It is fair and well deserved criticism for the utility I am subject to. We
do not have many plug ins here (very little Tesla presence, and no fast
chargers I have seen). Most solar is utility scale -Duke has successfully
squelched residential solar so far. No third party sales are allowed.

They have incredible pull in the ridiculous legislature here. They pay
their CEO $12M a year. Our recently former governor was a longtime employee
of Duke, and is again consulting with them.

A characteristic of Duke is to resist allowing anything on the grid they do
not control fully.  Consequently, they do not want to invest in EV
supporting infrastructure.  I sat in on a panel discussion with the VP in
charge of renewable energy and listened to him paint residential solar
owners as evil doers. The state uitlilties commission panelist sounded very
circumspect and attentive to the utilities; not partial at all to promoting
anything Duke did not want..

In return for their controlling nature I pay little for s kWhr ($0.11),
there is a downward pressure on rates due to residential solar that does
benefit us all, but if you aren't somewhat moneyed you won't get much help
erecting residential solar.

So here in NC is it is not anything about the speed and change of tech
uptake, they are simply resisting it to the best of their ability. There
has been a lot of activism to promote a better grid here for more than a
decade - not much action though.  I know what I am talking about locally.

On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 9:14 AM, Mark Abramowitz <>

> I'm no fan of the utilities, but that's not a fair criticism. The change
> and uptake of the technology was unexpected and quick, and could not have
> been predicted when the infrastructure was built.

Michael E. Ross
(919) 585-6737 Land
(19) 901-2805 Cell and Text
(919) 576-0824 <> Tablet,
Google Phone and Text

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