On 09/19/2016 06:45 PM, William Hale wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Sep 2016 17:25:47 -0700
> David Thomas <davidleotho...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 5:00 PM, Aaron Wolf <aa...@snowdrift.coop>
>> wrote:
>>> On 09/19/2016 04:37 PM, Michael Siepmann wrote:  
>>>> On 09/19/2016 01:57 PM, Aaron Wolf wrote:  
>>>>> "Free the Commons" is a nice, short, relevant slogan. It's a
>>>>> call-to-action.
>>>>> But freeing in what sense? What commons? What are "the commons"?
>>>>> And technically, "commons" are rivalrous shared resources, not
>>>>> actually the public goods which are technically what we're
>>>>> working with.
>>>>> I just was chatting with Robert and ended up saying "I don't
>>>>> think we'll come up with much better, but the idea we want to
>>>>> express is something like 'Crowdmatching to fund public goods'"
>>>>> Well, what do you think?
>>>>> ** Crowdmatching to fund public goods **
>>>>> It's longer and wordier than "free the commons" but is more
>>>>> accurate. It gets right away into our use of 'crowdmatching' and
>>>>> clarifies that it's for fundraising, and uses "public goods"
>>>>> correctly. I'd think a reader would immediately say "what's
>>>>> crowdmatching?" and "what are public goods?" at which point those
>>>>> are indeed *the* two questions we want people to ask and that we
>>>>> want to answer concisely in order to introduce Snowdrift.coop.  
>>>> I strongly agree.  I while ago I suggested "Catalyzing creation of
>>>> public goods" among other ideas for a new tagline.  "Catalyzing
>>>> creation..." was definitely too vague, but the term "crowdmatching"
>>>> didn't occur to me until a few months later.  I think this new
>>>> combination of "crowdmatching", "fund", and "public goods" is
>>>> excellent and should be a big help in quickly giving people a
>>>> basic understanding of what Snowdrift.coop is about.
>>> Some alternatives of the same content:
>>> Crowdmatching to fund public goods
>>> Crowdmatch funding of public goods
>>> Crowdmatched funding of public goods
>>> Crowdmatch funding for public goods
>>> Crowdmatched funding for public goods
>>> Crowdmatching funding of public goods
>>> Crowdmatching funding for public goods
>>> Crowdmatching funds for public goods
>>> Public goods funding through crowdmatching
>>> Funding public goods through crowdmatching
>>> Crowdmatching funds public goods
>>> Incidentally, the only shorter one than my initial suggestion is a
>>> stranger grammar to parse because it's a complete sentence instead
>>> of just a verb clause or a noun clause. I think a clause is better
>>> than a sentence. So, it looks like the first suggestion may be best
>>> anyway.
>> What about dropping "fund"?  "Crowdmatching for public goods"
> (cleaned up message order for mailinglist)
> The shorter options I see are:
> Crowdmatching to fund public goods
> Crowdmatching funds public goods
> Crowdmatching for public goods
> Crowdmatching the public goods
> Crowdmatching of public goods
> Crowdmatching public goods
> The first two keep that inclusion of funding which I do see as
> important.
> I like the idea of switching slogans to include crowdmatching and
> public goods. Especially before the upcoming launch!

I agree that "fund" is important.  If "Crowdmatching" becomes a well
known term, as "Crowdfunding" has, then "Crowdmatching for public goods"
could work, but at this point I think it needs to specify that it's
about funding.

I think "Crowdmatching to fund..." is better than "Crowdmatched
funding..." because the emphasis should be on the core thing
Snowdrift.coop does - i.e. crowdmatching.  Using the word "funding"
makes it sound of interest more to recipients of funding than to
patrons, and sounds rather as if Snowdrift.coop itself is the source of
funds.  The biggest population we want the tagline to appeal to is
patrons, who are the actual ones doing the funding.

I still think the first version is best:  Crowdmatching to fund public goods

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