Re: [ql-users] Progress bar

2003-02-09 Thread gwicks

- Original Message -
From: Dilwyn Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 09, 2003 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Progress bar

  Sun used a spinner to show work being done.  Basically it's a dash
 (-) then
  a slahs (\) then anther dash, and then the other slash (/).  When
  at the same location, it looks like it's spinning.
  and a host of others.
  This spinning chr is also on Promise Raid card.
  ... and in XTreeGold.
 And closer to home, by Geoff Wicks in his programs, e.g. in QL2PC
 while transferring a large file.

There is nothing particularly clever in this. QL-2-PC is transfering word
processings files byte by byte and everytime it comes across a full stop it
prints either a forward or backward slash. This is just to let the user know
that the program and the computer had not crashed. I have just rebuilt a
QTYP dictionary using QTYP_ded and this program does not have this facility.
You spend a lot of time wondering if there has been a crash.

QL-2-PC always checks the length of a file and it would be a simple matter
to have a bar indicating progress, but I wonder whether this would be
worthwhile. Most transfers are fairly quick and adding a progress routine
would slow down the process.

BTW I shall use the opportunity to publicise my new email address -
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - this is my prefered address from now on, although I shall
keep the hotmail address for a little while yet.

Geoff Wicks.

Re: [ql-users] Clashing workshops

2003-06-11 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Malcolm Cadman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Yet there is a lot to consider, such as :

 * Workshops are organised by volunteers ... and we are struggling for
 active members to support regular meetings, let alone Workshops.
 * London and the South-East are big enough to attract enough support,
 which can be sufficiently different.  Byfleet is 'miles away' for me !
 As is Hove.
 * Not all traders can make every event, which is acknowledged.
 * There are European and American dates not to clash with.
 * When we analysed this last year the London Group found that November
 was one of the very few 'slots' available.
 * If a Workshop is to be 'annual' then it is useful to have it at the
 same time every year ... this helps people remember and to plan their
 own calendars.
 * It is already June, so six months on the year gone by :-)

I fully understand that Byfleet is miles away. In fact, all of 21 miles
and 35 minutes from Waterloo by train. However, I can assure you that if you
take a few beads and baudles with you to give them as presents, you will
find the natives quite friendly.

Sorry to be sarcastic, but it is a bit rich to know that I shall be talking
to my near neighbours from  Derbyshire and Manchester at Byfleet, but that
it is too far for Londoners to travel.

The practice learns that if two shows clash, then the attendance at both
will be mediocre and the punters will go home from both with the impression
that workshops are no longer worthwhile. There is a good case for a London
show, but please get together with Hove and Byfleet to co-ordinate dates.

If we to have more shows in the UK, then we need them in the north. I would
make a special effort to attend any show outside the South East. (And I
write this as a trader who until now has found every show north of Watford a
commercial disaster.) Or perhaps we should accept reality, and officially
declare the QL as dead not only north of Watford, but also north of the

We should learn from two experiences overseas. Eindhoven once had a high
reputation for its international shows, and there is no reason why it could
not still have. Unfortunately there was a unclear policy which of the six
yearly workshops  was local and which international, a situation in which
traders were stupid enough to collude. Now attendance at all Eindhoven shows
can be counted on your fingers and your toes.

In contrast North America has just one show a year, which is carefully and
thoroughly planned and organised. I have never been to one, but from all
accounts users go not just for the show, but also for the social contacts.
And they go with great enthusiasm.

Geoff Wicks.

Re: [ql-users] Attention of Tony Firshman

2003-06-18 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Roy wood [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I normally hold the Hove show late Feb or Early March. This year's was
 later because of the AGM but, if you want to go for a London show in
 January I will move the Hove one to the end of April. Is that OK for
 everyone ?

In your absence both on the list and privately, there has been a little bit
of traffic on this and January  seems a good idea for a London show. If you
go for late April one problem could be the QUANTA AGM. I suspect Manchester
may want this so that it is north and south in alternate years. May be
worthwhile to check that out first.


PS for all those chemistry lesson vandals, that sort of thing did not go on
at my school, because every boy was expected to behave as a gentleman.

However it could have been more to do with the fact that the chemistry
master kept a piece of rubber tube concealed in his gown. No marks on the
body so nothing in the punishment book!

[ql-users] Silly season, but on-topic.

2003-06-23 Thread gwicks

I was editing a word list for a QTYP dictionary 
today and came across the following:

Mispelt word: Microfossil
PC spellchecker correction: Microsoft

Geoff Wicks

Re: [ql-users] Quanta Workshop in Norwich

2003-07-01 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Tarquin Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [ql-users] Quanta Workshop in Norwich

 Suggested dates are March 6,7,13,14,20,21,27,28, please pick one. Possible
 times are 10pm to 5pm.

Sorry I can't give any firm suggestions about dates or give a firm promise
to be there at this notice. Having said that I would want to give a Norwich
show a high priority because of what I have earlier said on this list about
the need to break the stranglehold the South East has on shows. I would
probably choose Norwich over one of the more established workshops.

Please don't be put off by what I am now going to write.

The show agenda for early next year is beginning to look crowded. London and
Norwich are now being planned and we can also expect Hove and a QUANTA AGM
all before end April/early May. (Although given that QUANTA now no longer
has respect for its own constitution, it must be seen as being an
unreliable, loose cannon.) Practically I think it unlikely that I would be
able to attend all these workshops and I think this will probably true of
most traders, particularly those who have long distances or overnight stays
to get to shows.

We really need to start thinking about what the frequency and purpose of
workshops should now be. The attendance at the last shows has been fairly
low and frankly they are beginning to offer very little to the average QL
user. Their main purpose now seems to be meeting old friends and updating
software from the traders. There are now no talks, no demonstrations, few
people bringing their own QLs, hardly anyone giving advice or asking advice.
This may be OK for the in-crowd, but not much use for people on the
periphery of the QL community.

The one place that still seems to have the golden touch is North America.
What can we learn from them?

Geoff Wicks

Re: [ql-users] Quanta Workshop in Norwich

2003-07-02 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Bill Cable [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Quanta Workshop in Norwich

 I am afraid the North American group is suffering from the same problems
as the
 UK groups. We are lucky that Jochen and Marcel and Roy and in past years
 and Darren like to come over even without the chance of many sales and
 take it as an opportunity to come over for a holiday at the same time.
 Phoebus over here going to school is also a big plus because he has so
 energy for the QL. We have one person, Al Boehm, who does his best to
 and organize and delegate but being such a large country we are spread
 thin and some of the most active QLers can not come to the shows.

Thanks for the reply and to all the others who replied. Sorry to hear that
attendance is also a problem in North America, but the point I was trying to
make was that from the reports in QL Today it appears that North America
still has shows old style with talks, demonstrations and a good social
occasion. You can be sure that people would not come from Europe each year
if they did not enjoy the shows. Mind you, Al can be a pretty persuasive

We seem to have a specific problem in the UK that next year lots of people
seem interested in organising shows, and that's welcome, but it is too many
for those of us who have to travel long distances. Another question is what
we do at shows now that numbers are smaller. I don't know the answer to
this, which is one of the reasons I started the discussion. Maybe we have to
think of putting more emphasis on social events and less on the QL for at
least some of the shows (e.g. QUANTA AGM).  A QL2000 type event, on a
slightly less lavish scale, should be possible once a year, but then we have
to think how we give form to more local workshops. Malcolm Cadman made a
good point a few weeks ago when he said that organising a shows helps to
build up enthusiasm in a local group.

Geoff Wicks.

Re: [ql-users] QL 2003/4 (was Norwich Workshop)

2003-07-04 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Roy wood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Quanta Workshop in Norwich

 I'd like to suggest that as 2003/4 is the 20th anniversary of the QL,
 a big publicity splash be given for one show to celebrate this, in
 much the same way as we had QL2000 or whatever that one in the Horizon
 Centre was called. A one off special, well advertised so that
 international visitors can have the chance to attend as well, in other
 words, at a venue reasonably close to either sea or air ports.
 I could suggest we do it at Hove. The venue is not as big as then
 Horizon Centre but it might do if we use the extra room that the
 committee were in.

This seems quite a good idea as Hove is a well established show and Brighton
a good area. There are one or two practical problems. QL2000 was a very
expensive workshop and thus not repeatable every year. We would need to find
out whether QUANTA could subsidise the event and by how much. Also timing
would be important. Brighton is probably at its best at the beginning or end
of the season when it would also be easy to get hotels. (I appreciated the
May show this year since every February/March so far it has been cold,
windy, often wet, and uninviting.)

There would have to be some form of social programme both for QL-ers and for
their guests. This would mean somewhere for the workshop dinner etc. Also we
would need to decide how long the workshop would be. Two days or one and a
half days. Also a programme of activities for the workshop itself.

This all means much more work than a normal Hove show, which should not all
fall on the Sussex group. What help and support  would you need?

Re: [ql-users] Irish Meeting (was Norwich workshop)

2003-07-05 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Quanta Workshop in Norwich

  Well guys, which is it?
  The bank Hol will be busy here - there is always an invasion from
  the UK then. The following weekend the kids are back to school...
  weekend of the 23rd or the 30th??

 I vote for the 30th :-)

Can we please change the subject when the topic changes? There are three
threads here each of which is important in its own right. These are:

Norwich Workshop
Irish Meeting.

It is beginning to get confusing.

BTW Darren I am not sure whether I will be present or not until I have had
time to think about it. I shall also need cast-iron guarantees about my

(For people mystified by the last bit, I should perhaps mention that I am
1/16th Irish. This made me a good mate of Darren until he discovered that my
great great grandfather was in Ireland as a corporal in the 36th Foot

Re: [ql-users] Quanta Workshop in Norwich

2003-07-05 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Tarquin Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Quanta Workshop in Norwich

 Tarquin Mills
  Suggested dates are March 6,7,13,14,20,21,27,28, please pick one.
  times are 10pm to 5pm.
 Would people prefer a different month?

Sorry to have caused you so much trouble about the date, but its better to
get this problem sorted out early rather than wait for a panic at the end of
the year. It's good that everyone is trying to plan in advance and be

Unfortunately it's almost impossible to give advice as the silence from
QUANTA has been deafening. The QUANTA AGM has to be held before the end of
April and this is the winter/spring workshop that is usually the best
attended. The date and place of the QUANTA AGM has repurcussions for both
Norwich and Hove.

I know at one time Manchester were thinking of holding a workshop once every
two years so that they could host the AGM. The idea being that it could be
north and south alternate years. I do not know if they still plan a workshop
in 2004. An added complication is that QUANTA usually insists that a well
established workshop hosts their AGM.

If you try a date before the QUANTA AGM we still have the problem of too
many shows clashing, but if you try after the AGM summer approaches and
there are often workshops in America and on the continent that are a
priority for traders.

I still think it important that we have a Norwich show. You have a started a
user group in the area, which is quite an achievement these days and this
deserves recognition from the rest of the QL community.

Best Wishes,
Geoff Wicks.

Re: [ql-users] Quanta Workshop in Norwich

2003-07-10 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Quanta Workshop in Norwich

 QUANTA should fund it - Can anyone from QUANTA make a comment on this? Are
 there any of the QUANTA guys still on this list??

I am also beginning to ask this. I have been making increasingly critical
comments about QUANTA on this list and getting no response. Do they still
exist? There are more elusive than so called *weapons of mass destruction.

Geoff Wicks

* A little bit of politics included to upset Tony. Work out for yourself
whether I mean Blair or Firshman.

Re: [ql-users] Bird Flu (OT)

2003-07-11 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Bill Waugh [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 - Original Message -
 From: gwicks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 7:15 PM

  I have been making increasingly
  comments about QUANTA on this list and getting no response. Do they
  exist? There are more elusive than so called *weapons of mass
  Geoff Wicks
  * A little bit of politics included to upset Tony. Work out for
  whether I mean Blair or Firshman.

 Yes lets keep politics out of it

Point taken Bill, but I'm sure you'll like this one. After reading this list
I went to the website of Radio Netherlands to pick up their main Dutch

As you may know there has been a serious outbreak of bird flu in the
Netherlands, which has led to scenes rather like the foot and mouth crisis.
In one area they had to use asylum seekers to clear up the carcasses which
was difficult to do legally. To solve the problem the local tax inspector
allowed them to use an NI number and register under the name F Birdflu.
The Society for Hobby Pet Owners (who opposed the slaughter) are now
prosecuting the tax office for criminal acts and forgery. The Ministry of
Finance accepts this should not have happened, but adds that it was a crisis

Best Wishes,

Re: [ql-users] OT

2003-07-15 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Dilwyn Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ql-users] OT

 And have just remembered that after talking about missiles etc, I'm
 the one writing the program called LAUNCHPAD :-)

 Just remember, when SOQL comes out I'll put a feature in Launchpad
 that I can dial you up and destroy your QL files, OK???

Dilwyn, remember what you accused me of the other day about naughty bits of
code in  my programs to spy on Ql-ers. May I advise you to double check the
bits of code I sent you for use in Launchpad? You never know what my
Whitehall masters have secretly slipped into it!

BTW, just because you are paranoid, it doesn't mean that they aren't out to
get you.


Re: [ql-users] Fw: Quanta Workshop Support

2003-07-23 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: thegilpins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [ql-users] Fw: Quanta Workshop Support

  Having been forwarded a couple of your emails (thanks Alex) I thought it
  time that at least one member of the committee was to field the items
  relevant to the committee so I have subscribed. I am not sure that I
  contributing a great deal on many topics - Friendly Fire etc but
  first comment:
  The Quanta committee is still prepared to offer financial support to
  sub groups wishing to run workshops etc. which are open to all Quanta
  members. Requests for such support should be sent to Roy Brereton
  Secretary) with full details of the event and a breakdown of anticipated
  costs. Any support offered has been, in the past, to pay for the venue
  the bill from the venue owners should be addressed to Quanta Treasurer
  the address inside the front cover of Quanta Newsletter.(Or a photocopy
  the receipted bill if it has already been paid).

This is statement of long standing QUANTA policy on QL workshops that should
be known to most members. What still is not answered is how far QUANTA would
support, financially and otherwise, a QL2000 type show.

As I understand it, and if I am wrong I am sure one of the old QUANTA
committee will  correct me, QL2000 was organised directly by QUANTA with
only a minimal contribution from the local group. (If, indeed, there was
still a local group in existence.)

Realistically I don't think we can reasonably expect QUANTA to do the same
again from both a financial and organisational aspect. It would probably
have to be a joint effort by a local group and QUANTA, and in this respect
Roy's offer seems to be the most practical so far.

If we are really serious about another QL2000, it has to be more just a
hall, tea and coffee. A two day event with a fancy name, but which otherwise
remains much the same as any other show is New Labour, not QL2000.


Re: [ql-users] Fw: Quanta Workshop Support

2003-07-24 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: thegilpins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Fw: Quanta Workshop Support

 Having only just joined the ql-users list (Shame! I hear you all shout), I
 have missed Roy's offer to contribute to a QL2000 show. Can someone copy
 the details?

Indeed shame! You have missed some really rude remarks from me about QUANTA!

 Although I attended QL2000 in Portsmouth, I was not involved in
 any way with its organisation. What do members want from such a show? I am
 sure that something unusual can be put together. Fill me in with the
 guys. Perhaps we could plan something along with our current planning for
 the AGM in Manchester in April 2004. Nemqlug (North East Manchester QL
 Group) meet in about a week's time and this is on our agenda. Give us
 something to get our teeth into.

Just an idea to throw out in the group, but would it be possible to combine
QL2004 with the Manchester AGM? It is already a two day event with a QL
Dinner, which we know Manchester can organise well. The scout hut is fairly
large, but would this be large and luxurious enough for a major event? It
would solve the problems of halls being booked already, but I get the
impression most would prefer a larger, more luxury hall. Also are the small
rooms too small for talks and presentations?

Basically if Manchester are interested in hosting it, the basic structure
would be as usual, but with an extended program. This would include a
guest's programme (I won't be sexist and call it a Lady's programme) for the
non-QL-ers who come with their partners. I would have thought this would be
fairly easy in Manchester especially, if I dare mention it, with the
European City of Culture being so nearby. (Or even the pleasures of
Derbyshire!). Also a good day programme of activities for the QL-ers. Who
needs ideas for those now Dilwyn has supplied them?

Also worth considering if QUANTA could subsidise travel/accommodation costs
of any foreign visitor with a special contribution for the event. North
America have done this in the past.

OK, I admit I am biased. I want to bag this event for the North!


Re: [ql-users] QL2004

2003-07-27 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: John Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [ql-users] QL2004

 I have had a long discussion with Roy Brereton, secretary of Quanta, and
 outcome is that QL2004 will go ahead.
 Highly favoured is October 2004 and the venues under consideration are the
 Horizon Centre Portsmouth or St Joris College Eindhoven.
 Combining the event with the AGM is not an option as one would detract
 the other.
 I would opt for Eindhoven as there is local support, an excellent motel
 within walking distance and it may influence attendance from mainland

Thank goodness something is happening at last. I have a couple of comments.
The first is not so important, but I disagree with you that the AGM and
QL2004 would detract from one another. I think that QUANTA does not profile
itself strongly enough for its role is supporting and financially backing
shows. How many people realise, for example, that QUANTA provides the
insurance. Not important, of course, until one day there is an accident.
Having the AGM and QL2004 together would reinforce the connection. I would
like to see the QUANTA AGM become the major UK QL event each year with a
organised social and QL programme on the lines of the North American show.
Then local groups would then be free to organise what they want, when they
and on the scale they want. Market forces would apply and if they want the
punters and traders it will be up to them to provide a workshop that will
attract them.

 I like the idea of a continental QL2004 because I think they deserve it
more than we do. With the exception of D  D systems, who have made the Q60
a reality, all the major QL advances in recent years have come from outside
the UK. This is a bad record when the UK has the highest number of QL users
in the world.

Unfortunately I doubt the practicality of Eindhoven. It is about 5 years
since QUANTA was last  at Eindhoven and about the same time since
Eindhoven has hosted a major international show. In that time SinQLair has
become a poor shadow of its former self and the Eindhoven shows I have been
recently had attendance that could be counted on your fingers and thumbs.

Pity because it really is a fanastic venue, both for facilities and

Best Wishes,

Re: [ql-users] QL2004

2003-07-29 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
Subject: Re: [ql-users] QL2004

 I can see that Geoff would prefer a UK show,

Actually Darren you are misquoting me. I have already indicated my
theoretical preference for a continental show. What I doubt is the

In any case it is all very theoretical as I do not expect to be in the QL
community this time next year.

Geoff Wicks.

Re: [ql-users] QL2004

2003-07-30 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: François Van Emelen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ql-users] QL2004

 Hi Geoff,
 Sad news. I hope these are only 'Just Words'
 François Van Emelen

Thanks for the kind words - I shall miss seeing you.

I decided about 10 days ago to get out of the QL world and then spent two
days working on the timetable to do it. When I had done that I had a
tremendous sense and relief and relaxation. I realised I should have done it
a year ago.

Best Wishes,

PS To our American friends. Eindhoven is in the Netherlands, not Germany.
Quite easy to get to from Schipol (Amsterdam) Airport.

Re: [ql-users] QL 2004

2003-07-31 Thread gwicks

  - Original Message - 
  Subject: [ql-users] QL 2004
  Eindhoven is a good venue but do we have 
  organiser/s over there? Some comment would be appreciated, especially from 
  more of our continental friends. 
  On another point it will be sad to lose you Geoff 
  although I can understand your reasoning, but Hey! can't you delay until AFTER 
  Oct 2004?
  Hi Roy,
  Thanks for the kind words. I think everyone can 
  see from this whole discussion that my thinking about the future of the QL in 
  England is quite different from that of most other active QL-ers. It is 
  probably in everyone's interest that I depart from the scene, otherwise I 
  would just get angrier and angrier.
  I still be around for some months yet, although 
  not so visible, as I have contracts with QUANTA and QL- Today to 
  I will try to give more reasons for the decision 
  as Wolfgang asks, but this will be a little bit painful. Tonight I have to 
  give priority to a *woman I have just met on the internet.
  It may surprise you to hear that you and John are 
  currently two of my best QL heroes. A tutor once told me on a training course, 
  "Your hallmark is constructive subversion". Sometimes you have to stir things 
  up to get things moving.
  I hope you are successful in Eindhoven, as I 
  think it is the better of the two locations (and also cheaper). You may be 
  having difficulty getting hold of people at the moment, because you are in the 
  middle of the Netherlands holiday season. It closes down even more in the 
  summer than England does. I know Sjef v.d. Molengraaf follows this list, and 
  as he has not said anything I assume he is on holiday.
  Assuming an attendance of about 100, I think you 
  would have to consider outside caterers. The kitchen at St. Joris College is 
  quite small and I doubt if Sin-QL-Air now has the resources to do it 
  themselves if you want more than tea and coffee.
  I wonder whether it would be possible to set up a 
  small committee of say Dutch, Germans and Belgians to do some detailed 
  support/organisation. If you choose Eindhoven, can I suggest you and John go 
  to the 11 October 2003 Eindhoven show?
  Best Wishes,
  Geoff Wicks.
  *I knew that would get you all excited. Actually 
  it is a very distant relative who has found me on a family history site and we 
  have to swap information.

Re: [ql-users] QL2004

2003-08-03 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
Subject: Re: [ql-users] QL2004

 That's pretty sad - both that you are leaving the QL World, and that you
should feel
 such a relief in doing so!

 You will be missed!

 Care to enlighten us about your reasons?


As promised, some detailed reasons. It is a long piece, about 1,700 words,
so I have done it as an attachment. It is in four sections, which can each
be read separately. One of the sections is positive.

Geoff Wicks
I am a proactive person. When I look back on my work life, I am proud of the two years 
that I sat on the National Executive of my trade union/professional association. 
Although I was not a nationally known figure, I increased membership in my region by 
20% - 30% at a time when the union was in severe financial difficulties. I am proud of 
the number of times in my work life I transformed non-functioning committees into 
working bodies. 

It goes without saying that I would relish the challenge to transform the QL scene.

The QL is in serious decline, but I am confident it could remain viable for some years 
yet. QUANTA has over 300 members. Most of us know about 50 to 100 of them. They are 
the usual suspects who attend shows. This means there are 200 - 250 QUANTA members 
about whom we know little. They are remain loyal to their QLs and continue to 
subscribe to QUANTA. Strange because PCs are now dirt cheap and, if you are not an 
active member, QUANTA is frankly a waste of money.

The survival of the QL means getting these people back into the main stream. It means 
having shows that are more than a room, coffee and tea. A person on the peripherals of 
the QL community does not travel 10, 20, 30, or whatever, miles to come to a show and 
drink a cup of tea. He will come if he wants to buy something from a trader. He might 
come if there is a program to interest him. People act differently in a group than in 
one to one contacts. Activities, talks and demonstrations get people reacting as a 
group. Ideas breed ideas and ideas generate enthusiasm.

Over the last few weeks, I have initiated a discussion on QL shows that some may think 
has been too provocative. The main benefit of this discussion is the clarity it has 
given about what QL-ers in the UK expect from shows. Tony Firshman gave the game away 
(and this is not intended  as a criticism of Tony) when he said the best show he has 
ever attended was last year in Ireland when just 6 people were present. I think Tony 
echoed what the majority of UK-QL-ers want. I am now convinced the lack of activity at 
shows is not negligence; not laziness; and not a lack of skill in running shows. It is 
what most UK QL-ers actively want. 

This goes against all my instincts as someone who enjoys reviving moribund bodies, but 
I find it quite understandable, particularly when I look at the present state of QL 
businesses. Probably no QL trader now makes a profit. What I suspect has now happened 
is that a point of equilibrium has been reached in which the businesses tick over and 
the losses remain sufficiently constant to be absorbed in the other activities of each 
trader. Anything that upsets this equilibrium is a threat, not just a perceived 
threat, but a material threat. A threat that genuinely could spell the final death of 
the QL. 

There are many signs that this is an accurate analysis. Scarcely any traders' adverts 
change from month to month. The UK has the largest QL community in the world, but, 
apart from D  D systems, nothing exciting has come out of the UK for about 5 years.

I am satisfied that I am so out of tune with the rest of the UK QL community that my 
continued presence would also upset that equilibrium.


Many of the people with whom you have to do business as a QL Trader are unreliable. 
This is not just my opinion, but that of other traders. In volume 7 issue 3 of QL 
Today Jochen wrote of his difficulty in getting replies to emails from some QL 
traders. He gave as an example cases where he had placed orders with third parties on 
behalf of customers. If that third party did not react to emails or failed to send the 
goods promptly, then his (i.e. Jochen's) reputation as a trader was at stake. Does he 
then tell the client he cannot get the goods because the company is too unreliable.

Jochen referred to Tony Firshman having similar problems. About three years ago, Tony 
invested hours of his time in building up an electronic database of QL members, which 
has been to the benefit of every QL trader. It saves the expense of sending flyers by 
snail mail, and is a form of free advertising for traders who cannot make it to shows. 
Some traders never reply to his first request for copy, and he usually has to send two 
more emails to get the copy in. His anger and frustration are clear from the text of 
the second and third emails.

A few months ago a QL trader lost an order from me worth 

Re: [ql-users] QWord

2003-08-10 Thread gwicks

Hi Rich,

A couple of points about your 
two QWord mailings.

Youmentioned the 
difficulty of looking at the source code for EasyPtr to allow it to usethe 
newcolours. I think there is another problem. Many of us are grateful for 
EasyPtr for providing a simple way to learn pointer programming, but it does 
have its limitations. I doubt very much whether you could have written QWord in 
EasyPtr. I suspect that we shall have to look at theQPTR and TPTR to see 
if they are easier to learn once you have grasped the fundamentals of pointer 
programmingusing EasyPtr.

The secondis a tribute 
to George Gwilt. QWord will, I believe, be the first commercial pointer program 
compiled by Turbo. This would have been impossible a couple of years ago. George 
is maintaining and revising Turbo, but no one is doing this for QLiberator so 
the continuing compatibility of the latter is not guaranteed. You can 
compile some, but not all, EasyPtr programs with Turbo. Among the ones you 
cannot compile are allthose using application sub window menus. This is 
another reason for considering alternatives toEasyPtr.

I have a special reason to 
thank George this weekend. A client who makes serious use of the very old 
non-pointer version of Solvit-Plus reported on Thursday that it does not load on 
QPC2 running on WindowsXP although it does on a Windows98 machine. AllI 
had to do was recompileusing the latest Turbo, and the client should get 
his working copy tomorrow.


PS Have safely received your 
private email and attachment - I want to do some more testing and will give a 
reaction early next week.

Re: [ql-users] Geoff's departure

2003-08-14 Thread gwicks

Interesting. Can someone explain why it is that whenever there is a crisis
in the QL community everyone goes into nostalgia mode?

I would be more impressed if more people were looking forwards than
backwards. After all, as Per wrote about my ill chosen timing,
despite all problems, so much is going on just now.

Geoff Wicks

Re: [ql-users] Show management - quantity and quality

2003-08-14 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Roy wood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Show management - quantity and quality

 No one complains about the UK/EU shows either (except you).

Ahem, I seem to remember a trader starting a long and acrimonious thread on
this list last year by complaining about the atmosphere at a show.

However, perhaps it doesn't count as he was complaining about some of the

Geoff Wicks

Re: [ql-users] Show management - quantity and quality

2003-08-14 Thread gwicks

Thanks for this mailing. I am sorry that no one has replied to it. It is a
businesslike way of thinking and if someone in the UK had written what you
wrote, then I would not have decided to get out of the QL community.

You write that making the QUANTA Magazine bimonthly was a tough decision,
but that it may produce a better magazine. I suggested making the magazine
bimonthly about 4 or 5 years ago. QUANTA was then in severe financial
difficulties and their main suggestion for improving finances was to charge
traders to attend shows (burst of laughter). In fact not only did they keep
the magazine monthly, but they also insisted that each issue was exactly 32
pages, no more and no less. Think of the strain that must have been on the
former editor, who had taken the job on temporarily while QUANTA searched
for a new editor, but who then found himself as a permanent fixture. I don't
think it unfair to suggest that QUANTA abused the former editor.

A similar thing would apply to shows. One well run UK show a year on the
American model was all that was needed. What happens in between is up to
local groups. It does not even have to be directly QL based. Let's not call
Ireland a QL show, but a QL piss-up, which is what it is. Nothing wrong with
that. Some creative ideas can come out of a relaxing weekend. Equally a
local group might like to run a fund raising activity for charity. Say, for
example, one of their members had died from a particular illness then
raising money for the appropriate charity would be a good way of honouring
his memory. It would also help to bind the community together.

It is about three years since there was a formal talk or demonstration at a
QL show in England. Are we really saying that for three years nothing has
happened in England worth talking about? I don't believe that, but if it is
really so, then let's face reality and say the QL is dead in the UK. In fact
we have lost the skill to organise true shows in the UK. It is no
coincidence that if QL2004 comes it will be organised by QUANTA and one of
the old school show organisers.

It was the Manchester AGM that directly led to my decision to leave the QL
world. First it took ages to get the date and place out of QUANTA. Then it
was a two day show, which, apart from dinner, will be the same old hall, tea
and coffee as before. I thought about it a long time. I have never enjoyed
the second day of a two day show. Commercially it is always a disaster and
by then I have spoken to most of the people I needed to see. I had a choice.
Go only for the Saturday, This I could do as cheaply as £5 and for the first
time in years I would make a profit at a show. Or go for both days. This
would be at least double the travel costs and there would be an overnight
hotel bill all for the second day in which I had no interest whatsoever.
Goodbye profits. Goodbye a good feeling from a QL show.

Manchester defined the limits of loyalty to the QL for me.

And for those who think my £100 subsidy to the QL community is chicken-feed.
then this is £100 after creative accounting. (If I go to Eindhoven I only
charge £16 to Just Words! - the rail fare Amsterdam - Eindhoven.) I don't
object to subsiding the QL within reason. I am not prepared to subsidise

Geoff Wicks.

Re: [ql-users] Show management - quantity and quality

2003-08-14 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Roy wood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Show management - quantity and quality

 - and you did not approach me to ask to give a talk at Hove and you had

Funny you should mention that. I emailed the main author of QWord in
February suggesting a demonstration at a QL show, but never got a reply to
that part of the email. In the circumstances all I could do at Hove was to
show it to a few interested people just to prove it was not fantasyware.

QWord is a good example of something worth talking about at shows because it
could be approached from many aspects.

It has an interesting history. It started off in quite a small way as just
another QL program, but Rich and I felt that we should call in an expert
to help us with the sound and graphics. Little did we know what we were
letting ourselves in for when Phoebus took on the job!

It illustrates the difference between the standards of commercial and PD
software. One of the reasons for the delay in release is bringing the
program up to the standard that allows it to run on all systems, in all
modes and in all resolutions. Plus allowing for QTYP and non-QTYP users etc.

My part of the program was relatively small, but without some technical word
knowledge over such things as relative letter frequencies and designing
grids for maximum word generation the program would have been much the

Rich and Phoebus have been working at the limits of new QL technology and
have faced even worse problems than I did. They have learnt lots of things
about the new colour drivers and their associated programming difficulties.

Extrapolating from this the theme of Hove could have been the QL in a new
coat and the possibilities and problems this gives. We may have found other
people who are experimenting with the new drivers and even if they did not
want to give a talk, they would have been able to join in a discussion.
There are lots of interesting issues. The amount of memory the colour
drivers consume - welcome bloatware to the QL. Will those of us who program
in EasyPtr now have to learn QPTR or TurboPtr - how easy will that be? What
new programs do people expect?

All it takes is something to start the thing off and a bit of open-ended
thinking from a small group of QL leaders well in advance of the show. And
if need be let it happen just once a year at the AGM. Add a show dinner and
possibly some other social activity and you create an interesting show.
Possibly an argument for the role of the local group to be smaller and the
role of QUANTA to be larger in the AGM show.

No one pretends that the police have to control the crowds at American
shows, but I have yet to hear anyone moan about the quality of one of Al's

Geoff Wicks

[ql-users] Solvit-Plus + Spelling Crib

2003-08-24 Thread gwicks

I have posted new versions of the two programs on the Just Words! web page.

SOLVIT-PLUS: Version 3 now displays the correct house colours in high colour
mode. (This was particularly ugly in the old version.) Version 2
(non-pointer version) now loads in QPC2 running on an XP machine.

SPELLING-CRIB: Also displays the correct house colours in high colour mode.
Now comes with a larger and improved dictionary of 82,000 UK English words.
A slightly smaller USA English dictionary is at an advanced stage of

Re: [ql-users] RWAP Software / Quantum Leap Software news

2003-08-30 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Dilwyn Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ql-users] RWAP Software / Quantum Leap Software news

 Geoff, at one stage I did have a Flemish word list or QTYP dictionary
 (I forget which). Would you like a copy of this to add to your range?
 I did ask someone in Belgium to look at it some time ago, but I have
 completely forgotten what the outcome was. I'm not sure what the
 differences between Flemish and Dutch are, but I'm sure someone like
 Francois would be able to tell us.

 If you'd like a copy, I'll see if I can dig it out. Hope I haven't
 erased it!

We've had this conversation before - about 2 years ago I think.

There are very few differences between Flemish and Dutch. I once did some
work for a market research company who insisted there should be separate
Dutch and Flemish questionnaires for a survey. In 32 pages there were only
10 minor differences and in my opinion the Flemish was just improved Dutch.

The big difference between the two is accent. The Dutch claim the Flemish
are impossible to understand and the Flemish the Dutch. A bit like a
confrontation between a Geordie and a Cockney. (Or even better a native of
Edinburgh and a native of Glasgow!)

I think I have a copy of the dictionary you have. It was a brave effort, but
full of mistakes. Also written before a major spelling revision. It has been
corrected and incorporated into my Dutch dictionary. If you find a copy, its
best to wipe it,

Best wishes,
Geoff Wicks.

Re: [ql-users] What printers do people use with their QL??

2003-10-04 Thread gwicks

  - Original Message - 
  Subject: [ql-users] What printers do 
  people use with their QL??
  Just a quick survey.A lot of people have expressed 
  an interest in Epson 850 colour stylus printers for their QL.However, 
  what printers are people actually using nowadays with their QL??I 
  stick with the 850 - but am I correct in believing that the Epson Stylus 900 
  (not the Photo 900) is also fully compatible??@
  Its also worthwhile to ask 
  which laser printers are compatible with the QL especially as they are now as 
  cheap as some inkjets and per copy are cheaper to run. There is some evidence 
  that lasers are going the way of inkjets in that they are Windows only 
  compatible. During a discussion on this list about two years ago we discovered 
  that my Samsung ML-4500 is QL-incompatible, but Wolgang Lenerz's Samsung 
  ML-4600 is QL compatible. Does anyone have any information about other Samsung 
For QL use I still keep my Canon 
  BJ-200ex, which has given a good service, even though the cartridges are 
  expensive and not always reliable, but this is now about 8 years old. Not sure 
  what I will do when it finally dies. Cease printing from the QL?
  Geoff Wicks.

Re: [ql-users] What printers do people use with their QL??

2003-10-04 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Phoebus R. Dokos ( . ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ql-users] What printers do people use with their QL

 You can assign PAR to a USB printer for example...

 ie. I use my LJ 1000 (which is a USB only printer) with QPC.

It is worth reminding everyone that, in theory, it is possible to use
practically any printer with QPC2. Not only can you assign Par to any print
device, but Marcel has built in the possibility of using filters. You could
use these with Ghostscript to print to any Windows compatible printer. All
we need is someone with the technical knowledge to write the filters.

Geoff Wicks

Re: Re: [ql-users] What printers do people use with their QL??

2003-10-08 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Dilwyn Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Re: [ql-users] What printers do people use with their QL??

 Is there a rule of thumb that we should look for in leaflets or web
 pages to help decide that a printer works by control codes rather than
 pure GDI printers, e.g. it offers DOS or HP emulation? What about Mac
 printers, are they GDI-only, for example? (postscript?)

I suspect there is no rule of thumb if my experience of laser printers is
anything to go by. My laser was advertised as Mac and Linux compatible and
with HP emulation, but in fact is GDI only. When I bought it I knew more
about printers than the salesman who sold it me, so it mwas no use asking
his advice. I took the risk because it was 1) cheap and 2) I needed a good
quality printer for PC use. I suspect a lot of lasers are a lot cheaper than
they used to be simply because they are going the way of inkjets and are GDI
only. In fact if you look at it from the manufacturer's point of view this
is sensible and reasonable. A couple of thousand QL-ers worldwide who will
on average buy a printer once every five years is not exactly a thriving

BTW to your list of old printers that are QL compatible you can add the
Canon BJ-200ex.

Geoff Wicks

Re: [ql-users] What printers do people use with their QL??

2003-10-08 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Phoebus R. Dokos ( . ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ql-users] What printers do people use with their QL??

 Regarding printer language the cheapest parallel-equipped printers (that
 call themselves winprinters) in reality are not GDI printers anymore (as
 opposed to 5 years ago). Instead they use PJL, a very basic language from
 Zenographics. Most cheap LaserJets are fully HP PCL compatible as long as
 you can initiate a PJL session and download the firmware to them, after
 which they become full-fledged LaserJets (a good example is the LJ 1xxx
 series that uses this trick). I have managed to download the firmware
 independently from QPC2 to my HP LJ1000 (without using the DOS Emulation
 as they call the regular PCL emulation on these ones) and it worked fine
 after that using RAW transfer on ProWeSs.

Hi Phoebus,

I have been thinking about this message for a few days. Are you implying
that a lot of  Windows only lasers could still print from QPC2? If so, can
you give more information about the technique, where you can get PJL from.
(Is it downloadable freeware etc?). What is your technique for downloading
PJL from QPC? It might be worthwhile if other of us who have lasers  tried a
few experiments. If these are successful it would make a good article for QL

Geoff Wicks

Re: [ql-users] What printers do people use with their QL??

2003-10-10 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Marcel Kilgus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ql-users] What printers do people use with their QL??

 Phoebus R. Dokos (Öïßâïò Ñ. Íôüêïò) wrote:
  Besides that, in reality EVERY printer can work with the QL with the
  following workaround (that has been explained before by Marcel if I
  am not mistaken).

 Yes. But I have given up on the subject. IIRC the only comment to the
 the German article I wrote about the subject was Geoff who wanted to
 do an English translation. This appeared and the response was zero,

Unfortunately this is only too true. At about the same time I wrote an
article for the Quanta Magazine suggesting that the ultimate death of the QL
would be because we could no longer use printers with it. This produced one
reaction. IIRC about a year later Colin Baskett tried to raise the subject
again, but this produced little reaction.

We have just buried our heads over the printer problem. Two years ago it was
obvious that the parallel interface was on its way out, but people are only
beginning to realise this now. What is the point of the Q60 if there will
soon be no printers for it. Now people are suggesting that we should turn to
the second hand market (assuming that ribbons and cartridges for these
ancient beasts remain available).

Marcel has provided a solution to the printer problem for a large number of
QL users, but instead we prefer to behave like a group of tramps rooting in
dustbins for someone's discarded sandwiches.

 I personally have zero need for SMSQ/E printing functionality anyway.

I think this is what will happen to me. I have already decided to do all my
spreadsheets on a PC  and it is only a little step further to do my word
processing on a PC as well. Then I shall be using the QL for nothing more
than my own programs and  program development.

Geoff Wicks

PS: I am having a little trouble displaying the new QL colours on my green
monitor (sob). Can anyone help? (burst of laughter).

Re: [ql-users] What printers do people use with their QL??

2003-10-10 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Phoebus R. Dokos ( . ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ql-users] What printers do people use with their QL??

Hi Phoebus,

Thank for the detailed reply. That's one helluva lot of information to
digest and I will need the time to do it.

Geoff Wicks

Re: [ql-users] What printers do people use with their QL??

2003-10-12 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Phoebus R. Dokos ( . ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ql-users] What printers do people use with their QL??

  Geoff Wick wrote:
  PS: I am having a little trouble displaying the new QL colours on my
  monitor (sob). Can anyone help? (burst of laughter).
  I may be able to help.

 Hmmm you could use those coloriser filters for bw tv sets... Anyone
 remembers them? :-D

My goodness what constructive thinking! You really should be nominated for a
Nobel prize!

(Believe it or not, I  know someone who nearly bought one)


Re: [ql-users] What printers do people use with their QL??

2003-10-13 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Marcel Kilgus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ql-users] What printers do people use with their QL??

 My solution regarding postscript would also very much solve the
 problem for Qxx. SGC is probably too slow or doesn't have enough
 memory to run Ghostscript.

To add a little controversy to this discussion, because we must not shy away
from it, should we start thinking the unthinkable and plan for QL native
hardware obsolescence? Colour drivers already push the SGC to the limit and
there would appear to be no long term native hardware solution for the
printer problem.

Realistically there are only two ways for the QL to develop. One is the QPC
way and the other the Q60 way. I realise this is hard on the people who have
a heavy investment in native hardware, but unless a new super SGC becomes a
real possibility it is going to become harder and harder for native hardware
to keep up with new developments.

Geoff Wicks

Re: [ql-users] QLwIP, Ethernet, USB, Q60 successor

2003-10-18 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Dilwyn Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ql-users] QLwIP, Ethernet, USB, Q60 successor

 Now...should that be license or licence??? Can never remember which is
 verb, which is noun :o/

It depends on whether you are American or English. Sorry, can't help
further. I don't know the rules for the Welsh.

Just Words! Pedantry Service.

Re: [ql-users] Even more Q-Word news

2003-10-20 Thread gwicks

Also worth mentioning that we have increased the international possibilities
of QWord. It will be possible to configure the release version to play the
game not only in English, but also Dutch, French and German.

We shall be supplying special accentless dictionaries in the non-English
languages and a USA English dictionary for a small additional fee.

If there is sufficient demand, we can also build in support for other

Geoff Wicks

Re: [ql-users] Eurocheques

2003-10-22 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 

Subject: [ql-users] Eurocheques

 Just a query regarding Eurocheques. Mostly for the traders this one, but
 any advice welcome...


 The cheque was for 48 pounds sterling - and nearly half of this would have
 gone on charges if I had cashed it.

 Is this correct?  How on earth are eurocheques therefore usable at all,
 unless dealing in huge amounts? Am I doing something wrong?

Hi Darren,

Welcome to the world of currency transfers inside the EU. I suspect your
experience is about normal.

When I wanted to pay Jochen my year's QL Today advertising bill, my bank's
minimum charge was £14, and that was without any guarantee that Jochen's
bank wouldn't also charge him. In the end I sent Jochen a sterling cheque
for much more than the advertising bill in the hope that was cheaper for us
both. This has now been cleared at my end without any further charges, and
so far I have heard nothing further from Jochen so I assume he was not out
of pocket.

For obvious reasons I usually settle with Jochen in cash, but this year it
was not possible.

Remember European Commissioner Frits Bolkestein in your prayers. He has been
working on this problem for some time!

Best Wishes,
Geoff Wicks.

Re: [ql-users] Pictures from the QL Show in Italy!

2003-10-28 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Marcel Kilgus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Pictures from the QL Show in Italy!

 I absolutely second this. Exceptionally well attended and very
 professionally done. Geoff, I think you'd have enjoyed this one. There
 was an extensive part with a talk/presentation (using a beamer) about
 all news in the scene and future activities (like Nasta's presentation
 of the boards he is developing). Granted, I didn't understand a word
 because it was all in Italian (except Nasta's comments which Davide
 translated), but still it did sound impressive ;-)

I should really reply to this, but for once someone has rendered me

Best Wishes,

[ql-users] QL-Thesaurus + Style-Check

2003-11-09 Thread gwicks

QL-THESAURUS and STYLE-CHECK are now freeware programs and can be downloaded
from the Just Words! webpage:

QL-THESAURUS is version 4.02, which most existing users will now have.
STYLE-CHECK is version 3.01 which is a new version displaying the correct
house colours in high colour mode.

Geoff Wicks

Re: [ql-users] QL Today - news

2003-11-12 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Dilwyn Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [ql-users] QL Today - news

 If anyone has any news or articles for QL Today, we are now (rather
 later than hoped) starting to compile the next issue, so please send
 in any material as soon as possible to Jochen or myself.

Thanks for the request. About 10 days ago I sent you an article (1000 words)
on QTYP dictionaries and a new advert, but I am not sure whether these have
arrived safely. Basically everything I have been sending to Jochen using has bounced back as undeliverable. When I send things to you, my
adress book defaults to [EMAIL PROTECTED] These emails appear to get
through, but I wonder if you receive them because I see you no longer give
this as a valid email address in QL Today. I also see that the QL Today web
site is seriously out of date. It currently advertises forthcoming shows at
Byfleet and Berchtesgaden giving the 2002 dates!!

Thanks also for the Autograph review. I don't usually reply to reviews as I
think an author should not breathe down a reviewer's neck, but there is one
serious factual error. (You do not need the QLib runtime exts to run Just
Words! programs - they are incorporated into the program.) I am more
interesting in writing about John's suggestion of using TurboPTR and Turbo,
partly through things I have learnt from QWord. I think this would be an
interesting subject for discussion in QL Today.

BTW the screens reproduce quite well on my PC with the exception of the
green help screen.

Best Wishes,
Geoff Wicks.

[ql-users] QL2004

2003-12-31 Thread gwicks

Happy New Year to everyone.

Sorry to start the New Year on a controversial note, but has anyone else
noted how quiet it has become on the QL2004 front? As far as I know there
has been no mention of it anywhere other than in QL Today for over 4 months.
Nothing at all from QUANTA whom we assumed would organise it. I have even
heard hints that the QUANTA AGM would be designated QL2004. (Those who
remember the controversy over this last Summer can probably hear my quiet

If QUANTA was serious about organising QL2004 we should have known details
of the date and venue by now. People living outside the UK need this
information at least 6 months in advance.

If QUANTA are organising QL2004 can they please reply to this mailing very
quickly, because, if they are not, some of us want to revive the idea of a
(non-QUANTA) international QL2004 show in Eindhoven. This is in line with
Jochen's suggestion in the last QL Today.

Basically Jochen and I were thinking of a show late October/early November
to avoid a clash with a possible Berchtesgaden event. We have yet to sound
out Sin-QL-Air about the feasibility of this, but this will happen very
shortly. We assume that the St. Joris college will be available, but we
should bear in mind that Sin-QL-Air has a low membership so there is a limit
to what we can ask of them and we would need a lot of support from outside
the Netherlands.

We would also want the show to be a themed show with an activity program. I
wonder whether people who are still successful in running shows with such a
program, i.e. Italy and North America, could give advice or, even better,
send a contingent to organise part of the activities.

Another idea I had was for a QL Today theme with as many of the regular QL
Today contributors present as possible. This could be a meet the QL Today
writers day with possibly a forum to discuss the future of the QL.

Any other ideas would be gratefully received.

We also need to know what the traders' interest would be with firm promises
to attend. (I shall probably be emailing traders separately.) In particular
it would be nice to see people like D  D systems at their first
continental, sorry international, show.

So please some reaction, but please do not just say good idea, and then do
f*ck all. We need concrete ideas, concrete offers of help and we need them
urgently. It will not be easy to organise a show from a distance, so we need
all the help we can get. By the end of January, and preferably earlier, we
need to have a date and an indication whether or not such a show is

Finally another plea to QUANTA. Please tell us what your plans, if any, are
for QL2004. I have written and said many hard things about QUANTA in the
last 12 months and after January I shall no longer be a QUANTA member.
However, from my side (and I think yours), I hope any future contact between
us will not be acrimonious.

Geoff Wicks.

Re: [ql-users] Birthday QL 2004

2004-01-17 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Wolfgang Lenerz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Birthday  QL 2004

 Hi all,

 Yep, it's the 20 th birthday. Congrats all around. I really can't remember
 what I did on the fatal day. I do remember, though, typing on a
 keyboard that was an advertisment for the QL in a magazine (PCW?) in 1:1

 Anyway, there have ben several attempts to get a discussion going about
 should be done to celebrate this.

 The response hasn't really been overwhelming, has it?

 So, what is this - a general disaffection for all things QL related?

 Is the writing on the wall? Are we going to give up after 20 years?

 Or is this some kind of general apathy?

 Anyway, I for one will very much welcome some kind of QL 2004 event. I'm
 sure whether I'll be able to attend all if there are several events (e.g.
 in Eindhoven and one in the UK -  I'm not even sure I'd be able to attend
 UK one (this neralt always means an overnight travel OKn, so one vote
 explicitkly in favour of Eindhoven here)

 What would be actually DONE during such an event?

Indeed the response has been disappointing. Just 4 replies to a possible
Eindhoven event, and 3 of those were business replies on specific matters.

The present Eindhoven situation is that we are now waiting for Sin-QL-Air to
have a committee meeting to determine their program for this year. When we
know the date of their first meeting Jochen and I will go to discuss QL2004
with them. Only then can we decide finally if it goes ahead.

At the moment Jochen and I are thinking of a nostalgia show. The idea is
to make this a reunion of current and ex-QLers so that we can meet old
friends and show them how the QL has advanced in the last few years - QPC,
Q60, colour drivers - we have enough to boast about and maybe we could
persuade some to return. The advantage of this format is that a similarly
themed show in the UK would not clash provided we can co-operate on dates.

As I have said twice before all suggestions are welcome. In the meantime as
soon as I have definite information and, most importantly, a date I will
keep people informed via this list,

Best wishes,
Geoff Wicks

Re: [ql-users] Birthday QL 2004

2004-01-18 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Birthday  QL 2004

 As I said in the QL-Today poll I will do my absolute best to get to either
 or evenboth events whether in UK or NL. Would an Internet connection
 workshop be of interest?
 I'm thinking in terms of Bring along your QL get it fitted with Hermes,
  Help with registering with an ISP, setting up an email account, etc.
 Install and try-out the soQL TCP/IP stack 
 Aim of the workshop would be that none connected QLers could go
 home with the know-how, hardware and software to participate on ql-users.
 Any comments?

This would fit in with a theme of showing how the QL has progressed - and a
useful follow up to your contribution to QL2000. Could I take this as being
a sign that you would be prepared to do a presentation if we manage to get
QL2004 off the ground?

Best wishes,
Geoff Wicks.

Re: [ql-users] Norwich Workshop + QL2004 + QL2005!!

2004-01-25 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Tarquin Mills [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Norwich Workshop

 Still on for 6th November, which QL2004 organisers should be reminded.
 Talking of QL2004 show(s) have bids closed for the possible UK venue?

I have noted this. Unfortunately we do not have a great deal of flexibility
over QL2004 (Eindhoven) as we are dependent on what is suitable for
Sin-QL-Air. I.e. the Pleincollege St. Joris has to be available - we are not
the only group that sometimes uses it on a Saturday.

As far as Hove is concerned QL2004 (Eindhoven) is no problem as we are
looking to October/November. It would be impossible to organise it before
then. The same would apply to a serious QL2004 (UK) event. Any planning for
a major QL2004 event should really have been started in the Summer of last
year to avoid this sort of clash.

If UK-ers still want a QL2004 type event, it may be better to plan instead
for QL2005. I am making an interesting suggestion for such an event
(together with date) in the next QL Today.

Geoff Wicks

Re: [ql-users] Recent Quanta

2004-02-03 Thread gwicks
Last Sunday I spent about 90 minutes talking to the QUANTA committee. As you
will all know I have been one of QUANTA's most vocal critics during the last
12 months. I attended the meeting at the request of QUANTA and I think it is
to their credit that they are prepared to listen to criticism and take it on

Our discussion, in a friendly, but at times frank sphere, covered the
complete range of QUANTA activities including shows, the magazine,
advertising, sub-groups, the library, the help-line and finances.

As a result of this discussion I am satisfied that QUANTA is eager to reform
itself, and have renewed my membership. (I have not, however, renewed my
advertising contract - QUANTA have still to prove their reliability in this

I now know the names of the people who are likely to form the new QUANTA
committee and I think it will be a capable and hard working body.

Recently there has been sharp criticism of the OCT/NOV/DEC/JAN Magazine.
QUANTA was as shocked by this magazine as you were. They have taken interim
measures to prevent this happening again - a member of the present committee
is now acting editor - but in the long term it cannot produce the magazine
without copy from its members.

I have attached some personal thoughts about QUANTA to this mailing, and I
think all members could profitably read these and then come to the AGM in
April to discuss QUANTA's future.

Geoff Wicks

In recent years there has been much discussion about the viability of QUANTA and this 
has given rise to a myth that QUANTA is in financial crisis. On the contrary QUANTA is 
in good financial health and can almost certainly claim to have the greatest financial 
security in the QL community. Occasionally economies and other changes have to be 
made, but this is good housekeeping and not evidence of financial crisis. In 2003 
QUANTA lived within its income.

QUANTA's viability problem has more to do with how it spends its money and how well 
its serves its members. Fewer members are participating in QUANTA activities and even 
fewer are prepared to take an leading role within QUANTA. The case for winding QUANTA 
up is very strong, but should this happen it would have implications for the survival 
of the QL not just in the UK but also in the rest of the world.

During 2002 QUANTA gave out 80% - 90% of its income on two activities, shows and the 
magazine. In both activities it failed to serve its members adequately.

SHOWS: The show problem is easily stated: rapidly falling attendances; poor quality 
content; and a bias to shows in the South East.

In 2002 QUANTA spent about 38%  of its income on sponsoring shows that probably less 
than one sixth of its members attended. From figures in the 2002 Treasurer's report it 
can be estimated that QUANTA subsidised shows to the extent of £10 per attendee per 
show. This sum does not include the insurance costs that probably came to £5 per 
attendee per year.

Most members are unaware just how expensive show venues are. A top location such as 
Portsmouth starts at £1,000. A university will ask even more. A church or village 
hall, where most current shows are held, can cost up to £300. Is it responsible for 
QUANTA to spend these sums on a show that perhaps only 20 - 30 people will attend?

Increasingly in recent years shows have been concentrated in a small triangle of 
Byfleet, London and Hove. In five years there have been only 5 shows outside this 
triangle, Clevedon, Portsmouth, Portishead and Manchester (2).  There have been only 2 
shows North of Watford in five years. Why is this?

Strangely QUANTA knows very little about the distribution of its membership. There is 
a general impression that membership is concentrated in the South and that there has 
been a fall in membership in the North. (Chicken and Egg?)

I have agreed to do some demographic research for QUANTA to investigate this problem. 
It will involve the release of some membership details, but to keep within data 
protection law and guidelines I have asked for nothing more than a list of post towns 
and counties. 

One possibility to improve our presence North of Watford is the Micro Mart fare in 
Birmingham. They need exhibitors to fill their retro hall. How about a QL village 
next time?
QUANTA may well have to impose conditions on frequency and quality of shows in the 
future. It recognises the status quo cannot continue, but ultimately it is the 
membership that determines the quality of workshops.

MAGAZINE: The magazine is in serious trouble. In the last 10 issues there have been 
only 11 contributors and, of these, only 5 have contributed more than one item. 2 of 
these 5 were the editors. (I have excluded QUANTA business items from these totals.) 
In these 10 issues there have been only 3 reviews of new products, all written by the 
same person. 

A magazine editor has the unenviable choice of either writing the magazine himself; of 
extensive padding; or of plagiarism.

I estimate 

Re: [ql-users] Recent Quanta

2004-02-04 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: SMSQ - Jochen Merz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Recent Quanta

 Of course, Geoff did not question the reliability of QL Today ... but
 it is only down to our readers if QL Today continues by renewing or
 not - like Quanta members decide whether they cancel membership or not.

Indeed everyone knows how enthusiastic I am about QL Today. I am just
realistic about the fact that the trading environment is not easy for any QL
trader. It would be nice to have the reliability of QL Today combined with
the financial stability of QUANTA.

If, BTW, I write less for QL Today  in the near future, this is because I
shall be doing my bit to improve the fortunes of the QUANTA Magazine.

Geoff Wicks

Re: [ql-users] Quanta

2004-02-05 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: John Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [ql-users] Quanta

An interesting contribution from John, as the secret to QUANTA's future lies
in how you use its income and capital.

Contrary to popular ideas QUANTA is not in financial crisis, but is a very
healthy organisation. Its financial stability could be its most important
contribution to the QL community. Each year it ploughs thousands of pounds
into QL activities, but the question is how far these are benefitting
members. QUANTA spends £1,500 to £2,000 a year sponsoring shows, which works
out at a subsidy of about £20 per attendee per year. This is why it is
important we work hard to improve the quality of shows.

As John has said QUANTA is a non-profit organisation for the benefit of its
members. This restricts what can be done with its income and capital, but it
does not mean that the capital is unuseable. What would be the reaction if
QUANTA backed a software or hardware project for members only?

For example, QUANTA backed the Q60. This, I understand, was in the form of a
loan that was repaid. How would people have reacted if QUANTA  had made it
available to QUANTA members only? A Q60 costs £545. Would it have been too
much to ask for an extra £14 or £17 for QUANTA membership on top?

 As a previous treasurer of Quanta who had difficulty assuring the Inland
 Revenue of their status and who also had difficulty convincing committee
 members of the tax laws I can assure Roy that the prospect of charging for
 entry would be very unlikely as that would make all workshops members
 If ANY money or benefit is received from a non Quanta member then the
 association becomes liable for corporation tax as it is then a trading
 When it's turnover was much higher it would have been liable for VAT too.
 Corporation tax at present is only paid on Bank Interest and will continue
 to be paid while Quanta funds are such as to earn interest.

 The same difficulty arises when considering amalgamating with QLToday.
 Non Quanta members would be contributing to the joint effort.
 The tax man may understand but it isn't worth the risk.

 This should have been explained to Jochen at the time and I thought it
 though at the time most of the benefit would have been to QLToday as
 had an a more than adequate editor.

 John Taylor.

[ql-users] QL2004 Eindhoven - PROVISIONAL DATE

2004-02-05 Thread gwicks

I now have a provisional date for the QL2004 Eindhoven show:

Saturday 16th October 2004.

As I have said before, we have very little leeway about alternative dates.
The show calender can get quite busy in the Autumn. Also we get the venue
free of charge. It is a school that other groups sometimes use on Saturdays
so even Sin-QL-Air are restricted on suitable dates.

Jochen  I will meet the Sin-QL-Air committee probably sometime in March and
from then on we can start to make detailed plans.

I'm feeling happy!

Geoff Wicks

Re: [ql-users] CST Thor

2004-02-05 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Dilwyn Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Re: [ql-users] CST Thor


 [Geoff Wicks for Quanta chairman or editor if he retires from trading,
 now that Robin Barker is stepping down!!!]

er hem, Sorry you are out of order, or rather out of time, Dilwyn! Read your
QUANTA constitution better next time!

Seriously, I know what the new QUANTA committee will look like, subject to
AGM approval, and I think it will prove to be a good committee.

Geoff Wicks

[ql-users] Eindhoven shows

2004-02-06 Thread gwicks

I have now received the dates for all the 2004 Eindhoven shows, so I thought
I would pass then on:

Saturday 27th of March   2004 (regular)
Saturday 12th of June  2004 (regular)
Saturday 16th of October 2004 (Continental QL2004 Show)

Geoff Wicks

Re: [ql-users] Quanta

2004-02-15 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Timothy Swenson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Quanta


 I read the bit about Quanta and shows with some disinterest.  Given that I
 to fly 2,000 miles for my nearest QL show, I find it ammusing about all
 discussion about where, what QL shows are and such.  Heck I even have to
 500 miles to get to the nearest other country.

On this topic and writing as a certified wrinkly - I have my bus and train
passes to prove it - I nearly killed myself laughing at the latest QL Today:

many of the UK users are a bit older than their continental
counterparts and they would be unlikely to undertake a journey across the

Must remember to ask Sin-QL-Air to lay on a few zimmer frames and a standby
nurse just in case any UK ql-ers make it to QL2004.


[ql-users] QL2004

2004-03-07 Thread gwicks

As you will have noticed it is a little quiet on the QL2004 front. This is
because we are waiting for a meeting with all the organisers in Eindhoven at
the end of March.

I recently asked traders for their comments on a few questions about QL2004.
I think it would also be interesting to have opinions from more people:

1) What QL developments would you like to see over the next 2 - 3 years?

2) Are there any special guests you would like invited to QL2004?

3) Who would you like to see as panel members at the QL Forum? Do you have
any topics you would like discussed?

4) Do you have any suggestions for suitable speakers or other activities
during the day?

Can I suggest that you reply privately (gwicks @ beeb . net) rather than via
this list, preferably within the next couple of weeks? It wopuld help our
discussion at the end of March.

Many thanks in advance,
Geoff Wicks.

[ql-users] £ 1000 to spend! (2nd attempt!)

2004-03-13 Thread gwicks

Thanks to all the people who have replied to this thread. Nice to know I can
still stir things up! Just a pity that the subject was hijacked into a
discussion on printers although there were one or two other good

Thus a 2nd attempt to get answers.

Let me be more specific why I posed the question. Members of Quanta who read
financial reports - maybe a contradiction in terms - will note something
strange happened last year. Quanta has consistently made a loss since 1999,
but last year it made a profit of £1,363. This was partly due to the reduced
frequency of the magazine; partly due to increased advertising; and partly
due to the efforts of Rich Mellor in selling Sinclair equipment on behalf of
Quanta. It is also noticeable that the costs of workshops fell from £1,944
in 2002 to £1,156 in 2003.

There is some evidence that these savings could become structural with a
little bit of discipline. Present workshop locations are cheap to hire and,
if the South East show organisers could get together to co-operate on show
dates over a 2 year period rather than compete with one another, this saving
could become structural. (Thanks to Roy for taking the first steps in this

This means that Quanta would have a sum of about £1,000 each year to spend
on QL development. How should they spend this money?

In fact Quanta would have two possible ways of financially stimulating QL
development. Major projects (SGC successor?) could be financed out of the
capital. These would have to be backed with good business plans and legal
safeguards to ensure that there was a return on the capital and that Quanta
does not lose its favourable tax status. Minor projects (mainly software?)
could be financed out of subscription income. No financial return would be
expected from these and thus there would be fewer legal difficulties over
tax etc.

Remember your subscription is your money, not Quanta's. How would you like
them to spend it on your behalf?

Geoff Wicks.

[ql-users] Re: [ql-users] £ 1000 to spend! (2nd attempt!)

2004-03-16 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Wolfgang Lenerz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ql-users] £ 1000 to spend! (2nd attempt!)


 I don't know whether offering something like 1000 pounds for software
 be a good idea.

 The reason is that it is, in my mind, too much and too little.

 Let me explain.

 It is too little. If you want to finance a software author, 1000 pounds
 get you - what? A month' worth of work?

 Look at what Peter has told us on this list - if he were offered 2000
 for his ongoing work, he wouldn't accept it, because it would be far from
 what the software would be worth...
 This is a point of view I can share.

 So, thibking that a professoinal would do some real work for this amount
 money is, IMHO, just too optimistic.


Thanks for this contribution. I can agree with most of what you write.
Obviously £1,000 is peanuts for a professional programmer's time. All we
would be doing if we paid for software is giving the author a generous
present as a token of gratitude.

Nevertheless, there is a long history of people in the QL community doing a
lot of work for little reward. Look at the traders who are prepared to make
a yearly loss because of their belief in the QL. With Just Words! I do this
quite coldly and calculatingly. There is a level I am prepared to go to and
no further. (Hence the anger of last year.) The result is that for the first
time in years I am now in control of the deficit, Just Words! remains in
existence and if nothing else QL Today gets a bit of advertising money. (But
not yet Quanta - they have yet to prove their reliability - famous last
words - Just Words! will be financing the QL2004 advertising in the Quanta
Magazine - however you will get the principle.)

All I am asking is whether a little money would provide a little oil to a
machine that is slowly rusting to a standstill. (There is, I believe, the
precedence of the colour drivers.) The question you ask, What would you do
for £1,000? should be considered by everyone.

Thanks to everyone for their contributions. They are all being carefully
noted, although unfortunately I have not yet seen much that I can recommend
to Quanta. (Some good ideas would fail for legal and practical reasons.)

I am very concerned about the future of Quanta. Most of its money is spent
on workshops, which I suspect are becoming more and more burnt out, or the
magazine whose problems are obvious. The one thing Quanta has is financial
stability. How can we use that for the benefit of its members and the QL


[ql-users] Re: [ql-users] £ 1000 to spend! (2nd attempt!)

2004-03-17 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Jeremy Taffel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 You have said that Quanta is heading towards a £1000 a year structural
 profit. I am also  interested in how much Quanta has in realisable assets.
 The reason I ask, is that as has been pointed out, the pond is now a
 and rapidly drying out. What good are those assets while they aren't being
 used to good effect?

  I suggest that Quanta decides to work on the basis that it is going to
 in N years anyway, and plans to liquidate its assets by investment in good
 projects over that time. This could breathe new life into both the QL, and
 into Quanta, and actually ensure that it keeps going for longer than if it
 just keeps its assets in the bank.  I for one would rejoin if I thought
 would actually do something useful with my subscriptions.

 £1000 would actually only pay for one week's work for a  programmer in my

I agree with most of what you are saying, but there are still good grounds
for keeping the capital reasonably intact. The capital is currently £16,000,
which on your figures is only 16 week's work. You won't get any decent
hardware or software from just 16 week's work. That means finding projects
that will bring some returns, no easy task.

At the moment Quanta is failing its members and the QL community and has to
find a better way of using both its income and capital than it is doing now.
If it cannot do this within the next 12 months then a motion at the 2005 AGM
to wind up Quanta would be the best solution.


[ql-users] Re: [ql-users] Re: [ql-users] £ 1000 to spend! (2nd attempt!)

2004-03-18 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Dilwyn Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [ql-users] Re: [ql-users] £ 1000 to spend! (2nd attempt!)

 Does this fall into the parameters of what you were looking for
 Geoff - the possibility of paying someone to extend the SDUMP system.

Of course, a small(ish) job, but one that could be incoporated into a lot of
programs. Perhaps we should start thinking of what sort of routines we would
like if someone were to write a new DIY toolkit.

Another possibility would be to pay someone to update EasyPtr.

This gives me yet another idea. What about Quanta trying to obtain the
rights of some old software that is still extensively used? The two that
spring to mind are QLiberator and Text87. Anyone with suggestions for other

People often complain that QLiberator is not being updated. Just think if
Quanta could buy the rights and then find someone to do what George Gwilt
has managed with Turbo.

Text87 is even more interesting. There is still the incompatibilty with the
Q60. Also no one seems to know anything about Text87 file formatting. If we
did, the RTF/HTM filters could become quite sophisticated. Spell checking
could be inproved and, dare I say it, Just Words! writing tools
incorporated. Would it be possible to make the program more user friendly
and put it in a nice PE jacket?

Another suggestion: Peter Graf does not want paying for his software, but
does he have any development expenses towards which Quanta could contribute?

We cannot expect 6 members of the Quanta committee to come up with ideas, if
300 members and many more non-members cannot!


[ql-users] Re: [ql-users] £ 1000 to spend! (2nd attempt!)

2004-03-20 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Roy wood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 10:45 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] £ 1000 to spend! (2nd attempt!)

 I approached Fred Toussi a while ago about doing an
 upgrade to Text 87 and suggested that he could produce a new version
 using the new colours and adding simple stuff like access to pointer
 driven menus for file selection (via Menu_rext). He was not keen. I
 suggested he gave us the sources and we could get someone to do it but
 he regarded his sources as being secret .

Ah yes, but was he offered serious money?

 Qliberator was another story but Ian Stewart, who was my only contact,
 had only a small part in writing it. The other author, whose name
 escapes me, had long since disappeared and the sources were not
 available. I have now no contact for Ian so when the last few copies I
 have are exhausted I cannot sell it.  I have not sold a copy for some
 time so I am not too worried but I would have liked to get it updated.

This is really disappointing, because, if the sources were available they
would probably be relatively cheap to buy. It would have been a valuable
contribution to the future of the QL. But again, would money help in a
search for the source code?

Don't forget I am not suggesting asking people for the source code, but
buying it. No trader could afford to do this, because it would have to be
done at a loss. Quanta does have the resources and this could become one way
in which Quanta could better serve the QL community.
