Sorry guys, let me try to fail this vote.
-1 (binding)

To continue any development (including maintenance), the entry bar for
the people allowed to merge code and participate in project decisions
has to be lowered, this way or another.

I do not see how the approach "let's move the project out of ASF and
lower the bar there" benefits the _future_ of the project, compared to
lowering the committer bar while remaining in ASF.
(I will reconsider my vote if someone explains how the latter is less
harmful to the project than the former)

To me, the elimination of the ASF reporting overhead is quite
marginal, compared to the added overhead of:
 - potential for future trademark hurdles (which can scare any
potential contribution there might be)
 - the need to immediately switch CI and issue tracker
 - the old JIRA going read-only (yes, this should be counted as a
separate concern)
and so on

I'm not saying that Mesos should stick to the ASF-provided
infrastructure forever, but this is a different story.
There are a number of things in Mesos that require major overhaul to
lower the contribution overhead; in the new conditions, this might be
one of them.

Getting current (and potential future) contributors unstuck and
relieving Vinod from the duties of heading the project (given that he
wants to step down from being the PMC chair) is something we should do
ASAP, however I doubt that moving into Attic is the right way to do

I do not feel especially optimistic about the future prospects of the
project, but IMO moving to Attic makes them even worse.

Talking about what I personally can/want/cannot do:
 - I do not see myself actively contributing (=adding new features and
submitting solutions to address technical debt) to the project in the
foreseeable future
 - I will not be surprised if I will need to contribute some minor but
critical bugfix in the nearest few months; for example, if someone
exposes a major vulnerability in Mesos, I will probably have to work
on that, and work on that quickly
 - I'm ready to provide technical mentoring (and, hopefully,
reasonably quick reviews) in areas I'm familiar with (this,
unfortunately, excludes most of the inner workings of the agent, for
 - I can provide mentoring and code reviews in areas I'm less familiar
with, but do not expect quick feedback from me there, as meaningfully
reviewing an unfamiliar code can be 2 to 100 times slower
 - Despite having an opinion on where Mesos should not go, some
understanding of the project's past mistakes, and some ideas on what
it should drop, I have absolutely no idea where Mesos should go.


On Thu, 8 Apr 2021 at 17:50, Benjamin Bannier <> wrote:
> Hi Shane,
> >> FWIW, I'm one of those people who said they were interested, and I
> >> still voted to move it to the attic (even though my vote is non
> >> binding as I'm not a committer).
> >
> >That's great!  One of the questions I have for the project is: why
> >haven't they made you a committer yet?  (That's a question for the PMC,
> >not for you, really, but it's one I'm betting the Board would be curious
> >to hear about).
> I fear the problem is less that contributors haven't been voted in as
> committers, but IMO that unfortunately the project has seen hardly any
> contributions of bigger patches from the community in the last couple of
> years, (I know we merged patches from Charles, but when some people
> voiced interested here that's the first at least I heard of them). This
> makes me pessimistic regarding a handover which medium term can improve
> the situation.
> I summarized some issues I saw in an earlier thread (yes, this discussion
> has been going on since Feb 2021), and I think the issues were only if
> at all marginally related to committership,
> .
> Cheers,
> Benjamin

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