Re: Axis 1.2 WSDL2Java problem (probably)

2004-11-25 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
Viktor Vojnovski wrote:
Tim Gmane se proiznese na 25.11.2004 17:42:
Please post the Java class you are trying to expose. I realize it may 
contain proprietary information, so you should try writing a simple 
example that reproduces the problem or posting snippets from the bean 
that has the CPF attribute ...

Not a problem. Here it is..
Have you tried Axis 1.2RC2 (released on Nov 17 I think), or even a 
nightly build? This looks like an Axis bug and I would be surprised if 
it's not already fixed.

You can look for a similar bug or file one if there isn't one already.

one big service vs. a set of related modular services

2004-11-29 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
Here's the dilemma that I am facing and I am looking for your 
experiences and recommendation.

I need to expose a lot of methods (over 200 with over 20 custom types). 
The business logic on the server is implemented, very modular, such as 
SessionModule, FileModule, UserModule, etc.

There are other in-process applications that call these API's directly. 
Now, for remoted clients I can do one of 2 things:

1) Have one huge interface/web service that lists all these methods and 
their implementation calls to the right module.

2) Create a set of modular interfaces/web services, one for each module. 
In this case, the client would have to authenticate and start a session 
via the SessionModule before it can make use of any of the other modules 
(same for #1 above, the client would have to call the right auth method 
before it can call any other methods).

Authentication will NOT be done at the transport level (HTTP), but 
rather by calling a method in the session module to start a session and 
stuff it in the HttpSession (if using cookies to track the session) or 
something similar (if using SOAP header for session tracking).

Session tracking will most likely be done via cookies (standard 
HttpSession stuff) because I may need the same session in a different 
servlet running in the same webapp, otherwise I could use SOAP headers.

I know #1 will work, not hard to implement, but it will be VERY UGLY.
#2 is more elegant ...
Is it possible to even implement #2 from a client perspective (clients 
will be a Java Axis client and a .NET client)? If I expose what looks 
like multiple web services (related to each other) will I be able to 
pass the same session cookie from the Axis client side when I make calls 
to the various modules or the session tracking is done for me and it's 
buried somewhere deep so that I don't have access to the cookie on the 
client side? If I can get access, can you please tell me how? Custom 
handlers on the client side? Easier way to get access to the HttpRequest 
constructed on the client side and adding the session cookie to it (and 
other cookies from the load balancer, etc.)?

The question boils down to the session sharing part between these 
modules and how I can achieve it, if possible.

Thanks for your help.

Re: exposing only parts of a Java Bean

2004-11-29 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
I've just come across the fact that the BeanSerializer does make use of 
a BeanInfo class. Have you tried using a BeanInfo class with your bean? 
I don't know if Java2WSDL makes use of it, but the bean serializer seems 
to, at run time. Give it a go and let us know.

I did not try the BeanInfo as it looks like I have to provide a lot of
extra classes just to hide a couple of properties. I will rename the
get/set methods that I don't want exposed instead and this way I am sure
the WSDL will be correct too and I don't have to mess with it by hand.
Thanks for all your help.

Re: long vs. Long

2004-11-29 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
 I have a simple test method:

 Long foo(Long bar)

 Java2WSDL maps the Long to xsd:long and the client stub contains the
 method as:

 long foo(long bar)

 How does the WSDL look like ? The parameter and return value should
 have a nillable='true' attribute, otherwise I guess it's a bug in
 the WSDL-generation part (Java2WSDL).
 If it has this attribute, then the bug is in the client-side code

 For a method:

 Long b(Long id) throws CustomException { ... }

 Here's the WSDL snippet generated by Java2WSDL:

 wsdl:message name=bRequest
   wsdl:part name=in0 type=xsd:long/

 wsdl:message name=bResponse
   wsdl:part name=bReturn type=xsd:long/

 So Long is mapped to xsd:long but it's NOT declaraed nillable. Is this
 the bug?

 I think so. Which version of Axis do you use ?
Axis 1.2RC1

 Or should the Long have been mapped to soapenc:long instead which is
 not compatible with .NET?

 xsd:long and soapenc:long should be the same thing (IIRC the soap
 encoding spec defines soapenc:long as xsd:long).

 Is xsd:long nillable=true compatible with .NET?

 I don't know :) It should but...
I'll just use the primitive long, at least I know that works ...
If anyone else has an example on how to get the Long stuff to work
end-to-end and to interoperate with .NET I would love to see it (it has
to be RPC not doc/lit) as it would be nice to make use of the nillable
property ...

Re: hiding a property from Axis serializer?

2004-11-30 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
Sheptunov, Bogdan wrote:
Could you please elaborate a little more on that? In what way exactly? Have my class implement BeanInfo interface and describe the properties I'd like to see returned in getPropertyDescriptors() method? 

Read the Java Beans specification, in particular the sections that talk 
about BeanInfo:

Re: Problem with WSDL samples of user guide

2004-11-30 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)

I still see this next error, but the example runs now,
and it's no longer complaining about not being able to
find classes in the wsdl4.jar packages.
- Unable to find required classes
(javax.activation.DataHandler and
javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart). Attachment support
is disabled.
You need activation.jar and mail.jar in your CLASSPATH
You can read more about the Java Mail API here:
I am not sure whether activation.jar is included or you need to get it 
from JAF:
My app server includes both of them so I did not have to download the 
jars, they were added to the app server's CLASSPATH by default so no 
problem on the server, I just had to add them to the CLASSPATH for the 
client side.

However, if you don't use attachments you don't need to have them in 
your CLASSPATH, just ignore the warnings.

I hope this helps.

Re: long vs. Long

2004-11-30 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
If anyone else has an example on how to get the Long stuff to 
work end-to-end and to interoperate with .NET I would love to 
see it (it has to be RPC not doc/lit) as it would be nice to 
make use of the nillable property ...


The long type in .NET is not nullable, so trying to send it as a nil
over the wire is just going to result in headaches for the .NET folks.
Ah, thanks for clarifying it. I love .NET, how we have to bastardize our 
web services just to make them work with .NET ...


Re: one big service vs. a set of related modular services

2004-11-30 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)

I am assuming that you could pass session tracking info in the SOAP Header..
Using SOAP headers may not be an option for me as I may have to share 
the same session between the Axis servlet and another plain HTTP servlet 
I have running for various reasons.

Is there a way in Axis to get to the HTTP transport (in particular 
getting and setting the cookies) from the *client* side of Axis?

The thing I'd like to consider is whether one server could handles all these
200 modular services on one box.. If not, you might want to host them under
different AXIS instances on different boxes.. In other words, it might be
favorable to host smaller several services instead.
I do not have 200 modules, I have about 7 modules, with a total of about 
200 methods across the 7 modules.

Also, if these services are modular and thus not inter-dependent, then
keeping them separate gives you the option to move it around independently
of the others - such as hosting it to another server cause one particular
modular service is used heavily by your users and need to boost it's
performance or any other such needs in the future..
The modules will not depend on each other with the exception of the 
SessionModule which will have to be called first before any method in 
any other module can be used (authentication for an end user needed).


How to get/set cookies from the Axis *client* side?

2004-11-30 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
Is it possible to get and set cookies on the HTTP transport from the 
*client* side of Axis?

If so, how? Are there any examples, please?
Thank you.

Re: Problem generating WSDL from Java

2004-11-30 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
David Song wrote:
Hi all,
I am getting the following error from Java2WSDL.  It was working before,
I just changed some method signatures.  Many thanks for the help!
- The class org.apache.axis.MessageContext does not contain a default
constructor, which is a requirement for a bean class.  The class cannot
be converted into
an xml schema type.  An xml schema anyType will be used to define this
class in the wsdl file.
- The class javax.servlet.ServletContext is defined in a java or javax
package and cannot be converted into an xml schema type.  An xml schema
anyType will be used to define this class in the wsdl file.
- The class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest is defined in a java
or javax package and cannot be converted into an xml schema type.  An
xml schema anyType will be used to define this class in the wsdl file.
WSDLException: faultCode=OTHER_ERROR: Can't find prefix for
'http://http.servlet.javax'. Namespace prefixes must be set on the
Definition object using the addNamespace(...) method.:
My guess here is that you added some getMessageContext(), 
getServletContext() and getHttpServletRequest() methods somewhere in 
your beans and now Axis is trying to expose these bean properties and it 
doesn't know how to serialize these classes. If that's the case just 
rename your methods so that they don't start with set or get for the 
properties you do NOT want exposed.

Double check the methods you changed or added ...

Re: How to get/set cookies from the Axis *client* side?

2004-12-01 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
John Walker wrote:
Is it possible to get and set cookies on the HTTP transport from the 
*client* side of Axis?

I tried using the MessageContext to get the HttpRequest object, and
then set cookies there, but it seemed that when doing this from the
AXIS client side, when the HTTP message got to the receiver, my
cookies had been clobbered.
I know this isnt an affirmation, but a warning about cookies and
inconsistency.  I think it may be an easier thing to utilize the
standard AXIS APIs to transfer data about the client to the server. 
For example, there is a way to set the username and password for

What data are you trying to hold onto that SOAP/AXIS doesnt handle natively?
I have multiple module that I am thinking of deploying as individual web 
services running in the same web app rather than create a big interface 
and have one big monolithic service with 200+ methods in it. One of the 
modules is a SessionModule that the client needs to call to authenticate 
before using the other modules, so I need some sort of session tracking 
across the modules.

I know I could use SOAP headers which would probably work OK across the 
modules, but I need to do the session tracking via cookies because 
there's another servlet in the same web app that needs to use the same 
session (complicated, I know).

So I was thinking if it's possible to do something like this:
1. From the client call the SessionModule with the MAINTAIN_SESSION 
property or whatever it is which will establish a session (HttpSession) 
on the server and send a cookie back to the client which Axis will store.

2. From the client before calling another module, set the session cookie 
from #1 before making the call so that the same HttpSession as in #1 is 
recovered and used on the server side (this other module requires that 
the user is authenticated).

3. Continue doing #2 for all modules when they are needed.
Maybe I'm complicating my life, is there an easier way to achieve this? 
Basically session tracking across a set of web services deployed in the 
same web app.

Thanks for your help.

Re: How to get/set cookies from the Axis *client* side?

2004-12-01 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
Thanks Tony for your good replies on this list.
I wonder if my approach is good in general. I suspect there will also be 
non-Axis clients like .NET and maybe other frameworks on the client side 
that will need to do the same.

Does anyone have a different idea to achieve the same behavior? I think 
SOAP headers for session tracking should work and I suppose it is more 
portable, right? If I could get rid of the requirement to use cookie 
based tracking ...

I am open to other suggestions :)
In that case, as I mentioned in my first reply, extract the cookies from 
the message context, in the first reply and store them somewhere (for 
example, in a static variable or in system properties) that will be 
available in the next call. In that next call, add the cookies to the 
message context and they should get picked up by the Axis HTTPSender, if 
maintainSession is set to true. Provided the same host is called each 
time, this should work. Simple Axis handlers can be written to do this.

*Tim K. (Gmane)* wrote on 01/12/2004 16:45:06:
  John Walker wrote:
  Is it possible to get and set cookies on the HTTP transport from the
  *client* side of Axis?
   I tried using the MessageContext to get the HttpRequest object, and
   then set cookies there, but it seemed that when doing this from the
   AXIS client side, when the HTTP message got to the receiver, my
   cookies had been clobbered.
   I know this isnt an affirmation, but a warning about cookies and
   inconsistency.  I think it may be an easier thing to utilize the
   standard AXIS APIs to transfer data about the client to the server.
   For example, there is a way to set the username and password for
   What data are you trying to hold onto that SOAP/AXIS doesnt 
  I have multiple module that I am thinking of deploying as individual web
  services running in the same web app rather than create a big interface
  and have one big monolithic service with 200+ methods in it. One of the
  modules is a SessionModule that the client needs to call to authenticate
  before using the other modules, so I need some sort of session tracking
  across the modules.
  I know I could use SOAP headers which would probably work OK across the
  modules, but I need to do the session tracking via cookies because
  there's another servlet in the same web app that needs to use the same
  session (complicated, I know).
  So I was thinking if it's possible to do something like this:
  1. From the client call the SessionModule with the MAINTAIN_SESSION
  property or whatever it is which will establish a session (HttpSession)
  on the server and send a cookie back to the client which Axis will store.
  2. From the client before calling another module, set the session cookie
  from #1 before making the call so that the same HttpSession as in #1 is
  recovered and used on the server side (this other module requires that
  the user is authenticated).
  3. Continue doing #2 for all modules when they are needed.
  Maybe I'm complicating my life, is there an easier way to achieve this?
  Basically session tracking across a set of web services deployed in the
  same web app.
  Thanks for your help.

Re: Resolved: RE: Problem generating WSDL from Java

2004-12-01 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
Vy Ho wrote:
I wonder if you declare an interface for this service, then use it to 
generate wsdl.

This shields you from how you implement your service.
Right, that's the way to do it, just create an interface for only the 
methods you want exposed. The class can have a lot more stuff in it that 
won't be exposed.


Re: Resolved: RE: Problem generating WSDL from Java

2004-12-02 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
Which in effect does the same thing, it creates an interface for you 
with only those methods, right?

Personally I prefer defining the interface myself rather than doing it 
via command line options, you get more compile time checking and catch 
mistakes early than deal with sometimes obscure Axis error messages.

You can also specify the methods to expose, using the -m option.
Tim K. wrote on 01/12/2004 19:21:04:
  Vy Ho wrote:
   I wonder if you declare an interface for this service, then use it to
   generate wsdl.
   This shields you from how you implement your service.
  Right, that's the way to do it, just create an interface for only the
  methods you want exposed. The class can have a lot more stuff in it that
  won't be exposed.

exposing multiple classes as part of the same web service

2004-12-20 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
Let's assume that I already have a few interfaces and their 
implementation that follow all the web services rules and they are 
suitable of being exposed via Axis the way they are.

Is it possible for Axis to combine all these interfaces/classes into one 
web service automatically or do I have to write one big interface that 
extends all the existing interfaces and its implementation class to call 
 thru to the existing implementations?

Thank you,

Re: exposing multiple classes as part of the same web service

2004-12-21 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
Yeah, it would be nice to keep them separate, I've posted a while ago on 
the same topic. My concern is that I am not controlling what WS toolkit 
clients will use on the client side and these modules have the concept 
of a common session for all of them to work together, so I am not sure 
whether various toolkits will be able to play games on the client side 
with the session cookie (I have to do session tracking via HTTP session 
cookies rather than SOAP headers), setting it on the various stubs 
before it makes the calls. The easy way out is to put everything in one 
WSDL which will take care of the session sharing and then the client can 
decide to split them via wrapper classes on the client side if it's 
possible (we may even provide this code for Java clients that use Axis 
for example). It seems to me that this would provide the highest level 
of compatibility, am I right?

The other thing is that I don't know what extra resources I would need 
on the server side if I have 12 web services rather than 1 big one (in 
terms of additional objects that Axis may use internally to keep track 
and service the sessions for the deployed web services).

I would guess that these different interfaces and their implementations 
are separate for a reason. If so, why not keep the web services 
separate, for the same reasons, plus the additional reason that you 
don't end up with a huge, incomprehensible WSDL?

Incidentally, you don't have to create a combined interface. Axis isn't 
bothered with interfaces, it is concerned with implementations, since 
that is what is called by the engine (though Axis generates interfaces 
for client side code, with WSDL2Java). So, if you *have* to combine the 
services, just create an implementation of the different interfaces and 
route the calls as appropriate.

news [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 20/12/2004 18:52:22:
  Let's assume that I already have a few interfaces and their
  implementation that follow all the web services rules and they are
  suitable of being exposed via Axis the way they are.
  Is it possible for Axis to combine all these interfaces/classes into one
  web service automatically or do I have to write one big interface that
  extends all the existing interfaces and its implementation class to call
thru to the existing implementations?
  Thank you,

Re: No Digest List?

2004-12-27 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
I like to read this list as a newsgroup (NNTP) via (or you can 
read it via a browser thru gmane's web site)

It works quite well, I don't get bombarded with emails all day long, I 
read the newsgroup only when I feel like it (sort of like a digest if 
you read the newsgroup once a day):
News server:
Newsgroup: gmane.text.xml.axis.user
Or you can get a RSS feed from
and read it via an RSS reader (such as Thunderbird) or via Firefox 

The possibilities are unlimited, you are not confined to email only. 
Gmane is great!

Tetsuya Kitahata wrote:
I noticed that this mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
does not have digest mode as well as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current digest subscribers: No digest available 

Digest Subscription means that you (we) can receive
and read messages as threads once daily, rather than
receiving a constant trickle (flow) of messages.
Perhaps you folks might have already known, this user list is
Top-10 most popular list in mailing lists. (wow)
The mean posts per day are 25.16 (posts/day), high-traffic!
Perhaps, someone can try to ask infrastructure@ (apmail@)
to create digest mode of this list.
If succeed, anyone will be able to subscribe -digest list via
Hope this helps.
Tetsuya Kitahata --  Terra-International, Inc.

Axis logging to the servlet engine log

2005-01-04 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
I do NOT have log4j in the CLASSPATH because of some conflicts and I do 
not want to use log4j or any other logging frameworks.

I just want to:
1) Make Axis write to the servlet engine's log file which gets rotated 
and it also captures the messages from my web service server side 

2) Be able to set higher log levels (debug level) so I can see more 
verbose messages, stack traces, etc. when something doesn't go as expected.

Can you please tell me how I can do 1) and 2)? I just need a starting 
point and I can figure it out from there ...


[BUG] multiple cookies handling bug

2005-01-05 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
Hello Axis Developers  Users,
I think I've discovered an Axis 1.2RC2 bug.
Some servers use cookies to do load balancing, so in addition to the 
JSESSIONID session tracking cookie the load balancer may insert its own 
cookie in the HTTP response.

There are 2 cases here:
1) The HTTP response will have 2 headers:
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=..; path=/
Set-Cookie: LoadBalancer=; path=/
It looks like the last cookie wins, the rest are discarded by the client 
 and they are not passed back to the server when maintain session is 
true, so the session is lost between requests.

2) The 2 cookies may appear in the same Set-Cookie header. From briefly 
looking at the Axis processing code it looks like it trims anything past 
the first ';' it encounters so in this case the first cookie would be 
the only one maintained.

Please let me know if this is a bug and I will file it if you tell me 
where. If it's a known bug and possibly already fixed, please let me know.


Re: [BUG] multiple cookies handling bug

2005-01-05 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
Correction: case 2) below is not valid, apparently one cannot set 
multiple cookies in the same Set-Cookie header, there needs to be a 
header per cookie (but when the cookies are sent back to the server 
multiple cookies can be in one Cookie header, that's where my confusion 
came from).

Case 1) still looks like a bug though.
Tim K. (Gmane) wrote:
Hello Axis Developers  Users,
I think I've discovered an Axis 1.2RC2 bug.
Some servers use cookies to do load balancing, so in addition to the 
JSESSIONID session tracking cookie the load balancer may insert its own 
cookie in the HTTP response.

There are 2 cases here:
1) The HTTP response will have 2 headers:
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=..; path=/
Set-Cookie: LoadBalancer=; path=/
It looks like the last cookie wins, the rest are discarded by the client 
 and they are not passed back to the server when maintain session is 
true, so the session is lost between requests.

2) The 2 cookies may appear in the same Set-Cookie header. From briefly 
looking at the Axis processing code it looks like it trims anything past 
the first ';' it encounters so in this case the first cookie would be 
the only one maintained.

Please let me know if this is a bug and I will file it if you tell me 
where. If it's a known bug and possibly already fixed, please let me know.


Re: [BUG] multiple cookies handling bug

2005-01-05 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
Digging deeper into the code and trying to patch it to fix the bug I 
discovered another issue that needs to be addressed.

The particular server that I am using doesn't send the load balancing 
cookie on all the responses, it refreshes it every few responses (I am 
not sure how it decides to refresh it or not), so for example:

Response 1: has 2 cookies JSESSIONID and LoadBalancer cookies
Response 2: has 1 cookie only JSESSIONID
What happens is that after Response 2 is received by the Axis client, 
the LoadBalancer cookie is forgotten about, it's dropped and it's not 
sent on subsequent requests, hence the load balancing is messed up and 
the client request ends up on a different middle tier which cannot 
recover the session based on the JSESSIONID.

The HTTP clients need to store cookies, add to them and only expire them 
 when the cookie expiration time is reached (if they are session 
cookies, not persistent cookies then they are expired when the client 
process exits -- in memory cookies).

Where are the cookies stored between requests? In the Service, Stub, 
Call or HTTPTransport?

Tim K. (Gmane) wrote:
Correction: case 2) below is not valid, apparently one cannot set 
multiple cookies in the same Set-Cookie header, there needs to be a 
header per cookie (but when the cookies are sent back to the server 
multiple cookies can be in one Cookie header, that's where my confusion 
came from).

Case 1) still looks like a bug though.
Tim K. (Gmane) wrote:
Hello Axis Developers  Users,
I think I've discovered an Axis 1.2RC2 bug.
Some servers use cookies to do load balancing, so in addition to the 
JSESSIONID session tracking cookie the load balancer may insert its 
own cookie in the HTTP response.

There are 2 cases here:
1) The HTTP response will have 2 headers:
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=..; path=/
Set-Cookie: LoadBalancer=; path=/
It looks like the last cookie wins, the rest are discarded by the 
client  and they are not passed back to the server when maintain 
session is true, so the session is lost between requests.

2) The 2 cookies may appear in the same Set-Cookie header. From 
briefly looking at the Axis processing code it looks like it trims 
anything past the first ';' it encounters so in this case the first 
cookie would be the only one maintained.

Please let me know if this is a bug and I will file it if you tell me 
where. If it's a known bug and possibly already fixed, please let me 


Axis as a client and multi-threading

2005-01-05 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
Could someone who has more experience with the Axis client side clarify 
how it works in a multi-threaded environment?

E.g. if I create a Service instane on the client and from that get a 
Stub instance, is it safe for mutliple threads to make calls on the Stub 
at the same time?

If not, where are the thread boundaries? Do I need multiple Stub 
instances? Or multiple Service instances? Or is the whole Axis client 

Also, how does the HTTP session tracking (cookie-based) work in the Axis 
client environment? Can I have multiple sessions going at the same time? 
If so, do I need multiple Services? Stubs? I guess the question is where 
is the session cookie stored? In the Service instance? In the Stub 
instance? Statically in the JVM in which case it would only be possible 
to have only 1 session?

Thank you for your help. I am sure other users have the same questions.

Re: Tried to enter bugzilla bug on Axis JWS but not listed

2005-01-11 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
I'm not sure though what the difference between Axis and Axis2 projects 
is. I think Axis is where you want to enter your bug.

Michael Oliver wrote:
How do I go about entering a bugzilla bug for Axis

Michael Oliver
Alarius Systems LLC
3325 N. Nellis Blvd, #1
Las Vegas, NV 89115
*Note new email changed from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to get HttpServletRequest from my call

2005-01-12 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
Be aware that getRemoteAddr() may not be the address of the client 
sending the request but rather a proxy/caching server in between, load 
balancer, etc. As long as you are OK with it you can get the request 
like this:

MessageContext context = MessageContext.getCurrentContext();
HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest)
I hope this helps.
Alex Chen wrote:
I need to inspect the message in the program, e.g. I want to know there 
the message comes from by
calling the getRemoteAddr() method of the request.

Flores, Raul wrote:
If you only want to inspect the messages then use a monitor tool.
tcpTrace is excellent for this (thank you simon and matt)

-Original Message-
From: Alex Chen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, 
January 12, 2005 3:39 PM
Subject: How to get HttpServletRequest from my call

I am using AXIS as my SOAP server.
I use WSDL2Java to generate the code stubs and only need to write the
* part..
Since everything else is handled by the AXIS servlet,  I have no handle
of the HTTP request and reply message.  I would like to inspect that in
my code.  How do I get such information?
Any help is appreciated.

Re: fillng the impl java file

2005-01-13 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
I may not understand exactly what you are trying to do, but did you 
notice the -c option to wsdl2java where you can specify a class to use 
instead of the BindingImpl?

Sorry if I am off topic with my answer.
Brian Davis wrote:
I wrote an ant task to do this, you can use it if you like. It would be 
nice if they included something like this with Axis. I sent the jar to 
you, just put it on your classpath. If anyone else would like it, just 
email me. I couldnt attach it and send to the list.

Youll need something like:

taskdef name=fixwsdl2java 


And then:

fixwsdl2java filename=your filename classtocall=your fully qualified 

org.apache.axis.MessageContext.getCurrentContext() /


The extra arguments go just inside the last )

Brian Davis
Software Developer
JMM Ventures

*From:* Pritesh Damani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Sent:* Thursday, January 13, 2005 11:51 AM
*Subject:* fillng the impl java file

Hello Everyone,
I am relatively new to axis and I was wondering if someone can help me 
with the following problem,


I have a big repository of methods that I need to expose to webservices.
When i get the final stub files from the wsdl2Java ,

the file needs to be filled in for calling substitutions.

Can anyone advise me if there is someway to automate this ?

Thank You
Pritesh Damani

All Computers wait at the same speed !!

Re: Axis memory leak

2005-01-14 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
Can you please file a bug for this at:
for project Axis
Vy Ho wrote:
That does it.  The memory no longer go up.  The way I do it is inside 
the generated stub, I wrap the call with a try/catch/finally, and in 
that, I put your code below.  I am not sure if this is the best way of 
doing it. However, I am just testing.  I won't use this code though.

In client-side stub code, look for the call object and try:

Lyndon Tiu

Re: Question about session scope

2005-01-20 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
The scope (session, application, request) on the server side tells Axis 
how many instance of the server implementation classes to create, it 
doesn't have much to do with the session on the client side. The client 
is not aware of the session scope on the server side. So you can for 
example use sessions on the client even if the scope on the server is 
application (or request).

Now, session tracking on the client side via HTTP cookies has a few 
issues. You may want to look at these bugs (some may or may not apply to 
your usage case but it's good to be aware of them):
Shantha Kumar wrote:
if the client doesn't call setMaintainSession(true) the JSessionID cookie
doesn't get transported to the server. The server keeps creating a new
session and also a new bean.
- Original Message -
From: Wiener, Zach [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 8:26 PM
Subject: Question about session scope
Hello.  If I deploy a service with session scope, then why must the
client call setMaintainSession(true)?  It seems that the service, or
Axis, should be responsible for maintaining the scope of the service as
session.  How is the scope of a service published to clients?  What
happens if a service is deployed as session scope, but the client
doesn't call setMaintainSession(true)?

Re: Maintain session when using stubs generated by WSDL2Java

2005-01-20 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
On the generated FooServiceLocator call setMaintainSession(true)
Or you can cast the generated Stub to javax.xml.rpc.Stub and then call 
stub._setProperty(Stub.SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY, Boolean.TRUE) which is 
the JAX-RPC way.

Both work in Axis, but the first one is Axis specific while the second 
one follows the JAX-RPC spec.

Praveen Peddi wrote:
Hello all,
I was using Apache SOAp on client side and Axis on server side. Since 
ouor soap services need enabling of cookies on client side, I was 
maintaining juts one Call object and calling 
Call.setMaintainSession(true). This enables cookies on client side.
Now we are migrating our clients to use Axis generated stubs. I looked 
at the generated code and I see that the stub is creating a new Call 
object for every soap call. This way, how do I enable cookies on client 
side (other than URLRewriting)?
Praveen Peddi
Sr Software Engg, Context Media, Inc.
Tel:  401.854.3475
Fax:  401.861.3596
Context Media- The Leader in Enterprise Content Integration

Re: Maintain session when using stubs generated by WSDL2Java

2005-01-20 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
Btw, for the first case you need to call setMaintainSession(true) on the 
Service _before_ you get any Stubs from it.

Something like this (assuming AxisTest is my web service):
AxisTestServiceLocator ats = new AxisTestServiceLocator();
ats.setMaintainSession(true); // Axis specific
AxisTest stub = ats.getAxisTest(URL);
// This is the JAX-RPC way of setting it at the Stub level,
// no need to do it if you called ats.setMaintainSession(true)
// above
((javax.xml.rpc.Stub) stub)._setProperty(Stub.SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY,
Tim K. (Gmane) wrote:
On the generated FooServiceLocator call setMaintainSession(true)
Or you can cast the generated Stub to javax.xml.rpc.Stub and then call 
stub._setProperty(Stub.SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY, Boolean.TRUE) which is 
the JAX-RPC way.

Both work in Axis, but the first one is Axis specific while the second 
one follows the JAX-RPC spec.

Praveen Peddi wrote:
Hello all,
I was using Apache SOAp on client side and Axis on server side. Since 
ouor soap services need enabling of cookies on client side, I was 
maintaining juts one Call object and calling 
Call.setMaintainSession(true). This enables cookies on client side.
Now we are migrating our clients to use Axis generated stubs. I looked 
at the generated code and I see that the stub is creating a new Call 
object for every soap call. This way, how do I enable cookies on 
client side (other than URLRewriting)?
Praveen Peddi
Sr Software Engg, Context Media, Inc.
Tel:  401.854.3475
Fax:  401.861.3596
Context Media- The Leader in Enterprise Content Integration

Re: Maintain session when using stubs generated by WSDL2Java

2005-01-20 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
I have the same problem. Unfortuantely it's not possible without 
patching the Axis code. I will be working on that in the next couple of 
weeks because I need it for my project. I will submit the patch to Axis 
once completed, but that doesn't guarantee it will be accepted. You can 
contact me in private if you would like the patch in a few weeks (when I 
get around to doing it as I have other priorities right now).

Btw, there's a bug for it:
Praveen Peddi wrote:
Thanks. But I have multiple services. On teh server side, I have 4 SOAP 
services and each has itw own WSDL. When I generated the code for each 
WSDL, it generated XXXServiceLocator for each service. Calling 
setMaintainSession(true) on all service locations maintains the same 
session? I need to enable cookies for the whole client not for just one 

- Original Message - From: Tim K. (Gmane) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: Maintain session when using stubs generated by WSDL2Java

On the generated FooServiceLocator call setMaintainSession(true)
Or you can cast the generated Stub to javax.xml.rpc.Stub and then call 
stub._setProperty(Stub.SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY, Boolean.TRUE) which 
is the JAX-RPC way.

Both work in Axis, but the first one is Axis specific while the second 
one follows the JAX-RPC spec.

Praveen Peddi wrote:
Hello all,
I was using Apache SOAp on client side and Axis on server side. Since 
ouor soap services need enabling of cookies on client side, I was 
maintaining juts one Call object and calling 
Call.setMaintainSession(true). This enables cookies on client side.
 Now we are migrating our clients to use Axis generated stubs. I 
looked at the generated code and I see that the stub is creating a 
new Call object for every soap call. This way, how do I enable 
cookies on client side (other than URLRewriting)?
Praveen Peddi
Sr Software Engg, Context Media, Inc.
Tel:  401.854.3475
Fax:  401.861.3596
Context Media- The Leader in Enterprise Content Integration

Re: Standalone Java web services server

2005-01-20 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
Axis has a built-in minimal HTTP server from what I read, but I never 
used it so I don't know the details. Look into it a little bit and see 
if it will work for you.

Douglas Kunzman wrote:
I am looking for a java based web services server that does not need
tomcat or an http server to be hosted but could be easily integerated into
an existing java application.
Douglas Kunzman
Sensor Systems
Work 703-437-7651 x693
Mobile 571-228-1048

Link to wsdl file wrong, how do I fix it?

2005-01-25 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
I mapped the Axis servlet to a custom URL (e.g. /app/ws) rather than the 
default /axis/services/ or whatever it is.

Now if I simply go to: http://server:port/app/ws I see a bunch of links 
to the (wsdl) files for each service, but the link is wrong, it is of 
the form /app/services/Foo?wsdl which obviously doesn't work (should be 
ws instead of services).

Is there any configuration option that I am missing or is this a bug in 
Axis where it doesn't get the servlet path right?


Securing an Axis deployment

2005-01-25 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
How can I turn off these features for an Axis production deployment:
1) Disable the generation of WSDL when one goes to 

2) Turn off listing the available services and their methods by going to 

3) Turn off all Admin services/servlets, etc.
I would like to provide clients static WSDL files they can download from 
another (static) location and only allow my custom web services to be 
invoked, not the Axis built-in ones. This way I only have to worry about 
the security and exploits of my stuff rather than sweat over what could 
be exploited via the default Axis features (which for development are 
great, but not for production).

Thank you for your help.

Re: Securing an Axis deployment

2005-01-28 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
Anyone out there who uses Axis on a production system and has disabled 
these features?

Tim K. (Gmane) wrote:
How can I turn off these features for an Axis production deployment:
1) Disable the generation of WSDL when one goes to 

2) Turn off listing the available services and their methods by going to 

3) Turn off all Admin services/servlets, etc.
I would like to provide clients static WSDL files they can download from 
another (static) location and only allow my custom web services to be 
invoked, not the Axis built-in ones. This way I only have to worry about 
the security and exploits of my stuff rather than sweat over what could 
be exploited via the default Axis features (which for development are 
great, but not for production).

Thank you for your help.

Re: Securing an Axis deployment

2005-01-28 Thread Tim K. (Gmane)
OK, so it's not possible via Axis' configuration. That's what I wanted 
to know so I can look at alternatives.

I guess one alternative is to patch the code, maybe even add an option 
so I can flip it between dev and production envs.

Mike Barton wrote:
Yes, we have done something very similar to that by using custom Axis 
handlers and web app filters.

Tim K. (Gmane) wrote:
Anyone out there who uses Axis on a production system and has disabled 
these features?

Tim K. (Gmane) wrote:
How can I turn off these features for an Axis production deployment:
1) Disable the generation of WSDL when one goes to 

2) Turn off listing the available services and their methods by going 
to http://server:port/app/ws/

3) Turn off all Admin services/servlets, etc.
I would like to provide clients static WSDL files they can download 
from another (static) location and only allow my custom web services 
to be invoked, not the Axis built-in ones. This way I only have to 
worry about the security and exploits of my stuff rather than sweat 
over what could be exploited via the default Axis features (which for 
development are great, but not for production).

Thank you for your help.