Re: NorCal Meeting (resend)

2005-03-07 Thread John Celio
I never got my original post back from the list, so I'm resending this just 
in case others didn't as well.

Ok, so here's my rundown of Saturday's events:
We met at the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum in San Jose
(  After a round of show-and-tell in the
parking lot with prints, cameras and lenses and such, we headed over to the
museum grounds for the first shots of the day.  I discovered quickly I was
carrying too much equipment, with my 6x7, MX, Auto110 and a backpack full of
stuff, but couldn't decide what to leave behind.  Everyone else seemed so
much more comfortable than me.  (;
Anyway.  I don't think anyone bothered going into the museum, as the grounds
were photogenic enough on their own, and they were free.  Much chatting was
had as we strolled around, snapping away with our various cameras.  It was a
lovely day, though the lack of any clouds made photography difficult at
For lunch we went to a very interesting Ethiopian restaurant a couple miles
from the museum.  The owner seemed to have a strange obsession with Mars
(anyone remember the name of the place?).  Food was very good, in my
opinion.  Some sort of meat sampler on this really cool spongy bread wrap
thing (Godfrey ordered for everyone).  I wish I could describe it better,
because it was actually quite good.  Nice conversation there, including
interrogating yours truly about photo industry stuff I don't really know a
whole lot about.  Godfrey had to leave at this point, unfortunately.
Next stop was farther away: Kelley Park
(, where the
Historical Park and Japanese Friendship Gardens are located.
The Historical park was very nice.  Lots of mid- and late-1800s buildings
restored and staffed with period-dressed people to educate visitors (and
occasionally sell stuff).  There was a working trolley, a working print
shop, ice cream parlor, dentist's office, blacksmith, and lots more.  It was
something like a small Rennaissance Faire, but, um, a different time period,
and more historical than hippies selling stuff.  Not many people there that
day, which made it easier to take pictures, but also made it feel like some
sort of well-kept ghost town.  The OPEN flags gently waving in front of
some buildings seemed so lonesome, I went in some of them just to give the
employees something to do.  I got sidetracked by the guys in the print shop,
who were not only talented printers (something I've done in the past), but
were both into photography too.
By this time, sunset was only a couple hours away, so we headed over to the
Japanese Friendship Garden.  As far as Japanese gardens go, it wasn't as
nice as San Francisco's, but it was much bigger.  It was also where everyone
else in town was; there were families everywhere.  The risk of little
children underfoot was always present, but at least most of 'em were cute
and not troublemakers.  The garden itself was very well kept, though I found
it hard to find subjects I liked that weren't full of people, or too
contrasty from the direct sunlight.  Fortunately, there were plenty of PDML
conversations to join in on.  The whole day, really.  Everyone seemed to get
along very well.
As dusk approached, we decided it was time for dinner and caravanned to a
chinese restaurant near where John Francis lives (which made it easier for
him to go get his wife).  More good food and good conversation.  Marnie had
to leave a little early, and missed out on her fortune cookie.
In the end, it was a great day of photography and friendship.  Good food,
good people, good photos.
Good night,  (;
John Celio
P.S.: I shot entirely on film, which should be developed tomorrow or the
next day, but I'm curious where all the digital photos are.  The majority of
cameras at the gathering were digital.  Anyone got some good ones to post?
AIM: Neopifex
Hey, I'm an artist.  I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a 

Re: PESO - images from NorCal PDML gathering

2005-03-07 Thread John Celio
Images at
Comments, should you feel so inclined, would be welcome.
Gah!  I have *seriously* got to get back in shape.
Great shots otherwise, John.  (:
John Celio
AIM: Neopifex
Hey, I'm an artist.  I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a 

Re: NorCal Gallery

2005-03-08 Thread John Celio
I guess you could say that I was duck shooting (there were mallards in 

Hey, at least you don't look like you're always constipated.  (;
John Celio
...was actually just squinting...
AIM: Neopifex
Hey, I'm an artist.  I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a 

Re: New toy

2005-03-11 Thread John Celio
My AF360FGZ became ill recently and decided to stop zooming.  It's only 
usable at manual 24mm zoom.  I took a trip to one of the local camera 
shops yesterday and picked up a Promaster FTD 7000M.
Oh my god, you MUST return that flash!
See, I work for a Promaster dealer, and I also own that exact same flash. 
First, regular TTL will not work properly with your *istD.  Essentially, the 
flash should be firing at full power, meaning you're going to get some 
serious blowouts if you're too close to your subject.  The reason I borrowed 
my Pentax rep's AF360 was because the FTD7000M just wasn't cutting it, and I 
wanted decent photos for my brother's wedding.

Believe it or not, you'd be better off getting a manual flash with a regular 
thyristor sensor than that Pro flash.  So far, I have experience with three 
flashes: the Pro 7000M, the AF360, and an older Pentax AF280.  The AF360 
worked best, followed by the 280 in the two manual modes (distance-based). 
I haven't been happy with the 7000M since I got the digital body (it works 
wonderfully on film bodies, by the way).  I'm relatively sure Promaster will 
come out with a Pentax module for their digital flashes eventually, but 
there's no way to know when.

John Celio
P.S.: please note, the Promaster flash is a *very good* flash, just not on a 
digital camera.

AIM: Neopifex
Hey, I'm an artist.  I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a 

Re: Full Frame DSLR

2005-03-11 Thread John Celio
I told him I was waiting for Pentax to come out with a full frame. At 
this, the NotNikonIt guy next to him almost fell to the floor laughing. 
Pentax will have a full frame DSLR when pigs fly!, he said. I said, I 
think they're trying to train them now.
Dude, he's telling the truth.  And anyway, a 35mm-sized sensor on a dSLR 
requires a much larger lens mount to work as well as on film of the same 
size; it's just a matter of physics.  This is why Pentax, Nikon, Olympus, 
and KonicaMinolta are going with smaller sensors.  If you look at all the 
facts, it just makes sense.

If you must wait for something, I'd suggest only waiting for high-ISO noise 
to come down, because you're going to be waiting a *very* long time for a 
35mm-sized sensor in a Pentax body.  The current APS-C system is not as 
horrible as you think, and it's only getting better.

John Celio
AIM: Neopifex
Hey, I'm an artist.  I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a 

Re: Full Frame DSLR (two responses in one)

2005-03-13 Thread John Celio
Ok, this thread is seriously pissing me off.
One guy wrote:
Then pigs can already fly. They may not have marketed it, but they built
prototypes. They did that what 3 years ago now? If they could build
prototypes 3 years ago what in the heck would make someone think they can
not build them now.
Yeah, prototypes that turned out to be vaporware, if I may steal a term from
the software industry.  That other camera that used the same sensor as
Pentax's prototype turned out to be rather horrible.  It was a Contax, I
believe.  Could be wrong.
Of course Nikon has never even shown a prototype FF digital, so where
their rep is coming from is pretty obvious. Kodak, Canon, and Contax
sell/sold FF digital cameras with standard 35mm mounts. So that argument
is bogus too.
Nikon is not going 35mm CCD because it is pointless to do so.  Have you seen
what their cameras are capable of?  Have you seen the D2H, or even the D2X?
Do you know what you're talking about, or are you just spouting stuff you
read from photo forums?
Come ON, people!  What's the point of a 35mm sensor?  Do you realize that
most of what you see from Canon is processing, not the sensor?
I know a lot of sales reps, but I also know tech reps from the major camera
companies.  All of them have said to me at various times that, to get
optimal performance out of a lens and a sensor, the lens mount diameter must
be at least twice the diameter of the sensor (corner-to-corner), and that
Olympus is the only company doing things right.  The rear element must be
large enough to cover the whole sensor properly, because digital sensors
work best when light falls straight down onto them, not at an angle, as
light does when exiting film-based lenses.  All of them have also said that
their respective companies are not going to change their lens mounts,
because that would be suicide at this point in the game.  Only Olympus was
able to do it because they hadn't made SLRs in ages, and their old mount was
insufficient for a professional autofocus camera system.
Don't go calling me bogus just because a few companies are trying to make
a buck off people's naiveté.
Later, someone else wrote:
If it were a matter of the laws of physics
then CANON wouldn't be able to be doing
professional FF DSLRs with their 35mm lenses and mounts.
yes canon has a larger lens mount but I do not
believe that has anything to do with it whatsoever.
Ok, I don't care what you believe, this is a matter of fact.  Read above.
Just because Canon is doing it doesn't make it right or best.
yes, its true that many lenses designed for film
do not perform as well on digital but that can
be achieved with redesigned lenses using the same
size mount...
Yeah, with a smaller sensor.  Light still must travel at an angle to reach
all points on a 35mm-sized sensor, and therein lies the problem.  Digital
sensors don't like light hitting it at an angle.
I don't see why you even mention olympus, their
DSLR isnt using 35mm lenses, its got dedicated digital
lenses that don't or wouldn't cover 35mm film to
begin with
I mention Olympus because they are, so far, the only company that is doing
digital SLR photography right.  They have a proper ratio of sensor to lens
mount so that their new lenses rear elements can project light straight down
onto the whole sensor, or as straight down as possible.  You can bitch and
moan about how Canon can do it, but realize that a lot of their image
quality is in processing, not the sensor per se.  CMOS sensors are cheaper
and have inherrently higher amounts of noise than CCDs, but Canon's
processing (DiGiC) is able to deal with this.  If nothing else, that's where 
success lies: they went with the cheaper option and ran with it, while 
else went with the better option but most haven't perfected it.

Do you have any idea how much profit Canon makes on their $8,000 35mm-frame
digital SLRs?  Honestly, I was sworn to secrecy by the Canon rep who trained 
on some of their new products last week, but suffice to say, it's a large
amount.  None of the other companies make as much of a margin on their
pro-end cameras.

In my humble opinion, Canon built the 1Ds series for one reason: immense
profit from Pros who think they're getting the better camera.  A 35mm-sized
sensor is a waste of money.
Also in my opinion, Kodak went 35mm-sensor to try to win back a piece of the
pro-photography market, again counting on people not knowing the facts.
There.  I'm done.
John Celio
(done for now, anyway)
AIM: Neopifex
Hey, I'm an artist.  I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a

Re: Full Frame DSLR (two responses in one)

2005-03-13 Thread John Celio
Do you have any idea how much profit Canon makes on their $8,000 
digital SLRs?  Honestly, I was sworn to secrecy by the Canon rep who 
trained me
on some of their new products last week, but suffice to say, it's a large
amount.  None of the other companies make as much of a margin on their 
John you obviously know all the reps, please please let the Pentax one 
that this is the case. I promise I'll pay at least $2500 for a Pentax 35mm 
frame camera with decent density. I'm sure I'm not alone.
All, my ass.  I know the reps around here, and the Pentax rep knows the 
other reps, too (you shoulda seen 'em all at my boss' house last summer for 
the post-Expo barbeque (Expo being my store's annual talk-to-the-reps event 
for customers).  All of 'em getting buzzed and talking like they were old 
war buddies.  It was rather amusing!).

Telling a rep, or writing the company for that matter, won't influence 
Pentax, or anyone else, to make what you want unless it's economically 
feasible.  They need to know they can make money off a product, and Pentax 
probably couldn't get a good enough margin on a 35mm-size sensor'd camera. 
Hell, with their shrinking user-base, they'd probably LOSE money just 
thinking about one.

You're not alone in wanting a 35mm sensor, but there sure aren't enough of 
you for Pentax to go that way and survive.  Not at the moment, anyway. 
These are the realities of the camera market at this time.

John Celio
AIM: Neopifex
Hey, I'm an artist.  I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a 

Re: Full Frame DSLR (two responses in one)

2005-03-13 Thread John Celio
You have no right to be pissed off,
but you will piss off a number of people on this list by being a 
Oh but I do have a right to be frustrated.  Do you know how many morons I 
have to deal with at work on a daily basis, who think Canon is the Lord God 
Almighty of cameras just because their friends told them so, or because they 
read it on some photo forum somewhere?

Did you know Canon sponsors some of the major review sites, like dpreview? 
Did you know Canon has the largest advertising budget of the major camera 

Do you have any idea how many people come into the shop I work at thinking 
they know everything, yet are completely mislead by slanted articles, 
out-of-date magazines, and reviewers who don't know what the hell they're 
talking about?

Do you know how many people walk into my shop with a camera they bought from 
some gray-market (or otherwise shady) dealer and complain that something is 
wrong with their camera?  Similarly, do you know how many people think 
they're getting a good deal from some online company and end up getting 
screwed over in one way or another?  Granted, there are some reputable 
online dealers, but they are drastically outnumbered by the shadier dealers.

Where I work, I have to know as much as possible about the products I have 
around me, as well as the companies we get them from.  I am by no means a 
know-it-all, but I damn sure know more than most people I meet on a daily 

All I can say is, I do my best to get my information from the most reputable 
sources possible.  I get as close to the horse's mouth as I can.

John Celio
AIM: Neopifex
Hey, I'm an artist.  I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a 

Digital Equipment List

2005-03-16 Thread John Celio
So.  I want to put together a list of all the digital lenses (both DA and 
D-FA), cameras and accessories that Pentax is making right now, or will have 
out in the near-ish future (35mm-based only).  My plan is to put together a 
proposal for my boss to see if I can convince him to carry more Pentax 
digital slr equipment.  Here is what I have so far, and I'd really 
appreciate it if anyone has any additions or corrections.

-- *istD
-- *istDS
-- *istDS Silver
-- probably something new before the end of the year (just my own 

P-TTL Flashes:
-- AF360FGZ
-- DA 12-24mm f4
-- DA 14mm f2.8
-- DA 16-45mm f4
-- DA 40mm f2.8
-- DA 18-55mm
-- DA 50-200mm
-- D-FA 50mm f2.8 macro 1:1
-- D-FA 100mm f2.8 macro 1:1
-- D-FA 50mm f1.4
-- BG-1 battery grip for the *ist D
-- Cable Switch CS-205
-- Remote Control F
-- interchangeable focusing screens (model numbers?)
Anything else I missed?
John Celio
AIM: Neopifex
Hey, I'm an artist.  I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a 

Re: Digital Equipment List

2005-03-16 Thread John Celio
-- D-FA 50mm f1.4
Huh? Wha? What have I missed? When did this one come out?
It's not out yet.  I don't know if it's even official yet.  But, it's on its 

John Celio
AIM: Neopifex
Hey, I'm an artist.  I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a 

Re: Pentax Posters

2005-03-17 Thread John Celio
I still have three or four. Contact me off list, first come, first served.
I'll take one if there's one left!  Let me know!  (:
John Celio
AIM: Neopifex
Hey, I'm an artist.  I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a 

Re: Anachronistic Me

2005-03-17 Thread John Celio
What lenses do you typically carry for the 67?
It depends on how far I have to walk.
I just weighed my 6x7 bag. It weighs 25 pounds, and I generally have 
another pound or more in it when it's in the field.
Add in a tripod, and it is a hell of a load to carry any distance.
As I am learning with my own 6x7, the weight is worth it.  (:
John Celio
(exceedingly happy with his new old 6x7)
AIM: Neopifex
Hey, I'm an artist.  I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a 

Re: One from my first roll in the MX

2005-03-20 Thread John Celio
I joined this list after buying an MX and std lens.
Today I got back the negs and scans from a test roll of film.
My first roll of mono film in 20 plus years.
Cool!  I love abstract forms.  What was that, a handrail?  Doesn't matter, 
really, but I'm always curious.

John Celio
AIM: Neopifex
Hey, I'm an artist.  I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a 

PESO: Godfrey

2005-03-20 Thread John Celio
From the NorCal PDML meet earlier this month, during lunch at that ethiopian 
Everyone else has been posting stuff lately, so I thought I'd join in on the 
fun.  (:

Details: MX, Tri-X 400, K 50mm 1.2, exposure not recorded.
John Celio
AIM: Neopifex
Hey, I'm an artist.  I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a 

Re: PESO: Godfrey

2005-03-21 Thread John Celio
I guess that's Art.  Revealing, but most of your subjects won't thank 
Hey, people posted pictures of me without asking.  I figured PDML gathering 
photos were fair game.

John Celio
AIM: Neopifex
Hey, I'm an artist.  I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a 

Re: PESO: Godfrey

2005-03-21 Thread John Celio
Do people always react this way when you take their picture?
You should see the shot I got of you.  (;
John Celio
P.S.: it's not a bad photo of you, btw.
AIM: Neopifex
Hey, I'm an artist.  I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a 

Re: Just an idea :)

2005-03-22 Thread John Celio
I was browsing a web today, searching some more information about Pentax 
110 system and suddenly... why couldn't Pentax produce 110 Digital ??? 
With the same range of lenses, accessories plus some additional zooms it 
would be very nice digital SLR system. Especially with full (110-)frame 
sensor :)))

Considering I own a bunch of Auto110 stuff, I'd buy an Auto110 Digital in a 

John Celio
AIM: Neopifex
Hey, I'm an artist.  I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a 

Re: PP question, sharp and unsharp.

2009-04-03 Thread John Celio

One thing that I haven't been able to find yet is a good description
of the mechanism of sharpening, unsharp mask and what all the various
knobs, dials and variables do.

in general, your PP shouldn't be sharp.

If it is, urine trouble.



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GESO: Wedding Rookie

2009-04-06 Thread John Celio

You will not be seeing the many photos that I hate (which is the vast 
majority of them), even though the bride liked them all.  I learned VOLUMES 
shooting this wedding.  There are so many woulda coulda shoulda photos! 
I've got a long list of things to do differently next time.

Comments welcome, but I know they're not perfect and pretty cliche.  Please 
ignore the green hose and beige plastic box in the barn photos that I 
completely missed at the time.  My self-esteem regarding this shoot is in a 
constant state of flux, shifting between Gosh this turned out well, and 
Holy crap I am going to die of embarassment.



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PESO: Wax Your Peep

2009-04-12 Thread John Celio

D-FA 100 2.8
AF080C ringlight, held to the left side



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RE: PESO: Wax Your Peep

2009-04-13 Thread John Celio

 Very sparkly, almost abstract.

 Cool shot.

Thanks!  Looking at it again, it does have an almost abstract look to



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Re: Who wants to see a clue as to next Pentax DSLRs ?

2009-04-17 Thread John Celio

Don't think it's a Nikon, or faked image from other brands.

Looks like a new model, possibly with a new style of RTF. Could be some
old prototype, could be the camera Pentax would release this year if the
big, bad crisis didn't come.

I read the whole thread again last night.  There's a third photo that was 
added recently, which shows a different view of the camera that includes the 
left shoulder, mode wheel and top of the prism.  The differences between the 
spied camera and current existing Pentax cameras are pretty interesting! 
Even though you have to take it all with a full shaker of salt, it's still 
kinda making me excited to see what Pentax has up their sleeve this year.



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Re: Who wants to see a clue as to next Pentax DSLRs ?

2009-04-18 Thread John Celio

more blurry pictures

Do I see a retro camera strap connector?

That thing (what we can see of it) looks clunky, bulky and awkward...

Keeping in mind that the photos were taken with a wide-angle cell phone 
camera, it doesn't look like any of those things to me.

- The left shoulder appears to be narrower than previous flagship models, so 
they're going for smaller in at least one dimension.
- The prism is noticeably taller and more square, and there are no pop-up 
flash seams visible.  This could indicate all sorts of things, but I won't 
speculate on that.
- The strap lugs have been moved to the front of the body.  My guess is this 
was done to better accomodate access to the little ports on the left side.
- The mode wheel now has a lock-release button, which I think was last seen 
on the ZX/MZ-5 series.  My guess is this was done because of the new strap 
lug location and the potential for the strap to move the dial.
- The mode wheel has what looks like a movie mode (the blur between the 
Green mode and User mode looks like the classic movie camera icon).
- The blue playback button has been moved to the top of the left rear side, 
which could indicate changes in the rear LCD (size and/or position).

Based on photo comparisons people have posted, this blurry camera is not a 
previous SLR, nor is it the 645D.  Whatever it actually is, I find it to be 
incredibly intriguing.

Gumshoe John


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Re: Who wants to see a clue as to next Pentax DSLRs ?

2009-04-19 Thread John Celio

Better photo. Camera on far left... 

Try again:|_0153|_ps|_up.jpg

Interesting.  In this photo it looks like there's no visible green button, 
and there is a pop-up flash (you can see a seam this time).  The flash's 
arms appear to be *much* longer than previous Pentax pop-up flashes, which 
is probably a good thing as far as red-eye is concerned.  Looks like they've 
made it more like Canon's pop-up flash (can we just shorten that to PUF?) 

Here's an upscaled version of that photo:

The lack of a green button suggests to me that it's a mid-range model, 
perhaps a replacement for the K200.  It's approximately closer in size to 
that model, too.



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Re: Who wants to see a clue as to next Pentax DSLRs ?

2009-04-19 Thread John Celio

Try again:|_0153|_ps|_up.jpg

So that's, starting from the left, Unknown K20D successor, K20D, 645D,
K-m with something red happening to the shutter release button?

The thing I've concluded is the 645D has a very busy mode dial; I get
15 things.

There's no 645D within a mile of that photo.  I keep seeing people (here and 
on Pentax Forums) saying every camera they see that doesn't look familliar 
is a 645D, which just drives me up the wall.  The 645D is BIG and square and 
looks nothing like any of those other cameras.



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RE: 21th may is the day for the new Pentax DSLR.

2009-04-22 Thread John Celio
 Which is certainly a good thing, but _how_? What about the matte screen
 indicates that you're in focus, or the location of the plane of focus,
 or similar?

 Ummm, because the image in the viewfinder looks sharp? Your eye and 
 brain indicate that it's in focus sending a signal to your right index 
 finger to trip the shutter.

You're lucky.  My vision is just not that good.  I can't shoot properly
without AF or a split screen.

A few nights ago I was playing with my macro gear, photographing a US
quarter coin just for the fun of it, and I had to take dozens of shots
to get the focus right simply because I couldn't quite tell what was in
focus.  Granted, I was using a K10D with the stock screen, BUT i do have
experience with many other kinds of screens and I know I need a split
prism if I'm going to be able to manually focus accurately.

Here's one of the macro photos:

Shot with the K10D, Pentax Helicoid extension tube (fully extended),
three vivitar extension tubes (can't remember the sizes), Pentax Macro
Bellows K (fully extended), Pentax reverse mounting ring, D-FA 100mm
macro (reversed and set to somewhere halfway in its focus range) and an
AF540FGZ off to the left.  I have no idea what the macro ratio of all
that together was, but it sure is fun to play with. :)



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RE: Used PEntax Digital

2009-04-22 Thread John Celio
 If high ISO is very important, K20D otherwise K10D. In my opinion, the
 K10D felt weird at ISO  400 after being used to an *ist DL. When the
 chance to switch to the K20D came at minimal cost, I jumped on it and
 I don't feel like I'm missing anything.
 How high is high? I generally am shooting at ISO 400 to 800 Do I get a 
 better picture technically with shake reduction at a lower speed? Or do 
 I start seeing pixel problems with the K10D at higher speeds?

I frequently shoot with my K10D at ISO 800 and get fabulous results,
especially compared to what I used to get with my old *istD, which was
very similar to your *istDS in most respects.  The K20D does do
noticeably better when you get to ISO 1000 and above, but is that bit of
performance improvement worth the added cost?  Based on what you said
above, I don't think it is.

So, I would recommend you get a used K10D.  I may be selling mine next
month, depending on how this new model turns out. ;)



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Re: Used PEntax Digital

2009-04-23 Thread John Celio

What feature improvement do I get with the K10 besides the obvious 6 MP
to 10 MP sensor and the shake reduction?  Pentax came out with 2
firmware upgrades for the DS that kept it in line of the then current
models. Most of the updates were in camera viewing features, but there
were some real upgrades to the camera as well. They also added Auto
ISO,although I have never used it

Okay, all the improvements I can think of (including the two you mentioned)
- higher resolution
- shake reduction (this is a HUGE advantage, in my opinion)
- better noise characteristics than the older sensors (like in the DS)
- better grip
- awesome battery grip accessory (2nd battery, extra memory card storage)
- weather sealing (I've found this to be pretty important)
- better general build quality (i think)
- comes with a free helper monkey who is trained in Photoshop, but only if 
you bought it new

- faster continuous shooting rate
- better buffer
- better and faster processing
- bigger LCD
- support for SDM lenses

That's all I can think of off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are 
other things that could be listed.



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Re: Rumormill: Pentax K7D

2009-04-24 Thread John Celio
KD? - for the portuguese market, sure hit... far better than the *ist 

The food giant Kraft makes a macaroni and cheese product.  In the US
it's called Mac and Cheese, but here (and only here, I recently found
out to my surprise) in Canada we call it Kraft Dinner, or KD for

I hope Pentax makes a yellowish/orange body for the Canadian market.

I don't know, Pentax might consider that too cheesy.  I'm sure they'd prefer 
something that looks sharp.



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Re: Won't wait

2009-04-25 Thread John Celio

But: I'm impatient.  So whatever your hosting setup is, if I click on
the PESO link and the screen on my browser doesn't have a picture on
it Pretty Damn Quick, I'm not waiting.  For those of you have personal
audiences who'll wait for your crippled-wombat-driven server because
they're your Mom or boyfriend or grad student or whatever, that's
fine, but if you're trying to build an audience (and I acknowledge
that many aren't, and that's fine), you just gotta have a snappy
server.  My time is my most precious commodity.

I'm pretty much the same way, though if it's from someone whose work I 
generally like I will sometimes let it load in the browser while I read more 
posts.  Slow servers drive me bonkers, though, and there are some PDMLers 
whose sites take forever and a half to load up all the junk on the page 
before the actual image shows up.

I should note, I hope I'm not one of them.  I know my PHP-based gallery can 
be a little slow sometimes (shared hosting drawback), but when I post a link 
to a blog post with a photo in it, the photos seem to come up pretty quick 
for me (even on other people's computers).

There are surveys that have shown that internet users are very impatient, so 
I always aim for quick-loading pages.  Sometimes it's hard to tell if I have 
achieved this without user feedback.



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Re: K 7 D FFN

2009-04-29 Thread John Celio

That looks like a poorly-made fake.



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2009-04-29 Thread John Celio
 So when are we going to be able to buy one of these cameras at retail???
 Before our Grandfather Mountain gathering?!!
 Sure would be nice.
 Regards, Bob S.
 rumor says solid info to be out on May 20

Plus one day for each extraneous punctuation mark!!!



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RE: PESO - Noun or Verb?

2009-04-30 Thread John Celio

Heh heh heh!  That made me laugh loud enough just now that my boss came
over to look (I'm on my lunch break).  Thankfully he's cool with
language like that.  He didn't seem to see the humor in it, though. 
Can't please 'em all, I guess.



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Re: I reskinned my MX

2009-05-08 Thread John Celio

Vry nice.  Makes me wish I hadn't sold my MX + 40mm.  It's a hell of a 



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Re: My order is in

2009-05-10 Thread John Celio
After considering all the alternatives, I ordered the DA* 60-250 when  
BH opened tonight.

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Re: My order is in

2009-05-10 Thread John Celio

After considering all the alternatives, I ordered the DA* 60-250 when
BH opened tonight.

It's safe to say that a large number of people on this list are dying to 
know how the lens performs for you.  Are you up to the task?

(sorry for the misfire)


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Re: Wedding Photographer

2009-05-13 Thread John Celio

I'd be willing to bet money this was written by a pro who's tired of being 
undersold by inexperienced hacks with Rebels and kit lenses.

Doesn't make it any less funny, though. :D



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Pentax Ad Copy FAIL

2009-05-13 Thread John Celio

Right now, a copywriter somewhere is being flogged.



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Want to Trade - my DA 10-17 for a DA 12-24

2009-05-14 Thread John Celio

I own a DA 10-17 that I would like to trade for a DA 12-24.

The DA 10-17 used to be Godfrey's, and I rarely use it, so it is in 
excellent condition.  I have the box, caps and soft case for it.

If you have a DA 12-24 you'd like to trade, please let me know.



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RE: Want to Trade - my DA 10-17 for a DA 12-24

2009-05-14 Thread John Celio
 Your going to need an angel to help you on this one. The DA 12-24 
 sells for $260 more than the DA 10-17 at BH.

I see.  Perhaps someone with an older copy of the lens won't mind so



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Re: Colorful socks

2009-05-15 Thread John Celio
^^^ warm socks and trees... bizarre handicraft... comments appreciated.

Ah, guerilla knitting!  I love it, and have seen photos of it around the 
'net for a few years now.  My favorite was a big iron ring on a dock. 
Someone had completely covered the ring with colorful knitting, which made 
it look like anything but heavy iron.  It's disconcerting, in a funny way.

Check out some examples here, including the ring and a most impressive tree:



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Re: Want to Trade - my DA 10-17 for a DA 12-24 (something to sweeten the deal)

2009-05-16 Thread John Celio
Your going to need an angel to help you on this one. The DA 12-24 sells 

$260 more than the DA 10-17 at BH.

Would you believe 240

Well hey, my car died today and the corpse is worth about that much.  Anyone 
want to trade their 12-24 for a 10-17 and a 1995 Chevy Cavalier LS that is 
only firing one cylinder?  It's like pulling a Ford F250 with a lawnmower 

(file this under Disablement, since I think I posted an Enablement when 
I got the car a couple years ago)

P.S.: I'm just kidding.  The car's not worth that much. ;)


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Re: How many DA/DFA lenses do you own?

2009-05-17 Thread John Celio

I suspect it [the feature] takes into account lens model but focus
distance as well as aperture and focal length so it would be quite
difficult IMO to build such profile for other lenses.

You make it sound like a hyperfocal/pan-focus function.  Is that close?



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Re: How many DA/DFA lenses do you own?

2009-05-17 Thread John Celio
I like Thibouille's hinting game.  I miss being in the loop about upcoming 
products, and I think this is about as close as most of us are going to get. 
It's fun, like a slowly unravelling mystery.

Anyway, I own a decent amount of DA lenses.

DA 10-17
DA 16-50
DA 18-55
DA 21
DA 50-200
D-FA 100 macro

Next on the wish list: DA 12-24.



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Space Camera

2009-05-18 Thread John Celio
Take a look at the astronaut's camera in this article's top photo.

I know it's not the K-m White, but it sure looks like it!  I did a
double-take when I opened the article.



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Re: Space Camera

2009-05-19 Thread John Celio

Take a look at the astronaut's camera in this article's top photo.

I know it's not the K-m White, but it sure looks like it! I did a
double-take when I opened the article.

So what is it, a Hassy?

No idea, but I think someone here mentioned they haven't used Hasselblads in 
a long time.



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RE: Pentax K7

2009-05-21 Thread John Celio
 According to a posting on the dpreview forums from JohnCPentax
 (who appears to work at Pentax USA) you're going to be disappointed.
 The K-7 *is* what was planned as the K30D, so there won't be one.
 JohnCPentax does indeed work at Pentax.

And oh how I wish he was me.

John Celio
(Pentax is my middle name)


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Speaking of SDM...

2010-01-12 Thread John Celio
Does anyone else notice a warm up period between mounting an SDM lens
and when the AF starts functioning?

Whenever I put my 16-50 on my K10D, it takes between 5 and 15
(guestimate) seconds for the AF to start working.  I should note that I
don't use the lens very often, since my DA21 is my walk-around lens. 
Could this be some sort of defect, or is it just the electronics warming



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Re: Speaking of SDM...

2010-01-12 Thread John Celio
Thanks for your comments, everyone.  I sent Pentax an email about my SDM 
issue, and also mentioned that time last year when the zoom locked up and 
didn't work until I twisted off the lens hood.  I imagine this lens has been 
a lemon from the start, I was just being blissfully ignorant about it.

The glass itself is amazing, so I've been hesitant to part with it, even for 
a few weeks.



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Dear Pentax USA Customer Support

2010-01-14 Thread John Celio
Your business hours are ridiculous.  Closing at 5pm Mountain Time (4pm here 
in California) means people have to call you from work if they need help, 
which in my case is very much frowned upon.

Also, your email support is broken.  I wrote you about my 
delayed-SDM-function lens problem and you suggested I get the latest 
firmware even though my K10D wouldn't be able to use an SDM lens at all 
without that firmware.  Then you tell me to either call (whups you're closed 
again) or reply to the email, but the address that was in 
your email to me clearly won't work (I tried, just to be sure).

I guess I'll be wasting my lunch break on the phone with you tomorrow. 
Thanks a bunch, Pentax.



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Re: SDM Failure

2010-01-22 Thread John Celio

The 60-250 is SDM only.
I think this is a 1% problem.
Anyway, I'll try to get it sent off today.

My 16-50 just arrived at Pentax's repair center in Arizona today for its SDM 
problem.  Pentax has been very quick with repairs in the past, but that's 
when they were in Colorado.  Hopefully this new place is the same people, 
just in a warmer climate.

One thing I'm thinking with this stuff is that the problems seem to 

around people who either baby their equipment or use it rarely. I don't
think I've touched that lens since last September.

Hrm, that's an interesting point.  I don't use my 16-50 all that often, 
partly because it's so big, but also because it's my best and most expensive 
lens, and I'd just die if something bad happened to it.  It could certainly 
be a case of these parts need to be used from time to time to keep them 
going smoothly, but I'd really like to think it's not something like that. 
That seems like a really lame excuse for something of this technological 



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Scott Bourne's Ego

2010-01-23 Thread John Celio
If any of you follow Scott Bourne on Twitter or elsewhere, I would like to 
suggest ignoring that egotistical jackass from now on.

Earlier this evening he posted something negative about people who shoot 
weddings for cheap.  When I, and quite a few others from what I've seen in 
searching around Twitter, disagreed with him, he blocked us all.

Then he proceeded to publicly call us trolls.  Just for disagreeing with 

When I wrote him an email, he called me lazy and untallented and accused me 
of whoring myself out, all because I said I had shot for low-income families 
and therefore thought my low rate was appropriate.

According to other twitterers, this is a common response from the guy. 
Regardless of what you think about people who shoot for cheap, this is not 
professional (or just plain polite!) conduct for a so-called professional. 
I don't think Scott Bourne deserves any more attention from Twitterers or 
photographers in general.



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Re: Scott Bourne's Ego

2010-01-24 Thread John Celio
If any of you follow Scott Bourne on Twitter or elsewhere, I would like 

suggest ignoring that egotistical jackass from now on.

Who the hell is Scott Bourne? He can block me too if that helps with
his therapy!

Sorry, should have explained.  He's a pro photographer, runs 
and writes a lot of photography technique-related stuff on the web.  I 
incorrectly assumed others here would have heard of him.  He's got a lot of 
readers and sometimes gives away cameras via Twitter, and I found out about 
him through other people's blogs.  Had I known what a pretentious dick he 
is, however, I never would have bothered with him.

Anyway, sorry to have baffled anyone.



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Re: Scott Bourne's Ego

2010-01-24 Thread John Celio
Jeeze.  Bourne is pretty famous.  I thought more people here knew of the guy 
and might appreciate knowing how he treats people who disagree with him. 
Sorry to waste your precious bandwidth.



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RE: Pentax Optio I-10 sure looks cute

2010-01-25 Thread John Celio
 I wonder how it is to handle? I wonder if the photo quality is any good?
 But it sure looks neato. :-)

With a PS-sized sensor, it's probably not going to replace anyone's
dSLR, but it would sure look nice next to my Auto110.  It's got a decent
feature set and good zoom range, too.

The new H90 is butt-ugly, though.  Whoever designed that one needs to be



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Stuff to see in CT?

2010-01-28 Thread John Celio
Later next month I'll be making my first trip to the east coast since 1989 
(and my first time on an airplane since 1997) to see a friend in New Haven, 

Anyone know of interesting things to see and/or photograph there or in areas 


P.S.: I'm not really interested in NYC (it's been suggested by a couple 
people already).


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Re: Stuff to see in CT?

2010-01-28 Thread John Celio

Oh yes, there's Yale University.  Most of the archetecher, (well the
buildings built between the colonial period, and about 1950's, seem to
be stolen from Ox-bridge.  You might even think you were in part of
England).  After the 50's there's a lot of Bauhaus inspired Modern

Yale is definitely on the list, mostly because my friend is a grad student 
there, and its architecture is something I'm interested in.

Any interesting historical sites around the area?  There's not much history 
in my part of California before the Gold Rush, so I'm always interesting in 
seeing stuff older than that.



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Re: Stuff to see in CT?

2010-01-29 Thread John Celio
Many thanks, Steve, P.J., Ann and Ken.  I've piled your suggestions into a 
list and am in the process of figuring out where I can go.  Lots of options 

Thanks again,


- Original Message - 
From: steve harley

To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2010 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: Stuff to see in CT?

On 2010-01-28 22:06 , John Celio wrote:

Later next month I'll be making my first trip to the east coast since
1989 (and my first time on an airplane since 1997) to see a friend in
New Haven, CT.

Anyone know of interesting things to see and/or photograph there or in
areas nearby?

it's been a while for me ... worth seeing architecturally in New Haven,
but not necessarily photogenic, are Louis Kahn's Center for British Art,
Eero Saarinen's whale ice rink, and Paul Rudolf's brutalist Art 
Architecture Building, which i understand has just been expanded and

as museums to visit, an earlier Khan building, the Yale Art Museum,
might be more interesting than the British, and the Beinecke Rare Book
and Manuscript Library usually has fascinating artifacts on display in
its amazing main interior space (go on a sunny day)

when i lived there (30 years ago) New Haven also had some great run-down
areas like old factories and a defunct amusement park at the beach east
of East Rock; i wish i was taking pictures back then ... i'd imagine
they've had their charm removed by redevelopment by now

to me, Mystic Seaport was never that special; i did like seeing
submarines up the coast at Groton -- they have a sub museum there

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No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 9.0.733 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/2655 - Release Date: 01/29/10 

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Re: PDML Photo Annual 2008-2009 request

2010-01-30 Thread John Celio

That was beautiful, Cotty.  I hope you get a green light for the project.

I don't recall seeing my Grapes photo show up, but just in case, you have my 
permission to show it.



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SDM repair complete

2010-02-03 Thread John Celio
Just got my DA* 16-50 back from Pentax's outsourced service center (C.R.I.S. 
Camera Service, in Arizona).  They did a terrible packing job with the lens, 
letting it float free in a box of styrofoam peanuts that wasn't completely 
full.  UPS managed to smash up the box pretty bad, but thankfully didn't 
appear to hit the lens itself.  Front element had a weird, oily haze on it. 
Might have been from the plastic bag the lens was in.  Cleaned up alright, 

Mounted the lens and the SDM worked immediately (you may recall my lens used 
to take 10-20 seconds for the SDM motor to activate previously).  The AF 
even seems a little faster than before.  Woo!  Receipt said they replaced 
the HSM (Hyper Sonic Motor).  Hopefully the technician didn't shoehorn a 
Sigma motor in there somehow. ;)



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Re: PESO - M3 and ME reskinned

2010-02-08 Thread John Celio

I really like the blue on that Leica!  If I had a skinnable camera I'd be 
seriously considering that color right now.

In the Pentax family photo, what is skinned on the MZ-5?  It's too dark to 
tell for sure.

Nice job!



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RE: Reports of New Gear

2010-02-09 Thread John Celio
 DA*10-16 f/4
 DA*20 f/2
 DA*28 f/2

Someone get me a bib, those lenses are making me drool uncontrollably.

(it could just be the burritos I've got warming in the microwave, but
I'm pretty sure it's those lenses)


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RE: PESO - M3 and ME reskinned

2010-02-09 Thread John Celio
 In the Pentax family photo, what is skinned on the MZ-5? It's too 
 dark to tell for sure.

 I had some alligator imprint leather lying around one rainy weekend, so

Well then, I might have to put a fun color of leather on my ZX-5n some
day when I've got a little extra cash.  It might make for a good
conversation piece on a bookshelf someday.

Uncle, why doesn't this camera have a screen on the back?  It shot
what?  Film?  What's that?



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Re: PDML book 2010: One week to go!

2010-02-22 Thread John Celio
I think I've decided on my one submission for the book.  I'm uncertain about 
the sharpening issue, though.  I shoot raw, and so put a teeny bit more than 
Photoshop's default sharpening on the photo.  If a submission is deemed too 
sharp by the editors, do we get a notification or just get the boot?



- Original Message - 

To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 4:49 PM
Subject: PDML book 2010: One week to go!

One week left to submit your photos for the 2010 PDML Photo Annual!
You only have seven days left in which toupload your three shots and
have your work seen alongside that of PDML photographers including
Cotty, myself and Frank Theriault. Wait... let me re-phrase that...
Seriously, you *should* participate. It'll give you street cred, sex
appeal and minty-fresh breath.

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Version: 9.0.733 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/2701 - Release Date: 02/20/10 

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OT - Tea

2010-03-01 Thread John Celio
So I've been asking everyone I can think of who might know something
about tea and have been coming up emptea.

My friend in Connecticut introduced me to a German tea, called
Braunschweiger Löwentee, that she got during her last trip there.  It
was a really good blend of oolong and black teas with a bunch of other
yummy things, and I'd really like to get some of my own.  Googling
turned up nothing I could understand, and I've found no satisfying
answers in the places I've looked and asked.  I'm hoping someone here
can help me find one of the following solutions:

1) An American (or otherwise available in the US) tea with the same or
very similar ingredients (see below).

2) A way to order the tea from Germany. This may be too expensive for
me, but I'd like to find out for sure.

3) A tea specialty store in the San Francisco Bay Area that is really
helpful to a tea noob and might know about something like this.

Braunschweiger Löwentee's listed ingredients are as follows (as
translated by my friend):

Oolong tea
Black tea
Dried apple
Lemon peel
Rose petals
Sunflower petals
Orange flower petals



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Re: OT - Tea

2010-03-01 Thread John Celio

2) A way to order the tea from Germany. This may be too expensive for
me, but I'd like to find out for sure.

OK found the shop that makes and sells it. Have a relative in that
town, too. Postage goes by weight and whether or not you want insured
or registered shipment on top. So let me know how much you want (price
should be around $7-8 for 100 grs.) and I'll give them a call tomorrow
to figure out the options.

Awesome, thanks for finding that for me!  Is it something only one shop 
makes?  Googling the tea name last night didn't come up with any online 
stores that carried anything like it

I'm asking my friend what size package it was that she had, because I've 
never actually bought loose tea before and have no idea how much I should 
get.  I will get you that info as soon as I find out.

Thanks again,


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Re: A400/5.6 Shots a bird

2010-03-01 Thread John Celio
JCO, every time I try to visit your website, my browser gives me a 
virus/malware warning.  This time, I clicked through the warning since it 
was just a jpg, but then AVG said it blocked a threat from your site.  It 
said, Threat name: Exploit Rogue MCOS (type 1027).  For what it's worth, I 
use Chrome.

Some brief googling of the above message says it's likely there's a virus or 
malware on my PC, but I've seen this warning from your site on multiple 
computers, so you really need to check your website for malicious files.


- Original Message - 
From: J.C. O'Connell

To: 'Pentax-Discuss Mail List'
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 1:00 PM
Subject: A400/5.6 Shots a bird

Got my A400/5.6 lens about a month ago,
took it out today and gave it a try.
It requires extreme care in focussing
but it is sharp lens when you do that.

Sample image at:

this is my backyard, gonna take it to the
beach next week if I get the time

J.C. O'Connell (
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Re: A400/5.6 Shots a bird

2010-03-01 Thread John Celio
FWIW, I am running AVG Free 9.0 on this XP Pro PC.  It loaded without  a 
protest from AVG here.

That's what I'm running, too, except on Vista.

*sigh* Maybe it's just me.

Dammit, I was really hoping to not have to do a fresh install this 



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RE: PENTAX K-m - Nice camera or what?

2008-09-22 Thread John Celio
I think nice really hits the nail on the head with regards to this new
camera.  It's going to be perfect for people who want simplicity and
nice photos.

Despite all the grumbling from people who say Pentax needs a high-end
camera, this sort of thing is what Pentax REALLY needs: a small,
affordable, entry-level camera with simple controls and features so that
Mrs. Soccer Mom can pick it up and photograph her kids.

All the research and industry newsletters I was able to read back at
Reed's said that the Soccer Mom type (they used different terms) is
really key for the photography industry, and if you ever go out to a
place where lots of families are gathering, you'll see how true this is.
 I visted the new California Academy of Sciences yesterday in San
Francisco for the sneak-preview, and probably 90% of the families I saw
with children and dSLRs were shooting Canon Rebels or low-numbered Nikon
cameras.  I saw a handful of older men and one pro-looking woman with
higher-end Canons and Nikons, but the low end truly dominated the crowd.
 Oddly, I saw no Sony dSLRs, but did see one KonicaMinolta (or Minonika,
as I like to call them).

This just goes to show where the money is, and where a business like
Pentax must place their emphasis in order to turn a profit.  As much as
some people want a Pentax version of the 5D or better, Pentax wants to
stay in business.

John Celio

P.S.: for the curious, here are some of my photos from the new Academy,
most shot with a D-FA 100 on my K10D:


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RE: Re-enabled

2008-09-23 Thread John Celio
If I had the money, I'd get the W60 in a heartbeat.  Ever since the
Optio WR series, Pentax's PS water resistant/proof cameras have been
utterly fantastic.  The 43WR had one of the sharpest lenses I ever saw
on a PS camera, no exaggeration, and it appears the W series has kept
that optical quality.

As it is, I still need to send a check to the PDMLer who sent me some
cool older stuff last week.  My new/old ring flash is a lot of fun. :D



 Original Message 
Subject: Re-enabled
From: Brendan MacRae [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, September 22, 2008 8:32 pm
To: pdml

I got my Optio W60 Waterproof point and shoot today.
The price has dropped recently which was a nice
suprise. Unfortunately, BH doesn't have any Impact
batteries in stock for the camera yet so I'll have to
make do with one battery for now.

This one replaces my venerable Optio W10 which I've
praised and repraised on this list many times. That
camera is going to my wife who's very happy to have
it. It produced something like 30,000+ images for me
and I couldn't be more pleased with it's performance.
I used it last weekend to take underwater video of
myself and the kids in about 5 feet of water. What a
great little camera!

The new model is 10MP and slightly smaller and lighter
than the W10. It has some black plastic on the
exterior (top and a grip on the right front) which is
textured for more solid gripping especially if you
plan on using it underwater or in inclement
weather...and I do! This is a big improvement as the
W10 was not easy to hold when wet or with white gloves
(I wear these when shooting watches to keep skin tones
from reflecting in shiny metals). It also has a larger
display on the back which is supposedly much easier to
view, especially in bright sunlight. The W60 has a
longer OPTICAL zoom range 5-25mm than the W10's
digital zoom (6.3-18.9mm). The lens does not protrude
from the body.

I'm going to shoot some tests with it ASAP and will
post the results here for anyone who's interested. My
hope is that the camera has increased dynamic range
along with it's higher resolution. Highlights could be
a bear to finese with the W10.


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RE: OT: Two more applicants for a Darwin

2008-09-25 Thread John Celio
Wow.  I wonder what drug(s) they were on?



 Original Message 
Subject: OT: Two more applicants for a Darwin
Date: Thu, September 25, 2008 12:22 pm
To: 'Pentax-Discuss Mail List'

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RE: New grip for K10D K20D body

2008-09-25 Thread John Celio
It's not an indentation, but rather an extension outward of the grip
below the IR sensor.  It's done for people with big hands who need a
deeper grip.  The stock K10/20D grip is absolutely perfect for me, but I
have average-dude hands, and I can imagine people with bigger hands
wishing for a deeper grip.



 Original Message 
Subject: Re: New grip for K10D K20D body
From: Charles Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, September 25, 2008 2:00 pm
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List

On Sep 25, 2008, at 15:46, Toine wrote:

 Maybe old news... Has anyone tried this:

 If you want Pentax installs a new shell with a new grip on your old 

What is the point/benefit?

Looks like there is an indentation on the front by where the IR 
receiver is - is that it?


Charles Robinson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minneapolis, MN

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Re: Important: Orphan Works is being HOTLINED today - OUT OF BOUNDS!

2008-09-27 Thread John Celio
Did any of you stop to think that maybe this is an important issue to people 
like us?  Maybe some of you out there, who live in the US and create 
photographic (or other media) works that others might want to use, ought to 
be concerned about copyright laws?

This isn't simply about politics, it's about protecting that which you have 

Learn a little and maybe you'll condemn less.


- Original Message - 
From: P. J. Alling [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2008 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: Important: Orphan Works is being HOTLINED today - OUT OF 

I'm sorry you can't declare this thread dead.  I will.

David Savage wrote:


I declare this thread dead.

2008/9/27 John Sessoms [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

From: Rick Womer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This list is, and should remain, a politics-free zone.


You'd lose 99% of the posts. Most of the list is politics; it's just not
elections  such.

That's all the arguments about what Hoya should do; Nikon v. Leica v. 
Cotty's bastardizations; should it have been cropped vertical or 

too much shadow; burned out highlights; BW instead of color; digital v.
film; mama done took kodachrome away;

... it's all just politics.

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You get further with a kind word and a gun, than with a kind word alone.
--Al Capone.

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Re: Important: Orphan Works is being HOTLINED today - OUT OF BOUNDS!

2008-09-28 Thread John Celio

2008/9/28 John Sessoms [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

From: P. J. Alling [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Now Dave, that's just gratuitous and I'll have none of it.

David Savage wrote:

 nazi nazi nazi nazi

Didn't work either.

I tried.

i guess this is a Godwin free zone.

Mentioning Nazis or Hitler with the intention of invoking Godwin's Law 
pretty much invalidates the invocation of the law.  See Quirk's Exception.



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RE: PhotographyBlog: Pentax Interview, quite interesting (Samsung deal etc.)

2008-09-29 Thread John Celio

Sounds like a lot of good news.

 - Cotty won't have to eat his hat and the rest of us won't have to
re-invest in new 35mm lenses.

 - The 645D will likely see the light of day, reaffirming Pentax's old
position of professional medium-format camera maker.

 - The possible Micro 4/3rds partnership would make Godfrey a very, very
happy guy, if it happens.

 - Hoya is serious about keeping Pentax alive and in the game.

I like it all.



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Re: PhotographyBlog: Pentax Interview, quite interesting (Samsung deal etc.)

2008-09-29 Thread John Celio

 - Cotty won't have to eat his hat and the rest of us won't have to
re-invest in new 35mm lenses.

Most of mine are 35mm.

Er, I meant digital-optimized 35mm lenses (like the D-FA macros).

All I know is, the DA lenses I own or have used perform immensely better 
than older 35mm lenses on digital.  I'm a BIG fan of the DA line, and would 
not like to have to go back to 35mm-format lenses.



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RE: 67 lbs (?)

2008-09-30 Thread John Celio
Nevermind that, what about Amazon's $800 price for the DA* 55 1.4?  Are
they nuts?  The FA 50 sells for a QUARTER of that, and only lacks SDM,
5mm and an extra coating or two!

Jeeze.  There go my hopes of ever owning THAT lens.



 Original Message 
Subject: 67 lbs (?)
From: Jack Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, September 30, 2008 5:35 am
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Check out the weight and price of the DA* 60~250. 8-0



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A 67 Holdup

2008-09-30 Thread John Celio

I can't seem to find any background information on this photo, but since it 
features a 6x7 (branding photoshopped out), I thought it might be 
appreciated here.



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Re: A 67 Holdup

2008-09-30 Thread John Celio

I can't seem to find any background information on this photo, but since 

features a 6x7 (branding photoshopped out), I thought it might be
appreciated here.

Found it!  The photo is by this guy:



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Re: Exposure Curiosity

2008-10-01 Thread John Celio

Darrel 1:  K10D, DA* 50-135mm 50mm, ISO 800, 1/13 sec @f2.8

Darrel 2: K10D, DA* 50-135mm 50mm, ISO 800, 1/30 sec @ f2.8




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OT: Photoshop Disasters

2008-10-02 Thread John Celio

I love the Photoshop Disasters blog, and I thought this particular post 
might be appropriate for this group of frequent memory card users.

Somewhere, a graphic designer is hanging his head in shame.



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Re: AF why

2008-10-04 Thread John Celio

It dawned on me that of all the buttons on the back of the K20, the
one I've never ever hit is AF.  Its effect seems identical to
squeezing the shutter a bit.  So I went and looked around in the
manual; it entirely escapes me why this button exists and what you'd
use it for.  So obviously I'm missing something... -T

I discussed this with some of my former camera sales coworkers a couple 
years ago, and we came to the unscientific conclusion that it's there to 
appease the easily-impressed consumer who just likes having more buttons.

It's entirely possible that the button has awesome, photo-changing features 
(such as ugly face fixer, suspicion reducer, or perhaps even clothes 
remover), but I too have never used it.



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Re: what happens when memory card fills up

2008-10-04 Thread John Celio

I am curious, what do the pentax DSLRS do when the memory
Card is full? Shutter locks up? I have used mine for nearly
Two years but haven't filled a card to the max yet so I am
Just wondering

It explodes.  After all, the card is only wafer thin.


(it says memory card full or something like that and won't save pictures 
even if your custom function allows you to take them. try it yourself and 


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2008-10-06 Thread John Celio
Back when I was an art student and was in my first photography class, my
professor (Alice Shaw, was giving a slide show about
famous fine art photographers and their creative processes.

One photographer she mentioned, whose name I wish I could remember,
would take photos and process the film, but not look at the negatives
for about a year.  This would help to remove sentimental attachments he
might have with the images and allow him to more objectively select
photos to print.  This struck me as a very good idea, especially since I
always feel immensely sentimental about things I create, even if they're

So, while I have been slowly rebuilding my website's gallery since last
winter, I've been trying to apply this philosophy to my own work.  I
have been taking lots of photos this year, but not really doing anything
with them (aside from a few exceptions, such as the birth of my nephew).
 Working with photos that I took in college and after has helped me see
just how bad some of the photos are that I used to think were great. 
It's difficult to resist the temptation to work on this year's photos,
but I keep telling myself it'll be worth it in the long run.

What sort of philosphy do you have when working with your photos, both
old and new?



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Re: Philosophy

2008-10-06 Thread John Celio

While it might be a good philosophy when trying to cull the gallery,
it doesn't do much for the learning to improve your shooting.  It is
by examining the shots while you still remember details of shooting
that helps you learn how to improve your skills.

Don't get me wrong, I don't completely ignore the photos after shooting 
them, I just don't develop or otherwise edit them (i shoot all PEF).  I'll 
chimp like anyone else, and sometimes look at a couple when downloading 
them, but I don't do anything with them beyond that, unless it's a special 

I feel like I get enough from that initial peeking to make sure my shooting 
is alright.  I am a very sentimental person, so the time and distance really 
helps my objectivity when I do get around to developing photos.  Your 
mileage may vary.



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NorCal - Blue Angels this weekend

2008-10-09 Thread John Celio
Just a heads-up: it's Fleet Week in San Francisco, and the Blue Angels
are going to be doing their shows this weekend.  As always, I'll be out
there with my K500 4.5, trying to catch the cross-overs at just the
right moment.  If anyone wants to meet up, let me know.



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RE: NorCal - Blue Angels this weekend

2008-10-10 Thread John Celio
 Where were you last year? I did both days! 300mm f2.8... On my old 
 K100 D...

I like to stand up on that hill north of Aquatic Park, on the road along
the cliff, next to the little building partway up.  It seems like a good
place to be.  I just wish I knew how to get out on that long pier!  It's
always blocked off and only certain people are allowed out there.  Best
seats in the house.

Did you get any cool shots of the compression wave run on Sunday last
year?  I totally missed getting any shots, but was blown away by how
cool it was.



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Re: OT - Govt Agency doctors photograph to sanitize history

2008-10-12 Thread John Celio
It's just a stamp.  I'd much rather have the government not portray smoking 
as cool than accurately reproduce a tiny version of an old photo.



- Original Message - 
From: Anthony Farr [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2008 9:47 AM
Subject: OT - Govt Agency doctors photograph to sanitize history

Perhaps it's not OT regarding photography, but there's no Pentax content:

I hate revisionist history, even if old practices are now officially 

upon.  If the picture was no good in its original form then they shouldn't
have used it at all.

regards, Anthony Farr

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Re: OT - Govt Agency doctors photograph to sanitize history

2008-10-12 Thread John Celio

Looks good. Rewriting history is ok as long as it's politically correct.


So you *want* government-sanctioned art portraying smoking as cool?  Golly 
gee, that's a fabulous idea.  What's next, Scottish stamps of Ewan McGregor 
shooting up heroin?  Jamaican stamps of Bob Marley smoking pot?  Great, send 
them to the presses!  Maybe we could make them old-fashioned lick-em stamps 
and put some LSD in the paper.

It's a painting of a photo of a dead celebrity.  I'd barely count that as 
history.  I can see being mad about a stamp portraying important historical 
figures like Douglas MacArthur without his pipe or George W. Bush with a 
brain, but an actress (who made no significant contributions to human 
history besides looking pretty and becoming the subject of a Rod Stewart 
song) without a cigarrette?  Come on.



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OT: Black Silicone Could Change Digital Photography Forever

2008-10-13 Thread John Celio

Certainly sounds intriguing!



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RE: PESO 2008 - 151 - GDG

2008-10-15 Thread John Celio

Fantastic, if slightly creepy at the same time. :)



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Re: PESO 2008 - 151 - GDG

2008-10-16 Thread John Celio

Fantastic, if slightly creepy at the same time. :)

How's it creepy?

I imagine that, if I were a child that young (I'm guessing the kid is pretty 
little), in an empty space that large, I would at some point start to feel 
very much alone and scared.  Now, I figure there were adults nearby when the 
photo was taken, but from what is shown, the scene seems eerily empty except 
for the kid.

So, it feels a little frightening to my inner child, I guess.  Perhaps 
creepy was the wrong word.



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Re: PESO 2008 - 154, 155, 156 - GDG

2008-10-19 Thread John Celio
Moving On -- At first I thought it was just another road-into-the-distance 
perspective piece, but then my eye was following the path and it just... 
kept... going.  Made me laugh at myself.  Much better than I'd assumed it 
would be.

Berries -- way too busy to be interesting.  I think shallower DOF might have 

Severed -- Feels so tragic!  The title you chose probably helps with that. 
If you'd called it Pruned, it'd just be gardening.



- Original Message - 
From: Godfrey DiGiorgi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: SeePhoto Talk [EMAIL PROTECTED]; PAW Picture-A-Week project 

Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2008 9:46 AM
Subject: PESO 2008 - 154, 155, 156 - GDG

Thank you all for the comments expressed on #s 151, 152 and 153!
  Moving On - San Jose 2008
  Berries - San Jose 2008
  Severed - San Jose 2008

All taken with the Olympus E-1, fitted with Pentax M50/1.4 and 1.4x
teleconverter, lens opening at f/2 (f/2.8 effective), ISO 100.

Comments and critique always appreciated.


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Re: What do you all think of the micro 4/3 system?

2008-10-19 Thread John Celio

I wonder if it's possible for me to get my Pentax Auto-110 camera body
converted to digital? Plenty of room inside if it's not going to have
to fit film cartridges. I have all the lenses, and a spiffy case I
could keep it all in!  Better use up my supply of Kodacolor 110 first,
and put my Kodak 110 slide projector on eBay!

It would be utterly fantastic if Pentax somehow adapted the old Auto110 
platform for digital.  I, too, have all the lenses (except the 18mm 
Pan-Focus, which goes for a small fortune on eBay) and would love to be able 
to use them on a digital Auto110.

I imagine you could use a sensor a bit smaller than a 110 frame, yet larger 
than most PS sensors.  Make the body a bit taller to accomodate a small 
screen and a battery, stick a MicroSD slot on one side and some buttons on 
the back and you've got an instant hit: the smallest dSLR on the market, 
using lenses you could easily update for digital.

A Pentaxian can dream...



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Re: Sony full frame A900, where's Pentax?

2008-10-20 Thread John Celio

Anthony gave up thusly:

I give up  =/

I think that sums up my reaction nicely, as well.

JCO, are you even paying attention to what other contributors to this thread 
have said?  It sure seems like you aren't.



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Re: What do you all think of the micro 4/3 system?

2008-10-20 Thread John Celio

My husband is looking at the micro 4/3 as the ultimate
carry-everywhere digicam.

I imagine threads like this on the PDML are making Pentax a little worried. 
I wouldn't blame them if that were the case.  It seems, to the casual reader 
anyway, that a lot of people are willing to jump ship just for a smaller 

C'mon Pentax, I think it's time to dazzle or die here.  You're halfway there 
with the tiny primes, now just match them with either a tiny body with 
advanced features or a beefier flagship model and I think you'll win back a 
lot of mutinous users.

Me, I'm not going anywhere, but I'd like my favorite brand to stick around 
for years to come.



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Re: Sony full frame A900, where's Pentax?

2008-10-20 Thread John Celio

Yes I have. My point is that FF generally, almost universally today
Means a 24x36mm sensor. This is because DSLRs using 24x36 designed
Lenses are predominantly available in FF and less than FF. All the
Other formats, 4/3 etc. don't really have two or more different
Size sensors being used for a particular format lenses system like
Whats going on with legacy 35mm film lenses and DSLRs that use them.

I see what you're saying now, and it does make sense on one level.  However, 
I think that even though Full Frame is generally used to mean one thing by 
the average user, it is technically not a correct use of the term.



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Re: Full Frame: what is it?

2008-10-21 Thread John Celio

I believe Full Frame to be akin the sex of angels, a perfect topic for an
endless discussion.

What's a frame? Is it related to lenses in use? Is it related to a bayonet
shape or a register distance? I don't think so.


Very well put, all of it. :D

(just turned 30 27 minutes ago)


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F--k Full Frame

2008-10-21 Thread John Celio
Go take pictures!



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RE: single light portraits

2008-10-23 Thread John Celio
 Anyone have any single light portraits to share? Also, what are you
 opinions are using a single light?

 And here I used the same bounce flash capability but reflecting it 
 with my hand ...

Speaking of self-portraits, and since I only own one P-TTL flash (I've
got other slave flashes, but rarely use them), here's something I shot a
couple nights ago, to illustrate the new beard style I chose for my 30th

The flash was dangling from the end of my Promaster off-camera cord,
between the tripod legs, bouncing down off the off-white carpets.  K10D
with D-FA 100mm and 540FGZ.

If anyone has a top hat and monocle I could borrow, they might go well
with my muttonchops. ;)



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