On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 11:16:22PM +1000, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
> > IMO it's crazy for you (the senior developer to ASU? you're surely  
> > the most active?) to have his hands tied by these shadowy "designers"  
> > who can interfere apparently on a whim. Especially when they're  
> > coming up with crazy decisions that are technically poor!!
> welcome to openmoko. i get paid to program. i am not a designer (as i have 
> been
> told) and thus am not qualified to make decisions there (so i have been
> informed). i am paid to program. so that is what i will do.

If you've been mismanaged/micromanaged so badly that you've had to adopt what 
Neitzche called the "Sklavmoral"-- or  "I'm not paid to think, I'm only paid to 
wash the floors"-- attitude in order to survive, it doesn't bode well for 

In any case, you're doing great work, so "illigitimum non carborundum".  I 
can't tell you how delighted I was when I saw the "qwerty" button suddenly 
appear after doing an opkg upgrade! And the ability to choose different 
keyboard layouts from a pop-up menu was great. I thought to myself, "now THIS 
is a well-managed project, critical features that I need are being added 
without even asking for them, and the progress is daily!". And now of course it 
is gone.

Can someone please document what hack is necessary to add that button back in? 
And, yes, if anyone wants to please fork the necessary package, I will 
subscribe to that feed instead, because the ability to use an on-screen 
keyboard on a Linux phone is a must-have for me. The Illume keyboard with 
Full-QWERTY is excellent and I love it. I need to be able to launch it manually 
in order to use it with Minimo and openmoko-terminal2-- the two apps I 
purchased the phone to use.

If some more "elegant" method is designed later on, and works, I'll switch to 
it. But for now I need a working keyboard in the terminal, and web browser, and 
all the other apps.

I'm sure all this will get sorted out eventually, and rough going like this is 
normal in the early days, so no big deal.


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