2006-02-05 Thread narvis pez

paik is or not a fluxus artist?

 From: purple [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: MCLUHAN-L : Marshall McLuhan Discussion List
 Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2006 00:02:23 -0500
 Subject: [MCLUHAN-L] Paik Wake
 It was an astounding event. Apparently he's bigger than McLuhan. South Korea
 is building a big museum dedicated to his oeuvre. The Smithsonian has a lot
 of his work on display.
 All the avant-garde luminaries were there. Speeches were given by Yoko Ono,
 Christo and his wife, Jeanne-Claude, Bill Viola, and yours truly (I told
 some MM/Paik stories). Telegrams from the President of Korea, the German
 culture czar, the Smithsonian, etc. His nephew was the best. Here's how he
 ended his talk:
 This is an interesting story I'll tell you. Aside
 from trying to keep him liquid, this is one of the
 most interesting things I did with him. In 1998,
 Nam June was invited to a state dinner at the
 Clinton White House, June of '98. If some of you
 remember, it's not that long ago, that was the
 height of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, which
 had broken out earlier, in January or February.
 Nam June was going, and he asked if I would go
 with him. So I said, sure. I went with him. I
 wheeled him into the White House, and these gigantic
 Marines took over from there. Nam June
 was very amused, I think. He was having a great
 time, talking to all the people there.
 Then we got to the receiving line. Nam June decided
 to show respect, I think, to the president,
 Mrs. Clinton, and the other dignitaries there. He
 decided to get up from his wheelchair, get on his
 walker, and try to walk across the receiving line.
 Across the receiving line at the state dinner is the
 World's press. They're all there; I don't know how
 many, tens of cameras and video cameras, everything.
 So as Nam June is talking to President Clinton,
 and I'm standing right behind him as he's
 making some small talk to President Clinton,
 Nam June turns around and says to me: Ken,
 I think my pants are falling. True story here. And
 I said, What? My pants are falling! he says. I
 look down, and his pants are falling! They are
 completely down on the floor. And he has no underwear on!
 So I pick up his pants. I pull them up and I just hold them there.
 Now, Bill Clinton is such a cool president he
 still continued to have small talk with my uncle. I
 think they were talking about Chelsea, maybe, I
 don't know. A little bit down the line, I could see
 that Hillary was really not amused at all. She was
 ticked. But Bill Clinton was saying nothing. It was really
 quite amazing.
 After that interesting dinner, Nam June was inundated
 with phone calls, faxes, everything. All his
 friends around the world thought that was the
 best Fluxus performance in the world. Everybody
 wanted to know, including the press, whether it
 was an accident or whether it was, because you
 have to remember, my uncle is in a wheelchair
 now but he has a reputation for being a cultural
 terrorist. So I asked Nam June, did you drop
 your pants on purpose? Was it an act? Was it an
 artistic statement? A political statement? And so
 he said, My pants dropped. That's all. He told
 me, and this is very Nam June, he said, It really
 doesn't matter. It was a great event.
 He's just like that, totally unfazed. Was he
 embarrassed? No, of course not! And I think
 Bill Clinton was very cool about that, too. The
 press was so excited that somebody else's pants,
 not the president's, had dropped in the White
 House. They were so excited by that. It was the
 ultimate Fluxus event.
 About two hours ago, I called Nam June and I
 told him I was going to receive this Medal for him,
 and I asked him, What advice do you have for
 the artists in the Colony? I'll pass on to you what
 he said. He said, Work hard. Be lazy - which is a
 very Nam June Paik thing to say. And he wished
 you all well. Thank you very much.
 At the end of the memorial today, the nephew handed out about fifty scissors
 and asked everyone to cut off the tie of the man next to you or you wouldn't
 be allowed in the reception. Everyone cut off their neighbor's tie and then
 Yoko suggested everyone put the pieces in Nam's open casket. Everyone did.
 More amazing things happened at the reception.
 Bob Dobbs
 P.S. Since he was a global artist, Paik asked to be buried in 10

FLUXLIST: FW: [MCLUHAN-L] Fluxus at Harvard (from NYTimes today)

2005-07-15 Thread narvis pez
 From: Mark Stahlman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: MCLUHAN-L : Marshall McLuhan Discussion List
 Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2005 13:47:15 EDT
 Subject: [MCLUHAN-L] Fluxus at Harvard (from NYTimes today)
 Fluxus at Harvard
 It is rare for a museum to get an acquisition as a partial gift that is not
 from a trustee or longtime benefactor, but rather from collectors who have no
 previous ties to an institution. Such is the case with a group of works that
 have recently been added to the collection of the Harvard University Art
 Museums. Included in the group are examples by Christo, Claes Oldenburg, Yoko
 Ono and George Brecht, who were all part of Fluxus, an international
 collective of young artists, writers and musicians in the early 1960's. The
 works were collected by two New Yorkers: Peter Moore, a photographer who died
 in 1993 and was known for recording Fluxus activities, and his wife, Barbara,
 an art historian, writer and former rare-book dealer.
 Part gift, part purchase, the collection includes 121 works, many of them
 editions and multiples dating from the early 60's through the late 70's. While
 nobody at Harvard would say what the collection is worth, experts in the field
 say its value is around $2 million.
 This was engineered by Jerry Cohn, the former head of prints, said Thomas
 Lentz, director of the Harvard Art Museums. It's part of our initiative for
 Harvard to move more forcefully into the realm of modern and contemporary
 Since much of the Fluxus aesthetic involved the viewer's participation, the
 collection goes right to the heart of the Harvard museums' mission: to provide
 students and scholars close interaction with art.
 Besides examples by well-known artists like Mr. Oldenburg and Christo, there
 are also 20 works by George Maciunas, the Lithuanian-born artist who died in
 1978. He gave the movement its name and organized and promoted many of its
 The acquisition complements the Willy and Charlotte Reber Collection of works
 by Joseph Beuys, which is at the Busch-Reisinger Museum at Harvard. The Moore
 Collection will go into another Harvard museum, the Fogg Art Museum. 


2004-02-07 Thread narvis pez
Title: FW: ART NATURE PROJECT XXI : Newsletter n° 3

hi all
this is not exactly fluxus
but is near
Date: Fri, 06 Feb 2004 11:57:26 +0100
Subject: ART NATURE PROJECT XXI : Newsletter n° 3

Espace ressource collaboratif des artistes et chercheurs.
Carrefour d'échange des expériences.
Incubateur de projets sur les relations entre sciences art et nature et leurs implications

NEWS LETTER N°3 février 2004

Rappel des objectifs du projet
L'objectif du projet est de réunir en seul espace:
 une base documentaire sur les interactions art-nature grâce à des articles réalisés par des personnalités reconnues ou anonymes qui pourront dans leurs spécialités respectives documenter et alimenter la base pour un usage commun et gratuit. Les articles seront réalisé sous Licence Art Libre ou Copyright. Les activités succeptibles d'être abordés sont : la peinture, la sculpture, les pratiques d'art numérique (quelqu'en soit le support), l'architecture, l'urbanisme, l'art du paysage, la photographie, les rapports art-science. 
un espace d'échange des pratiques, un espace projets, un choix d'oeuvres, un annuaire, un agenda 

Articles récents:
Pas d'articles ce mois ci

Je compte sur vous pour participer à l'élaboration du projet, je n'ai ni le temps ni les compétences pour écrire sur tous les thèmes. Le bien le plus précieux n'est pas l'argent mais le temps, apprenons à partager nos trésors de connaissance.

Retrouvez les dates des expos en cours à venir.

nouvelles entrées:
Sommerer et Mignonneau créateurs de Life Spacies présenté au festival Art Outsiders 2002
Isabelle Hayeur artiste québecquoise qui propose par ses oeuvres photographiques ou interactives une réflexion sur les effets néfastes de nos actions sur le paysage.

Frederic Bonnet est architecte et auteur de nombreux ouvrages sur l'architecture bien sûr mais de façon plus globale sur le paysage, la ville et la nature ou la notion de paysage et d'espace public. 
Habiter autrement : si vous rêvez d'habiter autrement, les habitats écologiques, les roulottes, les squats, les jardins suspendus et toute forme de vie différente sont à votre disposition sur ce site francophone.

Le site du festival international des jardins de Chaumont sur Loire. Est-il encore utile de le présenter, il est incontournable.

Organismes interdisciplinaires:
Public Nature: cette firme américaine spécialisée dans le conseil sert d'interface entre les artistes, les galeries et les musées de culturre populaires. Elle est également une galerie en ligne qui présente des peintres, sculpteurs, photograhes et artistes du land-art.

Virtual Landscape Gallery est un projet muséographique virtuel composé d'une base de données photographique sur l'ensemble des jardins européens.

DeLeon White Gallery est une galerie d'art Québecqoise qui expose les plus grands nom du land-art: Daniel corbeil, Claire brunet, Nils Udo, Simon Franck et bien d'autres

La rubrique est en devenir, d'autres qui ne sont pas nommés sont en cours de référencement. Patience.

La presse en parle!
Et elle en a parle beaucoup, depuis un mois le site à fait succesivement la une de :
Art 11 : le portail de l'art contemporain dans la rubrique coup de coeur de la semaine
Noemalab: Site italien de l'art et des nouvelles technologies dans la rubrique focus
Artcogitan: nouveau portail français de l'art émergent
Visuelimage: visuelimage.com est une plate-forme de la création visuelle ainsi qu'un espace d'information et de production de la création contemporaine.

 A titre purement indicatif mon travail personnel (site en cours de reconstruction) est référencé sur le portail Artotal dans la catégorie artistes multimedia

Ca y est les premiers auteurs sont inscrits. Ils ne sont que 2 pour le moment et n'ont pas encore produit d'article, patience...mais pas trop tout de même.
La structure Anomos s'intéresse de très près au projet et alimentera probablement l'agenda de ses infos d'ici peu.
De son côté francois Coulon qui anime les mardis numeriques se propose d'annoncer les rencontres dans l'agenda également.
Merci à tous 

Infos pratiques
- Pour toute question ou commentaire, écrivez à : [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
- Pour vous désabonner de la liste, envoyez un message à : [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] avec le mot désabonner comme sujet.
- Rappel de la procédure pour participer à la vie du site:
 accédez au site à l'adresse suivante: http://art-nature-project.ouvaton.org/sommaire.php3 
prenez connaissance des objectifs du site 
lisez la charte d'utikisation 
cliquez sur le crayon au bas de la page (le fait de lire la charte puis de s'incrire vaut pour acceptation tacite des conditions d'usage du site) . Le programme vous demandera de vous inscrire via un formulaire que vous devrez remplir (login et mot de passe) 

vous pourrez après inscription accéder 

FLUXLIST: tambores

2003-06-22 Thread narvis pez
me voy pa'choroni manhana
me quedo la semana
voy a cortar monte
y a toca tambor la noche de sanjuan
estan invitados

tucutu/tucutu/tucu tu
tucutu/tucutu/tucu tu
tucutu/tucutu/tucu tu

tucutu/tucutu/tucu tu
tucutu/tucutu/tucu tu
tucutu/tucutu/tucu tu

tucutu/tucutu/tucu tu
tucutu/tucutu/tucu tu
tucutu/tucutu/tucu tu

tucutu/tucutu/tucu tu
tucutu/tucutu/tucu tu
tucutu/tucutu/tucu tu

repeat all saint jhon night: jun 24 

Re: FLUXLIST: GATES: Call for participation/collaboration

2003-05-31 Thread narvis pez
hi caterina
i'm looking for a place (s)
for the gates paroject
in venezuela
i'll keep you informed
weit a week


 * Apologize for our English *
 Call for participation/collaboration by experimental
 artists/partners, for a
 global project previewed in Summer July-September 2003.
 A new Caterina Davinio's planetary project is under construction!
 This year Rome University I La Sapienza is celebrating its 700 years.
 Among the initiatives, the Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea of the
 University (directed by Simonetta Lux), in collaboration with the Art
 History Department, presents the exhibition
 ArtConFusion, in
 which artists will meet, who use a plurality of languages and media,
 numerous art expressions are called to
 interact and coexist in a common context, open to all possible influences.
 In this context the curatorial committee has accepted Caterina Davinio's
 global project GATES, a planetary in progress event, which will develop
 during summer (since July 4, until end of September)
 contemporaneously in Rome La Sapienza Museum and in other places/sections
 decentralized in the world, involving many international artists, as it was
 with the Global Poetry Project 2002.
 See the link below (referred to Global Poetry 2002) to have an idea of what
 the spirit of the project is: http://members.xoom.virgilio.it/kareninazoom/
 The environment in Rome is identified as space in the meddle between art
 and a
 livable area, in which performances, poetry readings, lectures by
 experimental artists and critics, poets, can happen.
 But GATES has numerous new aspects we are going to create
 together! This is the call for entries to join and participate.
 A quick reply is needed urgently, because La Sapienza
 University Museum has let us know very late the acceptance of the project,
 so we have only one month to organize and coordinate a complex event that
 will involve many persons who live in very far countries and cities.
 The invitation to participate/collaborate is directed to the same artists
 who already collaborated in Global Poetry in 2002, but for every one who has
 ideas and is in
 the spirit of the project it is possible to join. Festival teams, young
 artist galleries and spaces, situations related to experimental poetry and
 performance, and also alternative spaces, are welcome!
 GATES in Rome Museo Laboratorio dell'Università la Sapienza
 is as well:
 1. an installation that has the aspect of a white gate, open in every
 direction (only the frame of the door),
 2. a series of performance actions/poetry
 readings/lectures that happen under/in/behind/around the door-installation,
 3. a series of projections on the wall behind the door,
 4. Interchange of materials with decentralized spaces of the project:
 video, e-mail, photos, slides, etc. will be projected.
 We are looking for artists/operators/groups, who can reproduce this
 installation-performance-projection ensemble in places decentralized in the
 world, which will be all part of an unique collective creation of all
 involved artists.
 The central installation in La Sapienza University Museum in Roma:
 It is a white door (only the frame of the door) in a white environment,
 installed in
 a way it is possible to perform all around, in front of it and behind.
 The so installed door has an essential form, creates
 a space rich of symbolic value bound with the concept of communication, but
 also poetic,
 referred to the idea of transit, passage, opening, with computer and
 telematic echoes, with possibility to
 project what arrives from the decentralized spaces (video, CD ROM, slides,
 etc.) on the wall behind the door.
 This installation/environment will be replicated (in real or virtual way) in
 other places in the world, contemporaneously, during summer, by all the
 participating collaborators/partners we are searching with this call for
 Among Rome and the decentralized spaces there will be a continuous exchange
 of materials
 (videocassettes, and CD ROM, digital videos, and images, photos, e-mail,
 We will realize videos and photos of what happens around or under or through
 the door in Rome (performances, lectures, projections), and we will send it
 to the locations in the world, where a similar door is reproduced.
 We expect you do the same in your city. What happens very far in the
 decentralized gates will be presented in
 Rome in video, what happens in Rome will be projected in the decentralized
 The Gates Project is based on the concept of
 decentralization/dispersion, enlargement of the real / virtual
 space of action, and on the duration in time of a collaborative action
 in progress that will develop during the whole summer.
 Through Internet and e-mail communication will be coordinated the

Re: FLUXLIST: Re: Name Games

2003-05-29 Thread narvis pez
are you looking for peter asbury?
he is probably in alaska right now playing ukelele
if yo want to talk with him by phone
chek:  http://www.people-data.com/
you must to pay 10$

bibiana padilla maltos

 I do not accept this declaration!
 AVTEXTFEST general coordinator
 Paseo de Vista Hermosa #625
 Mexicali, B.C., 21240
 233 Paulin Ave. PMB. 7263
 Calexico, Ca., 92231-2646
 + 52 686 206 5478
 Original Message Follows
 From: Georg Birkner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: FLUXLIST: Re: Name Games
 Date: Sun, 25 May 2003 17:09:59 +0200
 On behalf of our customer, Mr Peter Asbury, renowned anaesthetist and
 professor for Post-Pataphysics at the University of Zug, Switzerland, we
 herewith declare, that
 - there is no connection whatsoever between a person calling himself Peter
 Asbury, private investigator and Peter Asbury, the renowned anaesthetist
 and professor for Post-Pataphysics at the University of Zug, Switzerland.
 Ian Alfred Oberwiesen
 Advokatur und Geldwäscherei
 Rosengartenweg 18
 CH - 6300 Zug
 Georg Birkner
 Quellenstrasse 5
 CH - 8005 Zürich
 hey people who doesn't have middle name!!! join us
 I suppose in the Soap Opera Name Game, those without middle names are
 people with Amnesia! You will have to hire Peter Asbury, private
 (me), to find out who you really are.
 - -Peter Asbury
 (as brilliantly and stoically played by Josh Ronsen of Austin, texas)
 MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*

Re: FLUXLIST: anti-war update

2003-03-28 Thread narvis pez
hi sol
did check out this?


 Hi all,
 Have redesigned my anti-war page again and uploaded a load of useful links to
 war news and comment. Many of the links come from fluxlisters so thanks to all
 of you who sent links.
 read the latest at:
 there're a lot of links please feel free to forward any of the information
 on the site that you find useful to anyone else you feel would find it useful
 or mirror or distribute it etc.
 lots more links to come, will let you know of updates.
 Peace to all,

Re: FLUXLIST: roast turkey

2003-03-27 Thread narvis pez
 French fries

arab bread

Re: FLUXLIST: cookedcooled

2003-03-20 Thread narvis pez
hi alan
i've done (see: http://pedropez.tripod.com/alanboiledfrieddoc/
but i forgot the spices
 dont like the taste
so i will repeat the cook

alan bowman

 dear all
 RE the events, a few points ...
 you can do whatever you want with the page cooking wise as long as you
 incorporate on of the methods on the page
 you do not have to send one to me, just to one or both of the curators
 the people who recieve them will decide what to do with them  (its a
 surprise for them!)
 documentation would be nice but is NOT essential  (an email telling me who
 you sent it to is ok)

Re: FLUXLIST: frozen/fried events

2003-03-17 Thread narvis pez
please send one to me


alan bowman

 dear all,
 to celebrate and to complement alan bowman's part in the 2003 Biennale di
 Venezia (Apartment- brain academy) and the forthcoming and as yet untitled
 show at reg vardy gallery, sunderland, UK  you are invited to take part in
 alan bowman's frozenrefrigeratedboiledfriedbakedand roasted events 2003
 surprise the curators sub-event
 upon request you will be sent an email attachment (MS Word document - other
 formats HTML, pdf may also be available)
 this document should be printed and than boiled, fried, roasted, baked,
 refrigerated OR frozen and then posted to the two addresses given in the
 closing date april 30 2003
 please forward this email to anyone you feel may be interested
 i look forward to hearing from you
 Alan Bowman

FLUXLIST: FW: An Invitation to Join the Opsound Opcopy Projects

2003-03-11 Thread narvis pez
this is for y'all?

From: Sal Randolph [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2003 21:31:44 -0500
Subject: An Invitation to Join the Opsound  Opcopy Projects


Dear Friends of the Free Biennial  Free Manifesta,

I'd like to invite you all to be part of two new projects I'm working on,
Opsound and Opcopy.  Like the Free Biennial and Free Manifesta, both are
experiments in creating social architectures as artworks exploring gift
economies and free culture.

Opsound will be an open access sound resource and copyleft record label,
collecting all kinds of sounds for free use and also releasing actual
records and cds (which will be bought, sold, and distributed in the usual
manner, with money returning to the artists).  I'm expecting that we'll be
collecting some amazing material, and over the next few months releasing
records and organizing events and parties in New York, Frankfurt, and Berlin
(at the very least).  All kinds of music and sound can be entered into the
Opsound open pool -- of course we're looking for music, but I'm personally
also very interested in collecting other kinds of audio material including
spoken texts, noises, field recordings, etc.  Opsound will be encouraging a
proliferation of microlabels, both online and real world, the first of
which -- the Opsound house label -- will concentrate on experimental
electronic music. Opsound is also looking, less formally, for anyone
interested in working on video material to be part of an upcoming cd/dvd
combo release.

Opound has a sibling project, Opcopy: Open Copyright Action, which is an
experimental political organization exploring new ways of responding to an
increasingly restrictive climate where more and more of our collective
cultural material is being privatized and controlled.  Opcopy will begin by
collecting varying and differing opinions on copyright issues to try and
engage in a more interesting level of debate about questions of intellectual
property, the public domain, and free culture (free in both the sense of
free speech and the sense of free beer).  You are most cordially invited
to post your own position on the matter on the opcopy site.

Please feel free to write with questions or suggestions, and to pass this
invitation along to anyone you think might be interesting/interested.

All the best,



Sal Randolph 





Musicians and sound artists of all kinds are invited to join the Opsound

Opsound is a record label using an open source, copyleft model, an
experimentin practical gift economics, a laboratory for new ways of
releasing music.

In its first phase of operation, Opsound is gathering material for an open
sound pool which will be drawn on for the creation of a series of online and
real-world microlabels. All material for the sound pool will be released
under a Creative Commons license (the Attribution-ShareAlike license ), a
copyleft license in the spirit of open source software license which allows
for all kinds of copying, remixing, use, and reuse while retaining an
attribution  to the original artist.

Anyone is encouraged to contribute sound files to the open sound pool,
including field recordings, ambiences, incomplete improvisations, monologues
 dialogues, spoken texts, unfinished experiments, detached soundtracks,
vocal solos, strange noises, bedroom laptop, microsound, generative, glitch
dub, idm, minimal techno, blip hop, hip hop, turntablist, downtempo,
uptempo, reggae, ragga, raga, roots, breakbeat, basement punk, garage band,
indy, shoegazer, psychedelia, noise, song, be-bop, free jazz, Modern
composition, avant-anything, etc. Sound files can be complete pieces of
music, or elements intended be combined into something  new.

DEADLINE: There is currently no deadline, and entries will be accepted on an
ongoing basis. You are, however, encouraged to enter your material as soon
as is conveniently possible.

HOW TO ENTER: Please visit the Opsound site at http://www.opsound.org, read
the guidelines and faq, and then use the entry form.





New York, March 11, 2003. New York artist Sal Randolph announces the launch
of two new art projects, Opsound and Opcopy, which continue her recent
explorations of social architectures as art forms.

Opsound -- (http://www.opsound.org) responds to recent upheavals in the
music industry by creating an alternative structure for musicians and
sound-based artists wishing to share and release music under a 

FLUXLIST: prueba

2003-03-06 Thread narvis pez
i did not receive mails from list


2003-02-23 Thread narvis pez

 send to my broadband connection

i'm sending a audio file 96k to you


Re: FLUXLIST: Re: in light of gardening projects recentlymentioned....

2003-02-03 Thread narvis pez
hi brad
i have mine ready to go

{ brad brace }

 [just something to keep in mind]
 At some near-future date, I'll be announcing a call for a
 seed and lost-keys exchange. We'll be collecting and
 re-distributing your heritage/local seeds (about 50 from
 each participant) as well as any old keys (from forgotten
 locks) that you may have. All housed in a tasteful rusty tin
 box.  Expressions of token interest are welcomed: hope to
 enlist at least fifty parties.
 The 12hr-ISBN-JPEG Project since 1994 
 + + + serial   ftp://ftp.eskimo.com/u/b/bbrace
 + + +  eccentric  ftp://ftp.idiom.com/users/bbrace
 + + + continuous hotline://artlyin.ftr.va.com.au
 + + +hypermodern  ftp://ftp.rdrop.com/pub/users/bbrace
 + + +imagery   ftp://ftp.pacifier.com/pub/users/bbrace
 News:  alt.binaries.pictures.12hr   alt.binaries.pictures.misc
 . 12hr email
 subscriptions = http://bbrace.laughingsquid.net/buy-into.html
 .  Other  |  Mirror: http://www.eskimo.com/~bbrace/bbrace.html
 Projects  |  Reverse Solidus: http://bbrace.laughingsquid.net/
 |   http://bbrace.net
 { brad brace }[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ~finger for pgp

Re: FLUXLIST: baby octopi

2003-01-16 Thread narvis pez
Amy Baylaurel Casey

Question: what would you do with a baby octopi?

-learn how to spread smoke

FLUXLIST: FLuxbox 2 cordinator crispin Webb

2003-01-15 Thread narvis pez
my contribution 
(see http://pedropez.tripod.com/chevez/)
is going to: 
FLUXbox 2 cordinator
crispin Webb

 Mailing adress
 4 west chestnut apt#5
 mount vernon ohio 43050


 THe participants will enclude those who send me the
 one edition by the set date. Those who do not will not
 be participating in the box 2.


2002-02-03 Thread narvis ...pez

keep alert
this environment
is highly adhesive

Asunto: Re: FLUXLIST: Hello
Fecha: dom., 3 febr 2002 03:24 am

 idem eric  ...aaahh
From: Eric Aspengren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FLUXLIST: Hello
Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 02:05:40 -0600

I'm not sure what I've jumped into the middle of. Can't seem to discern the
objective of the conversation. Don't want to interrupt. thought I'd say hi.


 Con MSN Hotmail súmese al servicio de correo electrónico más grande del
 mundo. http://www.hotmail.com/ES

Re: FLUXLIST: Hooray for Captain Spalding

2002-01-26 Thread narvis ...pez

i think a self-portrait with eyes closed
or a back self-portrait,
or a body part self portrait
(the part of self that eachone hate or love)


Howzabout everyone submits a self-portrait as Groucho Marx.  (Or Karl Marx
for that matter. Or, of course, Ernie Kovacs.)


(Oh alright, Eddie Cantor.)

From: Dan Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Hooray for Captain Spalding
Date: Sat, Jan 26, 2002, 3:42 PM

  Does this Captain Fluxlist have to have anything to do with our list at
  all? Anyone submitting a cover could submit their own picture.

  At 03:28 PM 1/26/2002 -0500, you wrote:

How about a Captain Fluxlist on our cover? We could find the oldest,
most curmudgeonly-looking member and put their face on the cover? -Don
(I'm not trying to be sexist, another tack would be to find the sexyist or
youngest member, etc.)

  Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: http://mobile.msn.com

Re: FLUXLIST: remove me from Fluxlist

2002-01-25 Thread narvis ...pez


Relingua Relanguish!

At 12:40 PM 1/24/02 +, you wrote:


  Melissa McCarthy
  Hours: whimsical or by appointment
  Adult, maybe; grown-up, never!

MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: 

Re: FLUXLIST: remove me from Fluxlist

2002-01-25 Thread narvis ...pez

occiput (OK-suh-put)

Wee Ma Moo

At 08:59 AM 1/24/2002 -0500, you wrote:
we bee saw


At 08:24 AM 1/24/02 -0400, you wrote:
we'll be sea

At 04:09 PM 1/23/2002 -0800, you wrote:
On Tue, 22 Jan 2002, Kathy Forer wrote:

   Me too, please.

See, no crease.

We go east.


Re: FLUXLIST: Pap ers

2002-01-25 Thread narvis ...pez

leav es

Pap ers

Re: FLUXLIST: fluxus as anti terrorism

2001-09-18 Thread narvis ...pez

i agree in all with this paceful idea


 De: Eryk Salvaggio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Organización: http://www.one38.org
 Responder a: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fecha: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 03:06:03 -0700
 Asunto: FLUXLIST: fluxus as anti terrorism
 I proposed this to other mailing lists but I'd like to
 present it here as well.
 My idea is to make an event of eating at a middle eastern
 owned restaurant in the next week, and possibly on a regular
 basis afterward, with as many people as you can.
 1. It brings money to these businesses which will
 suffer needlessly as xenophobia inevitably grows rampant,
 in particular racism against middle easterners.
 2. It will make part of their culture, the food, into your
 3. You will have dinner with your friends, and at this
 point this should be considered momentous.
 4. It shows a solidarity in the face of witch hunts- that we
 are not afraid, that we believe in people regardless of race,
 and that we would rather be kind and wrong than vile and right.

FLUXLIST: tragedy

2001-09-12 Thread narvis ...pez

to all fluxlisters at NY:

just a couple of lines to express my sorrow
over the outrageous  attack on the city.
hope everyone is fine.



2001-08-22 Thread narvis ...pez

ja ja ja 


good 3p

 Responder a: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fecha: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 00:20:57 +0200
 Asunto: FLUXLIST: 3
 And, thanks pez for email my body documentation - I got it recently (AT
 best wishes,

Re: FLUXLIST: e-mail my body documentation

2001-08-03 Thread narvis ...pez

my dear gabriel
thanks so much for received my
pieces  put yor fine work virtually on me.

i'll keep you over my skin


 De: gabriel swossil [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Responder a: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fecha: Thu, 02 Aug 2001 10:59:07 +0200
 Asunto: Re: FLUXLIST: e-mail my body documentation
 dear pez,
 your documentation email-my body arrived two days ago.
 very nice project and all the best for your future ones

Re: FLUXLIST: e-mail my body documentation

2001-08-01 Thread narvis ...pez

glad to hear ab-out
hope your work will become
visible soon 
 thanks the feedback

 Responder a: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fecha: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 17:09:45 +0100
 Asunto: FLUXLIST: e-mail my body documentation
 Hi Pez,
 Got my documentation today  of your e-mail my body performance. Nice work,
 many thanks :-)

Re: FLUXLIST: the robbery

2001-08-01 Thread narvis ...pez

--weak up a curiosity happening--

--take the sandals
put outside your door
or down the street
take a look
if someone taked try to follow
the sandals   what happen with--

--at the end of happening
come back  tell fluxlist
where lead you the experience
or what do you discover
if there is any discovering--


 De: bibiana padilla [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Responder a: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fecha: Wed, 01 Aug 2001 08:48:48 -0700
 Asunto: FLUXLIST: the robbery
 Dear all,
 yesterday a guy broke into my house, thankfuly I was arriving at the moment
 he ran out. He took things that he could sell easily, and a lot of little
 rings, necklaces and bracelets that didn't have any commercial value, only
 sentimental (for me). I'm glad he didn't take the PC!
 A FUNNY THING: he change his sandals for a pair of shoes! and I have them
 right near me.
 Should we do something with them? give me your point of view.
 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

Re: FLUXLIST: Found Magazine:

2001-07-24 Thread narvis ...pez


 De: { brad brace } [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Responder a: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fecha: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 21:10:18 -0700 (PDT)
 Asunto: FLUXLIST: Found Magazine: (fwd)
 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 18:43:27 -0400
 From: George(s) Lessard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 This new Chicago-based magazine is available both in print and online.
 We collect FOUND stuff: love letters, birthday cards, kids' homework,
 to-do lists, ticket stubs, poetry on napkins, telephone bills, doodles-
 anything that gives a glimpse into someone else's life, write the
 magazine's editors in an introduction.  We wanted to make a magazine so
 that everyone can check out all the strange, hilarious + heartbreaking
 things people find.
 The Web incarnation of FOUND offers an intriguing variety of photographs,
 objects and audio recordings.  I especially liked the collection of notes,
 party invitations and letters, each one labeled with the location in which
 it was found.  Mario...I hate you.  I f**king hate you, writes an
 extremely fickle lover in a note placed on the windshield of the wrong
 car.  P.S. Page me later.
 Public radio's This American Life offered an interesting program on the
 subject of other people's mail in July 1997.
 Found magazine:
 audio recordings:
 This American Life show:
 The 12hr-ISBN-JPEG Project since 1994 
 + + + serial   ftp://ftp.eskimo.com/u/b/bbrace
 + + +  eccentric  ftp://ftp.idiom.com/users/bbrace
 + + + continuous   ftp://ftp.teleport.com/users/bbrace
 + + +hypermodern  ftp://ftp.rdrop.com/pub/users/bbrace
 + + +imagery   ftp://ftp.pacifier.com/pub/users/bbrace
 News://alt.binaries.pictures.12hr ://a.b.p.fine-art.misc
 Reverse Solidus: http://www.teleport.com/~bbrace/bbrace.html
 Mirror: http://bbrace.laughingsquid.net/
 { brad brace }[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ~finger for pgp

Re: FLUXLIST: New Fluxlist Project

2001-07-19 Thread narvis ...pez

oh yeah
i did received my copy of happy new ears
but someone miss my poem
at the time to publish the book in fluxus org site
do you know what happen with?

actually i'm sending to your postal address
your copy of the reconstruction of my body e-mailed
 i'm working on a www site where i'll not forget to include
your contribution to my project



 De: Roger Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Responder a: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fecha: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 17:35:14 +0100
 Asunto: FLUXLIST: New Fluxlist Project
 these will be made into a book (along the lines of Happy New Ears)
 a copy of which will be sent to all contributors

Re: FLUXLIST: poems 2, box 2, a sequel

2001-07-17 Thread narvis ...pez


how about 
brad's seeds project?
i'm ready some months ago


 Responder a: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fecha: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 09:49:53 +0100
 Asunto: FLUXLIST: poems 2, box 2, a sequel
 Hi Roger and all,
 Roger wrote:
 Maybe we should do a follow up.
 Fluxlist poems 2.
 Anyone interested?
 I have to confess to being interested in producing an anthology of list
 writing that includes poetry, scores, essays, manifestos etc. all these
 things have appeared in the list at one time or another and a collection of
 new works in this direction may be interesting.
 BTW - as far as the fluxlist box goes and archiving it, this is unlikely to
 happen as I've mentioned it to people but have had no positive response so
 far. If you remember it was Ken's idea to archive it and I think he'd
 probably have had more success in doing so..nevertheless, I think we did the
 thing for fun first and foremost and fun it what we've had with it.

Re: FLUXLIST: test x

2001-07-15 Thread narvis ...pez
Title: Re: FLUXLIST: test x

i wonder if this words 
can not be considered an intend
of jump to the fire
by ken friedman.

 Call for papers

FLUXUS was an international community of artists, architects, 
designers, and composers described as the most radical and 
experimental art movement of the 1960s. As a laboratory of 
experimental art, Fluxus was the first locus of intermedia, concept 
art, events, and video, and a central influence on performance art, 
arte povera, and mail art.

De: Eric Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Responder a: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 00:25:44 +0200
Asunto: Re: FLUXLIST: test x

Of course, nobody defined it. Why is that so strange? 

Reed Altemus wrote: 

Secondly, George Maciunas did certainly not define Fluxus. 

To which I would reply: neither did or do you, Mr. Anderson, sir. In certain areas he 

defined it well enough for me. 


Reed Altemus wrote: 
 Hey Eric, 
members that none of the original artists from the Flux festivalsconsidered KenFriedman to be an artist. We all saw him as an agent and promoter. Andmost of Did it ever occur to you that some people on the list don't give a flying fuckwhat the original artists from the Flux festivals think? In addition, what the hell havethe original aritstsfrom the Flux festivals ever done for me (besides, in your case,parading a kind of juvenile popularity contest on this list which I find very amusingconsidering that it was Ken and Dick Higgins who, with others, started the list)So Ken Friedman is a sociologist and not an artist, what's the big deal? Since I've foundhis past activities under the Fluxus banner interesting, why should I feel a need foryour or anyone else's Fluxus seal of approval. Besides, Eric, it was Maciunas whosaid that t! ! he artist should eventually be replaced by the Fluxworker, someone who hasemployment in another field (like sociology or folklorism or whatever) but who does Fluxus asan avocation. Artists were to be retrained for socially constructive rather than parasitic work. RA
--- Reed Altemus--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] EarthLink: It's your Internet.

Re: FLUXLIST: test x

2001-07-14 Thread narvis ...pez




 De: narvis  ...pez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Responder a: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fecha: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 23:25:17 -0400
 Asunto: Re: FLUXLIST: test x
 a nostalgic event on-line
 fluxtest x
 1. go to your window
  tell the world 
 why genius-2000 
 must become our meshias
 in no more than 5 seconds
 5 words without pausas
 2. take a pause
 came on back to computer
  tell us what you did.
 (all fluxlisters are invited to do the job)
 De: Eric Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Responder a: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fecha: Sat, 14 Jul 2001 02:20:24 +0200
 Asunto: Re: FLUXLIST: test x
 I entirely agree to it all / Eric
 narvis  ...pez wrote:
 vote for g-2000!
 he promised a fluxus-fluxlist-fluxsit-fluxist-flixits
 god-good comeback
 (without video copyrights)
 De: { brad brace } [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Responder a: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fecha: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 15:48:06 -0700 (PDT)
 Asunto: Re: FLUXLIST: test x
 On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, narvis  ...pez wrote:
 maybe we have an other genius 2000
 or similar god in campaing again?
 Well, if this was a _real Fluxist fluxlist, the (apparently)
 one person banned (G-2000), would be the logical choice as
 new (sole) list-owner.

Re: FLUXLIST: test x

2001-07-14 Thread narvis ...pez

hey, hey
i'm not ready to vote!!!
but if i must to do
i vote for ??

(see next event)
let genius-2mil rest in peace


 De: alan bowman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Responder a: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fecha: Sat, 14 Jul 2001 13:29:08 +0200
 Asunto: Re: FLUXLIST: test x
 why does eric constantly have to refer to ken friedman, why does he bring up
 ken's name?
 was ken involved in the G2000 thing, or tamas' tests?
 let's vote
 hands up who give a 

Re: FLUXLIST: It continues!

2001-07-14 Thread narvis ...pez

i don't agree with what you said
but i fight for that you have the right to said it loud


 De: St.Auby Tamas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Responder a: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fecha: Sat, 14 Jul 2001 18:45:05 +0200
 Asunto: FLUXLIST: It continues!
 High, dear Fluxlisters!
 The ban is lifted only for this term: Genius 2000.
 I have sent this quotation from the net
 (to show the relations)
 to the Fluxlist two times today
 in vain.
 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2001 13:53:11 +0200
 From: St.Auby Tamas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Whoiswho
 000/Launch.html+%22Genius+2000%22+%22 M A x + H e r m a n
 (_deformation mine_)
 The Genius 2000 Conference 2000:  Genius 2000
 Conference Launch Page
 Simon Biggs
 Corey Eiseman
 Carter Lebares
 Jenn McCoy
 Pat Mountain
 Eryk Salvaggio
 Winners Page
 Eryk Salvaggio (_italics mine_)
 (Gnosticism Inc.)
 M a x  H e r m a n  (_italics and deformation mine_)
 The Genius 2000 Archive 2000
 (M a x  H e r m a n) _(deformed by IPUT)_
 Patrick Lichty
 Jenn and Kevin McCoy
 The Tape-beatles
 (Art and Poverty after 1984:  Net Art to Date)
 Terrence Kosick (_italics mine_)
 Selected Emails
 Mark Stahlman
 Who Cares About GENIUS?
 (Gnosticism Inc.)
 C. Balkman
 This means:
 Eryk Salvaggio and Terrence Kosick are banned
 if you quote them from the page where
 M a x  H e r m a n is mentioned.
 Tomorrow you can be banned.
 A site with cross-links
 where  M a x  H e r m a n's name
 is mentioned along with _every_ Fluxlist-member's name
 makes impossible to quote from the net any Fluxlisters
 on the Fluxlist anymore.
 Vote: do you want it?
 Yes or No.

Re: FLUXLIST: test x

2001-07-13 Thread narvis ...pez

vote for g-2000!
he promised a fluxus-fluxlist-fluxsit-fluxist-flixits
god-good comeback
(without video copyrights)


 De: { brad brace } [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Responder a: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fecha: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 15:48:06 -0700 (PDT)
 Asunto: Re: FLUXLIST: test x
 On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, narvis  ...pez wrote:
 maybe we have an other genius 2000
 or similar god in campaing again?
 Well, if this was a _real Fluxist fluxlist, the (apparently)
 one person banned (G-2000), would be the logical choice as
 new (sole) list-owner.

Re: FLUXLIST: test x

2001-07-12 Thread narvis ...pez


if we'll have an election period here
we must have an election campaing previous or not?

maybe we have an other genius 2000
or similar god in campaing again?

 De: St.Auby Tamas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Responder a: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fecha: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 13:44:32 +0200
 Asunto: Re: FLUXLIST: test x
 High, dear Fluxlisters!
 On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, ann klefstad wrote:
 Low. Genius 2000 was totally, completely, boring, rude, nonconstructive,
 confrontational, one-note, just like all of your posts tend to be. Your
 obligatory cuteness (High! Hugh!) is embarrassing, the content of the
 messages bracketed between them is equally brainless, and your campaign
 against supposed Power is ludicrous. Go grow something, will you?
 St.Auby Tamas wrote:
 Long live Genius 2000!
 IPUT suggests:
 let's vote:
 Should the Fluxlisters vote about this subject:
 Should be ann klefstad excluded from the Fluxlist
 for hir uncivilised behavoiur?
 If the Fluxlisters majority will vote YES,
 then we shall vote about the voting about
 the exclusion of ann klefstad.

Re: FLUXLIST: tests

2001-07-05 Thread narvis ...pez

 Responder a: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fecha: Thu, 05 Jul 2001 09:46:29 -0400
 Asunto: Re: FLUXLIST: tests
 Dear Tamas,

 - what was the proposal??

is a metaphorical way
to say something missing
on this lists years ago


Re: FLUXLIST: [Fwd: Speciale Biennale]

2001-05-17 Thread narvis ...pez

hi alan

some fluxlisters
sent a poem against power
to marco nereo rotelli project venice biennal 2001

now we are asking to be there to read the poem
in a happening.

probably we can't go venice
so i have the idea that you can represent us
in the happening

if it is possible
you most go to l'orso grill, la rete metallica dell' arsenale
these is the punto di encontro
7 giugno 2001 btw 10:30 to 6:30 pm

there will be hundreds of poets
from all over the world reading his poems
so you'll must be
ready to read some poems
 to give copies of the poems to people present
in phisical space 

i'm waiting the answer of caterina
the curatora of the event
to know if we can be represented
for somenone else in the happening

thanks for your help

ps: i love to be there
for te happening but i don't think
get it the tiket to fly

 Responder a: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fecha: Thu, 17 May 2001 13:46:06 +0200
 Asunto: Re: FLUXLIST: [Fwd: Speciale Biennale]
 haven't had time to digest the original mail as yet (what do i have to
 however I shall be there (or in a bar very nearby)
 could try and get emily harvey roped in
 I think scott's going to be out here then too (scott?)

FLUXLIST: fluxlistbox

2001-05-11 Thread narvis ...pez

hey. hey, hey
it did arrived my flulistbox!
i cant' belive

thanks sol


FLUXLIST: e-mail my body (addresses)

2001-05-10 Thread narvis ...pez

i'm still here
working on my body
with my body
in my body plenty of virtual tattoos
(against xenofobia)

at last i'm toward a print solution
for my art  life piece(s)
 i almost ready to send to all of you
my contributors from 8 nations
 three lists


1. sol nte (uk)
2. gabriel swossil (at)
3. lopshine -valentuk (lt)
4. roger stevens (uk)
5. ann klefstad (usa)
6. scott rigby (usa)
7. candace le claire (usa)
8. owen smith (usa)
9. alex cook (usa)
10. aaron kinberly (usa)
11. marie feletti -hardouin (fr)
12. terrence kosik (ca)
13. john lorenzini (usa)
14. patricia (usa)

was cut in 14 pieces
 seth sent him far away to be entierre
but isis rascue his pieces
 reconstruct him):):)

i-mailart list

15. kiyotey (usa)
16. thierry (fr)
17. zenon (es)


18. raul ferrera balanquet (cu-usa)
19. cherry lee (usa)
20. paco vila (usa)
21. recycle (ur)

towsend thanks to all
i'm working to publish on a web site
one of those days you'll see
dont lose the hopes

hey (canibals)
what did you do with my body?

...pez osiris

send the right addreess

FLUXLIST: [Fwd: biennal do venecia]

2001-04-03 Thread narvis ...pez


De: "pedro lopez casuso" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: Carol Starr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Asunto: RV: [Fwd: biennal do venecia]
Fecha: lun., 2 abri 2001 10:13 am

to those who sent a poem to venice biennal


*Ode to a Venetian Urn*

Artnet News, 3/30/01

At a Mar. 29 press conference in Rome at the Palazzo dell'
Esposizione, Venice Biennale curator Harald Szeemann promised
an artistic examination of "a world that repeats itself with its
obsessions and that continues to globalize itself always more."
His "open" contribution to the Biennale, which goes on view
June 10-Nov. 4, 2001, has the theme of "Platea dell'umanit"
and features work by some 100 artists, including 15 from Italy,
13 from Latin America and a surprising six from Finland. The
participating artists come from a total of 65 countries, six more
than in 1999; 31 countries have their own pavilions, while 19
more will site works around the city. Szeemann also promises to
introduce poetry into the show, via a total of 470 poems carpeting
public spaces in the fairgrounds. [...]

{click link for list of participants)
(from http://newsgrist.com)

Para: "narvis...pez" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Asunto: Re:  [Fwd: biennal do venecia]
Fecha: juev., 29 marz 2001 07:40 am

hi pez,
i sent the gif to Caterina Davinio [EMAIL PROTECTED] but have not heard
do you know if i am supposed to send the actual poem by s-mail as well? also
can you tell me the date of the biennale. thank you for your assistance.
bests, carol

narvis  ...pez wrote:

 yes carol
 or any of you

 send a poem against xenofobia!!
 pardon against "power"
 or about "freedom of expression"
 before 15-3-01
 by e-mail to Caterina Davinio [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 in a gif or jpg format
 that's all


carol starr
taos, new mexico, usa

Re: FLUXLIST: Buddhas

2001-03-15 Thread narvis ...pez

it's incredible
violence, or the announce of violence
is notice everywhere
is a quest for identity too
and a way to have instant visibility (global visibility)

those tribes muslins with budhas milenarios
 medieval style life, unified by religion
have a big tourism potential
like a world where we can travel to the past
so they can make a living
exploting his identity, including
the perversity with womans

"i will destroy these budhas"-- they said
but they don't show the performance destroying the budhas
they only show somone boring "destroying" some little statuas
 a guy with a bazooka, (not the guy fired the bazzoka against budhas)
so, we can think the budhas are still up,  what we have is a
big potential touristic tour to afganistan.
the tourist of all over the world
at the same time they arrived to afganistan to see the budhas,
 they pay in dolares to see too all those womans-slaves in such
medieval world "theme park" readymade of talibans...



De: Terrence Kosick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Asunto: Re: FLUXLIST: Buddhas
Fecha: juev., 15 marz 2001 03:40 am

 Terrence writes;

 WE can hope someday the Talibans veils will reveal suffragettes knives
 for severing patriarchal misogyny but I think the best avenues for
 change is the support of the voices of the most emancipated Muslim
 I have seen news bytes that thier voices are being broadcast to the
 west, whether there is any change is another thing.

 Violence is violence when you are an animal cornered with no escape but
 when you are violent to someone you are supposed to care about and is
 treated like a slave it is sick insidious and against humanity and the
 human rights code. We are obligated to speak up against them as forcible
 as peace allows. Perhaps shame them as sick pre pubescent boys pulling
 the wings of butterflies of life. These fellows are not civilized in
 sense of the term as a person who cares and is a lover sharing life and
 responsibility. A statue is just a statue, life is life.


 "narvis  ...pez" wrote:

 At 05:24 pm +0100 13/3/01, Heiko Recktenwald wrote:
 May the stones survive.

 i think there is a worst problem atside
 ferocity  barbarism of talibans
 a culture in which the womans can't work
 (except in home),
 can't go outside home
 (excep for emergencies)
 have been tortured with medieval techniques,
 can't show the face to people
  are slaves of husbands.
 without husband they are get throw the streets
 begging for money...


 this is a human problem to deale
 behind the stone budhas



Re: FLUXLIST: Buddhas

2001-03-13 Thread narvis ...pez

At 05:24 pm +0100 13/3/01, Heiko Recktenwald wrote:
May the stones survive.

i think there is a worst problem atside
ferocity  barbarism of talibans
a culture in which the womans can't work
(except in home),
can't go outside home
(excep for emergencies)
have been tortured with medieval techniques,
can't show the face to people
 are slaves of husbands.
without husband they are get throw the streets
begging for money...


this is a human problem to deale
behind the stone budhas


Re: FLUXLIST: [Fwd: biennal do venecia]

2001-03-04 Thread narvis ...pez

yes carol
or any of you

send a poem against xenofobia!!
pardon against "power"
or about "freedom of expression"
before 15-3-01
by e-mail to Caterina Davinio [EMAIL PROTECTED]

in a gif or jpg format
that's all


Asunto: Re: FLUXLIST: [Fwd: biennal do venecia]
Fecha: dom., 4 marz 2001 06:14 am

 thank you
 thank you
 thank you

 do you know the date for the biennal?
 do you know the deadline for sending the actual poem?
 carol :)

 pedro lopez casuso wrote:


 De: Carol Starr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Asunto: FLUXLIST: [Fwd: biennal do venecia]
 Fecha: sb., 3 marz 2001 05:16 am

  Carol Starr wrote:
  hi caterina,
  i have received your message on fluxlist and wish to participate .
  i am not clear about how to send the poem; as your original message
  forwarded by john bennett says it must be hand written on paper or other
  so do you want that mailed at a later date and do i send the poem now by
  e-mail? also what other information do you need about my work.
  i am happy to make your aquaintance via e-mail and am excited about the
  best regards, carol
  carol starr
  taos, new mexico, usa

 carol starr
 taos, new mexico, usa

FLUXLIST: R: R: biennal de venecia

2001-03-01 Thread narvis ...pez


here is my last mail from caterina
it's explain alone


From: "Caterina Davinio" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "narvis  ...pez" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: R: R: biennal de venecia
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 17:37:40 +0100
Organization: Art Electronics
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2314.1300

OK, send me the poems by the dead line 15.03.01, also by e-mail oe as gif or
jpg image.

Caterina Davinio

Davinio Art Electronics
V. oslavia 34
20052 Monza (MI)

- Original Message -----
From: narvis  ...pez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Caterina Davinio [EMAIL PROTECTED]; narvis  ...pez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 12:33 AM
Subject: Re: R: biennal de venecia

well i forward your message
to fluxlist (a virtual community of fluxus artists  poets)
 we have an affirmative answer from:

carol starr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"John M. Bennett" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

all, four poets  artists
it's probably you can find works of us in


At 06:58 pm +0100 28/2/01, Caterina Davinio wrote:
- Original Message -
From: narvis  ...pez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Caterina Davinio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 6:41 PM
Subject: biennal de venecia

 i'm ready for submitting a poem
 to the Marco Nereo Rotelli project

 let me know if i'm in time or not.

Yes, you are in time, Pedro Pez. But I need some information about the

 i know some other people of fluxlist
 all poets, interested to participate

who are they? Can I have more information about?

Caterina Davinio

KARENINA.IT (poesia in funzione ftica)
Un progetto di Caterina Davinio  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Nel modello delle funzioni di Jakobson ftico  l'uso della lingua che
persegue lo scopo di tener aperto e funzionante il canale tra gli
interlocutori. Tra arte e critica, tra happening e performance telematica,
Karenina  un luogo di aggregazione virtuale sul tema della scrittura e
delle tecnologie, su aspetti diversi della sperimentazione, nel quale
confluiscono esperienze di artisti, curatori, teorici internazionali, in
rete che conta migliaia di contatti nel mondo.

Index: http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Lights/7323/kareninarivista.html
Project: http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Lights/7323/manifesto.htm

Art Electronics and Other Writings - Archive

FLUXLIST: a poetry for the next Venice Biennial

2001-02-25 Thread narvis ...pez

Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 23:02:42 +0100
From: Caterina Davinio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: a poetry for the next Venice Biennial
X-MX-Warning:   Warning -- Invalid "To" header.
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:@rs3s4.datacenter.cha.cantv.net;
MIME-Version: 1.0

Dear friend,
you are invited to take part with a poem in the next Venice Biennial. Your
poetry must be on the theme of "poetry and/against power" and "freedom of
thinking". The text must be
"manually" written by the poet on a paper sheet or other materials "sheet",
as clay, ligneous, glass, metal, various objects. Visual poems excluded.
The poems will be exhibited in a large space (Arsenale Bunker and a long
metallic net) organized by the artist Marco Nereo Rotelli.
Let me know if you are interested in participating because I have to send
immediatly the poets list to the curators. DEAD LINE 15. 03. 2001

Adress for sending the poems:
Davinio Art Electronics, V. Oslavia 34
20052 Monza (MI)

(sorry for my horrible English)

Caterina Davinio

Caro amico,
Ti invito a partecipare con una poesia alla prossima Biennale di Venezia.
Tema: poesia e/contro il potere. Supporto: carta o altro materiale. Testo:
"manualmente" dall'autore su carta o anche altro materiale, come legno,
ceramica, cartone, vetro, oggetti vari. Esclusa la poesia visiva. Il
materiale pervenuto sar esposto
in un ampio percorso di poesia creato dall'artista Marco Nereo Rotelli
(Bunker e rete metallica dell'arsenale).
Fammi sapere se vuoi partecipare perch devo mandare l'elenco dei poeti che
aderiscono al curatore.
Il numero di telefono del mio studio di Lecco : 0341 255227

Entro il 15 marzo spedire la poesia a:
Davinio Art Electronics, V. Oslavia 34
20052 Monza (MI)



KARENINA.IT (poesia in funzione ftica)
Un progetto di Caterina Davinio  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Nel modello delle funzioni di Jakobson ftico  l'uso della lingua che
persegue lo scopo di tener aperto e funzionante il canale tra gli
interlocutori. Tra arte e critica, tra happening e performance telematica,
Karenina  un luogo di aggregazione virtuale sul tema della scrittura e
delle tecnologie, su aspetti diversi della sperimentazione, nel quale
confluiscono esperienze di artisti, curatori, teorici internazionali, in una
rete che conta migliaia di contatti nel mondo.

Index: http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Lights/7323/kareninarivista.html
Project: http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Lights/7323/manifesto.htm

Art Electronics and Other Writings - Archive

Re: FLUXLIST: mp3 (m3u) filelists.

2001-02-10 Thread narvis ...pez

may be it is not nothing to do with your mail heiko
but "enjoy napster while you still can"

Napster users see full weekend of downloading before court decision


LOS ANGELES, Feb. 9 — With a possible court-ordered shutdown of Napster
looming Monday, fans of the online song-swapping service said they planned
to spend the weekend downloading music.

“I’VE ALREADY BEEN investigating new alternatives to Napster such as
Aimster and Gnutella,” said Cary Miller, a new media executive and Napster
   “Right now, I have over 110 songs sitting on my hard drive that I’ve
downloaded on Napster, and this weekend I will probably download another 50
or so depending on how much time I have over the weekend,” he said.
   Earlier on Friday, a federal court said it would issue its opinion on
Monday as to whether it should re-issue an injunction against Napster that
would effectively shut down the wildly popular song-swap service.

A three-judge panel for the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco on
Oct. 2 heard arguments from both Napster and the Recording Industry
Association of America (RIAA), which requested the court lift a stay on an
injunction against the service, which has attracted over 50 million users.

   Users flocked to the site following the court’s announcement on
“You can assume the Napster servers are maxed out ...,” said Bruce Forest,
vice president for Sapient Corp. , referring to the server computers that
manage the flow of data in a network.

   One Long Island, N.Y. 14-year-old said he would like to spend all
weekend downloading songs, but would have to squeeze in his song-swapping
activities between working on school assignments.

   “I’d hate it if it was shut down. But even if they shut it down,
there are hundreds of ways to get songs on the Internet,” he said. “But
Napster is still the easiest.”

   Napster’s service, which lets fans swap songs for free, is considered
a haven for piracy by the big music companies which are seeking the
injunction to stop it from operating pending a final decision in the
landmark copyright lawsuit

Since the lawsuit was first filed in December 1999, Napster’s service has
continued to gain popularity.

  To date, the service has amassed over 50 million users who log on to
the service to swap individual songs for free by trading MP3 files, a
compression format that turns music on compact discs into small computer

   In the past, Napster officials have always said they would comply
with any ruling that the court issues.
   The company got a shot in the arm in late October, when BMG parent
company Bertelsmann AG one of the record labels suing Napster, broke ranks,
saying it would drop its suit once Napster transformed itself into a paid
service that pays royalties.

 As part of the deal, Bertelsmann provided an estimated $30 million
to $50 million in funds to Napster and obtained a warrant to buy a stake in
the company.
   Bertelsmann invited the other music companies to participate, which
would make such a music subscription service most appealing to users.
   To date, Napster and Bertelsmann have scored support from
Germany-based Edel Music AG, one of the world’s leading independent labels,
and TVT Records, a large U.S. independent label.forces with Napster

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eGroups is now Yahoo! Groups
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Redistribution of Media-News content, without on-air credit to the list and
an on-air thank-you to those who contributed items that were used, is
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As a media of its own. See for example this list of snippets of the tracks
of Fillmore by Zappa. Clean, the list and the mp3 files, linked each.
Seen at cheap-cds.com. But could be everywhere in the net, even in email.

Should start the multimedia display program associated with m3u audio
filelists in Netscape, Edit, Preferences, Navigator, Application. One


Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name="fillmore.m3u"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="fillmore.m3u"

Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:fillmore.m3u (TEXT/MSWD) (00016FB5)

Re: FLUXLIST: tattoos

2001-01-25 Thread narvis ...pez

one week ago i cut a branch of alelies
i have more seeds
i'll send another box
by other way


At 05:46 am -0800 24/1/01, { brad brace } wrote:

(no sign of seeds; project on-hold pending greater interest)   /:b

On Wed, 24 Jan 2001, narvis  ...pez wrote:

 i like
 if you like
 send a "smile"

 ps: did you received seeds box?
 At 04:59 pm -0800 23/1/01, { brad brace } wrote:

Re: FLUXLIST: tattoos

2001-01-24 Thread narvis ...pez

thanks for your support ann
i'll wait anxiously

At 11:57 am -0800 23/1/01, ann klefstad wrote:
Dear Pez, I have been working on it just yesterday! My internal deadline
clock began going off, so I put hesitation aside and began trying out
ideas. I'm drawing on printouts and will scan them back in and send--I
hope that's ok. I'm too clumsy with computer drawing tools. I hope to
have them sent to you by the end of the week.


"narvis  ...pez" wrote:


 i hate to push people to work but
 talking with "experts"
 about the need to know how many tattoos
 we have, at last, to work with
  have no answer yet
 arrived to conclussion
 we need to stablish a dead line:
 then we'll take in to "play" all pieces
 of me that come in return.
 so, people that have pieces
  still are "playing the game"
 plis let me know a signal of it
 before january 31, 2001


Re: FLUXLIST: tattoos

2001-01-24 Thread narvis ...pez

i like
if you like
send a "smile"

ps: did you received seeds box?
At 04:59 pm -0800 23/1/01, { brad brace } wrote:

FLUXLIST: tattoos

2001-01-22 Thread narvis ...pez


i hate to push people to work but
talking with "experts"
about the need to know how many tattoos
we have, at last, to work with
 have no answer yet
arrived to conclussion
we need to stablish a dead line:
then we'll take in to "play" all pieces
of me that come in return.
so, people that have pieces
 still are "playing the game"
plis let me know a signal of it
before january 31, 2001


Re: FLUXLIST: Gif for Christine.

2001-01-16 Thread narvis ...pez


thanks too much
casually i saw this underground symbol
yestarday in a tv frame of london (aol/cnn)


At 11:25 am +0100 11/1/01, Heiko Recktenwald wrote:
Content-Type: IMAGE/GIF; name="tubelogo.gif"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="tubelogo.gif"

Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:tubelogo.gif (GIFf/JVWR) (00015B61)

FLUXLIST: about xenophobia

2001-01-14 Thread narvis ...pez


let me add some concepts
to what i intend to do with
"e-mail my body  virtual tattoo" project

the xenofobia  racial violence is often not only
in america latina. it happen in all over the world
 btw man in general, but
it is exacerbated by technological change
inmerse in which we are:
the frontiers disolution in every order,
political, social  cultural, generated a big lose of identity
, how sociologists  antropologists known,
a big amount of violence is coming from these lose.

these violence often take forms of xenophobia, racism
y discrimination.

i'm not saying that
xenophobia is a consecuence only of technological change.

xenophobia is older than foreings
 like xenomania, in reverse,
which abound btw us too

current technological revolution
is concomitant to multiples  diverses social 
individuals movements, values  beliefs
in which we are inmerse

change is the only firm today
nobody (specially from art) can be indifferent to changes
changes touch  each of us
in direct or not direct ways
changes threathen us with an spiral of violence
which nobody knows where start or end

weare obligated to live in movement
(naked ascending or descending an starcase)
like artists we must to do pieces related
to technological revolution,
we must to use the tools of today
(to create not to destroy)
 to reflect the new existencial condition
of changings leading us toward his tolerance

being a "foreing" in these lands
suffering the recents xenophobics attacs in these lands
i decide to create a simbolic action art of tolerance
with new technologies  with foreing people
all of my contributors on the internet.

thus is why i decide to "cut" my body in bits  pieces
 send to you with tools like a scanner-computer  e-mail

(material, conceptual  metaforical)
what we have is an action art
basically a "virtual lacerament"
using a "virtual scarpelo"

a "virtual displacement" by e-mail
(toward computers  lists --new tools--
of voluntary contributors linked against xenophobia
that is: they dont care that i'm a perfect foreing stranger,
or my color skin, or which is the languish i talk,
 that are sited in citys  towns of three countries);

it is a "skin virtual intervention" on which several artists
will do his own mark, or style, whatever this can be
like a signal that i accept all over my body
(the only thing over which i could have any private propiety)

it tell you (the world) that i don't reject any of you,
foreing people

 it is a kind of "virtual re-construction"
we should intent to arm the body with tattooed pieces
in order to show the art process in all his sides
publishing a press dossier
 a web site to be open permanently  in constantly change
to which anyone could add new contributions

in a kind of permanently communion, dead  resurrection
(the onlytrue form of art with no end)
of a body that looking at individual level seems to be me
but that at social level is  a multiple expression
without care about who said what or how.
(it is possible that will happen replys
of the piece in other naked bodies  in new
 unexpected tools of the future)

so, we are talking about an expression of a human collective
(the starting point of a massive intercultural connection?)
i dont know, but actually i'm sure it is  will be the expression
of a colecctive, changeable  global "body"
that own to art in his more open concept
(today art is all that you can do)
 to the whole planet with all nations  cultures
where current violence is a quest of identity
 a creative way to carry on with the losts.


amigo felix
permiteme agregar unos conceptos
a lo que intento hacer con este proyecto:

la xenofobia y el odio racial es comun no solo en latinoamerica,
diria que en el mundo, y entre los hombres en general,
pero esta se exacerba por las circunstancias
del cambio tecnologico en las que nos encontramos:
la disolucion de las fronteras en todos los ordenes,
politicos, sociales y culturales, genera una gran perdida de identidad
y, como saben los sociologos y antropologos,
(imagino que algunos habra en esta lista)
esta perdida es a su vez generadora
de una gran violencia, la cual se expresa en muchas formas
y conductas, entre ellas las xenofobas, racistas y discriminatorias.

no echo la culpa de la xenofobia al cambio tecnologico
la xenofobia es tan vieja como los extranjeros
y como la xenomania, que es todo lo contrario,
y que tambien abunda entre nosotros

la situacion de revolucion tecnologica en la que nos encontramos
es concomitante a innumerables y diversos desplazamientos
sociales e individuales, de valores y creencias
en las que muchos nos encontramos.

hoy lo unico estable es el cambio
de ahi que nadie (mucho menos el arte)
puede permanecer indiferente ante ellas
pues le tocan a uno directa o indirectamente
y amenaza arrastranos en una espiral de violencia
que nadie sabe donde empieza ni donde termina

de modo que si nos toca vivir en movimiento
(desnudos bajando o subiendo una escalera)
como artistas se nos 

Re: FLUXLIST: tattoos against xenophoby

2001-01-11 Thread narvis ...pez

thanks sol
actually i,m not but
this is my current challenge
sure it take some time
but i have enough  enough will to carry on

my hope is that if what we share whitin us
in this millenium have any significance to other people
(specially those experts able to do the tasks what i want)
maybe it help to live in a lessxenofobic
 more in an "art pour l’art" world

will see


Hi Pez,

I'm glad this project is going well. I hope you'll be able to realise your
plans for a print version and a website to document your performance and
subsequent creative activities.



FLUXLIST: e-mail my body

2000-12-21 Thread narvis ...pez

hi all
the body parts was sent the last thursday
i sent two parts (of twenty) to forty contributors in three list
recent i received a mail from one contributor that was not received the
respectively parts (it was sent again inmediatly)
maybe there are some other people
in the same situation
please let me know
to correct the mistake

already i have received back
around 14 parts tattoed
evereyone as interesting as the others
i'm are very excited with the contributions
i think the project is going on very well

a kind of fluxus internet collage its taking form
 it is present new  unexpected sides
that could add new posibilities
to develop next year
with the rising of century

another question
each part have his own challenge to solve
if someone don't like any of parts received
--sorry, its not my fault i choose the azar (tow hats) to asign the parts--
can send it back untouched or resing the project
(it was happen in one case)



2000-12-19 Thread narvis ...pez

"in memorian" george maciunas
beuys  nam june paik done a klavierduett
in a 1978 dusseldorf fluxus-soiree!!!

so "fluxus is dead"


but alive with


At 02:04 -0700 19/12/00, St.Auby Tamas wrote:

narvis  ...pez wrote:

 fluxus is alive with beuys myth included

ok, why not ?

It's a doublethink.
Beuys said around 1977:
"Fluxus is dead".
(As if Fluxus is a KZ-lager.)
Why yes?



Re: FLUXLIST: body parts

2000-12-19 Thread narvis ...pez

thanks anyway
i will keep this arms untouched

i am withdrawing from the project pez is conducting as i am unimpressed with
his 'arms' especially the short one.
carol starr
taos, new mexico, usa


2000-12-17 Thread narvis ...pez

At 03:50 pm +0100 12/12/00, Eric Andersen wrote:

Here it seems that people much more are looking for a
stereotyped legend.

recognition of old forms
it's not a wrong way to newones.

perhaps there are only opinions
about who, when or where was correct or not
mere like or dislike
about all this junk "in  out"  from fifties.

obsolete paraphernalia from a hat
reborn again  again in new  unexpected
forms  places like maracay!!!

for instance, fluxus is alive
with beuys myth included

ok, why not ?



2000-12-11 Thread narvis ...pez

At 06:16 pm +0100 10/12/00, Eric Andersen wrote:

I don't know. I haven't seen any of them. However, none of what I have seen
on the list seem to be new in any sense.

what's supposed "new" for you today?
are you aware of any fluxus aesthetic evolution
out off what we have discussed here?
where, when, how?

Fluxus was probably the most political incorrect you could be in the '60s.

today in a vastly confusing wealth of electronic media
each of us is forced to create  his own environment
in more radical ways than 60s.

maybe beuys was the most radical or incorrect
artists programming his sensory art  life from duchamp

maybe he break the fluxus law (if there was any)
then he went left aoutside?

"to live outside the law we must be honest"


Re: FLUXLIST: grey whale story

2000-12-11 Thread narvis ...pez

hi brace
did you heard about "Whales Heart Tracking"?:

for three days,
from colombian pacific ocean,
a colombian researcher jorge reynolds pombo
broadcast live whales songs to ears of II virtual congress
of technology, develop  ambient in bogota
 other five cities colombianas y a la Universidad
Politecnica de Valencia (EUITI).

a beacon with microphones open the acoustic space
from 1000 km in the sea where the whales are passing by
to more of 1700 alumnos e invitados, distribuidos en 13 aulas de
clase virtuales.

  Para mayor informacion del II Congreso virtual:


At 06:21 pm -0800 10/12/00, { brad brace } wrote:
well, I spent the weekend looking for whales (I don't think I've ever seen
one... saw some small distant fins(?) breaking the water off Pacifica...),
along the California coast... I set-up my new 'birding' scope with
photo-adapter (4000mmm) and probably took many pictures of distant grey
fog... perfect for the 12hr-project :))

The 12hr-ISBN-JPEG Project   since 1994   

+ + + serial   ftp://ftp.eskimo.com/u/b/bbrace
+ + +  eccentric  ftp://ftp.idiom.com/users/bbrace
+ + + continuous   ftp://ftp.teleport.com/users/bbrace
+ + +hypermodern  ftp://ftp.rdrop.com/pub/users/bbrace
+ + +imagery   ftp://ftp.pacifier.com/pub/users/bbrace

  News://alt.binaries.pictures.12hr ://a.b.p.fine-art.misc
  Reverse Solidus: http://www.teleport.com/~bbrace/bbrace.html
   Mirror: http://bbrace.laughingsquid.net

 { brad brace }[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ~finger for pgp


2000-12-09 Thread narvis ...pez

At 12:35 am +0100 9/12/00, Eric Andersen wrote:
I don't think it can be discussed who is more or less Fluxus, since
there were (are) no shared aesthetics or strategy among the part takers
in the network. Consequently we never had such discussions among

what about the recents fluxlist box,  the fluxstamp project
( roger steven's cageanian poetrybook) these are not
a "fluxumm aesthetic sharing" or do we don't move in an strategy
to go on a new "flux the way" of process art?
i'm wonder if the the "beuysball" discussion is not
related with "fluxaesthetic" problems
from the mythical times to now?

narvis...pez refer to a book by Heiner Stachelhaus. It seems to be full

of misinformation. E.g. a sentence such as ". Nam June Paik, one of
the leaders of Fluxus movement" doesn't make sense. A person who had
made serious research would never have uttered such nonsense.

i'm not exactly a serious person.
 less, a serious researcher.
i'm too small to flux the entire fluxusworld
alone /that's explain why i need the fluxlist
 why embrace the current "fluxus moment" here
right now.

And Fluxus

was certainly not a Neodadaist movement. Maciunas would have liked it to

be in the '60s but only Ben Vautier could support him in that. There was

no special relationship between Beuys and Maciunas as claimed by
Tachelhaus. In fact Maciunas didn't like Beuys at all. It is correct
that Beuys as professor of the Academy in Dusseldorf took part in the
Fluxus festival there in 1963. Nobody remember in detail what he did. It

was some kind of inverted, short Shamanistic ritual.

to remove a hare hart sound like a "short Shamanistic ritual"

 Beuys didn't
draw any attention before Aachen in 1964 when he made his acid / earth /

crucifix piano and was punched in his nose. George Brecht, Al Hansen, La

Monte Young and Bob Watts did not take part in the Festum Fluxorum in
Dusseldorf, as claimed by Tachelhaus. It is pure nonsense to claim that
he was left outside any Fluxus circle after the festival in Dusseldorf.
E.g. he was invited to Aachen, 24 Stunden etc.
Fluxus was a completely open platform in 1962-63. I guess more than a
200 people participated during these years, but not all of them became
part of the international network. Nobody was excluded, - except in the
Maciunas jokes.

why not see beuys under a fluxus group?
i don't see a reason specially by his
70 actions  50 instalations btw 1947-1986
fluxus art  life.
maybe he done some politically incorrectness
to be fluxtically pure?



2000-12-09 Thread narvis ...pez

please do it.


At 02:39 pm +0100 9/12/00, alan bowman wrote:

The following document was composed in the "Weathered SF" font, if you don't
have this shareware font and see only your default typeface, the
Organisation can arrange to have the font forwarded to you."


2000-12-08 Thread narvis ...pez

hi disco

very satirical
i love it

how many innings had the game?
did you have tv-commercial brakes?
there was a winner  a looser?

(to avoid big demages
next time dont used a ball
used chapitas de cocacola)

At 07:51 pm -0800 7/12/00, Devon Paulson wrote:
Speaking of Fluxus,

In my What makes it art? class at school we had to write a paper on an
artist or a movement-

Not to hold your suspense any longer, I wrote on- Fluxus.

But I didn't just write on Fluxus, though I did do that as well. I set up a
baseball diamond in the main gallery (you know, the gallery that you guys
had, I think).

It was great! In the morning I had a performance- which involved playing
baseball with about five other people. Then another performance at noon time
during lunch.

We used all real equipment, which included real baseballs. This did do a
little damage but not as much as it could have. Just a few dented walls and
some lost ceiling particles- on several occasions.

All in all, it was fantastic.

love you all,


Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com

Re: FLUXLIST: e-mail my body away or virtual tattoo

2000-12-05 Thread narvis ...pez

I support pedro ...pez' efforts and I urge you to reschedule this

hi all
thanks pkharris  congratulations
your letter was successful
the program "remembaring the action art"
was rescheduled yesterday
to next wednesday 13-12-2000-- 6:30 pm

ps: to remote tattoers of performance "e-mail my body away"
everything is going on like was planned.
so, wait for a piece of me next week.

FLUXLIST: beuys fluxus

2000-12-05 Thread narvis ...pez


i had found a book (*) on beuys by heiner stachelhaus (1987) who wrote
that beuys's way to action start in 1962 with the "piano of earth" idea,
which he certainly did not realize but "with one he going closely to
fluxus movement. "

i don't know if stachelhaus is right or wrong but he add in pg 146 of an
spanish version of the book i translated (i guess in good terms): "by that
time beuys was in contact with nan jum paik, one of leaders of fluxus
movement.  for all present then beuys was a fluxus artist."

what is fluxus? --he ask  answer:
"this is a neodadaist movement emerged starting the 60s with the goal to
converge art  life in a fluid form (fluxus = what is fluid)
 to change the conventional concept of art."

 in pg 147 he add:
"without doubt, beuys found in fluxus the adequate artistic base.
then beuys was overcome the big crisis of his life  for that time he was
formulated firmly his ideas about art  creativity.

according to stachelhouse beuys saw clearly that "fluxus neodadaism" was,
in that time, the right tool to done his work
 he have no doubt about there was a relationship btw beuys 
paik  maciunas, inside the circle of fluxists artists.

"beuys agree with the interdisciplinary character of fluxus. he agree with
the easiest of the actions  improvisations pieces..."
 in 1963 (february 2  3) beuys was the organizer of the first fluxus
concert in dusseldorf: "festum fluxorum-fluxus" in which was present all
celebrities like george brecht, al hansen, dick higgins, arthur kopfke, la
mount young, george maciunas, paik, tomas schmit, spoerri, vostell, watts 
emmet williams.

 at in the first day, beuys done a "composition for two musicians"
 in the next day the 1st time of "siberian sinphony": that was the first
time beuys apeared with a dead hare: "he done a free improvisation mixed
with a eric satie piece, hung the hare in a
blackboard, prepared the piano with little piles of clay, put branchs
inside the piles  linked the branchs  the hare by wire. then he
remove the heart of the hare."

depending on the violence of this action --according the stachelhaus
words-- the fluxus artist present there rejected beuys  left him outside
the fluxus circle...

i'm not sure if this is one of those myths of german historians
about a fluxus beuys or if is true.

pd: apologize the probably mistakes in the translation.
i don't know if this is the real history but here are my two cents.
(*) "joseph beuys" by heiner stachelhaus
parsifal ediciones, 1990, barcelona.


2000-12-05 Thread narvis ...pez

cause we have some poets in flux  related lists...
animate-d poet-a
animate-d poet-a
d -a
d -a



The ELO is now accepting submissions for the poetry and fiction categories
of the 2001 Electronic Literature Awards. Submissions to the $10,000 Awards
are open from now until February 15, 2001. Whether your literary work is
online or will be submitted via snail-mail on floppy disk, CD, or DVD, the
first step to entering the competition is to read the rules and submit your
online entry form:


Upon completing the form, you will have the option of paying the $15
entry fee online or mailing it in with your submission. To pay the entry
fee online, follow the appropriate link. If your work must be mailed in,
see the shipping guidelines:


ELO staff will confirm the status of your entry within one week of the
initial submission date. You will also receive notice when the shortlist has
been selected (later in the spring, before April 15th).

If you have a electronic literary work that you think exemplifies some of
the best electronic literature has to offer, we encourage you to enter the
2001 Electronic Literature Awards before the February 15th, 2001 deadline.

Re: FLUXLIST: e-mail my body away or virtual tattoo

2000-12-01 Thread narvis ...pez

thanks for your kind princess petal

"have a bad day event" it's a nice idea
but i'm not sure they understand the absurd
in which they live.

imagine that 24 hours before the event
they ask me if i was received the images from
remote contributors! crist

it's incredible but they still have an "big" ego
the art is less important than the staff
so, let me obviuos what they understand by action art

we live yet in a very folklorical world

thanks again
if anybody wish to send whatever they want
to macma, [EMAIL PROTECTED], go on.

maybe this help to remember they are not islands
in the contemporary art nettime
 the "remembering the action art program"
comes to official agenda in return, soon.

por cierto, the new staff a very folklorical one
 paisajistic style is what they like.


At 06:06 pm -0800 30/11/00, Patricia wrote:

How 'bout if we flux 'em with email?  A "have a bad day" event.  I'm sure I
could sound every bit as officious or pompous as they.  Or, we could all say
the same thing and be sure to state our locale at the end of the email.  Could
be good - they'd get spammed from all over the world.  Then we could bind them
as a book as part of the happening.

I don't think anyone minds waiting, although we were all looking forward to
it.  It's a very creative and exciting project.

I'm sorry for you that it's not working out as planned.


 1.- a voice phone call from macma informe that
 the the program was postponed (without date)
 the reason is that the employers of museum
 are "upset  disturbing because a internal crisis":

 the local city goverment  fired the director of museum
 so the employers was dawn  they (who?) are not in the
 mood because they are crying with the ex-director
 at the morning,  in the afternoon they must to receive the new one.

 what kind of museum of contemporary art is that --i said?

  what happen with the people involved  working in the
 program for a month? --i continue-- there are 40 artists
 in the world waiting for tattoo me. what did you suposed
 i'll tell they?  what happen with who coming from other citys
 to cover the actions for us? who pay the expenses?

 the voice (from "events" department ) fall in such a confussion btw terms
 suspended  postponed but she finished only talking about a "postponed
 event"  praying for our comprehensiveness because  they need "some time"
 to fix the agenda

 all this surprise me.
 we'r not expecting something like this
 against my good wishes  in spite of what they say,
 i'm afraid, they don't respect enough happenings
  other acts, but we must to wait by now...at least a week.

 i have enough scannings done in my previews experiments
  preparatory job for the event in cactu.

 without a physical audience, but the performance is done.

 so i ask to all remote contributors to wait a week for news
 while i'll try to rearrange my plan.

 thanks for your kindness with my
 "e-mail my body away  virtual tattoo" performance

 please  be pacient wit me too :-(

 pd: i want to kick the ass of museum people
 i never need they to do my art before
 but i'm rethinking how to bypass the post events
 like prints whitout his technical resources :-(

 At 05:21 pm + 29/11/00, Sol Nte wrote:
 the program:
 "remembering the action art"
 start at 6:30 with three simultaneous performances
 Good luck pez, I hope it goes well :-)

Re: FLUXLIST: e-mail my body away or virtual tattoo

2000-12-01 Thread narvis ...pez


i miss the real one e-mail of museum
of contemporary art of maracay
this is:

Re: FLUXLIST: e-mail my body away or virtual tattoo

2000-11-30 Thread narvis ...pez

thanks sol
hi all

1.- a voice phone call from macma informe that
the the program was postponed (without date)
the reason is that the employers of museum
are "upset  disturbing because a internal crisis":

the local city goverment  fired the director of museum
so the employers was dawn  they (who?) are not in the
mood because they are crying with the ex-director
at the morning,  in the afternoon they must to receive the new one.

what kind of museum of contemporary art is that --i said?

 what happen with the people involved  working in the
program for a month? --i continue-- there are 40 artists
in the world waiting for tattoo me. what did you suposed
i'll tell they?  what happen with who coming from other citys
to cover the actions for us? who pay the expenses?

the voice (from "events" department ) fall in such a confussion btw terms
suspended  postponed but she finished only talking about a "postponed
event"  praying for our comprehensiveness because  they need "some time"
to fix the agenda

all this surprise me.
we'r not expecting something like this
against my good wishes  in spite of what they say,
i'm afraid, they don't respect enough happenings
 other acts, but we must to wait by now...at least a week.

i have enough scannings done in my previews experiments
 preparatory job for the event in cactu.

without a physical audience, but the performance is done.

so i ask to all remote contributors to wait a week for news
while i'll try to rearrange my plan.

thanks for your kindness with my
"e-mail my body away  virtual tattoo" performance

please  be pacient wit me too :-(

pd: i want to kick the ass of museum people
i never need they to do my art before
but i'm rethinking how to bypass the post events
like prints whitout his technical resources :-(

At 05:21 pm + 29/11/00, Sol Nte wrote:
the program:
"remembering the action art"
start at 6:30 with three simultaneous performances

Good luck pez, I hope it goes well :-)



FLUXLIST: e-mail my body away or virtual tattoo

2000-11-28 Thread narvis ...pez


tomorrow at these hour i'will be
scaning me in 40 pieces

i'll try to make all
but it's dificil do this in 30 minutes

because each piece take almost 2 minutes
plus intervals from one minute
maybe i wil do 20 (starting first than others)

the program:
"remembering the action art"
start at 6:30 with three simultaneous performances

pedro ...pez: e-mail my body... (at door of the terraza)
trinidad inserri: issues of identity... (all over the museum)
 cesar leon:  to find a child to play... (at second floor)

narvis will do his "cultivizada" performance
to close the actions  then (at 7:30) we have a dialogue
with antonieta sosa (venezuelan artist born in new york)
she was doing action art from sixties

later i'll send a piece to all remote participants
in my list (see below)
i will repeat some pieces (the best)

i would like to publish these in www
the page of the museum is under construction
so we must to way next year by this way
a participant of nettime-l
the cuban-newyorkino artist ferrera-balanquet
talk me about he have space in his url.

depend on the results maybe we could find other sites to place
the work, the score, the tatooes, the music, etc.
(now i'm waiting a front page copy software to work with)

i plan to do the hard copies of my reconstructed bodie
(when i take all the images in return)
with the museum impresora.
they have a hp laser one

thanks  you don't need to send the tattoes
tomorrow, take your time to do but don't prolongue too much.
remember that all this is against xenofobia
 that this is a satiric performance.

pd: i will use an i-mac  an scanner umax astra 1220U
 a little yellow radio-cassette with a mixed music
from radio, tv and records (using parts of harry partchs "delisuion of the
fury", and records of interviews with charlotte moorman i record when she
was in venezuela in 70s)

the list:
contributors fluxlist: (28)
 gabriel swossil [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cinthea Fiss [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joy Stick)
"lopshine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Roger Stevens" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ann klefstad [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Scott Rigby [EMAIL PROTECTED] (a chunk)
Candace Le Claire [EMAIL PROTECTED]
David Baptiste Chirot [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Aaron Kimberly" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"marie.feletti-hardouin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Eryk Salvaggio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Terrence Kosick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
John Lorenzini [EMAIL PROTECTED]
allen bukoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"alan bowman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Narcissus In Paradys [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Keri  Tom Marion" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"John M. Bennett" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Markku Nivalainen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i-mailart list:(3)
"kiyotei *" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
majj - El Taller de Zenon [EMAIL PROTECTED]

nettime-l: (7)
"Cecilia Noriega de Bozovich" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Raul Ferrera-Balanquet, MFA [EMAIL PROTECTED]
antonio aka cErverus "cErverus" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Tania Huidobro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"| || ||| | brian mackern ||| | | | " [EMAIL PROTECTED]

included four performances

Re: FLUXLIST: search

2000-11-21 Thread narvis ...pez

count me in
(if it is not a war one)


At 04:23 am -0800 21/11/00, Arturas Bumsteinas wrote:
Hello dear Fluxers.
I am looking for people who
would like to take
part in some performance which will
take part in spring.
I will reweal everything to the
persons who are interested.
sincerely arturas bumsteinas

Do You Yahoo!?
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FLUXLIST: The Fluxlist Seed Exchange

2000-11-20 Thread narvis ...pez

hi brad ( all)

i'm ready to send
50 "nice" packets
with two seeds each
one ben (moringa oleifera)
one alheli (melia azedarch)

with the leaves of this trees
you can make a mixed tea to
defeat cancer


Re: FLUXLIST: The Fluxlist Seed Exchange

2000-11-13 Thread narvis ...pez

i have a lot of "alhelies": melia azedarach (fam.meliaceae)
 "ben": moringa oleifera  (fam. moringaceae)
for all contributors

At 06:22 pm -0800 9/11/00, { brad brace } wrote:
The Fluxlist Seed Exchange:

Just a few specimens of a local variety. Your choice. In 50 nice little
handmade/labeled packets: 2 x 3.25" Deadline TBA. All contributors receive
one of all contributions. Housed in a lovely little rusted tin box.
Indicate interest: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: FLUXLIST: Take offense? That's intriguing. Over what?That'san interesting idea -

2000-11-02 Thread narvis ...pez

"excerpts from 'assemblages, environments  happenings"
alan kaprow
"happenings and other acts"
a compilation of texts edited by mariellen r. sandford
-routledge- 1995 first published
p. 239-240



At 09:29 am -0600 2/11/00, cecil touchon wrote:
That was very good Pez! What was the source?

"narvis  ...pez" wrote:

 "in the near future, plans may be developed which take
 their cue from games and atlhetics, where the regulations
 provide for a variety of moves that make the outcome always uncertaint. a
 score might be written, so general in its
 instructions that it could be adapted to basic types
 of terrain such as oceans, woods, cities, farms,; and to basic
 kind of performers such as teenagers, old people, children,
 matrons, and so on, including insects, animals and the weather. this could
 be printed and mail-ordered for use by anyone who wanted it. greorge brecht
 has been interested in such posibilities for some time now. his sparse
 scores read like this:

 Arrange to observe a sign
 indicating direction of travel.

 ¬ travel in the indicated direction

 • travel in another direction

 "but so far they have been distributed to friends, who perform them at
 their discretion and without ceremony, certainly they are aware of the
 pholosophic allusions to zen buddhism, of the subtle wit and childlike
 simplicity of the activites indicated. most of all, they are aware  of the
 responsability it places on the performer to make something of the
 situation or not. as we mentioned before in connection with another of
 brecht's pieces, this implications its the most radical potential in all of
 the work discussed in this book. beyond a small group  of initiates, there
 are few who could derive pleasure from going ahead and doing them without
 self-cosciousness. in the case of those happenings with more detailed
 instructions or more expanded action, the artist must be present at every
 moment , directing and participating , for the tradition is too young for
 the complete stranger to know what to do with such plans if he got them."
 (alan kaprow)

 At 10:16 am -0600 1/11/00, cecil touchon wrote:
 Three Aqueous Events

 George Brecht 1961

 That the simplicity of it causes literally any action that includes
these three
 states of water to be a variation on his work. That's kind of  like
staking off
 wilderness, one stake in each of its four corners, and saying that
because you
 have placed these four stakes anything that happens within them is

Join the Collage Poetry group
a list for posting and reading poetry
created in a constructive manor
like a collage.

Re: FLUXLIST: Take offense? That's intriguing. Over what? That'san interesting idea -

2000-11-01 Thread narvis ...pez

"in the near future, plans may be developed which take
their cue from games and atlhetics, where the regulations
provide for a variety of moves that make the outcome always uncertaint. a
score might be written, so general in its
instructions that it could be adapted to basic types
of terrain such as oceans, woods, cities, farms,; and to basic
kind of performers such as teenagers, old people, children,
matrons, and so on, including insects, animals and the weather. this could
be printed and mail-ordered for use by anyone who wanted it. greorge brecht
has been interested in such posibilities for some time now. his sparse
scores read like this:

Arrange to observe a sign
indicating direction of travel.

¬ travel in the indicated direction

• travel in another direction

"but so far they have been distributed to friends, who perform them at
their discretion and without ceremony, certainly they are aware of the
pholosophic allusions to zen buddhism, of the subtle wit and childlike
simplicity of the activites indicated. most of all, they are aware  of the
responsability it places on the performer to make something of the
situation or not. as we mentioned before in connection with another of
brecht's pieces, this implications its the most radical potential in all of
the work discussed in this book. beyond a small group  of initiates, there
are few who could derive pleasure from going ahead and doing them without
self-cosciousness. in the case of those happenings with more detailed
instructions or more expanded action, the artist must be present at every
moment , directing and participating , for the tradition is too young for
the complete stranger to know what to do with such plans if he got them."
(alan kaprow)

At 10:16 am -0600 1/11/00, cecil touchon wrote:
Three Aqueous Events

George Brecht 1961

That the simplicity of it causes literally any action that includes these three
states of water to be a variation on his work. That's kind of  like staking off
wilderness, one stake in each of its four corners, and saying that because you
have placed these four stakes anything that happens within them is trespassing.

FLUXLIST: make art not war

2000-10-31 Thread narvis ...pez

1. Is there a relation between art and peace? If  yes, what is this

peace :=: make art not war

FLUXLIST: longa noite de pedra

2000-10-28 Thread narvis ...pez

no medio do caminho tinha uma pedra
tinha uma pedra no medio do caminho
tinha uma pedra
no medio do caminho tinha uma pedra

carlos drumond de andrade

o teito e de pedra.
de pedra son os muros
i as tebras.
de pedra o chan
i as reixas.
as portas,
as cadeas,
o aire,
as fenestras,
as olladas,
son de pedra.
i eu, morrendo
nesta longa noite
de pedra.

celso emilio ferreiro

FLUXLIST: e-mail art my body away virtual tatoo

2000-10-25 Thread narvis ...pez

thanks to all for encourage me 
support my satyrical performance (i guess).

well..., yes,
at last, i'll be splitted in 30 parts.
is great to be wanted by pieces
is very excited oot  very fun

actually i'm looking for answers in two or three
questions like, how to choose which part to whom,
maybe i must ask you which part you want "to cook"
or we must find an azarous way to e-mail the splits?
probably i left this to operari (an innocent hand)
i don't know..., but how i thing the better way to fight xenofobia is
laughing, if someone (carol like wings) have any piece in mind
only let me know.

onother quest is a technical one:
i 'm doing some probes with a umax 1220  an iMac
the machine is very light  maneagable.
one can play a game, static or with movement, with this "whitelight artifact".

in a web mode, i have beutiful "chunks" of 450 k
i need an expert opinion about the mode  size of the files we'll must use
(if there are any).

scott. what is a CAT scann? you meant with open eyes?

people of museum are more technological analphabets than me. how could talk
about "contemporary art"  ignore all these new technological stuff? oh
boy, they have not a web page yet. "is under construction", they said.

me too (i guess again)

i will have 45 minutes to perform 30 scannings
who come to see me will can perform one of six gestures
by scann: to cover the eyes with hands, to cover the ears..., the mouth...,
turn back, to pull the hair with hands, to clap the hands.
the audience will received an instruction sheet with score before the start.

cause i'll have not a phone line at my disposition in "scene"
i'll send you the images not during but after the performance
(by now)

that's all folks
i love fluxlist


(please let my know if a i miss someone)
contributors fluxlist:
carol starr (wing)
gabriel swossil
Cinthea Fiss [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joy Stick)
"lopshine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Roger Stevens" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ann klefstad [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Scott Rigby [EMAIL PROTECTED] (a chunk)
Candace Le Claire [EMAIL PROTECTED]
David Baptiste Chirot [EMAIL PROTECTED] "chiroglyphs"
"Aaron Kimberly" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"marie.feletti-hardouin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Eryk Salvaggio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Terrence Kosick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
John Lorenzini [EMAIL PROTECTED]
allen bukoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"alan bowman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Narcissus In Paradys [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i-mailart list:
"kiyotei *" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
majj - El Taller de Zenon [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Cecilia Noriega de Bozovich" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Raul Ferrera-Balanquet, MFA [EMAIL PROTECTED]
antonio aka cErverus "cErverus" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

FLUXLIST: slaken screws performance

2000-09-22 Thread narvis ...pez

slaken as much as screws
as you can,
the 26 september 2000

narvis  ...pez

FLUXLIST: street performer protocol

2000-09-22 Thread narvis ...pez

"a post-copyright scheme in which a patron
of the arts puts money in an online
escrow account in anticipation of an artist's
upcoming release.
when an account reaches a certain amount,
the work is released into the public domain."

(from wired magazine 8.09 p. 102)

Re: FLUXLIST: What is the Millennial Workbook?

2000-09-19 Thread narvis ...pez

magichanical thinking performance cliche (1)
(supposedly the ignition system of your car fault
at middle of traffic  you don't know how to fix it)

1.- open the bonnet top panel of the car bodywork.
2.- keep it open  up (with two hands) while watching the engine with
ignorant face (5 seconds).
3.- shut up the top panel with violence putting all your soul  thinking
that this action will solve the ignition problem.

(repeat action with abrupt rhytms  intervals to going inside car  trying
to start the engine "normally" how many times you need;
if the magichanical thinking performance cliche (1) "doesn't work" for a
while, end the action --preferible before you loose the battery power--,
call for help with a megaphone; print the score  give to people interested
in what is wrong with you car)

At 03:07 pm -0700 18/9/00, Eryk Salvaggio wrote:
The millenial workbook is simply a collection of new
performance scripts. The old workbook can be seen,
and used, if you're at all like me, as a new


Of course, simplicity of the score is crucial
as they are to be performed as music; if you notice,
the sparse nature of the instructions is a key piece of
the beauty of these pieces.

While people are welcome to write scripts for the book,
I was hoping merely to "collect" scripts that are already
existing. But who amm I to stop the party? If you get inspired
by the old school workbook, send one in, wether to the
list or to me directly.


Re: FLUXLIST: Tristram Shandy

2000-09-13 Thread narvis ...pez

i never forget the chapter of ulysses
called circe's episode
this is the best antinationalist text
i've ever read

At 08:51 pm -0400 12/9/00, meryl wrote:
Wait a minute now!  I've read both Finnegan's Wake and Ulysses.  In fact
I've read Ulysses several times, it's one of my top 5 favorite books.  I
don't believe that the nice boys and girls on this list haven't gotten past
Dubliners and Portrait of the Artist in their explorations of Joyce (you
have looked into JJ haven't you?  Of course you have!).

Certainly these are not "easy" books, but they're so very wonderful.  If you
don't feel up to the "big books" I would recommend Anthony Burgess' essays
on JJ called ReJoyce.

Soon I'll start carrying on about Pynchon

Kiss Kiss

Devon:  got your packet and am sorting through it.  more concrete info soon.

From: veljeni [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Tristram Shandy
Date: Mon, Sep 11, 2000, 10:02 AM

  I don't think I've ever met anyone
  who has read the whole thing through
  (bit like Finnegan's Wake)

 I don'¨t even know anyone who has actually read Ulysses. But one of my big
 plans for the future is to translate Finnegan's Wake into Finnish. I
 already bought Webster's huge dictionary. I still lack a copy of the book
 itself. And no I haven't read it, not a single page.

 Hmmm...anyway, its extremly boring read today.
 So slow. How he travelled. So much detail.

 It's difficult. Strange phrases, strange words. And translations suck.


Re: FLUXLIST: Name the Band

2000-09-12 Thread narvis ...pez

Orphic Baroque Girls

At 02:32 pm +0100 11/9/00, Patricia Dean wrote:
To All:   My friend Lila has a new chamber music group.  They need  a
name!!   Musicians are violinist, cellist, guitarist (guitarist also
plays lute and mandolin), soprano vocalist (also flutist).  Music consists
of opera, classical, baroque, renaissance, celtic, jazz, and, oh, popular
stuff.   Help!!! (that last cry is from Lila)   Best, PK

Re: FLUXLIST: elf ortrait

2000-09-03 Thread narvis ...pez

s x -  s -   r - l st -  ll  nc

At 12:55 am -0700 3/9/00, Eryk Salvaggio wrote:
Thought some of you might enjoy this
piece by Ian Campbell, posted to the
rhizome list:

pr b rth - c nc pt  n - pr snt d y

Re: FLUXLIST: Unfinished Project

2000-08-31 Thread narvis ...pez

recently i start to see my self like an "open ended" project
(like a salmon swimming up the river to deshovar
or sisifo pushing up the stone over the mountain)
i used to start "things" and let them alone adding details from time to time
maybe this is cause i work for myself  i'm not hurry
to end nothing in my life.
i hate to finish everything i love.
so, count on me here.



At 08:06 pm -0500 30/8/00, David Baptiste Chirot wrote:
Salutations Roger et Cie.--

   "unfinished business" project--

   (it cd just be left "open ended", rather than "finished off"!)

   sometimes an unfinished piece seems to suggest so many
   tantalizing detours, side streets, by ways--

   that one wants to leave it unfinished, as to complete it might be
   to forever cut off those avenues of promise  possibility

   it is like a dream from which one awakes and can't quite recall
   all the fragments--an so it continues to haunt the mind  memory

   of course, one cd always just make many copies of the unfinished
piece and then to each one do a different versions of finishing it

   but sometimes is more powerfully moving to just leave that
   haunting open ended pathway --open for dreaming . . .

   unfinished business:  room to dream


2000-08-31 Thread narvis ...pez

kadafy burn the venezuelan embasy in tripoli..., once

At 07:33 pm +0200 29/8/00, Heiko Recktenwald wrote:
 It's not cia anything, it's his own perception from his own experience
 in the place under discussion. Don't let's be silly.


Btw, what are the opinions on Mr. G. of Lybia ? Is he, as Newsweek once
said, "the most dangerous man of the world" or did he just close an
american harbour ? Navy etc...


2000-08-29 Thread narvis ...pez

ok, travek to habana is like to travel in the time to the past.

this is a brief description about what i've done om habana
in seven days wiyh a v-8 sony handycam (the first one without mechanical zoom
in a box  with a little v'8 reproductor), five cassetes /2 hours each. 
two batt-
(a par of good shoes iranies)

first walk:
from outside hotel to suburbios of the city
(when the lumpen are)  return to hotel for diffrents ways
camera on hand all time watching everything
 stopped in some places for which y feel any perception
visual or sonoro.

then at the hotel in the room
to made records from news on tv
 charges de batts
at the library of the hotel the more recent
magazine i found was cosmopolitan 81
(seven years later)

sexond walk:
the same in other direcction

repeat and repeat
and repeat the scanning of city
until the end of cassettes

what did i found?
well in this videos you have a record
real documentary of la habana streets
including people, modes, transport, foods, stores, publicity
workers, unemployers, barbershops, coffes, etc: the habana way of life

some activities organized for
"la casa de las americas" (an official editorial which invited us to travel)
like visit a womans jail, an hospital, one or two palaces,
 a meet with minister of culture (specially censored for video cameras)
i was there like journalist for a written medio

ps: who going to habana?
maybe he want to do the same azarous technic
of videos streets twelve years later  and we can compare
if there are any changes

At 10:10 am -0700 29/8/00, ann klefstad wrote:
It's not cia anything, it's his own perception from his own experience
in the place under discussion. Don't let's be silly.


"St.Auby Tamas" wrote:


 Should "narvis  ...pez" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 be expulsed from the Fluxlist
 for his ignominious, boring, blockhead CIA-blahblah
 or not?

 Yes -No -



Re: FLUXLIST: Re: havanna

2000-08-29 Thread narvis ...pez

memorias del subdesarrollo is from tomas gutierrez alea
he  other extraordinary filmakers from the young revolution
are in silence or leave cuba, like the photographer (antifranquista)
nestor almendros who done more than 20 documentary films in la habana
castrista with the ICAIC (film institute marxista style) who wrote in his
book "camera days" (seix barral 1983. p.46):

"in 1961, after bahia de cochinos, the film industry in cuba was
nationalized under de dominance of alfredo guevara valdes (nothing to do
with el che) he controled personaly all productions, distribution, the
movie theaters, laboratorys  the onlyone cinematographic magazine. all
like shumyatsky, the sadly famous minister of cinematography of stalin.
guevara valdes impòsed decisions in absolutlely way, over all of us. at
last i realized that we are not workiung for the people of cuba, than for
the statal monopoly  that the autority acted not like a revolutionary one
than like a any productor capitalist. in other words: we are forced to done
films of propaganda permanently , so i start to film weekend with my bolex
16mm a short film very different with virgin tails of other proyects. i
called "people on beach"
and there was a study of behaviors... for that they start to call me
they censored my film , the montaje room was closed for me with two
milicians on the door
the film was banned because was not a politic one... "

ps: nestor almendros have a long carrer in europa  US after leave cuba
he work in extraordinary films sophie's choice, still of the night, le
dernier metro, the blue lagoon, kramer vs kramer, and many others... he
never return to cuba.
(the text of almendros is my translate, sorry for mistakes)

At 10:28 am -0700 29/8/00, ann klefstad wrote:
Memories of Underdevelopment was a Cuban film, a fictional film, not a
docu, very lovely.
Burnt by the Sun, another lovely harrowing thing from USSR
Lots of stunning Fifth Generation Chinese films, Red Sorghum, Big Parade,
Blue Kite
of course all those old Eisensteins, Potemkin, Ivan, etc

Eryk Salvaggio wrote:

 Trying to steer the Cuban discussion into art topica
 [as revolutionary art is always a fave discussion topic
 of mine:]

 Oddly enough, the sundance channel just played
 "A History Of Underdevelopment," a documentary made
 in Cuba about the disappearance of hope in Cuba
 post- Castro

 It was certainly not an invigorating film, ending with
 the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Speech Castro gave
 about how Cuba would not back down, how they
 were United as a nation, that this was a test of thier
 independance and unity as a nation- and of course, they
 backed down. Fitting ending I think...

 Does anyone know of any other movies made within
 Communist Regimes? I was fascinated by a look at
 Animation in the Soviet Union on Bravo's animation
 festival a while back; but these films seem very hard to
 find in the USA.

 mn wrote:

   A big jail??? Oh, please. The Cold War is over. Would you say the
same thing about Mexico? How about any other third world country. How
much time did you spend there? Where did you go? Any tourist with $$$ is
king anywhere.
  About a week ago I saw this documentary about Cuba and recycling. It
doesn't actually seem like a paradise to Cubans. The embargo kind of
sucks. It never cleared to me when the embargo started and when it, if it
has, stopped.
  Me thinks in France tourist with dollars isn't king, but more likely a
court jester. At least speaking just Finnish and bad English wasn't
adored in Paris back in late eighties.

FLUXLIST: devon'srequest

2000-08-28 Thread narvis ...pez

pedro ...pez
p.o.box 091505
el remanso
santacruz de aragua

Re: FLUXLIST: Take this quiz!

2000-08-28 Thread narvis ...pez

we are been cloning here?

At 10:08 am -0400 27/8/00, meryl wrote:
From: "Melissa McCarthy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FLUXLIST: Take this quiz!
Date: Fri, Aug 25, 2000, 7:24 PM

 Are you an artist? Have people told you that you are artistic? Take this
 quiz and find out! Answer yes or no to the following questions:

 * Do you regularly have some form of pigment on one or more bodily appendage
 that is *not* everyday makeup?
 * Have you ever seen something by the side of the road while you are driving
 that you've stopped and run back to pick up?
 * Do friends regularly call you and say "No one else wanted this, but I
 thought you might" ?
 * Does your family excuse your behavior because "She/he is an artist"?
 * When you go for short walks, do you bring a bag along "just in case" you
 find something?
 * Are there boxes in your possession with labels like "Broken Glass", "Metal
 Bits", and "Miscellaneous Art Stuff" ?
 * Have you ever doodled on a beer coaster, coctail napkin or placemat and
 found it hanging up in the establishment after you left?
 * Do you find yourself thinking that, if you *did* wind up in an asylum, not
 only would you have time to work on your art but it would also become
 instantly more valuable?
 * Do the clerks at the post office smile and/or cringe when they see you
 coming? Do they regularly suggest "these nice free envelopes"? Do they often
 call other clerks to "take a look at *this*" ?
 * Has anyone ever given you food or money for something you've made?
 * Has a small tag with your name on it ever been on a wall next to something
 you've made, with or without a dollar amount?
 * Does the way you're dressed regularly make others smile?
 * Has anyone ever crossed the street to avoid you?
 * Have you ever made a small child cry just by looking at him/her?
 * Have you ever smoked a whole pack of cigarettes while drinking straight
 whiskey because a piece was rejected from a show that you really should have
 gotten into except that the juror is obviously an ass with a personal
 vendetta against work with any *real* content and is hopelessly stuck in a
 traditional, representational RUT!?


I always suspected that my life was being recorded somewhere by someone, I
just didn't know it was you.

Indeed, I was taken by friends to a five-mile stretch of Jersey Shore
boardwork last week and came home with almost two dozen little plastic bags
filled with skee-ball tickets, candy wrappers, organic flotsom and jetsome
from the beach, and tons of tossed discarded plastic and paper junk I have
yet to identify.

Making children cry since 1971



2000-08-28 Thread narvis ...pez

thanks meryl
i got a chianti 1993
 cooking "calamares rellenos en su tinta"

thanks for the transparent marbles box too
but another copy of fluxlist box is enough

ps: how do you know i like toy tractors?
At 10:19 am -0400 27/8/00,  wrote:

He should be sent a bottle of decent port wine and a box of transparent
marbles.  And maybe a toy tractor.

That oughta learn 'im.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (St.Auby Tamas)
Date: Sun, Aug 27, 2000, 7:05 AM


 Should "narvis  ...pez" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 be expulsed from the Fluxlist
 for his ignominious, boring, blockhead CIA-blahblah
 or not?

 Yes -No -




2000-08-28 Thread narvis ...pez

calamares hate machines
including nuclear submarines
they run, run, run...
to supermarket sale of the week

At 09:47 pm -0400 28/8/00, meryl wrote:
My dear,

Is there anyone who doesn't like toy tractors?!

I envy your calamares and chianti.  Tonight my dinner came from a machine.
Tomorrow night the port for sure


From: "narvis  ...pez" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, Aug 28, 2000, 6:28 PM

 thanks meryl
 i got a chianti 1993
  cooking "calamares rellenos en su tinta"

 thanks for the transparent marbles box too
 but another copy of fluxlist box is enough

 ps: how do you know i like toy tractors?
 At 10:19 am -0400 27/8/00,  wrote:

He should be sent a bottle of decent port wine and a box of transparent
marbles.  And maybe a toy tractor.

That oughta learn 'im.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (St.Auby Tamas)
Date: Sun, Aug 27, 2000, 7:05 AM


 Should "narvis  ...pez" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 be expulsed from the Fluxlist
 for his ignominious, boring, blockhead CIA-blahblah
 or not?

 Yes -No -



Re: FLUXLIST: Re: havanna

2000-08-27 Thread narvis ...pez

oh yeah,
i'm wrong
 i'm wrong too
when i said that in cuba
there is no room for a subversive art:
the people what are making underground connectivity
are the aubversive new artist in cuba.

At 09:27 pm -0400 26/8/00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In a message dated 8/26/00 8:04:50 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  people want to be free, and construct antenas to see wireless tv
 or radio, or any signal to bypass this channel

I thought you said they couldn't see American TV Now you're saying they

jay marvin

Re: FLUXLIST: Re: havanna

2000-08-27 Thread narvis ...pez

c'm jay
i'm not the problem
the problem is fidel  his paternalism
comunnist, out of date, noltalgic, censorship
"revolutionary" style

At 09:26 pm -0400 26/8/00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In a message dated 8/26/00 3:05:43 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 oh yeah
 paquito de rivera used to hear jazz at night hiden in obscurity
because this was not a revolutionary activity (this is before
leave cuba)

There are those who believe what they are told all their lives, and then
there are those who go and find out for themselves.  Try it sometime you
might learn something.
jay marvin

Re: FLUXLIST: Re: havanna

2000-08-27 Thread narvis ...pez

i done ten hours of v-8 in streets
5 videos of 2 hours each
if someone want to see
i can negociate a copy
or send to someone to distribute or show
or be a part of a performance
this is part of a ywo videos instalation called
la habana-"texas"
in one video are ten hours oh habana
in the other are ten hour of new york, washington dc, cleveland, los angeles

At 09:30 pm -0400 26/8/00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In a message dated 8/26/00 8:23:42 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 all its possible.
but there is not evidence that someone outside communist party
can reach public opinion, or if there is any public opinion there.

Sure there is. There's a so called "democracy movement" funded by the US.
Another example that you know only what you read. No where in the world will
you ever find anyone who is totally happy with their government. There are
many in Cuba who support various aspects of the government. There are some
who don't. All you have to do is walk down the street, and start talking to
the people you meet. You'll get all kinds of answers.
jay marvin

Re: FLUXLIST: poetry and revolution was: havanna

2000-08-27 Thread narvis ...pez

the shot of two birds
is waiting countdown.
who going to shutdown
the song underground?

At 04:43 pm -0700 27/8/00, St.Auby Tamas wrote:

Build an Iron Curtain all around on the equator.
Overfeed the people on the north hemisphere and
underfeed the people on the south hemisphere.
Check their poetries on the net.



Re: FLUXLIST: Re: havanna

2000-08-26 Thread narvis ...pez

oh yeah
 paquito de rivera used to hear jazz at night hiden in obscurity
because this was not a revolutionary activity (this is before
leave cuba)
who have de power of written press?
no.  only de communist party.
/ the gramma is the worst newspaper i've ever read
even the cubans think gramma is a shit

 what about internet?
do you know the e-mail of fidel?

oh jay,
dont be a hero
you cant live there more than a weekend.

great art?
for sure
in 1986 i was in washington dc makin an interview
to ceo of museo de arte latinoamericano  (in us)
he said he was interested in look the art
"hiden in socialists countries, because there will be
an opressed reality, and artists (he mint painters)
have the power to express that opressivity  fight against in a
simbolic way"
did you know that in cuba revolutionary filmakers (now in other countries)
are banned his names from his films?

trying anyone here to mail-art cuba?
yeah, cuba is a cool place to bronze
 drink daikiris in bodeguita del medio
but for cubans, try to talk with cubans in a street?
they run away like you are the diablo
thats is because somebody is watching him talkin with a tourist
 this is an suspicion activity there.

ps: what about a list like this (or any)  in cuba, or china, or korea?
cold war? is a ideological one. they love cold war
because they cant have a hot one (like sadan)

At 10:38 pm -0400 25/8/00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This is not the palce to argue about Cuba. But I will tell you that I have
sat in my friends' home and watched American TV (NYPD Blue) on a Russian
set. I also know the Cubans can hear US radio because my station gets into
Cuba after 12 midnight EST. Enough said. Think what you wish.


 At 10:26 am -0400 25/8/00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here's the little game we play with the Cubans: they see American TV and
 think the streets are paved with gold here, But when they get here they
 that it's not so.

 they didnt see american tv, or european tv, or latinamerican tv
 they only see cuban tv, one channel, the fidel channel.
 people want to be free, and construct antenas to see wireless tv
 or radio, or any signal to bypass this channel

 People leave Cuba because of economics.

 not at all
 they leave because they want to be free

 If we would lift
 the embargo things on the island would get better.

 wrong again
 there is no one embargo
 we have two embargos
 one from usa
 one from cubans
 from usa the embargo is economic
 from cuban is ideological and technological
 i was there with a group of left-intelectual people
  we meet with the culture minister
 he said: "we must stand the shield of our national identity against yanqui

 The Cuban economy grows at
 about the rate of 6 to 7% a year. It would grow faster if the blockade were
 lifted. Here in this country corporate interests are now running more and
 more of most people's lives. Most media i.e. radio, TV, print are owned by
 big companies with just a few owing most. Read the Communications Act of
 1996. The only thing that saves us here is that we have material
wealth. But
 we live in a highly managed society. Latin America would be far better
off if
 this country would keep its hands off. There is no cold war in Cuba.
Only the
 insane economic war between Cuba and the US Most in Cuba are far better off
 than say their counterparts in other Latin American countries.
 Viva Fidel!

 h, jay, did you like fidel?
 this is because you dont live there.

 Ps: a joke
 one cuban gay said to another
 "in US people have free expression. any body can said: fuck clinton"
 "also in cuba we have that: any body can said, fuck clinton too"

Re: FLUXLIST: Re: havana

2000-08-26 Thread narvis ...pez

art over politic ideological totalitarism
become subversive or its only propaganda.

there are some room for subversive art in cuba?
i dont think so.


At 04:07 am -0400 26/8/00, Kathy Forer wrote:

Is it possible to address this in art?
Even given the need for heroic overcoming, can the artistic spirit
triumph in such dire circumstances;
If art exists there, it can't be so extremely hopelessly
impoverished. Art too can't live without nourishment, it mostly fails
in the face of insurmountable extremes. A story about the poet who
had to stop so she could feed her children; when they had grown and
she had some freedom she couldn't write either, her work had gone,
either used up or lost.

Re: FLUXLIST: Re: havanna

2000-08-26 Thread narvis ...pez

At 11:07 pm -0700 25/8/00, Eryk Salvaggio wrote:
Hm, maybe there is more than one mindset in Cuba?

all its possible.
but there is not evidence that someone outside communist party
can reach public opinion, or if there is any public opinion there.

Maybe some people idealize america, and some people
idealize Castro?

the problem with ideologies, specially with those selfcalled "revolutionaries"
is that they are becoming obsoletes very soon today (like technologies).
they have only one chance to survive the social changes is to keep society
coviniently stagnat in the past

I know that when i was in Amstterdam I found a couple
who hated amsterdam- one of the "free-est" cities in the world-
and were trying to get back IN to Cuba.

there are some people who hate liberty, specially
when this is expressed free of social restrictions.
the bureacrat socialism is an ambient disposed to that.

But I also have heard, numerous times, of the art there, and
all of it deals with the need for the spirits of people to be elevated
out of the extreme poverty and structure.

the art product over statism realism socialist- or communist
have his social role to keep people in one midnset
the rebel artist have no room to express.


Re: FLUXLIST: Re: havanna

2000-08-25 Thread narvis ...pez

terrible but true
to live in cuba is like to live in fifties (last century)
the cold war is not over there
this is why my upset with cuban socialism
 venezuelan socialism too
third world socialism too
everybody living from state
thinking like state
working (if you have employee) for state
to live  work in cuba you must be a burocrat.mind of the communist party
or forget it.

i'been in havana for a week
with a little handycam sony (the very first model)
with a big angular lens (no zoom)
i took ten hours of video
 i found al last two or three people trying to "contact" me
for leave the iland, including a boy in a street
that call me back:
"sr. sr. i want to go to united estates"

 about mexico i tell you something:
from red river to down
we latin-americans are suffering the same myth:
we learn that we are "the future of the world"
"the cosmic race"  this is cause of our hispaniard origen

while united states in eighteen century are bunch of savages developing
a very big country that we see today
we are a bunch of condes  duques developing
the imperio espanhol

if the imperio espanhol failed
is not cause of the maine (the ship), or the raisin of an imperial united
is cause the spaniards are the most self-dishonest
 the latin americans are alike
 we dont accept we are wrong
we can live for centurys against true

thats is why in cuba is still in cold war.
 more: tha worst about to live like if we have in the cold war
(so in the past) is that if there is no cold war
there is a hot one
 turn to look colombia
 venezuela (with the little transnight dictatorship chavez)

we instead to learn english
 open our minds to global world
 a technological revolution
we are fighting a hot war (colombia)
 still in a cold war (cuba, venezuela, mexico, etc)
against usa
this is crazy jaymarvin boy

ps: apologize the spanglish

At 11:41 pm -0400 24/8/00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
A big jail??? Oh, please. The Cold War is over. Would you say the same
thing about Mexico? How about any other third world country. How much time
did you spend there? Where did you go? Any tourist with $$$ is king


 any tourist with $s are king in havana
 but havana  all the isla is a big jail for cubans
 the very best places in cuba are for people from outside
 while the cubans cant touch any hotel, any store, any beach
 thats is why the cubans dream to live the "paradise"

 amyway i was there in 1988
 so i can talk about two or three cool places
 like "la trova de yoya".
 she is a big black old girl with a great voice
  there always are young musicians
 playing guitars and singing boleros

 ask for "la trova de yoya"
 this is a little house
 in san lazaro (frente al mar) in havana.

 if you find
 said hello for me to yoya


 At 09:27 pm -0400 23/8/00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't mean to jump in, but I've been to Cuba, and it's great! You'll
 love it. The people are cool. The art is great!
 Jay Marvin
 WLS Radio Chicago
  hi david,
  i am so glad that you are going to be there, hope you will tell all
 about it.
  are you going to mexico first? senseless that the usa still has an
 imbargo on cuba.
  bye, carol :)
  David Baptiste Chirot wrote:
   hullo carol--
   Oh I am glad you mailed your mask--am Clemente's assistant
for the
   parade as we will meet unless unforseen circumstance obtrude in
Havana for
   it--for three years now very good friends--i am collecting works from
   Milwaukee to bring--

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