
I have an SMI system in our facility in downtown Montreal. 
I'm very interested in the discussion. The pros and cons of using ET
for usability testing seem pretty well described above. 

At the same time, I dislike what I understood as the suggestion that
some practitioners are using ET to con clients. NO methodology or
tool should be offered (honestly) without being clear about its
deliverables, benefits and limitations. 

As a firm, we bear the cost of purchasing the equipment and the
learning curve in order to be able to offer ET to clients.  I don't
see where this costs our clients unnecessarily and I will NEVER
impose the use of ET on a client project just because it cost me to
buy it. 

My job is very clearly to design and execute research that uses the
best mix of methodologies that will really serve my clients' needs.
ET is one of them. 
I also agree that expertise in the area of ET needs to be developed
and that best practices can be shared.  Feel free to get in touch
with me by e-mail or by phone to discuss. 

Have a great day!


 1 514 502-5862

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