You're right. we are never going to agree to this, b/c I live in your
version of bizaro world. I just don't see any evidence to what you
are talking about at all. My universe is leaning towards greater
segmentation in both practice and education b/c of the failures of
people over generalizing and creating mediocrity.

I think YOU have combined them into yourself and YOU hunt for people
and situations that fit your world view. But through my career (not
quite as long as yours, but respectable in its diversity and breadth
and more importantly global reach) has taken me through the Valley,
through NY Advertising, NY Financial, French software, Global
hardware, and NY startup has all been about IxD segmentation instead
of general UI Design unification. And when I look at the educational
landscape today for IxD, ID and Interactive Design the segmentation
exists in everything except Interactive, but the graduates of
interactive are not sought by software or ID folks b/c they don't
understand them due to the lack of theoretical understanding and
design practice. Engineers with a 'sense' of aesthetics is how I
refer to them.

So I'll just let the rest of this discussion go then. B/c not only
do we disagree, but we have different lenses on making it impossible
to come to agreement.

Well, I agree that most of Google's products (actually including the
3 mentioned: are "good enough" and not really good.)

-- dave

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