Ken, I think you have read my mind , translate it to english, and post
in the list, well maybe the latin sentences and references to kant are
replaced by basic complain :) 
El mié, 23-07-2008 a las 13:54 -0700, Ken Restivo escribió:
> On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 11:16:22PM +1000, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
> > 
> > > IMO it's crazy for you (the senior developer to ASU? you're surely  
> > > the most active?) to have his hands tied by these shadowy "designers"  
> > > who can interfere apparently on a whim. Especially when they're  
> > > coming up with crazy decisions that are technically poor!!
> > 
> > welcome to openmoko. i get paid to program. i am not a designer (as i have 
> > been
> > told) and thus am not qualified to make decisions there (so i have been
> > informed). i am paid to program. so that is what i will do.
> >
> If you've been mismanaged/micromanaged so badly that you've had to adopt what 
> Neitzche called the "Sklavmoral"-- or  "I'm not paid to think, I'm only paid 
> to wash the floors"-- attitude in order to survive, it doesn't bode well for 
> OpenMoko.
> In any case, you're doing great work, so "illigitimum non carborundum".  I 
> can't tell you how delighted I was when I saw the "qwerty" button suddenly 
> appear after doing an opkg upgrade! And the ability to choose different 
> keyboard layouts from a pop-up menu was great. I thought to myself, "now THIS 
> is a well-managed project, critical features that I need are being added 
> without even asking for them, and the progress is daily!". And now of course 
> it is gone.
> Can someone please document what hack is necessary to add that button back 
> in? And, yes, if anyone wants to please fork the necessary package, I will 
> subscribe to that feed instead, because the ability to use an on-screen 
> keyboard on a Linux phone is a must-have for me. The Illume keyboard with 
> Full-QWERTY is excellent and I love it. I need to be able to launch it 
> manually in order to use it with Minimo and openmoko-terminal2-- the two apps 
> I purchased the phone to use.
> If some more "elegant" method is designed later on, and works, I'll switch to 
> it. But for now I need a working keyboard in the terminal, and web browser, 
> and all the other apps.
> I'm sure all this will get sorted out eventually, and rough going like this 
> is normal in the early days, so no big deal.
> -ken
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