--- Erik Reuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Social Security privatization isn't likely to help
> the problem I'm
> talking about. I'm referring to the problem of only
> 1.5 workers per
> retired person (if retirement stays at 65) in 2050.
> But perhaps that
> just means that people will delay retirement to 75,
> and by then the
> worst of the age wave will have past.
> "Erik Reuter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      

Well, the US retirement age is already scheduled to be
at 67 by then, and I rather imagine that it will be
higher.  But I don't recall seeing a demographic
projection that puts the _US_ situation at 1.5:1 by
2050.  Europe, certainly - Italy will be below 1:1. 
If that were to happen, though, there's no doubt in my
mind that the retirement age would go up substantially
to prevent exactly that from happening.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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