[CTRL] URGENT do bananas have flesh eating disease?

2000-02-13 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Was that you Pete?

-Original Message-
To: (Mailing List 1) < ([EMAIL PROTECTED])> <(Mailing List 1) <
Date: Monday, 14 February 2000 19:47

--- Forwarded message follows ---
To: "(Mailing List 1)" <([EMAIL PROTECTED])>
Date sent:  Mon, 14 Feb 2000 00:27:44 -0600
Priority:   urgent


Last week we sent out a post that spoke of a flesh eating disease
carried by banana's.  I have not saved the post, and it was deleted.
  Then, within a day or two, we received a post to send out to the
mail list that said the Banana disease was not true, and was bogus!
  This is a very serious and inportant announcement and request for

The reason that this is so serious and inportant, is that the person
  in the UK that wrote us, is a buyer for a national UK food store
chain.  And she has just bought a large quantity of banana's from
Costa Rica, the country where the alleged banana disease has
 come from.

   We have put the person in the UK in touch with the person who
sent out the second post that stated the disease was bogus.
However, we need to find the person who sent in the first post, that
claimed the disease was real and dangerous.

The person who sent the post stating the disease of the Costa Rica
 banana's, must contact UFOSSI immediately!  I cannot over
emphasize this enough.   Please contact me personally (Billy Dee)

We need to verify which post is true and accurate!   Please
understand, there is a large investment involved here, and not to
 mention the possible health risks of thousands of people.

UFOSSI is not responsible for posts that are written by people who
send them to be posted to the mail list.  We do screen all posts that
come in.  But UFOSSI is not responsible for opinions, content and
information sent in by other people, and may not necessarily be the
opinions of the UFOSSI organization.

 Thank You
 Billy Dee
   Founder UFOSSI
--- End of forwarded message ---

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] =?x-unknown?q?_I_JUMPED_GUN_ON_DIALLO_=8C_MURDER'_=28fwd?==?x-unknown?q?=29?=

2000-02-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

[WARNING: This is not to be compared to a Drudge's quickly
withdraw printing of an accusation regarding Blumenthal's wife
beating which was clearly sourced to others since that matter is
still in the courts ...]

- -



Senate candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton now says she "misspoke"
when she used the term "murder" in January to describe the
shooting death of Amadou Diallo.

"That was just a misstatement on my part," she told WNBC's Gabe
Pressman in an interview airing today.

Asked if she was sorry she called the incident a murder before
the four officers who did the shooting are judged in a court of
law, Clinton said: "Absolutely, yes. I mean, that's what the jury
should decide."

Clinton has taken flack for her "murder" comment, made during a
Martin Luther King Jr. birthday celebration at the Rev. Al
Sharpton's Harlem headquarters last month.

Campaigning yesterday in a whirlwind tour of every borough,
Clinton said she would not be sidetracked by attacks from her
all-but-announced opponent Mayor Giuliani.

"At least I'm going to discuss the issues in this campaign," she
said during a stop at York College in Jamaica, Queens.

"I will not be diverted from talking about what I know can help

At Bronx County Democratic headquarters, Clinton drew laughs from
the crowd when called herself an "immigrant" from Washington,
comparing herself to the many New Yorkers who come here from
other nations.

Clinton was supposed to receive the endorsement of Bronx Rep.
Jose Serrano at the rally, but Serrano never showed because he's
feuding with county Democratic leader Roberto Ramirez, sources
said. Serrano issued a statement making the endorsement.

At a senior-citizens center in Flushing, Clinton charged that
HMOs are wasting up to 40 percent of their budgets on "fancy
offices," sky-high executive salaries and other nonmedical

At the center, there were many Holocaust survivors, and Clinton
was asked about the rise in Austria of the far-right Freedom
Party run by Joerg Haider.

"I am very concerned about that. I feel so strongly we can't ever
forget," she said, referring to the Holocaust.

"We have to watch this very closely."

A day after The Post reported Clinton had failed to tip an
upstate waitress when the owner of a diner gave her a free
breakfast, the first lady was scheduled for three eatery

At La Caridad in Washington Heights, she met with supporters but
didn't eat a meal.

Later, she ducked into Junior's in Brooklyn and, without sitting
at a table, was given a heart-shaped strawberry cheesecake --
which she vowed she'd give her hubby, the president, on
Valentine's Day.

A reception with Staten Island Democrats at R.H. Tugs restaurant
in Richmond Terrace was scheduled for later.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Humor: CIA Gal (fwd)

2000-02-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

A few months ago, there was an opening with the CIA for an
assassin.  These highly classified positions are hard to fill,
and there's a lot of testing and background checks involved
before you can even be considered for the position.  After
sending some applicants through the background checks, training
and testing, they narrowed the possible choices down to two men
and one woman, but only one position was available for an

The day came for the final test to see which person would get
the extremely secretive job. The CIA men administering the test
took one of the men to a large metal door and handed him a gun.
"We must know that you will follow your instructions no matter
what the circumstances," they explained.  "Inside this room, you
will find your wife sitting in a chair.  Take this gun and kill
her."  The man got a shocked look on his face and said: "You
can't be serious!  I could never shoot my own wife!"

"Well," says the CIA man, "You're definitely not the right
man for this job then."

So they bring the second man to the same door and hand him a
gun.  "We must know that you will follow instructions no matter
what the circumstances," they explained to the second man.
"Inside you will find your wife sitting in a chair.  Take this
gun and kill her."  The second man looked a bit shocked, but
nevertheless took the gun and went in the room.  All was quiet
for about five minutes then the door opened. The man came out of
the room with tears in his eyes.  "I tried to shoot her, I just
couldn't pull the trigger.  I guess I'm not the right man for the

"No," the CIA man replied, "You don't have what it takes to
be a hired killer. Take your wife and go home."

Now they're down to the woman.  They lead her to the same
door of the same room and hand her the same gun.  "We must be
sure that you will follow instructions no matter what the
circumstances.  This is your final test.  Inside you will find
your husband sitting in a chair.  Take this gun and kill him."

The woman took the gun and opened the door.  Before the door
even closed all the way, the CIA heard the gun start firing.
One shot after another for thirteen shots.  After that they heard
screaming, crashing, and banging on the walls.  This went on for
several minutes, then all went quiet.

The door opened slowly, and there stood the woman, covered
with blood.  She wiped the sweat and blood from her brow and
said: "You guys didn't tell me the gun was loaded with blanks!
I had to beat him to death with the chair!"

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-02-13 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dear Rep. Smith & Committee:

Many people have their attention focused on your courageous grappling with
the question of people's RIGHT to choose their own modality of health care.
On this and other issues important to individual and State's rights,
Minnesota is proving itself to be a Leader !

I am hoping and trusting that you will look into your hearts and do the
right thing, even though this may be opposed by the multi Billion dollar
pharmaceutical cartels who have brought the people a nauseating litany
of fraudulent "scientific" studies used to gain FDA approval... who have
brought the once-sacred Art of Medicine to the point where today, Allopathic
iatrogenesis is the 4th leading cause of death in the U.S., Canada, the
U.K., and presumably elsewhere.

Conventional "modern medicine" is DIRECTLY responsible for more deaths than
automobile accidents and firearms combined.

"We the People" deserve the Legal Right to exercise our Freedom of Choice in
the face of these terrible realities.

I respectfully request that you support Freedom in the spirit of the
Constitution of these united States as you are considering your vote this
morning on Minnesota House file #537, appended.

God bless you one and all!


Dave Hartley
86 N. Lexington Ave.
Asheville, NC  28801


Proposed Amendments 10/04/99 5:00 p.m.  [RESDEPT ] EL/JMW

1   .. moves to amend H. F. No. 537, as follows:
2   Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
3   "Section 1. [146A.01] [CITATION.]
4   This chapter may be cited as the Complementary and
Alternative Health Care Freedom of Access Act.
6   Sec. 2. [146A.0.2] [DEFINITIONS.]
7   subdivision 1._ [APPLICABILITY.] For purposes of this
8   chapter, the following terms have the meanings given to them.

10  OR CLIENT.] "Complementary and alternative health care client"

11  or "client" means an individual who receives services from an

12  unlicensed complementary and alternative health care

13  practitioner.


15  PRACTICES.] (a) "Complementary and alternative health care

16  practices" means the broad domain of complementary and

17  alternative healing methods and treatments, including but not

18  limited to: (1) acupressure; (2) anthroposophy; (3) aroma

19  therapy; (4) ayurveda; (5) cranial sacral therapy; (6)

20  culturally traditional healing practices; (7) detoxification

21  practices and therapies; (8) energetic healing; (9) polarity

22  therapy; (10) folk practices; -(11) healing Practices utilizing

23  food, food supplements, nutrients, and the physical forces of

24  heat, cold, water, touch, and light; (12) Gerson therapy and


10/04/99 5:00 p.m.[RESDEPT ] EL/JMW H537DE2

1   colostrum therapy; (13) healing touch; (14) herbology or

herbalism; (15) homeopathy; (16) iridology; (17) body work,

3   massage, and massage therapy; (18) meditation; (19) mind-body

4   healing practices; (20) naturopathy; (21) noninvasive

instrumentalities; (22) traditional Oriental practices, such as

6   Qi Gong energy healing; and (23) other complementary and

7   alternative health care and healing practices pursued by clients

8   for the purpose of preventing or treating illness or promoting

health and well-being.

10  (b) Complementary and alternative health care practices, in

11  and of themselves, do not include surgery, x-ray radiation,

12  administering or dispensing legend drugs and controlled
substances, practices that invade the human body by puncture of

14  the skin, or the manipulation or adjustment of articulations of

15  joints or the spine as described in section 146.23 or 148.01.
(c) Complementary and alternative health care practices do
not include practices that are permitted under section 147.09,

18  clause (11), or 148.271, clause (5).

19  Subd. 4. [HEALTH-RELATED LICENSING BOARD.] "Health-related

20  licensing board" has the meaning given in section 214.01,

21  subdivision 2.


23  CARE PRACTITIONER.] "Unlicensed complementary and alternative

24  health care practitioner" means a person who:

25  (1) is not licensed or registered by a health-related

26  licensing board or the commissioner of health, or does not hold

[CTRL] FW: Minnesota legislation to allow alternative practitioner to practice

2000-02-13 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2000 11:22 PM
Subject: Minnesota legislation to allow alternative practitioner to practice

Please, your thoughts and prayers are needed again.
The Minnesota legislation to allow alternative practitioners of all
kinds--shiatsu, homeopathy, energy healers, herbalists, naturopaths,
up for a vote Monday morning in an important subcommittee of our
The Minnesota Medical Association, the drug companies, the trial attorneys
and other big guns have all come out of the woodwork to oppose the bill.  It
basically says that healing modalities that have no potential to cause harm
do not need to be licensed, it sets up a mechanism for consumer complaints,
it requires us alternative practitioners to disclose our education and
credentials (informed consent).
The vote looks up for grabs at this point.  I was one of four people allowed
to  testify last week on behalf of the bill after the other side tried to
manouver us out of our testimony time.  One sympathetic legislator came back
for the evening testimony with his three small sons in tow in case it went
a vote that evening.
It is an uphill battle.  We are not going for licensing because we do not
believe we need it, not having the ability to cause harm.  The state only
needs to license healing modalities that can cause harm, such as surgery,
prescription writing privileges, other invasive modalities.
In addition, licensing drives up the costs of health care to the consumer by
limiting the number of people who are in practice and drives up the costs to
practice because the licensing boards are completely supported by licensing
For example, if you are looking for a homeopath and the one you have chosen
discloses they have not attended any school, have taken and passed no
national boards, would you want to put your health into their hands?  We
believe that market place forces are the ones to decide who should practice,
not the state.
(Can you tell we take a rather maverick view of this whole subject?  It is
not for nothing that good old Jesse Ventura is a native Minnesotan.)
By the way, his daughter, Jade Ventura, was harmed by a DPT vaccine when she
was an infant.  She had an undiscovered Vitamin B6 deficiency and went into
seizures after the vaccination.  She is about 16 now but has the math skills
and judgement skills of an 11 year old.  He is reported to be in favor of
this bill, but is keeping a low profile on it.
For more information, please see this website:
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Another Secret Society Exposed--and the Media Ignores It...

2000-02-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

On Sun, 13 Feb 2000, Robert Tatman wrote:

> >
> > The Michigamua is one of three secret groups known as the Tower Societies.
> > The Tower Societies are located on the 5th, 6th, and 7th floors of the
> Tower
> > at the U of M Union.  These rooms are provided to the groups for free and

That's crap.  I worked in The Student Union for years, and there
ain't no 5th, 6th, and 7th floors!

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Waco: Sniper's Nest Revealed

2000-02-13 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: 
Subject: Re: Waco: Sniper's Nest Revealed
Date: Sunday, February 13, 2000 11:15 AM


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: Ian Goddard 
Subject: Re: Waco: Sniper's Nest Revealed
Date: Monday, February 07, 2000 9:43 PM

At http://www.FreeRepublic.com/forum/a389f17ad2057.htm

I wrote:

>I expect that the structure that appeared next to the gym
>on April 19 was a "portable" or make-shift sniper's nest.

I got feedback back from one of the Davidian's lawyers. It
appears that the most-accurate proposition was that it's a
makeshift, not portable, sniper's nest. Apparently the tank
knocked out the wall of the gym from the inside at that point
(the resulting hole in the gym wall is not visible on the FLIR)
and a sniper or snipers used the debris as a makeshift hide.

The majority of FLIR experts reviewing the tape conclude that
the thermal flashes at that point are gunshots directed at the
Mt Carmel Center. An interesting question is why they'd shoot
from such a close range? I observe that the trajectory of most
of the shots fired from that close-in position are toward the
tower. If there was a bomb planted on the floor of the second-
story of the tower, which was the roof of the concrete room,
there would be a risk that occupants might remove the planted
bomb before it exploded. If you wanted to shoot into that room
from long-range to kill anyone coming in, your bullets might
hit a bomb. On the other hand, if you fired from a close enough
angle, the trajectory of your bullet would come in at a steep
angle that could not inadvertently hit a bomb on the floor.
But then someone might be able to crawl in and get the bomb,
and how would shooters outside know when someone was entering
the room? Could they have placed a remote monitor in the room?
There does appear to be a radio transceiver by the blast hole
http://www.FreeRepublic.com/forum/a389a8c993193.htm that could
facilitate remote-control operations, such as bomb detonation
(the blast force of a shaped charge is directed into the target,
which results in minimal forces being directed away from the
target, hence objects could be found close to the blast hole).

Just thinking out loud, hoping to stimulate public inquiry...

WACO BOMB?: http://users.erols.com/igoddard/wacorom2.htm

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Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
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[CTRL] [Fwd: [blue honey] Why the "War on Drugs" may well be worth fighting.]

2000-02-13 Thread pmeares


You may find this article humorous, and it's so far out
there that I guess it is a bit silly. The movie did so well that I'd bet most of
us know what "The Matrix" is. A world where machines and computers rule...this
article could explain the turning point:
"War on Drugs" = War on Cash, or, Why the "War on Drugs"
may well be worth fighting.The massive and ever-increasing presence of
illicit drugs within our society is prompting much concern. The US Government's
"War on Drugs" is demonstrably not working and further considered by many to be
counterproductive.Here in the UK, heroin usage, (which along with crack
cocaine is generally regarded as the most socially dangerous illicit substance),
is now reckoned to be approaching 2% of the general population of some cities.
Prompting louder and greater cries that "something must be done".I
believe there are three principal reasons why government, and the forces behind
government, are allowing the drug situation to get so out of control. I will
relate these and then hypothesize further about where all this is
leading.Firstly, it helps facilitate transnational corporate
expansionism. In a world where very big companies are seeking to get bigger
still; to expand their holdings, both fiscal and human; it is very useful to be
able to both socially and politically disenfranchise those persons who, for one
reason or another, do not quite fit into the corporate gameplan. Heroin does
this admirably. It is a very powerful painkiller whose essential action is to
partially remove the user from the life process; to reduce the emotional impact
of incoming stimuli and so lower our response to our environment. Junkies
typically neither vote nor riot. They are rendered socially and politically
inactive by their drug of choice and so do little to threaten the advance of
consumerism.Secondly, heroin, and also cocaine, are now such major
commodities, any effective attack on their presence would inevitably have a
major effect on the world markets. Some analysts suggest effective action to
lower heroin and cocaine supplies could end the current bull run and cause the
market to enter a phase of depression. Something those who run the worlds'
finances apparently seem determined to prevent.Thirdly, and more
sinisterly, I believe the increasing presence of heroin and crack cocaine within
our communities, and the accompanying calls for 'something to be done', will be
used to maneuver us into finally rejecting cash once and for all. For, without
cash, untraceable financial transactions such as the sale of illicit substances
are not possible.I believe that early in the coming century, somewhere,
likely in Western Europe, there will be a pilot scheme to remove illicit drugs
by outlawing cash currency. This scheme will work, and, more importantly, be
seen to work. From then on, the media will unrelenting sell the idea that the
outlawing of cash will remove illicit heroin, to the point where the public will
be literally begging government to undertake a similar scheme in their
neighborhood. Large retail chains will proclaim their allegiance to the War on
Drugs by renouncing the acceptance of cash. Media worthies, in TV extravaganzas,
will exhort us to give up cash "for the sake of our childrens' future".
Increasingly, persons still using or accepting cash will be seen as social
pariahs, selfishly putting their own obsession with personal freedom above the
needs of the community.Over the following years cash will be steadily
removed from our society until all money is electronic and controlled by a vast
interlocked network of computers.People will now possess "smart cards",
credit-card sized things with vast amounts of information about the holder on
them, including his or her current financial limits.Then, once cash is
fully eliminated, and not before, big problems will begin to "occur" within the
electronic money system. Massive frauds will happen. People will find all their
money suddenly disappearing without their knowing where it's gone. About this
time, the media will begin introducing the idea that only by putting the info on
the smart card actually into the users' body, by microchipping people, can our
personal and financial details be 100% safe.Pilot schemes will operate,
(some are already in existence), and the persons signing up for "chipping" will
be seen to be totally resistant to fraudulent loss of their money. Banks and
employers will offer incentives to people to get chipped. The media will sell
the idea unrelentingly. Small children will go missing and be found "because
they were chipped". Films and TV will show chipping as the socially positive
thing to do. Youngsters will be bombarded with propaganda telling them chipping
is cool, and a smart idea if you want to get ahead. Greater and greater problems
will occur with smart cards, until the general public are queuing around the
block to get themselves chipped.Finally, we will have a w

[CTRL] Fw: Privacy issue: HDs being confiscated...

2000-02-13 Thread Robert Tatman

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

- Original Message -
To: Activist Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2000 3:56 PM
Subject: Privacy issue: HDs being confiscated...

> Activist Mailing List - http://get.to/activist
> Attacks on privacy are becoming a common occurrence.
> This is just for information purposes... I would ask for ideas on how to
combat these
> occurances... but with the lack of response to my last such inquiry...
well...why? But, here's
> my position anyway... story follows.
> We continue to see many injustices throughout the U.S. and the world. We
post them to
> bring them to light but nobody seems to have any ideas on how to resolve
them. I work in the
> software industry where problems occur in the coding process. Someone
identifies the
> problems - someone else comes up with ideas on how to remedy the
problems - then the
> problem is addressed as a team and usually resolved. It's a natural
process for me and my
> team at work. I also try to apply the same philosphy to my own life and in
helping those
> around me.
> So, I ask questions like what can we do to fix this? or, does anyone have
any ideas on how
> to remedy this situation. In cases of injustices, such as those discussed
in this little group, I
> would hope that people had ideas on how to address some of the issues that
arise. If we
> continue to simply look and point our fingers... well, this will help open
some eyes... but, if we
> find a path to remedy a situation and succeed... this will help gain
others to actually join in
> because they will see that "WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!"
> Anyway... enough ranting for me now... here is a story that some will
find... interesting.
> Originally posted on USENET by Cary Darling
> =
> I was watching ZDTV this afternoon, in particular Silicon Spin and the
> discussion turned to the topic of a Major Airline who won a court order in
> Federal Court to seize their employees personal home computers in attempt
> viewing their email correspondence with each other out side of work.
> I became so angry I went straight to Angel Fire and signed myself up for a
> free web site and within a short amount of time put together a site to
> Netizens apprised of this travesty of justice, as well as a forum to speak
> out and possibly organize an internet protest against this company.
> Go to http://www.angelfire.com/journal/nwa/ For links to articles I have
> found as well as links to people you can contact at the airline to
> along with links to Congressmen and Senators.
> We cannot tolerate fascist Gestapo techniques like these that was only
> designed to intimidate their employees during contract negotiations.
> If we allow it there, where will it happen next? Possibly your job.
> How would you like to turn over your personal PC for your boss to view the
> contents of your emails, as well as favorites and history folders...not to
> mention any financial records you might have on there as well as personal
> diaries.
> Stand up and unite!
> Thank you.
> Cary Darling
> Editor, Strange Texas News
> http://www.strangetexas.com
> ===
> joe g long [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> .
> they're coming for our guns
> they won't succeed - but they will come
> ..
> home.. http://lightning.prohosting.com/~joejoe/
> in.a.gif http://www.bainbridgeisland.net/members/joelong/
> searcher http://www.geocities.com/area51/shire/1840/
> Download NeoPlanet at http://www.neoplanet.com
> __
> To unsubscribe, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> __
> Start Your Own FREE Email List at http://www.listbot.com

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fw: [ykboo] pie-power vs. globalization

2000-02-13 Thread Robert Tatman

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

- Original Message -
From: Dimitris Desyllas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2000 3:24 PM
Subject: FW: [ykboo] pie-power vs. globalization

> Eternera Mailing List - http://get.to/eternera
> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
> MichaelP
> Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2000 11:45 AM
> To: unlikely suspects: ;
> Subject: [ykboo] pie-power vs. globalization
>  IMF Chief Pied, Burnt In Effigy By Bangkok Protesters
> Pie Picture at:
> http://news.excite.com/photo/img/r/economy/unctad/ngos/2213/ban04?
> r=/photo/ap/000213/12/world-trade-camdessus
> IMF Chief Camdessus Retiring MondayUpdated 12:35 PM ET February 13, 2000
> By NAOMI KOPPEL, Associated Press Writer
> BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) -
> During his 13 years as head of the International Monetary Fund, Michel
> Camdessus transformed himself from a faceless bureaucrat into a well-known
> - and much-criticized - figure.
> Camdessus, 66, retires as the IMF's managing director Monday, more than a
> year before his term expires. He is the IMF's longest-serving IMF chief.
> He often drew criticism from some governments and activist groups
> that partly blamed his financial policies for poverty in the Third
> World.
> His career ended in a more physical act of criticism. Before Camdessus
> gave his final speech at a U.N. trade conference in Bangkok on Sunday, an
> American activist threw a cream-and-fruit pie in his face.
> But the pie-throwing incident gave Camdessus a last chance to show the
> iron side of his character, going ahead with his speech - a defense of the
> IMF as a force for global good - without mentioning the assault on his
> dignity minutes earlier. Camdessus instead hit back at countries that had
> criticized him over the years, hinting at hypocrisy.
> "Some governments from time to time find it convenient not to express
> their public support for actions they support wholeheartedly in our
> executive bodies," he said. "We will all be unable to discharge our
> ever-growing responsibilities if we are not perceived for what we are -
> the faithful instruments of the community of nations."
> Many in Thailand held Camdessus personally responsible for exacerbating
> the recent Asian economic crisis by insisting on high-interest rates that
> have been blamed for ruining businesses and leaving millions out of work.
> The IMF and Camdessus in particular became convenient scapegoats for some
> governments. Camdessus, a former governor of the Bank of France, was
> picked in 1998 by Asiaweek magazine as Asia's most powerful man.
> Under Camdessus, the IMF coped with financial crises in Asia, Africa,
> Russia and Latin America.
> But the IMF was never popular internationally, and calls have increased
> for the organization to operate with the transparency it often demands of
> poor countries. In recent months, the IMF has been tested by allegations
> that billions of dollars of aid money destined for Russia had been
> misappropriated. The United States is proposing significant changes. It
> wants the IMF to focus on short-term emergency loans and to withdraw from
> making long-term loans to poor countries that can obtain money from
> private sources. When Camdessus' retirement was announced last year,
> British Chancellor Gordon Brown praised him as a visionary. But on
> Bangkok's streets, protesters who see the IMF as part of a world system
> favoring rich countries cheered at the pie throwing and burned Camdessus
> in effigy. Camdessus, typically unflappable, refused to press charges
> against the pie thrower.
> Poor Nations Seek Share of Wealth
>  By DIRK BEVERIDGE, AP Business Writer BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - Economic
> globalization may be inevitable, but the leaders of poor nations told an
> international trade conference Saturday that it holds painful and
> frightening consequences for their countries.
> The weeklong U.N. Conference on Trade and Development, which started
> Saturday, was being touted as a place for trade officials to redeem
> December's debacle in Seattle, where street protests turned violent and
> World Trade Organization ministers failed to launch a new round of global
> commerce talks.
> But security issues plagued the Bangkok meeting as well, with an American
> anti-free trade activist dodging a cordon around the conference to throw a
> pie in the face of International Monetary Fund chief Michel Camdessus.
> Following the embarrassing incident, Camdessus went ahead with a s

[CTRL] Fw: (50 Years) FW: UNCTAD - IMF's Chief Calls for G7 Summit Shakeup

2000-02-13 Thread Robert Tatman

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2000 2:12 PM
Subject: (50 Years) FW: UNCTAD - IMF's Chief Calls for G7 Summit Shakeup

> -Original Message-
> On Behalf Of Janet M Eaton
> Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2000 10:12 AM
> Subject: UNCTAD - IMF's Chief Calls for G7 Summit Shakeup
> Outgoing IMF chief Michel Camdessus Sunday proposed a shake-up of the
> annual summit of rich nations to address mounting criticism that
> globalization was benefiting rich nations at the cost of the poor.
> He also noted that:
> ``. , the trade talks need to be put back on the rails,
> and in doing so we need to convince the public and political
> leadership in developing and developed countries alike -- that only
> multilateralism can succeed in humanizing globalization."
> FYI,
> janet
> Sunday - 10:25 02/13/2000, EST
> IMF's Chief Calls for G7 Summit Shakeup
> BANGKOK, Thailand (Reuters) - Outgoing IMF chief Michel Camdessus Sunday
> proposed a shake-up of the annual summit of rich nations to address
> mounting criticism that globalization was benefiting rich nations at the
> cost of the poor.
> Camdessus, in his last public speech before stepping down after 13 years
> as managing director of the International Monetary Fund, said
> incoherence in international policy-making was stifling growth.  The
> world had a golden opportunity to insulate itself from financial
> upheavals and to harness the opportunities opened up by rapid economic
> change to narrow the ``potentially explosive'' gap between rich and
> poor, he said.
> ``This suggestion is modest. No doubt we will have to be more
> imaginative if we want humanity to become aware of and to assume
> responsibility for the global aspect of its destiny,'' Camdessus told a
> summit of the U.N. trade and development agency UNCTAD.
> ``We must provide the world with institutions adapted to these
> challenges,'' he said.
> Camdessus suggested that the annual summit of the Group of Seven
> industrial nations plus Russia be replaced every two years by a meeting
> of the heads of state and government of the countries about 30 at any
> one time -- that have executive directors on the boards of either the
> IMF or its sister agency in Washington, the World Bank.
> Because the executive directors also speak for countries besides their
> own, such a meeting would be representative of the IMF's 182-strong
> membership, Camdessus said.
> The head of the United Nations should also attend, he said.
> He said the plan ``would offer a way of establishing a clear and
> stronger link between the multinational institutions and a
> representative grouping of world leaders with unquestionable
> legitimacy.''
> He said his proposal could be discussed at this year's G7 summit in
> Okinawa, Japan. The group's other members are the United States,
> Germany, France, Britain, Canada and Italy.
> The weeklong UNCTAD summit began Saturday and is being attended by about
> 3,000 delegates from 190 countries, mainly developing states.
> The conference is aimed at shaping strategies to ensure trade is
> utilized to underpin development of the world's emerging economies and
> least developed countries.
> It is the first large gathering of trade ministers and officials since
> the failure at the World Trade Organization's ministerial meeting in
> Seattle in December to launch a new round of global trade talks.
> ``Clearly, the trade talks need to be put back on the rails, and in
> doing so we need to convince the public and political leadership in
> developing and developed countries alike -- that only multilateralism
> can succeed in humanizing globalization,'' Camdessus said.
> The IMF is an object of hate for many activists who blame its orthodox
> economic prescriptions high interest rates and budget belt-tightening
> for worsening the pain of countries that run into balance of payments
> problems and seek bailouts from it.
> Tacitly acknowledging the fierce opposition often aroused by the Fund's
> rigorous economic policies, Camdessus said: ``Popular support for
> stabilization and reform cannot be counted upon unless the whole
> population, including the poorest...is able to participate in the
> formulation of policies and, of course, in the benefits of those
> policies.''
> Camdessus was denounced last week as a ``war criminal'' by Alejandro
> Bendana, a Nicaraguan activist with Jubilee South, a development
> pressure group.
> Just before Camdessus's speech in Bangkok Sunday, an unidentified
> protester pushed a cream pie into his face. The IMF chief was taken
> aback but composed himself quickly.
> Camdessus spoke of his emotion in stepping down from his job and
> defended the policies the IMF had overseen to guide Asia out of its
> financial crisis in 1997 after a sudden flight of foreign capital
> exposed deep econom

[CTRL] UltraSecret AIDS Conspiracy:Graves vs. The President of the United States

2000-02-13 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


I thought you might be interested in this petition. The
President is due to respond this Wednesday February 16, but
our lawmakers and leaders must know the People will not
rest until this evidence is made public. Forget campaign
finance reform, let's talk genocide. Please sign and pass
it on...

Graves vs. The President of the United States

Click here to sign this petition:

The undersigned call for the Executive, Judicial, and
Legislative branches of United States government to conduct
bipartisan review of new evidence conclusively proving the
government's ideation, knowledge, cooperation, funding,
creation, and intentional use of an incurable 'super-germ'
commonly called AIDS. Evidence includes government
documentation of its' ultra-secret Special Virus Cancer
Program (headquartered at Penn State as early as 1962)
which suggests the incurable biological 'super-germ' created
in these government sponsored laboratories was
intentionally used to kill Africans, homosexuals, and other
''undesirables' in accordance with the UN's depopulation
directives. This petition is no less than a call for the
United States government to answer in a court of law and
public forum the hard evidence linking the United States
government to crimes against Humanity, or state sponsored
genocide to the tune of over 15 million deaths, 35 million
present infections, and 4 million new infections expected
in 2000. The evidence outlined in Graves vs. The President
of the United States CASE NO. 1:98 CV 2209 deserves fair
trail in the highest courts of the world. This petition is
a step in this process. All eyes of the world await the
President's response. Thanks for signing your support.

*If you want to stay up to date on the most important legal
case of the century, send blank mail to subscribe@mrr2001.

Click here to sign this petition:

E- The People, http://www.e-thepeople.com, is a free, nonpartisan
Web service committed to better communication between citizens and government.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: This Week's Bush Watch Schedule

2000-02-13 Thread DIG alfred webre

Inside Bush Watch - http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/3750/bush.htm





To celebrate the beginning of our third year of existence (we were on the
web before Dubya was), Bush Watch, the site that looks over the shoulder
of Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush, has a full range of
activities that should capture the attention of the casual observer as
well as the most avid Bush Watcher.

Monday, Feb. 14.  Our Valentine to George. Read about his sweetheart deal.

Tuesday, Feb. 15.  Bush Watch Birthday Party. Past selections with updates.

Wednesday, Feb. 16.  Bill Braisin's grading of last night's crucial debate.

Thursday, Feb. 17.  Bush does to health care what he's done to the

Friday, Feb. 18.  A different kind of  look at Bush's  web of money.

Saturday, Feb 19.  Late evening S.C. Primary results and analysis.

Sunday, Feb 20. What really happened in South Carolina?

Come early, stay late. jerry politex

Inside Bush Watch - http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/3750/bush.htm





To celebrate the beginning of our third year of existence (we were on the
web before Dubya was), Bush Watch, the site that looks over the shoulder
of Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush, has a full range of
activities that should capture the attention of the casual observer as
well as the most avid Bush Watcher.

Monday, Feb. 14.  Our Valentine to George. Read about his sweetheart deal.

Tuesday, Feb. 15.  Bush Watch Birthday Party. Past selections with updates.

Wednesday, Feb. 16.  Bill Braisin's grading of last night's crucial debate.

Thursday, Feb. 17.  Bush does to health care what he's done to the

Friday, Feb. 18.  A different kind of  look at Bush's  web of money.

Saturday, Feb 19.  Late evening S.C. Primary results and analysis.

Sunday, Feb 20. What really happened in South Carolina?

Come early, stay late. jerry politex

To unsubscribe, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Start Your Own FREE Email List at http://www.listbot.com

Re: [CTRL] Romanians poison Tisa and Danube

2000-02-13 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 02/13/2000 5:36:16 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< >   Mine authorities and Romanian officials, however, have
 >downplayed the effects of the leak, accusing Hungary of gross
 >exaggeration. >>

They also are ignoring the fact that the mine in question is rather new, and
that it was a joint Romanian/Australian venture (The Esmeralda folks), and
that a lot of it was financed by US money.  They really haven't told us
exactly what happened, have they?  I'd hate to think it was a design fault.
It would be nice if they would let us know just what happened.  This kind of
thing goes on all the time in South America from what I've heard.  But what
do rivers, people and wildlife matter when there's profit to be made.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] UASR:Happy Valentine's from Mars......

2000-02-13 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

  Saturday, 12 February, 2000, 10:31 GMT


 Star-struck lovers need only look to
 the skies for inspiration this
 Valentine's day.

 A satellite orbiting Mars has sent
 back a valentine's message just in
 time for 14 February.

 Pictures show a heart-shaped Martian
 plateau in the south polar region of
 the red planet.

 Nasa has released the pictures onto
 its web site so lovers can e-mail
 them as an alternative to the usual
 padded red card or roses.

 Dark side

 Nasa's Jet Propulsion Laboratory at
 Pasadena in California announced
 that the Mars Global Surveyor
 spacecraft had captured a lovely view
 of a bright, heart-shaped area of the
 planet measuring 255 metres across.

 But be warned the heart has a dark
 side. It is surrounded by a layer of
 dark rough terrain.

 The pictures were taken in a late
 southern spring in a region of the
 planet where for the winter and most
 of the spring it is covered in a bright

 Mars Global Surveyor is the first
 mission in a long-term program of
 Mars exploration.

 The asteroid of love

 In another Valentine's day special a
 Near spacecraft is due to explore an
 asteroid named after the Greek god
 of love "Eros" on Monday.

 Experts are calling it an
 unprecedented chance to gain a
 better understanding of the space

 It is also the first space flight to
 operate beyond the orbit of Mars
 while solar powered.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] MC:How Psychetronic Weapons Work: REAL LIFE DEATH RAYS

2000-02-13 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

By Joe Vialls

[The following article is taken from New Dawn magazine - a
  magazine exposing consensus reality and publishing suppressed
  information. 6 issue subscription for US$30 can be obtained
  from: GPO Box 3126FF, Melbourne, 3001, AUSTRALIA.]
There is very strong circumstantial evidence suggesting that
  new psychetronic weapons have been developed to "control" inno-
  cent citizens without their knowledge or consent, with research
  showing the U.S. leading the field. Does such weaponry already
  exist at Pine Gap and Nurrungar and, if so, is it intended for
  use against Australians exercising their democratic right to
  protest peacefully?
Research into the use of electromagnetic waves as potential
  weapons to distort human perception and/or cause direct psycho-
  physiological damage started shortly after the end of World War
  II. Although the U.S. intelligence officials claimed the Soviets
  had the whip hand in this field, it is significant that the
  Soviets proposed a total ban on electromagnetic warfare at one of
  the arms talks. Equipment has already been tested in the U.S. on
  rats at short range, successfully inducing nausea, tumors and
  many other symptoms. Closed lectures at various U.S. defense
  establishments have already discussed specific frequency effects
  that have been logged for use in operational situations. In
  other words, the Americans already know exactly which frequency
  to apply to gain a precise reaction within targeted areas of the
  human brain. The U.S. has a problem with testing at the human
  level. It has been stated clearly that the White House point
  blank refused the request to test on human subjects at all.
  Counter claims insist the White House does approve such testing,
  but only on prisoners and non-Americans.

How Psychetronic Weapons Work

By the '60s, weapon research had split into two distinctly
  different fields. The first of these fields involved weapons
  operation on frequencies in the same range as the human brain's

  electrical activity of 14 Hertz (or 14 cycles old values). These
  were and still are called E(L)F, standing for Extraordinarily
  (L)ow Frequency. Design was intended to induce illness by upset-
  ting the electrical patterns in specific areas of the brain,
  resulting in nausea, faintness, panic attack and possible uncon-
  sciousness at short range; depression and other symptoms at long
  range. The ambition was to identify which precise frequency was
  needed for each individual human reaction. Under the Reagan
  administration's top secret Project Sleeping Beauty, Dr. Michael
  Persinger, chief neurologist at Laurentian University's Environ-
  mental Physiology Laboratory in Ontario, was "quietly" funded to
  find the answers. Using what are called time-varying fields of
  low intensity in the extraordinary low frequency range from one
  to ten hertz, Persinger was consistently able to make a cage of
  rats sick. The E(L)F field he generated had stimulated the MAST
  histamine-producing brain cells into inducing instant nausea.
  Specific research on E(L)F weapons was continued by Dr. Elizabeth
  Rauscher, a nuclear physicist and boss of the Technic Research
  Laboratory in San Leandro, California. Rauscher had already
  identified specific frequency effects to induce not only nausea
  but also happiness, for example. Clearly, Dr. Rauscher was an
  enthusiast: "Give me the money and three months", she boasted,
  "and I'll be able to affect the behavior of 80 per cent of the
  people in this town without their knowing it. Make them happy -
  or at least they'll think they're happy. Or aggressive." Much
  later, in March 1984, Captain Paul Tyler, a U.S. Navy doctor
  responsible for all research into the effects of radiation on
  humans, presented a paper at the Air University Centre for Aero-
  space Doctrine. Tyler confirmed that "specific biological ef-
  fects can be achieved" with electromagnetic fields. He made it
  very clear that the required fields had already been identified
  for operational use. Massive power generation required for E(L)F
  transmission is still a problem, apparently. So far the U.S.
  "underground" is not aware of any proven incidents where E(L)F
  has been used against the general public in a hostile mann


2000-02-13 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Microwave/Implant Editorial
   John U.
   Feb 13, 2000
12:27 PST



  March\April, 1994


We've been telling you that advanced microwave technology is
  being used against the human race. We've taken many beatings
  from skeptics but things are finally coming to light on this
  subject. We're including material here which should make the
  subject clearer.
In the book, "Cross Currents", by Robert O. Becker, M.D.
  (Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc., 5858 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 200, Los
  Angeles, CA, 90036), the author covers the perils of electromag-
  netic radiation, as well as the promises of electro-medicine.
His appendix is: "The Hidden Hand on the Switch: Military Uses
  of the Electromagnetic Spectrum".

   The New Killing Fields: Electromagnetic Weapons

While the military was vigorously denying the very existence of
  bioeffects from electromagnetic-field exposure, such bioeffects
  were actually being explored as potential weapons -- weapons with
  the enormous advantage of being totally silent and imperceptible.
The EMP [electromagnetic pulse] concept has been extended
  through the development of devices that generate EMP pulses
  without the need for nuclear explosions. Such devices could be
  deployed for use against enemy command and control centers and
  against aircraft in order to produce failure of electronic equip-
  ment. A derivative of this program is HPM (high-power pulsed
  microwave), a system producing intense, extremely short pulses of
  microwave. Several types, ranging in frequency from 1200 MHz to
  35 GHz with powers up to 1000 megawatts, are being tested. These
  are also considered for potential use as weapons against human
A recent report derived from the testing program of the
  Microwave Research Department of the Walter Reed Army Institute
  of Research states, "Microwave energy in the range 1 to 5 GHz, a
  militarily important range, penetrates all organ systems of the
  body and thus puts all organ systems at risk." Effects on the
  central nervous system are considered very important. The test-
  ing program, begun in 1986, is divided into four parts: (1)
  prompt debilitation effects; (2) prompt stimulation through
  auditory effects; (3) work interference/stoppage effects; and (4)
  effects on stimulus-controlled behavior. The report goes on to
  state, "Microwave pulses appear to couple to the central nervous
  system and produce stimulation similar to electrical stimulation
  unrelated to heat." It appears that HPM is capable of altering
  behavior in the same fashion as Delgado's electrical stimulation.
The production of cognitive and behavioral alteration by HPM
  [high-power pulsed microwave] is a sledgehammer effect in com-
  parison to the subtle alterations produced by ELF [extra low
  frequency] fields. According to a 1982 Air Force review of
  biotechnology, ELF has a number of potential military uses,
  including "dealing with terrorist groups, crowd control, control-
  ling breaches in security at military installations, and antiper-
  sonnel techniques in tactical warfare." The same report states,
  "[Electromagnetic] systems would be used to produce mild to
  severe physiological disruption or perceptual disruption or
  disorientation. They are silent, and countermeasures to them may
  be difficult to develop.
Anthony Lake, National Security Advisor-Elect
Madeleine Albright, U.N. Ambassador-Elect
Judy Abdo, Mayor of Santa Monica, CA; SM is hit by the planes.
Timothy Walsh, manager, Santa Monica Airport
Ron Dellums, Chairman, House Armed Services Committee.
PS: I heard on our listener sponsored station that the Los
  Alamos national laboratories said it could make electromagnetic
  weapons to stun or kill people. Also that FEMA has a martial law
  plan, and a lot of unmarked black helicopters which have been
  sighted, especially in Colorado etc.
I discovered these references in Cross Currents:
Tyler, Paul E: "The Electromagnetic spectrum i

[CTRL] Romanians poison Tisa and Danube

2000-02-13 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

Date: Sunday, February 13, 2000 7:37 PM
Subject: SN346:Afp - Romanians poison Tisa and Danube

>   BELGRADE, Feb 13 (AFP) - Fears that cyanide pumped out of a
>Romanian mine two weeks ago might have gravely contaminated two
>Yugoslav rivers -- the Tisa and the Danube -- remained high Sunday,
>despite government claims that poison levels in the water were
>   No new data on cyanide levels were released Sunday morning by
>the Serb ministry in charge of agriculture, water and forestry,
>though measures taken the day before had indicated that levels were
>falling in the Tisa.
>   The ministry said 0.13 milligrammes of cyanide had been measured
>per litre of water in the Tisa early Saturday, but it had fallen to
>0.07 milligrammes two hours later.
>   Around 600 kilogrammes of dead fish have so far been swept up
>from the Tisa, close to the towns of Senta, Kanjiza and Adad, after
>the cyanide entered Yugoslav waters, the ministry reported.
>   In what some environmental experts have branded Europe's worst
>ecological accident since the 1986 disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear
>plant in Ukraine, an estimated 100,000 cubic metres of cyanide --
>used to extract gold from waste -- were released from the Aurul gold
>mine in northern Romania on February 1 after a reservoir wall
>   The cyanide first entered the Somes river in Romania, before
>passing into Hungary's Tisza river (the Magyar verson of Tisa),
>where the poison reached a density of 800 times its accepted maximum
>   Hungary's Foreign Ministry spokesman Gabor Horvath reported last
>week that the cyanide had devastated the water's fish stocks,
>leaving a "five-kilometre long carpet of dead fish floating along
>the river."
>   Mine authorities and Romanian officials, however, have
>downplayed the effects of the leak, accusing Hungary of gross
>   On Friday, the poison entered Yugoslav waters, and was expected
>to have reached the level of Stari Slankamen on the Danube river,
>some 50 kilometres (30 miles) north of Belgrade, by Sunday morning.
>   The Yugoslav government has banned the use of the Tisa's waters,
>and temporarily outlawed fishing on the river and on a portion of
>the Danube.

Associated Press Writer
Sunday, Feb. 13, 2000; 2:29 p.m. EST

BECEJ, Yugoslavia –– Serbia on Sunday announced it will demand compensation
at an international court from those responsible for a cyanide spill that
has contaminated a major river, destroying most aquatic life.

Serbian Environment Minister Branislav Blazic said it would take at least
five years for life in the Tisa River to recover.

"The Tisa has been killed. Not even bacteria have survived," Blazic said as
he toured the area along the river in northern Serbia. "This is a total

"We will demand an estimation of the damage and we will demand that the
culprits for this tragedy be punished," he said.

Romania, where the pollution originated, played down the environmental
damage. But people – not just aquatic life – are at risk because of the
spill, said Predrag Prolic, a professor of chemistry and toxicology at
Belgrade University.

He said those with wells close to the riverbed are in danger. Birds feeding
off fish could die, he said. The poisoned water also can filter into the
soil and then contaminate grass, grain, and livestock, Prolic said.

In Bucharest, Romania, Anton Vlad, an environmental official, suggested the
spill's effects had been overstated.

"I have the impression that it is exaggerated," Vlad told national radio.

The cyanide spill originated in northwest Romania, near the border town of
Oradea, where a dam at the Baia Mare gold mine overflowed Jan. 30, causing
cyanide to pour into streams. At the mine, a cyanide solution is used to
separate gold ore from surrounding rock.

>From there, the polluted water flowed west into the Tisa in neighboring
Hungary, killing large numbers of fish there, and then into Yugoslavia.

The spill was expected to reach the Danube River sometime Sunday. There was
no official word of that happening, but the Beta news agency cited
eyewitnesses late in the day who said the Danube was "all white with the
bellies of dead fish" between the area where it is joined by the Tisa, and
Belgrade, about 50 miles to the southeast.

Vlad said that once the cyanide had reached the Danube, the pollution would
"disappear because the water levels in the Danube are tens of times higher
than the Tisa."

Prolic said the Danube could dilute the spill enough to reduce its dangers,
but the spill still "destroyed life in the Tisa for years to come."

He said the peak concentration of cyanide in the river was 20 times the
permissible level. Poisonous heavy metals such as lead can be left behind
after the cyanide dissipates and can also leech into the soil, Prolic said.

In Serbia

[CTRL] Fw:The Man With A Mirror . . .

2000-02-13 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

Message-SubjectThe Man With A Mirror . . 
The Man With A Mirror . . 
By Jim HoaglandThursday, February 10, 
2000; Page A23 
Western visitors find Russia's Acting 
President Vladimir Putin to be a confident, supremely well-briefed leader whose 
own preoccupations and interests mirror theirs. Two words spring to the lips of 
the diplomats, businessmen and other foreign specialists who have had recent 
contact with Putin: "pragmatic" and "clever." The former KGB 
agent and ex-boss of Russia's own spy agency conducts these sessions without 
notes or papers and usually with few or no aides, even when dealing with complex 
topics. He is crisp and focused in manner and does not give the impression of 
being eager to please. 
Instead, he subtly chips away at the dubious image that he knows he has in 
Western Europe and the United States because of his career in espionage and his 
current assault on Chechnya. He becomes passionate only when he insists that 
Americans and Europeans are also threatened by the terrorism and Islamic 
fundamentalists he fights in Chechnya. He is sure the West will eventually make 
common cause with Russia against this threat. "Russia is doing the dirty 
job for everybody," he said in one conversation. 
"He is the man with the mirror," says one American specialist who 
has studied Putin. "He holds it up and lets you see what it is you want to 
see in him. This is a basic art of an agent of deception, and he has mastered it 
When Putin welcomed Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to the Kremlin last 
week, he began a long discussion on Chechnya by referring to the Western and 
Soviet failure to halt the rise of Nazism in the 1930s, according to one report 
of the meeting. Albright has frequently cited this failure as the key to her 
world view. When he saw French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine last weekend, 
Putin was not citing Munich but emphasizing Russia's solidarity with Europe. 
Albright came away from their meeting perceiving Putin to be "more 
open-minded" on the Clinton administration's desire to amend the 
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. But French officials found no such flexibility in 
their subsequent meetings with Putin and other Russian officials. France opposes 
ABM modification. 
Albright's reading in fact tracks closely with other authoritative signals 
the Russians have been sending out about a new willingness to discuss ABM 
changes after the March 26 presidential election Putin is almost certain to win. 
He hopes to have the worst of the Chechen campaign behind him by then and says 
he will seek a better working relationship with the United States and perhaps 
with NATO. 
A handful of Americans and Europeans agreed in return for anonymity to share 
candid impressions of Putin from meetings held before and since he replaced 
Boris Yeltsin on Dec. 31. All stressed the new energy and generational change 
Putin, 47, has brought to the Kremlin. These impressions, as limited as they 
are, take on importance in a vacuum of reliable information about Putin in 
Western intelligence and diplomatic files. "There are huge gaps in what we 
know, beyond what you would expect," says one senior Clinton administration 
official with access to sensitive information. "We deal with some 
significant mysteries here." 
Talk in Europe of Putin's having left the KGB under a cloud because of 
corruption suspicions is discounted by U.S. sources. It is clear there is 
resentment of Putin among his former colleagues in espionage, but that may come 
from the brutal housecleaning he undertook of the Federal Security Service, the 
KGB-successor agency, when Yeltsin put him there in July 1998. Putin fired 10 
top generals and brought in younger people, largely from his native St. 
Petersburg. On a smaller scale, he is repeating this pattern at the Kremlin, 
acting decisively in building his own team. 
"He is a bit of a machine," says one Western official. Another 
adds: "The new leader in the Kremlin always holds out the image of being 
someone with whom we can work. But I have never heard it done with such 
attention to the details we care about." 
Western governments say they have little choice but to deal with Putin at 
face value and to test his promises of cooperation as he moves to consolidate 
But their public statements about Putin's record thus far seem to 
underestimate the elements of calculation and manipulation in his approach, and 
his seemingly visceral reaction to Chechens and other non-Russian minorities. 
On the other side of the mirror, in Russia, Putin's nationalist and 
authoritarian personality comes more sharply into focus. Echoes of Putin's KGB 
past can be heard in the Kremlin's conflicting, obviously falsified accounts of 
the fate of Radio Liberty correspondent Andrei Babitsky, captured by Russian 
troops in Grozny and now missing. The Babitsky case is an important test of 
whether Putin values truth and human rights

Re: [CTRL] avoiding cultlike groups

2000-02-13 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Hi !

PARC-VRAMC has an article called, "Avoiding Cultlike Groups" by K. Sullivan,
a RA/MC survivor. "Helps abuse survivors to understand why they may be drawn
towards cultlike groups, gives advantages and disadvantages of joining these
groups, and lists differences between cultlike groups and healthy  groups. 6
pp. $3, PARC-VRAMC, PMB 129, 5251 Hwy 153, Hixson, TN 37343, E-mail:

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

Our listing these resources does not necessarily constitute our endorsement
of them. Resources mentioned in this resource list are mentioned for
educational value only. Using these resources may or may not help your
recovery process, so use caution when reading anything or contacting anyone
mentioned in this resource list.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] French to sue US/UK over Echelon spying

2000-02-13 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

The Times ( London ) February 10 2000 EUROPE

French to sue US and Britain over network of spies


THE British and US Governments are to be sued in France after claims that
they have spied on French companies, diplomats and Cabinet ministers.
Lawyers are planning a class action after confirmation last week that a
global anglophone spy network exists.  Codenamed P-415 Echelon, the
world's most powerful electronic spy system was revealed in declassified
US National Security Agency documents published on the Internet, and is
capable of intercepting telephone conversations, faxes and e-mails.

The system was established in the 1980s by the UKUSA alliance, which
unites the British, American, Australian, New Zealand and Canadian secret
services. In Europe, its listening devices are at Menwith Hill defence
base in Yorkshire. French MPs claim to have evidence that the European
Airbus consortium lost a Fr35 billion (3.5 billion) contract in 1995 after
its offer was overheard and passed to Boeing. Georges Sarre, a left-wing
MP, said: "The participation of the United Kingdom in spying on its
European partners for and with the US raises serious and legitimate
concerns in that it creates a particularly acute conflict of interest
within the European Union."

The European Parliament's Civil Liberties Committee will study a report on
the Echelon network on February 23. The debate is certain to fuel
criticism of Britain's role.

Until this month, the network was an official secret recognised by none of
the members of the UKUSA alliance. But the documents published by the
George Washington University prove its existence and its capacity to
intercept civilian satellite communications.

Jean-Pierre Millet, a Parisian lawyer, said that Echelon tracked every
mobile and satellite call, but only decoded those involving a key figure.
"You can bet that every time a French government minister makes a mobile
phone call, it is recorded," he said.

M Millet said that Echelon's system leaves it open to legal challenge
under French privacy laws. "The simple fact that an attempt has been made
to intercept a communication is against the law in France, however the
information is exploited." Yesterday he said that he would bring an action
on behalf of French civil liberty groups.


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is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FW: [chemical-trails] From Will Thomas - Regarding his Investigations

2000-02-13 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

>From William Thomas ( http://www.islandnet.com/~wilco/ )

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
Date:   2/9/00 3:41:58 AM Eastern Standard Time
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William Thomas)

Dear Chemtrails Investigation Supporter,

Thank you for your support in our mutual chemtrails investigation. As we
head deeper into another season of heavy spraying, new leads point to at
least two and possibly three separate spray programs being carried out over
North America. Several spray plane bases have been tentatively identified,
and we are attempting to obtain photos of the spray planes on the ground.

My 85-page report PROBING THE CHEMTRAILS CONNECTION details my 12-month
investigation into the most troubling story I have covered in more than 30
years as a journalist. Topics include documented information on the new
pandemic (that is NOT the flu), stealth viruses, viral-bacterial hybrids,
effective therapies for chemtrails and related illness, mind control, HAARP,
eugenics, weather modification, atmospheric remediation, eyewitness
accounts, lab findings - and much more.

It is your contributions that make this work possiible. In seeking
further funding for my chemtrails research, reporting, media outreach and
congressional lobbying in the year 2000, I'm sending updated copies of this
new booklet to everyone who can donate $24.95 or more for printing, mailing
and my ongoing research. As new inforrmation comes in, contributors who send
me an email address will also continue receiving exclusive chemtrails
updates for free.

Thank you for your continued asssistance in this work. As the mass media
approaches me for background material, it is my belief that "critical mass"
has been reached in public awareness and concern. Now is the time to push
for answers and accountability from those responsible for "black" programs
risking the health and safety of every living creature on this planet.

Together we can stop the spraying.

My best to you,
William Thomas
S-27  C-52
Gabriola Island, BC

For the fastest and easiest way to backup your files and, access them from
anywhere. Try @backup Free for 30 days.  Click here for a chance to win a
digital camera.

-- Check out your group's private Chat room
-- http://www.egroups.com/ChatPage?listName=chemical-trails&m=1

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] pie-power vs. globalization

2000-02-13 Thread Dave

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

 IMF Chief gets pie-in-face, Burnt In Effigy By Bangkok Protesters

Pie Picture at:


IMF Chief Camdessus Retiring MondayUpdated 12:35 PM ET February 13, 2000

By NAOMI KOPPEL, Associated Press Writer
BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) -

During his 13 years as head of the International Monetary Fund, Michel
Camdessus transformed himself from a faceless bureaucrat into a well-known
- and much-criticized - figure.

Camdessus, 66, retires as the IMF's managing director Monday, more than a
year before his term expires. He is the IMF's longest-serving IMF chief.

He often drew criticism from some governments and activist groups
that partly blamed his financial policies for poverty in the Third

His career ended in a more physical act of criticism. Before Camdessus
gave his final speech at a U.N. trade conference in Bangkok on Sunday, an
American activist threw a cream-and-fruit pie in his face.

But the pie-throwing incident gave Camdessus a last chance to show the
iron side of his character, going ahead with his speech - a defense of the
IMF as a force for global good - without mentioning the assault on his
dignity minutes earlier. Camdessus instead hit back at countries that had
criticized him over the years, hinting at hypocrisy.

"Some governments from time to time find it convenient not to express
their public support for actions they support wholeheartedly in our
executive bodies," he said. "We will all be unable to discharge our
ever-growing responsibilities if we are not perceived for what we are -
the faithful instruments of the community of nations."

Many in Thailand held Camdessus personally responsible for exacerbating
the recent Asian economic crisis by insisting on high-interest rates that
have been blamed for ruining businesses and leaving millions out of work.
The IMF and Camdessus in particular became convenient scapegoats for some
governments. Camdessus, a former governor of the Bank of France, was
picked in 1998 by Asiaweek magazine as Asia's most powerful man.

Under Camdessus, the IMF coped with financial crises in Asia, Africa,
Russia and Latin America.

But the IMF was never popular internationally, and calls have increased
for the organization to operate with the transparency it often demands of
poor countries. In recent months, the IMF has been tested by allegations
that billions of dollars of aid money destined for Russia had been
misappropriated. The United States is proposing significant changes. It
wants the IMF to focus on short-term emergency loans and to withdraw from
making long-term loans to poor countries that can obtain money from
private sources. When Camdessus' retirement was announced last year,
British Chancellor Gordon Brown praised him as a visionary. But on
Bangkok's streets, protesters who see the IMF as part of a world system
favoring rich countries cheered at the pie throwing and burned Camdessus
in effigy. Camdessus, typically unflappable, refused to press charges
against the pie thrower.

Poor Nations Seek Share of Wealth

 By DIRK BEVERIDGE, AP Business Writer BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - Economic
globalization may be inevitable, but the leaders of poor nations told an
international trade conference Saturday that it holds painful and
frightening consequences for their countries.

The weeklong U.N. Conference on Trade and Development, which started
Saturday, was being touted as a place for trade officials to redeem
December's debacle in Seattle, where street protests turned violent and
World Trade Organization ministers failed to launch a new round of global
commerce talks.

But security issues plagued the Bangkok meeting as well, with an American
anti-free trade activist dodging a cordon around the conference to throw a
pie in the face of International Monetary Fund chief Michel Camdessus.

Following the embarrassing incident, Camdessus went ahead with a speech,
his last before stepping down as IMF chief. He used the occasion to
counter claims that his organization has ignored the concerns of ordinary

"Globalization can now be seen in a positive light ... as the best means
of improving the human condition throughout the world," he said. Camdessus
said foreign investment in the Third World has enormous potential to close
the income gap, while information technology has given poor nations access
to knowledge that was once the preserve of the rich.

The U.N. meeting, held every four years, focuses more on the developing
world and a feeling among many of its leaders that they cannot access
wealth created by a global system centered on high technology and
increased power by multinational corporations. Such corporations - some
already financially more powerful than m

[CTRL] The Triple Crown Dream

2000-02-13 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

With Contempt For Our Democracy And The American People
The Right Wing Elite That Tried To Bring Down Clinton
Now Seek To Manipulate The "Coronation" Of George W. Bush

America's First Families
A careful review of the history of the New Right movement, that stretches
back at least two decades, reveals a very deliberate and coordinated effort
by people such as (notorious Clinton hater)Richard Mellon Scaife, Paul
Weyrich and the Coors, DeVos(Amway), Hunt(Oil), Koch(Oil), Krieble(Loctite),
Olin & Van Andel(Amway) families, to extend their influence throughout the
higher levels of our society. In fact, oilman George Bush Sr. comes from this
very same class of people. His tenure as CIA Director is only a small part of
a long history with the Intelligence community, which has included Richard
Mellon Scaife, and the other New Right leaders. It is highly unlikely that
Bush would have been appointed CIA Director, without some prior experience
within the Agency. Indeed, there have been reports that Bush was possibly a
CIA operative since at least 1961.

What's more, the Bush Family's CIA affiliation appears to originate with the
OSS, as Robert Lovett, the business partner of Bush's father Prescott, was an
OSS Officer, along with Scaife's father Alan. Prescott could not, officially
at least, be involved in the OSS, since he had his assets seized under the
Trading With the Enemy Act, for his partnerships with Nazi industrialists. It
was Robert Lovett and the Committee bearing his name that recommended the
creation of the CIA as the post-WWII descendant of the OSS. After the war,
Lovett and another of Prescott's business partners, Averell Harriman, were
directly involved with the CIA. Given that many of Prescott Bush's cronies
enjoyed a long association with the CIA, it is likely that Prescott was
involved with the Agency as well. (Those interested in looking more deeply
into the elite roots of the OSS and the CIA should read about Yale's "Skull
and Bones" society. Web-master's note: This is a well-researched article,
although the speculations require a grain of salt).

In the seventies, while George Bush Sr. was in the wings for the CIA
Directorship, Richard Scaife ran Forum World Features, a CIA front for a
European propaganda operation. There are also reports that Scaife was likely
involved in the Heritage Foundation's funding of Iran-Contra, along with
Edwin Feulner(see the above photo). Contrary to what he claimed, Vice
President Bush Sr. was clearly "in the loop" of Iran-Contra, as Defense
Secretary Caspar Weinberger's notes demonstrated. In recent years, the CIA
Inspector General's Report confirmed that the Contras were trafficking in
cocaine, under the watch of Oliver North and the CIA. It is now known that
the Contras used North's planes(financed in part by Joe Coors) for their
drug-running, and there are further questions about the role North's team and
the CIA played in this enterprise.

During this period, both Presidents Reagan and Bush appointed Mellon Scaife
to the US Advisory Committee for Public Diplomacy, which oversaw the US
Information Agency. A key component of the White House Spin Machine, the USIA
worked hand in hand with Walter Raymond's interagency propaganda operation to
manipulate US public opinion in favor of the Reagan-Bush foreign policies.
[See Robert Parry's "Lost History" for details]. In 1983, the USIA's
director, Charles Z. Wick, held a fundraiser in support of the Iran-Contra
activities. With the help of Scaife's lieutenants, Wick collected over
$400,000 in private funds from the likes of the Smith Richardson and Olin
Foundations [See A.J. Weberman's site plus the National Security Archive's
"Iran-Contra Collection", March 1983]. Later, Frank Shakespeare (see the
above Heritage photo) served as the USIA's Director.

"A Shadow Government"
The truth of the matter is that the CIA does not exist to serve the American
people, the American Government or even the President. The real mission of
the CIA is to serve the interests of American Big Business. In particular,
the CIA obeys the dictates of its inner circle--the Bushes, Dulles,
Harrimans, Lovetts, Rockefellers and Scaifes--who have always been front row
center. One can argue that the CIA has been so caught up in serving this
Client--with decades of supporting military coups, backing Right Wing
Dictators amenable to US business interests, and waging propaganda wars[See
Mark Zepezauer's "The CIA's Greatest Hits"; Odonian Press, 1994]--that the
Agency has woefully neglected its stated mission of collecting and analyzing
intelligence information. This was most embarrassingly obvious when the CIA
failed to predict the demise of the Soviet Union.

While the CIA has greatly influenced the affairs of other countries, it has
been constrained by federal law from doing the same within our borders. In
"Lost History"[pg. 60-61], Robert Parry describes how, in order to skirt
these restrictio

[CTRL] re Religious Intolerance.

2000-02-13 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Let's see if they will acept the case. "Intolerance" is just a BS buzz
word. What I am doing is opening the door to exposing religious FRAUD for
what it is. Churchianity is a fraud against heaven and earth. However, I
think I have "won" before I even go to court. If these racketeers knew the
nature of a "Godly Society", a society which does all for the glory of
God, they wouldn't have to be forced into court to spell it out!

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2000 12:26:42 -0800
From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [LIFE-GAZETTE] Mfest 2000: Formal Statement of Complaint re

From: "Franklin Wayne Poley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you for the complaint forms which I will return by postal mail this
week. Below is the required "Statement of Complaint" which I will run off on
my printer, then sign and date:


   My name is Franklin Wayne Poley. My complaint is against Missions Fest
   In 1999 I submitted an application to Missions Fest Vancouver for a
display booth at its next annual convention, January 28-30/00. The denial of
this application is recorded in the many emails also cc'd to the BC Human
Rights Commission. However, Missions Fest Vancouver did not even think it
necesssary to extend the courtesy of a formal letter of rejection with
reasons. As the BC Human Rights Commission knows I also extended repeated
invitations to Missions Fest Vancouver by email to meet with me and my
advocate, Gordon Watson, in person and settle the matter without litigation.
These too were ignored which in Mr. Watson's opinion is "unbiblical".
   The display booth was for Life-Gazette journalism to deal with the issue
of the nature of a "Godly Society", ie a society which does "all for the
glory of God" (I Corinthians 10:31). In the late 1980's and early 1990's
Life-Gazette was published in tabloid format. Trinity Western University was
printer for the first few issues and also carried a distribution stand. Some
lower mainland churches also carried distribution stands. If my memory
serves me correctly, Glad Tidings which is listed among Missions Fest
exhibitors also carried a distribution stand. Every tabloid issue printed
the banner, "Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the
supremacy of God and the rule of law" from the Canadian Constitution,
Charter of Rights and Freedoms section.
   Thus the purpose of Life-Gazette journalism was and is to articulate a
"Godly Society" vs. a "Godless Society", a matter in which MP's such as Don
Boudria and Dennis Mills have expressed a vital interest. I took my
Life-Gazette journalism to the Internet in 1995 where I now reach thousands
of people every week with a variety of messages pertaining to the
articulation of a Godly Society (or culture/nation/civilization, depending
on your choice of terminology).
   In the welcoming statement to Mfest 2000 from lawyer and chairman Alan
Marsden we read the quote from I Corinthians cited above (see p. 60 from the
booklet, "Missions Fest 2000: Celebrating the Advance of the Gospel"). My
personal religious beliefs include the belief that the Gospel story is true
and I am a follower of the teachings of Christ. I also believe that Canada
would be a much better nation if more people were to deal directly and
honestly with the matter of doing "all for the Glory of God".  What would
such a society be like? Given that missionaries can give very apt
descriptions of the many "pagan" societies which they enter, can they not
give a similar description of their own aspired-to civilization which does
"all for the glory of God"?
The purpose of my requested display booth was to ask questions and give
answers pertaining to this matter.
   I believe the rejection of my request was an act of religious
discrimination which denied me a public service and the public like Mr.
Gordon Watson who will represent me if we get to the hearing stage was also
denied a valuable public service. Given that Mfest, held at the Vancouver
Convention and Exhibition Centre, is very much a public, not a private
affair, this is a contravention of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and
the Human Rights Code of B.C.


Signed:  Dated:

-Original Message-
From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Bc Human_rights_commission <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 10:34 AM
Subject: Re: How To Start Mfest Case?

>Thank you-
>On Wed, 9 Feb 2000, Bc Human_rights_commission wrote:
>> I will put them in the mail today.At 05:00 PM 2/3/00 -0800, you wrote:
>> >Please send them to myself (FWP) at
>> >404-129 East Cordova St.
>> >Vancouver
>> >V6A 1K7
>> >
>> >Thank you-FWP.
>> >
>> >On Thu, 3 Feb 2000, Bc Human_


2000-02-13 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.htmlFrom: Dr. Ken Larsen 
To: Utah Shooting Sports Council <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: (HB 95 - NO HEARING TUESDAY Feb 8)
Date: Monday, February 07, 2000 8:11 PM

Can you all say "gun-free schools"?  How about "gun-free church" or
"gun-free work place"?  Can you say "gun-free America"?  Tyrants always
want gun-free citizens, just as badly as they want drug-free citizens.
Kinda reminds me of Hitler's promise of a Jew-free Germany.  Believe me,
the end of this gun-free and drug-free nonsense will be concentration camps
and roaster ovens, if we don't do any more than the Germans did to stop the
NAZI "purification" of Germany.


At 5:49 PM -0700 2/7/00, Utah Shooting Sports Council wrote:
>URGENT ACTION ALERT - Februry 7, 2000 -
>Daily update on status of every gun bill is available at
>HB 95 Hearing NOT, repeat NOT scheduled for Tuesday.  New date uncertain-
>Despite what you may have heard on the news, Dave Jones' HB 95 is NOT on
>the agenda for tomorrow's House Law Enforcement & Criminal
>Justice Committee.  We do not know what is going on, but when dealing with
>politicians, it is always smart to suspect that they are up to something
>   Reportedly, Dave Jones has a press conference scheduled for
>tomorrow to attack gun shows and everyone associated with them.  This
>will probably include some false or misleading statistics based on the
>flawed "tracing studies" the Clinton cited at his latest anti-gun
>performance. At
>some point Jones is expected to substitute a new version of his bill to be
>more specific about only applying to sales at a gun show, swap meet or
>flea market.
>   No one should fall for that gimmick.  The clear objective of the
>anti-gun fanatics is to insert big brother government regulators and fees
>into every sale or transfer of any type of gun anywhere.   Jones making a
>"reasonable compromise" to take only half of what he wants is a trap.
>SB 44, already in the Utah Senate, would require prior approval from
>police and/or a dealer transfer for ANY handgun transfer. The only real
>purpose is to create a database registering all guns and gun owners.  Of
>course long arms would be added next.  Private sales, including passing
>down family heirlooms or handing a gun to a youngster when teaching them
>to shoot safely are included in the Senate bill.
>The whole "background check" exercise is only a burden on law abiding
>citizens.  Despite thousands of documented incidents of people failing a
>background check, NOT A SINGLE ONE HAS BEEN PROSECUTED!  Each of these is
>a felony offense.  Every gun owner should be outraged at
>the thought of NEW gun laws when Governor Mike Leavitt and Attorney
>General Jan Graham are not doing anything to enforce existing gun laws.
>The legislature should be investigating that instead of wasting time on
>more worthless gun laws.  Voters should be looking for replacements for
>Governor and Attorney General who will enforce the laws, not take cheap
>shots at law-abiding citizens..
>Yes, many of the people rejected by background checks are not violent
>felons and probably should not be prosecuted.  Few people think that a 30
>year old fist fight or non-violent tax charge, or a restraining order
>automatically filed during a divorce should keep someone from buying a gun
>hunting or a collection, or for self defense.  Maybe prosescutors should
>have some discretion in enforcement, but all background checks are
>worthless if there are exactly ZERO (or even just a few) prosecutions.
>A special thank you to the many people at the Salt Palace gun show who
>signed up as USSC members, or contributed time or money to help
>defend safe and legal gun ownership and use in Utah.  While this is a
>tremendous help, the most important thing is when a gun owner picks up the
>phone, sends an e-mail or snail mail, or shows up at a hearing.
>This alert will not reach hundreds of new people who signed up this
>weekend as their names did not get entered in our email listing in time.
>If you
>know someone who signed up but will not get this, please forward it to them.
>   Please continue to contact ALL committee members and express your
>opposition to HB 95.
>   We apologize for any inconvenience.
>If this alert was forwarded to you by someone other than USSC you can sign
>up for alerts by sending an E-mail to
>Please forward this e-mail to anyone you think may be interested. For
>anyone who does not have Internet access, the latest Utah legislative
>updates are available by telephone. The number is 801-299-7230.
>Visit our web-site at: http://www.UtahShootingSports.org for the latest
>news and 

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Sunday #2

2000-02-13 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000213b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* No controlled minds were liberated during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ For all your alien imagery needs: http://www.aliengifcentre.web.com/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Expert Says Y2K cult activity not over yet. (U-WIRE) MARIETTA, Ohio --
  Although Jan 1, 2000, has passed uneventfully, it's too early to breathe
  a sigh of relief regarding potentially dangerous millennial cult activity,
  according to cult expert Rick Ross. Or is he just trying to scare up some
  clients? http://news.excite.com/news/uw/000211/university-education-215

@ FREEDOM OF MIND: Common Psychological Problems in Victims of Cult Mind
  Control; Spiritual Responsibility; Mind Control: The B.I.T.E. Model; Post-
  Traumatic Stress Disorder; PTSD in Cult Victims; Extensive Information on
  Moon Organization; more: http://www.freedomofmind.com/resources.htm

: Is your cult preparing to engage in dangerous millennial activities? What
do you have planned? Are you numerate? Are your doomsday scenarios scheduled
for 1/1/2001, the real start of the millennium? If you're so smart, why are
you cultic? Do you want to spread global doom just for the hell of it? How?

@ The Center for Millenial Studies. The world may not end, but major
  changes are coming. Prepare to meet your...??? http://www.mille.org/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# WIZARD WAR - Web in modern age is arena for activism, terrorism, even
  war. Winston Churchill called the rise of electronic warfare in World
  War II the "Wizard War." Half a century later, the Wizard War has moved
  to the Internet.  http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,150012823,00.html

# Terrorism at the touch of a keyboard - Possible targets: anything run
  by computers: http://www.usnews.com/usnews/issue/980713/13cybe.htm
# Smart Cards Will Soon Contain Biometric Data - BigBro is Carding You:

# HACKER HUNTERS TRACKING TO GERMANY. Cyber detectives tracking hackers who
  launched an electronic offensive on several top Web sites have followed a
  lead to Germany. http://CNN.com/2000/TECH/computing/02/13/hacker.trail.01/

: What are your favorite electro/info/cyberwar tactics/strategies? Is cyber-
war more/less fun than nuclear/biological/chemical or conventional warfare?
Can cyberwar be waged/won by disembodied intellects? Would they really care?

# Chernobyl Closed After Malf: http://www.sightings.com/ufo6/chern.htm
@ Modeling the Chemical Warfare Agent Release at the Khamisiyah Pit:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# "Oceans could rise by 8 metres" [~27 ft.] - "The world's oceans are likely
  to rise by seven to eight metres over the next 1,000 to 2,000 years... but
  drastic change is unlikely in the next few centuries." What a relief:
@ ACRC: http://www.antcrc.utas.edu.au/antcrc/about/Position_Statement_2.html

# Chinese "Dragon" Nears Extinction. As Chinese communities worldwide cele-
  brate the Year of the Dragon, China’s true dragon, the Chinese alligator,
  teeters on the brink of extinction, with fewer than 150 remaining in the
  wild. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2000/02/000211083646.htm

: What's your favorite biocatastrophe? How many species have you driven into
extinction? How many island nations have you drowned by melting icecaps? Are
such endings inevitable? Should we just think of it as evolution in action?

# Frankenfoods & Biodevastation: http://www.sightings.com/ufo6/franken.htm
@ How was Darwin so right overall, despite being wrong about what underpins
  his theory? Easy: he let the facts speak for themselves:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Subject: The Skeptic James Randi & his enemies.
  I found this site posted on Sci.skeptic: The Truth about James Randi and
  others  - Not quite sure what to
  think of this site but take a look and see what you can find. Also here
  is the official James Randi Site - James Randi Educational Foundation

@ Human Spontaneous Involuntary Invisibility. People can become invisible.
   Not just go invisible
  while being abducted by aliens, but just disappear while going about their
  normal business.  One minute you're frosting a cake and the next minute
  the kitchen looks empty except for the words "Happy Birthday" appearing
  in pink handwriting. [ via http://www.ratbags.com/loon/ ]

: Are you a[n] [i

[CTRL] Fw: Tesla (HAARP) Towers @ Navy China Lake Center

2000-02-13 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

-Original Message-
From: NewsHawk Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, 14 February 2000 07:09
Subject: Tesla (HAARP) Towers @ Navy China Lake Center

Tesla (HAARP) Towers @ Navy China Lake Center

We've received a virtually rock-solid report that the China Lake Naval
Weapons Research Center in California, (you know, the place which has a
major DIRECT and DOCUMENTED operational link to Pt. Mugu Naval Air
Warfare Station where Fl. 261 crashed) NOW sports a total of SEVEN new
Tesla Transmitter towers. That's HAARP transmitters, by the way.

Just an interesting thing to keep in mind throughout BLIZZARD of chatter
and noise being blown around the world about supposedly problematical
"JACKSCREWS" in the tail/horizontal stabilizer sections of not only
Alaska Air Fl. 261 but also now a number of airplanes.

Upon closer reading of these latest news accounts of supposed
"jackscrew" troubles, many dissolve into routine reports of typical
accumulations of grime, dust and grease which are certain to build up in
any mechanical system of moving metal parts over time.

AND, as hundreds of (uncompromised or bought-off) pilots know, even
SEVERE problems with a horizontal stabilizer do NOT a terminal air
disaster make.

Somebody, shove that damn JACKSCREW down Jim Hall's
"unable-to-speak-truth mouth, would they? Or better yet, UP HIS BUTT.

In relation to the information about the new Tesla transmitters at China
Lake, we're reprinting an interesting message from a NewsHawk recipient

NewsHawk Inc.

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

 Original Message 
Subject: Alaska ??
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2000 22:22:55 -0800
From: GenO


Curious press report, but what do I know?  I'm just a
dumb farmer.

Sparks flying out of or near the engine rings a bell.
One day my son and I were driving back from the electronics
"candy store" on the 57 headed north.  My son picked up the
Mike on the ham radio and keyed up the xmitter.  Suddenly the
car on his left started sputtering, coughing and backfiring
and when he unkey the mike, the car resumed normal operation.

Big brother has made it known that they caught on to this trick
and were intently developing  a system to do this to cars they
wanted to stop: that is, turn off the ignition or paralyzing the
electronic ignition.  The other avenue of approach is the electronic
pulse.  Remember how HAARP caused flashes to emenate from a wire in
spaceelectronic pulse in FL 800? Perhaps the Kennedy flight too.

All near high powered transmitting locations and electronic fireball
hit the fan.   Coincidence?   Perhaps, but the rash of incidents is
similar to the rash of witnesses in Arkansas having their lights

But then what do I know, I'm just a dumb farmer.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Statements by ALAN KEYES . . .

2000-02-13 Thread The Extremist

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Some Statements by ALAN KEYES . . .

On his priorities if elected President

I aim to strengthen the foundations of political liberty in America. I
believe that it remains the destiny of the American people to uphold
the right of all humankind to practice responsible self-government.
Dedication to this Providential purpose is the heart and soul of what it
means to be an American. As President, I will labor to: abolish the
income tax, liberate entrepreneurial and charitable initiative; honor
marriage and the family; respect the equal dignity of all human beings,
born and unborn; reclaim American sovereignty from global
bureaucracy, and show, by word and deed, the role of statesmanship
in a free republic.

On the need for moral leadership

America's most pressing problems are rooted in the decline of our
moral identity. Crime, rampant illegitimacy, the deteriorating
environment in many of our schools, and especially the spectacle of
national shame that [has] unfolded in the Clinton White House, all
these can be traced to lack of respect for moral principle. Since we
are in the throes of a national moral identity crisis, we can no longer
follow leaders for whom the moral challenge facing this nation is an
afterthought. We need leaders who can articulate a principled vision
of who we are and aspire to be.

On the Declaration of Independence

As a free people, our way of life depends upon certain moral ideas.
As a matter of personal conscience, I believe that Christianity most
perfectly embodies those ideas.

But since Americans come from many different religious backgrounds,
in dealing with issues of public policy we must derive these ideas from
sources that are open to support from all the people.

Nothing meets this purpose more completely than the principles and
logic of our own Declaration of Independence, so I have made it the
explicit basis for dealing with the moral crisis we now face.

The Declaration is fundamentally a statement of the principles of
justice that define the moral identity of the American people.

On the source of our rights

We have forgotten the principle that our rights come from God and
must be exercised with respect for the existence and authority of God.
. . .

You can't have it both ways. Either our rights come from God, as our
Declaration of Independence says, or they come from human choice.
If they come from human choice, then our whole way of life is
meaningless, it has no foundation.

On the role of government

All human beings are created equal. They need no title or qualification
beyond their own simple humanity in order to command respect for
their intrinsic human dignity, their "unalienable rights."

The purpose of government is to secure these rights, and no
government is just or legitimate if it systematically violates them.

On three main areas of national decline

Through the imposition of the income tax, we have surrendered our
economic sovereignty--the control of our money. Through the
acceptance of a government-controlled school system, we have
surrendered our educational sovereignty--the control of our future.
And through the acceptance of a moral relativism that rejects the most
basic premise of our way of life [i.e., the belief in divine truth], we
have surrendered our personal and individual sovereignty, which is the
foundation of our discipline, and our freedom.

On separation of church and state

The "separation of church and state" doctrine is a misinterpretation of
the Constitution. The First Amendment prohibition of established
religion aims at forbidding all government-sponsored coercion of
religious conscience. It does not forbid all religious influence upon
politics or society.

On school prayer

If they tell us that we cannot pray in the classroom, we should pray. If
they tell us that we cannot pray in the hallways, we should pray. If
they tell us that we cannot pray at the graduation ceremonies, we
should pray. Because what they are doing fundamentally violates
probably the most important of our God-given rights, which is the
right to appeal for aid to our Almighty God.

When the tyrants who seek to oppress you tell you that you cannot
even appeal to God for His aid, you know that they have in mind a
tyranny without limit. We are allowing ourselves to be put in a
situation in which that which actually provides the foundation for the
most reliable courage against tyranny is interfered with, and in which
our children and others are given the feeling that there is some place in
American life--indeed, a growing number of places--where they must
feel fearful and hesitant to call upon and to speak the name of God.
And in my opinion the proper recourse against this is not to wait upon
the courts, legal procedures and so forth, but simply to do what we
unequivocally have the God-given right to do--to pray WHEREVER
and WHENEVER we feel that it is necessary for us to pray.

On the divinity of Jesus Christ

[CTRL] Fw: Test BugNet Alert (2/8/2000) AOL 5 Found Unruly But Not Reprehensible

2000-02-13 Thread Robert Tatman

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

- Original Message -
To: BugNet Subscribers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2000 6:42 PM
Subject: Test BugNet Alert (2/8/2000) AOL 5 Found Unruly But Not

> Greetings from BugNet,
> Please find below a BugNet Alert concerning the recent allegations
> leveled at AOL by Prodigy. At the heart of Prodigy's complaint is the
> notion that AOL 5 cripples all other ISPs, leaving users with seamless
> access to AOL but no access to their secondary ISP, such as Prodigy or
> Earthlink. Without diving into the verbal slings and arrows exchanged
> between AOL and Prodigy, we have tested AOL 5 to see if indeed
> there are any bugs, which might make Prodigy's complaint palpable.
> See below for details, or visit us online at:
> http://www.bugnet.com/Secure2/alerts/bugalert_21100.html.
> As always, for a listing of this and other BugNet Alerts, browse to
> http://www.bugnet.com/Secure2/alerts/alerts.html.
> Best regards,
> Bradley F. Shimmin, Editor in Chief
> file://- BugNet: Alert
2/11/2000 -//
> AOL 5 Found Unruly But Not Reprehensible
> KeyLabs Tests Measure Issues Between AOL 5 and Prodigy Internet
> by Bradley F. Shimmin
> It's nearly spring and litigation is in the air thanks to a class-action
> lawsuit brought against AOL for its alleged mistreatment of users, who
> choose to use more than one ISP. At issue is the assertion that AOL 5
> prevents Prodigy's Internet software from performing as promised when
> the two applications are forced to reside on the same machine.
> Rather than report on the slings and arrows hurled between AOL and its
> purported victim, we've simply put Prodigy's claims to the test. With
> help from KeyLabs, we've tested the following complaints:
> 1. That AOL 5 launches when users connect to the Internet via Prodigy
> Internet.
> 2. That AOL 5 prevents Prodigy Internet users from browsing the Web via
> non-AOL 5 browsers.
> 3. That AOL 5 prevents users from accessing their existing e-mail
> software or shows them an older version of Outlook Express, when they
> should see version 5.
> 4. That AOL 5 asks users to start AOL after they have just connected via
> Prodigy Internet.
> 5. That AOL 5 prevents users from becoming Prodigy Internet members,
> canceling their registration.
> Following guidelines provided by the Prodigy support staff, we attempted
> to reproduce each purported bug -- we met  with mixed success. In all,
> we found that AOL 5 does indeed act in a way that may interfere with the
> smooth operation of Prodigy Internet software (as well as the software
> of more traditional ISPs such as Earthlink). However, in only one
> instance were we able to validate the existence of a genuine software
> bug.
> AOL Launches at Will
> With the first problem, concerning the automatic launch of AOL 5, we did
> witness the described behavior. However, the problem stems from the
> Windows architecture itself, and from AOL 5's legitimate use of that
> architecture. When you install a piece of communications software such
> as Netscape Communicator, Windows allows that application to register
> itself as the default application.
> For example, if you tell AOL 5 to become your default Web and e-mail
> service, whenever you double click on a URL shortcut or saved Web page,
> AOL 5 will launch. The problem here (as with issue number four, which we
> will discuss below) is that if you are already connected to the
> Internet, AOL 5's actions can be disastrous.
> On all test machines, if AOL 5 launched and attempted to dial the
> Internet while we were already connected, we were faced with a Blue
> Screen of Death. Of course, this forces a complete reboot and disk scan
> (to check for cross-linked files or misplaced chains). Many times,
> though, our machines rebooted spontaneously! Either way, the risk is
> lost data.
> The only cure for this misbehavior is to revoke AOL 5's status as
> default Web and e-mail service. Just follow these quick steps:
> 1. From your Start menu, select Settings and open the Control Panel
> window.
> 2. Once there, double click on the icon labeled Internet Options.
> 3. At the ensuing dialog box, click on the Programs tab.
> 4. There, expand the drop-down menu for both E-mail and Newsgroups and
> select your desired applications (not America Online).
> 5. At the bottom of this tab, place a check mark where Windows asks if
> Internet Explorer should check to see whether it is your default
> browser.
> 6. Click OK and then close the Control Panel window.
> 7. Open Internet Explorer and when asked, indicate that it should now be
> your default Web browser. Netscape Communicator users, if you say no to
> this question, you should be able to launch your browser and select it
> as the default.
> AOL Disables Other Web Browsers
> The problem as described by P

[CTRL] Another Secret Society Exposed--and the Media Ignores It...

2000-02-13 Thread Robert Tatman

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Check this out. Are the Tower Societies to the Big Ten as Skull and Bones is
to the Ivy League?

- Original Message -
From: Dimitris Desyllas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2000 9:25 PM
Subject: FW: [surge] website- u-m occupation

> Eternera Mailing List - http://get.to/eternera
> The tower of the University of Michigan has been taken over by a student
> group called Students of Color Coalition.
> This is been going on for days.  The US media has been absolutely silent
> this.  Check the web site http://go.to/uofm
> The Michigamua is one of three secret groups known as the Tower Societies.
> The Tower Societies are located on the 5th, 6th, and 7th floors of the
> at the U of M Union.  These rooms are provided to the groups for free and
> are exclusive to members. The Michigamua wigwam being held is on the 7th
> floor.
> On Sunday, February 6, 2000 at 8:30 AM Students of Color Coalition took
> the wigwam of the Michigamua.   They have given a number of tours of the
> Michigamua's secret wigwam since the takeover.
> People who have taken the tour saw many things including: the desecration
> Native American culture, traditions, and artifacts, membership lists of
> prominent Michigan graduates(including former President Gerald Ford and
> playwright Auther Miller), bizarre photos of hazing rituals and alcohol
> usage (both of with are illegal according to the student code of conduct),
> and a history of racism dating back to 1902.
> Dimitris
> --
> -Original Message-
> From: rachel edelman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2000 3:18 PM
> To: The surge mailing list
> Subject: [surge] website- u-m occupation
> here's a website with more information about the ongoing u-m students of
> color coalition's occupation of the michigan union-
> http://go.to/uofm
> lots of love to the students still sitting in at penn!
> ~rachel
> *send letters to congress without the work or hassle!
> www.progressivesecretary.org*
> __
> To unsubscribe, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> __
> Start Your Own FREE Email List at http://www.listbot.com

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:



2000-02-13 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: ORBIT: SOLAR
From: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ">[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Phikent)
Date: Sat, Feb 12, 2000 4:38 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Kent Steadman

The sun is smoking, literally, SMOKE RINGS!  Been up all night watching in
amazement. All indices are going wild: proton storm, K-index magnetic storm,
electron storm, awesome CMEs and flares ongoing. The magnetometer is dipping
well below scale indicating a compressed magnetic field around earth. Never
seen the HAARP magnetometer so extreme.

This is it, the beginning of the Cycle 23 magna-storms. See for yourself these
incredible events!


Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Bilderberg Papandreou; Turkey & NWO

2000-02-13 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: Bilderberg
Papandreou; Turkey & NWO
Subject: Bilderberg Papandreou; Turkey & NWO
Date: Sat, Feb 12, 2000 12:13 PM
Message-id: <884eti$h74$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Global Citizens:

Greek Foreign Minister [Bilderberg - my comment] George Papandreou
alledgedly attended the 1998 Bilderberg Conference in Turnberry,
Ayrshire, Scotland


Is Greece's attempts to persuade Turkey to become a European Union
member (1,2) a Bilderberg policy generated within the cozy confines of
their meetings; those ultrasecret proceedings which are even protected
from the tabloids - 'gee, what was the Queen of the Netherlands

Is it a policy forged in secrecy; public misrepresentation; and for
which there is no accounting?

It is curious to me that the People have never had a say about the end
of Cold War. Anyone who says it's over seems to be an "expert"; or a
media representative; or that rarity - a  NWO spokesman - the latter of
which we have observed recently due to Austria's Haider's positions on

IMO - the Cold War proceeds as long as there are secret groups - the
growth of its mentality must be reversed in the form of the People's
demand for an open society. The peace process must be extended to
include formal, cultural exchanges. Israel and the PLO should try this -
the peace process seemed to advanced itself when Albright was able to
have Netanyahu and Arafat meet for lunch.

Look at peace processes around the world. IMO - they are carefully
controlled by the New World Order. Do you folks agree with this

Finally, imagine a NATO aligned with the Turkish military. As I recall,
Turkey and Israel are allied in a relationship that provides for
additional security for Israel (correct me if I am wrong).

So, would the US try to stop an entry of Turkey into the EU (or the

Philip Henika

(1)***Saturday February 12 7:53 AM ET
Greece Renews Backing for Turkish EU Bid
By Adrian Dascalu

BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Greece and Turkey vowed on Saturday to keep on
improving their``very positive'' ties and the Greek prime minister
reiterated his support for Turkey's bid to join the European Union.

``We had a look at our relations up to the last meetings of foreign
ministers. We found the evolution  very positive,'' Prime Minister
Costas Simitis told Reuters after talks with Turkish Prime Minister
Bulent Ecevit in Bucharest.

The 20-minute meeting, on the fringes of a Balkans summit in Bucharest,
was another sign of the new diplomatic warmth between the traditional

The two premiers, looking relaxed, shook hands before the talks started
behind close doors in the sprawling marble lined parliament building
where the one-day conference is being held.

The private meeting had been requested by Simitis, Ecevit told reporters
before boarding a plane for Bucharest on Friday.

 ``We are happy with the results that thus far have been obtained (in
Greek-Turkish relations),'' Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit said.
``And we discussed common problems regarding theEuropean Union.''

EU leaders agreed at a summit in Helsinki in December that Turkey should
be made a formal candidate for EU membership.

Turkey had previously been kept at arm's length due to sour relations
with EU members and NATO ally Greece over territorial issues in the
Aegean, human rights, and the divided Mediterranean island of Cyprus.

Eathquakes Affected Relations

Relations warmed after Greece and Turkey were both hit by devastating
earthquakes last year. In December, Athens dropped its objections to the
EU classing Turkey as a membership candidate.

Simitis reiterated Greece's support for Turkey's plans to join the EU.

``Greece has declared long ago that we agree with the European
perspective of the EU and we want to help in this direction so we have
to discuss all these matters concerning (Turkey's) membership  of the
European Union and the evolution of relations of the region with the
EU,'' Simitis said.

Simitis has accepted an invitation to visit the Turkish capital Ankara.
But on Saturday neither he nor Ecevit would give a date for the visit.

A Greek official accompanying Simitis at the summit told Reuters: ``The
date of the visit will be decided after the elections (in Greece in
April). There is no problem.''

Greek Foreign Minister [Bilderberg - http://www.tlio.demon.co.uk/">ht
1998.htm] George Papandreou George Papandreou, meanwhile, said improved
relations between Turkey and the European Union boosted chances for
building security in the region.

``There is new momentum for Cyprus...and the rapprochement between
Greece and Turkey has created a new climate,'' Papandreou told Reuters

``It is only logical that the Greek Cypriots and the Turki

[CTRL] "The conspiracy theorists were right!"

2000-02-13 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

As, always, Caveat Lector

Click Here: "The conspiracy
theorists were right!"
Subject: "The conspiracy theorists were right!"
From: Jon Roland mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">jon.roland@const
Date: Sat, Feb 12, 2000 1:25 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"The conspiracy theorists were right!"

These are words we are hearing more and more, from the mouths and
keyboards of mainstream figures in the media and public affairs. They have
been most often uttered recently about the revelations over the massacre
at Waco, and those revelations are causing a sea change in public
attitudes toward the government and its critics.

It is a useful exercise to cite the instances in which such words are
being said. For example, they were recently said on air by Sean Hannity of
FoxNews' Hannity and Colmes, and by Stuart Cheifet of Computer Chronicles.

But we can also discern the unspoken words that these newly aware persons
are thinking:

"If the conspiracy theorists were right about this, what else might they
be right about?"

There has been a renewal of interest in conspiracy theories for this
reason. A lot of people who previously dismissed such theories out of hand
are now reconsidering. They are coming to realize that

"The government is always a suspect."

They are also looking at history and coming to further say:

"Don't say it can't happen here. It has happened here. And it is still

In this election year, we need to hammer the candidates to proclaim that
ending government corruption, abuse, and usurpation is their top priority
and that if elected they will stop supporting unconstitutional statutes or
enforcing unconstitutional statutes or court decisions, that no person or
official is above the law and that all officials who violate the civil
rights of anyone will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


Constitution Society, 1731 Howe Av #370, Sacramento, CA 95825
916/568-1022, 916/450-7941VM Date: 02/12/00  Time: 13:25:16
http://www.constitution.org/">http://www.constitution.org/ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]<
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] OEN 2/13/00

2000-02-13 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Click Here: http://www.aci.net/kalliste/">The Home Page of J. Orlin

It Came From Ft. Meade

Echelon Lives! And Europe Is Mad

The Anglo-American electronic eavesdropping network.

BRITAIN and the US are facing unprecedented legal and political challenges
from their European allies over a secret Anglophone spy network.

Newly declassified American documents last week provided the first official
confirmation that the global electronic eavesdropping operation exists. The
Echelon surveillance system - run by five English-speaking nations but
dominated by the US - is reportedly capable of monitoring telephone, fax and
email communications relayed by satellite anywhere in the world.

The network is a legacy of the Cold War intelligence showdown with the
communist bloc. But there are allegations in west European nations that
Echelon is being abused by US espionage chiefs to spy on individuals and to
pass on commercial secrets to American businesses.

Britain's role has come under fierce fire as it is the only European member
of the UK/USA alliance that operates the system. Canada, Australia and New Zea
land subsequently joined the grouping that London formed with America in 1947
to pool security information. The sprawling Menwith Hill listening station in
North Yorkshire is the most important international site for America's
National Security Agency (NSA), the lead player in Echelon.

A new report into Echelon's electronic surveillance commissioned by the
European Parliament will fuel the row when MEPs debate its findings next
week. The document lists high-profile cases in which American companies
allegedly won contracts heading for European firms after NSA intercepted
conversations. The Airbus consortium and Thomson CSF of France were among the
reported losers.

In Asia, the US used information gathered from its bases in Australia to win
a half share of a significant Indonesian trade contract for AT&T that
communication intercepts showed was initially going to NRC of Japan,
according to a former NSA agent, Wayne Madsen, on Australian television last
year. A lawsuit against the US and Britain is being launched in France,
judicial and parliamentary investigations have begun in Italy, and German
parliamentarians have demanded an inquiry.

In the US, a Congressional investigation into the Echelon system starts this
year amid concerns over possible privacy violations. A spokesman for the
government reform committee said: "American people not only have the right to
privacy, they have the right to know about it if their privacy is infringed."
The committee will be able to issue subpoenas to federal officials and
employees of NSA to compel them to give evidence.

Although a 1996 book by a New Zealand whistleblower and an earlier 1997
report to the European Parliament disclosed the existence of Echelon, there
had been no official confirmation in Britain or America until declassified US
defence department papers were posted on the Internet last week.

The first reference to the "highly controversial programme . . . codenamed
Echelon" came in a 1991 document relating to military Sigint (signals
intelligence) units at Sugar Grove in West Virginia. Despite the release, NSA
continued to refuse to confirm or deny Echelon's existence.

The Home Office did not respond to inquiries about Echelon last week. Senior
British intelligence officials have, however, denied that there is a "word
spotting" search system that allows calls of intelligence interest to be
selected by the use of key words or names.
The report, to be presented to the European Parliament's civil liberties
committee on February 22, agrees that "word spotting" does not exist.
Instead, the millions of satellite communications monitored each day are
reportedly sifted by so-called "dictionary" computers that check messages
against a database of targets such as names, topics, addresses and telephone

If there is a match, the intercepts are relayed to security agents for
analysis. The biggest data-collection centre is at NSA headquarters in Fort
Meade, Virginia, while Britain's largest centre is GCHQ in Cheltenham.

The investigations will throw embarrassing light on the clandestine
Anglophone listening operation. The biggest challenge seems likely in France,
where strict privacy laws mean that it is necessary to prove only that an
attempt to breach the privacy of an individual has been made, not that the
intrusion was harmful.

A leading Parisian law firm said said last week that it would file the French
equivalent of a class action suit to sue the US and Britain, representing
individuals and firms that claim they have lost contracts because of "theft
of information". David Natas, a lawyer specialising in computer crime, said:
"The French are extremely angry. They should tear down the listening stations
in Cornwall."

In Italy, parliament's secret service

[CTRL] Religious Intolerance

2000-02-13 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Proposed Kentucky Legislation
Encourages Christian Bigotry
By Steven Schafersman (1/30/00)

For the first two years of its existence, 1996 and 1997, Camp Quest, the only
secular humanist summer camp in the United States, rented the camp facilities
of the Bullittsburg Baptist Assembly in Boone County, Kentucky. Edwin and
Helen Kagin, the founders and leaders of Camp Quest, also live in Boone
County. From the beginning, Camp Quest and its sponsoring organization, the
Free Inquiry Group (FIG) of Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky, presented
themselves as secular humanists to the Bullittsburg Camp and its owners, the
Northern Kentucky Baptist Association (NKBA). The Bullittsburg Camp and NKBA
had Camp Quest sign a contract in which the NKBA acknowledged that they
followed the public accommodations laws. Despite some minor problems, the
arrangement between the secular humanist organizations and the Bullittsburg
Camp proceeded amicably for the nine days each summer that Camp Quest used
the camp facilities. During the second year, however, while relations with
the camp staff remained cordial, it became clear that Camp Quest was not
really welcomed at the Baptist Camp, so Camp Quest moved to a camp near
Lebanon, Ohio, for the summer of 1998, and will hold its fifth session in
2000 at this Ohio site.

Camp Quest supporters and FIG members were surprised to learn from news
reports on 14 January 2000, over 2 1/2 years after the last camp session in
the Baptist facility, that the Northern Kentucky Baptists had experienced a
"great deal of discomfort" at the presence of secular humanists in their
summer camp. The Baptists complained that they were initially not made aware
of the secular humanist nature of Camp Quest (a false claim), and that they
only rented the property to Camp Quest because they were afraid of being sued
(a belief that is entirely imaginary on their part). After two years of
apparent discussion, the Baptists decided they now want the legal right to
deny the use of their camp grounds to any organization that has a fundamental
conflict with their religious beliefs. They therefore asked Kentucky
Representative Thomas Kerr to sponsor legislation (House Bill 70) that
exempts churches from the common anti-discrimination requirements of public
accommodation laws. These statutes broadly state that if an organization
rents its facilities to outside groups, it may not discriminate against them
for the usual reasons of gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religious
belief, medical disability, sexual orientation, and so forth. (Since many
organizations, including churches, are private organizations, they may of
course legally deny others the use of their private facilities if they use
them exclusively for their own purposes and never rent them to outside
groups. In the present case, the Bullittsburg Camp owned by the NKBA has
frequently been leased to outside organizations, so the public accommodation
anti-discrimination laws apply.)

Kerr's HB 70 passed a Kentucky House committee and has been sent to the
floor. The legislation is controversial, to say the least (in fact, it is
unconstitutional), and it inspired newspaper articles and newspaper
editorials. One of these editorials, in the Cincinnati Enquirer, spawned a
host of responses from outraged readers in the form of letters to the editor.
Since the Cincinnati Enquirer may not print all of the replies to its
editorial, the writers have sent them to this website by email for posting on
the web. The writers believe this latest episode in Christian bigotry should
receive as much publicity as possible. Edwin Kagin has given permission to
reprint all of the letters on his website. To reply yourself to the
Cincinnati Enquirer editorial, go to http://enquirer.com/editor/letters.html.

Kentucky Reprsentative Kathy Stein has reported that Thomas Kerr and other
Kentucky House Republicans filed HB 485 on 27 January. According to her, the
new bill is a further retreat on Kentucky civil rights enforcement, since it
dismantles legal protections against discrimination of persons based on
sexual orientation (just as HB 70 did of persons based on religious belief).
She believes Kentucky is being made a test case with this bill, which is
stealthily crafted to steer clear of the Supreme Court's ruling in Romer v.

Check this webpage for updates on this fast-breaking story. I will soon
provide the text or links to the text of the two Kentucky bills, and will
post further news reports, editorials, and letters as they come in. To
interview Edwin Kagin for this story, reporters may call him at 606-384-7000
or email him at edwinkagin@ fuse.net.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truth

[CTRL] Israel Threatens "Painful Strikes" On Lebanon

2000-02-13 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Waiting for the hammer to fall
Barak vows ‘painful response’ after resistance kills another Israeli soldier

Nicholas Blanford
Daily Star staff
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak vowed to inflict “very painful strikes” on
Lebanon in retaliation for the killing of another soldier in the occupation
zone on Friday .
The latest Israeli fatality led to a walkout by the Israeli delegation to the
Monitoring Group, which had convened in Naqoura in a bid to end some of the
worst violence since last June.
The United States laid the blame for the continued violence squarely on
Hizbullah and stressed that Damascus was not doing enough to restrain
the resistance.
Just as tensions in the south appeared to be easing, Hizbullah struck again,
killing an Israeli soldier and critically wounding another. The attack raised
to seven the number of Israeli soldiers killed this year, all within three
weeks. Another 16 have been wounded.
The attack came 85 minutes after the delegates to the Monitoring Group were
scheduled to begin their meeting. The session, however, was in trouble from
the start.
The Israeli delegation refused to enter the room where the meeting was due to
be held, said a source close to the group.
“They gave no reason for refusing to attend. The American and French
delegates tried to start the meeting for an hour and a half,” the source
said. “Then the news came through of the latest casualty and the Israelis
left immediately.”
In a statement, the US and French delegates, who co-chair the group, said
that they “were informed by the Israeli delegate that due to military actions
on the ground earlier today, their delegation has been instructed to return
to Israel.”
“The co-chairs will keep in touch with all the parties regarding the next
steps,” the statement said.
Premier Salim Hoss slammed the walkout. “If Israel has something to complain
about,” he said, “the normal place to express it would be the committee
itself.” He said that Lebanon would not seek the intervention of the UN
Security Council for fear that it would issue a decision “that treats the
victim as the aggressor.”
Hoss met ambassadors of the nations with permanent seats on the Security
Council and asked for their support. US Ambassador David Satterfield said
that his country wanted “to put a lasting end to violence and not simply
manage it.”
“We regret profoundly the damage to Lebanon and the harm to the Lebanese as a
result of these recent attacks,” he said.
A diplomatic source in Beirut said that the Israeli decision to walk out of
the meeting was not spontaneous but had been decided beforehand in the event
of further casualties in the south while the delegates met.
Barak promised “harsh and painful responses” but then suggested that he would
not seek to escalate the situation with further air strikes against Lebanon’s
infrastructure. “We have no interest in bringing about a situation,” he said,
“whose end product will be Katyusha rockets falling on the Galilee merely to
show how strong we are.”
If Barak launches another air strike on infrastructure he will have to order
the residents of northern Galilee back into the shelters in case Hizbullah
responds with a Katyusha barrage. However, the residents of the area have
only just emerged from three days of hiding and are unlikely to relish the
prospect of another night in bunkers, especially on the Sabbath.
On the other hand, Barak risks losing credibility if he stays his hand,
particularly after a flurry of colorful threats from various Israeli Cabinet
“I really think they’ve run out of ideas for the time being,” said a senior
security source. “The rules have changed in the past few days but no one
knows yet what the new rules are.”
In Washington, US State Department spokesman James Rubin blamed Hizbullah for
ending the Monitoring Group session.
“We … can only interpret this action as a deliberate attempt by Hizbullah to
wreck the prospects for peace,” he said. “Hizbullah’s action is particularly
egregious in the context of Israel’s repeated commitment to withdraw from
southern Lebanon by the middle of this year.”
Rubin argued that Syria was not helping by failing to restrain Hizbullah.
“Syria has influence with Hizbullah,” he said. “We’ve told them they need to
exercise that influence and at this point the evidence is clear. They need to
exercise that influence more effectively.” ­ with agencies

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of wh

Re: [CTRL] [SC] Re: Here We Go Again

2000-02-13 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

- Original Message -

> >* CORRECTIONS to previous bulletin:
> > 1) The Pope did not fondle choirboys.
> But how do you know that? *Sources*, please!

Correction to previous correction: Pope John Paul II
has not been publicly observed fondling choirboys
lately.  At least, no such reports have surfaced in
the newswires accessible by net.search.engines.  Any
further updates should be forwarded to the editor.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Sunday #1

2000-02-13 Thread Ric Carter

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000213a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* No uncontrolled minds were damaged during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# RIP Charlie Schultz. Good Grief! http://newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9366229
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  as SOHO satellite records huge rings of solar material being ejected from
  our star: http://www.space.com/science/solarsystem/solar_rings_000204.html

# THE 'MONOLITH' OF PHOBOS. Images from the Mars Global Surveyor probe
  show an interesting large object on the surface of this tiny moon.
  Artifact, or...? http://www.vgl.org/webfiles/mars/phobos/phobos.htm

: What's your favorite space anomaly? Are you anomalous? Are you spaced? Do
you smoke, blow rings, eject material? Are you monolithic?

  asteroid by NASA's NEAR space probe scheduled for Valentine's Day.
  An Erotic adventure: http://persweb.direct.ca/psa/eros.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ STARS THAT MOVE. The first sign of an UFO is a star that isn't quite sta-
  tionary. If the moving star appears to get larger & seems to be heading
  in your direction, WATCH OUT, especially if you are isolated in a (semi-)
  rural area. Because of Alien mind control rays you will not likely remem-
  ber the "star" getting really close. What you will remember is the unusual
  star sighting, then -- after a few weeks -- a flashback of something odd.

@ NSA UFO documents: http://www.nsa.gov:8080/docs/efoia/released/ufo.html

: Have stars moved towards you lately? Do you remember their approach? D'ya
always run from moving stars in (semi-)rural areas? Have you succumbed to
mind-control rays lately? D'ya have flashbacks? From LDS or LSD or what???

@ Are You Comfy? Are you having all the answers that you'd like to think you
  have? Are you comfy where you think you'd like to be? Does a starry,starry
  sky begin to palpitate your conscience with dishonest guilty feelings you
  perceive? Is your horror harsh & angry, are your demons moving closer; do
  you wallow in your morass not content? Do you see a lack of fairness with
  a wrong bunch holding sway? Are you sensing the distention (?) -- common
  sense has dropped away. http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/arecibo/46/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  flowing downstream from a Romanian gold mine through Hungary and into
  Yugoslavia marks the route of a cyanide spill some are calling Europe's
  worst ecological disaster since the nuclear accident at Chernobyl.

# What killed Mozart? Heart failure due to rheumatic fever - see
@ JFK Meets The Entity - Who Exactly Are "They" To Whom We Refer
  When Assigning Blame? http://www.sightings.com/ufo6/jfkss.htm

: What's y'r favorite death-dealing strategy? Does your conspiracy broadcast
toxic chemicals, radioactives, diseases, targeted drugs, weaponry? Would you
rather spread toxic wastes or toxic thoughts? Are you one of 'them'? Which?

# Flavored Cigarette Use Soaring Among Middle Schoolers:
# Docs: Smoking is an illness - call for controls on nicotine as addictive
  drug: http://www.newsunlimited.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,3604,134867,00.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Cult Member Finds Freedom From MC: http://www.sightings.com/ufo6/cult.htm
@ Overcoming Bondage Of Victimization - A Critical Evaluation of Cult Mind-
  Control Theories: http://answers.org/CultsAndReligions/mind_control.html
@ Mind Control Bimbo Slut: http://www.mcstories.com/MCBimboSlut/

@ Mind Control: A synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics; Brain
  Implant Victim; CIA Psy-Ops on the Internet; Evidence for Military Kidnap-
  pings of Alleged UFO-Abductees; Hill & Knowlton, Robert Gray, and the CIA;
  Impropaganda; Looking Behind the Alien/Military Abduction Agenda; Whitley
  Strieber Mind Control Victim: http://www.williamcooper.net/mindcont.htm

: What's your favorite mind-control cult? Does your cult control minds? D'ya
use sensory deprivation, drugs, sex, subliminal suggestion, love-bombing, a
big dog, microwaves, telepathy, prayer, TV? Can anyone resist you? Why not?

@ MIND CONTROL. "We know, and we must never forget, that every path leads
  somewhere. The path of segregation leads to lynching. The path of anti-
  Semitism leads to Auschwitz. The path of cults leads to Jonestown. We
  ignore this fact at our p

[CTRL] Greenspan & Bush

2000-02-13 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Greenspan Reportedly
Bribes & Aids Bush
In Gold Swindles
Part 1
by Sherman H. Skolnick

More than three hundred reportedly authentic secret Federal Reserve wire
transfer records show how the Chairman of America's private central bank has
apparently bribed and aided in corrupt deeds George Herbert Walker Bush and
his family, all over a period of time. Later, Greenspan reportedly jointly
with Bush and a swarm of major financial entities, derived a horrific benefit
in a major gold swindle.

In clandestine meetings, over a period of months, the reportedly genuine
documents were turned over to our research and investigation group by
government officials clearly in an inside position to possess and confirm
such data.

A conversation at one such meeting, "Tell Sherman, if you or he ever reveals
our identity, we are all dead, everyone one of us. Also in jeopardy of life
and limb would be more than eight others in key government and financial
positions." Some of the records purport to have the wire transfer signature
of A. Greenspan whose term as Commissar of the Federal Reserve was renewed in
the new century. Because he is like a corrupt Soviet dictator, answerable to
no one, we coined the term, "Alan Redspan".

The document delivery team were assured of confidentiality by our past
record. As the founder/chairman of our group, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up
the Courts, since 1963, I have been imprisoned some eight times in four
decades, not for committing crimes, but for so-called "contempt of court",
for refusing to reveal the identity of long-reliable sources of high-level
corruption data turned over to us on the sly. Our sources, cross-checked with
others, and backed up by over one million documents already in our
possession, have enabled us, over a period of decades, to set off, what some
describe, as the biggest judicial bribery scandals in U.S. history.

Briefly stated, this includes the downfall we caused in 1969, of Illinois'
highest tribunal, the Illinois Supreme Court, with half the high court being
put to the wall. In the 1970s, our work led to the jailing for bribery of the
highest level sitting federal judge in U.S. history, a federal appeals judge
in Chicago who had also been former State Governor and his aide, former head
of the Illinois Department of Revenue, the tax collectors. 7th Circuit
Federal Appeals Judge Otto Kerner, Jr., went on all the media and said
"Skolnick is a liar". Kerner died an ex-convict, convicted as I accused him
to his face, as is our long-time policy. From 1983 to 1993, our work set off
a series of scandals, by which 20 local judges and 40 lawyers were sent to
prison for bribery, including the Chief Judge of the Traffic Court, who in a
taped interview said, "Mr. Skolnick, you are imagining things, there is no
corruption in this courthouse."

The Federal Reserve wire transfer data, which is also corroborated by matters
already in our possession, among other things, confirms the following:

[1] That George Herbert Walker Bush, starting back at the time he was Vice
President and continuing long thereafter, reportedly corruptly benefitted
from Billions and Billions of dollars transferred at the behest, of among
others, Alan Greenspan, to private corporations worldwide, in which the Elder
Bush apparently has a beneficial interest, and/or is a major stock or bond
holder, and/or is a kingpin therein, in other capacities. Included are
enterprises in Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Hong Kong, Denmark, England, Red
China, Taiwan, Japan, and Germany, among others. Some of the purported secret
wire transfers of massive amounts were jointly for the Elder Bush and his
brother Prescott, a financial broker in New England. According to published
accounts, Prescott Bush arranged vast, unsavory deals with the Japanese
mafia, the Yakuza, as well as dictator-types in Red China including
reportedly with the top officials of the Red Chinese Secret Police [who also
operate greatly in North America].

[2] Holding as well a large beneficial interest, and/or as major stock or
bond holder in those accounts has been Jackson Stephens, the Little
Rock-based bond broker, largest such operation outside of Wall Street.
Stephens, tied reportedly to the ethnic Chinese gangsters like the Riady
family interwoven with Clinton and Ollie North and the dope traffic, has been
a major backer of Sludge Willie. The nefarious worldwide reputed corrupt
deals of the Stephens family have been covered up by Alan Redspan and what
some call the highly secretive, conspiratorial Federal Reserve.

[3] Some of the firms and enterprises to which the massive wire transfer
assets were sent, are reportedly CIA proprietary operations set up by Bush as
the head and former head of America's secret political police. [Now a
Chicago-based bankruptcy expert, William A. Brandt, Jr., has been a worldwide
expert in quietly terminating CIA proprietaries once their espionage function

[CTRL] France To Sue Over Echelon

2000-02-13 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

ISSUE 1724 Sunday 13 February 2000

  Britain's spy posts accused of listening in on business
By Philip Sherwell in London and David Wastell in Washington

  BRITAIN and the US are facing unprecedented legal and political challenges
from their European allies over a secret Anglophone spy network.

Within earshot: Menwith Hill in Yorkshire is the Americans' most important
international listening post
Newly declassified American documents last week provided the first official
confirmation that the global electronic eavesdropping operation exists. The
Echelon surveillance system - run by five English-speaking nations but
dominated by the US - is reportedly capable of monitoring telephone, fax and
email communications relayed by satellite anywhere in the world.

The network is a legacy of the Cold War intelligence showdown with the
communist bloc. But there are allegations in west European nations that
Echelon is being abused by US espionage chiefs to spy on individuals and to
pass on commercial secrets to American businesses.

Britain's role has come under fierce fire as it is the only European member
of the UK/USA alliance that operates the system. Canada, Australia and New
Zealand subsequently joined the grouping that London formed with America in
1947 to pool security information. The sprawling Menwith Hill listening
station in North Yorkshire is the most important international site for
America's National Security Agency (NSA), the lead player in Echelon.

A new report into Echelon's electronic surveillance commissioned by the
European Parliament will fuel the row when MEPs debate its findings next
week. The document lists high-profile cases in which American companies
allegedly won contracts heading for European firms after NSA intercepted
conversations. The Airbus consortium and Thomson CSF of France were among the
reported losers.

In Asia, the US used information gathered from its bases in Australia to win
a half share of a significant Indonesian trade contract for AT&T that
communication intercepts showed was initially going to NRC of Japan,
according to a former NSA agent, Wayne Madsen, on Australian television last
year. A lawsuit against the US and Britain is being launched in France,
judicial and parliamentary investigations have begun in Italy, and German
parliamentarians have demanded an inquiry.

In the US, a Congressional investigation into the Echelon system starts this
year amid concerns over possible privacy violations. A spokesman for the
government reform committee said: "American people not only have the right to
privacy, they have the right to know about it if their privacy is infringed."
The committee will be able to issue subpoenas to federal officials and
employees of NSA to compel them to give evidence.

Although a 1996 book by a New Zealand whistleblower and an earlier 1997
report to the European Parliament disclosed the existence of Echelon, there
had been no official confirmation in Britain or America until declassified US
defence department papers were posted on the Internet last week.

The first reference to the "highly controversial programme . . . codenamed
Echelon" came in a 1991 document relating to military Sigint (signals
intelligence) units at Sugar Grove in West Virginia. Despite the release, NSA
continued to refuse to confirm or deny Echelon's existence.

The Home Office did not respond to inquiries about Echelon last week. Senior
British intelligence officials have, however, denied that there is a "word
spotting" search system that allows calls of intelligence interest to be
selected by the use of key words or names.

The report, to be presented to the European Parliament's civil liberties
committee on February 22, agrees that "word spotting" does not exist.
Instead, the millions of satellite communications monitored each day are
reportedly sifted by so-called "dictionary" computers that check messages
against a database of targets such as names, topics, addresses and telephone

If there is a match, the intercepts are relayed to security agents for
analysis. The biggest data-collection centre is at NSA headquarters in Fort
Meade, Virginia, while Britain's largest centre is GCHQ in Cheltenham.

The investigations will throw embarrassing light on the clandestine
Anglophone listening operation. The biggest challenge seems likely in France,
where strict privacy laws mean that it is necessary to prove only that an
attempt to breach the privacy of an individual has been made, not that the
intrusion was harmful.

A leading Parisian law firm said said last week that it would file the French
equivalent of a class action suit to sue the US and Britain, representing
individuals and firms that claim they have lost contracts because of "theft
of information". David Natas, a lawyer specialising in computer crime, said:
"The French are extremely angry. They should tear down the listening stations
in Cornwall."

In It

[CTRL] CIA agents named in John Huang files (fwd)

2000-02-13 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

CIA agents named
in John Huang files
Chinagate figure who
'took the 5th' 2,000 times
met with spy agency on
Indonesian corruption

By Charles Smith
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

In an apparent breach of national security, the Central
Intelligence Agency provided convicted Chinagate figure
John Huang with information on corrupt trade deals with
Indonesia, according to documents obtained from Huang's
files, which included the names and phone numbers of four
CIA agents.

The original documents that identified the CIA agents
were heavily blacked out and marked as being withheld for
"national security" reasons. However, Clinton
administration officials accidentally included a second
un-blacked-out copy, revealing the CIA contacts, with
documents for Huang.

Judicial Watch, a Washington-based legal watchdog group,
obtained documentation on the CIA meetings with Huang
as part of a cache of over 200 boxes of materials from the
U.S. Commerce Department through a Freedom of
Information Act lawsuit.

Huang, who pled guilty in 1999 to federal charges of
making illegal political contributions to the Clinton/Gore
campaign, had joined the U.S. Commerce Department
after leaving a much higher paying job with the Lippo
Group, a firm owned by Indonesian billionaire Moctar
Riady, a close supporter of President Suharto. During his
stay at Commerce, Huang obtained a secret clearance and
attended more than 37 classified briefings with the CIA.

"Huang clearly had access to commercial information that
would have been of keen interest to the Riadys," said
Asian defense specialist, and co-author of "Year of the
Rat," William Triplett. "That very night Huang called Lippo
in Jakarta."

"Huang took the Fifth Amendment more than two
thousand times when asked by Judicial Watch if he had
ties to Chinese intelligence," added Triplett.

The newly-released documents from the Commerce
Department show that agents from the Central Intelligence
Agency met with Huang and representatives from the
U.S. Export-Import Bank and the Overseas Private
Investment Corporation.

According to the documents, four CIA agents attended an
August 1994 "Trade Policy Coordinating Committee"
meeting with Huang on Indonesia. (Editor's note:
WorldNetDaily has the names of the CIA personnel but
is not publishing them.) The subject of the meeting was
U.S. government-financed trade deals that contained "first
family involvement" -- a euphemism for kickbacks to
relatives of then-Indonesian dictator Suharto.

The Huang documents could not have come at a worse
time for the newly-declared Hillary Clinton Senate
campaign in New York. It was Mrs. Clinton who
reportedly had insisted that Huang be given a position at
the Commerce Department under Ron Brown. And she
has not made any public comment regarding her
relationship with Riady, Huang's former employer. A
Hillary 2000 spokesperson refused to answer questions on
the newly-discovered documents.

In addition, Riady has been accused of having passed
illegal monies to the 1992 and 1996 Clinton/Gore
campaigns. Ominously, the CIA has also accused Riady of
working for Chinese military intelligence.

According to a 1998 CIA report presented to Sen. Fred
Thompson, R.-Tenn., "James and Moctar Riady have had
a long-term relationship with a Chinese intelligence
agency. The relationship is based on mutual benefit, with
the Riadys receiving assistance in finding business
opportunities in exchange for large sums of money and
other help."

"The Chinese intelligence agency seeks to locate and
develop relationships with information collectors,
particularly with close association to the U.S. government,"
states the CIA report on Riady.

The accidenta

[CTRL] Meetings with Remarkable Aliens - L M Howe. 2/2

2000-02-13 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-


"There was silence for a while, as if they wanted me to think about what was
just said. This was a hard truth to swallow. If anybody had a good reason to
hate their government for covering up this information, it was me and others
like me. Most abductees still consider themselves victims who constantly
suffer ridicule. When your own government's policy is to say 'You're just
plain crazy', it only deepens the pain.

"But this is a time when intelligence should rule over emotions. So I asked,
'How do I fit in all this? What can I possibly do?'

'What you are doing already. We will share much more knowledge with you in
the future. Although you understand a lot, we will show you much more.
Continue to work with people that come to you. We are aware of the small
groups that are forming around the world. These are people who are prepared
to learn and we consider them the core. Most important is the condition of
your planet. The first step in solving this serious problem is amnesty. We
have advice. You will receive more knowledge in the near future.'

"As this was going on, it started to rain. I mean, it was pouring! The
creatures didn't even budge or try to get out from under it. They didn't
have to: we weren't getting wet. Although we were standing completely
outdoors with no roof, not one drop of rain touched us. I guess we were
being protected by some sort of electric field. I could hear drops as they
fell, but there was a clear, detectable line [around us] between rainfall
and no rainfall. Then they said:

'It's time to go.'

"A thought flashed into my mind. 'Wait, please! I have a request. I want to
see what you look like.' I'll never forget their response as long as I live:

'It will strike fear in your heart.'

"I answered, 'It won't scare me so much if you don't stand there and stare
at me. It would help if you would just wave at me. Just don't stare. Promise
me you'll wave.'

"Now I can't believe how stupid that request was. I had, in the flesh, face
to face, probably some of the most intelligent creatures from the far
reaches of the galaxy, with answers that have been plaguing mankind since
the dawn of time. And what did I say? 'Could you wave at me?'

"The strangest thing started to take place. A spinning white light with a
hint of green began to radiate over their faces and upper bodies, all dozen
of them. The intensity of the light slowly got brighter and it was radiating
from no direct or detectable source. I could see they were huge. Their upper
torso was strong, with huge shoulders and a thick, strong neck like football
linebackers. As the light became brighter and details clearer, fear and
shock zapped through me.

"I said, 'You have scales!' Their faces looked like a cross between a lizard
and a snake-nothing at all like the little grey guys. Their eyes were small
like ours, only diamond-shaped, and the pupils were a red colour. Their
heads were in normal proportion with their bodies, but bigger than ours. The
skull looked like their brains stuck out over their foreheads, covered by
skin. This feature was slightly different among all dozen of them.

"I said in a scared whimper, 'You promised to wave.' And each and every one
of them slowly lifted their arms and waved in front of their faces. Their
hands were huge with thick, club-like fingers, too thick to work fine
instruments. But you have to keep in mind that their technology is

"I stood there and stared at them for a while in silence, absorbing this
spectacular sight. Their message kept running through my mind. I was sure
that my country has been involved with aliens. Most Americans believe
there's been a cover-up. But what really got to me was the message about the
poor condition of our planet! Then I felt the acceleration pull and blacked

"I understood better their nature and agenda. They are neither benevolent
nor evil. They have been among us in secret for thousands of years, maybe
longer. But the length of time isn't as much the issue as why they have been
among us. I believe they have been farming us for raw materials.

"We humans have been a self-perpetuating crop, a crop that doesn't need much
tending and continues to reproduce, at least up to now and all the Earth
problems. Thank goodness they don't kill us; they just use us. This system
has worked well for the aliens for a long time. But now there's a problem
and their investment is in trouble. They have spent a lot of time, travel
and effort to farm us. But we are on an almost irreversible path of
self-destruction. Nuclear and biological weapons and their waste have
polluted the air, land and water. Forests, jungles and trees are being cut
down or are dying. Now there are breakdowns in the food chain and the rest
of the food chain is contaminated. Over-population, disease and viruses
beyond our grasp, with new and more complicated illnesses cropping up ever

[CTRL] Meetings with Remarkable Aliens - L M Howe.1/2

2000-02-13 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Meetings with  Remarkable Aliens by Linda Moulton Howe.
Thanks Duncan.

Jim Sparks describes his life-changing encounter with reptoid aliens, whose
message for saving planet Earth may veil their true intentions.

Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 7, Number 2 (February-March 2000).
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Telephone: +61 (0)7 5442 9280; Fax: +61 (0)7 5442 9381
>From our web page at: www.nexusmagazine.com

Extracted from Chapter 3 of
Glimpses of Other Realities &endash; Vol. II
by Linda Moulton Howe © 1998
PO Box 300
Jamison, PA 18929-0300, USA
Fax: +1 (215) 491 9842
Website: www.earthfiles.com

Higher intelligence takes advantage of, and uses, lower intelligence-sort of
the way we humans use cattle. And with the privilege of use, comes the
responsibility of caring... A farmer tends to his animals by feeding them
and taking care of their medical needs. If the pasture became contaminated,
the farmer would be the first to protect his investments.

- Jim Sparks, Abductee, 1996
Fort Myers Beach, Florida, USA

In 1995, I met a man named Jim Sparks who says he has had completely
conscious encounters with "small, grey, drone worker types; taller true
aliens, or supervisors; and tall reptoids with big, human-shaped bodies
covered with scaly, reptile skin". Sparks sees himself as an interpreter or
translator-or at least an elementary grade student in an alien "school". He
says he has been forced to learn English letter and number equivalents to
alien symbols.

Jim Sparks permitted me to tape-record hours of our discussions about his
experiences. This chapter emerged from those conversations and his efforts
to visualise and write down what has happened for his own book manuscript.1

After eight years "of being close enough to breathe their
rotten-egg-smelling skin", Sparks thinks he has some insights into the alien
agenda, but admits he has "a thousand more questions than answers". He is
frustrated that he cannot prove his contacts with alien beings.

Sparks was born to Italian parents on November 15, 1954. The formal name on
his birth certificate is Vincent Sparacino. He grew up in southern Florida,
graduated from high school and spent a couple of years in a local college
studying real estate. He moved on to Houston, Texas, in 1979, and then to
North Carolina where he purchased raw land and divided lots for housing
construction-but always felt a strong need to preserve the trees at his
developments. Happy, married and thriving, by 1988 at age thirty-four,
Sparks suddenly came face to face with other beings from other worlds.

Sparks at first thought he had lost his mind. He says he was kept totally
conscious through most of the interactions, including the agony of being
"pulled" from his bed at night to a craft.

"I'm usually pulled the same way, which I call the 'hard way', and it's
completely physical. My whole body is taken. The first thing I hear is a
low-pitched, whirling sound in my head, like a whip going around in the air.
This is usually after I go to bed and am asleep. Normally for me, it's 3.30
am in the early morning. I don't know why. I wake up from my natural sleep,
and then there's the whirling sensation in the pit of my stomach and it
feels like it's coming up into my chest. When it gets up to my heart area,
my heart starts beating fast, just racing in my head, and the whirling sound
starts picking up rpm and is tremendously loud. It starts low and rises in
pitch and screams in your head. The fear is like you're going to die. Your
heart is racing a million miles an hour and then you get this acceleration
feeling, but I always feel like I'm being pulled down; I never feel like I'm
being pulled up. It's like I go down a rollercoaster, only a hundred times f
aster, and whoom-you black out and you're there, wherever it is you're going
to be, usually on board a craft."

Sparks told me why he thinks that most of the time he is actually "pulled"
physically from bed and literally moved through the walls or ceiling as
other abductees have also described.

"It's their technology. I know the aliens rely heavily on a created field.
This field produces several things: the ability to be invisible, the ability
to work in one dimension and be partially in another, and the ability to
move us poor humans through solid matter.

"How exactly it works, I don't know. But I know it's a field. When the field
is in action, you can feel it, you can sense it; you almost feel like you
are a magnet or static electricity. It takes a wall as you would normally
see it and makes it transparent. You walk right through it. So, it's a field
that somehow separates molecules, chang

[CTRL] Crim-Ram by Branton - correct url

2000-02-13 Thread Nicky Molloy

-Caveat Lector-   http://www.ctrl.org/">
 -Cui Bono?-

Sorry the Crimson url on the last Nazis and underground bases email isn't
working.Thanks Steve!


These next twelve files are the Crim-Ram, or Cosmic Conflict, series by
Branton. Ancient civilizations, subterranean inhabitants, secret societies,
aliens, UFOs, the Secret Government, the assassination of Kennedy, FEMA, the
conflict between good and evil, Pleiadeans, the serpent race (reptilians),
Greys... this 'book' covers all these areas and many more and ties it all

Cosmic Conflict and the Da'ath Wars
The Cosmic Grand Deception
The Cult of the Serpent
And There Was War in Heaven
A Covenant With Death
Crash Go the Chariots
Caverns, Dungeons and Labyrinths
The Underground Empire
Invasion of the Mind Wreckers
Out of the Dragon's Lair
Casualties of a Cosmic War
Battles Beneath the Earth

Crim-ram.zip contains all of the above Crim-Ram files in text format, zipped
into one file (591 K).


This next file by Branton covers some of his personal experiences.


The following file, and these quotes describe some aliens as being demonic,
as if they are feeding off of our fear and suffering.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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