Haven't been charged for a LEAF oil change, LOL.

They do charge a little for replacing brake fluid every few years, and a yearly battery check after the first three years. That's about it other than tires.

There have only been one or two software updates since we got our LEAF. Like most non-Tesla cars they aren't adding features but they did address a bug related to passenger air bag detection.

Enjoy your Tesla.

On 5/22/17 11:40 AM, Willie via EV wrote:
On 05/22/2017 12:09 PM, Jamie K via EV wrote:

True for 2011/12 LEAF models.

However the LEAF's guess-o-meter was improved later models. Even better,
a useful battery-percentage-remaining display option was added.

A good point! Also points out the Leaf weakness of not having OTA software updates ala Tesla. My Tesla started with a not very useful fisheye backup camera. After a few months, lines appeared on the display that marked the car's path. You could then tell exactly what territory the backing car was going to move over. Also, you used to have to go the the service center to get new/different tire pressure sensors programmed. Like when you had a flat and changed wheels. Now, you press a button on the display and the TPS thing reprograms itself. There have been hundreds, or perhaps thousands, of such tweaks. No visits to the dealer required. Nissan tries to get Leaf owners into dealerships at every opportunity. I've heard of some Leaf owners being charged for oil changes during such visits.
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