On Thursday, 16 April 2015 at 23:32:17 UTC, Stewart Gordon wrote:
On 16/04/2015 03:35, Rikki Cattermole wrote:
On 16/04/2015 11:25 a.m., Stewart Gordon wrote:
How would we go about committing updates to it when this is done?

Let's say there is a new function in gdi.h added.

You would look for the file:

And add the function declaration.
Or if it is a whole new file:
Add: core/sys/windows/windows/newFile.d

Add line: public import core.sys.windows.windows.newFile;
To: core/sys/windows/windows/package.d

Basically the same process as now, except spread out across more files.

I don't understand - how would an average member of the D community get into the DMD package on dlang.org in order to apply these updates?

Get DMD, Druntime and Phobos and build them:

Make your changes and test.

Contribute your changes back to D using pull requests.

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              • Re... Stewart Gordon via Digitalmars-d-announce
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