Re: [NTG-context] An Index problem

2007-03-05 Thread luigi scarso
On 3/5/07, luigi scarso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have the following
 \section{Hause one} Foo one \page
 \section{Hause two} Foo  two \page
 \section{Hause three} Foo  three \page
 \section{Hause four} Foo  four\page
 \section{Dog boo} Koo   \page
 \section{Dog foo} Boo \page
 \section{Money ba} Boo \page
 \section{Mail bee} Ugh \page
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index formatting: column leaks over page margin

2007-01-23 Thread cormullion

On 2007-01-22, at 21:56.0, luigi scarso wrote:

 On 1/15/07, luigi scarso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hmm line map 17, 33, 52, 69, 70, 70, 70, 71, 71, is too much right?
 I've played with index settings some time ago: I will refresh my  

 Ok, I hope these can help you.

Wow - cool stuff! Thanks! Will study it today.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index formatting: column leaks over page margin

2007-01-22 Thread luigi scarso
On 1/15/07, luigi scarso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hmm line map 17, 33, 52, 69, 70, 70, 70, 71, 71, is too much right?
 I've played with index settings some time ago: I will refresh my memories.

Ok, I hope these can help you.

%% Indeces
%% Index
\setupheadtext[en][IndexCode=Code Index]
}%% end \ICTextCommand
}%% end \ICPageCommand
}%%end \ICHeadLetterCommand

boo\Index{boo} Boo\Index{Boo}
foo\Index{foo} Foo\Index{Foo}
goo\Index{goo} Goo\Index{Goo}
\page }%%
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index formatting: column leaks over page margin

2007-01-15 Thread luigi scarso
hmm line map 17, 33, 52, 69, 70, 70, 70, 71, 71, is too much right?
I've played with index settings some time ago: I will refresh my memories.
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index formatting: column leaks over page margin

2007-01-14 Thread cormullion
On 2007-01-13, at 17:59.0, luigi scarso wrote:

 I have a tiny problem
 Can you post an example ?

Hi luigi - there's a draft at 
development/introduction-to-newlisp-9.1.pdf and there's an example  
of the problem on page 140. The source reads \completeindex... 
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index formatting: column leaks over page margin

2007-01-13 Thread luigi scarso
 I have a tiny problem
Can you post an example ?

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Index formatting: column leaks over page margin

2007-01-12 Thread cormullion
I have a tiny problem with the formatting of an index placed with  
\completeindex. When there are more than 14 or so page numbers for an  
entry and the entry is in the right hand column, the numbers leak  
over the page boundary. I haven't done any special formatting for  
these index pages - is there a command that says keep the columns for  
a \completeindex less than x cm wide or something?

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Index and bookmark problem

2006-12-01 Thread Wim Neimeijer


I get an error when I use bookmarks in combination with indexed keywords 
in chapter/section
like the example below. When I comment out the \placebookmarks, things 
seem to work.

Is this behavior to be expected or is there a workaround/solution ?

Kind regards
Wim Neimeijer

% Example %

\chapter{Affiene connectie en affiene \index{geodeten}geodeten}
\index{Ruimtetijd} Ruimtetijd is een vierdimensionale differentieerbare 
vari\eteit. In de vorige paragrafen hebben we op grond
van het equivalentieprincipe van Einstein een metriek en een metrische 
connectie op \index{Ruimtetijd} Ruimtetijd ingevoerd.
In deze paragraaf zullen we wat algemener een 
\index{connectie+affiene}affiene connectie op \index{Ruimtetijd} 
Ruimtetijd invoeren.
Het zal blijken dat de metrische en de affiene connectie aan elkaar 
gelijk kunnen zijn.

\setupregister[index] [partnumber=no,
  style={\WORD}, % use 
uppercase header characters!


Error from log

texmfstart texexec --autopdf --pdf testindex.tex
TeXExec | processing document 'testindex.tex'
TeXExec | no ctx file found
TeXExec | tex processing method: context
TeXExec | TeX run 1
TeXExec | writing option file
TeXExec | using randomseed 1138
TeXExec | tex engine: pdfetex
TeXExec | tex format: cont-en
TeXExec | progname: context
This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.30.3-2.2 (Web2c 7.5.5)
\write18 enabled.
entering extended mode

ConTeXt  ver: 2006.11.16 12:02 MK II  fmt: 2006.11.16  int: english/english

language: language en is active
system  : cont-new loaded
.. ( some info lines deleted)

specials: fdf loaded
specials: fdf,tpd loaded
systems : system commands are enabled
interaction : active
(./testindex.tuo) (./testindex.tuo
! Undefined control sequence.
\doregister #1-\chardef \registerpagestatus
   \plusone \def 
\currentregister ...

argument Affiene connectie en affiene \index
\sanitizePDFdocencoding ...docencoding \edef #2{#1
\doPDFinsertbookmark ...oding #3\to \bookmarktext

argument \flushbookmark
\dodoputbookmarkelement {\v!chapter 

\secondoftwoarguments #1#2-#2
   l.27 ...\headtext 


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index and bookmark problem

2006-12-01 Thread Aditya Mahajan
On Fri, 1 Dec 2006, Wim Neimeijer wrote:


 I get an error when I use bookmarks in combination with indexed keywords in 
 like the example below. When I comment out the \placebookmarks, things seem 
 to work.
 Is this behavior to be expected or is there a workaround/solution ?



somewhere before \placebookmarks. You may need to remove your tuo file 
to get this working.

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] index bug ?

2006-10-25 Thread Steffen Wolfrum

hopefully just my system is corrupted. Please have a look at the  
following strange register entry under g Gesetzesvorbehalt:

Arbeitsanweisungen durch Bun-
desminister 2, 1, 2

Below you may try the original minimal example (it's not small, but  
otherwise the problem doesn't show up).
If you comment/uncomment the \chapter line the entry becomes correct 1,2
Same for the second text paragraph (from here to there).

Does someone experience the same?


(ConTeXt  ver: 2006.10.13 20:06)


\chapter{Auswahl und Vorgehensweise}% - un/comment !

Der Gesetzesvorbehalt\index{Gesetzesvorbehalt} verlangt für eine  
grundrechtsbeeinträchtigende staatliche Maßnahme eine  
Rechtsgrundlage. Die Problematik der Altschulden“regelung“ besteht  
darin, daß sich ihr Regelungsgehalt (Fortbestand der  
Altverbindlichkeiten) nicht einer einzigen Norm entnehmen läßt,  
sondern hierfür eine Reihe von Einzelvorschriften der beiden  
Staatsverträge und des D|-|Markbilanzgesetzes herangezogen werden  
müssen. Zudem mußten die Regelungen über die  
Entschuldungsmöglichkeiten den Anforderungen des Gesetzesvorbehalts  

%%% - from here
Hinsichtlich \index{Gesetzesvorbehalt} des Fortbestand der  
Altschulden fehlt zwar eine ausdrückliche Regelung; aus den genannten  
Einzelvorschriften kann aber auf deren Fortbestehen geschlossen werden 
\footnote{BVerfGE 95, 267 (306).}. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht läßt  
somit einen mittelbar zum Ausdruck gebrachten Willen als  
Eingriffsgrundlage ausreichen\footnote{BVerfGE 95, 267 (306).}. Schon  
in früheren Judikaten ist es davon ausgegangen, daß sich die  
Regelungsabsicht des Gesetzgebers nicht ohne weiteres aus dem  
Wortlaut ergeben muß, sondern daß es genügt, wenn der  
gesetzgeberische Wille mit Hilfe der allgemeinen Auslegungsmethoden  
erschlossen werden kann\footnote{Vgl. BVerfGE 82, 209 (224) m.\,w. 
\,N.}. Bei Anwendung dieser Grundsätze zeigt sich zunächst, daß der  
Gesetzgeber die Altschuldenfrage weder positiv noch negativ, sondern  
im Grunde gar nicht beantwortet hat. Die staatsvertraglichen und  
einfachgesetzlichen Einzelvorschriften, die der BGH für seine  
Gesamtschau heranzieht, nehmen lediglich Bezug auf bestehende  
„Verbindlichkeiten“. Deren Existenz gilt es aber gerade zu belegen 
\footnote{Ausführlich zu den von einem Teil der zivilrechtlichen  
Literatur geäußerten Zweifeln \it{W.~Harms}, DZWir 1993, 123 (124).}.  
Gleichwohl ist mit dem Bundesverfassungsgericht vom Fortbestand der  
Altschulden auszugehen, wofür vor allem die Existenz der  
verschiedenen Entschuldungsmöglichkeiten streitet. Gestützt wird das  
Ergebnis durch den vom Senat ins Spiel gebrachten allgemeinen  
kollisionsrechtlichen Grundsatz, daß die nicht unmittelbar  
verfassungsrechtlich begründeten Rechtsbeziehungen – gleich ob  
systemgeprägt oder systemneutral – bei einem Verfassungswechsel  
regelmäßig bestehen bleiben, sofern nicht ihre Aufhebung ausdrücklich  
angeordnet wurde\footnote{BVerfGE 95, 267 (306\,f.) mit weiteren  
Nachweisen aus der Rechtsprechung des BGH zum intertemporalen  
Privatrecht; zum Verfassungskollisionsrecht \it{D.~Blumenwitz}, HStR  
IX, §\,211 Rn.\,75. }. Eine solche Anordnung liegt im vorliegenden  
Fall aber unstreitig nicht vor.
%%% - to there

In anderer Hinsicht problematisch waren die Entschuldungsregelungen.  
Art.\,25 III EinigungsV und §\,16 III DMBilG schrieben nur die  
Entschuldungsmöglichkeit fest. Das Verfahren jedoch, vor allem die  
Voraussetzungen und der Umfang der Entschuldung, wurde nur in zwei  
nicht veröffentlichten Arbeitsanweisungen\index{Gesetzesvorbehalt–  
Arbeitsanweisungen durch Bundesminister} des Bundesministers der  
Finanzen\index{Arbeitsanweisungen des Bundesministers der Finanzen}
geregelt. Fraglich war somit, ob dies den vom  
Bundesverfassungsgericht aufgestellten Anforderungen des  
Gesetzesvorbehalts genügte, wonach alle wesentlichen Fragen vom  
Parlament selbst entschieden werden müssen\footnote[332]{BVerfGE 33,  
125 (158); 34, 165
(193); 40, 237 (249); 49, 89 (126\,f.); 57, 295 (321); 83, 130 (142);
98, 218 (251), st. Rspr. – Zum Ganzen \it{H.~Schulze|-|Fielitz}, in:  
H.~Dreier (Hrsg.), Grundgesetz|-|Kommentar, Bd.\,2, 2.\,Aufl.\,2006,  
Art.\,20 (Rechtsstaat), Rn.\,113.}. „Wesentlich“ im Sinne dieser  
Rechtsprechung \index{Wesentlichkeitslehre}sind auch die  
streitbefangenen Entschuldungsregelungen, da von ihnen die Intensität  
der Grundrechtsbeeinträchtigung abhängt\footnote{BVerfGE 95, 267
(308); daß vor allem solche Regelungen „wesentlich“
sind, die Grundrechtsrelevanz haben, ist st. Rspr.: BVerfGE 34, 165
(192\,f.); 40, 237 (249); 47, 46 (79\,f.); 83, 130 (142); 98, 218
(251\,f.); aus der einhelligen Literatur \it{K.~Hesse}, Grundzüge des  
Verfassungsrechts der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 20.\,Aufl.\,1995,  
Rn.\,509; \it{Schulze|-|Fielitz} (Fn.\,84), Art.\,20 (Rechtsstaat),  
Rn.\,113; \it{P.~Badura}, Staatsrecht, 3.\,Aufl.\,2003, Rn.~F 13;
\it{K.-P.~Sommermann}, in: H.~v.~Mangoldt

Re: [NTG-context] index bug ? [urgent]

2006-10-25 Thread Steffen Wolfrum

As the book should go to the printing house tomorrow I need some help  
as soon as possible!
Just the index register is missing ... and the register seems to be  

I hope i can avoid checking each single index entry individually  
(would be some hundred...)


PS: The example below is authentic.

Am 25.10.2006 um 13:26 schrieb Steffen Wolfrum:


 hopefully just my system is corrupted. Please have a look at the
 following strange register entry under g Gesetzesvorbehalt:

 Arbeitsanweisungen durch Bun-
 desminister 2, 1, 2

 Below you may try the original minimal example (it's not small, but
 otherwise the problem doesn't show up).
 If you comment/uncomment the \chapter line the entry becomes  
 correct 1,2
 Same for the second text paragraph (from here to there).

 Does someone experience the same?


 (ConTeXt  ver: 2006.10.13 20:06)


 \chapter{Auswahl und Vorgehensweise}% - un/comment !

 Der Gesetzesvorbehalt\index{Gesetzesvorbehalt} verlangt für eine
 grundrechtsbeeinträchtigende staatliche Maßnahme eine
 Rechtsgrundlage. Die Problematik der Altschulden“regelung“ besteht
 darin, daß sich ihr Regelungsgehalt (Fortbestand der
 Altverbindlichkeiten) nicht einer einzigen Norm entnehmen läßt,
 sondern hierfür eine Reihe von Einzelvorschriften der beiden
 Staatsverträge und des D|-|Markbilanzgesetzes herangezogen werden
 müssen. Zudem mußten die Regelungen über die
 Entschuldungsmöglichkeiten den Anforderungen des Gesetzesvorbehalts

 %%% - from here
 Hinsichtlich \index{Gesetzesvorbehalt} des Fortbestand der
 Altschulden fehlt zwar eine ausdrückliche Regelung; aus den genannten
 Einzelvorschriften kann aber auf deren Fortbestehen geschlossen werden
 \footnote{BVerfGE 95, 267 (306).}. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht läßt
 somit einen mittelbar zum Ausdruck gebrachten Willen als
 Eingriffsgrundlage ausreichen\footnote{BVerfGE 95, 267 (306).}. Schon
 in früheren Judikaten ist es davon ausgegangen, daß sich die
 Regelungsabsicht des Gesetzgebers nicht ohne weiteres aus dem
 Wortlaut ergeben muß, sondern daß es genügt, wenn der
 gesetzgeberische Wille mit Hilfe der allgemeinen Auslegungsmethoden
 erschlossen werden kann\footnote{Vgl. BVerfGE 82, 209 (224) m.\,w.
 \,N.}. Bei Anwendung dieser Grundsätze zeigt sich zunächst, daß der
 Gesetzgeber die Altschuldenfrage weder positiv noch negativ, sondern
 im Grunde gar nicht beantwortet hat. Die staatsvertraglichen und
 einfachgesetzlichen Einzelvorschriften, die der BGH für seine
 Gesamtschau heranzieht, nehmen lediglich Bezug auf bestehende
 „Verbindlichkeiten“. Deren Existenz gilt es aber gerade zu belegen
 \footnote{Ausführlich zu den von einem Teil der zivilrechtlichen
 Literatur geäußerten Zweifeln \it{W.~Harms}, DZWir 1993, 123 (124).}.
 Gleichwohl ist mit dem Bundesverfassungsgericht vom Fortbestand der
 Altschulden auszugehen, wofür vor allem die Existenz der
 verschiedenen Entschuldungsmöglichkeiten streitet. Gestützt wird das
 Ergebnis durch den vom Senat ins Spiel gebrachten allgemeinen
 kollisionsrechtlichen Grundsatz, daß die nicht unmittelbar
 verfassungsrechtlich begründeten Rechtsbeziehungen – gleich ob
 systemgeprägt oder systemneutral – bei einem Verfassungswechsel
 regelmäßig bestehen bleiben, sofern nicht ihre Aufhebung ausdrücklich
 angeordnet wurde\footnote{BVerfGE 95, 267 (306\,f.) mit weiteren
 Nachweisen aus der Rechtsprechung des BGH zum intertemporalen
 Privatrecht; zum Verfassungskollisionsrecht \it{D.~Blumenwitz}, HStR
 IX, §\,211 Rn.\,75. }. Eine solche Anordnung liegt im vorliegenden
 Fall aber unstreitig nicht vor.
 %%% - to there

 In anderer Hinsicht problematisch waren die Entschuldungsregelungen.
 Art.\,25 III EinigungsV und §\,16 III DMBilG schrieben nur die
 Entschuldungsmöglichkeit fest. Das Verfahren jedoch, vor allem die
 Voraussetzungen und der Umfang der Entschuldung, wurde nur in zwei
 nicht veröffentlichten Arbeitsanweisungen\index{Gesetzesvorbehalt–
 Arbeitsanweisungen durch Bundesminister} des Bundesministers der
 Finanzen\index{Arbeitsanweisungen des Bundesministers der Finanzen}
 geregelt. Fraglich war somit, ob dies den vom
 Bundesverfassungsgericht aufgestellten Anforderungen des
 Gesetzesvorbehalts genügte, wonach alle wesentlichen Fragen vom
 Parlament selbst entschieden werden müssen\footnote[332]{BVerfGE 33,
 125 (158); 34, 165
 (193); 40, 237 (249); 49, 89 (126\,f.); 57, 295 (321); 83, 130 (142);
 98, 218 (251), st. Rspr. – Zum Ganzen \it{H.~Schulze|-|Fielitz}, in:
 H.~Dreier (Hrsg.), Grundgesetz|-|Kommentar, Bd.\,2, 2.\,Aufl.\,2006,
 Art.\,20 (Rechtsstaat), Rn.\,113.}. „Wesentlich“ im Sinne dieser
 Rechtsprechung \index{Wesentlichkeitslehre}sind auch die
 streitbefangenen Entschuldungsregelungen, da von ihnen die Intensität
 der Grundrechtsbeeinträchtigung abhängt\footnote{BVerfGE 95, 267
 (308); daß vor allem solche Regelungen „wesentlich“
 sind, die Grundrechtsrelevanz haben, ist st. Rspr.: BVerfGE 34, 165
 (192\,f.); 40, 237 (249); 47, 46 (79

Re: [NTG-context] index bug ? [urgent]

2006-10-25 Thread Willi Egger
Hi Steffen,

After adding

I get as expected an index. The only thing which I do not understand 
quite well, is, that the entry for
\index{Gesetzesvorbehalt– Arbeitsanweisungen durch Bundesminister} 
results in the references 2,1,2, where I would expect only 1,2.

For the test I used ConTeXt  ver: 2006.09.27 14:45 MK II  fmt: 
2006.9.30  int: english/english (beta version)


Steffen Wolfrum wrote:

 As the book should go to the printing house tomorrow I need some help  
 as soon as possible!
 Just the index register is missing ... and the register seems to be  

 I hope i can avoid checking each single index entry individually  
 (would be some hundred...)


 PS: The example below is authentic.

 Am 25.10.2006 um 13:26 schrieb Steffen Wolfrum:


 hopefully just my system is corrupted. Please have a look at the
 following strange register entry under g Gesetzesvorbehalt:

 Arbeitsanweisungen durch Bun-
 desminister 2, 1, 2

 Below you may try the original minimal example (it's not small, but
 otherwise the problem doesn't show up).
 If you comment/uncomment the \chapter line the entry becomes  
 correct 1,2
 Same for the second text paragraph (from here to there).

 Does someone experience the same?


 (ConTeXt  ver: 2006.10.13 20:06)


 \chapter{Auswahl und Vorgehensweise}% - un/comment !

 Der Gesetzesvorbehalt\index{Gesetzesvorbehalt} verlangt für eine
 grundrechtsbeeinträchtigende staatliche Maßnahme eine
 Rechtsgrundlage. Die Problematik der Altschulden“regelung“ besteht
 darin, daß sich ihr Regelungsgehalt (Fortbestand der
 Altverbindlichkeiten) nicht einer einzigen Norm entnehmen läßt,
 sondern hierfür eine Reihe von Einzelvorschriften der beiden
 Staatsverträge und des D|-|Markbilanzgesetzes herangezogen werden
 müssen. Zudem mußten die Regelungen über die
 Entschuldungsmöglichkeiten den Anforderungen des Gesetzesvorbehalts

 %%% - from here
 Hinsichtlich \index{Gesetzesvorbehalt} des Fortbestand der
 Altschulden fehlt zwar eine ausdrückliche Regelung; aus den genannten
 Einzelvorschriften kann aber auf deren Fortbestehen geschlossen werden
 \footnote{BVerfGE 95, 267 (306).}. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht läßt
 somit einen mittelbar zum Ausdruck gebrachten Willen als
 Eingriffsgrundlage ausreichen\footnote{BVerfGE 95, 267 (306).}. Schon
 in früheren Judikaten ist es davon ausgegangen, daß sich die
 Regelungsabsicht des Gesetzgebers nicht ohne weiteres aus dem
 Wortlaut ergeben muß, sondern daß es genügt, wenn der
 gesetzgeberische Wille mit Hilfe der allgemeinen Auslegungsmethoden
 erschlossen werden kann\footnote{Vgl. BVerfGE 82, 209 (224) m.\,w.
 \,N.}. Bei Anwendung dieser Grundsätze zeigt sich zunächst, daß der
 Gesetzgeber die Altschuldenfrage weder positiv noch negativ, sondern
 im Grunde gar nicht beantwortet hat. Die staatsvertraglichen und
 einfachgesetzlichen Einzelvorschriften, die der BGH für seine
 Gesamtschau heranzieht, nehmen lediglich Bezug auf bestehende
 „Verbindlichkeiten“. Deren Existenz gilt es aber gerade zu belegen
 \footnote{Ausführlich zu den von einem Teil der zivilrechtlichen
 Literatur geäußerten Zweifeln \it{W.~Harms}, DZWir 1993, 123 (124).}.
 Gleichwohl ist mit dem Bundesverfassungsgericht vom Fortbestand der
 Altschulden auszugehen, wofür vor allem die Existenz der
 verschiedenen Entschuldungsmöglichkeiten streitet. Gestützt wird das
 Ergebnis durch den vom Senat ins Spiel gebrachten allgemeinen
 kollisionsrechtlichen Grundsatz, daß die nicht unmittelbar
 verfassungsrechtlich begründeten Rechtsbeziehungen – gleich ob
 systemgeprägt oder systemneutral – bei einem Verfassungswechsel
 regelmäßig bestehen bleiben, sofern nicht ihre Aufhebung ausdrücklich
 angeordnet wurde\footnote{BVerfGE 95, 267 (306\,f.) mit weiteren
 Nachweisen aus der Rechtsprechung des BGH zum intertemporalen
 Privatrecht; zum Verfassungskollisionsrecht \it{D.~Blumenwitz}, HStR
 IX, §\,211 Rn.\,75. }. Eine solche Anordnung liegt im vorliegenden
 Fall aber unstreitig nicht vor.
 %%% - to there

 In anderer Hinsicht problematisch waren die Entschuldungsregelungen.
 Art.\,25 III EinigungsV und §\,16 III DMBilG schrieben nur die
 Entschuldungsmöglichkeit fest. Das Verfahren jedoch, vor allem die
 Voraussetzungen und der Umfang der Entschuldung, wurde nur in zwei
 nicht veröffentlichten Arbeitsanweisungen\index{Gesetzesvorbehalt–
 Arbeitsanweisungen durch Bundesminister} des Bundesministers der
 Finanzen\index{Arbeitsanweisungen des Bundesministers der Finanzen}
 geregelt. Fraglich war somit, ob dies den vom
 Bundesverfassungsgericht aufgestellten Anforderungen des
 Gesetzesvorbehalts genügte, wonach alle wesentlichen Fragen vom
 Parlament selbst entschieden werden müssen\footnote[332]{BVerfGE 33,
 125 (158); 34, 165
 (193); 40, 237 (249); 49, 89 (126\,f.); 57, 295 (321); 83, 130 (142);
 98, 218 (251), st. Rspr. – Zum Ganzen \it{H.~Schulze|-|Fielitz}, in:
 H.~Dreier (Hrsg

Re: [NTG-context] index bug ? [urgent]

2006-10-25 Thread Hans Hagen
Willi Egger wrote:
 Hi Steffen,

 After adding

 I get as expected an index. The only thing which I do not understand 
 quite well, is, that the entry for
 \index{Gesetzesvorbehalt� Arbeitsanweisungen durch Bundesminister} 
 results in the references 2,1,2, where I would expect only 1,2.
that's indeed the problem (has to do with the fact that the main item has 
subitems + a main item ; i already sent S a potential fix 


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] index bug ? [urgent]

2006-10-25 Thread Vit Zyka
Willi Egger wrote:
 Hi Steffen,
 After adding
 I get as expected an index. The only thing which I do not understand 
 quite well, is, that the entry for
 \index{Gesetzesvorbehalt– Arbeitsanweisungen durch Bundesminister} 
 results in the references 2,1,2, where I would expect only 1,2.

Guessing: is not the index entry inside the \chapter title which also 
goes to content (or another list) that is on a separate page numbering?


ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Fundamental change in index mechanism ?

2006-10-22 Thread Steffen Wolfrum

because of a second edition I had to typeset a project from august  
2006 a second time (with very, very little text changes).

Then, I experienced that the register had changed (a simple \index 
[keyword] and \placeregister[index]).
And with a closer look I saw that in the first edition the index  
entries also get listed in the index register when appearing also in  
the TOC content! Now, it was impossible for me to reproduce this: The  
first listed entries now came from the beginning of the actual text.

Is this a know bug? (Is there already a fix for it?)


(using version 2006.10.13)
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Fundamental change in index mechanism ?

2006-10-22 Thread Taco Hoekwater
Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
 because of a second edition I had to typeset a project from august  
 2006 a second time (with very, very little text changes).
 Then, I experienced that the register had changed (a simple \index 
 [keyword] and \placeregister[index]).
 And with a closer look I saw that in the first edition the index  
 entries also get listed in the index register when appearing also in  
 the TOC content! Now, it was impossible for me to reproduce this: The  
 first listed entries now came from the beginning of the actual text.
 Is this a know bug? (Is there already a fix for it?)

IMO, the current behaviour (as I understand it) is a bugfix for the
known bug of pointlessly indexing a lookup table.

Ask yourself: why would anyone want to be pointed to the table of
contents from within the register?

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Fundamental change in index mechanism ?

2006-10-22 Thread Hans Hagen
Steffen Wolfrum wrote:

 because of a second edition I had to typeset a project from august  
 2006 a second time (with very, very little text changes).

 Then, I experienced that the register had changed (a simple \index 
 [keyword] and \placeregister[index]).
 And with a closer look I saw that in the first edition the index  
 entries also get listed in the index register when appearing also in  
 the TOC content! Now, it was impossible for me to reproduce this: The  
eh ... what do you mean?
 first listed entries now came from the beginning of the actual text.

 Is this a know bug? (Is there already a fix for it?)
if y ou provide a sample that shows the problem .. all things can be fixed 
since i have no intention to break downward compatibility.  

\placeregister[index] \page

\placelist[section] \page


\section{oeps \index{oeps}} \input tufte


works ok here

  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Fundamental change in index mechanism ?

2006-10-22 Thread Steffen Wolfrum
A minimal example is again not so easily written (as I don't know  
where the problem is).

But if you don't mind I could send you the actual files privately.


Am 22.10.2006 um 13:53 schrieb Hans Hagen:

 Steffen Wolfrum wrote:

 because of a second edition I had to typeset a project from august
 2006 a second time (with very, very little text changes).

 Then, I experienced that the register had changed (a simple \index
 [keyword] and \placeregister[index]).
 And with a closer look I saw that in the first edition the index
 entries also get listed in the index register when appearing also in
 the TOC content! Now, it was impossible for me to reproduce this: The

 eh ... what do you mean?
 first listed entries now came from the beginning of the actual text.

 Is this a know bug? (Is there already a fix for it?)

 if y ou provide a sample that shows the problem .. all things can  
 be fixed since i have no intention to break downward compatibility.

 \placeregister[index] \page

 \placelist[section] \page


 \section{oeps \index{oeps}} \input tufte


 works ok here

   Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
   Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
  tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

 ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Fundamental change in index mechanism ?

2006-10-22 Thread Steffen Wolfrum

Am 22.10.2006 um 13:32 schrieb Taco Hoekwater:

 Steffen Wolfrum wrote:

 because of a second edition I had to typeset a project from august
 2006 a second time (with very, very little text changes).

 Then, I experienced that the register had changed (a simple \index
 [keyword] and \placeregister[index]).
 And with a closer look I saw that in the first edition the index
 entries also get listed in the index register when appearing also in
 the TOC content! Now, it was impossible for me to reproduce this: The
 first listed entries now came from the beginning of the actual text.

 Is this a know bug? (Is there already a fix for it?)

 IMO, the current behaviour (as I understand it) is a bugfix for the
 known bug of pointlessly indexing a lookup table.

 Ask yourself: why would anyone want to be pointed to the table of
 contents from within the register?


Sure, you are absolutely right (it was not my decision to typeset the  
first edition the way it actually was set).

As far as I could see – apart from temporary workarounds (I remember  
troubles with columns) – all old ConTeXt files generate the same  
output when typeset with a current ConTeXt version.

So I was just wondering that my 3 month old file generates a  
different output today.

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] index question

2006-10-21 Thread Thomas A. Schmitz
I couldn't find anything on the wiki or in the documentation:

I have defined a special index which will typeset numbers in bold:


which I invoke like


How can I get a register range to use this special style?  I tried  
something like

\startregister[imp][signi][signifie]{\em signifié}

but get errors missing csname. What am i overlooking?


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] index formatting

2006-09-13 Thread Steffen Wolfrum
I also downloaded the current beta but the problem related to  
collapsing page numbers is still there.
Just comment / uncomment the marked line and watch the change in the  
third register (the one that uses the compress=yes key):


\placelist[section][criterium=all]  \blank[5*big]
\placeregister[index][compress=no]  \blank[5*big]
\placeregister[index][compress=no,sectionnumber=yes]  \blank[5*big]
\placeregister[index][compress=yes] \blank[5*big]

test text \index{test index}
more test text \index{test index}
more test text \index{test index}
%\page test text% --- comment / uncomment this line
\section{heading text \index{test index}}
more test text \index{test index}
test text \index{test index}
\section{heading text \index{test index}}
more test text \index{test index}



Am 13.09.2006 um 07:49 schrieb Thomas A. Schmitz:

 On Sep 12, 2006, at 7:41 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:

 should not happen, so i need a simple test doc -)

 there has been some code changes (related to collapsing page numbers


 just downloaded the latest beta (2006.09.13 00:41 MK II), and the
 problem is gone. Thanks a lot for taking care of it so quickly!

 All best

 ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] index formatting

2006-09-12 Thread Hans Hagen
Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:
 Hi all,

 there is a problem with index formatting (I'm using the latest beta,  
 but have no idea if this was always the case or has been introduced  
 recently). My index is in two columns (the default, I believe). If an  
 item has several references, the lines doesn't break, but continues  
 into the margin or into column 2. Lines do break after the en-dash at  
 index ranges, so it looks like the space after the comma is non- 
 breakable. It's difficult to make a minimal example for that, but  
 what I see is this:

 Virgil 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

 instead of

 Virgil 1, 2, 3, 4,
 4, 6, 7, 8, 9,
 10, 11, 12, 13

should not happen, so i need a simple test doc -) 

there has been some code changes (related to collapsing page numbers

  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] index formatting

2006-09-12 Thread Thomas A. Schmitz

On Sep 12, 2006, at 7:41 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:

 should not happen, so i need a simple test doc -)

 there has been some code changes (related to collapsing page numbers


just downloaded the latest beta (2006.09.13 00:41 MK II), and the  
problem is gone. Thanks a lot for taking care of it so quickly!

All best

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] index formatting

2006-09-11 Thread Thomas A. Schmitz
Hi all,

there is a problem with index formatting (I'm using the latest beta,  
but have no idea if this was always the case or has been introduced  
recently). My index is in two columns (the default, I believe). If an  
item has several references, the lines doesn't break, but continues  
into the margin or into column 2. Lines do break after the en-dash at  
index ranges, so it looks like the space after the comma is non- 
breakable. It's difficult to make a minimal example for that, but  
what I see is this:

Virgil 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

instead of

Virgil 1, 2, 3, 4,
4, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12, 13

Best Thomas
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] index page range bug

2006-09-07 Thread Duncan Hothersall
Jason wrote:

 When using startregister/stopregister commands, if the range is only one 
 one page, then while both a [f] and a [t] are written to the tui file, 
 only one \registerfrom command is put in the tuo file.  If there is only 
 one range, it seems like the software deals with it nicely.  However, if 
 there are two ranges (like in the example below), then the index 
 incorrectly assumes that the first \registerfrom command in the tuo file 
 corresponds to the \registerto command.

Aha! Great work tracking this down Jason, I have been bitten by this bug
many times in the past but not been able to isolate it. It would be
really great if this could be fixed in the ruby script.

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] index page range bug

2006-09-06 Thread Jason Grout
Hans (or whoever could change this),

When using startregister/stopregister commands, if the range is only one 
one page, then while both a [f] and a [t] are written to the tui file, 
only one \registerfrom command is put in the tuo file.  If there is only 
one range, it seems like the software deals with it nicely.  However, if 
there are two ranges (like in the example below), then the index 
incorrectly assumes that the first \registerfrom command in the tuo file 
corresponds to the \registerto command.

Here's an example


\setuppapersize [letter][letter]
\input knuth

KNUTH START\startregister[index][knuthrange1]{Knuth}

\input knuth

KNUTH END\stopregister[index][knuthrange1]

\dorecurse{10}{\input zapf }

KNUTH START\startregister[index][knuthrange2]{Knuth}

\dorecurse{10}{\input knuth }

KNUTH END\stopregister[index][knuthrange2]


r f {index} {1} {} {Knuth} {2--0-0-0-0-0-0-0--1} {1}
r t {index} {2} {} {Knuth} {2--0-0-0-0-0-0-0--1} {1}
r f {index} {3} {} {Knuth} {2--0-0-0-0-0-0-0--3} {3}
r t {index} {4} {} {Knuth} {2--0-0-0-0-0-0-0--5} {5}



and the index reads Knuth 1--5, but it should read Knuth 1, 3--5

My guess is the problem lies in the line in texutil.rb:

if copied || ! ((lastpage ==  \
(lastrealpage == entry.realpage)) then

(sorry, that was one line before my mail program wrapped it).

Since the ending [t] reference for the first \stopregister command is on 
the same page as the first one, the whole section outputting a 
\registerto command to the tuo file is skipped.  Instead, how about 
making the code check to see if we have a range that ends on the same 
page as it started?  If it does, then just insert a \registerpage 
command instead of a \registerfrom command.

I've corrected this in the perl version (I had an old version of ConTEXt 
before today, otherwise I would have worked on the ruby version).  I 
also added support for nesting ranges, which I then discovered weren't 
supported anyway.  (I also had to change the sort order on 
@RegisterEntries so that [f] and [t] entries would be consecutive, 
instead of all the [f] entries preceding the [t] entries, but it looks 
like that was fixed already). Here's my code from the perl texutil (with 
a bunch of comments from me):

   { # print $LastPage / $Page // $LastRealPage / $RealPage\n ;
 $NextEntry = 
{$Class}{$PreviousA}{$PreviousB}{$PreviousC}{$PageHow,$TextHow} ;
 $SavedLine = 
{$Class}{$PageHow,$TextHow}{$Location}{$Page}{$RealPage}\n ;
  # If we are starting a new level, start our nesting over.
  # This will completely ignore the last non-properly
  # nested result in the previous heading.
   { $NestingLevel=0;
 if ($RegisterState eq $RegStat{f}) # If we are starting a 
   { FlushSavedLine ;
 if($NestingLevel eq 0)
   { $TopLevelFromLine=$SavedLine;
 elsif ($RegisterState eq $RegStat{t}) # If we are ending 
a range
   { FlushSavedLine ;
 if($NestingLevel = 0)
   { if((($Page eq $TopLevelFromPage) and ($RealPage eq 
or $NestingLevel  0)
   { print TUO \\registerpage$SavedLine ;
   { print TUO \\registerfrom$TopLevelFromLine ;
 print TUO \\registerto$SavedLine ;
 $NestingLevel = 0 ;
 else # If we have a normal single entry
   { if ($CollapseEntries)
   { if ($SavedEntry ne $NextEntry)
   { $SavedFrom = $SavedLine }
   { $SavedTo = $SavedLine }
 $SavedEntry = $NextEntry }
  { print TUO \\registerpage$SavedLine }

Of course, if I've missed something, please let me know.  I've only 
started using ConTEXt in the last few weeks.  I needed grid typesetting 
for a book I was working on and I was getting tired of LaTeX not helping 
me there.  I've absolutely loved working with ConTEXt

Re: [NTG-context] index (again)

2006-08-31 Thread Steffen Wolfrum
Does the current beta also provide a fix for the index bug (see below)?


Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:

 If I change your testfile by one line \page test text

 the output becomes really strange:

 test index 2, 2, 2

 Is this a sign that I don't have the latest beta with the fixes you  


 Test file:


 \placelist[section][criterium=all]  \blank[5*big]
 \placeregister[index][compress=no]  \blank[5*big]
 \placeregister[index][compress=no,sectionnumber=yes]  \blank[5*big]
 \placeregister[index][compress=yes] \blank[5*big]

 test text \index{test index}
 more test text \index{test index}
 more test text \index{test index}
 \page test text
 \section{heading text \index{test index}}
 more test text \index{test index}
 test text \index{test index}
 \section{heading text \index{test index}}
 more test text \index{test index}


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] index (again)

2006-08-06 Thread Hans Hagen
Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
 It's not waterproof.

 See the result in the attached PDF:

 For example GOBReg
 ... 230, 230, 230�233 ...
 ... 273�277, 277� 279 ...

 And something else needs to be improved (that's why I send the PDF):
 See the register is not typeset in columns properly?!
i cannot reproduce that, so what exactly is the index definitions then? 

(can you make a test file ?)


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] index (again)

2006-08-04 Thread Steffen Wolfrum

today evening is the deadline and I need to know a solution to the  
following request.

If there is *NO* solution possible in ConTeXt please tell me today (!)
so I can think of a complete different workaround.

Thank you.


When I set my document with the settings  (see deeptextcommand) below
then a entry looks like this:

Ministererlaubnis 12, 15, 16, 17,
18, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,
37, 38, 39, 75, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86,
87, 159, 222, 222, 222, 227, 228,
228, 228, 228, 229, 231, 232,
233, 234, 235, 236, 238, 239,
248, 260, 261, 265, 277, 278,
279, 280, 282, 283, 286, 289,
304, 311, 318, 323, 324, 328,
330, 333, 335, 339, 343

That makes sense when using the resulting PDF as a interactive document.
But I need the resulting PDF for printing only - so now interactive  
jump to page and index mark is wanted.

What I want instead is a more readable version of my index entries  
like the following:

Ministererlaubnis 12, 15-18,
29-35, 37-39, 75, 82-87, 159,
222, 227-229, 231, 232-236,
238-239, 248, 260-261, 265,
277-280, 282-283, 286, 289,
304, 311, 318, 323-324, 328,
330, 333, 335, 339, 343

You see?

For example 222 doesn't show up 3 times but 1 time only.
And it's not 37, 38, 39 but 37-39, for example.

This is what I need, and what I need help for.


Am 03.08.2006 um 00:08 schrieb Hans Hagen:

 Steffen Wolfrum wrote:

 what about you?
 i'm not sure what you want, what is real document



 Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:

 Von: Taco Hoekwater [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Datum: 2. August 2006 11:47:27 MESZ
 An: mailing list for ConTeXt users
 Betreff: Re: [NTG-context] index (again)
 Antwort an: mailing list for ConTeXt users

 Steffen Wolfrum wrote:

 It's like this:



 Unf., I do not know much about register prosessing, so
 I cannot say whether it can do this. I hope someone else


 Am 02.08.2006 um 10:14 schrieb Steffen Wolfrum:
 Am 02.08.2006 um 10:01 schrieb Taco Hoekwater:
 Steffen Wolfrum wrote:

 I need to know if the following is possible in ConTeXt.

 If it's not, please don't hesitate to tell me, so I can think of a
 It it is possible, it would be great to tell me how!

 Is this is inside a register or keyed directly into your document?


 It's like this:


   {\iffirstregisterentry\else\endgraf\fi % new





 \chapter{First Chapter}
 Some text...\index{word}

 \section {First Section}
 Some text...\index{word}
 Some text...\index{another entry}
 Some text...\index{ansi}
 Some text...\index{another entry}




 ... but in my real document looking like this:

 Ministererlaubnis 12, 15, 16, 17,
 18, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,
 37, 38, 39, 75, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86,
 87, 159, 222, 222, 222, 227, 228,
 228, 228, 228, 229, 231, 232,
 233, 234, 235, 236, 238, 239,
 248, 260, 261, 265, 277, 278,
 279, 280, 282, 283, 286, 289,
 304, 311, 318, 323, 324, 328,
 330, 333, 335, 339, 343

 ntg-context mailing list


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] index (again)

2006-08-04 Thread Hans Hagen
Steffen Wolfrum wrote:

 today evening is the deadline and I need to know a solution to the  
 following request.

 If there is *NO* solution possible in ConTeXt please tell me today (!)
 so I can think of a complete different workaround.
there is always a solution possible but writing one takes time -)

(i remember that there was something taing car of this)

is the deadline telling that it can be done or has to be finished


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] index (again)

2006-08-04 Thread Steffen Wolfrum

Am 04.08.2006 um 14:17 schrieb Hans Hagen:

 Steffen Wolfrum wrote:

 today evening is the deadline and I need to know a solution to the
 following request.

 If there is *NO* solution possible in ConTeXt please tell me today  
 so I can think of a complete different workaround.

 there is always a solution possible but writing one takes time -)

 (i remember that there was something taing car of this)

 is the deadline telling that it can be done or has to be finished


Unfortunately has to be finished.
But if it is to much work just tell me: then I skip the whole index  
and type the entire register by hand.
I just need to know whether to start (would be quite some pages)...


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] index (again)

2006-08-04 Thread Hans Hagen
Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
 Unfortunately has to be finished.
 But if it is to much work just tell me: then I skip the whole index  
 and type the entire register by hand.
 I just need to know whether to start (would be quite some pages)...
ok, i sent you a test core-reg.tex file (remake the format); no key/val control 


\chardef\collapseregisterpages\zerocount \placeregister[index]
\chardef\collapseregisterpages\plusone   \placeregister[index]


\dorecurse{10}{test 1:!\index{test} test \page}
\dorecurse{5} {test 2:\recurselevel  \page}
\dorecurse{10}{test 3:!\index{test} test \page}
\dorecurse{5} {test 4:\recurselevel  \page}
\dorecurse{1} {test 5:!\index{test} test \page}
\dorecurse{5} {test 6:\recurselevel  \page}
\dorecurse{10}{test 7:!\index{test} test \page}
\dorecurse{5} {test 8:\recurselevel  \page}

oeps \index{oeps}
todo \index{todo}


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] index (again)

2006-08-02 Thread Taco Hoekwater

Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
 I need to know if the following is possible in ConTeXt.
 If it's not, please don't hesitate to tell me, so I can think of a  
 It it is possible, it would be great to tell me how!

Is this is inside a register or keyed directly into your document?

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] index (again)

2006-08-02 Thread Steffen Wolfrum
Am 02.08.2006 um 10:01 schrieb Taco Hoekwater:
 Steffen Wolfrum wrote:

 I need to know if the following is possible in ConTeXt.

 If it's not, please don't hesitate to tell me, so I can think of a
 It it is possible, it would be great to tell me how!

 Is this is inside a register or keyed directly into your document?


It's like this:


  {\iffirstregisterentry\else\endgraf\fi % new





\chapter{First Chapter}
Some text...\index{word}

\section {First Section}
Some text...\index{word}
Some text...\index{another entry}
Some text...\index{ansi}
Some text...\index{another entry}




... but in my real document looking like this:

Ministererlaubnis 12, 15, 16, 17,
18, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,
37, 38, 39, 75, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86,
87, 159, 222, 222, 222, 227, 228,
228, 228, 228, 229, 231, 232,
233, 234, 235, 236, 238, 239,
248, 260, 261, 265, 277, 278,
279, 280, 282, 283, 286, 289,
304, 311, 318, 323, 324, 328,
330, 333, 335, 339, 343

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] [off-list, urgent] Index design

2006-07-26 Thread Hans Hagen
Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
 Hi Hans,

 sorry for contacting you off-list. But the publishing-house I am 
 working for at the moment needs to know the answer to my Index 
 design question today.

 They have a series of books with a given index (register of keywords) 
 designed as described below.
 This design was set in the past with 3B2, and now is the question: is 
 it also possible to set it (in this strange way) with ConTeXt?

 Please see my description below (hope gets it's clear):

 Is it possible, in an index, not to have single letters as separators
 (here a, w) in a dedicated line, but instead only the first letter of
 the first entry with a or w set bold?

 See this minimal example:


 \chapter{First Chapter}
 Some text...\index{word}

 \section {First Section}
 Some text...\index{word}
 Some text...\index{another entry}
 Some text...\index{ansi}
 Some text...\index{another entry}



 Here I would like to have only the first letter of the index entries
 another and word in the index to be set bold.
since tex is programmable, things like this are doable; of course the question 
is what tweaks are needed; anyhow, it should not be a show-stopper


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] [off-list, urgent] Index design

2006-07-26 Thread Hans Hagen
Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
 Hi Hans,

 sorry for contacting you off-list. But the publishing-house I am 
 working for at the moment needs to know the answer to my Index 
 design question today.

 They have a series of books with a given index (register of keywords) 
 designed as described below.
 This design was set in the past with 3B2, and now is the question: is 
 it also possible to set it (in this strange way) with ConTeXt?

 Please see my description below (hope gets it's clear):

 Is it possible, in an index, not to have single letters as separators
 (here a, w) in a dedicated line, but instead only the first letter of
 the first entry with a or w set bold?

 See this minimal example:


 \chapter{First Chapter}
 Some text...\index{word}

 \section {First Section}
 Some text...\index{word}
 Some text...\index{another entry}
 Some text...\index{ansi}
 Some text...\index{another entry}



 Here I would like to have only the first letter of the index entries
 another and word in the index to be set bold.

inofficial hook; remind me when the time is there that you need it because it 
needs to be hooked in somewhere else 


 {\iffirstregisterentry\else\endgraf\fi % new





\chapter{First Chapter}
Some text...\index{word}

\section {First Section}
Some text...\index{word}
Some text...\index{another entry}
Some text...\index{ansi}
Some text...\index{another entry}




  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] [off-list, urgent] Index design

2006-07-26 Thread Steffen Wolfrum
OK, but there seems to be no out-of-the box solution like  
Is it at least that doable that someone could do it? I have no idea...


Am 26.07.2006 um 09:40 schrieb Hans Hagen:

 Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
 Hi Hans,

 sorry for contacting you off-list. But the publishing-house I am
 working for at the moment needs to know the answer to my Index
 design question today.

 They have a series of books with a given index (register of keywords)
 designed as described below.
 This design was set in the past with 3B2, and now is the question: is
 it also possible to set it (in this strange way) with ConTeXt?

 Please see my description below (hope gets it's clear):

 Is it possible, in an index, not to have single letters as separators
 (here a, w) in a dedicated line, but instead only the first  
 letter of
 the first entry with a or w set bold?

 See this minimal example:


 \chapter{First Chapter}
 Some text...\index{word}

 \section {First Section}
 Some text...\index{word}
 Some text...\index{another entry}
 Some text...\index{ansi}
 Some text...\index{another entry}



 Here I would like to have only the first letter of the index entries
 another and word in the index to be set bold.
 since tex is programmable, things like this are doable; of course  
 the question is what tweaks are needed; anyhow, it should not be  
 a show-stopper


   Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
   Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
  tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

 ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] [off-list, urgent] Index design

2006-07-26 Thread Steffen Wolfrum
(Sorry for the strange conversation, but my e-mail appears with about  
20 minutes delay on the list. And Hans is faster.)

Am 26.07.2006 um 09:59 schrieb Hans Hagen:

 inofficial hook; remind me when the time is there that you need it  
 because it needs to be hooked in somewhere else

...well, if it's doable (looks great!) then it is needed Friday (this  
week) :(

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] [off-list, urgent] Index design

2006-07-26 Thread Sanjoy Mahajan
 (Sorry for the strange conversation, but my e-mail appears with about  
 20 minutes delay on the list. And Hans is faster.)

I've noticed this too, after I found many examples where Hans or Taco
would answer questions that I didn't even know people had!  It seems
that some emails (based on From: or destination address?) are delayed
longer than others by the mailing list.

Any ideas about what causes it?  Would a few full headers showing what
I mean help?


`Never underestimate the evil of which men of power are capable.'
 --Bertrand Russell, _War Crimes in Vietnam_, chapter 1.
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] [off-list, urgent] Index design

2006-07-26 Thread Taco Hoekwater

Sanjoy Mahajan wrote:
(Sorry for the strange conversation, but my e-mail appears with about  
20 minutes delay on the list. And Hans is faster.)
 I've noticed this too, after I found many examples where Hans or Taco
 would answer questions that I didn't even know people had!  It seems
 that some emails (based on From: or destination address?) are delayed
 longer than others by the mailing list.
 Any ideas about what causes it?  Would a few full headers showing what

It happens to me as well, and it is worse on moment when there is more
spam. My guess is that because spam and virus filtering are often
queue-based (as a resource control measure), more mail equals longer
handling time.

Cheers, taco
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] [off-list, urgent] Index design

2006-07-26 Thread Hans Hagen
Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
 (Sorry for the strange conversation, but my e-mail appears with about  
 20 minutes delay on the list. And Hans is faster.)

 Am 26.07.2006 um 09:59 schrieb Hans Hagen:

 inofficial hook; remind me when the time is there that you need it  
 because it needs to be hooked in somewhere else

 ...well, if it's doable (looks great!) then it is needed Friday (this  
 week) :(

the deeptextcoman doption will be available in the next release 


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Index design

2006-07-25 Thread Steffen Wolfrum

in a index is it possible not to have bold letters as separators  
(a, w) in a dedicated line, but instead only the first letter of  
the first entry with a or w bold?

See this minimal example:

\chapter{First Chapter}
Some text...\index{word}

\section {First Section}
Some text...\index{word}
Some text...\index{another word}
Some text...\index{another word}



Here I would like to have only the first letter of the index entries  
another and later word in the index to be set bold.

(Hope you understand what I mean...)


ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Index design

2006-07-25 Thread Steffen Wolfrum
[apologies for re-posting but the ntg-server seemed to be down?]


in a index is it possible not to have bold letters as separators  
(a, w) in a dedicated line, but instead only the first letter of  
the first entry with a or w bold?

See this minimal example:

\chapter{First Chapter}
Some text...\index{word}

\section {First Section}
Some text...\index{word}
Some text...\index{another word}
Some text...\index{another word}



Here I would like to have only the first letter of the index entries  
another and later word in the index to be set bold.

(Hope you understand what I mean...)


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index sorting again

2006-07-03 Thread Richard Gabriel

I'd consider it more trasparent... But, anyway, Hans has already fixed this problem and he has made it the first way (i.e. symbols including numbers in one group and then the letters). I guess it's OK and consistent with the DocBook XSLT stylesheets which I use for the HTML output.-RichardFrom: Mojca Miklavec [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: mailing list for ConTeXt users [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sat, 01 Jul 2006 00:51:18 +0200Subject: Re: [NTG-context] Index sorting againOn 6/29/06, Richard Gabriel wrote:

  For example, the DocBook XSLT stylesheets (
 solve it this way:

 Symbols (anything unsortable, including numbers)

 I'd suggest a bit better way:


But why 10 bins for numbers?

ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index sorting again

2006-06-30 Thread Mojca Miklavec
On 6/29/06, Richard Gabriel wrote:

  For example, the DocBook XSLT stylesheets (
 solve it this way:

 Symbols (anything unsortable, including numbers)

 I'd suggest a bit better way:


But why 10 bins for numbers?

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index sorting again

2006-06-29 Thread Hans Hagen
Richard Gabriel wrote:
 Hello Hans,

 I'd like to remind the 2 persisting problems with the index sorting.

 1. Numbers are sorted under A
 2. Symbols are sorted under the first letter which follows.

 See the attached test file.
 Both these issues are independent on language and on the expansion type.

 Proposed solution:

 1. Sort numbers into separate divisions
 2. Sort symbols to a special division called Symbols

 Could you please look into it?
 May I help you any further (except the attached test file)?
the question is ... where do they need to end up 


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index sorting again

2006-06-29 Thread Richard Gabriel

For example, the DocBook XSLT stylesheets ( solve it this way:Symbols (anything unsortable, including numbers)AB...Z---I'd suggest a bit better way:Symbols12...9AB...Z-Richard From: Hans Hagen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: mailing list for ConTeXt users [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 14:33:41 +0200Subject: Re: [NTG-context] Index sorting againRichard Gabriel wrote:
 Hello Hans,

 I'd like to remind the 2 persisting problems with the index sorting.

 1. Numbers are sorted under A
 2. Symbols are sorted under the first letter which follows.

 See the attached test file.
 Both these issues are independent on language and on the expansion type.

 Proposed solution:

 1. Sort numbers into separate divisions
 2. Sort symbols to a special division called "Symbols"

 Could you please look into it?
 May I help you any further (except the attached test file)?
the question is ... where do they need to end up 


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Index sorting again

2006-06-27 Thread Richard Gabriel

Hello Hans,I'd like to remind the 2 persisting problems with the index sorting.1. Numbers are sorted under A2. Symbols are sorted under the first letter which follows.See the attached test file.Both these issues are independent on language and on the expansion type.Proposed solution:1. Sort numbers into separate divisions2. Sort symbols to a special division called "Symbols"Could you please look into it? May I help you any further (except the attached test file)?Many thanx,Richard

Description: TeX document
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Bibliography: Cite by author with (co)author index and page number

2006-06-19 Thread Tobias Burnus

I saw the following nice feature in a book, which I also like to use for
a longer work. The author uses a cite by author style (Sharma, 1979) and
in the citation index:

   Nobody, N. B. and N. N. Nonomens, J. Improper Sci. 12, 199 (2007). 5
   Nonomens, N. N., See Sharma, R. R; Nobody, N. B.
   Sharma R.R and N. N. Nonomens, Phys. Rev. B19, 2813 (1979).  320,
323, 330

where the last numbers are the pages on which one has cited the item.
That way one automatically creates an index of persons, one cites.

One could even link the page numbers to the referrering page.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Bibliography: Cite by author with (co)author index and page number

2006-06-19 Thread Taco Hoekwater
Tobias Burnus wrote:
 I saw the following nice feature in a book, which I also like to use for
 a longer work. The author uses a cite by author style (Sharma, 1979) and
 in the citation index:
Nobody, N. B. and N. N. Nonomens, J. Improper Sci. 12, 199 (2007). 5
Nonomens, N. N., See Sharma, R. R; Nobody, N. B.
Sharma R.R and N. N. Nonomens, Phys. Rev. B19, 2813 (1979).  320,
 323, 330
 where the last numbers are the pages on which one has cited the item.
 That way one automatically creates an index of persons, one cites.
 One could even link the page numbers to the referrering page.

Backlinks are on the todo list already. I will start work on that when
I am confident that the current beta is reliable enough for continued 
work. Should be relatively simple to add this in the new code, because
every \cite is now also a reference target.

The trick with the author names is unlikely to happen anytime soon.

Cheers, Taco
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Another 2 index bugs

2006-06-15 Thread Richard Gabriel

Hello Hans,I've just noticed another two bugs in index sorting.1. Numbers are sorted under A2. Symbols are sorted under the first letter which follows.See the attached test file.Both these issues are independent on language and on the expansion type.Proposed solution:1. Sort numbers into separate divisions2. Sort symbols to a special division called "Symbols"Thanks,Richard

Description: TeX document
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Bug in index references (or featur e?)

2006-06-08 Thread Richard Gabriel

Hello Hans and others,I've found a strange behavior of the index references.If there are two (or more) references to the same term on one page, each one in another chapter, there will be two (or more) references to the same page number in the index.The attached sample demonstates it clearly:- If the same term is referred in different chapter ("Term" or "Another term"), then there are multiple references to the same page in the index.- It the term is referred more times within the same chapter ("Yet another term"), then there's only one reference in the Index.I consider this behavior a bit confusing. Maybe it has it's meaning when interaction is used (but it's inconsistent anyway), but it definitely look like an error in printed documents.What do you guess think this?Thanks,Richard

Description: TeX document
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Index sorting for other languages than English (2)

2006-05-30 Thread R. Ermers
Hi all,

I have a document in Dutch (\mainlanguage[nl]) in which I quote Turkish 
items, which I want to collect in a separate index, like this:

Enkele voorbeelden zijn: \quote{oudere zus} \turkish{abla}, 
\quote{jongere broer of zus} \turkish{karde\c{s}}, de \quote{zus van 
vader} (\quote{tante}) \turkish{hala, \quote{de zus van moeder} 
\turkish{teyze}. Voor aangetrouwde familieleden gelden soms juist vagere 
termen dan in het Nederlands, bijv. \quote{aangetrouwde tante} en 
\quote{schoonzuster}, \turkish{yenge}.

The index, however, is based on Dutch (mainlanguage). This causes two 

1. words with accents, like s\oz, are not sorted correctly to any standard:
söz kesmek 76
saygı 14
s¸eref 3, 14, 24, 27

2. letters with diacritics, like \c{s} (under which \c{s}eref is to be 
placed) are not included in the alphabetical listing in the index, which 
of course follows the Dutch alphabet.

Does anyone have a solution?



ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index sorting for other languages than English (2)

2006-05-30 Thread Richard Gabriel

I'd suggest you to use the extended variant of the \index macro. There you can specify an ASCII equivalent of the word, which will be used for sorting:\index[soz kesmek]{s\"oz kesmek}\index[seref]{\c seref}-RichardFrom: "R. Ermers" [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: mailing list for ConTeXt users [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Tue, 30 May 2006 08:43:01 +0200Subject: [NTG-context] Index sorting for other languages than English (2)Hi all,

I have a document in Dutch (\mainlanguage[nl]) in which I quote Turkish 
items, which I want to collect in a separate index, like this:

"Enkele voorbeelden zijn: \quote{oudere zus} \turkish{abla}, 
\quote{jongere broer of zus} \turkish{karde\c{s}}, de \quote{zus van 
vader} (\quote{tante}) \turkish{hala, \quote{de zus van moeder} 
\turkish{teyze}. Voor aangetrouwde familieleden gelden soms juist vagere 
termen dan in het Nederlands, bijv. \quote{aangetrouwde tante} en 
\quote{schoonzuster}, \turkish{yenge}."

The index, however, is based on Dutch (mainlanguage). This causes two 

1. words with accents, like s\"oz, are not sorted correctly to any standard:
söz kesmek 76
saygı 14
s¸eref 3, 14, 24, 27

2. letters with diacritics, like \c{s} (under which \c{s}eref is to be 
placed) are not included in the alphabetical listing in the index, which 
of course follows the Dutch alphabet.

Does anyone have a solution?



ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index sorting for other languages than English (2)

2006-05-30 Thread Hans Hagen
R. Ermers wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have a document in Dutch (\mainlanguage[nl]) in which I quote Turkish 
 items, which I want to collect in a separate index, like this:

 Enkele voorbeelden zijn: \quote{oudere zus} \turkish{abla}, 
 \quote{jongere broer of zus} \turkish{karde\c{s}}, de \quote{zus van 
 vader} (\quote{tante}) \turkish{hala, \quote{de zus van moeder} 
 \turkish{teyze}. Voor aangetrouwde familieleden gelden soms juist vagere 
 termen dan in het Nederlands, bijv. \quote{aangetrouwde tante} en 
 \quote{schoonzuster}, \turkish{yenge}.

 The index, however, is based on Dutch (mainlanguage). This causes two 

 1. words with accents, like s\oz, are not sorted correctly to any standard:
 söz kesmek 76
 saygı 14
 s¸eref 3, 14, 24, 27

 2. letters with diacritics, like \c{s} (under which \c{s}eref is to be 
 placed) are not included in the alphabetical listing in the index, which 
 of course follows the Dutch alphabet.

 Does anyone have a solution?
hm, so we need a mixed sorting mechanism

(in sort-lan.tex you can define a sort order for turkish but it still 
concerns the whole doc then)

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index sorting for other languages than English (2)

2006-05-30 Thread Hans Hagen
Richard Gabriel wrote:
 I'd suggest you to use the extended variant of the \index macro. There 
 you can specify an ASCII equivalent of the word, which will be used 
 for sorting:

 \index[soz kesmek]{s\oz kesmek}
 \index[seref]{\c seref}
actually, supporting multiple indexes with their own sort order is kind 
of prepared but never completed, so i'll have a look at it



  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index sorting for other languages than English

2006-05-30 Thread Richard Gabriel

Hello Hans,I'm sorry but when you were adding my sorting rules for Czech, you've (probably by accident) deleted the definition of \czsortdivisionch which leads to errors when trying to sort a word on "ch".I've also made some minor corrections. Here is the updated version:% ---\def\czsortdivisionch{ch}\def\czsortdivisionCh{Ch}\startmode[sortorder-cz] \exportsortexpansion {aacute} {a+1} \exportsortexpansion {Aacute} {A+1} \exportsortexpansion {ccaron} {c+1} \exportsortexpansion {Ccaron} {C+1} \exportsortdivision {c+1} {ccaron} \exportsortexpansion {dcaron} {d+1} \exportsortexpansion {Dcaron} {D+1} \exportsortdivision {d+1} {dcaron} \exportsortexpansion {eacute} {e+1} \exportsortexpansion {Eacute} {E+1} \exportsortexpansion {ecaron} {e+2} \exportsortexpansion {Ecaron} {E+2} \exportsortreduction {ch} {h+1} \exportsortexpansion {ch} {h+1} \exportsortreduction {Ch} {H+1} \exportsortexpansion {Ch} {H+1} \exportsortdivision {h+1} {czsortdivisionch} \exportsortexpansion {iacute} {i+1} \exportsortexpansion {Iacute} {I+1} \exportsortexpansion {ncaron} {n+1} \exportsortexpansion {Ncaron} {N+1} \exportsortdivision {n+1} {ncaron} \exportsortexpansion {oacute} {o+1} \exportsortexpansion {Oacute} {O+1} \exportsortexpansion {rcaron} {r+1} \exportsortexpansion {Rcaron} {R+1} \exportsortdivision {r+1} {rcaron} \exportsortexpansion {scaron} {s+1} \exportsortexpansion {Scaron} {S+1} \exportsortdivision {s+1} {scaron} \exportsortexpansion {tcaron} {t+1} \exportsortexpansion {Tcaron} {T+1} \exportsortdivision {t+1} {tcaron} \exportsortexpansion {uacute} {u+1} \exportsortexpansion {Uacute} {U+1} \exportsortexpansion {uring} {u+2} \exportsortexpansion {Uring} {U+2} \exportsortexpansion {yacute} {y+1} \exportsortexpansion {Yacute} {Y+1} \exportsortexpansion {zcaron} {z+1} \exportsortexpansion {Zcaron} {Z+1} \exportsortdivision {z+1} {zcaron}\stopmode% ---___
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index sorting for other languages than English

2006-05-30 Thread Hans Hagen
Richard Gabriel wrote:
 Hello Hans,

 I'm sorry but when you were adding my sorting rules for Czech, you've 
 (probably by accident) deleted the definition of \czsortdivisionch 
 which leads to errors when trying to sort a word on ch.
 I've also made some minor corrections. Here is the updated version:
i've (a bit more) finished teutil sorting so that it also can sort different 
registers conform their own language: 

i'll post an alpha (generating now) that can do: 

\defineregister[two] \setupregister[two][language=cz]


test \one{one} test \one{two} test \one {\aacute} test \one{alpha} test 
test \two{one} test \two{two} test \two {\aacute} test \two{alpha} test 

\blank[3*big] \placeregister[one]
\blank[3*big] \placeregister[two]


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index sorting for other languages that English

2006-05-26 Thread Hans Hagen
Richard Gabriel wrote:
 Thanks Hans, it works with my test file,
 unless I set up:


 which i need for correct processing of the XML files.
 If I simply add this command into the testing TeX file (no XML), the 
 Czech sorting stops to work and all accented characters are placed 
 under A.
test file ...

 Regarding the sorting itself (sort-lan.tex):
 I found the definiton of the sorting quite strange, let's say, 
 It makes no sense to separate ccaron while all other accented letters 
 are placed under the unaccented ones.
 I'll update the definitions, test it and send it to you.


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index sorting for other languages that English

2006-05-26 Thread Richard Gabriel

Here is the test file. If you remove the \setupregister command, or simply set expansion=no, the sorting will work perfectly.With expansion=yes or expansion=xml, the accented letters are sorted under "A".Below are my updated sorting rules again...-Richard---\def\czsortdivisionch{ch}\def\czsortdivisionCh{Ch}\startmode[sortorder-cz] \exportsortexpansion{aacute}{a+1} \exportsortexpansion{Aacute}{A+1} \exportsortexpansion{ccaron}{c+1} \exportsortexpansion{Ccaron}{C+1} \exportsortdivision{c+1}{ccaron} \exportsortexpansion{dcaron}{d+1} \exportsortexpansion{Dcaron}{C+1} \exportsortdivision{d+1}{dcaron} \exportsortexpansion{eacute}{e+1} \exportsortexpansion{Eacute}{E+1} \exportsortexpansion{ecaron}{e+2} \exportsortexpansion{Ecaron}{E+2} \exportsortreduction{ch}{h+1} \exportsortexpansion{ch}{h+1} \exportsortreduction{Ch}{h+1} \exportsortexpansion{Ch}{h+1} \exportsortdivision{h+1}{czsortdivisionch} \exportsortexpansion{iacute}{i+1} \exportsortexpansion{Iacute}{I+1} \exportsortexpansion{ncaron}{n+1} \exportsortexpansion{Ncaron}{n+1} \exportsortdivision{n+1}{ncaron} \exportsortexpansion{oacute}{o+1} \exportsortexpansion{Oacute}{O+1} \exportsortexpansion{rcaron}{r+1} \exportsortexpansion{Rcaron}{R+1} \exportsortdivision{r+1}{rcaron} \exportsortexpansion{scaron}{s+1} \exportsortexpansion{Scaron}{S+1} \exportsortdivision{s+1}{scaron} \exportsortexpansion{tcaron}{t+1} \exportsortexpansion{Tcaron}{T+1} \exportsortdivision{t+1}{tcaron} \exportsortexpansion{uacute}{u+1} \exportsortexpansion{Uacute}{U+1} \exportsortexpansion{uring}{u+2} \exportsortexpansion{Uring}{U+2} \exportsortexpansion{yacute}{y+1} \exportsortexpansion{Yacute}{Y+1} \exportsortexpansion{zcaron}{z+1} \exportsortexpansion{Zcaron}{Z+1} \exportsortdivision{z+1}{zcaron}\stopmodeFrom: Hans Hagen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: mailing list for ConTeXt users [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wed, 24 May 2006 17:55:02 +0200Subject: Re: [NTG-context] Index sorting for other languages that EnglishRichard Gabriel wrote:
 Thanks Hans, it works with my test file,
 unless I set up:


 which i need for correct processing of the XML files.
 If I simply add this command into the testing TeX file (no XML), the 
 Czech sorting stops to work and all accented characters are placed 
 under "A".
test file ...

 Regarding the sorting itself (sort-lan.tex):
 I found the definiton of the sorting quite strange, let's say, 
 It makes no sense to separate ccaron while all other accented letters 
 are placed under the unaccented ones.
 I'll update the definitions, test it and send it to you.


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Description: TeX document
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index sorting for other languages that English

2006-05-24 Thread Richard Gabriel

Thanks Hans, it works with my test file, unless I set up:\setupregister[index][expansion=xml]which i need for correct processing of the XML files.If I simply add this command into the testing TeX file (no XML), the Czech sorting stops to work and all accented characters are placed under "A".Regarding the sorting itself (sort-lan.tex): I found the definiton of the sorting quite strange, let's say, incomplete. It makes no sense to separate ccaron while all other accented letters are placed under the unaccented ones.I'll update the definitions, test it and send it to you.-RichardFrom: Hans Hagen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: mailing list for ConTeXt users [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Tue, 23 May 2006 17:02:53 +0200Subject: Re: [NTG-context] Index sorting for other languages that EnglishRichard Gabriel wrote:
 Hello Hans,

 after an upgrade I noticed thar the index sorting works even worse 
 than before (tested on Czech, Chinese and Japanese, but probably 
 related to non-ASCII characters in common).

 With TeXExec 5.4.3, all words beginning with national (accented) 
 characters were put into a separate ("symbols") group and placed 
 before "A". This was not good but more or less acceptable.
 With TeXExec 6.2.0, words beginning with accented characters are 
 placed under certain unaccented letter. My colleague found out that 
 these words are sorted according the first unaccented letter. This is 
 unacceptable and unusable.

 We do a "work-around" so we try to avoid indexing words beginning with 
 accented charaters. But it's impossible in many cases.
 I'd like to ask you to improve the index sorting. Could I help or 
 contribute in some way?

 Attached is a testing file, which creates 2 indexes from various Czech 
 words (covering the Czech alphabet). The index should be sorted 
 exactly that way as the terms are written in the file.

actually the nex texexec implementation does czech sorting but it's not enables yet in context itself (was experimental until now) 

- download the latest version (i uploaded a version that enables it) 
- don't forget \mainlanguage[cz] at the top of your document 
- in sort-lan.tex you can see how czech sorting is defined 

(context adds a lot of into to the tui file in order to get sorting done) 

  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Index sorting for other languages that English

2006-05-23 Thread Richard Gabriel

Hello Hans,after an upgrade I noticed thar the index sorting works even worse than before (tested on Czech, Chinese and Japanese, but probably related to non-ASCII characters in common).With TeXExec 5.4.3, all words beginning with national (accented) characters were put into a separate ("symbols") group and placed before "A". This was not good but more or less acceptable.With TeXExec 6.2.0, words beginning with accented characters are placed under certain unaccented letter. My colleague found out that these words are sorted according the first unaccented letter. This is unacceptable and unusable.We do a "work-around" so we try to avoid indexing words beginning with accented charaters. But it's impossible in many cases.I'd like to ask you to improve the index sorting. Could I help or contribute in some way?Attached is a testing file, which creates 2 indexes from various Czech words (covering the Czech alphabet). The index should be sorted exactly that way as the terms are written in the file.Thanks,Richard

Description: TeX document
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index sorting for other languages that English

2006-05-23 Thread John R. Culleton
On Tuesday 23 May 2006 06:22, Richard Gabriel wrote:
 Hello Hans,

 after an upgrade I noticed thar the index sorting works even worse than
 before (tested on Czech, Chinese and Japanese, but probably related to
 non-ASCII characters in common).

 With TeXExec 5.4.3, all words beginning with national (accented) characters
 were put into a separate (symbols) group and placed before A. This was
 not good but more or less acceptable. With TeXExec 6.2.0, words beginning
 with accented characters are placed under certain unaccented letter. My
 colleague found out that these words are sorted according the first
 unaccented letter. This is unacceptable and unusable.

 We do a work-around so we try to avoid indexing words beginning with
 accented charaters. But it's impossible in many cases. I'd like to ask you
 to improve the index sorting. Could I help or contribute in some way?

 Attached is a testing file, which creates 2 indexes from various Czech
 words (covering the Czech alphabet). The index should be sorted exactly
 that way as the terms are written in the file.


Try Xindy. It has facilities for sorting according to arbitrary
alphabetic orders including Czech. It fits in the workflow much
as does makeindex, but perhaps it could be adapted to a Context

John Culleton
Books with answers to marketing and publishing questions:

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ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index sorting for other languages that English

2006-05-23 Thread Hans Hagen
Richard Gabriel wrote:
 Hello Hans,

 after an upgrade I noticed thar the index sorting works even worse 
 than before (tested on Czech, Chinese and Japanese, but probably 
 related to non-ASCII characters in common).

 With TeXExec 5.4.3, all words beginning with national (accented) 
 characters were put into a separate (symbols) group and placed 
 before A. This was not good but more or less acceptable.
 With TeXExec 6.2.0, words beginning with accented characters are 
 placed under certain unaccented letter. My colleague found out that 
 these words are sorted according the first unaccented letter. This is 
 unacceptable and unusable.

 We do a work-around so we try to avoid indexing words beginning with 
 accented charaters. But it's impossible in many cases.
 I'd like to ask you to improve the index sorting. Could I help or 
 contribute in some way?

 Attached is a testing file, which creates 2 indexes from various Czech 
 words (covering the Czech alphabet). The index should be sorted 
 exactly that way as the terms are written in the file.

actually the nex texexec implementation does czech sorting but it's not enables 
yet in context itself (was experimental until now) 

- download the latest version (i uploaded a version that enables it) 
- don't forget \mainlanguage[cz] at the top of your document 
- in sort-lan.tex you can see how czech sorting is defined 

(context adds a lot of into to the tui file in order to get sorting done) 

  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Index bug

2006-01-12 Thread Richard Gabriel

Hello ConTeXters, I've noticed the following strange behavior of the index: If an indexterm occurs twice (or more times) on the same page in different section levels, it will be also linked twice from the index.Try the following minimal example:---\setupoutput[pdftex]\starttext\chapter{First Chapter}Some text...\index{word}\section {First Section}Some text...\index{word}Some text...\index{another word}Some text...\index{another word}\page[yes]\completeindex\stoptext---In the Index, you will get:aanother word 1wword 1,1Does anybody guess? Or is it really a bug?Thanks,Richard___
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index entries messing up page breaks

2005-12-14 Thread Duncan Hothersall
Hans wrote:

 can you try (test extensively):

Well, it has some problems, introducing vertical space in certain
circumstances. Will try to work up a minimal, but two observations:

1. The extra vertical space tends to happen immediately before headings,
which is probably immediately after a \par, suggesting that if we're
already in vertical mode there is something creating a horizontal mode
object here.

2. If I use \dontleavehmode\index{blah} in material that immediately
follows a heading, and just \index{blah} everywhere else, everything
appears to work well with no white-space issues and no headings at the
bottom of the page.

(I can only do 2. easily because I'm generating my code from XML, not
writing directly in ConTeXt, so it's easy to put in a rule that makes
the index tag behave differently in different contexts. It's probably
not a solution for anyone else.)

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Index entries messing up page breaks

2005-12-13 Thread Duncan Hothersall
The manual suggests that you can put index calls between a \section
heading and its first paragraph without worry, but for me it breaks the
page-breaking mechanism, allowing the section title to end up at the
bottom of a page like this:

\dorecurse{4}{\input tufte \par}
\input knuth \par

Is there any workaround/fix?

Thanks very much,

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index entries messing up page breaks

2005-12-13 Thread Duncan Hothersall
I said:
 Is there any workaround/fix?

I find that the addition of \dontleavehmode fixes it. Is this safe to
use in general?

\dorecurse{4}{\input tufte \par}
\input knuth \par


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index entries messing up page breaks

2005-12-13 Thread Hans Hagen

Duncan Hothersall wrote:

I said:

Is there any workaround/fix?

I find that the addition of \dontleavehmode fixes it. Is this safe to
use in general?

\dorecurse{4}{\input tufte \par}
\input knuth \par

no, use \dontleavehmode instead

if you see a tex file on the web and wonder why the spacing is messed up 
... it's probably because of abundant use of \leavemode

(recent versions of pdftex provide \quitvmode which is equivalent to 
\dontleavehmode; taco wrote that patch a while ago)

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index entries messing up page breaks

2005-12-13 Thread Taco Hoekwater

Hans Hagen wrote:

Duncan Hothersall wrote:

I find that the addition of \dontleavehmode fixes it. Is this safe to
use in general?

no, use \dontleavehmode instead


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index entries messing up page breaks

2005-12-13 Thread Hans Hagen

Duncan Hothersall wrote:

The manual suggests that you can put index calls between a \section
heading and its first paragraph without worry, but for me it breaks the
page-breaking mechanism, allowing the section title to end up at the
bottom of a page like this:

\dorecurse{4}{\input tufte \par}
\input knuth \par

Is there any workaround/fix?

can you try (test extensively):


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index

2005-11-14 Thread Duncan Hothersall
Hans, many thanks for the recent fixes on index sorting in the new ruby
scripts. Can I offer another test file in which some errors still show
up, in the hope that these too can be ironed out?

The following shows two problems, culled from a much bigger project. It
should be clear from the output what the problems are, but basically

1. there are three separate spans (\startregister...\stopregister pairs)
with the same term content (these three separate spans coalesce) which
get coalesced into one strange a-b-c-d span, despite having been given
different sort keys (I added numbers to the end of the sort keys to
differentiate them).

2. there are three refs and a span all with the same term content
(these mixed refs and spans are in the wrong order), and they get
sorted into the wrong order in the output (the span comes before the
refs, despite coming after in page order).

So in my output, my index page at the back has the following content:

these mixed refs and spans are in the
wrong order 1/12–1/13, 1/2, 1/10,
these three separate spans coalesce

whereas what I'd hope to see is:

these mixed refs and spans are in the
wrong order 1/2, 1/10, 1/12–1/13,
these three separate spans coalesce
1/1–1/2, 1/3–1/5, 1/6–1/7

Really hope you can hammer out these two bugs, it would really help me!





\chapter{Economic Concepts, Issues and Tools}
\input knuth\par {\bf ttssc span 1 starts}
\startregister[Index][these three separate spans coalesce1]{these three
separate spans coalesce}%
\dorecurse{4}{\input knuth\par} {\bf ttssc span 1 stops}
\stopregister[Index][these three separate spans coalesce1]%
\input knuth {\bf tmrasaitwo ref 1}
\Index[these mixed refs and spans are in the wrong order1]{these mixed
refs and spans are in the wrong order}%
\dorecurse{4}{\input knuth\par} {\bf ttssc span 2 starts}
\startregister[Index][these three separate spans coalesce2]{these three
separate spans coalesce}%
\dorecurse{8}{\input knuth\par} {\bf ttssc span 2 stops}
\stopregister[Index][these three separate spans coalesce2]%
\dorecurse{4}{\input knuth\par} {\bf ttssc span 3 starts}
\startregister[Index][these three separate spans coalesce3]{these three
separate spans coalesce}%
\dorecurse{5}{\input knuth\par} {\bf ttssc span 3 stops}
\stopregister[Index][these three separate spans coalesce3]%
\dorecurse{8}{\input knuth\par}
\input knuth {\bf tmrasaitwo ref 2}
\Index[these mixed refs and spans are in the wrong order2]{these mixed
refs and spans are in the wrong order}%
\dorecurse{8}{\input knuth\par} {\bf tmrasaitwo span 1 starts}
\startregister[Index][these mixed refs and spans are in the wrong
order3]{these mixed refs and spans are in the wrong order}%
\dorecurse{4}{\input knuth\par} {\bf tmrasaitwo span 1 stops}
\stopregister[Index][these mixed refs and spans are in the wrong order3]%
\dorecurse{4}{\input knuth\par}
\input knuth {\bf tmrasaitwo ref 3}
\Index[these mixed refs and spans are in the wrong order4]{these mixed
refs and spans are in the wrong order}%
\dorecurse{3}{\input knuth\par}

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index

2005-11-14 Thread Hans Hagen

Duncan Hothersall wrote:

Hans, many thanks for the recent fixes on index sorting in the new ruby
scripts. Can I offer another test file in which some errors still show
up, in the hope that these too can be ironed out?

The following shows two problems, culled from a much bigger project. It
should be clear from the output what the problems are, but basically

i'll send you a patch (your example code is part of the problem -)

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index

2005-11-10 Thread Gerben Wierda
 Correction: I goofed up; after correcting the file, I get exactly
 what I expected. AFAICS, index generation now works flawlessly with
 newtexexec! Great, wonderful, kudos to you!

Um, I just noticed. newtexexec? Has the command name changed? Please say
no. Because a command name change would mean that I have to redistribute
the binaries (where the command lives) and not just the context trees in


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index

2005-11-10 Thread Thomas A. Schmitz
Alas, I spoke too soon... I tested again with a more complex document  
(the book project I'm working on), and I'm having problems again:  
page ranges still gobble up the other entries. If I insert a  
\seeindex command, the index is sorted according to page numbers  
instead of entries. The file is probably too big to send, but I can  
of course send logs, .tui or whatever might be useful...



On Nov 10, 2005, at 12:35 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:

Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:

Correction: I goofed up; after correcting the file, I get exactly   
what I expected. AFAICS, index generation now works flawlessly  
with  newtexexec! Great, wonderful, kudos to you!

I'm happy again! Thanks Hans

well, thanks for testing newtexexec -)

ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index

2005-11-10 Thread Thomas A. Schmitz
Hans can give a more authoritative answer, of course, but as a  
provisional one: no, the command name hasn't changed, you don't need  
to worry. The way ConTeXt is organized is that the binary texexec  
(which resides in texmf/ARCH/bin/) is just a small shell-script, a  
stub, that calls the real script in turn. This has been  
(in texmf/scripts/context/perl/), but you can of course modify it so  
it runs another script. Hans has been toying with ruby lately, so we  
now have texmf/scripts/ruby/newtexexec.rb which, I suppose, will  
replace the old texexec in due time. But as you have seen, it's not  
yet quite ready for prime time, it's still missing a few features (I  
don't think it can post-process pdf-files yet) and has a few buglets...

So relax and vatch das blinkenlight!

All best


On Nov 10, 2005, at 9:33 AM, Gerben Wierda wrote:

Correction: I goofed up; after correcting the file, I get exactly
what I expected. AFAICS, index generation now works flawlessly with
newtexexec! Great, wonderful, kudos to you!

Um, I just noticed. newtexexec? Has the command name changed?  
Please say
no. Because a command name change would mean that I have to  
the binaries (where the command lives) and not just the context  
trees in



ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index

2005-11-10 Thread Hans Hagen

Gerben Wierda wrote:

Correction: I goofed up; after correcting the file, I get exactly
what I expected. AFAICS, index generation now works flawlessly with
newtexexec! Great, wonderful, kudos to you!

Um, I just noticed. newtexexec? Has the command name changed? Please say
no. Because a command name change would mean that I have to redistribute
the binaries (where the command lives) and not just the context trees in

no, for the moment stick to texexec

here, when i set TEXMFSTART_MODE=experimental I get newtexexec 
automatically; the idea is that the stub (sh sript) is as follows:

=== texexec =

texmfstart texexec $@

in that case texmfstart will locate the right script and do what is 
needed; no more hassle for distributers; basically only texmfstart needs 
to be copied to the bin path (texmfstart.rb - texmfstart)  plus some 
stubs be made (i made that mechanism because of the occasional changes 
in the tree locations)

once newtexexec becomes texexec (the perl script will be replaced) i'll 
come back to it, so for the moment don't worry


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index

2005-11-10 Thread Vit Zyka

Hans Hagen wrote:

Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:

... it's still missing a few features (I  don't think it can 
post-process pdf-files yet) and has a few buglets...

it should at least i remember writing some code -)

Here is an old example:





Regrettably, I have now no time to install and check the new version of 
newtexexec.rb, so perhaps it is already done. Please, for quick check 
focus on 'Patrick' entry, it should have 1--2, 3 page numbers.

Or more complex example:






Possible variants:
1) Patrick 1, 2, {\bf 1--3}
2) Patrick {\bf 1--3}, 1, 2
3) Patrick 1--2, {\bf 1--3}
4) Patrick {\bf 1--3}, 1--2

in case of variants 1 v. 2 and 3 v. 4 I am not sure how the categories 
'empty_string' and bf are sorted. But it does not matter since user 
can set any category name.

variants 3, 4 should be set if some register option (coupling?) is set on

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index

2005-11-09 Thread Hans Hagen

Olivier wrote:

Quoting  Thomas A. Schmitz :

-- was [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Oct 16, 2005 at 12:11:31 -

You're right, a quick test demonstrated the bug.

In the texutil script there seems to be only sorting on entries' labels
and no further sorting with the page number because it sorts this string

What about using a hash instead of a string to handle the register
entries' information so that it will be easier to handle the page ranges
after having sorted the labels?

newtexutil work different

I wrote a note 
to the list about these bugs about a week ago, but there were no  
replies. I guess if there are two of us and we yell loud enough, Hans  
will hear us eventually :-)

not with headphones, which i normally wear when i'm in that kind of 
debugging mode -)

I'm with you :))

so, what was the test file?

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index

2005-11-09 Thread Thomas A. Schmitz

On Nov 9, 2005, at 2:11 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:

not with headphones, which i normally wear when i'm in that kind of  
debugging mode -)

try a megaphone? ;-)

I'm with you :))

so, what was the test file?


Compile this with newtexexec:


\index{This} This \index{and} and  \index{That} That.




and This and That will be sorted under h.

If you modify the file like so:


\index{This} This \index{and} and  \seeindex{That}{This} That.




it will give this error message:

! Argument of \@@filterlevelpart has an extra }.
inserted text
to be read again
\doifprevlevelelse ...tor \@@filterlevelpart [#1]}
\@@tocsectiontype {\...

\dosetpageregisterpage ...-\doifreglevelelse [#5]
{\dodosetpageregisterpage ...

l.46 ...isterpage{index}{,}{3}{2::0:0:0:0:0:0:0}{}

Runaway argument?
! Paragraph ended before \@@filterlevelpart was complete.
to be read again
to be read again
\doifprevlevelelse ...tor \@@filterlevelpart [#1]}
\@@tocsectiontype {\...

\dosetpageregisterpage ...-\doifreglevelelse [#5]
{\dodosetpageregisterpage ...

l.46 ...isterpage{index}{,}{3}{2::0:0:0:0:0:0:0}{}

! Argument of \@@filterblockpart has an extra }.
inserted text
to be read again
\doifprevlevelelse {\@@filterblockpart [#1]}
\alltoclevels \ifn...

\dosetpageregisterpage ...-\doifreglevelelse [#5]
{\dodosetpageregisterpage ...

l.46 ...isterpage{index}{,}{3}{2::0:0:0:0:0:0:0}{}

Runaway argument?
! Paragraph ended before \@@filterblockpart was complete.
to be read again
to be read again
\doifprevlevelelse {\@@filterblockpart [#1]}
\alltoclevels \ifn...

\dosetpageregisterpage ...-\doifreglevelelse [#5]
{\dodosetpageregisterpage ...

l.46 ...isterpage{index}{,}{3}{2::0:0:0:0:0:0:0}{}

! Argument of \@@filternumberpart has an extra }.
inserted text
to be read again
\pageprefix ...stprefix {\@@filternumberpart [#2]}
\donexttrackcommando ...

argument ... {\??id \v!index }[2::0:0:0:0:0:0:0]

\doregisterpagehowto ...??id #1\c!pagecommand }{#2
argument ...erpage {\v!index }[2::0:0:0:0:0:0:0]
  \ifnum 1=2\/\fi
l.46 ...isterpage{index}{,}{3}{2::0:0:0:0:0:0:0}{}

Runaway argument?
! Paragraph ended before \@@filternumberpart was complete.
to be read again
to be read again
\pageprefix ...stprefix {\@@filternumberpart [#2]}
\donexttrackcommando ...

argument ... {\??id \v!index }[2::0:0:0:0:0:0:0]

\doregisterpagehowto ...??id #1\c!pagecommand }{#2
argument ...erpage {\v!index }[2::0:0:0:0:0:0:0]
  \ifnum 1=2\/\fi
l.46 ...isterpage{index}{,}{3}{2::0:0:0:0:0:0:0}{}

Runaway argument?
! Paragraph ended before \@@dofilterheadpart was complete.
to be read again
\@@filterheadpart ... \@@dofilterheadpart [EMAIL PROTECTED] [#1
argument ...ix {\@@filterheadpart [\postprefix ]
  }\edef \postprefix  

\firstoftwoarguments #1#2-#1

\donexttrackcommando #1-\dodopageprefix {#1}
 \donexttracklevel {#1}
\pageprefix ...\donexttrackcommando \firstsection
l.46 ...isterpage{index}{,}{3}{2::0:0:0:0:0:0:0}{}

Runaway argument?
! Paragraph ended before \@@dofiltertailpart was complete.
to be read again
\@@filtertailpart ... \@@dofiltertailpart [EMAIL PROTECTED] [#1
argument ...ix {\@@filtertailpart [\postprefix ]
  }\let \uchar  
\normaluchar ...

\firstoftwoarguments #1#2-#1

\donexttrackcommando #1-\dodopageprefix {#1

Re: [NTG-context] Index

2005-11-09 Thread Hans Hagen

Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:

On Nov 9, 2005, at 2:11 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:

not with headphones, which i normally wear when i'm in that kind of  
debugging mode -)

try a megaphone? ;-)

I'm with you :))

so, what was the test file?


Compile this with newtexexec:


\index{This} This \index{and} and  \index{That} That.




can you play a bit with the following: (patch context/ruby/base/texutil.rb)

   def preset(shortcuts=[],expansions=[],reductions=[],divisions=[])
   # maybe we should move this to sort-def.tex
   'a'.upto('z') do |c| expander(c) ; division(c) end
   'A'.upto('Z') do |c| expander(c) ; division(c) end # ! ! ! ! 
! ! ! added ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
   expander('1','b') ; expander('2','c') ; expander('3','e') ; 
   expander('5','g') ; expander('6','h') ; expander('7','i') ; 

   expander('9','j') ; expander('0','a') ; expander('-','-') ;
   # end potential move
   shortcuts.each  do |s| shortcut(s[0],s[1]) end
   expansions.each do |e| expander(e[0],e[1]) end
   reductions.each do |r| reducer(r[0],r[1]) end
   divisions.each  do |d| division(d[0],d[1]) end

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index

2005-11-09 Thread Hans Hagen

Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:

If you modify the file like so:


\index{This} This \index{and} and  \seeindex{That}{This} That.




it will give this error message:

add the copied = false  to:

   lastpage, lastrealpage =, 

   copied = false # no page !

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index

2005-11-09 Thread Thomas A . Schmitz
Excellent! As far as I can see, this takes care of the seeindex bug  
and of the sorting bug. On the negative side: ranges make the new  
texutil.rb bomb out. Two down, one to go!!!

Thanks a lot, Hans!


On Nov 9, 2005, at 5:07 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:

Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:

If you modify the file like so:


\index{This} This \index{and} and  \seeindex{That}{This} That.




it will give this error message:

add the copied = false  to:

   handle  \\registersee{# 
{entry.seetoo}}{#{}}\n ;
   lastpage, lastrealpage =,  

   copied = false # no page !

ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index

2005-11-09 Thread Hans Hagen

Thomas A.Schmitz wrote:

Excellent! As far as I can see, this takes care of the seeindex bug  
and of the sorting bug. On the negative side: ranges make the new  
texutil.rb bomb out. Two down, one to go!!!

send me a test file -)

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index

2005-11-09 Thread Thomas A. Schmitz
Correction: I goofed up; after correcting the file, I get exactly  
what I expected. AFAICS, index generation now works flawlessly with  
newtexexec! Great, wonderful, kudos to you!

I'm happy again! Thanks Hans



On Nov 9, 2005, at 7:48 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:

send me a test file -)


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index

2005-11-09 Thread Hans Hagen

Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:

Correction: I goofed up; after correcting the file, I get exactly  
what I expected. AFAICS, index generation now works flawlessly with  
newtexexec! Great, wonderful, kudos to you!

I'm happy again! Thanks Hans

well, thanks for testing newtexexec -)

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Index

2005-10-15 Thread Olivier

is there a mechanism so that on is able to say
\index[start from here]{great+topic}  % we are on p3 
blabla much material
\index[stop there]{great+topic}   % we are on p7

and the index will advertise the topic as 
  topic 3-7

Of course I don't want to put an \index at every page
(I don't even know the page break when looking at the source file ;)

This feature is especially nice when defining a concept in a manual.

Many thanks in advance,

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index

2005-10-15 Thread Thomas A. Schmitz

In theory, you can say

\startregister[index]{great+topic} and \stopregister[index]{great+topic}

and this will do what you want. However, this is one of several bugs  
in the index module of ConTeXt: this will print just this range and  
gobble all other entries in the index for great/topic. I wrote a note  
to the list about these bugs about a week ago, but there were no  
replies. I guess if there are two of us and we yell loud enough, Hans  
will hear us eventually :-)



On Oct 15, 2005, at 10:44 PM, Olivier wrote:


is there a mechanism so that on is able to say
\index[start from here]{great+topic}  % we are on p3
blabla much material
\index[stop there]{great+topic}   % we are on p7

and the index will advertise the topic as
  topic 3-7

Of course I don't want to put an \index at every page
(I don't even know the page break when looking at the source file ;)

This feature is especially nice when defining a concept in a manual.

Many thanks in advance,

ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Index

2005-10-15 Thread Olivier
Quoting  Thomas A. Schmitz :
 -- was [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Oct 16, 2005 at 12:11:31 --

 In theory, you can say
 \startregister[index]{great+topic} and \stopregister[index]{great+topic}

Many thanks Thomas, that's what I was looking for :))

 and this will do what you want. However, this is one of several bugs  
 in the index module of ConTeXt: this will print just this range and  
 gobble all other entries in the index for great/topic.

You're right, a quick test demonstrated the bug.
However, the .tui contained 
 r f {index} {108} {} {great+topic} {2--0-9-1-1-0-0-0--101} {111}
 r t {index} {109} {} {great+topic} {2--0-9-1-1-0-0-0--102} {112}
 c \listentry{subsubsection}{110}{}{A section}{2--0-9-1-2-0-0-0--102}{112}
 c \mainreference{}{eq:aneq}{2--0-9-1-2-0-0-0--102}{112}{37}
 r e {index} {111} {} {great+topic} {2--0-9-1-2-0-0-0--103} {113}

and the .tuo
% TeXUtil 9.0.0 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1992-2004 / Registers

When swapping the two last lines in the .tuo and running 
 texexec --once 
make it print the index
   topic 101-102, 103

which is not that nice (should have been merged into 101-103), 
but recovered the missing file.

In the texutil script there seems to be only sorting on entries' labels
and no further sorting with the page number because it sorts this string

What about using a hash instead of a string to handle the register
entries' information so that it will be easier to handle the page ranges
after having sorted the labels?

 I wrote a note 
 to the list about these bugs about a week ago, but there were no  
 replies. I guess if there are two of us and we yell loud enough, Hans  
 will hear us eventually :-)

I'm with you :))

By the way, this may benefit Taco's bibmodule when implementing the
backtracking referencing mechanism...


ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] A particular form of index (register) coupling

2005-10-07 Thread Giuseppe Bilotta

I have a register where all the entries appear once (and
only once) in a particular form (\index[def::]{entry}) but can appear any
number of times in the standard form (\index{entry}).

I would like the particular coupling to make all standard
form entries clickable and linking to the one and only

This could be of course generalized to some kind of
couplingcommand=\command#1#2 that is user-defineable ...

Giuseppe Oblomov Bilotta

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Couple of index questions/bugs

2005-10-03 Thread Thomas A. Schmitz

I have a couple of index questions and bugs to report. Here comes:

1. When I use newtexexec, the sorting disregards an initial capital  
letter, sorting Hans under a;

2. Again in newtexexec, \seeindex is broken. The outpput it produces  
is see XXX, :0]-, and it gives an error message that I append at the  
end of the mail. The same file ran with compiles fine and  
produces correct ouptut.

3. In makeidx, it is possible to give the pagereference in the index  
a certain format with code like this \index{keyword|textit} so that  
the page-number will appear in Italics. Is anything like this  
possible in ConTeXt?

That's it for now. Anu help will ne appreciated



error message for \seeindex

! Argument of \@@filterlevelpart has an extra }.
inserted text
to be read again
\doifprevlevelelse ...tor \@@filterlevelpart [#1]}
\@@tocsectiontype {\...

\dosetpageregisterpage ...-\doifreglevelelse [#5]
{\dodosetpageregisterpage ...

l.58 ...isterpage{index}{,}{6}{2::0:0:0:0:0:0:0}{}

Runaway argument?
! Paragraph ended before \@@filterlevelpart was complete.
to be read again
to be read again
\doifprevlevelelse ...tor \@@filterlevelpart [#1]}
\@@tocsectiontype {\...

\dosetpageregisterpage ...-\doifreglevelelse [#5]
{\dodosetpageregisterpage ...

l.58 ...isterpage{index}{,}{6}{2::0:0:0:0:0:0:0}{}

! Argument of \@@filterblockpart has an extra }.
inserted text
to be read again
\doifprevlevelelse {\@@filterblockpart [#1]}
\alltoclevels \ifn...

\dosetpageregisterpage ...-\doifreglevelelse [#5]
{\dodosetpageregisterpage ...

l.58 ...isterpage{index}{,}{6}{2::0:0:0:0:0:0:0}{}

Runaway argument?
! Paragraph ended before \@@filterblockpart was complete.
to be read again
to be read again
\doifprevlevelelse {\@@filterblockpart [#1]}
\alltoclevels \ifn...

\dosetpageregisterpage ...-\doifreglevelelse [#5]
{\dodosetpageregisterpage ...

l.58 ...isterpage{index}{,}{6}{2::0:0:0:0:0:0:0}{}

! Argument of \@@filternumberpart has an extra }.
inserted text
to be read again
\pageprefix ...stprefix {\@@filternumberpart [#2]}
\donexttrackcommando ...

argument ... {\??id \v!index }[2::0:0:0:0:0:0:0]

\doregisterpagehowto ...??id #1\c!pagecommand }{#2
argument ...erpage {\v!index }[2::0:0:0:0:0:0:0]
  \ifnum 1=2\/\fi
l.58 ...isterpage{index}{,}{6}{2::0:0:0:0:0:0:0}{}

Runaway argument?
! Paragraph ended before \@@filternumberpart was complete.
to be read again
to be read again
\pageprefix ...stprefix {\@@filternumberpart [#2]}
\donexttrackcommando ...

argument ... {\??id \v!index }[2::0:0:0:0:0:0:0]

\doregisterpagehowto ...??id #1\c!pagecommand }{#2
argument ...erpage {\v!index }[2::0:0:0:0:0:0:0]
  \ifnum 1=2\/\fi
l.58 ...isterpage{index}{,}{6}{2::0:0:0:0:0:0:0}{}

Runaway argument?
! Paragraph ended before \@@dofilterheadpart was complete.
to be read again
\@@filterheadpart ... \@@dofilterheadpart [EMAIL PROTECTED] [#1
argument ...ix {\@@filterheadpart [\postprefix ]
  }\edef \postprefix  

\firstoftwoarguments #1#2-#1

\donexttrackcommando #1-\dodopageprefix {#1}
 \donexttracklevel {#1}
\pageprefix ...\donexttrackcommando \firstsection
l.58 ...isterpage{index}{,}{6}{2::0:0:0:0:0:0:0}{}

Runaway argument?
! Paragraph ended before \@@dofiltertailpart was complete.
to be read again
\@@filtertailpart ... \@@dofiltertailpart [EMAIL PROTECTED] [#1
argument ...ix {\@@filtertailpart [\postprefix

Re: [NTG-context] Sorting index (in Spanish)

2005-08-08 Thread Hans Hagen

Hans Hagen wrote:

Mari Voipio wrote:

Dear Fellow-Contexters,

I have been charged with editing a ConTeXt document in Spanish (of 
which I understand preciously little). This far I have gotten over 
the hurdles of hyphenation, labeltexts and the upside-down 
exclamation mark (and as far as we can tell, the Spanish hyphenation 
patterns get loaded, too), but now I have a problem sorting the 
index: the words 'ángulo' and 'índice' get sorted in the beginning of 
the index instead of among a and i.

It tried putting something like the example below in a) the setup 
part of my document, b) just before the index (a bit like in the 
example at, except 
that I use the command \placeindex and not \completeindex) and c) in 
the lang-ita.tex file.

% Changes to sorting to fix the sorting of accented letters
\definesortkey {\´a}{a}{a}{\´a}  % á sorted among 'a'
\definesortkey {\´i}{i}{i}{\´i}  % í sorted among 'i'

None of the options a)-c) worked and I'm thinking that this is more 
of a  stupid user problem, i.e. as I cannot find any description on 
how \definesortkey works, I just don't understand how to use it 

Any help???

I'm playign with the new texutil, and what i need is sort rules. 

for instance, for slovenian we need:  


\exportsortexpansion {ccaron}  {cz}
\exportsortexpansion {cacute}  {czz}
\exportsortexpansion {dstroke} {dz}
\exportsortexpansion {scaron}  {sz}
\exportsortexpansion {zacron}  {zz}

\exportsortdivision  {cz}  {ccaron}
\exportsortdivision  {czz} {cacute}
\exportsortdivision  {dz}  {dstroke}
\exportsortdivision  {sz}  {scaron}
\exportsortdivision  {zz}  {zacron}


can you (and others) more language specific sort rules? 

(divisions do the reverse, they determine what ends up under a different  key) 


 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Sorting index (in Spanish)

2005-08-05 Thread Mari Voipio

Dear Fellow-Contexters,

I have been charged with editing a ConTeXt document in Spanish (of which 
I understand preciously little). This far I have gotten over the hurdles 
of hyphenation, labeltexts and the upside-down exclamation mark (and as 
far as we can tell, the Spanish hyphenation patterns get loaded, too), 
but now I have a problem sorting the index: the words 'ángulo' and 
'índice' get sorted in the beginning of the index instead of among a and i.

It tried putting something like the example below in a) the setup part 
of my document, b) just before the index (a bit like in the example at, except that 
I use the command \placeindex and not \completeindex) and c) in the 
lang-ita.tex file.

% Changes to sorting to fix the sorting of accented letters
\definesortkey {\´a}{a}{a}{\´a}  % á sorted among 'a'
\definesortkey {\´i}{i}{i}{\´i}  % í sorted among 'i'

None of the options a)-c) worked and I'm thinking that this is more of a 
 stupid user problem, i.e. as I cannot find any description on how 
\definesortkey works, I just don't understand how to use it properly.

Any help???


PS. Tried to find related info in, but can't find much 
 - if it isn't there, I can add stuff (*after* I solve this problem) if 
somebody tells me where I may start growing this flower of mine.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Sorting index (in Spanish)

2005-08-05 Thread Hans Hagen

Mari Voipio wrote:

Dear Fellow-Contexters,

I have been charged with editing a ConTeXt document in Spanish (of 
which I understand preciously little). This far I have gotten over the 
hurdles of hyphenation, labeltexts and the upside-down exclamation 
mark (and as far as we can tell, the Spanish hyphenation patterns get 
loaded, too), but now I have a problem sorting the index: the words 
'ángulo' and 'índice' get sorted in the beginning of the index instead 
of among a and i.

It tried putting something like the example below in a) the setup part 
of my document, b) just before the index (a bit like in the example at, except 
that I use the command \placeindex and not \completeindex) and c) in 
the lang-ita.tex file.

% Changes to sorting to fix the sorting of accented letters
\definesortkey {\´a}{a}{a}{\´a}  % á sorted among 'a'
\definesortkey {\´i}{i}{i}{\´i}  % í sorted among 'i'

None of the options a)-c) worked and I'm thinking that this is more of 
a  stupid user problem, i.e. as I cannot find any description on how 
\definesortkey works, I just don't understand how to use it properly.

Any help???

let's try the new texutil variant since that can have language plugins 


= example file in spanish 
= sort order 


 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] How to make a PDF workbook structure with index?

2005-05-17 Thread Thomas Schrader
Hi everybody,

is anyone experienced in archiving PDF?

I need archiving lots of different PDFs in different sizes and formats
into workbooks or folders with index files.

How could I possibly look into each PDF, getting the title info and
generate an index? How do I do clickable references to each content PDF?

How could I practically bind PDF together (ZIP, tar, ...)? Is there some
sort of workbook-like file-format? I had problems with re-arranging
oddly generated PDFs via pdftex so I want avoiding re-arrangement.

Thanks much for any hint.

Thomas Schrader

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] How to make a PDF workbook structure with index?

2005-05-17 Thread Peter Rolf
Thomas Schrader schrieb:
Hi everybody,
is anyone experienced in archiving PDF?
I need archiving lots of different PDFs in different sizes and formats
into workbooks or folders with index files.
How could I possibly look into each PDF, getting the title info and
generate an index? How do I do clickable references to each content PDF?
How could I practically bind PDF together (ZIP, tar, ...)? Is there some
sort of workbook-like file-format? I had problems with re-arranging
oddly generated PDFs via pdftex so I want avoiding re-arrangement.
Thanks much for any hint.
Thomas Schrader
ntg-context mailing list

Hi Thomas,
maybe a search for PDF at can solve some of 
your problems (use the SOFTPEDIA SEARCH ENGINE at the bottom of the page).

It results for example in:

PDF Explorer description
PDF Explorer is a PDF file management software and image extraction 
tool. It allows you to easily gather and add all your pdf files to a 
database file, that displays an overview of Filename, Title, Subject and 
Author. You can then search through all the files, view them, batch 
rename them and more. PDF Explorer can also scan within ZIP files and more.

Happy exploring,
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: [dev-context] Re: new beta Re: Context index and sorting question

2005-04-22 Thread Hans Hagen
Vit Zyka wrote:
in a similar fashion, much texutil functionality is already present in 
ctxtools, which is a prelude to rewriting texutil i.e. a new sorting / 
index etc mechanism  (maybe xml based)

Great Hans you are thinking about (Czech:) sorting. How do you want to 
implement national deviations? For an example I attache brief Czech 
sorting rules overview (please see section 3).
indeed sorting is on the agenda, but i want to do it in ruby; once i've redone 
texutil (most is actually already redone) i will implement a sorting mechanims 
where language dependent methods can be hooked into; that way i can delegate 
part of the problem; for instance to you -)

  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Urgent index problem

2005-03-28 Thread Duncan Hothersall
I am one night from a deadline and I have just noticed that my index is 
silently ignoring some entries... Help!!

The following demonstrates the problem (tested on
\startregister[index]{this term+in+particular} This term is discussed 
from the start of this page.\page[yes]
Some more text about the term, and another page.\page[yes]
And the end of the info about that term. \stopregister[index]{this 
A page unrelated to that term.\page[yes]
\index{this term+in+particular} And then another page on exactly the 
same term.\page[yes]
Disaster! The entry on page 5 has been eaten!

So we have the same terms referenced as a span over pages 1 to 3, and as 
a single entry on page 5. But only the span appears, not the second 
entry! The .tuo file contains:

\registerentrya{index}{this term}
so it looks like the sorting of these by page numbers has broken, and 
ConTeXt thinks that page 5 is between pages 1 and 3.

I hope someone can help...
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Urgent index problem

2005-03-28 Thread Duncan Hothersall
I wrote:
\startregister[index]{this term+in+particular} This term is discussed 
from the start of this page.\page[yes]
Some more text about the term, and another page.\page[yes]
And the end of the info about that term. \stopregister[index]{this 
A page unrelated to that term.\page[yes]
\index{this term+in+particular} And then another page on exactly the 
same term.\page[yes]
Disaster! The entry on page 5 has been eaten!
I realise that there is a workaround for the sample above, using the 
literal ASCII string in [] which makes this specific example work. 
Unfortunately this doesn't make everything work correctly in a larger 
document. I'm now seeing two other specific behaviours as well:

1. When there is a range and a single entry, the range is sometimes 
listed first in the index, even if the single entry is many pages before 
it - i.e. 282-283, 170

2. On other occasions where a range and a single entry exist, I end up 
having a strange three-way range in the index - like 282-283-349. The 
last reference should be just a single one on its own.

It's really difficult to post a minimal file for these because they only 
occur when the whole text is processed (several hundred pages). I have 
just synchronised my tree this morning and no difference is made.

Any help, especially today, VERY gratefully received.
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Index-question

2005-01-17 Thread Bernd Militzer
Hi all,

how can I change in my index list from Lower to Upper-case?

Achten, Juliane
Blankenheim, Martin

I wont to get

Achten, Juliane
Blankenheim, Martin

Thanks for help

ntg-context mailing list

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