From: meekerdb 
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: Love and Free Will
On 5/1/2011 1:05 PM, John Mikes wrote:
> Observer: I generalize the term to anything getting into relational 
> connection with anything else,  not restricted to 'conscious' 
> (horribile dictu: "human"?) observers. So I would not call 'it' a 
> "he". My question was: can a mental object (thought?) be observing in 
> my sense? (That would be an extension to a 'physical' view).

"Relational connection" is very broad, so I'd say it's certainly 
possible for a mental object, a thought, to have a relational connection 
to another mental object (one thought follows another) or to a physical 
object (I thought of a chair).  When we speak of observing and observers 
there is usually an implication that others could also observe the 
'same' thing (allowing for points of view differences).  This is why 
Bohr emphasized the logical priority of the classical in empirical science.


Hi Brent,
    What you are stating here is the first hint of the idea of diffeomorphism 
invariance that we are looking for! The fact that “others could also observe 
the 'same' thing” is the essence of the idea that we can stitch coordinate 
systems to each other to make space-time manifold quilts. The trick is to show 
OMs are like coordinate systems.



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