Re: [win32gui] Re: [perl-win32-gui-users] Wrappers for listviews/comboboxes etc...

2005-02-15 Thread Robert May

Hi all,

I've been a lurker on this list for some time now (probably a year or 
more), but I finally got time in the last few weeks to start playing 
with Win32::GUI properly.  Firstly can I thank the regulars for a great 
set of features, and to say what an improvement V1.0 is over what I had 
played with before.

I have been thinking about this wrapper idea for some time, as there are 
a number of useful 'widgets' that I would keep reusing, and think they 
could be packaged up for others to use.  Initially I was thinking of GUI 
framework items:  examples are splash screens, about boxes and the like, 
that virtually every UI wants in order to look professional, but is the 
almost the same over and over again.  If nothing else these could serve 
as great examples of what can be done.

Whilst I don't have anything to contribute in this vein right now, I 
though this might be a good moment to introduce - a 
sub-classing of Win32::GUI::Label that acts as a clickable hyperlink:

Headline features are:
- change of cursor to 'hand' when hovering over the label
- by default text is blue rather than black
- by default text gets underlined when the mouse is hovering
- by default link gets launched in browser when clicked
- takes all options available to Win32::GUI::Label class
- all defaults can be turned off or otherwise controlled

There is more documentation in the file itself, and a demo script 
available at

Is this sort of packaging appropriate for others to use?  I'd appreciate 
feedback on whether more 'widgets' like this might be useful.


Ariel Serbin wrote:

Thanks for the responses...

That's good to know about Text() on the comboboxes.
I've been doing it the other way, as well.  

I'm not sure if there's any weirdness related to
having the 0-width column because I always do
fullrowselect.  I've thought about the shadow array
idea before and it is probably the best way to go. 
One of the benefits to having the hidden field is that

I can expand it when debugging my code, but that
doesn't seem to be a good reason to design the wrapper
in that manner.  Now that I think about it, the array
would probably be best for consistency, since there's
nowhere to hide a key field in the comboboxes.

I'm not exactly sure how I would like to implement
this either.  It would be cool to be able to do
something like:

# get some data
$sth = $dbh-prepare('select person_id, first_name,
last_name from people');


# call a method to assign ids and populate the LV.
# if called without a key field it could
# automagically assign ids


# suppose we have a button to remove items
# from the LV

btnRemove_Click {
$id = $lv_wrapper-id();
return 1;

The neat thing about the hashref idea is that columns
could be named just by setting the AS params in the
sql and everything would be taken care of.  This is a
decent model for when I'm building gui elements from a
DB, but it doesn't really match up to situations where
I build elements from an array of objects.

Any opinions?


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Perl-Win32-GUI-Users mailing list


[perl-win32-gui-users] Win32::GUI bugs

2005-02-15 Thread Robert May

A quick question on process:

Should potential bugs be discussed on this list before raising bug 
reports at sourceforge?


[perl-win32-gui-users] [Was: Wrappers for listviews/comboboxes etc...]

2005-02-16 Thread Robert May


Quoting Robert May [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


I though this might be a good moment to introduce - a sub-classing of Win32::GUI::Label that acts as a
clickable hyperlink:

This is a great start - a nice object.


Although I had 
a problem with the constants (I'm on5.6) and got the 
following error:

Constant name 'HASH(0x1a4306c)' has invalid characters 
at line 88
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 
Compilation failed in require at line 
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at 
line 15.

Once fixed, it worked great.

Can you let me have the fix so that I can put it back in the source.  Im 
on 5.8.6 and don't have any other environment to test at the moment.

As a suggestion, it would be a good idea to get rid of 
the dependency on Win32::API - SetCapture and 
ReleaseCapture are already in Win32::GUI. If you are 
keen on this idea, I'll add GetCapture, LoadCursor 
into GUI.xs. The issue would then be ShellExecute - 
perhaps that should be added too?

I'd love to get rid of the Win32::API dependency - you'll see it listed 
as one of the TODO items in the comments at the start of  
I had missed that SetCapture and ReleaseCapture were already there - I 
guess I searched the source for GetCapture, and didn't find that.  It'd 
be great if you could add GetCapture - should I raise a tracker?
LoadCursor() is superseded (according to microsoft) by LoadImage but the 
API to LoadCursor is much more straightforward ... I did try using the 
existing Win32::GUI::LoadImage API, but never made it work (it's really 
only designed to get an image from a file.  If we could modify the 
Win32::GUI::Cursor package to be able to do something like 
LoadImage(IDC_HAND,IMAGE_CURSOR, 0,0,LR_DEFAULT_SIZE) I think that would 
be better.  It would be great if we could apply the same change to 
Win32::GUI::Icon to allow us access to default Icon resources too.  Am I 
making any sense?

Adding ShellExecute (or ShellExecuteEx) is a bit more tenuous, but it 
does take a window handle as it's first parameter, so perhaps we can 
justify it?


[perl-win32-gui-users] [Was: Wrappers for listviews/comboboxes etc...]

2005-02-16 Thread Robert May

Glenn Linderman wrote:

Would it not be possible to just use

   system qq{start whatever_command};

instead of ShellExecute?  What is the advantage of ShellExecute?

That seems to work fine on my Win98 system.  It takes a bit longer to 
return control to the GUI (but only just noticable), and the return 
values are less well defined (I can't find any info in the quick search 
I've done).  I'll put that in, and remove the dependancy on 
ShellExecute, unless anyone know why ShellExecute might be preferable.

I've only tried this on W98 - does the fact that start in w2k onwards is 
implelented as a shell builtin command cause any problems?   The only 
other problem I can think of is if the user has any other program called 
start.exe/bat/etc. in their path in front of the windows one.

Thanks Glenn.


[perl-win32-gui-users] Re:

2005-02-16 Thread Robert May

While investigating the start vs. ShellExecute issue I stumbled on this:

Looks like I was beaten to it by about 3-4 years!  OK, it doesn't do the 
fancy dynamic underlining, but otherwise almost identical, down to the 
Win32::API dependencies.   I'll steal the idea of adding an AddHyperLink 
method to the Win32::GUI::Window namespace though.


Glenn Linderman wrote:

On approximately 2/16/2005 3:00 AM, came the following characters from 
the keyboard of [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Quoting Robert May [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Hi Rob,

Nice work - thanks for contributing.

I have been thinking about this wrapper idea for
some time, as there are a number of useful 'widgets' that I would keep
reusing, and think they could be packaged up for others to use. 
Initially I was thinking of GUI framework items:  examples are 
splash screens,
about boxes and the like, that virtually every UI wants in order to 
professional, but is the almost the same over and over again.  If 

else these could serve as great examples of what can be done.

I think we’d all agree on this:) It comes down to who is going to do 
the work and get the ball rolling. Ideally the sourceforge site would 
be best place to have a repository of these kind of objects, and if 
someone has the time to spare then I'm sure Aldo would give the 
required permissions to play with the website.

Whilst I don't have anything to contribute in
this vein right now, I though this might be a good moment to introduce - a sub-classing of Win32::GUI::Label that acts as a
clickable hyperlink:

This is a great start - a nice object. Although I had a problem with 
the constants (I'm on5.6) and got the following error:

Constant name 'HASH(0x1a4306c)' has invalid characters at line 88

BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 91.
Compilation failed in require at line 15.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 15.

Once fixed, it worked great.

As a suggestion, it would be a good idea to get rid of the dependency 
on Win32::API - SetCapture and ReleaseCapture are already in 
Win32::GUI. If you are keen on this idea, I'll add GetCapture, 
LoadCursor into GUI.xs. The issue would then be ShellExecute - 
perhaps that should be added too?

Would it not be possible to just use

   system qq{start whatever_command};

instead of ShellExecute?  What is the advantage of ShellExecute?

[perl-win32-gui-users] v0.11 available

2005-02-20 Thread Robert May


Have updated my module, taking into account previous 
comments.  It is available for download from

Summary of changes:
- Wrote initial test suite
- Turned comments into pod documentation, and completed documentation
- Made API backward compatible with Win32::GUI::Hyperink v0.02
- Removed dependency on Win32::API
- Added fallback cursor using Win32::GUI::BitmapInline
- Correct VERSION format to x.xx for CPAN modules
- removed Set/ReleaseCapture dependency on Win32::API
- Added Win32::GUI::Window::AddHyperLink() function
- Updated demo code to show new AddHyperLink usage

Please see the Changes file in the distribution and the POD 
documentation for further information.

I have only tested this on Win98, Perl 5.8.6, and would appreciate 
feedback on problems from other platforms.

If I get positive fedback from this list, then I will make the 
distribution available from CPAN, and a PPM distribution available from 
my website.  I assume that the namespace Win32::GUI::HyperLink is suitable?

A question (that might be better suited to the hackers list?).  I want 
to package the demo script with the distribution.  In the current 
distribution I have followed the Tk model, and created a demos directory 
beneath the Win32/GUI installation location.  In this directory I have 
created a HyperLink directory for my script.  Is this a suitable way to 
proceed?  If I do this, then I would assume that Win32::GUI package 
would distribute its sample code in the demos directory too.

Thanks for your feedback,


[perl-win32-gui-users] Possible Bug with DoModal

2005-03-16 Thread Robert May
I've gone nearly blind looking through the source code, and can't see 
why I am experiencing the following behaviour. I have examined the 
windows generated with Spy++, and the modal window has its parent/owner 
set correctly, and I cannot see how the movement of the modal window 
before calling DoModal causes a change in behaviour.

Am I using DoModal correctly?  Does anyone else see the same problem.


# This shows a possible bug where a modal dialog loses its modality
# Try clicking on the close button of the main window after opening
# the modal window - the modal dialog closes, and a second click is
# need to then close the main window.  The main window should
# be disabled.
# If the code to center the dialog is moved to an 'onActivate'
# callback (or removed), then it all works fine.
# If the modal window is also a dialog window (-dialogui = 1), then
# it's special navigation features are lost (i.e. tabbing stops working,
# return = OK does not work).
# Workarounds:
# (1) Don't Center (or otherwise move the dialog) before calling doModal.
# I have resolved this by putting the Center() call in an onActivate
# handler.
# (2) If you only have one top-level window, set the 'all' flag to 1.
# I.e. $modal-DoModal(1).

use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI;

my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window-new(
 -title = doModal() Bug,
 -pos = [100,100],
 -size = [200,200],

 -text = Open Modal Window,
 -onClick = \openModal,

my $modal = Win32::GUI::Window-new(
 -parent = $mw,
 -title = Modal Window,
 -size = [100,100],


sub openModal
 # Comment out this next line to see correct behaviour


 return 1;

[perl-win32-gui-users] Any plans for another Win32::GUI release

2005-03-16 Thread Robert May

Question targetted at Laurent, I think.

Are there any plans for an official 1.XX release, or an unofficial 
release of a CVS HEAD build, so those of us who don't have the 
capability to build from the CVS source can take advantage of the fixes 
and enhancements that are being applied to CVS?


Re: [win32gui] Re: [perl-win32-gui-users] Possible Bug with DoModal

2005-03-17 Thread Robert May
I'll raise a bug report, as I can see no reason why there should be a 
difference in behaviour depending on whether there is some code to move 
a window before the DoModal() call.

Jez White wrote:


Interesting one - I don't use DoModal much, but I use it like your 
example - it does seem odd behaviour, and I can't see any thing that 
is wrong. Perhaps it is a bug?



- Original Message - From: Robert May 

Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 9:38 PM
Subject: [perl-win32-gui-users] Possible Bug with DoModal

I've gone nearly blind looking through the source code, and can't see 
why I am experiencing the following behaviour. I have examined the 
windows generated with Spy++, and the modal window has its 
parent/owner set correctly, and I cannot see how the movement of the 
modal window before calling DoModal causes a change in behaviour.

Am I using DoModal correctly?  Does anyone else see the same problem.


# This shows a possible bug where a modal dialog loses its modality
# Try clicking on the close button of the main window after opening
# the modal window - the modal dialog closes, and a second click is
# need to then close the main window.  The main window should
# be disabled.
# If the code to center the dialog is moved to an 'onActivate'
# callback (or removed), then it all works fine.
# If the modal window is also a dialog window (-dialogui = 1), then
# it's special navigation features are lost (i.e. tabbing stops working,
# return = OK does not work).
# Workarounds:
# (1) Don't Center (or otherwise move the dialog) before calling 

# I have resolved this by putting the Center() call in an onActivate
# handler.
# (2) If you only have one top-level window, set the 'all' flag to 1.
# I.e. $modal-DoModal(1).

use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI;

my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window-new(
 -title = doModal() Bug,
 -pos = [100,100],
 -size = [200,200],

 -text = Open Modal Window,
 -onClick = \openModal,

my $modal = Win32::GUI::Window-new(
 -parent = $mw,
 -title = Modal Window,
 -size = [100,100],


sub openModal
 # Comment out this next line to see correct behaviour


 return 1;

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Discover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now.
Perl-Win32-GUI-Users mailing list

[perl-win32-gui-users] BUG REPORT[1164766]: Unhook() causes perl warning

2005-03-17 Thread Robert May
Glen, thanks for the report.I'd be interested in a 5.8.6 report from 
someone, so that I can narrow it down to perl, or simply my installation.

perl v5.8.4 build 810, Win32::GUI v1.0.1


I notice the error message you reported was from line 40, but there 
were not 40 lines in your test case... maybe you had more code than 
was shared on the list?

Indeed - the text of the bug report was in comments at the start of the 
file, so that I keep it all together.   The actual file I used for 
testing is attached to the sourceforge bug report.

[perl-win32-gui-users] Documentation and default values [Was: BUG Followup[1092732 ]:Slider no longer supports setting position]

2005-03-23 Thread Robert May

Glen, Jez, Johan,

Thank you for your follow-ups to the original bug report.  I've had a 
quick scout round the other .xs files, and this documentation syntax 
isn't used elsewhere.   I do, however, believe that I can clarify the 
syntax of the documentation for trackbasr.xs.

The documentation of Win32::GUI::Trackbar::SetPos (from Trackbar.html) 


The XS code looks like this:


   # Sets the current logical position of the slider in a trackbar.

SetPos(handle, param, value=TRUE)
   HWND   handle
   WPARAM param
   WPARAM value
   RETVAL = SendMessage(handle, TBM_SETPOS, value, (LPARAM) param);

The code sets value to TRUE if not supplied, allowing the following 3 
ways to call SetPos:
(1) $obj-SetPos($pos)- value defaults to 1 and redraw is 
requested in SendMessage()
(2) $obj-SetPos($pos, 1)- value explicitly set to 1 and redraw 
is requested in SendMessage()
(3) $obj-SetPos($pos, 0)- value explicitly set to 0 and redraw 
is not requested in SendMessage()

There are other examples where similar behaviour happens.

So if we get back to my original bug report on 
Win32:GUI::Trackbar::Pos(), the documentation says:


And I firmly believe that this can be interpreted as:
VALUE is optional.  It doesn't have a default. (and if not supplied, 
method returns current position of slider)
If VALUE is provided, then an optional second parameter is available, 
which if not proided defaults to1(true).

The XS code cannot provide a default in this case (due to the 
optionality of the first argument), and so explicitly looks at the 
number of arguements.   We have 4 ways to call this method, and for 
consistency with what happens elsewhere this is how  I believe the 
behaviour should be:
(1) $obj-Pos()  - 0 arguments, return current position 
(2) $obj-Pos($pos)  - 1 argument,  redraw defaults to 1 and 
redraw is requested
(3) $obj-Pos($pos, 1)  - 2 arguments, redraw explicitly set to 1, 
redraw is requested
(4) $obj-Pos($pos, 0)  - 2 arguments, redraw explicitly set to 0, 
redraw is not requested

The bug I reported is with option (2), where the current code defaults 
redraw to 0.  For consistency I think this should be changed.  Can we 
reach an agreement on this?

(BTW this 'problem' exists with methods Min(), Max(), Pos(), SelStart(), 
SelEnd() in trackbar.xs)


Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] Catching Combobox droplist mouse clicks

2005-05-05 Thread Robert May

From the html page for the Win32::GUI class:


 Enter the GUI dialog phase: the script halts, the user can interact 
with the created
 windows and events subroutines are triggered as necessary; note that 
this function
 must be called without ANY parameter or instantiation (eg. don't call 
it as method

 of a created object):

 Win32::GUI::Dialog();   # correct
 $Window-Dialog();# !!!WRONG!!!

 Win32::GUI::Dialog(); does a similar thing to 
while(Win32::GUI::DoEvents() != -1) {};

 see also DoEvents() see also DoModal()


Kurt G wrote:

From reading this list it seems I'm wasn't the only Win32::GUI user 

befuddled by droplist style Combobox control not catching mouse clicks 
and other events. I spent way too much time yesterday RTFM, digging 
for a solution, and trying to get it to work but finally today 
stumbled into the solution:

If you create a Window and Combobox control like so:

  $Window = new Win32::GUI::Window( ... options ... );

  $Window-AddCombobox( ... options  );

...and if your main window is processing messages like so:


...then it seems that not all messages (such as mouse clicks) are 
filtered down to the Combobox control (thus not allowing droplist 
items to be selected with mouse clicks) unless you change the above 
statement to this:


...or I suppose Win32::GUI::Dialog() would work just the same, and 
presto, now you can mouse click on items in the Combobox droplist. 
Seems to affect which messages are being passed down to the Combobox 
control via its parent window.

I don't know if this is a Win32::GUI::Combobox bug or what but anyhow 
hope this hint is useful to other users running into similar issues.


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Perl-Win32-GUI-Users mailing list

Re: [perl-win32-gui-users] Catching Combobox droplist mouse clicks

2005-05-23 Thread Robert May

Jez White wrote:


droplist didn't work with the mouse but it wasn't obvious why. I 
wonder if invoking Dialog() via an instance should be outright 
forbidden in or GUI.xs.

Unless there is a reason for Dialog to exists as a method - it 
probably should be forbidden - thoughts anyone?

I can't (personally) see any reason for calling Dialog() on a specific 
window, but given that MS allow GetMessage() to be called with a 
specific window handle, there must be cases when people want to do this, 
and Dialog() is written to allow it.  Hence, I wouldn't change it to be 

Perhaps a warning issued if Dialog() is not called statically?  
Something like:

if( PL_dowarn  items !=0) warn(You probably meant 

near the start of the CODE section?


[perl-win32-gui-users] CVS Commits - bug fixes and enhancements

2005-05-25 Thread Robert May


Jez White has kindly committed a set of changes that have been 
accumulating in my workspace.  Details below:  I will post a further 
message (to the users list only) about the Coolmenu changes mentioned below.

+ [Robert May] : Fixes for Toolbars:
   - Toolbar.xs:
 + Fixed message processing to switch on lparam-code, rather than 
 + Various documentation changes where functions take command 
identifier, rather than button index

 + Fixed GetButtonInfo test for error conditions
 + Fixed GetButtonInfo returned flags to be 0 or 1 only.
 + Added missing GetString method
 + Fixed SetButtonInfo to set required cbsize element of button 

   - GUI.h
 + Added define for TB_GETSTRING for MinGW.

+ [Robert May] : Support for Coolmenu

   - GUI.h
 + Added prototyle for ProcessEventError so it can be called from 
 + Added 'message' WM_TRACKPOPUP_MSGHOOK to use as a callback 
handle in the hooks array (see TrackPopupMenu, GUI.xs)

   - GUI_Helpers.cpp
 + Added WindowsHookMsgProc callback to be used by SetWindowsHookEx 
in TrackPopupMenu (GUI.xs)

   - GUI.xs
 +  Re-worked TrackPopupMenu to:
   (1) allow X,Y to be optional, and use current cursor position if 
not provided.
   (2) use TrackPopupMenuEx, rather than TrackPopupMenu, and allow 
an (optional) excluded rectangle to be provided
   (3) to allow a (optional) code reference to a callback funtion 
to be provided that will be called for events

   occuring while the menu is displayed.
 + Added RemoveMenu() to Win32::GUI::Menu

+ [Robert May] : Support for chevrons in rebars
   - GUI.h
 + Added define for RBN_CHEVRONPUSHED for MinGW.
   - GUI_Options.cpp:
 + Added -idealwidth to ParseRebarBandOptions
   - Rebar.xs
 + Added ChevronPushed event: Rebar_onParseEvent, Rebar_onEvent
 + Added -idealwidth to GetBandInfo, InsertBand, and SetBandInfo 
(via ParseRebarBandOptions), including documentation

 + Documented RBBS_USECHEVRON style

+ [Robert May] :
   - GUI_MessageLoops.cpp
 + Fixed second parameter to DoHook() during WM_NOTIFY messages to 
be lparam-code, rather than HIWORD(wparam).

+ [Robert May] :
   - (Fix for Richedit crash. Tracker: 1064828, 1153899)
 + Moved LoadLibrary for richedit.dll to constructor to prevent 
loading library unnecessarily
 + Removed end block to FreeLibrary*(), as not necessary (and can 
get executed before Richedit's DESTROY method)

+ [Robert May] :

   - Trackbar.xs
 + Modifed Pos() to get one argument call have correct default for 
second argument.
 + Modifed Min() to get one argument call have correct default for 
second argument.
 + Modifed Max() to get one argument call have correct default for 
second argument.
 + Modifed SelStart() to get one argument call have correct default 
for second argument.
 + Modifed SelEnd() to get one argument call have correct default 
for second argument.


[perl-win32-gui-users] Internet Exlorer like tool and menu bars (

2005-05-25 Thread Robert May


I have for some time no been tinkering with getting Internet Explorer 
like menu bars working (aka CoolMenu or CoolBar).

If you have the facility to download the latest CVS code, and build your 
own Win32::GUI, then you may be interested in my module, 
available from is an experimental module to do Internet Explorer like menu 
bars and toolbars. Currently only the menubar functionality is (mostly) 
implemented. To use this module you need to download and build a 
Win32::GUI installation from the sourceforge CVS, as there are required 
changes in the codebase. Currently you need to read the comments and 
look at the example to see how to use it - there will be proper 
documentation in the fullness of time.

[If you want to play, and can't build your own, then  might be able to 
build a PPM from the current CVS, but I'm using MinGW, and the libraries 
I'm building are huge compared to the VC++ built ones.]

Looking forward to your feedback.


Re: [perl-win32-gui-users] Internet Exlorer like tool and menu bars (

2005-06-01 Thread Robert May

Aldo Calpini wrote:

Jez White wrote:

The coolbar basically inherits from the rebar - various changes were 
added by Rob so that menus can be added to a band within the rebar:)

cool then :-)

See more information on what I've implemented at:

As you can't put a menubar in a Rebar you have to simulate a menu using 
a toolbar, with buttons for each menu selection, and drop-down menus 
from each button.  You then have to handle all the keyboard/mouse 
navigation, and handle moving menus into a drop-down from the rebar 
chevron (which is displayed when the rebar becomes too small to display 
all the buttons). wraps all this functionality into a simple to use API that 
takes a standard Win32::GUI menu definition (as you would pass to 

I intend to add capabilities for standard toolbars and chevrons to the 
package. See:


Re: [perl-win32-gui-users] RichEdit and Hyperlink

2005-06-05 Thread Robert May


This should get you started.  I've only tested on activestate perl 
5.8.6, and win98.  You'll need a Win32::GUI build from CVS if you want 
to be able to click on the links,as Hook()ing WM_NOTIFY messages is 
broken in Win32::GUI V1.0.

Let me know how you get on.


use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI;

# some constants
sub WM_USER  {1024};
sub WM_NOTIFY{78};
sub WM_LBUTTONDOWN   {513};
sub EM_AUTOURLDETECT {return(WM_USER()+91);};
sub ENM_LINK {67108864};
sub EN_LINK  {1803};

my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window-new(
 -title = Richedit control with URLs,
 -pos = [100, 100],
 -size = [400,300],

# Create a richedit 2.0 control (note change to class, as Win32::GUI 
natively only supports

# richedit 1.0)
my $re = $mw-AddRichEdit(
 -width = $mw-ScaleWidth(),
 -height = $mw-ScaleHeight(),
 -class = RichEdit20A,

# Turn on Auto-highlighting of links
# See

$re-SendMessage(EM_AUTOURLDETECT, 1, 0);

# Set the richedit's event mask to pass us EN_LINK messages
my $em = $re-GetEventMask();
$re-SetEventMask($em | ENM_LINK);

# Hook the EN_LINK message
# NOTE: hooking WM_NOTIFY messages if broken in Win32::GUI V1.0 - you 
need the head revision from CVS

# for this to work
$re-Hook(EN_LINK, \handleLink);

# Put some text in the richedit control
$re-Text(Some text with a link:\n; .
 Some more text with another link: file:///C:/\n);



# Avoid bug in Win32::GUI V1.0 causing crash on exit with Richedit - 
fixed in CVS head revision

undef $re;


# Handler for the EN_LINK messages
# See

sub handleLink
 my ($object, $wParam, $lParam, $type, $msgcode) = @_;

 # return if it's not the message we wanted - see the documentation for 

 # for why this is necessary
 return if $type != WM_NOTIFY;
 return if $msgcode != EN_LINK;

 # lParam is a pointer to an ENLINK structure
 # This is pretty tortuous, but perl really doesn't expect to be handling
 # pointers to real memory.  What it does is treat $lParam as a real 

 # to memory, grabs 32 bytes from that memory location, and unpacks the
 # bytes as sets of long (4-byte) numbers
 my ($hwndFrom, $idFrom, $code, $orig_msg, $orig_wParam, $orig_lParam, 
$cpMin, $cpMax) =

 unpack('', unpack(P32, pack('L', $lParam)));

 # if message is a left mouse down, then extract the link text
 # and print it (or launch it in a browser, or whatever ... )
 # See link above for what messages $orig_msg may contain
 if($orig_msg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN) {
   my $text = $object-GetTextRange($cpMin, ($cpMax-$cpMin));
   print Clicked on link: $text\n;



Does anyone know if it is possible to put a Hyperlink in a RichEdit 
control, and in particular a file:// hyperlink?



Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] Catching die() before Win32::GUI

2005-06-08 Thread Robert May
Can you catch the 'die' by putting the offending call in an eval block 
(perldoc -f eval).


use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI;

my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window-new(
 -title = Cheating death,
 -pos   = [100,100],
 -size  = [100,100],

 -text = Click me!,
 -name = B1,



sub B1_Click
 eval {
   die 'Don't press the button';
 warn Warning: $@ if $@;

 return 1;

Robinson wrote:

Finally, you should note that events are really evaluated (as if they were
called with eval()), so that errors are trapped, and a message box is shown.
This box reports the offending event name on the title bar, the error
message in its body and has OK and Cancel buttons. If you press OK,
Win32::GUI will ignore the error and go on with the dialog (the event, of
course, doesn't take place); if you press Cancel instead the dialog will end
(with return code -1). This means that for example if you define an event

   sub Button1_Click {

your script will not die immediately at the click of a button, but the
message box will appear, reporting for example ``Died at line

I'm using XMLRPC::Lite with Win32::GUI and if the person's offline, they'll
of course get an error which (in X::L) results in a call to die(). which
brings up the OK/Cancel box. which kills the app on cancel. Not what I'd
like to happen. Anyone know a way _around_ this?

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[perl-win32-gui-users] New release soon: Win32::GUI v1.01 RC1 available for testing

2005-06-19 Thread Robert May


We've been discussing a new release on the hackers list for the last 
week or so.  There's a lot of good additions and bug fixes that have 
been made by various contributors since the V1.0 release at the end of 
last year.

Release candidate 1 (RC1) for V1.01 is available for downloading and 
testing.  PPMs for ActiveState perl 5.6 and 5.8 are available  from   The PPMs include the CHANGELOG.

It is important to uninstall the previous versions, as these new PPMs 
install the html document tree in a different location 
(C:\Perl\html\site\lib\Win32\GUI rather than the incorrect  
C:\Perl\html\lib\Win32\GUI) - instructions are in the README.TXT file 
with the distribution.

Assuming that there are no problems with this release candidate, then I 
would propose making it a formal release in the next few weeks.  Please 
feedback your experiences (good as well as bad) to this list.

I do intend to do some significant work on the documentation in the next 
week or so, so hopefully those changes will make it into the v1.01 release.


Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] New release soon: Win32::GUI v1.01 RC1 available for testing

2005-06-27 Thread Robert May

Robert May wrote:

Release candidate 1 (RC1) for V1.01 is available for downloading and 
testing.  PPMs for ActiveState perl 5.6 and 5.8 are available  from   The PPMs include the CHANGELOG.

Assuming that there are no problems with this release candidate, then 
I would propose making it a formal release in the next few weeks.  
Please feedback your experiences (good as well as bad) to this list.

My server logs show a number of you having downloaded RC1.  My 
assumption from no feedback is that you are having no problems with it, 
but I can't be sure.  Please can I have an  it's OK or I'm having 
trouble response, so that I can get some confidence of where we are 
with this release, as I'm reluctant to put a formal build up on 
Sourceforge based only my experience.

There are a few small changes that I want to complete prior to a V1.01 
release (although none of them really affect a PPM distribution).  Would 
any of you how downloaded the RC1 distribution be prepared to test an 
RC2 distribution as well?


Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] TabFrame - deprecated style

2005-07-02 Thread Robert May

Chris Wearn wrote:

Hi All,

Using the TabFrame module developed by Laurent... however using the
latest checkout from Sourceforge CVS, in use, it errors with non-fatal
warnings of '-style' and '-exstyle' being deprecated in line 597.

Has anybody got a fix for to work. 


I was just having a look at this - it seems Win32::GUI's support for 
control of warnings is somewhat limited.  I will start a discussion on 
the hackers list to see if we can come up with a better solution.  In 
the mean time, try adding this somewhere near the start of your 
program.  It will silence the messages that you are worried about:

$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { print $_[0] if $_[0] !~ 
/^Win32::GUI.*-(ex)?style/; };


[perl-win32-gui-users] ANNOUNCE: Win32::GUI v1.02

2005-07-11 Thread Robert May
I am please to announce that v1.02 of Win32::GUI is available for 
download from SourceForge.

Win32::GUI is a Perl extension allowing creation of native Win32 GUI 

Project summary and download:
Release notes:

My thanks to everyone who has been involved in preparing this release.


RE: [perl-win32-gui-users] listview text color

2005-07-11 Thread Robert May

Glenn W Munroe wrote:

I'm afraid the short answer is no (as far as I'm aware)--at least not
using the latest Win32::GUI release. Someone asked this a year or so ago and
I looked into it, eventually coming up with a tremendous hack (using hooks)
to get it to work. Since then, the XS code has changed and the hack doesn't
even work any more. Having said that, I don't think it would be *too*
difficult to get it to work again, but it would involve modifying the
listview XS code. In case you're interested, I've included the code as a
guide (it worked a couple of releases ago, but the Hook call now fails). Jez
White and Chris Wearn have done some work on the listview code recently;
maybe they have some ideas too...



I fixed this up to work with the CVS release of Win32::GUI some time ago.  Now
that we have a V1.02 release that it will run against it's time to share it back
with you and the list.  The fundamental problem was that Hook()ing WM_NOTIFY
messages was broken in Win32::GUI v1.0

With your permission I'd like to add this as a sample to the project?



#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::API;
use Win32::GUI 1.02;

# Some constants not defined in Win32::GUI
# These definitions will get inlined by the complier,
# and work with older versions of perl than 'use constant'
sub WM_NOTIFY   {0x4E};
sub NM_CUSTOMDRAW   {-12};

sub CDDS_PREPAINT   {1};
sub CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT   {65537};

sub CLR_RED {0xFF};
sub CLR_GREEN   {0x00FF00};
sub CLR_BLUE{0xFF};
sub CLR_WHITE   {0xFF};
sub CLR_BLACK   {0x00};

# Win32::API call that we want, defined the old way for maximum backwards
# compatability with Win32::API
my $CopyMemory = Win32::API-new(kernel32, RtlMoveMemory, NPI, V)
 or die Can't find CopyMemory;

my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window-new(
 -text = Colour ListView,
 -size = [ 200, 200 ],
 -pos  = [ 200, 200 ],

sub mw_Terminate { return -1 }

my $lv = $mw-AddListView(
 -pos  = [ 0, 0 ],
 -size = [ 190, 125 ],

 -index = 0,
 -text  = Item,


$lv-InsertItem(-text = One);
$lv-InsertItem(-text = Two);
$lv-InsertItem(-text = Three);
$lv-InsertItem(-text = Four);


$lv-Hook(NM_CUSTOMDRAW, \lv_CustomDraw);


sub lv_CustomDraw
 my ($object, $wParam, $lParam, $type, $msgcode) = @_;

 return if $type != WM_NOTIFY;
 return if $msgcode != NM_CUSTOMDRAW;

 my ($dwDrawStage, $dwItemSpec)=
 unpack(x12Ix20i, unpack(P40, pack(L,$lParam)));

 if ($dwDrawStage==CDDS_PREPAINT) {
 elsif ($dwDrawStage==CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT) {
   my $clrText;

   if($dwItemSpec==1) {
   elsif ($dwItemSpec==2) {
   else {

   $CopyMemory-Call($lParam+48, $clrText, 8);

 return 0;  # return 0 essential, otherwise forced Result is ignored

Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] The window -backgroud option

2005-07-11 Thread Robert May

That doesn't work here either, and I agree that it should.

I raised a tracker for this one too:  1236283


Jeremy White wrote:

Can anyone remember if this has ever worked? Looking at the options 
logic within Win32-GUI you should be able to do:

my $win = new Win32::GUI::Window(
  -name= WinMain,
  -pos = [100, 100],
  -size = [100, 100],
  -background  = [0,255,0],

Which would set the background to green - but it doesn't...



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Perl-Win32-GUI-Users mailing list

Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] DragDrop Functionality?

2005-07-11 Thread Robert May


The XS changes that are required are in Win32::GUI (and have been for 
some time), and that package seems to work fine for me in the quick test 
I just did (Win98, Perl 5.8.7, Win32::GUI 1.02).

I'll put adding the required functions on the TODO list, as it would be 
nice to get rid of the dependency on Win32::API.  No promises of 
timescales though.


Jason P. wrote:

I know there is an old patch available to add DragDrop 
to Win32::GUI, however it is OUTDATED as all, well, u get the point. 
Has it been considered for integration with the main package as of yet?

--- This SF.Net 
email is sponsored by the 'Do More With Dual!' webinar happening July 
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___ Perl-Win32-GUI-Users 
mailing list 

Re: [perl-win32-gui-users] listview text color

2005-07-14 Thread Robert May

Glenn W Munroe wrote:


No problem adding it as a sample. When I posted this, it was a little tongue
in cheek, as the RtlMoveMemory API call is a tremendous kludge, but I
couldn't figure any way to do it with pure perl. Then again, if it *is* the
only way, then I guess it also qualifies as a useful technique!



In my excitement at having a working CUSTOMDRAW example, I overlooked 
this.  I suspect that we shouldn't have samples that depends on 
Win32::API.  I'll write an example that use a control that doesn't 
require writing back into the structure.

Like you, I can't think of a way to poke the values back in pure perl 
(perhaps this is a good reason to implement the NM_CUSTOMDRAW handler XS 
side?).  If anyone knows of a way, then suggestions welcome.


[code example for customdraw listview snipped]

Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] RichEdit-Text or -GetSelText loses Unicode

2005-07-15 Thread Robert May


$re-Text() behind the scenes calls the win32api GetWindowText API, 
which in turn sends a WM_GETTEXT message to the richedit control. As far 
as I can see there is no Unicode version of GetWindowText..  You 
actually need to send a EM_GETTEXTEX message (see msdn for more 
information).  This message can be set to get the text in unicode 
(UCS-2) and that then needs to be converted to perl characters.

As Win32::GUI does not support the EM_GETTEXTEX message, calling it is 
somewhat tricky, but the following seems to work here.  If you'd like 
native support for EM_GETTEXTEX, then please raise a RFC.


#! perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI;

# constants:
sub WM_USER() {1024};
sub GT_DEFAULT() {0};

my $w = Win32::GUI::Window-new(
   -name = 'Main',
   -size = [800, 600],

my $re = $w-AddRichEdit(
   -size = [600, 400],

   -name = 'btnChange',
   -pos = [600, 500],
   -text = '$re-Text($re-Text)',

my $rtf_prolog = '{\rtf1\ansi\deff0
{\fonttbl{\f0 \fcharset1\fnil Times New Roman;}}
{\stylesheet {\*\cs0 \additive Default Paragraph Font;}}';

$re-Text($rtf_prolog . 'This, \u305?, is not exactly the letter i' . '}');


sub btnChange_Click {
   my $text1 = $re-Text();
   my $maxlen = 1024;
   my $buffer =   x $maxlen;
   my $flags = GT_DEFAULT;
   my $codepage = 1200;

   my $struct = pack(LLIpp, $maxlen, $flags, $codepage, undef, undef);
   my $address = pack(P20, $struct);
   my $wparam = unpack(L, $address);
   my $numTchar = $re-SendMessage(EM_GETTEXTEX, $wparam, $buffer);

   my $octets = substr($buffer, 0, ($numTchar*2));

   use Encode qw/decode/;
   my $text2 = decode(UCS-2LE, $octets);

   print --$text1--\n;
   print --$text2--\n;

   return 1;


Dan Dascalescu wrote:

I'm trying to get a useful Perl representation of the Unicode string
edited by the user in a RichEdit. It turned out that if I use
$RichEdit-Text, some Unicode characters are corrupted (transformed to
Latin equivalents). The same happens for GetSelText.

In other words, $RichEdit-Text($RichEdit-Text) corrupts the text!

I looked in RichEdit.xs, then at
, but I couldn't figure out a fix.

So is there a way to retrieve the intact Unicode content of a RichEdit?
The code below demonstrates the problem (should I submit it as a bug?).

Or, is there a way to retrieve the RTF behind the RichEdit, other than
by doing a Save and reading the file?


#! perl -w
use strict;
use Win32::GUI;

my $w = Win32::GUI::Window-new(
   -name = 'Main',
   -size = [800, 600],

my $re = $w-AddRichEdit(
   -size = [600, 400],

   -name = 'btnChange',
   -pos = [600, 500],
   -text = '$re-Text($re-Text)',

my $rtf_prolog = '{\rtf1\ansi\deff0
{\fonttbl{\f0 \fcharset1\fnil Times New Roman;}}
{\stylesheet {\*\cs0 \additive Default Paragraph Font;}}';

$re-Text($rtf_prolog . 'This, \u305?, is not exactly the letter i' . '}');

sub btnChange_Click {



sub Main_Terminate {

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Perl-Win32-GUI-Users mailing list


Re: [perl-win32-gui-users] RichEdit-Text or -GetSelText loses Unicode

2005-07-17 Thread Robert May

Glenn Linderman wrote:

Hi Rob,

I've been trying for a year to get some form of Unicode support into 
Win32::GUi, and you did it in an afternoon! (it seems)

I was aware that you had been looking at this, but hadn't realised the 
scope: I though that you were looking for a 'full' unicode build.

  Congratulations, you must know a bunch more about the Windows API 
than I ever did (or ever want to, but gradually I'm being sucked in).

Probably not, but I'm a good reader, and have plenty of experience of 
interpreting other peoples documents.  I think you need a particular 
mindset to get anywhere with the MDSN documentation :-).

  My failed attempts were firstly to compile with __UNICODE__ (or some 
such #define)


turned on, which did nothing... my second attempt showed more promise: 
to define a Window class using a Unicode class name, which seems to be 
the official way of getting controls to use Unicode within such Windows.

Do you have a reference to this 'official' way of doing it, as I have 
not seen this.

This second attempt ran into the problem that UCS2 Unicode (used by 
Windows) has all those interspersed NUL characters, and Win32::GUI has 
lots of code that infers lengths by looking for the single-byte NUL 

Right.  You can't just compile with -DUNICODE and expect it all to work, 
unless it was written right to start with.   If we want to be able to do 
this, then we'll need to trawl the code and replace all type definitions 
for strings and characters with TCHAR and LPTSTR definitions (etc.).  
Also we'll need to do a trawl and correct any pointer arithmetic for 
that it can work in both ANSI and UNICODE worlds.

and then Perl Unicode support being UTF8, the single-byte NUL 
character still works, although it is inefficient to keep 
recalculating lengths... and then I haven't yet found an XS-callable 
API to convert from UCS2 to UTF8...

There are some helper functions/macros in ...Perl/Core/Win32.h, but I 
haven't looked at how they would get used yet.   They wrap the win32api 
WideCharToMultiByte and MultiByteToWideChar functions.

I suppose one could call back to Perl's Encode module, but that seems 
inefficient to do in as many places as one would have to do it...

I believe that there are specific perlapi functions to do this.  I think 
it was perldoc perlapi where I was looking at this.

For my needs, I can keep most of the interfaces in English.  I only 
need to input/output Unicode text via (1) the filesystem (2) a text 
string editing window (Textfield or RichEdit).  So the code you posted 
might enable everything I _need_...

(1) is handled by perlIO, and is quite well documented.
(2) I've attached below what I hope is enough for you (and anyone else) 
to achieve this with a Richedit control.

I'll be playing with the code you posted, and hoping that you can 
follow through with somewhat more official support in Win32::GUI.  
I'll be glad to help as I can with testing, but -- I'll email you 
off-list to discuss this more.

I'm afraid that Unicode support isn't high on my list of priorities, but 
I've added it to the list.  I think full support in Win32::GUI will be 
significant work, as it wasn't written for this in the first place.  I 
hope to be proven wrong.

I'll open this tracker in response to the email below.  Perhaps it 
should be generalized to other controls containing text, such as 
ListBox, ComboBox, etc., if that is possible.  I've already 
generalized it to Textfield ... thinking that it should be about the 
same support for Textfield and RichEdit, and maybe even easier for 
Textfield... and Textfield doesn't have the extra formatting baggage 
that RichEdit does, so could be simpler to use for simple text entry 

Sadly, I think that doing this with anything other that RichEdit will 
require the changes I mention above.  With RichEdit, we're fortunate to 
have an API that allows us to get the contents in whatever codepage we 
want, but the same is not true for the other controls.

Have a play with this.


#! perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI;

my $w = Win32::GUI::Window-new(
-name  = 'Main',
-size  = [800, 600],

my $re = $w-AddRichEdit(
-size  = [600, 400],

-name  = 'btnChange',
-pos   = [600, 500],
-text  = '$re-TextEx($re-TextEx())',

# Unicode representations:
# U+263A WHITE SMILING FACE # NOTE: smiling face displayed as box, due to font 
not having this codepoint
my $init_text = A: \x{0041} These, \x{00ED}, \x{0131}, are not exactly the letter 
i. \x{263A};



sub btnChange_Click {
$re-TextEx(my $text = $re-TextEx());

return 1;

# Print a perl 

Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] RichEdit-Text or -GetSelText loses Unicode

2005-07-17 Thread Robert May

Glenn Linderman wrote:

However, the code shown seems like it can't perform a round trip.

Right.  I never implemented the return, as Dan's query was only for 
getting the text out.  I should have change the button label to reflect 

  I haven't yet figured out the magic by which \u305? gets 
translated to a dotless i

That's RTF magic.\u305?  is an RFT escape, with the unicode 
codepoint in decimal.  The equivalent in a (interpolated) perl string is 

Could it be that one must bypass $re-Text( ... ) also, and use a 
SendMessage call for that also?

See my recent post with code for doing the return trip, and eliminating 
the need for the RTF magic.


[perl-win32-gui-users] Announce: Win32::GUI::SplashScreen

2005-07-17 Thread Robert May

Win32::GUI::SplashScreen v0.01 has been released.

Win32::GUI::SplashScreen is a module to make it exceedingly easy to add 
a Splash screen to your Win32::GUI application.  Create your bitmap (or 
JPEG if you have Win32::GUI::DIBitmap available), and add 2 lines to 
your existing application.  That's it.

Download source or PPM (suitable for Perl 5.6 or 5.8) and view 
documentation at

Download Source from CPAN.

Feedback on bugs and enhancements welcome.


Re: [perl-win32-gui-users] Announce: Win32::GUI::SplashScreen

2005-07-17 Thread Robert May

Sorry all - wrong link.  That should be:

Robert May wrote:

Win32::GUI::SplashScreen is a module to make it exceedingly easy to 
add a Splash screen to your Win32::GUI application.  Create your 
bitmap (or JPEG if you have Win32::GUI::DIBitmap available), and add 2 
lines to your existing application.  That's it.

Download source or PPM (suitable for Perl 5.6 or 5.8) and view 
documentation at

Download Source from CPAN.

Feedback on bugs and enhancements welcome.


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Perl-Win32-GUI-Users mailing list

Re: [perl-win32-gui-users] Announce: Win32::GUI::SplashScreen

2005-07-17 Thread Robert May
And finally .  I've upped the version to V0.02 and fixed a bug I 
just found with selecting the directories o look for the splash image 
in.  Also the bitmap shipped with the samples was corrupted.  Apologies 
if you already downloaded it, should be fine now.

Robert May wrote:

Sorry all - wrong link.  That should be:

Robert May wrote:

Win32::GUI::SplashScreen is a module to make it exceedingly easy to 
add a Splash screen to your Win32::GUI application.  Create your 
bitmap (or JPEG if you have Win32::GUI::DIBitmap available), and add 
2 lines to your existing application.  That's it.

Download source or PPM (suitable for Perl 5.6 or 5.8) and view 
documentation at

Download Source from CPAN.

Feedback on bugs and enhancements welcome.


SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
from IBM. Find simple to follow Roadmaps, straightforward articles,
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Perl-Win32-GUI-Users mailing list

SF.Net email is sponsored by: Discover Easy Linux Migration Strategies
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informative Webcasts and more! Get everything you need to get up to
speed, fast.
Perl-Win32-GUI-Users mailing list

Re: [win32gui] Re: [perl-win32-gui-users] RichEdit-Text or -GetSelText loses Unicode

2005-07-18 Thread Robert May

The behaviour is marginally better (from a brief experiment) if you use
 -class = RichEdit20A
(Richedit 2or 3 depending on your system) when creating the RichEdit 
control.  I couldn't see any immediate difference between that and 
RichEdit20W.  Put still not perfect.

By using the clipboard viewer it's possible to see that the correct 
unicode chars are copied, and it looks like the paste is doing a 
conversion back to ANSI code-page.  Don't know how to solve that :-(


Glenn Linderman wrote:

On approximately 7/17/2005 4:46 PM, came the following characters from 
the keyboard of Glenn Linderman:

Playing.  Results below.

Played some more.  Discovered that pasting into the RichEdit window 
from the character map works for most characters, but interestingly, 
not for those below (and maybe others, I didn't try all of them, just 
particular ones I know I need).

\x{2013} \x{2014} \x{201c}

Likely there is a Unicode - ANSI - Unicode conversion somewhere in 
the paste path that doesn't get it right :( or isn't invertible or 

Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] System Tray problem after upgrade to v1.02 from v1.00

2005-07-20 Thread Robert May


Could you post a minimal example that exhibits this problem so that I 
can verify and track it down.   I have played with with the 
TrackPopupMenu implementation in this release, but my testing didn't 
show any such problems.

Also what Perl version, and what windows platform?


Daniel Åkesson wrote:


Please check: to see my problem :)


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Perl-Win32-GUI-Users mailing list


Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] System Tray problem after upgrade to v1.02 from v1.00

2005-07-20 Thread Robert May

Daniel Åkesson wrote:

my($x, $y) = Win32::GUI::GetCursorPos();

$mw_win32-TrackPopupMenu($systray_menu-{SystrayMenu}, $x, $y);

My most humble apologies.  I've broken TrackPopupMenu() in a piece of 
logic that I spent so long looking at that I was *sure* I had it 
right.   The fix is trivial, and I've put it into CVS.   If you want to 
build your own immediately I can send you a patch.   If not try one of 


will, as of V1.02, do the GetCursorPos() for you.

If you need backwards compatibility with earlier versions of Win32::GUI, then

$mw_win32-TrackPopupMenu($systray_menu-{SystrayMenu}, $x, $y, TPM_LEFTALIGN | 

should work in all cases.  (I've broken the 3-parameter call variant)

I've raised a tracker: 1241830, so that there is visibility of the problem.  
Does anyone think this is serious enough (as it breaks backwards compatibility) 
to warrant thinking about another release?


[perl-win32-gui-users] Next release [Was: System Tray problem after upgrade to v1.02 from v1.00]

2005-07-21 Thread Robert May

Glenn Linderman wrote:

On approximately 7/20/2005 12:58 PM, came the following characters 
from the keyboard of Robert May:

I've raised a tracker: 1241830, so that there is visibility of the 
problem.  Does anyone think this is serious enough (as it breaks 
backwards compatibility) to warrant thinking about another release?

Well, it certainly warrants thinking about one :)  And you've already 
started thinking about one, or you wouldn't have written this!


It has bitten Daniel, and may bite others.  If we are planning another 
release in the near term (a month or so) I wouldn't think it is 
necessary to put one out now.  But if we are not planning another 
release in the near term, then I would recommend doing one now to 
avoid problems for other people.

I would have though that targeting a bug-fix only release for a month's 
time might be realistic.  I'd like to get the following done:

- fix as many of the trackers as possible
- get all the current sample code to work properly
- include all the examples from the tutorial (and check that they all 
work :-), fixing the tutorial as necessary

- work on the test suite
- get a semi-decent web-page up as our Homepage at SourceForge.

If you do choose to make a new release, I am available to help with 
the builds for the next week, after that it gets uncertain for a while.

Thanks for you offer, but I now have an all-dancing MSVC++6 environment, 
so am reasonably self-sufficient in this regard.


Re: [win32gui] RE: [perl-win32-gui-users] Next release [Was: System Tray problem after upgrade to v1.02 from v1.00]

2005-07-21 Thread Robert May

Frazier, Joe Jr wrote:

I would have though that targeting a bug-fix only release for 
a month's time might be realistic.  I'd like to get the 
following done:

- fix as many of the trackers as possible
- get all the current sample code to work properly
- include all the examples from the tutorial (and check that 
they all work :-), fixing the tutorial as necessary

- work on the test suite
- get a semi-decent web-page up as our Homepage at SourceForge.

Hey, if possible, can someone come up with an example of using Win32::GUI with one or more background worker thread(s)? 

Here's my threads example that I'm working on - funnily I was just 
discussing it off-list.

#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI;

use threads;
use Thread::Queue;

# Win32::GUI is not very thread friendly, so ensure the worker thread
# is created before you create any Win32::GUI objects
print Boss: Starting\n;
print Boss: creating queues\n;
my $qd = Thread::Queue-new();
my $qu = Thread::Queue-new();
print Boss: creating worker thread\n;
my $t = threads-new(\worker);

my $working = 0; # set by the boss when the worker is working
my $instruction = 1;

my $W = new Win32::GUI::Window (
-pos = [100,100],
-size = [200,200],
-name = MW,
) or die Creating main window;

$W-AddButton (
-text = Execute Thread,
-name = But1,
) or die Creating Button1;

# Timer is used to read results back from worker thread
$W-AddTimer( Tim1, 1000) or die Creating Timer;


# tidy up
print Boss: Sending kill to worker\n;
print Boss: About to wait for worker\n;
my $r = $t-join();
print Boss: worker completed after executing $r instructions\n;


sub But1_Click
print Boss: Button Clicked: starting worker ($instruction)\n;
$working = 1;

return 1;

sub MW_Terminate
if($working) {
print Boss: Can't exit while worker is working\n;
return 0;

return -1;

sub Tim1_Timer
#print Boss: timer went off\n;

if(my $val = $qu-dequeue_nb()) {
print Boss: worker finished instruction $val\n;

return 1;

# The worker thread entry point
sub worker
print Worker: starting\n;
my $count = 0;

print Worker: waiting for instructions\n;
while(my $num = $qd-dequeue()) {
print Worker: got instruction $num\n;
for my $i (0..5) {
print Worker:doing work ($i)\n;
print Worker: Done instruction $num\n;

print Worker: Terminating after $count instructions\n;
return $count;

It wouldn't take much to turn it into a proper example.  Does this seem like 
the right way to do it?

Something I would like to see for example would be a list of sites in say a 
Win32::GUI::Grid (or listview at worst case, if we want to not use extensions in the 
examples) with one or more threads that periodically(using a 20 second timer for example) 
connect to the sites and measure response times to populate another column on the Grid.

Interesting idea - again it wouldn't be very difficult

I have seen one or two examples on the list for using threads, but it would be 
nice to have one in the core distribution.

Also, has anyone created a PPM for this release yet?  If so, is it available on a repository, or only on the sourceforge site for download?  

There's a PPM in the bribes repository 

 |ppm install
(I haven't tested it)

I am also in dialog with ActiveState, and it *should* get in their 
repository on their next build cycle (which was supposed to be last 
Tuesday night, but it doesn't look like it happened yet)


Re:[perl-win32-gui-users] Help My GUI, please

2005-07-25 Thread Robert May


Thanks Steve;

I've already downloaded the tutorial and it is incomplete.

If you mean that parts 6-8 are missing, then they have not been written 

If I remember correctly, it is replicated in CPAN and JEB. So
they have been tried also. The material in JEB, dada, and CPAN
which represents each of the GUI modules is in similar fashion
incomplete, so that has also been tried. The examples contain

 deprecated features (see below) although this group and others

have indicated that this may be addressed and solved in the future.

I hope to review what's there for the v1.03 release, but we'll have to 
see when that happens, and what time I have available.  I don't intend 
to write any more at the moment.

If you have downloaded and installed the V1.02 PPM from sourceforge, 
then you have pretty much all the documentation that I am aware of 
existing installed in your ActiveState html documentation tree.

You can also take a look at the samples that come with the source 
(although some of them are also suffering from a lack of maintenance). 
You can find them in C:\Perl\site\lib\Win32\GUI\demos (assuming standard 
ActiveState install).

The archive for this list often turns up interesting stuff to:

how do I find out how to use it? I've read, looked at, downloaded all
the documentation from,

The documentation at Aldo's site is, sadly, woefully out of date.

The documentation is not complete!

Indeed, but we're (slowly) getting it better.  If you (or anyone else) 
want to contribute, then we'd welcome any input.

So I've looked at my MSVC++ 6.0 MSDN (never do that again)

The MSDN documentation needs a particular mindset, but is the 
authoritative source for Win32 programming.

and it seems that after all is said and done, the list (@_) of
input values is passed to a binary - where I can't look.

You can download the source from Sourceforge if you want to look into 
the 'binary'.

Let's take an example. I wanted a ListBox with a scroll bar and a
title/caption/name, or whatever. I used attributes I discovered from

All the common options are documented in the 
Win32::GUI::Reference::Options documentation (See 
Win32-GUI-Reference-Options in your ActiveState documentation tree)

for the scroll bar (-autovscroll and -vscroll) and I used
attributes which really did work for a window (-caption, -title, -name)
for a title, and none of it worked.

It's more usual to create a top-level window, and put a Listview in it, 
than to add title and caption to a listview.

 But there was an example with a

deprecated feature (-style =),
-style has been deprecated in favour of -(add|push|rem|pop)style.  This 
is (somewhat) documented in the Common options page.

So, sigh, where do I get documentation and/or how do I help? Am I
missing something (two weeks is really not a long time to learn language
and GUI)?

It certainly isn't.  Many years of programming and I'm still learning.

I hope that I'll have all the existing documentation up on Sourceforge 
within another week or so.


Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] Re: Perl-Win32-GUI-Users digest, Vol 1 #1074 - 5 msgs

2005-07-26 Thread Robert May


I do have a concrete example (given below). 

  1. A window containing a list view w/caption and scroll bar is displayed.

No it's not.  There's no scrollbars in your example.

  2. On clicking the terminate ('X') in the list view I expect
 that my list view terminate sub (ReportBox_Terminate) will be called.
Hmm.  I've never seen anyone trying that combination of styles on a 
child window.  I'm pretty surprised it works at all.  If you're looking 
for an MDI (multiple-document interface) style application then you 
should be investigating Win32::GUI::MDI.  I've never used this, so can't 
help.  There's an example in the demos directory that I've already 
pointed you at.

  3. The ReportBox_Terminate subroutine is never called (the print statement
 is not executed).
OK.  I have *NO* idea what the expected behaviour would be for the 
example you've given.

What should the event handler name be (object name_event name) so that 
termination of the list box will cause the event handler to be invoked?

Why do you want to terminate the listbox?

#! /bin/perl

Surely not?
  #! C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe -w
or something similar?

use Win32::GUI ( WS_BORDER # Exporter doesn't seem to correctly
   , WS_CAPTION# export values given in
   , WS_CHILD  # @EXPORT = qw( );
   );# Thin binding to Win32 GUI

  use Win32::GUI;
exports everything OK here.

use strict; # Strict checking pragma


use integer;# Computations done using integer arithmetic


use warnings;


my $window;
my $ListBox;# Output report listing

sub MainWnCreate;
sub myWindow_Terminate;
sub ReportBox_Terminate;

#  MainWnCreate
sub MainWnCreate{
$window = new Win32::GUI::Window(
-name = myWindow,
-title= VAX to PC Realignment,
-left = 300,  #0
-top  = 200,  #0
-width= 320,
-height   = 240,

$ListBox = $window-AddListbox(
-disabled  = 0,
-name  = ReportBox,
-pos   = [ 100, 40 ],
-size  = [ 100, 100 ],
-style = 1024 | WS_BORDER | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU,
As above, I've no idea what adding caption and sysmenu styles to a child 
window does. What window style is 1024?

-title = Report,

-visible   = 0

Not needed.

} ### MainWnCreate

sub myWindow_Terminate {
  print myWindow_Terminate\n;
   return -1;
} ### myWindow_Terminate

sub ReportBox_Terminate{
  print ReportBox_Terminate\n;
  return 1;

#  Main-

Wouldn't be needed if you didn't set the visibility to 0 when creating 
the control (child windows are not displayed unless their parents are 
visible, hence Win32::GUI creates main windows with -visibility = 0 and 
child windows with -visibility = 1 by default.  Then you only need to 
show/hide the main window.


How about this:

#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI ();  # Don't need any imports, as we don't use them

# Create the main window
my $window = new Win32::GUI::Window(
-name = myWindow,
-title= VAX to PC Realignment,
-pos  = [300,200],
-size = [320,240],

# add a list box as a child of the main window,
# size it to fit the main window
-name  = ReportBox,
-size  = [ $window-ScaleWidth(),
$window-ScaleHeight() ],

# show the window, and enter the dialog phase

# done

# on resize of main window, resize listbox to
# fill mainwindow
sub myWindow_Resize {
return 1;

# Terminate.
sub myWindow_Terminate {
   return -1;

Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] RE: [SPAM] - Re: Readonly TextEdit redraw problem. [Was: otther thngs] - Bayesian Filter detected spam

2005-07-27 Thread Robert May
OK,  I think that I've narrowed it down.  A readonly edit control sends 
a WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC message before re-drawing, rather than a 
WM_CTLCOLOREDIT message.  In the former case the code sets the 
background mode to TRANSPARENT, which I think it should not be doing for 
an edit control - just not sure what the right change to fix it is :-)

I have also turned up an issue with the -noflicker option, where the 
text completely disappears (try adding -noflicker = 1 to the window 
creation of your script below).  I suspect this is related.

I have raised 2 trackers for these issues:


Lloyd, Steve wrote:

The following Code demonstrates the problem.
Run the code.
Click on the button.
Use the scroll bar to scroll up.
Notice that the text all runs together.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Win32::GUI;
my $MainTitle = Pauto Script Runner;
my $MainWidth=300;
my $MainHeight=300;
my $MainTop=300;
my $MainLeft=300;
our $MainWindow = new Win32::GUI::Window(
-name   = MainWindow,
-text   = $MainTitle,
-width  = $MainWidth,
-height = $MainHeight,
-minsize  = [175, 120],
-topmost = 1,
-top= $MainTop,
-left   = $MainLeft,
our $Test=$MainWindow-AddTextfield(
-name   = ABC,
-text   = This is is a test ($MainWidth,$MainHeight)\r\n,
-addstyle   = 0x1000,  #ES_WantReturn - allows the enter
key to work
-name = MyButton,
-text = ClickMe,
-height  = 20,
-pos  = [$MainWidth-100,$MainHeight-57  ],
sub MainWindow_Minimize {return 0;}
sub MainWindow_Maximize {return 0;}
sub MainWindow_Terminate {return -1;}
sub MyButton_Click{
my $now=localtime();
my $str=$now\r\nHello This is a test of the emergency broadcast
system and is only a test. Should this cause problems please report it
to the authorities.;
my $mstr=$strx10;

-Original Message-
From: Robert May [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 11:56 AM

To: Lloyd, Steve
Subject: [SPAM] - Re: Readonly TextEdit redraw problem. [Was: otther
thngs] - Bayesian Filter detected spam


If you can post a short example that exhibits the behaviour on your 
system, then I'd be happy to try it and see if I get the same behaviour 


Lloyd, Steve wrote:

I have noticed that if scrolling in a Win32::GUI::Textfield set to 
readonly does not refresh the text properly.. Has anyone else seen 
this?  It this something that could be fixed before the next release?


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of 
Robert May

Sent: Thu 7/21/2005 6:23 PM
To: Frazier, Joe Jr
Subject: [SPAM] - Re: [win32gui] RE: [perl-win32-gui-users] Next

release [Was: System Tray problem after upgrade to v1.02 from v1.00] -
Bayesian Filter detected spam

Frazier, Joe Jr wrote:

I would have though that targeting a bug-fix only release for
a month's time might be realistic.  I'd like to get the 
following done:

- fix as many of the trackers as possible
- get all the current sample code to work properly
- include all the examples from the tutorial (and check that 
they all work :-), fixing the tutorial as necessary

- work on the test suite
- get a semi-decent web-page up as our Homepage at SourceForge.

Hey, if possible, can someone come up with an example of using 
Win32::GUI with one or more background worker thread(s)?

Here's my threads example that I'm working on - funnily I was just
discussing it off-list.

#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI;

use threads;
use Thread::Queue;

# Win32::GUI is not very thread friendly, so ensure the worker thread 
# is created before you create any Win32::GUI objects print Boss: 
Starting\n; print Boss: creating queues\n;

my $qd = Thread::Queue-new();
my $qu = Thread::Queue-new();
print Boss: creating worker thread\n;
my $t = threads-new(\worker);

my $working = 0; # set by the boss when the worker is working my 
$instruction = 1;

my $W = new Win32::GUI::Window (
-pos = [100,100],
-size = [200,200],
-name = MW,
) or die Creating main window;

$W-AddButton (
-text = Execute Thread,
-name = But1,
) or die Creating Button1;

# Timer is used to read results back from worker thread $W-AddTimer( 
Tim1, 1000) or die Creating Timer;


[perl-win32-gui-users] ANNOUNCE: New home on the web

2005-08-02 Thread Robert May
I am pleased to announce that Win32::GUI has a new home on the web at:

There you'll find links to all things Win32::GUI including the latest 
documentation. Problems/suggestions/corrections to the users mailing 
list please.


Re: [win32gui] Re[2]: [SPAM] - [perl-win32-gui-users] timer do not work - Email found in subject

2005-08-03 Thread Robert May

Сергей Черниенко wrote:

LS Change
LS my $mw = Win32::GUI ...
LS our $mw = Win32::GUI ...
LS This will allow the timer subroutine to see the $mw object.

That'll make no difference.  The subroutine can already see the 
lexically scoped variable.

sub CheckDir_Timer {
   $mw-Hide() if $mw-IsVisible();
   $mw-Show() unless $mw-IsVisible();
   return 1;

Check your logic here.

If your window is visible, you hide it, then on the next line you show 
it again if it's hidden (which it is because you hide it on the previous 


sub CheckDir_Timer {
  if ($mw-IsVisible()) {
  else {

  return 1;


Re: [win32gui] Re[2]: [SPAM] - [perl-win32-gui-users] timer do not work - Email found in subject

2005-08-03 Thread Robert May
Apologies for the duplication - I should read all my mail before 
replying.  Oh why can't mail user agents thread properly.


Robert May wrote:

Сергей Черниенко wrote:

LS Change
LS my $mw = Win32::GUI ...
LS our $mw = Win32::GUI ...
LS This will allow the timer subroutine to see the $mw object.

That'll make no difference.  The subroutine can already see the 
lexically scoped variable.

sub CheckDir_Timer {
   $mw-Hide() if $mw-IsVisible();
   $mw-Show() unless $mw-IsVisible();
   return 1;

Check your logic here.

If your window is visible, you hide it, then on the next line you show 
it again if it's hidden (which it is because you hide it on the previous 


sub CheckDir_Timer {
  if ($mw-IsVisible()) {
  else {

  return 1;


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Perl-Win32-GUI-Users mailing list

Re:[perl-win32-gui-users] timer do not work

2005-08-03 Thread Robert May

Сергей Черниенко wrote:

But! Timer do not work as
before though I declared $mw as our (not my) (Steve Lloyd advice) and
corrected event handler. It's like that handler not executed at all.
I have Win32-GUI 1.02, perl 5.8.6 and Windows98SE

It works fine here using lexical variables, Win98SE, perl 5.8.7 and 
5.6.1, Win98SE

Do you have an example of it not working that you can share?


Re: [perl-win32-gui-users] Control for Displaying the contents of a text file?

2005-08-03 Thread Robert May

Octavian Rasnita wrote:

my $content;
local $/;
open(FILE, $file_path);

open(FILE, $file_path) or die Failed to open $file_path: $!;

*always* check error conditions

$content = FILE;
close FILE;

Then insert the $content in the Win32::GUI control you want.

For a Textfield that would be
undef $content;  # unless you really want the text stored twice

The RichEdit control has a method to load itself from a file.

[all untested]


- Original Message - 
From: Mark Sutfin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 23:02 PM
Subject: [perl-win32-gui-users] Control for Displaying the contents of a
text file?


Newbie has just started experimenting with Win32::GUI. Great stuff. I
see that GetOpenFileName() returns the file I selected from the dialog
box. Which control(s) might easily display the contents of this text
file? I was guessing textfield...? But did not see a method to assign
the content to the control...


Re: [win32gui] RE: [perl-win32-gui-users] Control for Displaying the contents of a text file?

2005-08-03 Thread Robert May

Mark Sutfin wrote:

That's what I was asking...but did not see a method to assign the
content to the control.  Here's what I see available thru the docs..

* Constructor
  o new Win32::GUI::Textfield(PARENT, %OPTIONS) 
* Methods

  o LineFromChar(INDEX)
  o MaxLength([CHARS])
  o Modified([FLAG])
  o PasswordChar([CHAR])
  o ReadOnly([FLAG])
  o ReplaceSel(STRING, [FLAG])
  o Select(START, END)
  o SelectAll()
  o Selection()
  o Undo() 
* Events

  o Change()
  o GotFocus()
  o LostFocus() 

Where are you looking for the documentation?  That looks hideously out 
of date.  Try Here:

and see my previous post.

[If you are using an old version of Win32::GUI I would thoroughly 
recommend upgrading to the lastest (v1.02), which some with a local set 
of documentation]


Re: [win32gui] RE: [perl-win32-gui-users] Control for Displaying the contents of a text file?

2005-08-03 Thread Robert May

Mark Sutfin wrote:

I installed 1.02 (5.8.7). I still cannot locate the Text()
method in the Win32::GUI:Textfield entry. 

Could it be that I'm so new to this, I didn't understand that
it's listed on the Common Methods entries?

You're absolutely correct.

Is there a beginners win32::gui list? ;)

This is the right place - the community it's big enough for lost of 
lists (yet :-)

#!perl -w

use strict;

use warnings;

Always good to have as many warnings as possible

use Win32::GUI;

my $text = defined($ARGV[0]) ? $ARGV[0] : Hello, world;

my $main = Win32::GUI::Window-new(
-name = 'Main',
-text = 'Perl',
-width = 200,
-height = 200

my $sb = $main-AddStatusBar();
$sb-Text(This appears in the status bar);   

my $font = Win32::GUI::Font-new(
-name = Comic Sans MS, 
-size = 24,

my $label = $main-AddLabel(
-text = $text,
-font = $font,
-foreground = [255, 0, 0],

my $ncw = $main-Width() -  $main-ScaleWidth();
my $nch = $main-Height() - $main-ScaleHeight();
my $w = $label-Width()  + $ncw;
my $h = $label-Height() + $nch;

my $desk = Win32::GUI::GetDesktopWindow();
my $dw = Win32::GUI::Width($desk);
my $dh = Win32::GUI::Height($desk);
my $x = ($dw - $w) / 2;
my $y = ($dh - $h) / 2;

I think
can replace all the code you have to calculate where the center is.

$main-Change(-minsize = [$w, $h]);
$main-Move($x, $y);

my $file_path = Win32::GUI::GetOpenFileName(
- directory = c:\\

my $content;

local $/;
open(FILE, $file_path) or die Failed to open $file_path: $!;
$content = FILE;
close FILE;

my $textstuff = Win32::GUI::Textfield-new($main, -multiline = 1);
You need to give the Textfield a size.  It (helpfully) initialises with 
width and height of 0.  So it's there, but you can't see it.

my $textstuff = $main-AddTextField(
-size = [100,100],
-multiline = 1,
-vscroll = 1,

undef $content;



Any reason you have your Dialog() call commented out?

sub Main_Terminate {

sub Main_Resize {
my $w = $main-ScaleWidth();
my $h = $main-ScaleHeight();
my $lw = $label-Width();
my $lh = $label-Height();
$label-Left(int(($w - $lw) / 2));
$label-Top(int(($h - $lh) / 2));
$sb-Move(0, $main-ScaleHeight - $sb-Height);
$sb-Resize($main-ScaleWidth, $sb-Height);


Re: [perl-win32-gui-users] Readonly TextEdit redraw problem

2005-08-03 Thread Robert May

I've just put a fix for this into CVS.


Robert May wrote:
OK,  I think that I've narrowed it down.  A readonly edit control sends 
a WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC message before re-drawing, rather than a 
WM_CTLCOLOREDIT message.  In the former case the code sets the 
background mode to TRANSPARENT, which I think it should not be doing for 
an edit control - just not sure what the right change to fix it is :-)

I have also turned up an issue with the -noflicker option, where the 
text completely disappears (try adding -noflicker = 1 to the window 
creation of your script below).  I suspect this is related.

I have raised 2 trackers for these issues: 


Lloyd, Steve wrote:

The following Code demonstrates the problem.
Run the code.
Click on the button.
Use the scroll bar to scroll up.
Notice that the text all runs together.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Win32::GUI;
my $MainTitle = Pauto Script Runner;
my $MainWidth=300;
my $MainHeight=300;
my $MainTop=300;
my $MainLeft=300;
our $MainWindow = new Win32::GUI::Window(
-name   = MainWindow,
-text   = $MainTitle,
-width  = $MainWidth,
-height= $MainHeight,
-minsize  = [175, 120],
-topmost = 1,
-top= $MainTop,
-left= $MainLeft,
our $Test=$MainWindow-AddTextfield(
-name= ABC,
-text= This is is a test ($MainWidth,$MainHeight)\r\n,
-addstyle = 0x1000,  #ES_WantReturn - allows the enter
key to work
-name = MyButton,
-text = ClickMe,
-height  = 20,
-pos  = [$MainWidth-100,$MainHeight-57  ],
sub MainWindow_Minimize {return 0;}
sub MainWindow_Maximize {return 0;}
sub MainWindow_Terminate {return -1;}
sub MyButton_Click{
my $now=localtime();
my $str=$now\r\nHello This is a test of the emergency broadcast
system and is only a test. Should this cause problems please report it
to the authorities.;
my $mstr=$strx10;

-Original Message-
From: Robert May [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, 
July 27, 2005 11:56 AM

To: Lloyd, Steve
Subject: [SPAM] - Re: Readonly TextEdit redraw problem. [Was: otther
thngs] - Bayesian Filter detected spam


If you can post a short example that exhibits the behaviour on your 
system, then I'd be happy to try it and see if I get the same 
behaviour here.


Lloyd, Steve wrote:

I have noticed that if scrolling in a Win32::GUI::Textfield set to 
readonly does not refresh the text properly.. Has anyone else seen 
this?  It this something that could be fixed before the next release?


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of 
Robert May

Sent: Thu 7/21/2005 6:23 PM
To: Frazier, Joe Jr
Subject: [SPAM] - Re: [win32gui] RE: [perl-win32-gui-users] Next

release [Was: System Tray problem after upgrade to v1.02 from v1.00] -
Bayesian Filter detected spam

Frazier, Joe Jr wrote:

I would have though that targeting a bug-fix only release for
a month's time might be realistic.  I'd like to get the following 

- fix as many of the trackers as possible
- get all the current sample code to work properly
- include all the examples from the tutorial (and check that they 
all work :-), fixing the tutorial as necessary

- work on the test suite
- get a semi-decent web-page up as our Homepage at SourceForge.

Hey, if possible, can someone come up with an example of using 
Win32::GUI with one or more background worker thread(s)?

Here's my threads example that I'm working on - funnily I was just
discussing it off-list.

#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI;

use threads;
use Thread::Queue;

# Win32::GUI is not very thread friendly, so ensure the worker thread 
# is created before you create any Win32::GUI objects print Boss: 
Starting\n; print Boss: creating queues\n;

my $qd = Thread::Queue-new();
my $qu = Thread::Queue-new();
print Boss: creating worker thread\n;
my $t = threads-new(\worker);

my $working = 0; # set by the boss when the worker is working my 
$instruction = 1;

my $W = new Win32::GUI::Window (
-pos = [100,100],
-size = [200,200],
-name = MW,
) or die Creating main window;

$W-AddButton (
-text = Execute Thread,
-name = But1,
) or die Creating Button1;

# Timer is used to read results back from worker thread $W-AddTimer( 
Tim1, 1000) or die Creating Timer;


# tidy up

[perl-win32-gui-users] Mixing OEM and NEM events [Was: working/not working timer]

2005-08-04 Thread Robert May

Сергей Черниенко wrote:
[ snipped timer-related stuff ]

And does it mean that OEM
and NEM can not be mixed?

By default a window/control uses the Original/Old Event Model (OEM), 
where the sub that is called is the -name of the window/control followed 
by '_' followed by the event name itself. (So for a control with -name 
= 'ABC', the click event sub is ABC_Click.  This sub must be located in 
package main (the default package).

As soon as any New Event Model (NEM) option is given to the constructor, 
Win32::GUI turns off all OEM subroutine calls.  Using NEM allows us to 
use any sub name we want, from any package.  We can event use anonymous 

If you really want to have both OEM and NEM callbacks existing at the 
same time, then you can pass -eventmodel = 'both' to the 
window/control's constructor (other allowed values are 'byname' to force 
OEM, and 'byref' to force NEM).  If you have both event models enabled, 
then currently the NEM sub gets called first (but don't rely on this 

Personally I find it very confusing having both enabled, and I would 
consider it 'best practice' to use one or the other.  The NEM is far 
more powerful (and essential if you want to put different bits of your 
UI code into different packages), but I can see how anyone coming from 
VB would find the OEM more understandable.

Hope this s useful.


[perl-win32-gui-users] MouseOver and MouseOut Events [Was: The window -backgroud option]

2005-08-04 Thread Robert May

Lloyd, Steve wrote:

Is there a planned date for the next release?

Not really.  Perhaps the end of the month would be a good target, but I 
have some travel, so may not get to do a whole lot more between now and 
then - lets see how things go.

Also, many of the common events do not work on the main Window, right?

Not that I'm aware of, but I haven't really looked.

Like MouseOver and MouseOut...

These I have looked at (some time ago) and there's a whole load of 
jiggery-pokery that surrounds these 2 events and getting them to fire 
for any window/control.  Look on MSDN for WM_MOUSEHOVER, WM_MOUSELEAVE 
and TrackMouseEvent().



2005-08-06 Thread Robert May

Сергей Черниенко wrote:

Hello, perl-win32-gui-users,

Can someone give live link to GUI Bulder written by David Hiltz?
It's impossible to download it from
   Thanks! works fine from here.

I also turned up some stuff on the old mailing list - but this looks 
very old:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg00718.html

Have you looked at The GUI Loft?


Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] (no subject)

2005-08-08 Thread Robert May

Сергей Черниенко wrote:

Здравствуйте, perl-win32-gui-users,

  I'm using NotifyIcon object to minimze my app to tray. All works
  fine but the icon in tray has grey color instead of its real purple.
  The questions are:
  1. What format has to have icon (size, number of colors and so


To avoid icon distortion, be aware that notification area icons have 
different levels of support under different versions of Microsoft 
Windows. Windows 95, Windows 98, and Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 support 
icons of up to 4 bits per pixel (BPP). Windows Millennium Edition 
(Windows Me) and Windows 2000 support icons of a color depth up to the 
current display mode. Windows XP supports icons of up to 32 BPP.

  2. may be I need redraw icon in some way? If yes: how can I do

Shouldn't be necessary.

  3. Where can I find docs about NotifyIcon on microsoft site?

Start here:


RE: [perl-win32-gui-users] DC used for customdrawn Toolbar

2005-08-08 Thread Robert May

Kind, Uwe wrote:
Just so I understand what you are trying to do. Do you mean the change in 
the menu colour (to blue) when the mouse moves over the menu buttons

I want to 'grey out' the text when $mw loses the focus.

The structures used by a toolbar and header are different

This appears to be key.  It looks like the toolbar that uses the new 
NMTBCUSTOMDRAW structure (comctl32.dll  4.70) ignores colors you set in 
the DC.  This behaviour is documented for ListViews ... but it appears 
not for toolbars.

Setting the clrText member of the new structure seems to work a treat.

I've tucked this code away to add to when I next get back to it.


#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI 1.02;
use Win32::API;

sub I_IMAGENONE() {-2};
sub NM_CUSTOMDRAW()   {-12};
sub WM_NOTIFY()   {0x4E};
sub CDDS_PREPAINT()   {1};
sub CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT()   {65537};
sub CDRF_DODEFAULT()  {0};
sub CDRF_NEWFONT(){2};
sub RDW_INVALIDATE()  {1};

# Win32::API call that we want, defined the old way for maximum
# backwards compatability with Win32::API
my $CopyMemory =
Win32::API-new(kernel32, RtlMoveMemory, NPI, V)
  or die Can't find CopyMemory;

my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window-new(
-name =  'MainWindow',
-text =  'CustomDraw',
-pos  =  [ 100, 100 ],
-size =  [ 300, 350 ],

-onActivate   =
  sub { $_[0]-Toolbar-Redraw(RDW_INVALIDATE); return 1; },
-onDeactivate =
  sub { $_[0]-Toolbar-Redraw(RDW_INVALIDATE); return 1; },
-onTerminate  =  sub { -1 },

my $tb = $mw - AddToolbar(
-name  =  'Toolbar',
-nodivider =  1,
-flat  =  1,
-list  =  1,

for ( 0 .. 3 )
$tb-AddString(Test $_);
$tb-AddButtons( 1,
1000 + $_,
$_ );
$tb - Hook ( NM_CUSTOMDRAW, \onCustumDraw );


sub onCustumDraw
my ($object, $wparam, $lparam, $message_type, $message_code ) = @_;

return unless $message_type == WM_NOTIFY;
return unless $message_code == NM_CUSTOMDRAW;

my $pNMTBCD = pack (  'L!', $lparam );
my $sNMTBCD = unpack( 'P20', $pNMTBCD );
my ($dwDrawStage, $dc ) = unpack ( 'x12IL', $sNMTBCD );

if ( $dwDrawStage == CDDS_PREPAINT ) {
elsif ($dwDrawStage==CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT) {
if($mw-{-handle} != Win32::GUI::GetForegroundWindow()) {
my $clrText=pack(I,0x808080);
$CopyMemory-Call($lparam+60, $clrText, 4);
else {

return 0;

Re: [perl-win32-gui-users] Trapping ctl- and function keys and invalidating windows

2005-08-09 Thread Robert May


Any way to trap control key and function key entries without a dialog window? 
I'd like to be able to associate functions to keys so that someone can invoke a 
function by pressing a key, primariliy for debugging. I don't want a submenu.

You should investigate Win32::GUI::AcceleratorTable class or look at 
using the Win32::GUI::Hook() function to catch WM_KEYDOWN

Any way of detecting when a window needs to be invalidated? 

Not sure I understand you.  The system automatically invalidates parts 
of the client window that need redrawing, or your program can invalidate 
parts that it knows need redrawing.  Invalidated regions are re-drawn 
the next time the window processes a WM_PAINT message - but all this 
happens in the background.  If you can provide a better idea of what you 
are trying to do (and what doesn't work for you) then we may be able to 
point you in the right direction.


Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] {Spam?} MDIFrame and background Image

2005-08-09 Thread Robert May
Apologies if this is a repeat post, but I did not see the first one come 
back from the reflector.  I've made the included image a whole lot 
smaller in case that was the problem.


Robert May wrote:

Daniel Fernandez wrote:

Hello, perl-win32-gui-users,
Anybody knows if it's possible  to display a background bitmap image  
in a MDIFrame? If it's possible, I will appreciate a short example .

Here's one way of doing it with a regular window.  You should be able to 
adjust this to work with an MDI frame. (Sorry about the big image)


#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI;
use Win32::GUI::BitmapInline();

# Load our bitmap
#my $bm = Win32::GUI::Bitmap-new(sail.bmp) or die Creating Bitmap;
my $bm = get_bitmap();
# Store the width and height, as we'll use them a lot
my($bmw, $bmh) = ($bm-Info())[0..1];

# create a class without a background brush: this prevents
# defWindowProc erasing the window background, as we want to
# paint it ourselves to avoid flicker
my $class = Win32::GUI::Class-new(
-name = 'noflicker',
-brush = 0,

# create a window, using our class. Add style WS_CLIPCHILDEN
# so that any child windows are automatically masked out of
# our window's DC, and then we don't need to worry about drawing
# over them
my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window-new(
-name = ImgWindow,
-title = Background Image,
-pos = [100,100],
-size = [300,200],
-class = $class,
-addstyle = WS_CLIPCHILDREN,
-onPaint = \paint,
-onTerminate = sub {-1},

-name = Button,
-pos = [20,20],
-text = Example Child Window,

# Create a memory DC, compatible with our window's
# DC, containing our bitmap.  Do this once, here, to speed
# up the painting routine.  Use a local block, so that $dc
# goes out of scope, and $dc gets released (could call
# $dc-ReleaseDC() instead).
my $memDC;
my $dc = $mw-GetDC();
$memDC = $dc-CreateCompatibleDC();

# We need a brush to paint the window background
# with, select a grey one.  We don't need to worry
# about freeing stock objects when we're done with them
my $bkBrush = Win32::GUI::GetStockObject(1);

# Show the window and enter the dialog phase.

# Our window painting routine.  To avoid flicker we will
# paint the whole of the window, taking care not to draw any
# pixel more than once.
sub paint
my($window, $dc) = @_;

# I will add StretchBlt to the next release so that we can stretch the
# image to fit the window, but it's not there right now.
	#$dc-StretchBlt(0, 0, ($window-GetClientRect())[2..3], $memDC, 0, 0, 
$bmw, $bmh);

#calculate the image position to center it in the window
my ($ww, $wh) = ($window-GetClientRect())[2..3];

my $l = ($ww - $bmw)/2;
my $t = ($wh - $bmh)/2;
my $r = $l + $bmw;
my $b = $t + $bmh;

# copy the image from the memory DC to the window's DC
$dc-BitBlt($l, $t, $bmw, $bmh, $memDC, 0, 0);

# fill the spaces around the image with our background brush.
# We should probably not draw when it is not necessary (i.e. when
# the image meets the side(s), but we can get away with not checking,
# as the DC is always clipped to the window's client rect.
$dc-FillRect(0,  0,  $ww, $t,  $bkBrush);
$dc-FillRect(0,  $b, $ww, $wh, $bkBrush);
$dc-FillRect(0,  $t, $l,  $b,  $bkBrush);
$dc-FillRect($r, $t, $ww, $b,  $bkBrush);

# We've drawn the background, so inform windows that there is nothing 
# to draw.

# we've processed the message, so return 0.
return 0;

sub get_bitmap
return Win32::GUI::BitmapInline-new( q(

Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] {Spam?} MDIFrame and background Image

2005-08-09 Thread Robert May

Daniel Fernandez wrote:

Hello, perl-win32-gui-users,
Anybody knows if it's possible  to display a background bitmap image  in 
a MDIFrame? If it's possible, I will appreciate a short example .

Here's one way of doing it with a regular window.  You should be able to 
adjust this to work with an MDI frame. (Sorry about the big image)


#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI;
use Win32::GUI::BitmapInline();

# Load our bitmap
#my $bm = Win32::GUI::Bitmap-new(sail.bmp) or die Creating Bitmap;
my $bm = get_bitmap();
# Store the width and height, as we'll use them a lot
my($bmw, $bmh) = ($bm-Info())[0..1];

# create a class without a background brush: this prevents
# defWindowProc erasing the window background, as we want to
# paint it ourselves to avoid flicker
my $class = Win32::GUI::Class-new(
-name = 'noflicker',
-brush = 0,

# create a window, using our class. Add style WS_CLIPCHILDEN
# so that any child windows are automatically masked out of
# our window's DC, and then we don't need to worry about drawing
# over them
my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window-new(
-name = ImgWindow,
-title = Background Image,
-pos = [100,100],
-size = [550,450],
-class = $class,
-addstyle = WS_CLIPCHILDREN,
-onPaint = \paint,
-onTerminate = sub {-1},

-name = Button,
-pos = [100,100],
-text = Example Child Window,

# Create a memory DC, compatible with our window's
# DC, containing our bitmap.  Do this once, here, to speed
# up the painting routine.  Use a local block, so that $dc
# goes out of scope, and $dc gets released (could call
# $dc-ReleaseDC() instead).
my $memDC;
my $dc = $mw-GetDC();
$memDC = $dc-CreateCompatibleDC();

# We need a brush to paint the window background
# with, select a grey one.  We don't need to worry
# about freeing stock objects when we're done with them
my $bkBrush = Win32::GUI::GetStockObject(1);

# Show the window and enter the dialog phase.

# Our window painting routine.  To avoid flicker we will
# paint the whole of the window, taking care not to draw any
# pixel more than once.
sub paint
my($window, $dc) = @_;

# I will add StretchBlt to the next release so that we can stretch the
# image to fit the window, but it's not there right now.
	#$dc-StretchBlt(0, 0, ($window-GetClientRect())[2..3], $memDC, 0, 0, 
$bmw, $bmh);

#calculate the image position to center it in the window
my ($ww, $wh) = ($window-GetClientRect())[2..3];

my $l = ($ww - $bmw)/2;
my $t = ($wh - $bmh)/2;
my $r = $l + $bmw;
my $b = $t + $bmh;

# copy the image from the memory DC to the window's DC
$dc-BitBlt($l, $t, $bmw, $bmh, $memDC, 0, 0);

# fill the spaces around the image with our background brush.
# We should probably not draw when it is not necessary (i.e. when
# the image meets the side(s), but we can get away with not checking,
# as the DC is always clipped to the window's client rect.
$dc-FillRect(0,  0,  $ww, $t,  $bkBrush);
$dc-FillRect(0,  $b, $ww, $wh, $bkBrush);
$dc-FillRect(0,  $t, $l,  $b,  $bkBrush);
$dc-FillRect($r, $t, $ww, $b,  $bkBrush);

# We've drawn the background, so inform windows that there is nothing 
# to draw.

# we've processed the message, so return 0.
return 0;

sub get_bitmap
return Win32::GUI::BitmapInline-new( q(

[perl-win32-gui-users] Draggable 'window' [Was: MDIFrame and background Image]

2005-08-10 Thread Robert May

Lloyd, Steve wrote:

Is there a way using Win32::GUI to create a dragable child window that
can be dragged and dropped onto another window like winspy does?


Are you referring to the 'Find' window from Windows Spy++?

If so, then that's not a draggable window at all:  the application 
changes the cursor, and captures the mouse (see SetCapture()) so that it 
gets mouse move events for the mouse outside it's window borders.  It 
then hit-tests on each mouse move to find the handle to any window under 
the mouse, gets the window co-ordinates (GetWindowRect() on the handle 
found), and then draws the rectangle around the window by drawing into 
the 'DISPLAY' DC (See CreateDC).

Of course, it may do it entirely differently, but that's how I would do it.


[perl-win32-gui-users] Re: [win32gui] {Spam?} Re: MDIFrame and background Image

2005-08-10 Thread Robert May

Daniel Fernandez wrote:

Sorry by my last mail. I sent you a wrong script. This it's my modified 
MDI script  with your code. The problem is that the new child window is 
not visualized but the activate/deactivate events works when the window 
is created.

Is there are any wrong in my code?
I'll appreciate your comments about this.
Best regards.

I think this is close to what you want (this is the first time I've 
played with the MDI classes, so there may be better ways).  The tricks I 
used were:

(1) The class needs to use the MDIFrame message loop, so I added
  -widget = MDIFrame to the class definition.
(2) MDIFrame sets WM_CLIPCHILDREN by default, but as the MDIClient 
window fill the MDIFrame window, nothing is ever drawn;  so I removed 
the WM_CLIPCHILDREN from the MDIFrame with

  -popsyle = WM_CLIPCHILDREN
(3) Now that we've removed the WM_CLIPCHILDREN from the MDIFrame, when 
we draw on the whole of the MDIFrame's client area, we overwrite the 
MDIChild windows, causing very nasty flickering, so I extended the 
paint() function to clip the MDIChild windows from the MDIFrame's DC 
that we are drawing into.
(4) Finally the MDIClient does not invalidate the regions exposed by an 
MDIChild when it moves or is terminated, as it assumes that we want it 
to paint the background, so I invalidate the regions in explicit 
handlers for termination and moving (See NewChild(), -onTerminate 
handler for the window and Hook(WM_MOVE ... ).

Really we want to do exactly what I did with a single window in the 
MDIClient's WM_PAINT handler.  But I can't see any way to get at that 
with the current Win32::GUI codebase.


#!perl -w
#  MDI sample

use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI;
use Win32::GUI::BitmapInline();

# My child counter for unique name.
my $ChildCount = 0;

my $Window;

# Load our bitmap
#my $bm = Win32::GUI::Bitmap-new(sail.bmp) or die Creating Bitmap;
my $bm = get_bitmap();
# Store the width and height, as we'll use them a lot
my($bmw, $bmh) = ($bm-Info())[0..1];

# create a class without a background brush: this prevents
# defFrameWindowProc erasing the window background, as we want to
# paint it ourselves to avoid flicker
my $class = Win32::GUI::Class-new(
   -name = 'noflicker',
   -brush = 0,
   -widget = MDIFrame,   # use the MDIFrame windowproc

# Create Main menu.
my $Menu = Win32::GUI::MakeMenu(
   File = File,
   New = { -name = File_New,  -onClick = \NewChild },
   -= 0,
   Exit= { -name = File_Exit, -onClick = sub { -1; } },
   Window   = Window,
   Next= { -name = Next, -onClick = sub { 
$Window-{Client}-Next; } },
   Previous= { -name = Prev, -onClick = sub { 
$Window-{Client}-Previous; } },

   -= 0,
   Cascade = { -name = Cascade, -onClick = sub { 
$Window-{Client}-Cascade(); 0; } },
   Tile Horizontally  = { -name = TileH,   -onClick = sub 
{ $Window-{Client}-Tile(1);  } },
   Tile Vertically= { -name = TileV,   -onClick = sub 
{ $Window-{Client}-Tile(0);  } },

   Help = Help,
   About   = { -name = About, -onClick = sub { 1; } },

# First we create an MDIFrame window.
$Window = new Win32::GUI::MDIFrame (
   -title  = Win32::GUI MDI Sample,
   -left   = 100,
   -top= 100,
   -width  = 280,
   -height = 280,
   -name   = Window,
   -menu   = $Menu,
   -class = $class,
   -popstyle = WS_CLIPCHILDREN,   # So that the MDIClient's window is 
not clipped

   -onPaint = \paint,
   -onTerminate = sub {print Terminate\n; -1},   ) or die Window;

# We add an MDIClient window, This window manage Child Window.
 -name   = Client,
 -firstchild = 100, # Define Child ID for 
menu item
 -windowmenu = $Menu-{Window}-{-handle},  # Define Menu Handle 
where Add Window Child name

 ) or die Client;

# Create a memory DC, compatible with our window's
# DC, containing our bitmap.  Do this once, here, to speed
# up the painting routine.  Use a local block, so that $dc
# goes out of scope, and $dc gets released (could call
# $dc-ReleaseDC() instead).
my $memDC;
   my $dc = $Window-GetDC();
   $memDC = $dc-CreateCompatibleDC();

# We need a brush to paint the window background
# with, select a grey one.  We don't need to worry
# about freeing stock objects when we're done with them
my $bkBrush = Win32::GUI::GetStockObject(1);

# Show main window and go to event loop

# We've got some closures on $Window in the
# functions below, which appear to be the cause of
# a 'Can't call Delete .. in global clean up' warning,
# udefining $Window here stops that.
undef $Window;

# Our window painting routine.  To avoid flicker we will
# paint the whole of the window, taking care not to draw any
# pixel more than once.
sub paint
   print Painting...\n;
   my($window, $dc) = @_;

   # I will add StretchBlt to the next release so that we can stretch 

[perl-win32-gui-users] Re: Draggable 'window' [Was: MDIFrame and background Image]

2005-08-11 Thread Robert May

Steven Lloyd wrote:

I have got this far but I cannot seem to get SetCapture to allow me to 
go outside my window.  Any ideas?


Please can we keep discussion on-list (unless they are OT) - others may 
be able to help, and may like to see the problems being solved.

Read up about SetCapture at:

You only continue to get mouse move events outside your window if a 
mouse button is depressed, so you'll need to catch a mouse down event, 
SetCapture(), process mouse moves and then ReleaseCapture() on the mouse 
up event (OK, this last step is not strictly necessary, as the system 
will do it for you).

I was also wrong about the hit-hest idea - I think you'll need to use 
some combination of WindowFromPoint() and ChildWindowFromPoint() - I 
haven't looked to see if they're in Win32::GUI or not.


#!perl -w

# Left-Click on the target image, and drag

use warnings;
use strict;

use Win32::GUI 1.0;
use Win32::GUI::BitmapInline();

my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window-new(
-name = MainWindow,
-title = Win32::GUI Spy++,
-pos = [100,100],
-size = [100,100],

my $cursor = get_cursor();

-name = Target,
-icon = $cursor,
-notify = 1,
-onMouseDown = \mouseDown,
-onMouseUp = \mouseUp,
-onMouseMove = \mouseMove,


sub mouseDown
my $label = shift;


sub mouseUp
my $label = shift;


sub mouseMove
my ($label, $x, $y) = @_; # x,y in client co-ordinates

return unless Win32::GUI::GetCapture();

print Mouse at: $x,$y\n;


sub get_cursor
return Win32::GUI::BitmapInline-newCursor( q(
) );

[perl-win32-gui-users] Re: [win32gui] {Spam?} Re: MDIFrame and background Image

2005-08-14 Thread Robert May

Daniel Fernandez wrote:


I'm trying to implement the StretchBlt function using  a call to 
gdi32.dll in order to fill the window with the image.

here, I load the dll
my $ApiObj = new Win32::API (gdi32, StretchBlt, PPN, I);

my $ApiObj = new Win32::API (gdi32, StretchBlt, NNN, I)
   or die (Can't load StretchBlt);

The src and dest DC parameters are handles to DC's (HDC), not Pointers.

Here, I call the StretchBlt
   $ApiObj-Call($dc, 0, 0, $ww, $wh, $memDC, $bmw, $bmh, 13369376);

$ApiObj-Call($dc{-handle}, 0, 0, $ww, $wh, $memDC-{-handle}, 0, 0, 
$bmw, $bmh, 13369376);

- You need to get the window's DC handle from the DC object, and pass 
that  (as Win32 api calls expect Win32 handles, not Perl objects).

- You were missing two parameters from the call

[I've not tested this]


[perl-win32-gui-users] Re: Debugging Win32::GUI [Was: (no subject)]

2005-08-19 Thread Robert May
[Please always put a descriptive subject line with your mail - if 
nothing else it helps people searching the archive]

Sergey Cherniyenko wrote:

  How can I turn on debugging in Win32::GUI to get some descriptive
  output to console. In modules I've seen that can be done. How?

There is no specific additional debugging options for Win32::GUI.

I always recommend the following:

(1) Start your scripts with
#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

This gets you the maximum help from perl on potential issues.

(2) Always check the return values from object creation
- most Win32::GUI  object constructors (typically the new() method) 
return undef on failure.

If you are having a specific problem, then try asking here, ideally with 
a complete (but short) script demonstrating the problem.


Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] popup menu for NotifyIcon

2005-08-19 Thread Robert May

Sergey Cherniyenko wrote:

1. On each right click on tray icon I get following warnings

 Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at D:\perl_projects\ 
line 68.
 Argument -notifyicons isn't numeric in subroutine entry at 
D:\perl_projects\ line 68.
 Argument _NotifyIcon100 isn't numeric in subroutine entry at 
D:\perl_projects\ line 68.
 Argument -notifyicons isn't numeric in subroutine entry at 
D:\perl_projects\ line 68.

I broke TrackPopupMenu in the V1.02 release.  Please see an earlier 
message to this list for work-arounds:

2. Popup menu onClick handlers is not called.

You are missing the '-' on your onClick parameter definitions.

This works for me:

#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI;

my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window-new(
-name = 'mw',
-size = [400, 400],
-pos = [200, 200],
-title = FormsTest,
-onTerminate = \DoExit,
-onMinimize = \DoHideMe,
) or die Creating mw failed;

my $popupMenu = Win32::GUI::Menu-new(
Options = Options,
ShowMe = {-name = ShowMe, -onClick = \DoShowMe},
HideMe = {-name = HideMe, -onClick = \DoHideMe},
Exit   = {-name = Exit,   -onClick = \DoExit}
) or die Creating Menu failed;

my $icon_no = Win32::GUI::Icon-new('no!.ico') or die Creating Icon 
my $icon_yes = Win32::GUI::Icon-new('yes!.ico') or die Creating Icon 

my $ni = $mw-AddNotifyIcon(
-icon = $icon_yes,
-id = 100,
	-onClick = sub{$mw-Enable(); $mw-Show(); $mw-Restore() if 

-onRightClick = \myTrack,
) or die Adding notify icon failed;


sub DoShowMe {
  $mw-Enable() unless $mw-IsEnabled();
  $mw-Show()   unless $mw-IsVisible();
  $mw-Restore() if $mw-IsIconic();
  return 1;

sub myTrack {
  return 1;

sub DoHideMe {
  $mw-Hide() if $mw-IsVisible();
  $mw-Disable() if $mw-IsEnabled();
  return 1;

sub DoExit {
return -1;

[perl-win32-gui-users] Re: Draggable 'window'

2005-08-19 Thread Robert May

Steven Lloyd wrote:

MouseMove returns the label, and the x, y coordinates of the mouse, right?

Right - but it gives an unsigned value.  This is not usually a problem,
as you don't normally seem mouse move locations outside the client area,
which always has 'small' positive values.  The code below contains a
work-around for this issue, and I will look at Jeremy's solution from
the other related thread.

Not wanting to steal your thunder on this one, but I had a few hours on
a plane this-morning, and I came up with a way of doing the drawing that
doesn't need the Redraw/InvalidateRect calls.  It also deals with not
drawing over windows that overlap the one you hover the mouse over.

I tried to avoid using Win32::API, but in the end needed a couple of
extra calls to get the full functionality that I was looking for.


#!perl -w
use warnings;
use strict;

use Win32::GUI;
use Win32::GUI::BitmapInline();
use Win32::API;

# Some constants
sub CW_USEDEFAULT() {0x8000}
sub R2_NOT(){6}
sub NULL_BRUSH(){5}
sub GWL_STYLE() {-16}

sub CLR_BLUE()  {0xFF}

# Using Win32::API, as GetWindowDC not in Win32::GUI
my $GetWindowDC = Win32::API-new(user32, GetWindowDC, 'N', 'N')
or die Can't load GetWindowDC: $!;

# Note that the prototype of '' is a cheat, and relies on the fact
# that the point structure (2nd argument) that must be passed by value
# can be pushed onto the calling stack as 2 16-bit numbers, rather than
# a single 32-bit struct.  Doing it this way avoids having to use
# Win32::API::Struct to define a POINT struct, and using the prototype
# 'NSN'.
my $ChildWindowFromPointEx = Win32::API-new(user32, 
ChildWindowFromPointEx, '', 'N')

or die Can't load ChildWindowFromPointEx: $!;

# Some resources that we'll be using a lot; create them  once:
my $cursor = get_cursor();
my $blank_cursor = get_cursor2();
my $pen = Win32::GUI::Pen-new(
-width = 3,
-color = 0,  # pen color is ignored when foreground mix mode is R2_NOT
) or die Creating Pen;
my $null_brush = Win32::GUI::GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH);

# The window handle of the window that we're over, and have
# drawn a rectangle around.  Use 0 to indicate no such window.
my $curHwnd = 0;

# Create out main window
my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window-new(
-name = MainWindow,
-title = Win32::GUI Spy++,
-size = [215,140],
-resizable = 0,
) or die Creating Main Window failed;

# Instruction label
-name = Instructions,
-text = Drag the target over the window you want information about,
-pos = [5,4],
-size = [160, 32],
) or die Creating Instruction label failed;

# Target bitmap label
-name = Target,
-pos = [170,4],
-icon = $cursor,
-background = CLR_BLUE,
-notify = 1,
-onMouseDown = \mouseDown,
-onMouseUp = \mouseUp,
-onMouseMove = \mouseMove,
) or die Creating Target Label failed;

# Label and Textfield to report window handle
-name = 'HWND',
-prompt = [ 'Handle', 40 ],
-pos = [5,40],
-size = [160,20],
-readonly = 1,
) or die Creating HWND Field failed;

# Label and Textfield to report window title/text
-name = 'TITLE',
-prompt = [ 'Title', 40 ],
-pos = [5,62],
-size = [160,20],
-readonly = 1,
) or die Creating TITLE field failed;

# Label and Textfield to report window class
-name = 'CLASS',
-prompt = [ 'Class', 40 ],
-pos = [5,84],
-size = [160,20],
-readonly = 1,
) or die Creating CLASS field failed;

# Display the window and enter the dialog phase

# We're done

# Event handlers

# Target Label Mouse Down handler:
# - Capture the mouse, set the cursor to the target cursor, and remove
#   the icon from the label
sub mouseDown{
  my $label = shift;



# Target Label Mouse Up handler:
# - If the label has captured the mouse (should have done in the
#   mouse down handler), then release capture, set the label icon
#   and set the fact that we're no longer over a window
# - Force a redraw of all windows, in case we got any of our
#   drawing wrong.
sub mouseUp{
  return unless Win32::GUI::GetCapture();

  my $label = shift;

  $curHwnd = 0;

  # redraw everything 

[perl-win32-gui-users] Re: [Vertical Slider?

2005-08-22 Thread Robert May

Jason P. wrote:

Steven Lloyd wrote:

I know that a horizontal slider can by created but is there a way to 
create a vertical slider control using Win32::GUI?  Does AddSlider 
have such an option?

Steve Lloyd


snatched from Splitter.xs

Or possibly, -vertical = 1 See Win32::GUI::Slider docs at

[Splitters and Sliders aren't the same thing!  The XS code for a slider 
can be found in Trackbar.xs]


Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] Continued Window Background Color Problems

2005-08-22 Thread Robert May

Brian Fredette wrote:

I read in the group there was a bug submitted regarding the setting of
window background colors

I'm still having this problem but the bug tracker says the problem has
been fixed.  What do I need to do to correct this issue?

This is probably a good opportunity to let you all know how I am trying 
to use the tracker system for bugs and enhancements:

(1) If the tracker has been assigned to someone, then that person is 
(probably) looking at the issue.  If the issue is unassigned, then 
chances are we're not looking at it currently.

(2) Once I have a potential fix for an issue, I'm putting the fix into 
the CVS source tree (so that it stands a chance of running in a few 
different environments), marking the issue as fixed and lowering the 

(3) Once we have a release containing the fix, then I'll close the tracker.

So, in this specific case, the fact that the tracker is marked as fixed 
means there is a fix in CVS, but the fact that the tracker is still open 
 means that the fix is not in a release yet.


Re: [win32gui] Re: [perl-win32-gui-users] SW_SHOWNA and SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE

2005-08-23 Thread Robert May

Jason P. wrote:

Jeremy White wrote:
Sometimes it fires the Activate, sometimes it doesnt...odd, and 
annoying to have it grab the cursor away, if only for brief moments, 
It can stop you typing at just the right time..

Very interesting example. I checked that the win32-gui show method is 
passing the correct parameters to the MS API function ShowWindow - and 
it is, so the problem is not there. The only thing I can think of is 
when you are manipulating the window one of the methods is somehow 
performing an implicit activate?

From looking at the code both Move() and Resize() use SetWindowPos 
without setting SWP_NOACTIVATE, so both calls will result in the window 
being activated. (If I understand the interaction between not using 
SWP_NOACTIVATE and using SWP_NOZORDER, which isn't exactly clear)

I came accross the AnimateWindow function:

That's definitely the way to go from what I have read (although I have 
never used it)

It appears that it is being called when I reset the size and position 
after hiding, and then again when the forced animation begins collapsing 
it down. Activate is not called again while it is collapsing, but then 
it already has active and focus while its doing this operation at high 

My thoughts are that it is somewhere doing this in the size and or 
location algorithms.

Both I believe.

While I have your ear regarding fancy features... Do you know of the 
method to display those little Tooltip messages that windows uses?

I'm not aware of perlTray (that you refer to in your other mail) - do 
you mean balloon tooltips?  The ones that pop up looking like a speech 
balloon above the taskbar, sometimes with an icon in them?   I seem to 
remember stumbling across some threads discussing this on the list - a 
search of the list archives might be in order?


Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] AddSlider Sample

2005-08-24 Thread Robert May

Steven Lloyd wrote:
For what it is worth, here is an example of horizontal and vertical 

Feel free to add this to the samples if you would like.

Thanks - will do.

Min, Max, and Pos do not seem to work when sent as attributes on slider
creation but work if set afterward. Any ideas why?

I've noticed this too.  Simple answer is that they are not supported 
options for the new() method.  If you'd like them added, raise a RFE 
tracker, and I'll look into it.


Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] Tooltip once again

2005-08-24 Thread Robert May

Dominik wrote:
i dont get it.. is there one example how to use a simple tooltip - not 
using the -tip = text option but creating a Win32::GUI::Tooltip 
object somewhere around?
I am searching a way to display a tracking multiline tooltip from 
one of my events ( a hooked WM_HELP after clicking the helpbutton ) at 
GetCursorPos coordinates...

Hi Dominik,

I had a look at the tooltip class for the first time this-evening. 
After reading all the MSDN docs, I think I've got to grips with them, 
but they are pretty complex beasts.

For multi-line tooltips you MUST set a maximum width.

The example attached shows a couple of ways of setting the tools for a 
tooltip control and a couple of ways of setting the text.  I haven't the 
time to look at a tracking example right now but here's the basic principle:
(1) Add the tool to the tooltip control with the TTF_TRACK and 
TTF_ABSOLUTE options (-track = 1, -absolute = 1).  You won't need to 
-subclass = 1 option due to (2) and (3) below.
(2) Your application become responsible for when to display and hide the 
tooltip, using the TrackActivate() method.
(3) Your application becomes responsible for setting the tooltip 
position with the TrackPosition() method (probably in a mouse move handler)

You can read all about tooltips and their related tools on msdn at:

Hope this helps.


#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI;

my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window-new(
-name = MW,
-title = Tooltip test,
-size = [400,300],
) or die Failed to create MW;

my $edit = $mw-AddTextfield(
-name = TF,
-pos = [100,100],
-size= [100, 20],
) or die Failed to create TF;

my $tip = Win32::GUI::Tooltip-new(
-name = TT,
-pushexstyle = WS_EX_TOPMOST, # You might get away without this
	-onNeedText = \tooltext, # call to get text for tools with 
'needtext' option

) or die Failed to create TT;

# You need to set a maximum width to use multi-line
# tooltips.  The tip will automatically wrap at this
# width, or you can force a line-break with \r\n

# When adding tools, -subclass = 1 is needed, unless
# you want to have to pass mouse messages to the tooltip
# control yourself.

# Add a tool, specifying id and a client area
# rectangle
-text = Some long tip that will wrap\r\nMain Window,
-subclass = 1,
-id = 0,
-rect = [ $mw-GetClientRect() ],

# Add a tool, specifying a child window, and specifying
# that we'll return the text from a -onNeedText handler
# (required for multi-line tooltips).
-needtext = 1,
-subclass = 1,
-window = $edit,


# This sub is called when our tooltip needs to get text
# for a tool.  The tool is identified by the $idFrom
# parameter, but as we've used both mechanisms for
# specifying the tools in this example (by window handle and
# by rect with an id), then we have no way to tell
# whether $idFrom contains a window handle or an id.
sub tooltext
my $self = shift;# perl tooltip object
my $idFrom = shift;  # either a window handle or control identifier,
 # but we can't tell which!

my $text = Some text\r\nSome more text;

return ($text, 0);
# You need to return a list of a text string
# and your result code, otherwise you stand a good
# chance of causing a crash (try returning just the string)

Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] Tooltip once again

2005-08-25 Thread Robert May

Jason P. wrote:

Robert May wrote:

In the example provided, and all my further tests, using the subclass 
option provides inaccurate location for the automated placement. Try 
moving the window down a ways. You will find you need to expand the window.

It looks like the subclass option is using screen x,y vs where it should 
be using window x,y. More likely the conversion was not realized 
somewhere in the code, as I doubt anyone did this intentionally.

I noticed this (and the report in your earlier post of the tooltip
window appearing under the textfield), but didn't have time to
investigate yesterday.  It turns out that the co-ordinates are bing sent
correctly, but that the control is being created incorrectly as a child
winodow (hence expects its co-ordinates relative to it's parent's client
area) when it should be a top-level owned window.  I've raised a
tracker, and will fix in the next release.

And I hate to be a pain, but I can't get my head around how to use the 
TrackActivate and TrackPosition methods appropriately.

OK, as I was interested in seeing this work too, here's an example. 
There may well be easier ways to achieve this.


#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI;

sub TME_LEAVE() {2};
sub OFFSET_X()  {16};
sub OFFSET_Y()  {16};

my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window-new(
-name = MW,
-title = Tracking Tooltip,
-size = [400,300],
-onMouseMove = \displayTooltip,
-onMouseOut = \hideTooltip,
) or die Failed to create MW;

my $tip = Win32::GUI::Tooltip-new(
-name = TT,
-pushexstyle = WS_EX_TOPMOST, # You might get away without this
) or die Failed to create TT;

# Add a tool, specifying id and a client area
# rectangle
-text = ,
-id = 1001,
-rect = [ $mw-GetClientRect() ],
-track = 1,
-absolute = 1,


sub displayTooltip
my ($win, $cx, $cy) = @_;  # x,y in client co-ordinates

# Take into account that client co-ordinates can be negative,
# the need to do this will go when tracker 1262098 is fixed
$cx -= 65536 if $cx  32767;
$cy -= 65536 if $cy  32767;

# convert pos to screen co-ordinates
my ($sx, $sy) = $win-ClientToScreen($cx, $cy);

# Update the tip text to the co-ordinates of the mouse
$win-{TT}-UpdateTipText(1001,Screen:$sx,$sy Client:$cx,$cy);

# Update tooltip position to an offset from the mouse position
$win-{TT}-TrackPosition($cx + OFFSET_X, $cy + OFFSET_Y);
 # TODO: will need to be $sx, $sy when tracker
 # 1273134 is fixed

# Show the tooltip

# Set up mouse tracking so we get an onMouseOut event when we
# leave the window
$win-TrackMouse(0, TME_LEAVE);


sub hideTooltip
my ($win) = @_;

# Hide the tooltip


Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] Tooltip once again

2005-08-25 Thread Robert May

Dominik wrote:

one question though:
is it possible to have the tips being showed also outside of my 
main-window (f.e. if the mouse is near the windowboarder)?

You'll get that with the fix to the creation styles that I just put into 
CVS.  Currently the addition of the WS_CHILD style to the tooltip 
control results it it getting clipped to its parent window.  Without 
this style it will be a true top-level window and can be drawn anywhere 
on the screen.

If you need it now, and can build from source, then grab the latest code 
from CVS.  If this is not an option, then you'll have to wait for V1.03.

Also when working with the WM_HELP msg - there is all the info available 
inside the passed HELPINFO structure within lParam. things like iCtrlId, 
hItemHandle, dwContextId and POINT struct with cursor pos
So I have to learn pack and unpack on c-structs very soon - your example 
from the DC used for customdrawn Toolbar discussion put me on that 
track.. ;)

If you think it would be useful to have native support for WM_HELP 
messages, then please raise an RFE tracker.

Good luck!

Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] Textfield - insert at cursor

2005-08-26 Thread Robert May
The ReplaceSel() method replaces the current selection.  If there is no 
current selection, the replacement text is inserted at the location of 
the caret.  More at:

The MSDN control overviews always make good reading.  For edit control's 
find it at:


Steven Lloyd wrote:
Is there a way with a textfield to insert text at the current cursor 

The cursor may be anywhere in the existing text



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Perl-Win32-GUI-Users mailing list

Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] Win32::GUI::MessageBox with a timer?

2005-09-02 Thread Robert May

Lloyd, Steve wrote:

Does anyone know how I can call Win32::GUI::MessageBox and have it close
after a certain number of seconds?
Is this possible?

Not easily.  MessageBoxes use their own internal message loop, so your 
application doesn't get to see events (including timer ones) while the 
message box is displayed.   If you really wanted to you could probably 
do something with SetWindowsHookEx()

but you'd need to use Win32::API and Win32::API::Callback;  it would be 
easier to implementing your own Modal Dialog to display the message that 
you're currently using MessageBoxes for.

Robert May
Win32::GUI, a perl extension for native Win32 applications

Re: [win32gui] RE: [perl-win32-gui-users] Win32::Gui built-in functions?

2005-09-02 Thread Robert May

Jeremy White wrote:
There are quite a few Win32::GUI functions like 
Win32::GUI::GetOpenFileName that are built in but not listed on

Or, evem more precisely:

I hope to have some search capability on the site before long.  In the 
meantime, googling with the added keywords is a pretty good way of finding things:


Re: [perl-win32-gui-users] CVS/Nightly builds?

2005-09-13 Thread Robert May

Antony Baxter wrote:


Is it possible to get hold of nightly builds of
Win32::GUI from CVS?

Not currently, but it is on my (ever extending) list of things to think 

I don't have VC++6 and am having all sorts of problems
building it with 
VC++7 (and given the warnings in the README, wasn't
that confident of it 
working anyway!).

I'd be interested in hearing a bit more about your experience of trying 
to build with VC++7 - I've successfully built with the freely 
downloadable version (although you have to jump through some hoops), and 
haven't had any problems related to the different versions of msvcrt.dll 
(although I can't claim to have done any extensive testing).

I would build it/use it with Cygwin, but I'm unable to
compile Win32::GUI::DIBitmap for Cygwin.

Sorry, can't help there.

As Jez suggests, the build with mingw and Extutils::FakeConfig is 
relatively straightforward, once you've determined which mingw packages 
you need - just ensure you install mingw before Extutils::FakeConfig, 
and install Extutils::FakeConfig from source rather than from the 
activestate ppm, so that the install builds the perl link libraries that 
will be needed.

Let us know if you need any further help - and failing everything I hope 
to get around to a new release in the next couple of weeks.


Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] Using the Win32::GUI::RichEdit Control

2005-09-13 Thread Robert May

Steven Lloyd wrote:
Can anyone show me how to do any of the following in a 
Win32::GUI::RichEdit Control?

- Insert an image
No idea, but probably not possible with Richedit V1.0 which Win32::GUI 
uses by default. IIRC OLE support was a Richedit V2.0 feature.

- Bold or underline the selected text

-bold = 1
-underline = 1
Documentation has been added to RichEdit.xs in CVS.

- Center the line or the selected text

-align = 'center'
Is the closest I can think of.

- show the cut, copy, paste context menu when text is selected...

I think this needs Richedit V2.0  You can try adding
-class = 'RichEdit20A'
to your constructor. (I can't test this, as I'm at a Win98 box now, and 
Win98 does not support the context menus for RichEdit/Edit controls at 
all - I think you need Win2K and higher, but could be wrong)


[perl-win32-gui-users] Re: Centering Win32::GUI::GetOpenFileName Dialog Box

2005-09-27 Thread Robert May

Rob wrote:
 Does anyone know how I could center my
 Win32::GUI::GetOpenFileName dialog
 box in my window

Ariel Serbin wrote:

It would be very nice to
be able to have that dialog default to the thumbnail

Brian wrote:
 Win32::GUI::GetOpenFileName is a hook into a Windows
 system resource, it is not a Win32::GUI object over
 which you have control.  You (the programmer) can't
 size it or position it at all.  The system will
 position it every time and, to the best of my
 knowledge, the system places it exactly where the
 user left it the last time they called it up -- with
 any program, not just your Win32::GUI application.

Close.  GetOpenFileName() is a function that displays a system dialog 
(from comdlg32.dll).  Other 'common' dialogs are font choosers, color 
pickers etc. - you know, all those 'standard' dialogs.

These dialogs are just windows, and if you can get the windows handle to 
them, you can manipulate them just like any other window (OK, this is a 
big generalisation, but is in, er, general, true).

All the common dialogs also (at the Win32 api level) provide 
hooks(callbacks) just for this purpose (for example see the 
GetOpenFileName() documentation at
and look for the description of OFNHookProc).  These callbacks are not 
supported by Win32::GUI (but could be), and would be the 'correct' way 
to do what you are trying to do.  However, as with most perl and Win32 
api things, TIMTOWTDI (There Is More Than One Way To Do It).

For example, in the code below I take advantage of the fact that when 
the dialog is shown, it deactivates the main window;  as a result of 
this the main window is sent a WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGE message (as it's 
z-order changes), and one of the parameters passed in this message is 
the handle to the window that is becoming active: the handle to the 
dialog - we can then use that to get the size, and set the position of 
the dialog.   There is one problem that I haven't had the time to solve, 
and that's how to modify the logic, so that the dialog doesn't get 
forced to be centered on the main window regardless - try dragging it, 
and see how it 'snaps' back with this code.

I haven't tested this, but replacing the moving code below with code to 
find the handle to the lsitview (using FindWindow()?), and then using a 
SendMessage call, using the values from figure 5 in the link above 
should set the view to what you want.

Hope this helps.  Please post back if you successfully solve any of the 
remaining problems.


#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI;

sub SWP_NOACTIVATE()   {16}

my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window-new(
-title = GetOpenFileName Test,
-pos   = [100,100],
-size  = [400,300],
$mw-Hook(WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING, \PosChanging);

-text= Browse ...,
-pos = [10,10],
-onClick = \Browse,


sub Browse
-owner = $mw,


sub PosChanging
my ($object, $wParam, $lParam, $type, $msgcode) = @_;
return unless $type == 0;
return unless $msgcode == WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING;

# unpack WINDOWPOS structure

my($hwnd, $hwndInsertAfter, $x, $y, $cx, $cy, $flags) =
unpack(LLI, unpack(P28, pack(L,$lParam)));

# check that it's us (this is probably not necessary)
return unless $hwnd == $object-{-handle};

# check that the handle in $hwndInsertAfter is for the Open File dialog:
# here I test the window caption, but you might need something more 
return unless Win32::GUI::Text($hwndInsertAfter) eq Open;

# only interested in doing something if we're being de-activated
# for the first time: this test needs enhancing, so that dragging
# the dialog works, and we don't move it back to the center when we
# release the mouse
return unless $flags  SWP_NOACTIVATE;

# modify the Dialog (center it on the main window):
	my $sx = $mw-Left() + ($mw-Width() - 
	my $sy = $mw-Top() + ($mw-Height() - 

Win32::GUI::Move($hwndInsertAfter, $sx, $sy);

# set the view:
# from
# 0x7029Icons
# 0x702BList
# 0x702CDetails
# 0x702DThumbnails
# 0x702ETiles

# Find the listview 

Re: [win32gui] Re: [perl-win32-gui-users] Re: Centering Win32::GUI::GetOpenFileName Dialog Box

2005-09-29 Thread Robert May

Ariel Serbin wrote:

1. Win32::GUI::FindWindow only finds top level windows
(which is what it says in the docs.)

The docs are correct!  I was thinking of FindWindowEx, which is not in 

I had to install
Win32::GuiTest to get the handle of the listview
control in the Open dialog.

There's some code below to show a way of walking the window
hierarchy using GetWindow() - although EnumChildWindows() is safer 
according to msdn.

2. The event in that example is fired when the file
open dialog opens, however GuiTest's FindWindowLike
function doesn't seem to be finding the control at
that point.  When I click on the dialog, the event
fires again and it finds the control.

It appears that the dialog has not finished initialising the first time 
the dialog sends the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING message.  There is another 
message sent by the dialog: WM_ENTERIDLE, which is sent every time the 
dialog's message loop finishes processing all the messages in its queue. 
 By Hook()ing that message, we get to do our processing after 
everything is initialised fully.

I've also moved the Hook() call to just before we do the 
GetOpenFileName() call, and I UnHook() the message as soon as we see one 
- this ensures that we only position the dialog and set the view mode 
once each time we display it. (UnHook() causes a warning on my perl 
5.8.7, Win32::GUI 1.02 - I raised a tracker for this some time ago). [If 
the warnings irritate you, then a similar effect could be achieved with 
a global variable set to 0 in the Browse function, and set to 1 in the 
Idle function, with a test at the start of the Idle function.]


#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI;

sub WM_ENTERIDLE() {289}
sub SWP_NOACTIVATE()   {16}
sub MSGF_DIALOGBOX()   {0}

my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window-new(
-title = GetOpenFileName Test,
-pos   = [100,100],
-size  = [400,300],

-text= Browse ...,
-pos = [10,10],
-onClick = \Browse,


sub Browse
$mw-Hook(WM_ENTERIDLE, \Idle);
-owner = $mw,


sub Idle
print Idle hook\n;
$mw-UnHook(WM_ENTERIDLE); # ensure this hook doesn't get called again

my ($object, $wParam, $lParam, $type, $msgcode) = @_;
return unless $type == 0;
return unless $msgcode == WM_ENTERIDLE;

# check the message came from a dialog box
return unless $wParam == MSGF_DIALOGBOX;

	# check that the dialog window handle in $lParam is for the Open File 

# here I test the window caption, but you might need something more 
return unless Win32::GUI::Text($lParam) eq Open;

# modify the Dialog (center it on the main window):
my $sx = $mw-Left() + ($mw-Width() - Win32::GUI::Width($lParam))/2;
my $sy = $mw-Top() + ($mw-Height() - Win32::GUI::Height($lParam))/2;
Win32::GUI::Move($lParam, $sx, $sy);

	# Walk the child windows of the open dialog to find the 
SHELLDLL_DefView window:

my $phwnd = $lParam;
my $mode = GW_CHILD;  # Initially find the first child of the dialog 
while(my $chwnd = Win32::GUI::GetWindow($phwnd, $mode)) {
if (Win32::GUI::GetClassName($chwnd) eq SHELLDLL_DefView) {
# set the view:
# from
# 0x7029Icons
# 0x702BList
# 0x702CDetails
# 0x702DThumbnails
# 0x702ETiles
Win32::GUI::SendMessage($chwnd, WM_COMMAND, 0x702C, 0);
last;  # we found it
$mode = GW_HWNDNEXT; # and walk the rest of the dialog's 
$phwnd = $chwnd;


[perl-win32-gui-users] Re: Attaching to a window created by some other application

2005-10-06 Thread Robert May

Piotr Kaluski wrote:

I am one of developers of Win32::GuiTest library. It is a module for GUI
test automation. I am actually pretty impressed with all the great work
you have done. Using your module should free us from writing some
functions ourselves.
I have one question. My impression is, that your library is object
oriented and it assumes, that a script using it has actually created all
windows it manipulates. Is it possible to attach to a window/control
created by some other application? Say I have a handle of a main window of
Windows calculator. How do I turn it into Win::GUI object?

Firstly I'd like to iterate Jeremy's reply that most of the method calls 
 in Win32::GUI (and especially the ones that have underlying w32api 
calls that operate on handles) are overloaded, so that they can be 
called statically with an extra first parameter that is a window handle, 
so Win32::GUI is not limited to working with objects that it created 
itself.  At the bottom is a (rather messy and hastily thrown together) 
script that enumerates the windows you have on your desktop, and allows 
you to minimise/restore then, showing how this can be done.   This usage 
is also touched on in Part 1 of the tutorial 

It is an interesting time for this conversation to come up, as we have 
been touching the subject of testing on the hackers list a few times in 
recent months, and if you were to look in the TODO file in CVS you would 
see that I added a comment yesterday that I was leaning towards a 
Win32::GUI::Test package.  I have not discussed my reasoning yet (and my 
position is still forming) but I'll try to outline my thinking.  Please 
bear in mind that I haven't given Win32::GuiTest more than a cursory 
glance yet, and that nothing is set in stone.

(1) As a Win32::GUI developer I am primarily looking at a package that 
will simplify writing tests for the Win32::GUI distribution.  That said, 
our users would almost certainly benefit from a well written test 
package for testing their own applications.

(2) Whatever package we end up with must be readily usable within the 
standard perl test framework:  this means being able to write tests that 
run under the Test::Harness framework, and can be invoked using 'make 
test' and 'prove'.

(3) I'd prefer not to have to make an external package a pre-requsite 
for building and testing Win32::GUI - but will continue to consider it 
as I have no desire to re-generate good work that has already been done 
by someone else.  I would be very interested in seeing a list of the 
win32api functions that Win32::GuiTest uses, so that we could see how 
much we would need to add to Win32::GUI to get the same functionality. 
As Ariel points out in his reply there are certainly calls missing from 
Win32::GUI - things that I am sure we would need that spring to mind are 
EnumWindows, EnumChildWindows and FindWindowEx - but these and others 
really should be in Win32::GUI, so I'd have no problems adding them.

So, from a Win32:GUI point of view I would think that building 
Win32::Gui::Test on top of the existing Win32::GUI framework makes a lot 
of sense.  From a Win32::GuiTest point of view I think there needs to be 
some thought as to whether having it installable as a separate module, 
without Win32::GUI makes sense - as has already been mentioned, 
Win32::GUI is not a small download, and may be rather heavy-weight for 
someone looking for a test framework to test Win32 paps built in other 


#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI;

my $winInfo;
my $selHwnd = 0;

my $mw = Win32::GUI::DialogBox-new(
-title = $0,
-pos   = [100,100],
-size  = [300,100],
-helpbutton  = 0,

my $c = $mw-AddCombobox(
-pos  = [10,10],
-size = [$mw-ScaleWidth()-20,100],
-sort = 1,
-vscroll  = 1,
-onChange = \Select,
-dropdownlist = 1,

-text= Refresh,
-pos = [10, $mw-ScaleHeight()-30],
-size= [60,20],
-onClick = sub {populateCombo($c); 0;},

my $b = $mw-AddButton(
-text= Minimize,
-pos = [$mw-ScaleWidth()-70, $mw-ScaleHeight()-30],
-size= [60,20],
-onClick = \Action,


sub populateCombo
my $c = shift;

$selHwnd = 0;
$winInfo = WindowList();

for my $w (keys %$winInfo) {

sub WindowList
my %windows;

# walk all the top level windows (immediate children of desktop):
my $hwnd = Win32::GUI::GetDesktopWindow();
my $mode = GW_CHILD;
while( $hwnd = Win32::GUI::GetWindow($hwnd, $mode) ) {
$mode = GW_HWNDNEXT;

[perl-win32-gui-users] Perl versions earlier than 5.6.1

2005-10-06 Thread Robert May

Is anyone using Win32::GUI with any Perl version earlier than 5.6.1

I am considering officially dropping support for earlier versions, and 
so this is your chance to tell me if that will cause you problems.

Robert May
Win32::GUI, a perl extension for native Win32 applications

[perl-win32-gui-users] Re: Merging Win32::GUI and Win32::GuiTest

2005-10-07 Thread Robert May

Piotr Kaluski wrote:

1. Win32::GUI team has a look on what is implemented in Win32::GuiTest.
Have a look on the manual. It is up to date: .
The source code is available at

I'll certainly have a look, but it may be a couple of weeks before I get 
the time to do this.

2. We figure out what is already available and what has to be ported to
Win32::GUI (remember about interprocess boundary problems, see the manual,
Advanced tutorial).

Seems reasonable.

3. Win32::GUI team ads new functions to their module.

I think there is a decision to be made between steps 2 and 3.  Another 
possibility would be for the Win32::GuiTest team to take on the 
responsibility for development of Win32::GUI::Test, possibly even as a 
separate project, and just use Win32::GUI.  It sounds like you don't 
have much development effort in your group - I'm not sure that we have a 
whole lot here either.  But let's wait and see how much work we think is 

  Just one more think. I believe this discussion is important, since 
it may

have serious impact in both components. Therefore I suggest that we submit
all posts to the list and we
avoid e-mails sent to individual people directly. It will help others to
follow the progress of the discussion.

I would suggest moving this discussion to the hackers list which is much 
more suited for development issues (You will need to subscribe if you 
have not already).  I have set 'Reply-To: 


[perl-win32-gui-users] Re: Attaching to a window created by some other

2005-10-07 Thread Robert May

Jeremy White wrote:
Coincidentally, I've been working on a similar problem and was very 

For example:

my $win=Win32::GUI::Window::CreateFromHandle($handle);
$win-Show; #no problem
$win-Hide; #no problem
$win-SomeControl-Show(); #how would we know a control called 
'SomeContol' exists?

A control called 'SomeControl' doesn't exist if this is window created 
outside Win32::GUI.  Navigating the window tree can't be done like this.

You could already do something like this (untested):

my $win = { -handle = 1234 };
bless $win, Win32::GUI::Window; # or other appropriate class
$win-Move( ... ) etc.

You'll need to make sure the you do

$win-{-handle} = undef;

Before $win goes out of scope, to avoid calling the destructor; 
although if you're in a different thread to the one that created the 
window the DestroyWindow docs say 'A thread cannot use DestroyWindow to 
destroy a window created by a different thread' - but don't say what 
happens if you try.


[perl-win32-gui-users] Re: how to get filename of drag-n-dropped file?

2005-10-11 Thread Robert May

Jason P. wrote:

Johan Lindstrom wrote:

At 12:27 2005-10-11, Pavel Prostine wrote:

Hello perl-win32-gui-users

is it possible to get name of drag-and-dropped file(s) which I pull from
Windows Explorer and drop on Win32-Gui window?


I think (but I'm not sure) that the needed events are present in 
Win32::GUI nowadays (so you don't need the XS patch), and possibly the 
methods also.

I am fairly certain the XS patch is unneeded as I have not patched my XS :p

Just use the PM and have at.

Ps- be careful and check the incoming value!

The XS patch is not needed, we looked at this on the list sometime back 
in July.

I have created an RFE to add the APIs to Win32::GUI, so that we can do 
this in the future without Win32::API


[perl-win32-gui-users] ANNOUNCE: New Mailing List

2005-10-14 Thread Robert May

There is a new mailing list available:

It is available for anyone to subscribe to, and is a read-only list that 
provides details of commits made to the Win32-GUI CVS repository.

Subscribe at

Robert May
Win32::GUI, a perl extension for native Win32 applications

[perl-win32-gui-users] Web Site Updated

2005-10-14 Thread Robert May

I've just performed an overhaul on the website.

(1) All the documentation has moved location.  Old URLs should redirect 
to the new ones.

(2) There is a search capability that searches the pages of the site. 
If it doesn't return what you are looking for, then there is a 
customised google search available from the search results page - so 
give that a go.

(3) There is a Wiki available.  Follow the Wiki link in the navigation 
menu.  There's pretty much no content on it right now, but it's a place 
where you can make a contribution.  Let your fingers do the talking :-) 
If you use RSS, then you can pick up edits to the wiki from an RSS feed 
- you'll find the link on the Home page.

Otherwise you should recognise it pretty much as before.

Please take a look:

Robert May
Win32::GUI, a perl extension for native Win32 applications

Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] Treeview CreateDragImage

2005-10-18 Thread Robert May

Jason P. wrote:
I have been playing with drag/drop of treeview items and now have a 
rather slight bit of grievance to clear up:

when CreateDragImage is called, it returns the handle, but NOT the 
actual object. If there is a simple way to create/find the object from 
the handle, I suppose I could take that route, but others may not be 
able to make use of this.

** after draft edit**

The handle can be used with class methods to create the appropriate 
actions. All the same, I suppose it might be nice to clarify to other 
users how this works and/or provide an object for them to work with.

I shall provide an example in the near future, as part of a whole.

Jason P.

There's a demo of this for ListView in the samples folder - I don't 
remember, but I think I posted it to the list a couple of months back.

Robert May
Win32::GUI, a perl extension for native Win32 applications

Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] Mouse Events Problems

2005-10-18 Thread Robert May

Jason P. wrote:
Spawned from  [perl-win32-gui-users] How to do While MouseDown, Move 


While we're on the subject of these events I'd like to point out that on 
WinXP SP2/ AS Perl 5.8.7, MRightUp is apparently not firing at all times.

If given a fair (say, 1 second) time span, it will indeed fire.
If you are fast with your optical mouse, it may not fire at all, leaving 
you with a constantly stuck down state.

Although it RightClick will always fire.

Hmm... Anyone else have this problem?

Jason P

I've not seen it on Win98 or Wink, but don't have XP.

Robert May
Win32::GUI, a perl extension for native Win32 applications

Re: [win32gui] RE: [perl-win32-gui-users] Next Release soon

2005-10-18 Thread Robert May

Glenn W Munroe wrote:


I just downloaded the 5.8 PPM from your site. It failed a new dependency
check for Test::More. This module is available on CPAN, but not on the
ActiveState repository. I had a quick look through the code and couldn't
find where it was used; could it be a hangover from some testing you were
doing? Is the dependency meant to be there? Is it really necessary? I've a
feeling that many people will give up when they can't find the module in the
ActiveState repository...

Thanks for that spot.  I didn't see it as I have Test::More installed - 
I a bit surprised it's not in the AS repository, but it should be 
removed from the PPM dependencies, as it's only needed to run the tests 
if you're building from source.

I'll fix it before the real release.


Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] TreeView - No DoubleClick Event

2005-10-18 Thread Robert May

Eric Hansen wrote:
But I still don't see a Double CLick event for TreeView nodes.  This is 
greatly needed.

How about this:

#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI;

my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window-new(
-title = terminate test,
-pos = [100,100],
-size = [400,300],

my $tv = $mw-AddTreeView(
  -size = [100,100],
  -lines = 1,
  -rootlines = 1,
  -buttons   = 1,
  -checkboxes = 0,
  -onMouseDblClick = \tvDblClick,

my $root = $tv-InsertItem(
-text = Parent,
-indent = 1,

-parent = $root,
-text = Child 1

-parent = $root,
-text = Child 2


sub tvDblClick
my ($self, $x, $y) = @_; # x,y in client co-ordinates

my $node = $self-HitTest($x,$y);

if($node != 0) {
my %info = $self-GetItem($node);
print Mouse Dbl Click ($node: $info{-text})\n;


Robert May
Win32::GUI, a perl extension for native Win32 applications

Re: [perl-win32-gui-users] NotifyIcons with Balloon Tips (Win2k/XP -not-9x)

2005-10-19 Thread Robert May


Thanks for the code.  If this is something that you'd like to see added, 
then please raise a RFE at

We'll need to do something to prevent these options killing Win9x boxes, 
but I'll be happy to have a look for a future release.


Jason P. wrote:
I found this in my draft box from a month or so ago, and thought those 
involved in the upcoming release might be interested (or not) in seeing it.

Jason P.
-Original Message-

I cant be perfectly sure of the definition of the NOTIFYICONDATA 
structure in place on the sources as of 1.02, but I believe the ability 
for the NIF_INFO flag to take effect is not there. That would mean the 
the szInfo / szInfoTitle / dwInfoFlags / [uTimeout/uVersion] are not 

I believe [I can't be sure because I haven't done any XS coding before] 
that the following additions to GUI_Options.cpp [circa line 910 as of 
1.02 release source] will enable this use after the NOTIFYICONDATA is 

   } else if(strncmp(option, -balloon, 8) == 0) { //begin 

   next_i = i + 1;

   SwitchBit(nid-uFlags, NIF_INFO, 1);
   } else if(strncmp(option, -btinfo, 10) == 0) {
   next_i = i + 1;

   strcpy(nid-szInfo, SvPV_nolen(ST(next_i)));
   SwitchBit(nid-uFlags, NIF_INFO, 1);
   } else if(strncmp(option, -bttitle, 10) == 0) {
   next_i = i + 1;

   strcpy(nid-szInfoTitle, SvPV_nolen(ST(next_i)));
   SwitchBit(nid-uFlags, NIF_INFO, 1);
   } else if(strncmp(option, -bttimeout, 10) == 0) {
   next_i = i + 1;

   nid-uTimeout = (UINT) SvIV(ST(next_i));
   } else if(strncmp(option, -bticon, 10) == 0) {
   next_i = i + 1;

   nid-dwInfoFlags = SvIV(ST(next_i));
   } //end addition

It is possible that MinGW and/or Cygwin dont support the additions in 
shell32.dll version 5+. And it is also obviously an issue that these 
features would be useless for Win9x boxes.

The structure as per MSDN: 

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Perl-Win32-GUI-Users mailing list

Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] Toolbar style contants

2005-10-30 Thread Robert May

Chris Wearn wrote:

Hi All,

Have just downgraded and recompiled latest Win32-GUI from CVS using VC6.

Now I get an error can't find TBSTYLE_EX_MIXEDBUTTONS in package blah

The same if I run the demo that Rob May posted to the group
when experimenting with all the options.

Is this something that is missing from Win32-GUI?

How do I get around this... use constant  or something.



Hi Chris,

Do you have a short example that exhibits the problem?  I can't 
duplicate it:

#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI;

print Win32::GUI version: $Win32::GUI::VERSION\n;


Produces (the same for both Perl 5.6.1 and 5.8.7):

Win32::GUI version: 1.0202

Does TBSTYLE_EX_MIXEDBUTTONS have a definition in your commctrl.h file?


Re: [win32gui] RE: [perl-win32-gui-users] Next Release soon

2005-10-30 Thread Robert May
 changes to the 
timer code that Reini made when he put his tests together, but I can't 
immediately see anything that would cause this.

Typically when I see errors like that it turns out to be a mis-spelled 
method call or window name, but if that was the case I would expect it 
to fail in 1.01_01 too.

If you can't get a short example to exhibit this problem, can you post 
the exact error message that you're getting.

Robert May
Win32::GUI, a perl extension for native Win32 applications

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Perl-Win32-GUI-Users mailing list

Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] Toolbar style contants

2005-10-31 Thread Robert May

Chris Wearn wrote:

Hi Rob,

Have checked my commctrl.h file and it is dated 1998 and stated as being

The includes are directly from installing VS98 and SP6

The header file IS missing TBSTYLE_EX_MIXEDBUTTONS. If I define it:

#define TBSTYLE_EX_MIXEDBUTTONS 0x0008 and re-compile, it then
protests that it is missing BTNS_SHOWTEXT.

Clearly the commctrl.h file is out of date. I was under the impression
you were using the same compiler. Can the include headers from .NET be
used. If not how do you update the headers (and what other resources
need to be updated).

I am indeed using the VC 6 compiler, but I am pointing it at the header 
files from the latest Platform SDK.

The latest SDK can be downloaded from MS at:

I downloaded the ISO image (~400MB) and burned a CD, but there are other 
options - see links on the page.

You then need to set up your environment variables (INCLUDE and LIB) to 
point to the correct SDK directories before the VC98 directories.

I tried the Win32api includes from MinGW, however BTNS_SHOWTEXT was not
found in commctrl.h from MinGW either.

What version of MinGW headers?  Latest is 3.2 (look in w32api.h to find 
your current version), and that has it defined.

An example that exhibits this is the script you sent me

There are 2 ways to deal with this:
(1) Upgrade to the latest headers
(2) Add code like

#define  Y

to GUI.h.  My preference would be not to bloat GUI.h

(3) Add code like

sub () {Y}

to the start of your script - although you might have to turn off 
warnings to avoid message about redefinition of function calls (untested)

I think Jez is in the same boat, as he couldn't run the script either,
the other day without the same error.

I know from previous discussions with Jez that he's using quite an old 
MinGW build.

Robert May
Win32::GUI, a perl extension for native Win32 applications

Re: [win32gui] [perl-win32-gui-users] Extened windows style

2005-11-02 Thread Robert May

I'm trying to create a window that will show up on the right side of my 
screen and always be visible.

$MainWin = new Win32::GUI::Window(
 -name = MainWin,
 -pos = [1240,0],
 -size = [40,990],
 -maxsize = [40,990],
 -minsize = [40,990],

You probably mean
-topmost = 1,
-toolwindow = 1,
is easier.


The problem I'm having is that when I maximize the window of any other 
application it has part of it hidden by this window, usually the scroll 
bar.  Is there an option to set so that anytime I maximize another 
window it will take up the entire screen minus this window?

I'm sure there is, but don't know how myself.  Perhaps someone else can 
shed some light?

Robert May
Win32::GUI, a perl extension for native Win32 applications

Re: [perl-win32-gui-users] Toolbar style contants

2005-11-02 Thread Robert May

Chris Wearn wrote:

What version of the Platform SDK are you using Rob?

Win2003 sp1, downloaded in June of this year.

I do remember having to play with removing a few of the new SDK tools 
(nmake for example) as the new ones don't play well with W98, but I'm 
afraid that I don't have any notes on anything else I may have done.

If you post the error messages you are getting I may be able to help 


Re: [perl-win32-gui-users] Help Required in installing Win32-GUI

2005-11-08 Thread Robert May

Pavan Rao wrote:
I have downloaded Win32-GUI-1.02.tar file from website.I am trying to install this and i am not able 
install it its giving an error message.Could any one of you tell the 
excat steps to install this successfully.I am using version of 

As Jeremy already said, the easiest way to install this is using PPM: 
For Perl 5.8 there is a binary distribution of V1.02 in the Activestate 
(default) PPM repository.  Otherwise there are binary distribution 
available from our website at

If you really want to build from source (and it's not that hard), then 
have you followed the instructions in the README that comes with the 
distribution?  Is so, which step fails?  What is the error message that 
you get?  A little more detail and we'll be able to help you.

Good luck, let us know how you get on.

Robert May
Win32::GUI, a perl extension for native Win32 applications

[perl-win32-gui-users] Re: Next Release soon

2005-11-13 Thread Robert May

Glenn W Munroe wrote:

I just downloaded the 5.8 PPM from your site. It failed a new dependency
check for Test::More. This module is available on CPAN, but not on the
ActiveState repository. I had a quick look through the code and couldn't
find where it was used; could it be a hangover from some testing you were
doing? Is the dependency meant to be there? Is it really necessary? I've a
feeling that many people will give up when they can't find the module in the
ActiveState repository...


 I hit another more worrying problem: I have a large-ish program, which
 uses a number of timers. With 1.02_02 I get an error whenever any one
 of the timers tries to fire (Can't locate auto/ in @INC...).

I have fixed both of these issues (I think).

You can find PPMs (Perl 5.6 and 5.8) at

These PPMs are labeled as version V1.02_03, and reflect the current CVS
code-base.  You should consider them beta software (i.e. they may not work
properly), but I have been using the 5.8 code for some time now with no
problems.  If you are so inclined, then download and give it a
spin.   Feedback to this list please.

Robert May
Win32::GUI, a perl extension for native Win32 applications

Re: [win32gui] Re: [perl-win32-gui-users] TK to Win32-GUI, Win32-GUI to TK utilities

2005-11-15 Thread Robert May

Glenn Linderman wrote:
 Eric Hansen:
 Can someone provide me with the TK to Win32-GUI, Win32-GUI to TK

 I don't know of any such, do you?

 I'm assuming you mean source code translators...

Ditto.  If such tools do exist, then they've evaded my googling.  I'd be 
interested in seeing such tools if anyone finds them.

Robert May
Win32::GUI, a perl extension for native Win32 applications

[perl-win32-gui-users] Re: Control Resize

2005-11-17 Thread Robert May

Johan Lindstrom wrote:

At 16:54 2005-11-17, Glenn W Munroe wrote:

The main window of my current project comprises a Grid control and a 
TreeView, in a Windows Explorer-like layout. I would like to provide 
the option of being able to resize the two controls by 
click-and-dragging the area between the two. Does anyone have any tips 
on how to do this? I tried adding a -resizable = 1 option to the 
TreeView, but that would have been too easy! (It didn't work, of 
course). I imagine it makes use of the MouseOver et al. events, but 
the documentation is a bit thin on those events. Do I have to put 
another control (a 1-pixel-wide button perhaps?) between the two to 
get at the events? As usual, an example would be worth a thousand words…

Use the Splitter control.

You beat me to it!

Perl Oasis uses this for an example:

For a smaller and more focused example, download The GUI Loft
and look at the Demo/FileDisplay(manual_resize) example. The purpose of 
that demo is exactly what you're after.

For the record, here's a short example that shows it working with 2 
Textfield controls.


#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI;

my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window-new(
-title = Splitter Test,
-pos   = [100,100],
-size  = [500,400],
-onResize = \main_resize,

-name = TF1,
-multiline = 1,
-width = 200,

-name = SP,
-left = 200,
-width = 2,
-onRelease = \do_splitter,

-name = TF2,
-multiline = 1,
-left = 200 + $mw-SP-Width(),


# NEM splitter event gets 2 parameters.  The first (as always)
# is the window object the wvwnt came from - in this case the
# splitter window; The second depends on the splitter orientation:
# if horzontal it is the top coordinate; if vertical it is
# the left coordinate. (coordinates relative to the parent's
# client area)
# The splitter window is moved by the splitter object, so you only
# have to re-position your other windows
sub do_splitter
my ($splitter, $coord) = @_;

$mw-TF2-Move($coord+$mw-SP-Width(), 0);

sub main_resize
my $self = shift;

Robert May
Win32::GUI, a perl extension for native Win32 applications

Re: [win32gui] RE: [perl-win32-gui-users] DIBitmap odd resize behaviour with TIFFs?

2005-11-17 Thread Robert May

Jeremy White wrote:
Just a general follow up - we (everyone involved with Win32-GUI) now 
maintain DIBitmap (as well as AxWindow, Grid and Scintilla).

DIBitmap currently uses FreeImage 3.5.1, with the latest version being 
3.8.0 - see

There seems to be quite a few changes between the two versions which 
may, or may not fix your issue.

Ideally we need a DIBitmap Champion who's role would be to maintain 
and enhance DIBitmap (the same goes for Laurent's other modules). If 
anyone is interested, the source is available at

If anyone is interested in championing DIBitmap, then please get in 
touch with Jeremy or me.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Robert May
Win32::GUI, a perl extension for native Win32 applications

[perl-win32-gui-users] Re: Splitter control [DC bug?]

2005-11-21 Thread Robert May

I raised tracker 1363141 for this.  Thanks for the report.


Plum, Jason wrote:

Hey all,


Ariel Serbin and I have notice something strange occurring with the 
splitter demo, and specifically the splitter control itself.


Run the script attached, a previous post contained it. Then, drag the 
splitter to the left a short distance, then back to the right and equal 
amount. You’ll notice that there is a nasty artifact showing up on the 
screen. Of course when your test in the text field overlaps this 
artifact, it is resolved within the relative area of the text [Rob and 
all may know the proper names, but unfortunately I’m not that in depth].


I believe it has something to with the underlying DC objects that are 
drawing the splitter control, but am fully aware that I don’t have the 
understanding to fix this.



WinXP SP2, AS 5.8.7, Win32-GUI 1.02 and Win32-GUI 1.02_03 this occurs.


Jason P.


Note: For ease of replicable visibility, we’ve widened the splitter 
control in the code below.





#!perl -w

use strict;

use warnings;


use Win32::GUI;


my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window-new(

-title = Splitter Test,

-pos   = [100,100],

-size  = [500,400],

-onResize = \main_resize,




-name = TF1,

-multiline = 1,

-width = 200,




-name = SP,

-left = 200,

-width = 10, #FATTY

-onRelease = \do_splitter,




-name = TF2,

-multiline = 1,

-left = 200 + $mw-SP-Width(),








# NEM splitter event gets 2 parameters.  The first (as always)

# is the window object the wvwnt came from - in this case the

# splitter window; The second depends on the splitter orientation:

# if horzontal it is the top coordinate; if vertical it is

# the left coordinate. (coordinates relative to the parent's

# client area)

# The splitter window is moved by the splitter object, so you only

# have to re-position your other windows

sub do_splitter {

my ($splitter, $coord) = @_;



$mw-TF2-Move($coord+$mw-SP-Width(), 0);




sub main_resize


my $self = shift;








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