32-GUI-Hackers mailing list

Re: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] Crash with perl 5.10 and Win32::GUI 1.6

2008-04-13 Thread Jeremy White


I've created the following tracker item for this issue:

I think the solution is straightforward but don't want to commit the code yet.

As a side, I use the Win32::GUI::Coolbar module from Robs homepage:

and it needs updating to run under 1.6 (constants). I don't mind updating this 
module and would support it's move into the core.



 Date: Sun, 6 Apr 2008 11:21:53 +
 Subject: [perl-win32-gui-hackers] Crash with perl 5.10 and Win32::GUI 1.6


 I am getting a crash when using Perl 5.10 and Win32::GUI 1.6. The same 
 application doesn't crash under 5.8.7 or 5.8.8. I've tracked down the 
 problem, but I'm not convinced it's the actual underlying issue. The crash 
 was occurring at:

 GUI_Helpers.cpp line 757 proc WindowsHookMsgProc

 When I was selecting from the main menu of the application. The problem is 
 the line:

 arrayref = av_fetch(perlud-avHooks, WM_TRACKPOPUP_MSGHOOK, 0);



 contains zero (NULL)

 Simply adding:

 if (perlud-avHooks !=NULL ) {

 before the call to the av_fetch stops the crash and the application runs 

 A potentially related issue is that I'm also getting:

 Can't call method STORE on an undefined value during global destruction.

 When the application exits. Again, this doesn't happen under 5.8.7 or 5.8.8. 
 I am therefore suspecting a reference count issue somewhere? Any thoughts? I 
 am going to try and create a simple test case.



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