> - Given the discussions here that show there are likely new contributors
> who want to help build Apache Mesos, don't worry about the Attic. 

We/there are a couple of peoples who want to be contributors and help to
build Mesos. :-)

> Trademarks are about *products*.  Using github.com/mesos/mesos as an
> organization and project outside the ASF is not a good idea.  Forking
> /ghuser/mesos/ and then trying to build a whole new community to ship
> Mesos software to the world is not a good idea.  Building a new product
> called M-Cloud, Powered By Apache Mesos would be fine, however.

OK, thanks for clarify this point.

> It doesn't matter if it's  ever going to be close to K8s, all that matters is 
> if people are using
> it and want to keep maintaining it here for their own workloads - if
> there are folks who want to do that, then just step up and it can happen.

You are speaking from my soul.


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