Re:PESO - Theater of Shades

2006-02-18 Thread Jay Taylor

I like the image. The fact that no part of it is in focus is intriging. 
 But for some reason I keep wanting to see it in a portrait orientation 
with the dark gradation of the wall at the bottom of the frame. Would 
be interesting to see how the Limited would render it.


Re:PAW - Sunset at Point Elizabeth

2006-02-18 Thread Jay Taylor

Wow, very nice!  I like the colors and subtle tones all across the 
image and the fact that a lot of detail still shows in the shadows.


Heron In The Field

2006-02-17 Thread Jay Taylor
Not sure what this one was searching for in the middle of a grass 
field; a rodent maybe? I always thought they did most of their hunting 
around the shorlines. This one was a good half mile away from the 
Taken with the newly acquired Tokina AT-X 400 f5.6 . I think I'm going 
to have to try stopping this lens down a bit more. I'm also curious how 
it will work with the F1.7X adapter before I splurge on a new Tamron or 
Sigma APO 1.4X.  I think I am getting bit by the telephoto LBA bug.

*istDL 1/1000s @ f/6.7 iso200 / Handheld, processed w/BibbleLite
Comments  critique always helpful. Thanks for looking.


Re: Pentax Pre PMA announcment.

2006-02-16 Thread Jay Taylor
Ok, I'll put my newbie DSLR two cents in on this one. I could care less 
about a new body announcement at PMA. Actually, I hope there isn't one 
because number 1)I don't have the funds to get one right now, 2) I'm 
still trying to figure out how to fully utilize the DS and DL bodies 
capabilities that I already own, 3) no new body means I can look for 
another lens or two.
I guess one of the main reasons I bought the DS as my first DSLR in the 
first place was because of its small size, ability to use a wide 
variety of lenses and the quality of construction as wells as image 
quality using higher ISO speeds. All that is still working for me right 
now. But I can see where other more experienced and specialized 
shooters might be discouraged with the speed of development/production 
with Pentax. Wildlife photography for instance. The gear available 
right now for say shooting birds in flight or other similar subjects is 
somewhat limited.  Oh well, I don't see myself jumping platforms 
anytime soon, I have way too much yet to learn. Overall I am quite 
happy with the current equipment, but I just wish the good Pentax glass 
was not so difficult to find.


Re: PESO - Catchin' the Light

2006-02-16 Thread Jay Taylor

I'm just now seeing this fantastic image. Great sense of depth and nice 
bokeh. A very nice composition. I just became an owner of this same 
lens so it is especially exciting to see such great results.  Now I 
just have to spend more time here on the PDML learning from people like 
you. Keep up the great work.


FS Friday: DA 18-55mm Kit Lens - EX+++

2006-02-16 Thread Jay Taylor
I have an extra DA 18-55mm kit lens for sale since I bought a DL with 
less than 50 shots on it when  I sent my DS in for repair.

As new condition with all packaging  paperwork.

Asking $75 plus shipping and PayPal . Overseas would be a little extra.


Re: Intro to Wildlife Shooting-Revised Image

2006-02-13 Thread Jay Taylor
Thanks everyone for the feedback. I knew if I posted here I would get 
some CC. Tried a couple other forums and received virtually none. 
Anyway, with this particular bird my angle was severely limited to one 
spot on a pier at a Marina on the Seattle waterfront and could only get 
this rear viewpoint. Hence the distracting background. This shot shows 
more of the Heron, but not sure if the exposure is better. Maybe too 
much Highlight Recovery in the Bibble Lite conversion.  I hear what you 
guys are saying about the legs though, it makes quite a difference. I 
have some other shots that turned out quite nice of  Kingfisher, 
Goldeneye and Mergansers. I have yet to try the lens out with the F1.7x 
adapter, but I hear that a 1.4x will give better results.


Intro to Wildlife Shooting

2006-02-13 Thread Jay Taylor
Having a recent interest in wildlife subjects, I decided to pick up a 
telephoto lens for my DSLR. I found a pretty nice copy of the 
discontinued Tokina AT-X 400mm F5.6 on eBay. The lens is surprisingly 
lightweight and is pretty easily handheld for the most part. This image 
is one of the first ones taken with it and is my first shot of the 
Great Blue Heron. Feedback appreciated. Thanks for looking.

1/2000s f/6.7 at 400.0mm iso200

Re: OT: Prayer for my Daughter

2006-02-05 Thread Jay Taylor

Our family received a wonderful blessing today as our daughter Nicole 
was released from the hospital with a positive medical prognosis. They 
ran almost all the tests they could with the exception of a spinal tap 
to rule out meningitis of which they were  doubtful of anyway. All of 
the test results turned out to be normal.  By last night Nicole was 
starting to feel better again. We had been concerned earlier in the day 
because when my wife had her get up and walk around the hospital Nicole 
was still feeling some pressure in her chest. My wife spent  the night 
at the hospital last night so she could be there when the doctor came 
this morning. He said that he had conferred with 20 of his colleagues 
coming to the conclusion that what Nicole had was some type of viral 
infection that affected her whole  body.
Nicole seems to be almost back to 100%. She was at our house most of 
the afternoon and evening with my grandson Darius watching our Seattle 
Seahawks beat themselves in SuperBowl XL. Not much disappointment  for 
us  though; thank God Nicole is healthy!

Again, thank all of you so much for your prayers and support and may 
God continue to bless you and your loved ones.


Re: OT: Prayer for my Daughter

2006-02-04 Thread Jay Taylor
Lasse, Godfrey, Boris, Bob,  Paul, Carlos, E.R.N., Perry Derby, Frank, 
Gonz, Jack, Tim, Gautam, Kenneth, Mishka, Shel,  Joseph, Bob Shell, 
Cesar, Feroze and Bob W:
First of all I want to truly thank all of you from the bottom of my 
heart for your kind words of support and encouragement and most of all 
your prayers for Nicole.  It really  means a lot   to know that people 
really care and are willing to intercede for her healing.

She remains in the hospital this evening. They have run the gamut of 
tests since yesterday. EKG, blood work, spleen, thyroid, chest x-ray 
and CAT scan this afternoon all showing nothing abnormal.  They still 
do not know what is wrong with her though. The infectious disease 
specialist was the last doctor today to examine her and his only take 
on it is that perhaps is some sort of viral infection.  He said that he 
has seen a few patients recently with similar symptoms.
Nicole looked better today, but was still suffering the headaches and 
her blood pressure still would drop pretty far when she stands up.  
They are going to keep her another night  at least maybe have some sort 
of prognosis tomorrow.  Now that they were able to rule several things 
out they were able to give her some pain medication so she was able to 
get some good rest tonight. We continue to remain faithful that her 
health will be fully restored.
Though I don't actually had the pleasure of meeting any of you folks, I 
consider you  all to be friends. Again, thank you for your prayers and 
encouragement.  And may God bless you and your families.

Jay Taylor

OT: Prayer for my Daughter

2006-02-02 Thread Jay Taylor

Please say a prayer for my daughter Nicole. Some of you may remember 
the photos I usually post of my grandson; she is his Mom.  She was 
admitted to the hospital this evening. We do not know what is wrong 
with her. She's been experiencing headache, chest pain and elevated 
heart rate. She went to the emergency room yesterday where they ran 
some tests including EKG which showed no abnormality. After a nights 
rest she still was feeling bad this morning so she went to see her 
doctor. Their office could not determine what is going on with her and 
recommended that she be hospitalized for observation and further tests. 
The medical team there discussed further tests including her spleen and 
a CAT scan  as well.

Thank you,

FA: Sigma 2 Macro Zoom Lens Kit

2005-12-20 Thread Jay Taylor

A shameless plug for for my eBay auction.  A fairly good deal for entry  
level lens set.  Just clearing out stuff I don't use. Just bought these  
in March and they really are not bad for the money.  I've only shot  
twenty to to thirty images on each (if that much). I'm just getting  
spoiled on Pentax FA quality.

Thanks for looking.

Jay T 

PEOW - UW Women's Volleyball NCAA Champions

2005-12-17 Thread Jay Taylor
Congratulations to the University  of Washington women's volleyball 
team in capturing the Division 1 national championship today. They 
remained unbeaten throughout the entire tournament and swept the No. 1 
ranked Nerbraska Cornhuskers in three straight games today.
Managed to snap a few photos of the team earlier in the season with my 
then new FA 80-200 F/2.8 and the *istDS.

Comments and critique welcome as usual. Thanks for looking.

Handheld 1/750s f/4.0 at 170.0mm iso1600 

Anyone tried different focus screen on digital?

2005-12-16 Thread Jay Taylor
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everyone out there in PDML land. I am 
wondering if anyone has successfully had a different type focusing 
screen installed to replace the stock one on any of the digital cameras 
*istD, DS, DL or DS2? I am assuming this would be something that an 
authorized Pentax service center would need to for someone if they 
wanted it or would it be a fairly easy DIY install? Not that there is 
much lacking in the stock focus screen/viewfinder, but I was just 
looking thru my old Minolta X700 with the horizontal matte field with 
central split image focusing aid that perked my curiosity. I've seen a 
few posts on focus screens, but no real testimony of these being 
modified on the digitals.

Jay T

Re:PESO Experimental Pano

2005-11-25 Thread Jay Taylor

Verrry Nice!  For fun try holding down the mouse and panning through 
the QTVR at ever increasing speeds.

Did you have to use a specialized tripod head to make this image?
Again a fantastic job Rob.


On Nov 24, 2005, at 8:00 PM, Rob Studdert wrote:

Enough talk, time for another Pano PESO, this one is a bit of an
however. I hope I don't offend too many people but it's in Apple
QTVR format
(MOV) so if you can't view these standalone or in an enabled
Browser then you
might have to pass. Also it also contains a Google Earth link which
exactly from where the shot was made. (~880kB)

Tech: *ist D, ISO200, 1/800s A16/2.8 @ f8 (8 landscape shots)

Thumbnail images stitched using Hugin/Enblend and converted to QTVR

Feedback would be appreciated.


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

Re: pentax-discuss-d Digest V05 #2768

2005-11-01 Thread Jay Taylor

Date: Tue, 01 Nov 2005 17:28:16 +0200
From: Don Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Sigma AF 24 -70 3.5 - 5.6
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Does anyone on the list have this lens?
I've been looking for a test on the web
but can't find one.

Don W
Dr E D F Williams
See feature: The Cement Company from Hell
Updated: Photomicro Link -- 18 05 2005

I have this lens and it is for sale. It is not bad for a starter lens. 
Can't really comment on how it performs at wide open, etc. since I 
haven't used it much.  It does have macro focusing  and seemed to 
produce pretty good images from my *istDS. I haven't been using it 
since I've become an FA snob. I bought  it new in a kit with the 70-300 
Super Macro II. I see them on eBay all the time on Buy It Now, but most 
of the time for too much money.  One nice thing about (or not so nice 
depending on how you look at it) is its lightweight.  Here are a couple 
shots taken with it:

Hope that helps,
Jay T

BW Conversion - Grandson with Auntie

2005-10-23 Thread Jay Taylor
I have been pretty quiet posting here but usually am reading some of 
the posts. Not a whole lot of time to enjoy photography these days.
This is another *istDS shot of my grandson with my younger daughter. 
Converted in CS using dual HSB adjustment layers.

Comments  critique welcome as always.
Pentax SMC DA 18-55 (kit lens) 1/60s f/5.6 at 55.0mm iso400

Thanks for looking,
Jay T

SMC Fall Colors

2005-10-19 Thread Jay Taylor
Haven't had much time lately for photo processing or shooting for that 
matter since I am busy studying for my Architects Registration 
Examination. But here is one I snapped last weekend on the *istDS with 
the SMC FA 28-70 F4 and my newly aquired F1.7x Adapter. Trying to 
figure out if this thing is a teleconverter  or a magnified extension 
tube? Seems like it allows a much greater close focusing range. Can't 
wait to try it out with the FA 80-200.
Comments welcome as always. Thanks for looking.

Jay T

WTB-Pentax F 1.7x Converter

2005-09-25 Thread Jay Taylor
If anyone in the PDML has an extra F 1.7x Converter  or one (or know of 
a source) not being used I would like to buy it from you.


Black White Conversion w/FA 24 f2.0

2005-09-22 Thread Jay Taylor
After admiring the awesome photoblog of Juan (Water Molotov) and great 
images from Godfrey, I have been wanting to explore different BW 
conversion  processes in Photoshop CS. This one involves dual 
Hue/Saturation adjustment layers. Not even close to dynamic range shown 
in Juan's work, but here is an example:

I'm really begining to appreciate the optical quality of the higher end 
Pentax glass. And yeah, LBA is starting to come into full effect.

Comments and suggestions welcome,

Re: Problem (?) with FA 80-200 f4.7-5.6

2005-09-21 Thread Jay Taylor
On second observation, I don't think there is anything wrong with my 
copy of this lens. Had another look at the images today on my laptop 
using BibbleLite instead of Photoshop CS and they appear fine for the 
most part. I think I was making a presumption based on viewing previews 
of the RAW images in the CS Browser. When viewing these on the LCD 
laptop with Bibble they appear very sharp and crisp. Very surprising 
for a $45 lens, but then again it is a Pentax FA.

Here is a sample:

Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 08:24:23 -0700
From: Jay Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Problem (?) with FA 80-200 f4.7-5.6
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

I have one of the newer (silver) FA 80-200 f4.7-5.6 zoom lenses. I just
noticed over the weekend that the majority of pictures taken with this
lens that the RAW images seem to have a sort of a haze or cloudy look
to them. Can't figure out what may cause this nor have not seen it in
any other lenses I have. The images can be corrected in ACR by
adjusting the shadow slider. I bought this lens on eBay for $45 so
maybe it is defective. Anyone else experience anything like this?


Problem (?) with FA 80-200 f4.7-5.6

2005-09-20 Thread Jay Taylor
I have one of the newer (silver) FA 80-200 f4.7-5.6 zoom lenses. I just 
noticed over the weekend that the majority of pictures taken with this 
lens that the RAW images seem to have a sort of a haze or cloudy look 
to them. Can't figure out what may cause this nor have not seen it in 
any other lenses I have. The images can be corrected in ACR by 
adjusting the shadow slider. I bought this lens on eBay for $45 so 
maybe it is defective. Anyone else experience anything like this?


Re: pentax-discuss-d Digest V05 #2245

2005-09-20 Thread Jay Taylor
I checked visually and it didn't appear to be separation. Its strange 
because a couple of the images shot appear very normal. I going to have 
a  tech take a look and ask the eBay seller about his return policy, 
although it has been about three weeks since I bought the lens.

On Sep 20, 2005, at 9:07 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Godfrey DiGiorgi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Problem (?) with FA 80-200 f4.7-5.6
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hmm. Could be element separation inside the lens. Have you looked
through it to see if there's any evidence of that?


Major Enablement

2005-09-17 Thread Jay Taylor

At least in my mind it is. I couldn't resist (this time) the 
opportunity to purchase an almost new FA 80-200 f2.8 zoom for my 
*istDS. I'm eagerly awaiting delivery in the next several days. It 
wasn't really in my plan, I'd been eyeing the shorter 28-70 f2.8 but 
figured that one might be a little easier to find later. So my newly 
acquired placeholder FA 80-200 f4.7-5.6 will be up for sale soon 
perhaps. Here is one of the few pics taken so far with that lens, which 
is really not too bad:

I'll be screwed when the 12-24 comes out in terms of funding. Hopefully 
that new higher MP body won't be introduced too soon.
If anyone has a lead on a Pentax AF 1.7x teleconverter I would 
appreciate it.


Opinions on FA 80-200 f2.8 Price

2005-09-13 Thread Jay Taylor

Can anyone tell me if $1580 US is too much to pay for an excellent +  
FA 80-200 f2.8 zoom lens. I know these are getting to be somewhat rare, 
but I see that online retailers who were selling them seemed to have 
them priced about  $1350 to $1450. The one I am looking at is 
supposedly in as new condition. What do others think one of these 
babies would be worth.


Fwd: PEOW: Grandmother's Love

2005-08-31 Thread Jay Taylor

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jay Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: August 30, 2005 11:08:14 PM PDT
Subject: PEOW: Grandmother's Love

Here is another recent shot of my grandson Darius with my wife Sharon 
captured with the DS using a newly aquired FA 28-70 F4. Comments  
suggestions always helpful. Thanks.

Jay T

PEOW - Pacific NW Saltwater Flyfishing

2005-08-22 Thread Jay Taylor
Here is a shot I took at Brown's Point near Tacoma Washington (USA) 
after a morning flyfishing excursion.

Pink (humpy) Salmon are running pretty good in Puget Sound right now. 
I had the pleasure of fishing along side this fine young man most of 
the morning. He was so busy earlier taking pictures of other people 
catching fish that he didn't get to enjoy a whole lot of action for 
himself.  Fishing was a blast, fast and furious  with common triple  
and quad hookups on at the same time. Man life is good!  This shot was 
taken with my new FA 24/f2.0 IL (thanks to Chad).

Comments welcome as always,

Jay  T (aka Sirfishalot)

Childs Intuition

2005-08-18 Thread Jay Taylor
Here is a recent shot of my grandson Darius with my cousin Jim Davidson 
from Minnesota. Darius seemed to immediately  have a bond with Jim (who 
is just a great person) shortly after meeting him for the first time. 
It's funny how young children really have a strong sense of who good 
people are. Taken with the *istDS and the FA 24/F2.0 IL.

Comments welcome as always.

Jay T

Correction -Childs Intuition

2005-08-18 Thread Jay Taylor

Correction: Shot with the FA 50/F 1.4

Here is a recent shot of my grandson Darius with my cousin Jim Davidson 
from Minnesota. Darius seemed to immediately  have a bond with Jim (who 
is just a great person) shortly after meeting him for the first time. 
It's funny how young children really have a strong sense of who good 
people are. Taken with the *istDS and the FA 50/F1.4

Comments welcome as always.

Jay T

Re: pentax-discuss-d Digest V05 #1947

2005-08-18 Thread Jay Taylor

On Aug 18, 2005, at 7:40 AM, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

I hope you don't mind my suggestions and adjustments. I liked the pic
enough to want to play with it a bit.

Shel, Godfrey and others,
Thanks so much for the constructive critique. This particular shot was 
the only one acceptable of the three I took that day (that is, with 
both of them looking at the camera). Man, my wife already nags me about 
taking too much time to compose a shot. The comments are really helpful 
though. I have a better idea of what to aim for.

Jay T

My daughter with FA 24/f2

2005-08-04 Thread Jay Taylor
Here is one of  my first captures with my new FA 24 lens on the DS. 
Cropped and converted to monochrome via the Channel Mixer with a slight 
tint in CS.

I'm still trying to figure out how to best use this lens. Had taken 
some shots in aperture priority mode last weekend, but  quite a few of 
them were out  of focus (using the AF). Most of those shots were taken 
at f/8. I'm thinking of trying manual focus and Auto mode for more 
consistent results. Comments appreciated.

Jay T

Re: PAW/PESOs: Tofu at CMWC

2005-07-07 Thread Jay Taylor
Frank, definitely the first one for me. No distractions, right on point 
and the panning works very well with the subject . Just my HO.


On 7/6/05, frank theriault [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Here's Tofu Leans into the Corner:

They aren't spectacularly sharp, but I rather like both - don't forget
these are scans of 4x6 minilab prints - I think they'll show better
when blown up properly.

If you have a preference, I'd be interested to hear it.  If not, but
you still want to comment, I'd like that, too...  vbg


Daughter and Grandboy @ Dim Sum

2005-07-07 Thread Jay Taylor
Here is a shot of my daughter with my grandson. Too bad I had too much 
DOF. When I have time in Photoshop, I'll try to blur the distracting 
background. Shot with the *istDS and the DA 18-55 kit lens.


Re:FS: F 17-28 Fisheye Zoom

2005-07-07 Thread Jay Taylor

Stop it! You're gonna get me in big (LBA) trouble.
First you hit us up with all these great images from your southern Utah 
trip and then this. But seriously, go ahead and post a couple examples 
from this lens just to keep us salivating.


Bruce Dayton
Wed, 06 Jul 2005 16:12:30 -0700

Selling my F 17-28/3.5-4.5 Fisheye zoom lens.

M100 Macro Repair Help

2005-07-05 Thread Jay Taylor
OK, I know at least a couple of you out there has had some experience 
with take apart, reassemble and or repair pentax lenses. I have this 
M100 macro that has the classic lens separation problem, so I figured 
what the heck maybe I can fix it. Someone else here on PDML said that 
the separation can be completed and the optics rejoined with optical 
cement. So I'm at the point of disassembly where I don't know what to 
do next to get to the lens elements. Can someone provide a little 
guidance? This is how far I've gotten:

Jay T

Re:PESO: two images from my project

2005-07-02 Thread Jay Taylor

I really like the first shot. Although I am a little biased towards 
building shots since I am an architect.
For me what works is not only the point of view, but the contrast 
between built and the natural. Oh yeah the composition and choice of 
border works well too.


Grandpa's Lil Wonder

2005-06-28 Thread Jay Taylor
Here is a shot of my grandson, one of which I really like.  Captured 
with the *istDS  using the FA 50mm f1.4.
Now I'm starting to realize all the hoopla behind this piece of Pentax 

(aka Sirfishalot)

New List Member -Feedback on AF080C Please

2005-06-26 Thread Jay Taylor

Greetings fellow Pentaxians,
I am a new *istDS user from Seattle, Washington USA. New to Pentax, but
have dabbled in photography over the last decade or so. I've really
been interested in digital the last few years using mostly Cano,...(do
I dare mention on this forum?). The *ist DS is my firs DSLR. I am sure
glad I went with the Pentax.  Macro subjects have always interested me
so I'm looking at purchasing a better lens than my Sigma DL's to shoot
stuff like insects, flowers at close range. Also looking at a ring
flash unit.

My question is regarding the AF080C ring flash. Is a used one in
excellent condition worth  $150 US?
Those of you who have used it are you pleased with it and is it
invaluable for macros of flowers and insects?

I look forward to contributing what little knowledge I have with the
other great people here.

Jay Taylor

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