On Jun 20, 8:56 am, "Mohsen Ravanbakhsh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> There is no first person experience problem, because there is no first
> person experience."
> Once more here you've interpreted the situation from a third person point of
> view. I don't care what YOU can conclude from MY behavior. It's ONE'S own
> perception of his OWN experience matters! and it is more obvious than any
> other fact.

Mohsen, I agree with what you're trying to say here, but I wonder
whether the best 'move' against Torgny's little 'game' (I'm sure he's
playing with us!) is actually to accept what he's saying.  I can agree
with him that:

"there is no first person experience"

because I don't find myself 'experiencing' my 'first person
experience' (this would lead to an infinite regression of
'experiencers').  Rather, I find myself always simply participating in
a 1-person world, which is a subset of a larger participatory
actuality.  Torgny is of course equally a participant in this
actuality.  His error is that he confuses 3-person descriptions with
the 'participants' they merely 'represent'.  3-person descriptions are
always proxies for some distal participant, 'external' to our own 1-
person world: they are 'abstractions'.

As soon as one commits this cognitive error, one is of course struck
by the lack of 1-person characteristics from the proxy 3-person 'point
of view'.  Quite correct: the proxy in itself *doesn't have* an
independent point of view: it's just a parasite on one's own 1-person
world. Metaphorically, it's a sort of 'mirror' that 'reflects' an
external actuality.  'Proxy Torgny' *represents* something else: i.e.
'Participatory Torgny' - and *he* of course may well be granted such a
point of view (as you imply) by reflexive analogy.  But the two must
not be confused.  Ironically, Torgny is presenting us with a textbook
case of the category error that arises from mistaking one's
'reflection' for oneself!


> What you're referring to, is another problem, namely the "other's mind". how
> we know that another human is experiencing what we do? We actually assume
> that to be true, that everyone has consciousness.
> But it doesn't justify the other mistake. This does not mean you can deny
> your possible(!) consciousness.
> "What you call "the subjective experience of first person" is just some sort
> of behaviour.  When you claim that you have "the subjective experience of
> first person", I can see that you are just showing a special kind of
> behaviour.  You behave as if you have "the subjective experience of first
> person".  And it is possible for an enough complicated computer to show up
> the exact same behaviour.  But in the case of the computer, you can see that
> there is no "subjective experience", there are just a lot of electrical
> fenomena interacting with each other.
> There is no first person experience problem, because there is no first
> person experience."
> Once more here you've interpreted the situation from a third person point of
> view. I don't care what YOU can conclude from MY behavior. It's ONE'S own
> perception of his OWN experience matters! and it is more obvious than any
> other fact.
> On 6/19/07, Torgny Tholerus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On Tuesday 19 June 2007 11:37:09 Torgny Tholerus wrote:
> > >>  What you call "the subjective experience of first person" is just some
> > >> sort of behaviour.  When you claim that you have "the subjective
> > >> experience
> > >> of first person", I can see that you are just showing a special kind of
> > >> behaviour.  You behave as if you have "the subjective experience of
> > >> first
> > >> person".  And it is possible for an enough complicated computer to show
> > >> up
> > >> the exact same behaviour.  But in the case of the computer, you can see
> > >> that there is no "subjective experience", there are just a lot of
> > >> electrical fenomena interacting with each other.
> > >>  There is no first person experience problem, because there is no first
> > >> person experience.
> > > In all your reasoning you implicitely use "consciousness" for example
> > when
> > > you
> > > says "When you claim that you have the subjective experience
> > > of first person, *I* can see that you are just showing a special kind of
> > > behaviour."
> > > Who/what is "I" ? Who/what is seeing ? What does it means for you to see
> > > if
> > > you have no inner representation of what you (hmmm if you're not
> > > conscious,
> > > you is not an appropriate word) see, what does it means to see at all ?
> > > In all your reasonning you allude to "I", this is what 1st pov is about
> > > not
> > > about you (the conscious being/knower) looking at another person as if
> > > there
> > > was no obsever (means you) in the observation.
> > > Quentin
> > Our language is very primitive.  You can not decribe the reality with it.
> > If you have a computer robot with a camera and an arm, how should that
> > robot express itself to descibe what it observes?  Could the robot say: "I
> > see a red brick and a blue brick, och when I take the blue brick and
> > places it on the red brick, then I see that the blue brick is over the red
> > brick."?
> > But if the robot says this, then you will say that this proves that the
> > robot is conscious, because it uses the word "I".
> > How shall the robot express itself, so it will be correct?  It this
> > possible?  Or is our language incapable of expressing reality?
> > We human beings are slaves under our language.  The language restricts out
> > thinking.
> > --
> > Torgny Tholerus
> --
> Mohsen Ravanbakhsh,
> Sharif University of Technology,
> Tehran.

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