Re: auto urls for methods

2008-08-21 Thread James Bennett

On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 4:51 AM, Will Rocisky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is it possible (like Rails) to not to enter every method and it's url
> everytime? And url should go to the method straight unless defined.


1. Python's general philosophy is that it's best to explicitly say
what you want, rather than have magical implicit things happening
behind the scenes (and generally explicit is much easier to debug).
2. Auto-routing URLs takes away your ability to control what you
expose of your application. This can create situations ranging from
annoying URLs that you'd rather not have people see, all the way up to
full-blown oh-hai-i-haxed-ur-site security holes.
3. Auto-routing only works if you're following an extremely narrow
interpretation of web development patterns, namely "strict" MVC with a
controller_name/view_name/object_id layout, and there are problems
both with that narrow interpretation and with the conventions it
foists upon you (which this margin is too short to contain).

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Re: Reverse URL Questions

2008-08-21 Thread James Bennett

On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 1:50 AM, Rodney Topor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So: Why is the use of explicit URLs discouraged, especially in
> templates?  Why is it better to write {% url
> project_name.app_name.views.results %} in a template than to write /
> results/ (assuming the URLconf maps /results/ to the view results)?

So say you write a blog application. It has an Entry model, and its
get_absolute_url() method looks like this:

def get_absolute_url(self):
return "/weblog/%s/%s/" % (self.pub_date.strftime("%Y/%b/%d"), self.slug)

All is well and good.

Then you need to roll out the same app, on the same server, but for a
different site. And that site doesn't want its weblog entries living
at "/weblog/"; it wants, maybe, "/articles/".


Oh, and it turns out that's going to conflict with your news
application, which is already trying to use "/articles/" in its
get_absolute_url(). The news stories are going to have to move to
"/stories/". And instead of having photographs at "/pics/", this site
needs to have them at "/photos/".

And the list goes on.

So you can go mess around with ABSOLUTE_URL_OVERRIDES to try to make
this all work, which is a bit of a nasty hack and requires you to be
constantly duplicating information: not only do you have to lay out
the URL patterns in, you also have to go hard-code the *same*

This gets very ugly, very quickly. Trust me, because I've been in that
exact situation and I know from experience that it does not end well.

Or you can just write the get_absolute_url() method to use reverse
resolution so that the only thing you have to do is write the URL
patterns you'd be writing anyway, and the reverse resolution will make
sure get_absolute_url() returns the right URL.

> Second: Doesn't the use of get_absolute_url() somehow violate the
> separation of URLs from models?

Nope. In object-oriented programming an object is *supposed* to know
things about itself. You're supposed to be able to take an object and
ask it questions like "who created you?" and "when were you last
updated?" and, yes, even "where can I see you on the public web site?"
Setting up your code so that questions about a model object can be
answered using nothing more than that model object's own API
drastically improves the cleanliness of your code; you've got one
place to go for these questions, instead of fifteen.

> Third: If one is to reverse map views to URLs, which is the best way
> to do it (if there is a best way)?

Clarify what you mean by this?

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Re: how to display date nicely

2008-08-18 Thread James Bennett

2008/8/18 Will Rocisky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> actually I have to do it in views, not template
> I need some pure python code

All Python datetime objects support the 'strftime' method, which is
what you want to use. Consult Python's documentation for the full

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Re: Making a Form from a model using ModelForms, but dont want to include the ForeignKey variable in the form

2008-07-21 Thread James Bennett

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 4:09 PM, Django_newbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This save() fails because the form.is_valid() is not true, and the
> Blog(foreignkey) field is missing from the post data, how can i make
> this save without letting user choose this blog field? Or is it
> necessary that the foreignkey field has to be alwayz chosen from a
> form?

The documentation for ModelForm covers both:

1. Excluding fields from a ModelForm (thus doing away with attempts to
validate those fields), and
2. Getting a "partial" object back from a ModelForm which you can
modify before actually saving to your database.

Details are available here:

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Re: autodiscover() fails too silently...

2008-07-21 Thread James Bennett

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 4:12 PM, Amit Ramon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> autodiscover() goes over INSTALLED_APPS and tries to import their admin 
> modules. When such a module isn't present, ImportError is caught and 
> consumed. However, if some admin module do exists, but for some reason it 
> throws an ImportError (e.g., it tries to load a non-existing module), it will 
> not be loaded and will not be seen in the admin interface, without any 
> significant notice. To me this seems like an undesired side-effect, perhaps 
> even a bug.

This is a well-known side effect of anything which needs to import
something which might not exist: it is nearly impossible to write
robust code that can correctly differentiate:

1. An ImportError raised by a non-existent module
2. A module which exists but whose initialization raises an ImportError

The solution is to test your code independently and ensure that it
functions correctly before attempting to use it (e.g., write a unit
test which attempts to import your admin declarations and fails if an
exception is raised in the process; if this test passes, you can rest

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Re: Is Django development active?

2008-07-20 Thread James Bennett

On Sun, Jul 20, 2008 at 6:57 AM, Hussein B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I got that illusion due the slow official releases cycle...

Be careful with this logic, because it is misleading. For example:
Britain has not had a new Prime Minister since June 2007; does this
mean the British Government has not done anything in the past year?

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Re: Django vs. Kohana

2008-07-17 Thread James Bennett

On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 6:05 PM, Henrik Bechmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can anyone with experience or knowledge of both Django and Kohana (PHP
> framework, son of CodeIgniter) list contexts in which each would be
> most appropriate? I'm in a selection process right now with both on
> the short list.

Both are most appropriate in the context of building a web application.

In all honesty, this is something that a random bunch of strangers
probably can't help you much with; only you know your actual
requirements and only you know your preferences for tools and coding
styles, so only you can make this decision. Django's feature set is
well-documented, and hopefully other frameworks do the same, so
reading through the available documentation and doing a tutorial or
two is probably your best bet.

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Re: Where is the source code for Practical Django Projects?

2008-07-17 Thread James Bennett

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 2:14 AM, Phillip Parrin
> I'm also looking for the souce code, mainly i'm looking for the
> advanced templates you mention when building the weblog. Did you get
> the chance to finish the source?

I'm tracking down one other reported issue which -- hopefully -- will
be fixed for me soon by the merge of newforms-admin, but which is
holding me up a bit as I try to wrap up the tarball.

In the meantime, all the relevant code is right there in the book ;)

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Re: Where is the source code for Practical Django Projects?

2008-07-09 Thread James Bennett

On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 3:33 AM, Evan H. Carmi
> I am reading Practical Django Projects but am unable to find the online
> source code. Does anyone know where this is located? I would think that
> it would be at However, that
> doesn't seem to be the case.

Long story made short:

The source package was all ready to go when someone who had an early
copy of the book ran into a problem with a third-party application,
used in a couple of the projects in the book, that had a
backwards-incompatible change after we went through tech review.
Rather than have people downloading broken code, I went back to work
trying to fix things up and provide some notes on the problem and how
to work around it.

Except I also have a day job which takes up quite a lot of my time.
I'd planned to finish everything up over the weekend, but
unfortunately I was wiped out by an illness and I'm just not starting
to get back to the land of the usefully-living.

So it's not online yet and probably won't be for a couple days yet,
until I've had time to get caught up on other work and triple-check
everything. In the meantime, all the code that's actually vital to
working through the book is right there in the book; the downloadable
package is simply a copy of what's in the book, plus a couple extra
examples that aren't directly covered and don't really include any
fundamentally-important stuff.

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Re: not allowing me to login to admin site

2008-07-08 Thread James Bennett

On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 4:33 AM, allisongardner
> Will look further into problem as it does not accept any of my user
> logins that have been created by the admin site, even though I know i
> am using the correct username and password. I do have shell access as
> I am using my own computer. When I have worked out what to do I will
> look into your second suggestion. Thanks agin for quick response.
> MWAH!!!

If you're on Django 0.96 or a checkout of the development code,
there's special-case handling in the admin for creating users such
that the password will be properly set, as well as a special-case
editing view for changing passwords through the admin.

For manually creating users from Python code, the Django User model
has a manager with a special method -- create_user() -- which will
handle this for you, so doing:

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
u = User.objects.create_user('bob', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]', 'some_password')

will work.

For manually editing users from Python code, the User model defines a
method called 'set_password()' which also handles this for you:

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
u = User.objects.get(username='bob')

For bulk imports, you can currently rely on some backwards-compatible
hackery we do to support storing passwords as plain old MD5 hashes, by
which Django will transparently "upgrade" the stored password to a
(more secure) salted SHA1 hash the next time the user successfully
logs in.

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Re: Create field from two others

2008-07-03 Thread James Bennett

On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 8:59 PM, lukeqsee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can you take a first_name & a last_name field and then in the same
> model make a field that is full_name? ie
> first_name = models.CharField(max_length=75)
> last_name = models.CharField(max_length=75)
> full_name = models.CharField(value=first_name + last_name,
> max_length=100)

Not like this, no, but you seem to be hung up on trying to use field
classes for everything. This is not necessary (and in this case would
be a bad idea: you'd have duplicated data and you'd need to constantly
watch out to prevent the fields getting out of sync with each other),
because you can define perfectly normal Python attributes and methods
on your models.

Most likely you want to use a property with both a getter and a
setter, as shown in the examples in the documentation:

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Re: Using SQLite in production

2008-07-03 Thread James Bennett

On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 8:28 PM, Alex Slesarev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One more issue - if you change a model, then you have to drop database
> and recreate it using syncdb (sqlite do not allow modifying tables and
> columns). It is not so good for production use.

This is not quite correct. SQLite has limited support for ALTER TABLE
statements, which is a different thing from saying it has no support
for them.

It is possible, in SQLite, to rename tables and to add new columns
directly through ALTER TABLE statements. It is not possible to do more
-- directly. However, it *is* possible to alter a schema without
dropping the entire table:

1. Create a new table, with a temporary name, and with the correct
definition to match the new schema.
2. Copy data into that table from the original table, inserting it
appropriately to suit the new schema.
3. Drop the original table.
4. Rename the new table to the original table's name.

Yes, this is more complex. However, it is often less complex than
completely re-creating things from scratch.

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Re: django+mod_python, caching or something else?

2008-07-02 Thread James Bennett

On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 7:09 AM, Alex Koshelev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Client-side caching. Use the `never_cache` decorator

No, that's not it at all.

> On Jul 2, 3:43 pm, Mario <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I look at sql log - django didn't query that, but always query lists,
>> for example:
>> context["news_list"] = News.objects.filter(hot=False).order_by('-
>> created')[:5]
>> what is this? mod_python? caching?

When launched, mod_python loads your code once and only once for each
server process, and holds it in memory afterward. This is a trade-off
made or efficiency, because reloading the code on every request would
significantly slow the server. As a result, whenever you make a change
to code that runs under mod_python, you must also restart the web

In addition, any variable assigned at the module global level will
only be evaluated once, which means that any top-level variable
declaration which does a database query will only evaluate once per
server process, rather than appearing to refresh on each request.

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Re: template via email

2008-07-01 Thread James Bennett

On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 8:37 PM, Malcolm Tredinnick
> Look at the render_to_string() method for converting templates to
> strings:

And if you end up using a template to generate the subject of the
email as well (not an uncommon thing), remember that you **must**
condense the subject to a single line of text.

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Re: help request using python_twitter api with django and errno 25

2008-06-27 Thread James Bennett

On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 11:02 PM, Hani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My questions are:
> 1. can anyone explain the error a little better to me?
> 2. Is it a bug in the python-twitter api, or in django, or in my code?
> 3. Is there a fix that does not involve using the patch?
> 4. If I have to use the patch, could someone provide easy to follow
> steps for me to apply it (absolutely no clue here)?

Question 1 (this is going to gloss over a lot of things, but hopefully
will help):

Basically, on Unix and Unix-like systems, there is a concept of a
"controlling terminal" -- for example, if you're on Mac OS X (which is
BSD-ish Unix under the hood), you can open a Terminal and launch a
Python interpreter; in this case, the instance of you're
using will be the "controlling terminal" of the process the Python
interpreter is running in.

It's often useful to get information about your controlling process,
because this can answer some fairly practical question; in the case of
the Twitter API, it was looking for the username of the logged-in user
who launch the Python process, which is available if, for example, it
was launched directly from a command line. Python's standard 'os'
module allows you to do this sort of thing fairly easily. However,
there are cases where the controlling process doesn't support this
sort of thing, and in those cases the Python functions will raise an
IOError (you can also take some steps to determine in advance whether
your controlling process supports these functions).

Question 2: Yes, it is (or was) a bug in the Twitter module.

Question 3: the ticket you're looking at is a duplicate of one I filed
earlier, and which was marked fixed some time ago:

The relevant patch catches the IOError and falls back to a default
value when the necessary information isn't available:

So if you do an svn up on your copy of the Twitter module, it should work.

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Re: Need help including a queryset in every view

2008-06-27 Thread James Bennett

On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 4:27 PM, Brandon Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What's the best way to go about this? Obviously I don't want to have
> to pass the queryset into the context of every action, in every view
> across the entire site :)

Same way you make anything accessible to lots of different template contexts:

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Re: psycopg2

2008-06-27 Thread James Bennett

On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 6:19 AM, Will <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ah, sorry. Reading the Django book had led me to believe I was stuck
> with psycopg:

The change which allows user-defined backends to be plugged in
happened after the 0.96 release, so the book is accurate for 0.96.

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Re: psycopg2

2008-06-27 Thread James Bennett

On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 3:06 AM, Will <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Would I have to write an entire new backend for postgres, just to use
> a different driver?

You'd need a module that implements the interface of a Django database
adapter while using another driver. A few months ago I saw an article
by someone who'd been working on a module to use pygresql -- another
Python module that can talk to Postgres -- in place of psycopg and who
apparently got it partially working before going back to psycopg:

If you're adamantly against using psycopg (I'm not an expert on the
comparison, but most Python folks seem to prefer psycopg for its
flexibility in allowing customized mappings between Python data types
and Postgres data types), you might get in touch with him and see if
he still has/is willing to share the code as a starting point for an
alternative adapter.

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Re: django naming conventions ?

2008-06-25 Thread James Bennett

On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 5:02 PM, PFL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have done some searching but could not find a set of standard naming
> conventions that is recommended for Django objects:

There's really not much that's Django-specific; as with most Python
code, the recommendation is to follow the Python style guide:

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Re: Hooking up Users and Profiles

2008-06-24 Thread James Bennett

On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 2:53 PM, radioflyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I continue to struggle with what I see as some real limitations of the
> User/UserProfile paradigm used by Django.

Well, it doesn't cover every conceivable thing you might want to do,
which is to be expected; out of the box, the most common case (single
user type, single profile model) is covered, and more complex
situations -- which will probably require customization anyway --

> One issue, which I have seen a number of people struggling with is the
> usability of the Users selection widget. The problem is that when
> creating users, there are no required fields that make for easy
> ordering, searching or readability. If first_name, last_name were
> required, they could be used to make the selection widget order-able
> and more readable. Of course, no one wants to have Django hardwire
> anything but the bare minimum fields for the authentication system so
> this is understandable.

So if it's important to require these fields, then write forms for
entering users which require these fields. The fact that they're not
required at the model level doesn't forbid you setting up requirements
at a form level.

> Because I want administrators of the site to have an easy way to give
> Users a choice of different profiles, I've had to try some different
> approaches.

One other thing you might try is exploring the Group model as a way to
keep users organized according to who they are -- e.g., have
"Teacher" group, a "Student" group, etc., and use group membership to
determine which profile model you want to use for a given user.
>- All of the child user types show up in the add/change admin for
> users. The administrator would have to remember what type of user they
> were adding and do a lot of scrolling around irrelevant fields.

You're really getting into a case where the stock admin doesn't suit
your needs, and instead of stepping back and writing what would be a
few short, simple views to do exactly what you want you're still
trying to force what you want into a codebase that wasn't designed for
this. newforms-admin might help you a little bit by giving you places
to just plug in and override, but I really think writing a couple
views and forms that handle your custom logic is the way to go here.

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Re: psycopg2

2008-06-24 Thread James Bennett

On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 12:20 PM, Will <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I really didn't want to turn this into a fight, and I apologise if my
> posts have seemed inflammatory.  I'd just like to be able to trust all
> my stack.

Well, this is the thing: are you going to this level of detail on
*every* part of your stack? Are you auditing the kernel and the C
libraries? Are you checking the security of the firmware for the
drives in your server?

Or are you putting some trust into the fact that widely-used
components wouldn't be so widely used, or would at least have lots of
people complaining about them, if they weren't reliable?

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Re: psycopg2

2008-06-24 Thread James Bennett

On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 11:28 AM, Will <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All I'm asking for is some reason to trust the integrity of psycopg,
> and all I'm getting from you is sarcasm. Perhaps you could provide me
> with some links?

psycopg is used, happily, by everyone from hobbyists to Fortune 500
companies. It works just fine, and it's easy to discover this.

If your clients are concerned about its quality, add three figures to
the amount on your invoice and trust that they're the sort of people
to whom "expensive" means "good".

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Re: Extending the method that is called the first time a model is deployed.

2008-06-22 Thread James Bennett

On Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 4:41 AM, mwebs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It seems as if these signals have to be used in, but
> what I need is something I can use directly in my model code.
> Something like overloading a method. The fact that this should be
> happen in the model-class is very important. E.g I dont want every
> model to be registerd in my "meta-model" Apps only some of my models.

I think you've misunderstood how signals work; you can selectively do
something only when a certain specific class is first loaded.

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Re: get_models

2008-06-19 Thread James Bennett

On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 9:11 PM, Russell Keith-Magee
> This is just one of those areas that we haven't got around to
> documenting yet. It doesn't mean we don't want to document this
> feature - it just means other things have taken priority. We're always
> open to contributions, though. If you want to write up some
> documentation based on what you have just learned, feel free to
> volunteer.

Also, there were a few long-running tickets related to model loading,
so at the time it didn't make sense to document an API that might have
to change when those tickets were fixed. It turned out that the
model-loading API could stay backwards-compatible (which was a good
thing), so now if someone wants a good task for a sprint they should
look into documenting it.

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Re: get_models

2008-06-19 Thread James Bennett

On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 8:01 PM, Marty Alchin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In fact, I'm confident enough that they're not going anywhere that I'm
> in the process of documenting them on dead trees.

I already beat you to it, at least partially (got some uses of
get_model() in my book).

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Re: get_models

2008-06-19 Thread James Bennett

On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 7:02 PM, Russell Keith-Magee
> Short version:

See also long version:

If these functions were to change, Django itself would need to undergo
not-insignificant refactoring. And since such a refactoring is not on
the table, they're not going to change.

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Re: Freelance Django Developers Urgently Needed

2008-06-17 Thread James Bennett

Hey, there, django-users subscribers! This is your periodic friendly
reminder that the place for job listings is,
which exists specifically to serve that purpose.

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Re: Use new variables on templates

2008-06-15 Thread James Bennett

On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 11:29 AM, Eric Abrahamsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One of the things django does for you is make 'settings' available
> everywhere. So if you want to use these constants in a template, you
> should be able to do this in a view:

Er. No, no it doesn't. If you want access to the settings, you import
them like any other Python code.

And if you want something to be available in every template, you write
and enable a context processor and use RequestContext.

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Re: problem with forms with db access

2008-06-15 Thread James Bennett

On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 7:58 AM, ./ed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> the problem is that when i add an entry to the aModel table it does
> not update in the form (even with various reload scheme)
> it does update when I 'touch' the python file. So my guess is the
> problem lies in the 'compilation' chain or something like that.

Consider the following normal Python class:

import datetime

class BeforeAfterNoon(object):
time =

def before_noon(cls):
return cls.time.hour < 12

Now, suppose you import this class at 11:59, and call the
'before_noon()' method. It will return True.

Suppose you leave the Python interpreter running and don't reload
anything; at 12:01, 'before_noon()' will still return True.

This is because -- when Python parsed the class definition -- the
current date and time were assigned to the attribute 'time' in the
class, the same as if a constant value had been assigned, and it won't
change until something forces the class definition to be completely
reloaded, at which point it will update to a new value and stick
*there* instead.

Assigning choices to a field in a form works the same way; even if the
choices come from calling a function, it still happens only once --
when the class is first loaded.

This deals with the general case of what you're seeing. For the
specific case of dynamically pulling choices for a form field from a
QuerySet, you want to take a look at the documentation:

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Re: simple python math help.

2008-06-15 Thread James Bennett

On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 4:36 AM, Jarred Bishop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> it returns '0'. which isnt much help. how do i get '0.5' or '.5' ?

This has a very long history, going all the way back to the C
programming language (which the Python interpreter is written in, and
which many currently-popular languages are, at least in part,
descended from). In C dividing an integer by an integer always yields
an integer, no matter what -- if you care about fractional/decimal
bits, you need to ensure that one or both of the numbers involved
supports having fractional/decimal bits.

Python has inherited this quirk, and so the following situation exists:

200 / 400 # yields 0
200.0 / 400 # yields 0.5
200 / 400.0 # yields 0.5
200.0 / 400.0 # yields 0.5

One possible solution, then, is to ensure that at least one of the
numbers involved is a floating-point number (Python type 'float')
instead of a whole integer (Python type 'int').

This behavior will be changing in Python 3.0, but will not be changed
in the Python 2.x line because it's backwards-incompatible. In Python

200 / 400 # yields 0.5
200 // 400 # yields 0, because there are cases where "integer
division" is useful

Until then, you can selectively enable this by adding the following at
the top of any Python file where you're doing division:

from __future__ import division

This turns on the (backwards-incompatible with code which assumes
Python's standard integer division) behavior which will be standard in
Python 3.0.

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Re: Disconnected ORM objects

2008-06-13 Thread James Bennett

On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 11:01 PM, Karish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to be able to use my ORM objects (eg, EmailMessage,
> EmailAddress) in some cases without a database. For example, I want to
> write a function like download_email_messages that will download email
> messages and return an EmailMessage object which has a set of
> EmailAddress objects (for the To, From, etc.). The database is not
> involved at this stage.

If an object doesn't represent something backed by a relational store,
why are you using an object-relational mapper to handle it?

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Re: Extending User model with model inheritance?

2008-06-13 Thread James Bennett

On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 10:54 PM, meppum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> With the query refactoring branch being merged to the trunk I wanted
> to finally move some of the data I had put on my user profiles to a
> derrived user model. I didn't see this mentioned in the documentation
> and I wanted to know if this is possible now? Will the admin tool pick
> up new fields?

The admin interface does not currently support inheritance; support is
planned in newforms-admin, slated to merge to trunk within the next
couple of months.

In the meantime, subclassing User to add fields offers no performance
advantage whatsoever over using a related model, because the
subclassing is implemented under the hood as a related table with a
foreign key back to the parent class. In many cases it also offers
little conceptual advantage, because the great majority of things
people typically do with user profiles have little or nothing to do
with user authentication.

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Re: Roadmap to 1.0 and internationalization in db

2008-06-13 Thread James Bennett

On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 5:38 PM, Adrián Ribao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think I can make this work in three weeks, If I do, could it be
> considered for Django 1.0?

Since it appears that it wouldn't introduce any backwards-incompatible
changes, I'd be against putting it on a 1.0 timeline; it could just as
easily be added in a 1.x release afterward.

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Re: django-registration with my custom user profile

2008-06-13 Thread James Bennett

2008/6/13 Chr1s <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> But still I don't know how to implement this, anyone could give me a
> simple example? thanks very much

This feature is intended for a situation where each of the following is true:

1. You have a custom user-profile model.
2. The user-profile model has been written in such a way that an
instance can be created using nothing but default values (e.g., with
no input whatsoever from the user).

If that is the case, simply write a function which can create an
instance using nothing but default values, and pass that as the

If that is not the case, you will either need to write a more complex
custom form (to handle any additional information you want to collect)
or create the profile in a separate step (e.g., using

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Re: Django Tutorial Clarification

2008-06-13 Thread James Bennett

On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 2:24 AM, wave connexion(BQ)
> Does this mean Django generated API code for you?

No. The phrase "no code generation necessary" means precisely what it
says: that, unlike some frameworks which require you to run a script
which generates files of code for you, Django's database API is
generated dynamically at runtime.

> Here, that an app can be in multiple projects means the app code can be
> copied/imported into different projects rather than shared between different
> projects?

In the largest sense, it means that an application is simply a Python
module, and thus the standard Python "import" statement can be used to
access it the same as any other Python code; this means that a single
application module can be re-used by multiple Django projects without
needing to make multiple copies of the application module (just as any
other Python library can be imported by multiple pieces of code
without needing its files to be copied into new locations by each of

> not very clear on this. more explanation is appreciated.

An explanation of that code is provided in the section immediately following it.

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Re: SQLobject vs SQLAlchemy

2008-06-13 Thread James Bennett

On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 1:15 AM, Pepsi330ml <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i shall go read more about SqlObject then.

If you're planning to use Django, and if you do not already have a
very strong attachment to another ORM, consider just using the one
that comes with Django. It will make your life easier.

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Re: Painfully slow... why?

2008-06-10 Thread James Bennett

On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 7:42 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> At the risk of talking to myself, I may have found the cause of my
> slowdowns: KeepAlive. Setting it OFF has -- so far -- made a HUGE
> performance improvement. More than I saw from memcached, or anything
> I've done with the queries.

That'll do it (and IIRC it's covered in the deployment docs).

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Re: "more than 1 ForeignKey" error in newforms-admin

2008-06-09 Thread James Bennett

On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 2:08 PM, Andre Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i have a model with a class that has a foreign key and a subclass that has
> another. this works well for creating the database, but the admin does not
> like it.

I believe your problem is that support for hierarchies of subclassed
models is still in progress. Right now, using the admin on top of such
models doesn't work.

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Re: Django Suitable for this?

2008-06-08 Thread James Bennett

On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 1:05 AM, beetlecube <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I read a blog entry somewhere by someone contemplating the ideal type
> of web application needs that Django best meets:   Since it was
> written originally for publishing articles in a newspaper environment,
> it's good for blogs or other Article type sites.

My usual response to this is as follows:

"I was thinking about using Rails to build my site, but it looks like
it's really only good for AJAX-heavy project-management and to-do-list
applications. Should I consider something else if that's not what I'm

And sometimes I think people underestimate just what goes into a
high-quality newspaper site; there are tons of interactive and intense
data-processing and other background things going on at, say,, but people hear "newspaper" and think "oh, it's just some
basic CMS stuff". If anyone really thinks it's that easy, they're
welcome to come work for us and see how things really are ;)

> Shouldn't matter, should it, what kind of web app?

More succinctly, no, it shouldn't. I've seen Django used,
successfully, for projects all over the spectrum of web development
(CMS, data processing, highly interactive user-content apps, even
point-of-sale systems). Ultimately, it's up to you to make the  call
as to whether it's right for what you want to do, but unless you're in
a domain where there's a need for highly specialized tools (for
example: if I were building a live IM system in Python I'd use Twisted
for its awesome network-oriented features), Django should be fine. So
if it feels right for the way you like to develop, go for it.

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Re: I need outsourcing

2008-06-06 Thread James Bennett

Once again:

Please route job listings to

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Re: django programming project

2008-06-06 Thread James Bennett

On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 7:55 PM, david.watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a relatively simple django project that I need to get done.
> I'm an experienced software engineer, but I don't have the cycles to
> do this myself.  I have, however, carefully thought out the
> requirements and design, so I can be quite clear about what I need
> done.

Please route job listings to, which exists specifically
for this purpose.

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Re: ORM question

2008-06-06 Thread James Bennett

On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 6:57 PM, Dan W. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm pretty new to django and so far so good except for one thing. When I
> fetch model objects, their related objects are showing up as RelatedManager
> and ManyRelatedManager objects intead of the types I created and modified in
> my model. Consequently if I try to iterate over them or access their data
> attributes, I get an exception.

You want the sections on "backward" and "many-to-many" relationships.

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Re: Caching question

2008-06-06 Thread James Bennett

On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 2:11 PM, Peter Rowell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm a little confused. The docs (
> documentation/middleware/#django-middleware-cache-cachemiddleware)
> say, and the code appears to support it, that if
> django.middleware.cache.CacheMiddleware in the MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES
> list, then caching is turned on for the whole site.

Yes. The question here, though, was the interaction of
CacheMiddleware, the anonymous-only caching setting, and other caching
mechanisms. Which is why I ran down what each one of them does in the
face of the anonymous-only caching setting.

> I don't see
> anything in the middleware code that knows anything about the
> cache_page decorator.

The cache_page decorator is actually literally the same code as the
middleware; there's a utility function in Django that can convert a
middleware class to a decorator, and the cache_page decorator is the
result of applying that utility to the CacheMiddleware.

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Re: Caching question

2008-06-05 Thread James Bennett

On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 3:05 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I've read the caching documentation several times, but must be missing
> some fine points. If I have
> set, does per-view or template fragment caching override that?

If you have CacheMiddleware enabled, and you have
CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_ANONYMOUS_ONLY = True in your settings file, then:

* Assuming you don't use any other caching mechanisms of any sort,
caching only occurs for anonymous users.
* If you apply the cache_page decorator to a specific view, the
caching performed by that decorator only occurs for anonymous users.
* If you use the {% cache %} tag in a template, the caching occurs for
all users in all situations regardless of anonymous status.
* If you use the low-level cache.get()/cache.set() API, the caching
occurs for all users in all situations regardless of anonymous status.

Basically, this means that when you single out a small fragment of
template or Python code and use the fine-grained caching mechanisms,
Django assumes you've got a good reason for doing so and know better
than it does that you want to cache.

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Re: Can Someone Do something about ALL THIS SPAM

2008-06-05 Thread James Bennett

Guys, this has been covered before, multiple times. But once more, with feeling:

* The list is run through Google Groups, so Google's spam filtering is
what's applied.
* The way to train Google's spam filter is to use their spam-reporting
* The alternative to this is to start moderating the list, which would
be such an overwhelming task that it's logistically impossible, plus
the Django team doesn't want to end up creating a closed list where
people have to await approval to post, and so nobody bothers trying.

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Re: why so slow?

2008-06-03 Thread James Bennett

On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 4:00 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> im running part 2 of the tutorial right now and im inside the admin.
> when connecting to localhost it is s slow, why?

If you need to have a running dialogue with someone who can help you
as you walk through the tutorial, consider joining the Django IRC
channel for live chat.

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Re: django + google appengine?

2008-06-03 Thread James Bennett

On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 4:02 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> google appengine seems like a good place to start, then i dont have to
> get my own servers and stuff.
> is this easy integrateable? or doesnt google appengine and django work
> together?

There are a number of articles and tutorials which you'll find with
some simple searching. In the future, please consider doing so;
searching in Google for an answer to your questions will often get you
help much more quickly than waiting for a mailing list to respond.

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Re: why do i have to add this to Apache?

2008-06-03 Thread James Bennett

On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 2:17 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> why is this necessary? do i have to do this for every project?
> testproject.settings implies i do.

You probably want to research how mod_python works in order to
understand what the configuration directives are and which ones are

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Re: auto admin for production

2008-06-03 Thread James Bennett

On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 11:54 AM, pihentagy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Currently the admin interface doesn't handle row-level permissions. A
>> user can be granted to edit articles, but not restricted to only their
>> own. I *believe* this is a feature that will be added in newforms-admin.
> Can anyone confirm that? If so, where can I find the docs?

There isn't going to be any magical switch or option that you just
turn on and suddenly these restrictions go into place. Instead, you'll
have much more access to customize the lists of objects which are
shown to individual users, by overriding methods which return the
QuerySets used in the admin interface. There is no documentation at
the moment because the code is still evolving. And to cut off the next
few questions since I'm certain someone will ask them yet again: no, I
don't know when it will merge into trunk; no, there is not an
estimated date for it; no, there is not a timeline for it; yes, it
will be sometime before Django 1.0.

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Re: "Includes" directory?

2008-06-02 Thread James Bennett

On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 1:29 PM, Huuuze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm new to Django, so please be gentle.  Basic question: when
> developing a web app, I've typically created an "includes" directory
> which stores commonly used functions or methods.  From a best practice
> standpoint, is it recommended that I create an "includes" directory
> (not application) within my project?  If so, I'm guessing I can
> reference it as "myproject.includes".

Generally, any time you find yourself giving a module or file a name such as:

* includes
* parts
* utils
* helpers
* misc

it means that your code is not as well-organized as it could be.
Additionally, such things tend to grow over time, until you wake up
one morning and discover that '' is 5,000 lines long and
contains over half the code of your application, simply because it was
easy to put things in there instead of taking the time to maintain a
more careful organizational structure.

Without knowing exactly what type of code you're talking about,
though, it's nearly impossible to suggest alternative ways to keep
things organized.

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Re: How to import ModelForm Dynamically?

2008-06-02 Thread James Bennett

On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 9:06 AM, David.D <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ==
> def model_form(request, model_name):
>form_class = __import__('products.models.%sForm'%model_name)
>form = form_class()
> model_name is a string

Unless you really grok how __import__() works, it's often best to
avoid it. Here's an alternative solution::

import products.models as product_models

def model_form(request, model_name):
return getattr(product_models, '%sForm' % model_name)()

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Re: Method .cache() for QuerySet

2008-06-02 Thread James Bennett

On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 11:58 AM, Marinho Brandao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Meanwhile, I am not sure if it is safe as I need, so, I wish to know
> your opinion about it:

Review of patches proposed for Django should take place in the Django
ticket tracker; djangosnippets is not the appropriate place for this,
and I've removed it from the site.

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Re: How nicely does django play in a distributed environment?

2008-06-02 Thread James Bennett

On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 7:06 AM, Phillip B Oldham
> I'm looking at using django to replace our current CMS application
> written in PHP. Currently we have two servers behind a load balancer,
> and everything's nice and stable. We're getting a consistent month-on-
> month traffic increase though and I'm looking at moving to a more
> distributed model - localised servers for uk/us/eu with replicated
> mysql instances.

Django is the easy part. Replicating your DB is the hard part.

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Re: local import or not for django apps?

2008-05-30 Thread James Bennett

On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 4:06 PM, Milan Andric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anyone happen to have a strong opinion on this?  Should django
> applications use local imports or package based imports?  Sorry if
> this has been mulled over a million times.

Applications should expect to live on the Python path (which is where
they end up if you're using the standard Python packaging tools), and
they should use imports which assume that they're on the Python path.
So, for example, if the views file in the application 'foo' needs to
access a model 'Bar' in its own models package, it should write 'from
foo.models import Bar'.

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Re: Django and Comma-Formatting Numbers

2008-05-29 Thread James Bennett

On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 1:15 PM, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I had need of commas in floating-point numbers, and slightly modified
> with a floatcomma function:
> def floatcomma(value):
>Converts a float to a string containing commas every three digits.
>For example, 3000.65 becomes '3,000.65' and -45000.00 becomes
> '-45,000.00'.

Of course, keep in mind that this has internationalization issues;
there are places where the number "three thousand point six five" is
written "3000,65" or even "3.000,65".

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Re: may be BUG. SyntaxError: non-keyword arg after keyword arg

2008-05-28 Thread James Bennett

On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 4:32 AM, sector119 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is it a bug, or I misunderstood something in filter usage?

It looks like you have stray whitespace or line breaks in the middle
of things which should be continuous text. This would, naturally, lead
to strange behavior. For example, this works:


But this probably won't:

User.objects.get(user  name
 __  exact='bob')

Double-check your code.

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Re: hanging os.system() when doing pdf generation

2008-05-27 Thread James Bennett

On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 11:05 AM, Milan Andric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Worked just fine from the interpreter but I noticed some stuff being
> returned on stdout (same as on cmd line).  So I added the --quiet
> option to htmldoc and now it seems fine and returns 0 in the
> interpreter.  Maybe the os.system() call within the view didn't make
> django very happy since it was returning junk.

Some WSGI-based web servers will crash and/or otherwise have severe
problems if you try to write to stdout from inside a WSGI application.

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Re: How to Implement "Most Viewed"?

2008-05-25 Thread James Bennett

On Sun, May 25, 2008 at 9:08 PM, jonknee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Unless you cache the view. Just update it once an hour/day.

You still have to record the raw number of hits somewhere. Doing this
in the database, in real time, is often not possible because it does
lead to one write per page view.

Periodically crunching server logs is often a better alternative.

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Re: Avoiding code duplication with many similar models

2008-05-25 Thread James Bennett

On Sun, May 25, 2008 at 10:13 PM, Trevor Caira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So while it is possible to do this with model inheritence, at least
> the most obvious solution involves a lot of code duplication.

A situation like this is often an indicator that you haven't
sufficiently abstracted what the code is doing. Step back a bit and
consider whether that's the case.

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Re: Authenticated user from

2008-05-21 Thread James Bennett

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 8:23 PM, Patrick J. Anderson
> Passing a Request object should work in application views, but what if
> one wants to capture that information on every save() call, including in
> the admin?
> What would be an elegant and beautiful approach to solving this problem?

Well, newforms-admin is being written to make the HttpRequest object
available as an argument to the various ModelAdmin methods, which
means that when you set up your own custom admin you can do pretty
much anything you want.

Which will make a lot of people happy, and let them go right on
building workflows that don't make a lot of sense (if somebody's a
trusted administrator, how come you don't trust them to fill in a
field properly?).

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Re: Reusable models?

2008-05-21 Thread James Bennett

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 12:29 PM, Aidas Bendoraitis
> One use case could be, for example,
> the Institution model with title and description fields in project A,
> then the Institution model with title, description, and address fields
> in project B,
> and then the Institution model with title, description, and category
> fields in project C.

A whole bunch of people are going to tell you to use inheritance and
subclass the base model everywhere.

Those people are probably a bit over-eager to treat inheritance as a
cure-all; the only time I've ever seen it used in production code, it
became a maintenance nightmare (pro tip: World Online has been using
Django since, well, as long as it's existed. We have exactly one model
that's subclassed, and every time I have to deal with it I wish it

The way I'd do this is with an application which provides a basic
model with the core fields, and then other models in other
applications relating to it and adding information as needed.
Incidentally, this leads to precisely the same underlying database
configuration as inheritance, but is conceptually quite a bit cleaner
since you're being explicit about the relationship.

Note that this is, for example, how Django's User model works: you
relate another model to it with a good old-fashioned foreign key, and
there's a nice API for specifying which model represents the "user
profile" for a given site. You could emulate that for your own models
quite easily.

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Re: Authentication for whole app

2008-05-20 Thread James Bennett

On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 8:57 PM, Graham Dumpleton
> Let me ask my own question then. If one is running multiple Django
> instances, does Django provide anything that would help with single
> sign on (SSO) across all the distinct Django application instances?

Well, they can share a database and auth against a single users table
(we do this all the time), or you can have an external authentication
source and write an auth backend which knows how to talk to it and
authenticate against it, then use it on all the sites which need it.
I've seen people doing LDAP and various other corporate-love-fest auth
systems that way.

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Re: Authentication for whole app

2008-05-20 Thread James Bennett

On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 7:14 PM, Graham Dumpleton
> If you want to use HTTP Basic authentication, then put everything
> under/behind Apache and use Apache to do it. If you want to use form
> based authentication with same user database across all applications
> gets a bit harder. Which do you want?

It's actually not that hard, even if you want to require auth only for
specific areas. A middleware like this might do the trick (with a
little tweaking):

from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required

class AuthRequiredMiddleware(object):
def process_view(self, request, view_func, view_args, view_kwargs):
if ... (fill in test here to see if it's a URL or view you
want to require auth for):
return login_required(view_func)(request, *view_args, **view_kwargs)

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Re: user.is_authenticated is always false using default login

2008-05-20 Thread James Bennett

On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 10:32 AM, Andrew English
> Do I need to explicitly call authenticate and login in my own view to
> populate the user data?  From what I read, it seems that the
> django.contrib.auth.views.login does that automatically.

There's a difference between authenticating the user, which you've
done, and making the user object available as a variable to the
template, which I'm guessing you haven't done. You probably want to
read this:

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Re: "request"object within

2008-05-19 Thread James Bennett

On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 4:10 PM, Tim Chase
> It's the last bit that can throw folks...many folks seem to use
> very nice/helpful bits of the framework that abstract the save()
> call so it's never thought-about.  Wouldn't adding a parameter to
> save() stymie the admin and a number of other places that call
> save() without parameters?

Well, for years now I've been telling anyone who will listen that
auto-filling a foreign key in the admin like this is generally a bad
idea; if you don't trust your site administrators to fill out the form
properly, you've got much bigger problems. Plus, newforms-admin makes
the whole thing moot, and just as 99% of post-queryset-refactor code
I've seen has ignored everything except model inheritance (arguably
one of the *less* interesting new features), I expect 99% of
post-newforms-admin code will ignore the interesting feature and
simply turn out to be "automatically fill in the user" tricks.

Meanwhile, in public-facing forms for general (i.e., not necessarily
trusted) users, it's ridiculously easy to automatically fill in a
foreign key automatically.

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Re: "request"object within

2008-05-19 Thread James Bennett

On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 3:45 PM, Richard Dahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> how do you pass the request object to models?

Same way you pass any argument to any function or method in Python:
write your function/method to accept the argument, and pass it from
the code that calls the function/method.

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Re: "request"object within

2008-05-19 Thread James Bennett

On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 3:24 PM, enri57ar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How access to request object within models ?

Pass it as an argument the same as any other value. Magical hacks to
try to make it available otherwise are likely to land you in trouble
later on.

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Re: Django experts wanted

2008-05-19 Thread James Bennett

On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 10:56 AM, Jim R. Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am compiling a contact list of Django experts who may be interested
> in opportunities under the right circumstances.  I am not a recruiter
> - I'm a regular developer who sometimes gets asked for referrals when
> I'm not personally available.

The site you're looking for is

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Re: Printing out HTML that doesn't get converted to

2008-05-19 Thread James Bennett

On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 12:51 AM, Tomás Garzón Hervás
> I think, you use the {% autoescape off %} text to escape {% endautoescape %}
> Search more information of autoescape en django documentation

Turning autoescaping on and off for large sections of a template is a
sort of sledgehammer approach. For specific variables, as the case
seems to be here, the "safe" filter is much more appropriate and

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Re: Legacy Databases - custom filter?

2008-05-18 Thread James Bennett

On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 4:10 PM, Dougal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How would I then do this SQL manually? I know writing SQL is to be
> avoided but is there an easy way to execute SQL commands?

Writing SQL is *not* to be avoided. Using an ORM is basically a
trade-off, where some things are supported as ORM methods and some
still require SQL (every ORM does this, even the most powerful ones).

So if it looks like the Django ORM doesn't support the query you want
to execute, you can do it manually, as documented:

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Re: how to avoid uploading .py source files to shared hosting server

2008-05-16 Thread James Bennett

On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 11:52 AM, ydjango <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I do not want to make it easy for some one who breaks in , either a
> outsider or may be an rougue hosting provider employee or contractor,
> to easily get access to all the information - data and code.

Again: if this is your worry, you have bigger problems. Allow me to
suggest an alternate method:

(satire begins here, for the humor-impaired)

1. Physically obtain the server upon which the code is stored. Write
random data to the relevant sectors of the hard drive seven times
over, then write zeroes to it seven times over, then write random data

2. Physically destroy the hard drive. Sledgehammers are good for this.

3. Place the shards of the hard drive into a vat of highly caustic acid.

4. Once the shards have dissolved, burn the resulting acidic liquid.
Be sure to capture the smoke.

5. Cool the smoke until it turns back to ash. Mix the ash into the
center of a reinforced concrete slab, at least 27 cubic feet in

6. If you have access to sufficient technology, launch the concrete
slab into space, on a course to collide with the Sun or (better) with
any singularity which happens to be nearby. The singularity is best
because -- even though it may not guarantee destruction of the
information -- the subjective time to observe the rocket crossing the
event horizon, from the frame of reference of a person some distance
from it, will be effectively infinite, causing most attackers to give

7. If you do not have access to sufficient technology, have the
concrete slab stored in a nuclear-hardened bunker, with no Internet
connection, in a room using biometric identification keyed to
yourself, and with the whole complex guarded 24/7 by US Navy SEALs.
Maintain this watch until the technology available to complete step
(6) becomes available to you.

Once you've completed this process, your application code will be
safe, for a reasonable value of "safe".

(satire ends here)

Or you could just find a host who properly sets up file permissions so
that random people can't access your application code. Unless you own
and personally supervise all of the following you will be susceptible
to rogue employees: the server, the rack in which it's located and the
datacenter in which the rack is found. Many people do not find that
the perceived security gains of doing so outweigh the financial and
maintenance drawbacks. YMMV.

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Re: how to avoid uploading .py source files to shared hosting server

2008-05-16 Thread James Bennett

On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 9:15 AM, ydjango <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, that was another thing on my mind, how to encrypt password in

You don't. I think either you misunderstand how shared hosting works,
or you have an extremely bad host.

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Re: how to avoid uploading .py source files to shared hosting server

2008-05-16 Thread James Bennett

On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 5:02 AM, ydjango <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have propriety commercial code and some formula/ algo
> implementations which I do not want to expose.
> Hence I do not want to upload .py source files

If your host's setup would allow other users to view this code, you
have much larger and much more dangerous security problems to worry
about (since, for example, that would mean they could also see
sensitive passwords in configuration files).

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Re: IntegerField - SQL type changed?

2008-05-15 Thread James Bennett

On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 5:34 AM, Amit Ramon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Was there any change in django in the recent months that could explain this? 
> Namely, could it be that a couple of months ago django would indeed generate 
> a varchar(20) for this field, and now it generates int(11)?

I'll bet money that at the time the table was created you were using
Django's built-in PhoneNumberField, which is specified as VARCHAR(20):

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ANNOUNCE: Security bugfix releases

2008-05-13 Thread James Bennett

In accordance with our security policy[1], a set of releases is being
issued tonight to fix a security vulnerability reported to the Django
project. This message contains a description of the vulnerability, a
description of the changes made to fix it, pointers to the the
relevant patches for each supported version of Django and pointers to
the resulting releases. A copy of this information will also be posted
on the official Django weblog, and the relevant areas of the Django
website are being updated to reflect the new releases.

Description of vulnerability:

The Django administration application will, when accessed by a user
who is not sufficiently authenticated, display a login form and ask
the user to provide the necessary credentials before displaying the
requested page. This form will be submitted to the URL the user
attempted to access, by supplying the current request path as the
value of the form's "action" attribute.

The value of the request path was not being escaped, creating an
opportunity for a cross-site scripting (XSS) attack by leading a user
to a URL which contained URL-encoded HTML and/or JavaScript in the
request path.

Affected versions:

* Django development trunk
* Django 0.96
* Django 0.95
* Django 0.91


The login form has been changed to escape the request path before use
as the form's submission action.

The relevant changesets for affected versions of Django are:

* Django development trunk: Changeset 7521
* Django 0.96: Changeset 7527 (
* Django 0.95: Changeset 7528 (
* Django 0.91: Changeset 7529 (

The following releases have been issued based on the above changesets:

* Django 0.96.2:
* Django 0.95.3:
* Django 0.91.2:

All users of affected versions of Django are strongly encouraged to
apply the relevant patch or upgrade to the relevant patched release as
soon as possible.

Release manager's note:

If you maintain a third-party Django package and you did *not* receive
the announcement of these release from me earlier tonight, please
email me directly as soon as possible.

Also, please note that potential security vulnerabilities should be
reported directly to the Django project, at
[EMAIL PROTECTED], as outlined in our security policy[1].
Following this procedure helps us to maintain high standards of
response and disclosure, and makes the process of investigating and
resolving security issues much easier for everyone involved.


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Re: Handle on request object from custom tag

2008-05-09 Thread James Bennett

On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 10:11 PM, Greg Fuller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How do I get a handle on the request object from within a custom
> template tag?

By making the request available to the template as a context variable,
then accessing it the same as any other context variable.

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Re: Group by for querysets

2008-05-09 Thread James Bennett

On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 12:47 PM, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does django carry something similar to what I am looking for? If not,
> would a group_by feature be something worth adding to django?

If you're using a recent Django trunk checkout (after the
queryset-refactor merge), there is some basic support if you go look
at it. As of the qsrf merge, each QuerySet instance is backed by an
instance of django.db.models.sql.query.Query, which represents the
actual query to be executed, and that class offers a number of
features which are not yet exposed as high-level API methods. The one
you'll want to look at is the attribute 'group_by' of the Query class,
which should be a list or tuple of either column names or additional
Query objects; when the query is executed, the presence the 'group_by'
attribute will become a GROUP BY clause in the SQL.

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Re: /admin Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) issue!

2008-05-07 Thread James Bennett

On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 3:18 PM, Richard Dahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  If I said that this condition is indicative of an XSS attack vector I
>  may as well say that Apache is vulnerable to a Denial of Service
>  attack because 'after I ran apachectl stop, I could no longer get to
>  my website'

No, because someone else could put a link on their site to my admin
with this sort of thing embedded. Yeah, it's a big reach in terms of
the user needing to be completely braindead to fall for it, but it's
possible and so we need to take it seriously.

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Re: /admin Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) issue!

2008-05-07 Thread James Bennett

Also, for future reference, please remember that if you think you've
found a security problem in Django the correct action is to send email

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Re: /admin Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) issue!

2008-05-07 Thread James Bennett

On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 2:51 PM, Richard Dahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Excellent, good catch, when logged out it does indeed display the
>  alert, I image it has to do with the 'next' property, which is not, I
>  believe, escaped, as it is not entered into the DB or presented to any
>  other user. So again, it begets the question: How is the XSS attack
>  possible?

I'd imagine the big threat is actually not "scripting" per se, but the
fact that you can tweak the URL that form submits to for a
non-logged-in user. That user then, you hope, ignores the glaring
warning of the URL and submits username/password to wherever you want
him/her to send it.

Easily prevented by users who have half a brain, but still needs
fixing. I've cross-posted to django-dev to get it handled.

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Re: /admin Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) issue!

2008-05-07 Thread James Bennett

On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 1:45 PM, mw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  It worked for me and I have one of the fairly recent copies from SVN.
>  (not like today up to date, but pretty up to date)

Visiting the precise URL he pasted, in current Django trunk (SVN
revision 7514), I get a 404.

And I can't see any way that the URL would match something in a prior
version of Django, since there's never been an admin URL pattern that
can match "index.php". or the other junk in that URL.

My best guess is somebody made a 404.html template and is displaying
the raw path of the URL without escaping (or with escaping turned off,
depending on the Django version).

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Re: Django equivilent of PHP date in templates.

2008-05-07 Thread James Bennett

On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 2:06 PM, DuncanM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Would I have to create a template tag, or is there anyway of just
>  sticking it straight into the template?
>  Something similar to what the following php returns:
>  date("F j, Y");

You probably want to read the list of built-in template tags in the

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Re: /admin Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) issue!

2008-05-07 Thread James Bennett

On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 12:31 PM, Chunlei Wu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  /admin/index.php/%22%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert%283939%29%3C/script%3E/
>  I am surprised the passed javascript code is indeed executed. Can
>  somebody verify that? Is it a big threat?

Which version of Django is this happening in? Automatic default
escaping of template contents didn't start until after the 0.96

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Re: child edit causes duplication with model inheritance

2008-05-04 Thread James Bennett

On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 3:29 AM, bobhaugen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Does that mean newforms-admin includes qs-ref?  That is, newforms-
>  admin includes all of the most current svn trunk?

The ideal way to find out this sort of information is to watch the
development timeline:

And specifically the log of the newforms-admin branch:

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Re: child edit causes duplication with model inheritance

2008-05-04 Thread James Bennett

On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 12:58 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  if you add an "A" object then edit it and hit save it duplicates
>  itself. Does anyone else have this trouble with model inheritance?

The admin does not currently support model inheritance. This is a
known and documented issue, and is being worked on.

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Re: django-tagging doesn't work with qs-ref

2008-05-02 Thread James Bennett

On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 1:05 PM, bcurtu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  How can I solve this parse_lookup problem?
>  Cheers

Have you considered looking at that project's bug tracker?

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Re: HEAD requests causing AttributeError

2008-05-01 Thread James Bennett

On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 4:39 AM, omat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I don't see why someone / something is hitting with HEAD requests. Can
>  it be a security issue?

No, it's not a security issue. It probably means you've enabled the
middleware view-documentation middleware
("django.middleware.doc.XViewMiddleware") but don't have the auth
middleware ("django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware")
enabled as well.

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Re: persistence of variable in

2008-05-01 Thread James Bennett

On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 1:23 AM, skunkwerk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I have a variable defined by a function call in my that's at
>  the global level at the start of the file (ie is not inside any other
>  function, though the variable is not prefixed by 'global').  As this
>  takes a few seconds to complete, I just wanted to make sure that this
>  function isn't being called every time a new url is requested.  django
>  only loads once and then calls whatever functions necessary,
>  correct?

Yes and no.

In theory, under a production setup, the module containing your views
will be initialized only once per server process, and will remain in
memory for the life of the server process (so, for example, if you
have one server process with MaxRequestsPerChild set to "100", it
would be initialized once per 100 HTTP requests).

In practice, it may be initialized multiple times depending on how
you've written your code, specifically depending on the import
statements being used.

When you type, for example::

from myapp.views import some_view

for the first time, Python will locate the necessary file and
initialize it by executing the code within; this will define the view
functions, and also define your global variable. Then the resulting
object (a live Python module object) will be inserted into the
dictionary "sys.modules" under the key "myapp.views". Later, if you
import again, Python will find "myapp.views" as a key in "sys.modules"
and use the already-initialized module object there.

The problem is that if you later do, say::

from myproject.myapp.views import some_view

then Python will be looking in "sys.modules" for the key
"myproject.myapp.views", which won't exist; it will go out and find
the file again, initialize it again, and store the resulting module
object in "sys.modules" under the key "myproject.myapp.views".

The net result is that Python will initialize the module once for each
different "path" (e.g., "myapp.views", "myproject.myapp.views", etc.)
you use in an import statement. This is, incidentally, what trips up
so many people with newforms-admin at the moment -- when they
reference the same module in a different way, it gets initialized
again and triggers an error as a model tries to re-register its admin

To avoid this, ensure that you use import statements consistently.

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Re: Backwards incompatibility with fancy PostgreSQL queries and QS-RF

2008-04-30 Thread James Bennett

On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 11:43 PM, Barry Pederson
>  any thoughts on the best way to do this now with QS-RF?

Well, the official database API docs say [1]:

"In some rare cases, you might wish to pass parameters to the SQL
fragments in extra(select=...)`. For this purpose, use the
select_params parameter. Since select_params is a sequence and the
select attribute is a dictionary, some care is required so that the
parameters are matched up correctly with the extra select pieces. In
this situation, you should use a
django.utils.datastructures.SortedDict for the select value, not just
a normal Python dictionary."

And the branch notes for queryset-refactor say [2]:

"Still on extra(select=...)... if you want to substitute parameters
into these extra selection columns, use the select_params argument to
extra(). The params argument is only applied to the extra where

And the backwards-incompatible changes page [3] points to the above
notes on the branch description page.


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Re: Django on Jython - anybody doing it?

2008-04-30 Thread James Bennett

On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 9:44 PM, rich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  More out of curiosity than anything else, is anybody using Django on
>  Jython?

Several people are, and are actively involved in improving both Jython
and Django to work better together; a number of bugs have been
reported to both projects (most of them worked out by now), and Leo
Soto (who's done a lot of unsung work to keep things rolling) is doing
a Google Summer of Code project dedicated to that:

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Re: Queryset-refactor branch has been merged into trunk

2008-04-28 Thread James Bennett

On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 8:32 AM, Juanjo Conti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Could you give me a url where new features are explained?
>  Is this backwards compatible or should I svn up with care?

Well, there's the wiki page Malcolm linked up in his original post...

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Re: Odd Multi Select Behavior

2008-04-27 Thread James Bennett
On Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 1:39 PM, Alex Ezell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  but if I log the value of "request.POST['point_list']" I see this:
>  37​.​4482804​,-​122​.​12251
>  It's like it doesn't know that it's a list. This makes it problematic
>  to do anything with the values in point_list.

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Re: Updating django forms makes me...

2008-04-27 Thread James Bennett

On Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 10:28 AM, notfound <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  What could be the reason here that it sometimes works, sometimes does not?

Multiple server processes; each one has its own copy of the code, and
refreshes independently.

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Re: SUM on a model

2008-04-27 Thread James Bennett

On Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 8:47 AM, Darryl Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I use:
>total = sum([obj.amount for obj in Model.objects.all()])

As of the merge of qsrf, this will also work:

total = sum(Model.objects.values_list('amount', flat=True))

Plus there's the SoC project which will be building high-level
aggregate support over the summer; for now the above solution isn't so
bad for performance (sum() is done in C with some neat optimizations,
if you ever look at the code). And, of course, you can always drop
down to raw SQL and feed a SELECT SUM directly to the DB.

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Re: Updating django forms makes me...

2008-04-27 Thread James Bennett

On Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 7:17 AM, notfound <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  No, that's a hosted server, I don't have access to Apache
>  unfortunately. Is there any other way I could make it reload the code?

Not really, no. In a production deployment, the code stays resident in
memory for the life of a server process, and does not (for performance
reasons) automatically reload any time you change a file. Which means
that when you make a change, you have to restart the server process.
If your hosting doesn't let you do this, you probably need a different
hosting arrangement.

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Re: Disabling autoescaping when calling render_to_string

2008-04-26 Thread James Bennett

On Sat, Apr 26, 2008 at 9:38 PM, Darryl Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  So my question is, is there an argument which will disable auto-escaping?
> If not, would there be some merit to adding some functionality that allows
> this, either as an argument or perhaps to make the auto-escaping only
> auto-escape if the template filename ends in '.html'?

No, and probably not. One of the key things about Django's
autoescaping is that, since it applies in the template, you can look
at the template to find out what's going on. Introducing lots of other
places where you'd need to look, transforming it from "look at the
template to see if the autoescape tag or the safe filter are used" to
"look at the template, then look at this argument, then look at this
setting, then..." would be a disaster.

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Re: 'dict' object has no attribute 'autoescape'

2008-04-23 Thread James Bennett

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 6:59 PM, falcon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   94. if (context.autoescape and not isinstance(output,
>  SafeData)) or isinstance(output, EscapeData):

Right there's your problem. you've ended up passing a plain dictionary
someplace where Django was expecting you to pass an instance of

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Re: how do designers create content

2008-04-20 Thread James Bennett

On Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 1:33 AM, lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  designers. Do the designers use text base editting like ultraedit or
>  or graphics based software like dreamweaver? Most of the artist I know
>  don't do much coding and are into photoshop, illustrator and
>  dreamweaver.

Most of the designers I've worked with mock things up in Photoshop,
then bust out TextMate to do the HTML and CSS.

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Re: mail in base64

2008-04-17 Thread James Bennett

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 10:16 PM, Malcolm Tredinnick
>  (1) What version of Django are you using (the mail infrastructure has
>  changed a bit between 0.96 and trunk, from memory)?

He was using Django 0.96, and running into this (fixed on trunk) issue:

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Re: Enterprise applications with Django

2008-04-16 Thread James Bennett

On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 8:05 AM, Hussein B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Is it possible to create enterprise applications (in the same context
>  of Java EE applications, highly concurrent, distributed ...) with
>  Python?

Google seems to manage it...

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