[EPIC] We need to start using the epic mailing list again

2009-11-16 Thread Jeremy Nelson

In the past few years, the use of this list has dwindled off to a small
trickle, and I often don't want to disrupt the peaceful slumber of you all.
So many of the conversations happen on irc, but of course not everybody
is on irc at the same time so it's not optimal.

I think I'm going to start encouraging people to use this mailing list more
to discuss epic issues, rather than having all of these conversations on irc.

I'm going to start discussions not only about epic features for which I need
some guidance, but the epic website as well.

List mailing list

Re: [EPIC] im building an rpm for epic 5

2009-07-10 Thread Jeremy Nelson

Im working to bundle epic 5 into an RPM for Fedora Linux, and ive run 
across a few bugs.

SMP Make does not work in the latest epic5 tar.gz source.  Can this be 

Can you offer any advice or guidance as to how it does not work?   Logfiles
would be appreciated, make output, etc.

Also the IP option is nonstandard for the makefile and should be 

I'm unsure how to respond to this.  The IP option in the Makefile is set by 
--program-prefix, which was demanded by the Debian people, and isn't used 
for directories that I can see.  I am generally unfamiliar with the DESTDIR
option, although we do support --prefix and the full suite of --*dir 
configure options.

Can you offer advise or guidance as to how DESTDIR should be supported; what 
configure option would set it, etc?

Thanks a bunch!  I look forward to being able to resolve these issues with you.
List mailing list

[EPIC] Reminder: iconv to be made mandatory now

2009-01-01 Thread Jeremy Nelson
I promised not to break anything until epic5-1.0 was released.  Well now
it's done, and it's time to make iconv() a mandatory dependancy.  If you
build epic binaries from source, you *_MUST_* have iconv() installed and if
you are a package maintainer, epic *_MUST_* depend on iconv() support 
being installed somehow.  

Up until now iconv() has been an optional dependancy but this is going to 
change.  This was all discussed and vetted on the mailing list, so there 
is no going back.  Iconv() is critical to utf8 support, which will be the
main impetus of epic5-1.2.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  It is expected
that this cutover will happen 'real soon now'.


List mailing list

[EPIC] EPIC5-0.9.0 released

2008-12-01 Thread Jeremy Nelson
I've released epic5-0.9.0 which is a stable candidate beta release for maybe
what will become epic5-1.0.  There has been a steady increase in people saying
that the only thing that stops them from using epic5 is that we won't call it
a production release, even though it always pretty much has been.  So to make
everybody happy, everyone seemed to be of one accord that we should just 
release what we have as production and then continue on with things.

It's now available at the normal place:

I haven't decided what the parameters of the voting will be this time 
around since I assume there are a lot less epic users than there used to 
be, but maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.

Thanks to all who contributed their effort to get us to this point!

List mailing list

Re: [EPIC] EPIC5-0.9.0 released

2008-12-01 Thread Jeremy Nelson
* Jeremy Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-12-01 17:30]:

 I've released epic5-0.9.0 which is a stable candidate beta release for maybe
 what will become epic5-1.0.

I searched the wiki, but couldn't find info about epic5 and UTF8.
Does/will epic5 support UTF(8)?

No -- EPIC5 does not support utf8 and won't for this release.  I'm still
looking for someone who has experience with utf8 support in C programs to 
give me help in identifying and converting all of the code that assumes that
one byte == one column == one glyph to the new way of doing things in unicode.

Alas, nobody has really shown any interest at all in helping, and so it 
awaits time for me to learn how to do it and accomplish it among all of 
the other things.  I apologize if the tone of the previous statement seems
impudent -- it's really more a sense of resignation that I have to do it
all myself and people will keep asking me why it isn't done yet...

List mailing list

[EPIC] I will be around North Carolina the week of Labor day...

2008-08-04 Thread Jeremy Nelson
I will be around NC the week of Labor Day, and am looking for anyone who 
lives around that area of the country who wants to talk about a gathering
of some of us.  There are no particulars yet, I'm still trying to figure
out who might be interested.  This is the 15th anniversary of EPIC so it
might be nice to see what we can whip up. =)


List mailing list

[EPIC] Test #2 -- Please forgive test

2008-05-09 Thread Jeremy Nelson

Why is it every time I upgrade mailman it breaks?  Why must it be so painful?
Why must it have so many security problems and need updating so frequently?

List mailing list

[EPIC] On reverse status bars and /set reverse_status_line

2006-09-29 Thread Jeremy Nelson
In EPIC4, we have /set reverse_status_line, which if ON prepends a ^V
to your status format and if OFF does not.

In EPIC5, we do not have /set reverse_status_line built in, and a ^V is
unconditionally prepended to your status format.  If you want a non-reverse
status line, you need to start your status format with ^O, which cancels ^V.

In EPIC5, we have a scripted /set reverse_status_line in 'builtins' which
does the job fine, by prepending the ^O to the status format.  But if the
user changes their status format, the ^O might be eliminated, and then the
status format goes back to reverse, and if the user /set's it ON, then the
script will try to remove the ^O that isn't there.

I am not in any way blaming the implementation for this problem, but I am
rather conceding that perhaps this /set is more complicated than can be 
handled adequately by a script right now.

What do people feel about restoring /set reverse_status_line as a hardcoded
feature?  It seemed like the right thing to do to remove it, but it's hard
to get all the edge cases correct.

List mailing list

[EPIC] New beta help files available

2006-09-06 Thread Jeremy Nelson
Many of you know about the new beta help file wiki nullie and I are 
setting up.  He has been doing most of the editing, for which I am 
immensely thankful!  This could not have been possible without his
tireless efforts.


At some point the help files will be in good enough shape that we'll
put them in production and they will take over http://epicsol.org/help.
But for now, they're the best we have!

The wiki is not editable via the web: all changes are done through cvs 
using a two-stage process to discourage vandalism.  The cvs project is
called 'wikihelp' and it's at the same CVSROOT.

List mailing list

Re: [EPIC] Request for discussion: doubly quoted words

2006-09-06 Thread Jeremy Nelson
BTW, the mailing list seems to be broken since I upgraded mailman
this morning, and you're receiving multiples.  I apologize for this,
and I'm trying to figure out what went wrong.

Nullie write:
[A modest proposal to be able to turn off support for words with spaces]

It is my personal opinion (as a user, not as a coder) that support for
words with spaces is important, and that it is undesirable for there not
to be a single set of rules on when double quoted words are supported
and when they are not.  It is also unfortunate that there are some places
you really wish you could turn off support for them, but you can't.

Any changes we make as a part of this discussion would have to be at the
language syntax level, because it's not practical to push down special flags
that modify how commands interpret their argument list **yet**.

But this is what got us into this problem in the first place.  The need
to distinguish between a string that contains deliberate double quoted
words and strings that may accidentally contain them is on a per-string
level, and we're talking about making global decisions.  It's not 
practical to be able to track this kind of thing, alas.

Perhaps all this is just another reason to switch to ruby.

(All of these are just my opinions and are not official statements)
List mailing list

[EPIC] First call for defects in epic4-2.4

2006-09-01 Thread Jeremy Nelson
Since the release of epic4-2.4, only minor changes have occured:

*) Fix crash when you do /nick unique-id on ircnet
*) Compile time support for maildir instead of mbox
*) Fix for broken file size in dcc handshakes on 64-bit sparc
*) Fix build for hpux by supporting isfinite(3) alongside finite(3)

These changes are minor in the big picture, but important enough to 
warrant a new maintainance release, which is scheduled to be epic4-2.6.

I need to know if anyone else has anything that needs to be fixed in 
epic4-2.4 before a new release.

List mailing list

Re: [EPIC] Epic5 and FreeBSD ports

2006-05-21 Thread Jeremy Nelson
I'm going to update the version of Epic5 in the FreeBSD ports tree to 
0.2.0.  I noticed that there doesn't seem to be help files available 
for 5.  Should I include the 4.x help files or just not install 
anything at all?

Yes.  Use the epic4 help files.  They are all we have for now.

btw 4.2.4 has been submitted and is just waiting to be committed.

Excellent. Thanks for being the maintainer! =)

List mailing list

[EPIC] EPIC5-0.0.7 available

2005-10-23 Thread Jeremy Nelson
It has been 6 months since the last announced release, epic5-0.0.5.
This release is available at


Any attempt to describe all the changes in the past 6 months would be 
woefully inefficient, so you should refer to the UPDATES file, and to 
the KNOWNBUGS file for the most gory details.  Here is a (very) brief
summary of the most noteworthy changes:

Changes in 0.0.6:
* New math parser now default, use /SET OLD_MATH_PARSER ON to go back
* /SET -CREATE removed (use /addset)
* /ON LEAVE changed to /ON PART
* Nicknames rejections are handled by a script now
* Server names without ports hunt for the first server, not port 6667
* Your startup script is loaded immediately at startup (as if you used -B)
* A bunch of /set's have been re-implemented as scripts
* /TIMER has been refactored and behaves more consistently.
* Nickname fudging is now handled by a script
* About 40 old (obsolete) scripts are removed
* Case insensitive string compares now done in C way, not the irc way.
* The === and !== operators in the new math parser do case sensitive compares.
* /EXEC -OUT dumps to your current target (channel or query) and not just chan

Changes in 0.0.7:
* Asynchronous dns lookups for server connections.
* A new set, /set display_mangle replaces 15 (removed) /sets
* Removal of support for 7 bit only terminals (8 bit terminals required now)
* All new unified string mangler/normalizer ($stripcrap(), /set display_mangle)
* Automatic scrollback rebreaking when window size changes.
* Highlight ignores now handled by a script
* Experimental support for sending files  2gb over dcc.

List mailing list

[EPIC] About gcc -O2 and alias safety

2005-10-12 Thread Jeremy Nelson
After doing some research, I have discovered (I think) the reason EPIC always
crashes at random if you compile it with gcc -O2.  It has to do not with 
bugs in epic, or bugs in gcc, but in assumptions gcc mades at -O2.

The gcc -O2 optimization level turns on strict alias optimizations.  Alias
safety is a new c99 concept which essentially forbids the use of congruent
structs to write ad hoc object oriented code, which is permitted in C90. [1]
Perhaps forbid is too strong a term, but rather, the result of using these
techniques is now explicitly undefined behavior.

EPIC makes strong use of these object oriented techniques (specifically,
alists), and therefore forgoing them is not an option since they are 
perfectly legitimite C90, but undefined C99.  Gcc3 and 4 now seem to assume
c99 by default, unless you say otherwise, and -O2 seems to really put the
screws down to code that isn't alias safe (ie, epic).

Therefore, I propose making it official policy that epic is not compatable 
with gcc -O2 because -O2 only works properly on code that conforms to C99's 
rules about alias safety: epic is a c90 program and does not conform.

Comments, questions, discussion?

[1] Example of object oriented technique in C90, forbidden by C99:

struct s1 { int x,y; };
struct s2 { int x,y; float f };
int func (struct s2 *ptr) { ptr-x = 5; }
int main (void)
struct s1 *ptr;
struct s2 var;

var.x = 1;
ptr = (struct s1 *)var;
printf(%d\n, var.x);

In C90, the results of the printf is 5.  In C99, it is undefined (could be 1,
could be 5).  

List mailing list

[EPIC] (important discussion) privmsg in response to a privmsg

2005-08-24 Thread Jeremy Nelson

Jm has wanted this change for a while, but has resisted my suggestions he
should appeal this issue to the list (all of you).  Since I do not support
the request to change this, I must apologize in advance for any lack of 
impartiality I may have regarding this discussion.  Anyone who disagrees 
with me, I beg and implore you to speak up now, because once the matter is 
settled, I want to keep it that way...

Since time immemorial, when you are inside of an /on caused by a privmsg
(/on msg, /on public*, /on ctcp, etc) and you try to send a PRIVMSG (/msg,
/ctcp, /redirect, etc), ircII has always (silently) changed it into a NOTICE.

This behavior is implied by the wording of the irc protocol, but is not 
explicitly mandatory.  There are various hackish ways around it, using 
/quote, /timer 0, etc.

EPIC maintains backwards compatability with ircII in this regard, and changes
your PRIVMSGs to NOTICEs because avoiding accidental message loops is one of
the responsibilities a client has.

Shall this feature be removed, and shall all restrictions on sending PRIVMSGs
from any place for any reason be removed?

I shall abide by the will of the consensus of those who participate in this
discussion, and I will consider the matter closed once we reach that consensus.
If there is no consensus, then I will not make any changes, but will continue
to consider the matter open.

List mailing list

[EPIC] About changing /exec -out to use /send instead of /say

2005-08-03 Thread Jeremy Nelson

So many of you know this, so bear with me:
/SEND   sends a message to the window's current target
/SAYsends a message to the window's current channel.
If you have a /query going in a window with a channel, the /query overrides
the channel as the current target.  This is the purpose of /say, to be able
to msg a channel in a window where you have a /query going.

Historically the /exec -out command has always used the /say command to 
redirect the output.  Recently it has been requested that we switch to 
using /send so it can be possible to /exec -out to a query.  

This change will mean if you have a channel and a /query in the same 
window, then /exec -out will send to the query, and not the channel.

This seems reasonable enough to me, but it is a break from backwards 
compatability, so it needs to be discussed and vetted in public.
What do you all think?

List mailing list

[EPIC] On string comparisons and case insensitivity...

2005-06-28 Thread Jeremy Nelson
Historically ircII has always had two different contexts in which strings
were compared in a case insensitive way:  Expressions, and wildcard patterns.

* In ircII expressions, strings are equal only if they are exactly identical,
  except that case differences are forgiven:
[abc] == [ABC]
  However, strings sort out case sensitively:
[BCD]   [abc]
  because 'B' (66) is less than 'a' (97).

* In ircII wildcard patterns, strings are handled the same way as expressions.

However, these do not take into account irc nicknames, which have their own
history.  The server considers the characters [\] uppercase equivalents to
{|} by rule (rfc1459) and the characters ^ and ~ equivalent by 
historical practice (but not by rule).

This means it was impossible to do string comparisons to see if some nickname
on irc was your nickname:
on ^ctcp * {
if ([$1] == N) {

But if your nickname contained any of [\]^{|}~, then the test would fail:
[foo~bar] and [foo^bar] are the same to the server, but different to ircII.

Similarly, $toupper() and $tolower() made no attempt to compensate for the
way servers do things.

So in EPIC3, the string comparisons were changed so they honored the server's
way of doing things.  The /on ctcp above would work if your nickname contained
an unusual letter.  But nothing else was changed -- particularly, regular 
expressions, and $toupper() and $tolower() were not affected.  This meant
you could not do this:
on ^ctcp '% $N *' {

if your nickname contained a weird character because only expression string
compare knew about the server way.

Today, some servers have de-supported the [\]^{|}~ characters, making them
different, rather than equivalent.  This is indicated by CASEMAPPING=ascii
or similar.  On these servers, [foo^bar] and [foo~bar] are DIFFERENT 
nicknames, instead of the same nickname.

Why is this important?  If someone with the nickname [foo^bar] is on a 
channel and someone else with [foo~bar] joins the channel, epic is going to
get mighty confused doing userhost caching because those are the same nick.

So what to do?  Should we just desupport the [\]^{|}~ characters in epic5,
because that is the way things are going, and it is easier?  Should we make
some sort of half-hearted attempt to try to figure out whether [\]^ should 
be the same as {|}~ or not, on the fly?

What about regular expressions?  What about $toupper() and $tolower()?

I could use some advice and suggestions.

List mailing list

Re: [EPIC] Regarding curses, and mandatory dependancies

2005-05-29 Thread Jeremy Nelson
Are you going to continue support for EPIC4 for those that don't want 
and/or need a curses interface?  

EPIC4 is a finished project and only severe bug fixes will ever be made
to it from this time forward.  It will not be ported to curses.

What sort of upgrade path would users have from EPIC5 - EPIC5 w/ 
curses? Reinstall or some other magic glue?

If all goes well, the upgrade will only require re-running configure and
everything will Just Work(tm).  If you don't have a sysv curses installed
(like ncurses), then configure won't work, and then you'd know you need
to install ncurses to continue.  I can always add a note to that effect 
in the configure script...

List mailing list

[EPIC] Regarding curses, and mandatory dependancies

2005-05-25 Thread Jeremy Nelson
Well, I was going to have to bring this issue up at some point, and so it
might as well be now.

Up throughout its lifetime, epic has never had any mandatory dependancies,
which just means another piece of software that absolutely must be installed
before epic will build.  EPIC has many optional dependancies (perl, tcl,
socks, ssl, and so on), but you're not required to take them.

But now I am at a place where it seems to really move forward with the 
interface, it is necessary to make epic a curses program, particularly to
use libpanel[1].  This makes a dependance on sysv curses (ncurses) a 
mandatory dependance.  This is a big step.

How do you all feel about making curses a mandatory dependancy for epic5?
System V Curses (ncurses) is a very widely deployed, but not necessarily 
universally available thing.


[1] libpanel is a library wrapper on top of sysv curses that implements a
3-dimensional multiple document interface (mdi).

List mailing list

[EPIC] [RFD] On loading startup scripts before connecting...

2005-05-15 Thread Jeremy Nelson
Historically, ircII clients have loaded your startup script (~/.ircrc)
after you make your first connection to the server.  This has been to 
permit you to change usermode, join channels, create windows, etc, in
your startup script, all of which you can't really do before you connect.

EPIC has the -B command line option which permits you to load your startup
script at boot time, and not at connect time.  If you want to do some action
at connect time with the -B command line option, you use /on connect.

In EPIC5, we have been scripting a great deal of functionality that used to
be hardcoded into the client.  Unless you use the -B command line option,
these features are not available to you until you connect.  This is become
more of a problem.

Thus, it is necessary to discuss whether the -B option should become the 
default (that ~/.ircrc always be loaded at boot time, rather than at connect
time), and a new command line option be added to turn that off.

Please share how you feel about this change.
List mailing list

[EPIC] EPIC5-0.0.4 now available

2005-03-15 Thread Jeremy Nelson
EPIC5-0.0.4 is now available.  This is the fourth alpha release of EPIC5,
the day after it's 15th month birthday.


In this release the following things are noteworthy:

* ### IMPORTANT ### global is no longer loaded automatically if you
  have an ~/.epicrc or ~/.ircrc file (or you use the -l command line
  option, or set the IRCRC or EPICRC environment variable, or in any
  way have epic load a file at startup).  You must make a one-time
  change by adding 'load global' to the stop of your startup script,
  if you want to continue to load global by default

* Entirely rewritten i/o subsystem, which is generalized.  To prove
  that I really mean it this time, there are implementations for 
  select(), poll(), freebsd's kqueue(), and pthreads, all of which
  have been tested to some extent or another.  This is controlled by
  a new configure option (./configure --with-multiplex=val). The
  default is always select() unless you choose another.

* Each server automatically gets an alternate name when you create
  it.  This first altname is what would appear in the status bar for
  the %S expando.  The %S expando has been changed to use this first
  altname.  This means if you change the altnames, you can change %S!

* There is a 'save' script which implements /save.  You can just do
  /load save, then /save is back!

* Error messages in the I/O subsystem may generate multiple errors
  over multiple lines.  Some of you will probably find this annoying,
  and you can suppress them with /on yell if you want to.

There are other changes, documented in UPDATES, but these are the most
important ones that are user-visible.

List mailing list

[EPIC] Review and housecleaning of default loaded scripts in epic5.

2005-02-28 Thread Jeremy Nelson
The default scripts that are loaded when you start up epic are specifically
global, and your ~/.epicrc.  You can do
/WHICH filename
to see where these files are if you don't know.  Now global loads

These scripts have not changed much in the past 10 years, and I'm starting 
to get more and more push-back from scripters who say they are getting in 
the way, and from users who tell me some of the features are implemented 

To start off this discussion, I have commented out a swath of oper-only
stuff in the 2.8script script.  This is stuff that I doubt anyone will
notice or miss, because I seriously doubt it even works.

What I would like from you all, is your patient review of the scripts 
that are loaded by epic, and comments upon what things you are quite sure
are not worth keeping.  Telling me that none of it is worth keeping is not
the kind of helpful feedback I am hoping for.  Something more along the 
lines of The handler for /on 210 is not useful because it assumes a format
that hasn't been used since irc2.8.20.

I also need to know which features that are in these scripts you are using
on a regular basis.  If nobody seems interested in these scripts, then many
of these features may be revised, or excised, to reduce cruftiness.

A lack of feedback will tell me that people don't really have a lot of
emotional investment in these scripts, and that it will be ok for me to
reduce cruft by eliminating features that probably don't work.  Then the
ball will be put back into your court to object about the changes after
the fact.

In absolutely no case will any of these changes be made to epic4.  EPIC4 
is done, finished, completed, end-of-lined, and will not be changed.  This
discussion is strictly for epic5.

List mailing list

[EPIC] EPIC5 testers requested

2005-01-25 Thread Jeremy Nelson
EPIC5 is getting rather stable, and EPIC5-0.0.3 is almost ready for release,
so I could use a few hard core people who are interested in testing this
before it goes out.  I just added a $symbolctl(), so it would be useful if 
any scripters who wanted to play around with it would give me practical
feedback (ie, is it actually useful?) before we get too far.

The code is in CVS, so drop by either of the two #epic's (efnet, or the 
private irc.acronet.net server) if you want to discuss anything.

List mailing list

[EPIC] Need freebsd ports commiter to upgrade epic4 port

2005-01-10 Thread Jeremy Nelson
Because our previous freebsd epic4 maintainer [EMAIL PROTECTED] was 
cleared because the email address bounces, we don't have a maintainer,
and Jeremy Chadwick has updated the port with ports/75707.  

If you are on this list and are a freebsd ports commiter, would you be
willing to facilitate this pr for us?

Thank you very much,
List mailing list

[EPIC] EPIC4-2.2 now available

2004-12-14 Thread Jeremy Nelson
I am happy to announce the release of the third production version of EPIC4,
epic4-2.2, now available at the following locations:


This is a maintainance release for epic4-2.0, from which you will probably
want to upgrade only as your script requires it.

The only end-user-visible changes are support for the 0 nickname on ircnet,
and +e and +I channel modes (particularly for efnet).  There are other user-
visible changes, but they're mostly of interest to scripters, and are explained
in the UPDATES and KNOWNBUGS file.

This is (hopefully) the end of the line for epic4.

Jeremy Nelson
EPIC Software Labs
List mailing list

[EPIC] EPIC4-2.2 passes vote of confidence!

2004-12-03 Thread Jeremy Nelson
EPIC4-2.1.1 (as amended, nee epic4-2.1.3) has been accepted as a production
release of epic4, to be released as epic4-2.2!

There is a final 72 hour final countdown period during which you may try
the very last cvs commit, and file any last minute objections.


More updates as events warrant.
List mailing list

[EPIC] New EPIC! Vote update

2004-12-01 Thread Jeremy Nelson
I have had a request for 5 material changes for epic4-2.1.3


* Fix wording of default messages for 347 and 349 numerics.

(Requested by blackjac -- 347 and 349 numerics are not bans, 
so do not say end of ban list)

* Fix column alignment for /timer list.

(Requested by blackjac -- /TIMER's list got messed up due to some 
brain damage on my part.

* Fix add_to_window() to stop runaway recursion through /set output_rewrite.

(Requested by Larne, who rules because he also wrote a patch to fix
the problem!  Go Larne! -- It's possible to trick
/set output_rewrite into infinitely recursion, which crashes
epic.  It will try hard not to allow that now.)

* Fix bug in expand_alias() -- all output must be privileged_yell()!

(Found fixing the above bug, expand_alias() can do a put_it(), 
which can induce an infinite recursion problem in 
add_to_window().  All output in expand_alias() is required
to be a privileged_yell(), so fix this.)

* Change /on send_to_server so it can't be hooked recursively.

(Requested by jm -- All of the other /on send_* hooks are non-
recursive, meaning you don't have to worry about them
infinitely recursing if you don't change the text enough
to not match the same /on again.  It's very dangerous for
/on send_to_server to be used because of this, and changing
it just makes more sense.)

OF ALL OF THESE, the last one is the one that may be most noticed.  If you
want to object to anything, please let me know!

The vote is currently 13-0.  I'm not going to restart the vote for these 5
changes, because I think people would kill me.  So if you voted yes, then
please test, and change your vote if you don't like the new changes!

Once the vote reaches 15-0, there will be an announcement to the list with
further instructions.

List mailing list

[EPIC] What is a space? And who is using a non-C locale?

2004-11-08 Thread Jeremy Nelson
So one of the things that has come up during the epic4 vote is how
spaces are handled inconsistently throughout epic.  I had originally
intended to address this in epic5, but it looks like this is a real
problem for /xdebug extractw users.

In the C locale, characters 9 (^I), 10 (^J), 11 (^K), 12 (^L), 13 (^M), 
and 32 (space) are considered spaces.  That means isspace(x) returns 1
for any x = one of those characters, and 0 for everything else.  

EPIC has three ways to determine spaces

1) Use the system's isspace(), which could be locale dependant.
2) Use epic's my_isspace() which behaves exactly the same as isspace()
   does in the C locale.
3) Just compare the character against character 32 (space).

It would be best if we just had one way, because that would be less 
confusing.  But this is a problem because in some places in epic, a
tab is a space, and in other places, it isn't.  So if I just switch
everything to use isspace(), then some scripts might break in ways
that I can't anticipate.

I have two questions:

*) Are any of you using tabs, newlines, carriage returns, etc, in any
   way that depends on them not being a space character in some context?
   If you are, you need to be a participant in this discussion!

*) Are any of you using a non-C locale?  (If you don't know, then you are
   not)  Does your locale have a different set of space characters?

Feedback for these two questions is greatly appreciated and may reduce
near term pain and suffering. 

List mailing list

[EPIC] EPIC4-2.1.1 call for votes still 3-0

2004-10-23 Thread Jeremy Nelson
This is a periodic update on the status of the ongoing 
election as to whether epic4-2.1.1 should be accepted as
a production release epic4-2.2.  The current status is 
3 votes in favor and 0 votes against.  The election shall
be open until it reaches 15-0, however long that takes.

List mailing list

[EPIC] EPIC Release Candidate avialable

2004-10-07 Thread Jeremy Nelson
I have prepared an epic4 production release candidate.  It is available at:


Soon there will be a call for votes of confidence, and a formal vote will
occur on whether to accept epic4-2.1.1 as the production release epic4-2.2.
More details as we get further along in the process.

Obviously, if you find any bugs or anything needing fixing in epic4-2.1.1,
you would do well to report it immediately.

List mailing list

Re: [EPIC] EPIC 10th annivesary party -- Sepetember 18th evening, Boston

2004-09-09 Thread Jeremy Nelson
Then we shall create MORE noise :) .. either way I havent been to kendal 
in ages.

From the looks of the final confirmations, it looks like the party might
be quite on the small side.  So perhaps this Redbones place is fine.  

get contact information so I can call people and we can make final plans.

I'll post a summary of attendees, location, time, etc, when I get that
information.  If you would like to come but need transporation, let me
know and I'll see if I can scare up someone coming form your direction.

If anyone would like to come, but can't, and would like me to drop by 
and visit you during the week afterwards, EMAIL ME and I'll try to set 
up meetgreets with any interested persons. =)

List mailing list

[EPIC] Request for comments: function name resolution change

2004-09-06 Thread Jeremy Nelson
This is a change that is proposed for epic5.  Nothing will change for
epic4 based on this discussion.

Historically, if you have an alias with the same name as a builtin
command, then:
/fooruns your alias
//foo   runs the built in command
If you have an alias with the same name as a built in function then:
$foo()  runs the built in function
There is no way to run your alias.  This means that your alias is 
hidden by the built in function.

In EPIC5, if you have an alias with the same name as a built in function then:
$:foo() runs your alias
$::foo()runs the built in function.

The question then is what shall $foo() do?  Shall it run your alias, or
shall it run the built in function?  Presently, at this moment in time, 
for backwards compatability, it runs the built in function.  However, it
would seem more sensible to make it behave like commands do, and have
it run your alias.

HOWEVER, this breaks backwards compatability because some people have 
created aliases, by the same name as built in functions, with the
expectation that their alias will never be called as a function!  This
will break scripts, but perhaps this is a good change.

According to epic policy, no change like this can take place, no matter
how good it is, without a vetting by the mailing list.  So please make 
your opinion known!

List mailing list

[EPIC] EPIC 10th annivesary party -- Sepetember 18th evening, Boston

2004-08-31 Thread Jeremy Nelson
There have been about 10 or 15 people who have expressed an interest in 
meeting together in the afternoon or evening of September 18th in Boston
for a celebration of 10 years of epic.  Now all we need is to pick a place
and start making plans to be there.

I need someone who is familiar with the boston area to tell me a real nice
place to hold a gathering of this size, where a bunch of people coming from
different directions have reasonable ability to get to, etc.  Since it's 
only 3 saturdays away, we need to have time to get people the information.

So I'm begging you Boston people, tell me where we should meet!
List mailing list

[EPIC] What to load at startup?

2004-08-24 Thread Jeremy Nelson
There has been discussions going on about what things should be loaded
by epic at startup.

Traditionally, ircII has loaded
sets up a bunch of /ons for /trace, /links, and /stats,
as well as a /topic and /invite alias.

creates the 'umode', 'dmesg', and 'dquery' aliases, and
loads the 'newaway' script which implements a
/set show_away_once work-alike

sets /set client_information

This is configurable by the user

and optionally 'basical' but not by default

EPIC loads
an epic4 compatability script that implements a bunch of
  aliases that were built in commands in epic4.

the smart join and smart leave alises, 
an /on send_public compat hook,
the /trace, /links, and /stats handlers from ircII.
Some compat stuff for efnet/ircnet stuff.

This is configurable by the user

and basical
This is a compat script with ircI, with a bunch of shorthand
  aliases that people just assume are part of epic.
It also sets the first window's name to ircII,
It also sets up some compat /on set's.

There are three proposals that have been made:

1) Create a new command line option that supresses loading 'global'
2) Make the -q command line option suppress loading 'global'
3) Don't load 'basical' from 'global', because ircII doesn't do it

And other proposals can probably be made.  Which change should be made,
or should no change be made?


List mailing list


2004-08-07 Thread Jeremy Nelson
THIS is your last opportunity to report bugs in epic4 and have them fixed
before the release candidate.  If you reported the bug to me on irc, that
is not good enough -- i do not remember that.  Please email me, and make
sure you get an acknowledgement of your bug!

If you test the release candidate and notice a bug is not fixed that I 
should know about, please report it at that time as well!

List mailing list

[EPIC] Send bug reports to jnelson@acronet.net

2004-08-07 Thread Jeremy Nelson
(Anyone who knows sendmail want to tell me how to make this machine
 send my email as [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead of 

Send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED] since sending email to 
zeus.acronet.net will be dropped by the firewall. doh!

List mailing list

[EPIC] Upcoming maintainance bug-fix EPIC4 release

2004-07-22 Thread Jeremy Nelson
According to the schedule which we have been following, a new EPIC4
production release is scheduled to be released after 6 months to fix
any minor problems in epic4-2.0; or whenever a critical show-stopper
bug is found; whichever comes first.

The latter has not yet happened, but there have been several of the 
former.  It's been 5 months, so that gives us a month to collect all
of the nits we'd like to pick with epic4-2.0, submit them to me, and
I'll try to fix whatever I can, and we'll start a new voting cycle.

I would prefer that everybody be decent about this, and only report 
the things that are really minor problems.   Things that are too big
should really be handled as an epic5 project.  Here are examples of
things which have come up:

* Crash using TOGGLE_STOP_SCREEN (^S) when hardware flow control is off.
* $stripcrap(ALL,-BOLD) incorrectly mangles bold
* Not able to bind the 255 character.
* /SET INDENT fails when indentation level is  1/3 of the screen width

there are other such things that are minor, that people have asked me
to fix.  If you know of any such problems, start collecting them, and
forward them onto me.  

When I have everybody's REPORTED problems fixed, I'll submit a release
candidate and issue a call for votes of confidence.  When that vote 
passes, we'll have a production maintainance release.


Anyone who was foolish enough to participate in a betting pool on when
the next production release would be was clearly not paying enough
attention when I said 6 months or first critical bug, whichever comes
first a zillion times :P

List mailing list

[EPIC] Please forgive the test post

2004-06-23 Thread Jeremy Nelson

Apparantly my latest upgrade of mailman broke things (again)

Anyone know of a decent mailing list software that doesn't break each 
time you upgrade?

List mailing list

[EPIC] EPIC 10th Anniversary Party Official Announcement

2004-06-01 Thread Jeremy Nelson
The exactly founding date of the EPIC Project is uncertain, for various
reasons.  However, I do recall quite clearly that it was founded near the
beginning of the 1994-1995 school year.  So for all intents and purposes,
it's good enough to say September 1994.  We approach the 10th anniversary.

After having talked with many people, and having reviewed my own vacation
plans, it seems that it should be possible to organize a 10th anniversary
party for EPIC on Saturday, September 18th, 2004, in the Boston, MA area.
The time of day (afternoon or evening), and exactly location are as yet 
undetermined.  Suggestions are welcome.

If you, or anyone you know, are interested in attending this party, maybe
it would be best if we set up either a mailing list, or somehow formed
a planning party to flesh out a few details.

Everyone who is interested should consider themselves invited.  I don't 
see any reason to have restrictions on who should be welcoem at this kind
of a party.  

If you think you might be willing to attend, just drop me an email with how
many people will be coming with you, and I'll use this to ballpark the crowd
size.  Planning for 10 is a lot different than planning for 25! ;-)

List mailing list

Re: [EPIC] EPIC 10th Anniversary Party Official Announcement

2004-06-01 Thread Jeremy Nelson
Sorry -- email to me should go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I realized that my email address was [EMAIL PROTECTED]
which can't accept email directly.  I apologize for this.  I'll look
into fixing this going forward.

List mailing list

[EPIC] EPIC 10th anniversary party

2004-04-22 Thread Jeremy Nelson
There will be an EPIC 10th anniversary celebration in September in Boston.
Tentatively for now, the date is penciled in as Saturday September 18th.
If you are interested in being included in the planning of this event 
throughout the summer, let me know one of these weeks and everyone who 
wants can help figure out things like how people will get there, where 
everyone will stay, that sort of thing.  I'll be flying in for the event, 
so you'll have to put up with me. :P

List mailing list

[EPIC] Official position statement on further epic4-2.0.* releases

2004-04-05 Thread Jeremy Nelson
Because I am always rather vague and evasive when it comes down to people
pressing me for particular details about new releases, (I don't like to 
commit to dates and features because people have a nasty habit of holding
you to your promises... ;-) there has been some confusion about just when
and what would be in an epic4-2.0.1 release.  

So this is my official position statement on the issue, and I don't suspect
I'll change my mind going forward.

I have always divided bug reports into one of three general categories, in
increasing severity:

1) Bugs which can be worked around, either because the bug is caused by
   doing something that isn't sensible, or there are multiple ways to do
   some task and one of them is broken but the others work fine.
2) Bugs which cannot be worked around, because there's only one way to do 
   some task and it's broken.
3) Bugs which cannot be worked around, because some external force which you
   do not have control over can cause a malfunction.

EPIC4-2.0 has several type 1 malfunctions which have been reported.  However, 
they can all be worked around, so nobody is really put out by their existance, 
although they do represent rough edges that people need to be careful about.  
There are no type 2 or type 3 malfunctions in epic4-2.0 that anyone has
reported yet.  

Fixes for type 1 malfunctions will be made immediately to epic5 and not 
backported to epic4.  EXCEPT -- if someone reports a type 2 or type 3 bug 
in epic4, then it will be necessary to release epic4-2.0.1 to fix that bug,
and I'll probably include fixes for other (type 1) fixes at that time.  You
can feel free to report bugs in epic4, and I'll keep a list, but please do
not expect me to release an epic4-2.0.1 unless a really super critical bug 
is found, and the bar for that is rather high.

List mailing list

[EPIC] EPIC5-0.0.2 now available

2004-03-19 Thread Jeremy Nelson
EPIC5-0.0.2 is now available at:


This release contains the following *significant* changes:

  DCC connections are nonblocking.  Yes, even $connect() is nonblocking.
  This may require changes to your script.  See UPDATES for more info.
  necessary for someone to write a standard script to implement the 
  old behavior for us.  At least for now, when you are disconnected 
  from a server, you stay disconnected forever until you /reconnect.
  Your channels are never rejoined after a reconnection in any case,
  unless you write a script to do that for you.
  feature was an implicit part of the auto-join-on-reconnect feature,
  and without that latter feature the former feature is pointless.
  this should make the loss of window bind extremely moot.
  more info.  Example: If you do /SERVER +, it stays within the server 
  group instead of going to the next numbered server.
  a script written by howl and is loaded automatically.  If you do not 
  load the standard epic scripts on startup, then you will want to 
  /load help in your startup file to get the /help command.
  but obviously only one of them is active at a time.  There is a new key
  binding SWITCH_QUERY to switch between them.  See the UPDATES file.

And the following less significant changes:

* There is a new /on server_status that notifies you when a server 
  changes its connection state.  This should be useful for tracking
  auto reconnects and auto rejoins and stuff for scripters.
* You can use /xdebug server_connect to watch the client at work.
* Internally, all wildcard patterns in /ON are converted to regexes,
  compiled, and then matched as regexes
* Usermodes are now treated fully as strings instead of bit masks, so
  all usermodes supported by the server are supported by the client.
* Your startup file (~/.epicrc or ~/.ircrc) is now loaded on the 001
  numeric, and the client is much less picky about the layout of that
  numeric.  This should help compatability with more unusual servers.
* There is experimental support for FreeBSD's kqueue() system.
* There are now 6 new USERnum levels for a total of 10.  IE, USER5, 
  USER6, USER7, USER8, USER9, and USER10.
* All ctcp requests are hooked through /on ctcp_request, even the ones
  the client does not ordinarily know about.
* You can bind the 255 character (ÿ), which will make our Russian friends
  very hapy.

And there are many other changes that I have not mentioned here, please 
see the UPDATES file for all of the gory details!


List mailing list

[EPIC] Test #6 -- Please excuse test

2004-03-12 Thread Jeremy Nelson
This is just a test.  I have upgraded mailman on epicsol.  If you recieve
this email, then everything is going well.  If you try to send an email
to the list in the future and it bounces or otherwise fails, then please
let me know right away.  Mailman is not my favorite piece of software...

List mailing list

[EPIC] EPIC ftp site reorganized and other news

2004-03-09 Thread Jeremy Nelson
Since epic4-2.0 seems to be a real winner, I have moved all of the old 
epic4 alpha and beta releases to the epic archive, and have symlinked 
EPIC4-BETA and EPIC4-ALPHA to the archive so things like the freebsd port
will still continue to work.

Those who are mirroring /pub/epic will notice a bunch of files have gone
away.  The FTP site is now only about 6 megs, which should be much less
of a burden on you than before.

Those of you who are responsible for ports or packages, should please 
feel free to upgrade your packages to epic4-2.0 as soon as practicable.

List mailing list

[EPIC] I want to change CRAP to OTHER in epic5

2004-03-09 Thread Jeremy Nelson
So my proposal is when you do things like /window level you'll get


instead of


but you can still do /window level crap and it'll be supported for backwards
compatability.  It'll just show up as other on output.

List mailing list

[EPIC] Users may now submit news to/via the epicsol website

2004-02-27 Thread Jeremy Nelson
People have suggested that it would be helpful to allow people to write
content for the epicsol.org website, but that there is no obviously way 
to submit the content so it can show up on the home page.  So Keerf 
has graciously created a submit news url where you can submit a news 
blurb, or a url to a script tutorial you wrote ;-) or whatever else you 
think should be made known on the epic home page.  Now if something is
missing or incorrect, you don't have to be unhappy that there is no way
to fix it, now you can report the issue directly!

The URL is: http://prbh.org/?page=submitnews

List mailing list

[EPIC](no subject)

2004-02-21 Thread Jeremy Nelson
Greetings to the epic community.

I am pleased to announce the immediately availability of EPIC4-2.0.
It is currently available at the following locations:


I wish to thank everybody who helped make this possible.  If you wish to 
review the changes made to EPIC4 from the very beginning, use:


User-visible changes are at:


hop, Crazyed, wd, and keerf
List mailing list

[EPIC] EPIC4-2.0 now available

2004-02-21 Thread Jeremy Nelson

Sorry about the repost, I forgot to put on the subject line in the previous
email and that was kind of an important detail.

Greetings to the epic community.

I am pleased to announce the immediately availability of EPIC4-2.0.
It is currently available at the following locations:


I wish to thank everybody who helped make this possible.  If you wish to 
review the changes made to EPIC4 from the very beginning, use:


User-visible changes are at:


hop, Crazyed, wd, and keerf
List mailing list

[EPIC] EPIC Gathering, Thursday or Friday night?

2004-02-18 Thread Jeremy Nelson
Is there anyone in the chicagoland area thursday or friday night (2/19,2/20)
would would be interested in gathering to celebrate the release of epic4-2.0?
Depending on if anyone even /wants/ to do this, we'll try to figure out a 
time and a place.

List mailing list

[EPIC] epic4-1.2.9 now available

2004-02-07 Thread Jeremy Nelson
The (hopefully) final beta release is now available.  This release
fixes all of the objections lodged against prior beta releases.
The vote is currently 10-0 with three holds (holds are agreements I have
reached with certain people not to release until they vote).

Please test, and if you haven't voted, vote! ;-)


List mailing list

[EPIC]Amendments to Release Candidate 1 available

2004-01-25 Thread Jeremy Nelson

|Rain| filed an objection to RC1 and his objection was upheld and his 
proposed changes were applied as amendments to RC1.  I fixed a couple 
of other benign compiler warnings (ie, no program changes) since we
made other changes.  The whole thing is now available:


(And this time I remembered to change $V. ;-)

The vote is not going to restart -- all the votes already cast are still
valid and will be considered to apply to these changes.  Anyone who has
voted who wishes to change their mind and vote NO is welcome to do so.

The current election results are 4 votes aye and 1 vote nay.

List mailing list

[EPIC]First Call for Votes of Confidence in EPIC4-2.0

2004-01-22 Thread Jeremy Nelson
* The candidate release was made available on January 19, 2004
* A request for a vote of confidence was made by archon on January 22, 2004
* The election will continue until completed, but in no case will it end
  before January 25, 2004.
* The release will occur 2 days after the election ends, but in no case will
  it occur before January 27, 2004.


Please read *all* of the instructions before submitting this ballot!

It is a long standing practice of mine to avoid the appearance of despotism.
Although I could ultimately claim authority to decide just when to make
a production EPIC release, I do not choose to do so.  Instead, I defer this
decision to you, the user community.

It is my distinct honor and privelege to be a steward of the EPIC software,
and I am humbled by the number of people who choose to use EPIC.  It is 
only through the use, testing, bug reporting, and feedback of you users
that creates the EPIC community, the community that fosters and grows the
EPIC software through its wishes and designs.  I could not, and would not,
do all this work without you all.

From time to time, the EPIC software reaches a point where it appears to 
be substantially bug free, and it has all of the major features that people
want, and a breaking point can be reached.  After all of the I's have been
dotted and T's have been crossed, I submit a candidate release and say to
you, I think this is worthy of production use.  Do you agree with me?

I am generally unwilling to release a production version of EPIC without a
clear and unambiguous mandate from the EPIC user community.  This mandate
is gauged through a Vote of Confidence.  You now have the opportunity to 
tell me, and the world, that you feel that this candidate release is worthy
of being called a production EPIC client, or that it is not worthy.  It is
not up to me, but up to you, to make that determination.  If 15 of you 
agree with me that it is worthy, and if none of you disagree, then I am 
willing to stake the good reputation of the EPIC project on this.

Because of the rarity of production releases of EPIC (this is the sixth one,
the others being EPIC, EPIC2, EPIC3, EPIC3.004, and EPIC4-1.0), it is very
important that our production releases really be of the highest quality and
enduring usefulness.  There is no better way for us to destroy the good name
of EPIC than by shipping a shoddy production release.

Let it be known, that a candidate release of EPIC has been submitted by 
EPIC Software Labs for consideration by The EPIC Project for acceptance 
as the second production version of the ircII-EPIC4 software.

Whereas the candidate release, being known as:


and being made available at:


shall be tested for satisfaction of the goals of The EPIC Project, as defined
by the desires of its members.

You are requested to test the above version of EPIC and to submit a vote of
confidence, voting either yes or no as to whether or not you accept the
above candidate release, possibly with modifications, as a production release
of the ircII-EPIC software.

Please fill out the following ballot, removing everything else in this
email, and email the vote of confidence or official objection to:


* Please remember to include all of the required information so that your
  ballot will not be disqualified.  
* Disqualified ballots will be sent back to the originator for correction.  
* You are welcome to re-submit disqualified ballots once you fix them.
* Fifteen votes of confidence are required to pass this election.
* Zero official objections are required to pass this election.
* You may change your vote by submitting a new ballot.  Your last ballot
  will be considered your official ballot.
* Official objections must be filed using this mechanism.   Telling me 
  about a bug you found on #epic on efnet is not sufficient.  I need 
  specific written documentation.
* The purpose of this election is to gague user confidence in the software
  that I am preparing to release on behalf of the project (ie, you all).  
  I am the final judge in all voting matters, with the stated prejudice that
  if there is any question of any problems, I err on the side of not 
  releasing the software until all concerns have been addressed.
* Nicknames are ok for the Name field, if you're absolutely set against
  giving your real name.

All information is required.  
Ballots with missing information cannot be honored, sorry.

[EPIC] Release candidate 1 is now available

2004-01-19 Thread Jeremy Nelson
Release candidate 1 (for epic4-2.0) is now available at:


This is the final version of the software (barring any last minute
bug fixes), and this release, plus any amendments thereunto, will 
be the final epic4-2.0 release.  You may now test this release candidate
for any bugs.

There will be a 72 hour waiting period after this release before a motion
to hold a vote of confidence will be accepted.  After the motion is made,
a Poll of Vote of Confidence will be sent to this mailing list.  In that
poll, you will be asked whether or not you have personally tested the 
release candidate, and whether you have found it to be materially defect
free as far as you know of.  If you find any material defects, you are 
strongly urged to file an objection to the vote of confidence, and there
will not be an epic4-2.0 release until you are satisfied.

The vote of confidence will stay open until 15 people vote yes that 
the release candidate is defect free, and 0 people vote no, or until
72 hours pass, whichever takes longer.  After that, there will be a 48 
hour waiting period for people to get one last chance to test stuff.
After that, epic4-2.0 will be released.

If you have any questions, come drop by #epic on efnet or irc.acronet.net,
or send me an email.

Jeremy Nelson
List mailing list

[EPIC] EPIC4-1.2.3 now available, details on the election.

2003-12-05 Thread Jeremy Nelson

In accordance with my stated intent to frequently release beta snapshots
to give everyone the chance to stay current with changes in the release
candidates, epic4-1.2.3 is now available.

This version fixes the -o and -O command line options, fixes a small number
of bugs, and adds a $numlines() function from fudd.  

THE ELECTION BEGINS ON MONDAY -- If there are no more changes between now
and monday, then 1.2.3 will be the release candidate.  If there are more
changes, then 1.2.4 will be released on monday and that will be the elected

Let me briefly run down the purpose and history of the election...

As everyone knows, epic versions are released whenever i feel like it,
and they are of whatever quality they are.  But I do not want to be a 
dictator or tyrant, and the quality of formal production releases of epic
reflects on everybody, not just on its maintainers.  Because EPIC has had
a prior history of rather low-quality releases, production releases
are no longer a common occurrance, and the process for generating one is
a long and painstaking process.

We've been working for about 3 months now to get epic4-2.0 ready, and we're
almost there.  But before I am willing to stake all of our reptuations on
the line releasing epic4-2.0, I want backup support.  Specifically, I want
a large number of people to publicly state before me and their peers that
they tested epic and they do not know of any bugs.  The definition of 
large number has changed over the years, from 5 to 15 people.  If I cannot
find a large number of people who are willing to make this proclamation of
non-buggy, then I am entirely unwilling to make a production release.

Even *one* bug will hold up the release.  So each person gets veto power
and any legitimite bug will either be fixed, addressed, or clearly disclosed
and documented as a problem.  I do not want to release epic4-2.0 if even
one person has a serious problem with it.

The purpose of the election is twofold -- it allows any epic user who wants
to, to make a declaration that they have tested epic and they do not know of
ANY problems that they think should be addressed; and it allows those who do
have problems a way to formally assert those problems in a manner which is 
guaranteed to spur immediate action.

The election will begin at least 24 hours after the last release candidate
is made publicly available.  This is expected to be 1200 (noon) UTC on
Monday December 8, 2003.  The election will last until 24 hours have passed
after there are both 15 yes votes and 0 no votes.  In no case will the
election end before 72 hours.  This gives everybody at least 4 days to test,
and a full 24 hours after the election passes to lodge any objections.

List mailing list

[EPIC]EPIC4-1.1.15 now available

2003-11-07 Thread Jeremy Nelson
We have been going through a recent project to identify and address any
issues left in epic4-1.1.*, with a mind towards a feature freeze and
then a stabilization and then a certification and production release.


It has been suggested I should announce epic4-1.1.15, which is going to
be the basis for the FreeBSD port now.  This is the first of hopefully
several beta-quality epic4-1.1.* releases.  Note that this is not a
formal beta release, but rather is an alpha release that is stable, and
free of any real meaningful problems.

You are therefore invited to try this out if you want to be an early 
adopter and see what epic4-2.0 is going to look like.  If you find any
problems, now would be an excellent time to bring them up because I would
like to have a formal release candidate by December 1, and then we'll go
through the voting process and all that.

Obviously if you're using epic4-1.0.1 you should not be hasty to upgrade
because all epic4-1.1.* clients will break scripts written for epic4-1.0.1
for various reasons that all have to do with progress.  You should as 
always stick with the version of epic your script was targeted for.  It is
always best to upgrade epic only when your scripts needs you to.

List mailing list

[EPIC] Any users of /window lastlog_level ?

2003-07-19 Thread Jeremy Nelson
Is there anyone out there who sets /window lastlog_level to anything other
than ALL?  I'm not talking about /window level, but /window lastlog_level.

I'm trying to find someone who uses that feature so I can talk to them 
about it.  I'm thinking about the future of this feature, and if nobody
replies back, I may just assume nobodoy uses it and may change it!  So
if you use the feature, please email me so I can include you in the 
discussions about its future.

List mailing list

Re: [EPIC][PATCH] avoid unneccessary stat() if mail is not configured

2003-07-17 Thread Jeremy Nelson

if the MAIL variable is not configured or no mail file for the user
exists, then the file 'unknown' is polled.
This causes unneccessary traffic if the home is nfs mounted. 
In this case, just leave *mail_path empty and return.

I ended up rewriting the entire mail checker because of this.  The new
mail checking stuff is more modular (i'm sure someone will probably 
contribute a maildir implementation [hint hint]), and one of the features
i built into it was to /set mail 0 if it can't find a mailbox to poll.
That should completely avoid this bug.

Thanks for the report, and the patch!
List mailing list

Re: [EPIC]BUG_FORM: Unrecoverable login error with /window number

2003-07-16 Thread Jeremy Nelson
The problem happens when I try to change a channel's window number
(/window number XX). I first thought it could be due to binding a
channel to a window, but tests showed that's not the case; even if I
don't use /window bind or /window channel, but am on a channel, trying
to change that window's number will crash epic with the following

You can no longer change the window number of a window that has a channel.
EPIC won't stop you, but it will panic if you try.  This needs to be 
documented and/or refused a little better.  Thanks for the heads up.

List mailing list

Re: [EPIC]regexec on RH9 causes critical protection error

2003-07-16 Thread Jeremy Nelson
assign re $regcomp(test)
eval echo $regexec(re test)

If you know how to use a debugger, it would be helpful if you 
can get a stack trace, and cut and paste it here.

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x420bcf9c in re_search_internal () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6
(gdb) bt
#0  0x420bcf9c in re_search_internal () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6
#1  0x420bc877 in regexec () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6
#2  0x08067dc3 in function_regexec (input=0x80d952b test) at functions.c:412

To follow up on this, the problem was that passing a string to $regex()
that was not returned from $regcomp() causes epic to crash.  It was suggested
that epic could do some basic sanity checking, and I have effected that
change.  The return value from $regexec() should be of a known length (it is
system dependant, but it can be calculated), and $regexec() will refuse any
regex that is not exactly the right length.  That should avoid the most 
likely errors.

Thanks for the report!
List mailing list

[EPIC] EPIC4-1.1.12 now available

2003-06-20 Thread Jeremy Nelson

EPIC4-1.1.12, the latest alpha release of epic4-1.1.*, the development branch
of epic, is now available.  This release comprises months of work and a lot
of new stuff:

* $serverwin([server refnum])
* Major project to replace bad quality C code with high quality C code
* ./configure --with-warns
* $dccctl(.. FLAGS ..)
* $dccctl(.. HELDTIME ..)
* $dccctl(.. HOLDTIME ..)
* QWORD (double quoted words with double quotes) for alias arglists
* Finished off full ipv6 support for dcc.
* Current channel-ness is tracked by the channel and not the window.  It's
  now impossible for a channel to be a current channel unless you're on the
* /set new_server_lastlog_level default changed to ALL,-DCC
* $levelwindow([lastlog level])
* $outputwindow([lastlog level] [target])
* /timer.ue alias in 'commandqueues'
* %{1}+ status expando acts sort of like %+

There are a lot more changes, but these are the most important user-visible
changes.  As always, refer to the UPDATES and KNOWNBUGS file in the 
distribution file, as well as http://www.epicsol.org/UPDATES and

You can find the distribution at:


(The .Z file is to commemorate the ending of the lzw patent in the usa)

List mailing list

Re: [EPIC]regexec on RH9 causes critical protection error

2003-06-18 Thread Jeremy Nelson
For the purposes of testing, my .ircrc was:

assign re $regcomp(test)
eval echo $regexec(re test)

Crashing here is actually the defined (but apparantly undocumented) behavior:
because the string 're' is not a value previously returned by $regcomp, 
passing it to $regexec() results in undefined behavior on every system.  
In your case, it crashes.  What you meant to do was:

 eval echo $regexec($re test)
^ Note $ here.

There is no way for epic to check whether the first argument to $regexec()
is reasonable or not -- it has to trust the user to do the right thing.

List mailing list


2003-02-13 Thread Jeremy Nelson
This bug has now been fixed and commited to cvs.
Thanks for the bug report.

List mailing list

Re: [EPIC]notify interval proposal

2003-02-03 Thread Jeremy Nelson
nsx said:
 Yes, I am campaigning for both better precision, and a change of the lower
 notify interval limit.  I suppose they sort of go hand in hand, since to
 either abolish or lower the lower limit, you'd probably need to provide 
 better precision anyway.

Kev said:
Personally, I don't see the problem with the first part--increasing the
precision.  As for a lower limit, I would strongly suggest that it should
not be less than 30 seconds.

It seems that the current compromise solution seems to be acceptable to a 
large number of people:

* Remove NOTIFY stuff from the top_of_minute timer, into a second timer.
* Allow user to modify timeout interval of that second timer via 
* Add a #define in config.h which will set an absolute minimum value of
  /SET NOTIFY_INTERVAL, so that the user can be assured that a script will
  not set a value lower than they wish to have.
* The default value of this #define will be 60 for backward compatability.

Of course with every compromise, not everybody got everything they wanted,
but this seems to be very much in the middle of what everybody hoped for.

List mailing list

Re: [EPIC]notify interval proposal

2003-01-30 Thread Jeremy Nelson
Normally I would not follow up to a request for discussion, but nsx asked
me to share why I believe in the status quo.  The entirity of this message
is not a statement of policy or rules or anything of the sort with regard
to epic.  It simply states my personal opinions as an epic user, and the
reasoning that prompted this discussion in the first place.

Nsx said:
From what I can tell, epic doesn't allow you any more precision than minutes
in the notify interval, and it refuses to accept a value of under a minute.

For most of epic's life, the main focal point of everything that happens
is the io() function, which i refer to as The Looper.  io() has had its
share of issues, particularly how everything is hardcoded into it, and that
limits flexibility and generalness.  One of the things that was hardcoded
into the looper was top of the minute processing.  At the top of every
minute, epic does various housekeeping duties:

1) Checks your mail
2) Throws /on timer
3) Does your notifies
4) Updates the clock (on the status bar)

Previously, EPIC always and only ever performed these duties at the top of
each minute.  The /SET NOTIFY_INTERVAL value was added as a way for some
users, who felt that doing notifies once a minute was far too frequently
and imposed too much of a burden on the server, to rachet down the frequency
of their notifies.  Even though the unit used was a second, the granularity
was always measured in minutes, since the notifies only ever happened at 
most once a minute anyways.

Recently, this changed somewhat.  When I rewrote the /timer system, I was
able to remove the top of the minute processing from the looper and 
instead make it a regular, recurring, system timer.  Because it is now
a regular, recurring, system timer, it is no longer necessarily hardcoded
to happen only at the top of every minute.  

Nsx has pointed out that this has opened up the viability of discussing 
whether or not we should remove notify handling from the top of the minute 
processing and make it a second, separate regular, recurring, system timer 
with its own timeout and have it work independantly of the top of the 
minute timer.

The reason why notify is done at most once a minute even now should be
clear; it is done from within a timer that happens at most once a minute.
The question then becomes, should we remove notify handling from this timer;
make it operate under its own timer; and have the timeout be controlled by

This raises sticky issues however.  As we all know, the server imposes
flood control upon the user, generally allowing at most one protocol
command per 2 seconds.  Excessive commands causes the client to be penalized
and eventually disconnected.  

In general, it would be a violation of user's expectations that changing a
/SET would cause them to get disconnected from the server due to reasons
that they cannot personally understand (ie, if you /set notify_interval 1,
you will be disconnected eventually, the user wouldn't understand why, though).
So there perhaps should be some lower limit on the number of seconds between
each notify event, *even though a user may wish to do it more frequently*.

The question is what that minimum number of seconds should be.  My personal
opinion is still that 60 seconds is best, to be most kind to the server.
Notify imposes a not-small burden on the server, and much pain and suffering
is caused by clients doing TOO MANY notifies, not too few...

And that is my opinion.  I am not speaking as a coder, but as a fellow user.

List mailing list

[EPIC]Can someone help a user with problems with red hat 8?

2003-01-08 Thread Jeremy Nelson

Hi.  Charles Umpleby ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is having problems compiling
epic on redhat 8.0.  Could someone help him out please?  Thanks.
I have determined that the problem is NOT that he does not have the 
linux kernel sources installed -- so it must be another problem.


--- Forwarded Message
I am trying to run a make after I compile EPIC in Redhat 8.0 with 
GCC 3.2-7.  I get a bunch of file not found errors.  Can you help?
As you will notice, I posted everything I get when trying to run the make.  
Am I missing something?  Do I need to install something? I also have Redhat's 
standard installed version of ncurses (5.2-28).  Let me know.


Chuck Umpleby

[root@bigblue epic4-1.1.7]# make
make[1]: Entering directory `/root/epic4-1.1.7/source'
gcc -g -O  -I./../include -I../include -c alias.c
In file included from /usr/include/signal.h:313,
 from ../include/irc_std.h:37,
 from ../include/irc.h:28,
 from alias.c:39:
/usr/include/bits/sigcontext.h:28:29: asm/sigcontext.h: No such file or directory
In file included from /usr/include/bits/posix1_lim.h:126,
 from /usr/include/limits.h:144,
 from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.2/include/limits.h:132,
 from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.2/include/syslimits.h:7,
 from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.2/include/limits.h:11
 from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.2/include/syslimits.h:7,
 from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.2/include/limits.h:11,
 from ../include/irc_std.h:38,
 from ../include/irc.h:28,
 from alias.c:39:
/usr/include/bits/local_lim.h:36:26: linux/limits.h: No such file or directory
In file included from ../include/irc_std.h:39,
 from ../include/irc.h:28,
 from alias.c:39:
/usr/include/sys/param.h:23:26: linux/limits.h: No such file or directory
/usr/include/sys/param.h:24:25: linux/param.h: No such file or directory
In file included from /usr/include/errno.h:36,
 from ../include/irc_std.h:40,
 from ../include/irc.h:28,
 from alias.c:39:
/usr/include/bits/errno.h:25:26: linux/errno.h: No such file or directory
In file included from /usr/include/sys/socket.h:35,
 from ../include/irc_std.h:49,
 from ../include/irc.h:28,
 from alias.c:39:
/usr/include/bits/socket.h:305:24: asm/socket.h: No such file or directory

--- End of Forwarded Message

List mailing list

Re: [EPIC]Bug: ``man installhelp'' fails, EPIC4 version =4-1.1.7 (?)

2002-08-20 Thread Jeremy Nelson

When attempting to install helpfiles (hey, I was curious at the changes
with bind(8) because of the keys.c big rewrite), helpfiles do not exist,
so line 185 of epic4-1.1.7/Makefile is excutied incorrectly, copying the
contents of epic4-1.1.7/ (including subdirectories) to

The help files are available as a separate package, and can also be fetched
by way of CVS.  It is certainly not acceptable for 'make installhelp' to 
fail in this manner and you are quite correct that some action should be
taken to change its behavior.  But 'make installhelp' is provided for those
who may download the separate help package, and put it into the help/ 
directory, and want to have it automatically installed for them.

An excellent place to look up help right now is 

List mailing list

[EPIC]Updated file for lice and epic4-1.1.7

2002-08-19 Thread Jeremy Nelson

Because several lice users have spoken up about epic4-1.1.7 breaking 
lice, and because I know that srfrog has more important things to do 
right now, I have modified the lice.binds file that comes with lice
to be compatable with epic4-1.1.7.


Your 'lice.binds' file should be found in ~/.irc/lice/lice.binds.
Just overwrite your existing file with this new file and you're good to go.

List mailing list

[EPIC]Fwd: greeting goodbye.

2001-12-11 Thread Jeremy Nelson

--- Forwarded Message
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 22:44:48 -0700 (MST)
From: Johnny Economou [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Ircii-epic: greeting  goodbye.

Hello members of the IRCII-EPIC list,
Since I am moving to Greece I'll have to minimise
or even stop IRCing.  I would like to take a moment to
thank all of you that helped me all these years but mostly
that you made me feel welcome in #epic and this list.

Good luck to all of you and best wished for the EPIC client
which made my life fun in the IRCland...

best regards,
John Economou (HSOC)

--- End of Forwarded Message

List mailing list

[EPIC]Translation support added back to epic

2001-10-21 Thread Jeremy Nelson

For those of you who visit us on #epic on EFNet (what, you don't hang out
on #epic on EFNet?  Why not?  That or irc.epicsol.org -- come visit us!)
know that EPIC development has resumed and we are working towards an 
eventual release of epic4-1.1.1, which will be the first beta release which
will eventually culminate in epic4-1.2.0.

One of the things that I included this weekend was adding back the translation
support from ircII that i took out at the beginning of EPIC4.  I added it 
back because of legitimite technical needs, primarily from users in russia,
who need it to interface their Cyrillic terminal emulators with the always
ubiquitous Latin-1 irc server.  Others may find this stuff useful as well,
but it was specifically for Russian users that I added this back.

ircII implemented translation stuff on the *output* side of the equation
(ie, stuff was translated before it was sent to the screen, and was
translated when you pressed keys).  After careful evaluation of this setup,
it struck me that this was not the most helpful form for translation.

Since it was explained to me that the purpose of translation is to translate
the user's character to and from the server's character set, then it does not
make sense for the client to translate from the user's character set to the
server's character set and then display the server's character set onto the
user's screen.  Unless I'm misunderstanding people, this strikes me as not
very helpful for the user.

So what I have done here is implement translation as additional filtering
that happens to input/output from the servers.  EPIC will continue to work
with the user in the user's chosen character set, but before sending anything
to the server, will use the current translation to transform the user's
input to the server's character set.  Conversely, the first thing that EPIC
will do upon receiving input from the server is to translate it from the 
server's character set to the user's character set, and then everything 
will continue from the users's character set.

If I have misunderstood this, please let me know.  Testing, advice, and
feedback will be greatly appreciated.  This feature is not for my benefit,
it is for you, the users, and if I have goofed, I need to know so I can 
fix it quickly.

List mailing list

Re: [EPIC]epic crash

2001-10-10 Thread Jeremy Nelson

I also have a log accumulator that also posts diffs.  I think I posted it
to Jeremy, actually; did you not get it?

I do not remember getting it, no...  Anybody who wants to provide me with
a pre-fab way to do anything like this I'm agreeable to doing.

List mailing list

Re: [EPIC]epic crash

2001-10-10 Thread Jeremy Nelson

On Tue, Oct 09, 2001 at 02:52:26PM -0500, Jeremy Nelson wrote:
 This bug was fixed yesterday.  No cause for alarm.  Just cvs update.

Hey Jeremy, do you have a list for CVS commit mails?  They're generally
very helpful to those of us who don't follow CVS as closely as we should
(and also for those who do if you have the right logger..)  If you don't
have this now and are interested, I'd be willing to help you set up a
version of log_accum (my personal favorite logger, once it's been
tweaked a bit...)

No; there is no such list.  I haven't gotten as far as understanding
how this works.

List mailing list

Re: [EPIC]bugs in trunc()

2001-10-06 Thread Jeremy Nelson

21:12 Examples:
21:12$trunc(2 3.141592654) returns 3.14
21:12$trunc(5 3.54)returns 3.54000

Hmm, but $trunc(0 3.141592654) returns nothing.  I have new_math on, but
doubt this has much to do with it.  I would generally consider this to
be a bug in implementation.

$trunc(0 ..) is not permitted; if you need to truncate to an integer,
just chop it off at the decminal point.

We've also determined that it rounds.  Rounding is probably not what you
want in trunc either.  I consider this a bug in the naming of the
function, round should round, trunc should trunc.

I use printf to do the truncation, and it's too complicated to do it 
myself, so tough. ;-)

You are of course welcome to submit patches if you want to see this 
done another way.  Please be aware that some may depend on current behavior,
so if anyone complains about the change, i'll send them to you. ;-)

And no, a new /set will not be permitted.
List mailing list

Re: [EPIC]windows / message hooks

2001-09-19 Thread Jeremy Nelson

And again...

Now about ON message hooks.

Some hooks, like alot of public_* hooks and channel_signoff
are filtered agains current channel and sender channels, 
other hooks are common.

Shouldn't it be more clean:
either filtering are to be done by scripts or in ircclient core ?

In last case there should be
action_other, ctcp_other, etc_other -
when channel (or general 'target') is not current,
action_msg, ctcp_msg -
when sender is not on channel it sends message to.
and ever more:
send_public_other, send_msg_other - 
when sending messages to not current channel/nick.


What 'policy' says about it ?

The special on hooks, such as /on public_other and so forth are a terrible
blight on ircII and exist strictly for backwards compatability (ie, this is
not a fight i want to pick right now).  I *strenuously object* to adding
more of them.  I also object to the removal of any legacy /on's for backwards
compatability's sake.

List mailing list

Re: [EPIC]windows / message hooks

2001-09-19 Thread Jeremy Nelson

And u still haven't said what u think should be added and what removed ?...
Or i miss some idea ? :)

I think no changes should be made.

List mailing list

Re: [EPIC]windows / message hooks

2001-09-19 Thread Jeremy Nelson

Would't it be fine to have hooks
- for all numerics replies (by their RPL_names)
  or to group ERR_ replies into one hook ?

Who would be responsible for mapping numerics to RPL_names?  What happens
when a server uses a custom RPL_name that epic doesn't know about?  This
is not really feasable.

- for each nonnumerics messages:

There are already more than enough /on's for these types of messages.
We don't need to make it even more complicated for scripters to keep
track of what is going on.  /on public_other and /on msg_group really
shouldn't exist if there were any justice in the world.

- one for ctcp, with type as one of arg
- for dcc

For backwards compatability is it possible
to generate/throw events in scripts ?

Again -- adding more /on's doesn't solve any problems, it only makes it 
worse.  That's why we have the patterns argument.  What is the fucntional
difference between

/on ctcp_version from to argument {...}


/on ctcp from to VERSION argument {...}

except a few characters transposed?

I oppose adding gratuitous /on's that are already covered by other /on's.
I oppose removing legacy /on's for backwards compatability reasons only.

List mailing list

Re: [EPIC]8bitchars in nicks and chanel name

2001-09-18 Thread Jeremy Nelson

RoboHak wrote:
The client, server, and IRC protocol all limit the characters that can be 
used in a nickname.  The client handles that in the check_nickname() 
function in ircaux.c.  According to the IRC protocol... cut off

qMax wrote:
I know IRC proto.
But some servers has many extentions.

extensions that cause the server to violate longstanding standard practices
of the irc community cause the server to no longer become an irc server, but
rather a chat service that at one time was irc-like.

I don't support non-irc servers, it's too difficult to keep track of the
zillion different odd breakages that each one requires.

List mailing list

Re: [EPIC]server groups: Protocol

2001-09-14 Thread Jeremy Nelson


I'm going to work on server groups and have some questions according to this.

In doc/segver_groups and in include/sgroup.h

These documents are either incomplete or obsolete.  Don't bother.

List mailing list

Re: [EPIC]Autocompletion

2001-09-07 Thread Jeremy Nelson

On Fri, Sep 07, 2001 at 11:19:18AM -0500, Jeremy Nelson wrote:
I wished that autocompletion to be context-dependant
(nickname, command, command arg, channel name) as in irssi
and worked in vim-style (sequensially substituting in editline,
instead of listing all choices)

Should it better be implemented in code (as context_completion command)
or in script ?

This is by policy the responsibility of a script to do this. 
What and where are those policies ?

Ok, Ok.  So maybe policy is the wrong word.  Agreed upon principle 
is more precise.  Here are the principles:

--- snip here ---
* Functionality with no excuses:  If what you want to do is allowed by
  the protocol, is reasonable to implement, and isnt soundly hated by
  all the other users, we'll do it (eventually).  EPIC does not stop you
  from doing something just because i, or someone else, thinks that you have
  no business doing it.  We try to not let EPIC get in your way.  Many times,
  due to time (or interest) constraints, a perfectly good feature goes
  un-implemented.  Self-initiative (eg, code it yourself, send me a patch)
  goes a long way towards getting your features into release quickly.

* Remaining an attractive replacement of the stock client:  One of my running
  primary goals is to reduce the CPU usage of the client.  By all accounts,
  we have been very successful doing this.  We have made sure to balance this
  goal as much as possible with not letting memory consumption get out of 
  control.  We have tried to fix bugs and design deficiencies in the stock
  client without introducing unreasonable restraints on the users.  Taken 
  altogether, EPIC is intended to be as sysadmin-friendly as the stock client.
  EPIC is neither more user friendly or less user friendly than the stock
  client, but it is *much* more scripter friendly.

* A almost-completely open design environment:  For the sake of efficiency,
  i do the release engineering.  Because of various contraints on my time, 
  i am not always able to do releases as often as users would like me to,
  but *everything* i release to anyone, i release to *everybody*.  No release,
  no matter how small, is withheld from the public.  I gladly take suggestions
  from users, and almost all new features/functionality are direct user 
  requests.  I IRC frequently and am often available for direct conversation.
  I try to (as much as possible) release something at least once a week, and
  when development is cruising along, can release once per day. 
--- snip here ---

Functionality with no excuses covers the principle that EPIC's job is to
provide tools and your job is to put them together the way you need them.

EPIC has from the day it was created been about *scripting* -- and I don't
expect this to change any time soon. ;-)

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