There are 4 parking spots for EV's in the deck at downtown Kent.  Work pays for 
me to park in the deck but the Chargepoint chargers cost 35 cents/kWhr (and 
that's the discounted rate for people that have deck parking, otherwise it's 54 
cents/kWhr).  It's cheaper just to use gas in the Volt, so I don't charge 
there.  It's 42 miles round trip to work and in the summer I do EV only, but in 
the winter I have to use about 10 miles gas on cold days.  It would be nice if 
they charged a reasonable rate for charging!

    On Monday, December 11, 2017 5:46 PM, Cal Frye via EV <> 

 There is a bit of contention for spaces where I work. In my assigned 
garage, there is one L2 charging station, with one space designated for 
EVs. A week or so ago, the designated spot was occupied by a Volt that 
seemed to have been abandoned - it was parked in the space for four days 
straight, as far as I could tell.

Nearby, an obstruction was marked off with several orange cones. One day 
when I was leaving, I moved one of the cones to block the space adjacent 
to the Volt, and sure enough, the next day that space was available for 
me. We'll see how long I can get away with this subterfuge.

I have been contacting the parking authorities from time to time trying 
to make a case for marking two spaces for a single charger, probably 
time to do so again.

Cal Frye

PS - I've seen a Ford CMax, two Volts, four Leafs (including mine), an 
i3, and a Bolt all circling the space, fortunately not all at the same 
time. It's certainly time to request more chargers!

> Dan Baker via EV <>
> December 8, 2017 at 7:27 AM
> Hey everyone thanks for the response so far. I agree now, better to try a
> more friendly method then resort to push & threaten. So frustrating
> though, easy to get caught up. Would love to see some of those printed
> cards/flyers Mark!
> Cheers
> Dan

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