Absolutely.  At least around here, the renewable sourced electricity goes into 
the system regardless.  It is not a controllable source (other than opening 
breakers - which does not happen).  And at the wholesale level, the utilities 
pay a very high price for that power.  Here is a very simplified hypothetical 
example.  If 90% of the non-renewable power costs $50 per MegaWattHour, 9% 
costs $60 per MWH and 1% costs $400 per MWH, the renewable gets paid at the 
$400 rate, and the electric utilities have no choice in the price of if they 
buy it - they are required to.  It matter absolutely none whether anyone pays a 
"green power" rate.  As several people pointed out, if more people pay for the 
"green" energy, it can have the political affect that I alluded to, but that 
his not likely to have any effect on someone deciding to build more green power.
BTW, a note that this data is a few years old, but I am not aware that it has 

-----Original Message-----
From: "Jan Steinman via EV" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 4, 2018 13:59
To: ev@lists.evdl.org
Cc: "Jan Steinman" <j...@ecoreality.org>
Subject: Re: [EVDL] Smearing with coal (again)

> From: "j...@k6ccc.org" <j...@k6ccc.org>
> That is such a crock - I'm talking about people paying extra to get "green" 
> power. All that means is people are stupid enough to pay extra for something 
> that would have been there whether they paid for it or not.

Are you so certain that is the case?

In our case (at least) BC Hydro does not buy third-party wind power unless 
directed to do so. The Bullfrog Power customers cause BC Hydro to purchase 
Bullfrog's power, rather than supplying Bullfrog Power customers with BC Hydro 

At least, that’s what everyone from Bullfrog to BC Hydro to the BC Utility 
Commission tells us. Are they lying?

BC Hydro *can* throttle its dams if it buys wind power. Are you saying they do 
not do so? If not, where does the extra power go? Is the voltage higher than it 
would be if wind power were not “on line?” Would the voltage drop if the wind 
power suddenly “went away?"

Can you provide some evidence that “it does not change the generation mix at 

de N7JDB

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