On Friday 28 Aug 2009, Terry Coles wrote:
> Since yesterday evening, I've had no sound when browsing the web, (Firefox
> or Konquerer) or when playing games.  Playback of music and videos seems to
> work OK though when I use Amarok or Dragon Player.
> I'm assuming this was a broken update, but what?  Anyone got any ideas
> where to start looking?

I spent a bit of time over the weekend trying to isolate the problem, but with 
no success.  One thing I did notice though is that the game Einstein 
(http://games.flowix.com/en/index.html, it's also available in the Ubuntu 
repositories), maxes out one of my CPUs from the moment that it is launched, 
even when it is only on the Start screen.  I first noticed this because it was 
taking a long time for the Window to close when I finished playing and so had 
a look.

I then tried the same process on my wife's machine, and found that it does not 
exhibit the same problem.  Mine is a home-brewed desktop with a dual core 64 
bit Athlon running a fully patched Kubuntu 9.04 and the KDE 4.3 patches 
(available at http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu).  My 
wife's machine is a fully patched Mesh desktop with a dual core 64 bit Athlon 
running Kubuntu 9.04 and without the KDE 4.3 patches.

It looks likely therefore (but not certain), that the KDE 4.3 upgrade is the 
problem.  When I installed it, I was aware that there were risks in doing so, 
and was quite prepared to trash everything and start again with a clean 
install of Jaunty.  However, it worked fine for several weeks before this 
occurred and so I would like to consider all the strategies available before I 
do anything that drastic.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to the best way forward?  Can I roll back 
to standard Jaunty easily?

                Terry Coles
                64 bit computing with Kubuntu Linux

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