On Feb 23, 8:53 am, Quentin Anciaux <allco...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2012/2/23 Craig Weinberg <whatsons...@gmail.com>
> > On Feb 23, 1:09 am, Stathis Papaioannou <stath...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > The "yes doctor" scenario considers the belief that if you are issued
> > > with a computerised brain you will feel just the same. It's equivalent
> > > to the "yes barber" scenario: that if you receive a haircut you will
> > > feel just the same, and not become a zombie or otherwise radically
> > > different being.
> > That is one reason why it's a loaded question.
> It's not a question... but a starting hypothesis...

"Do you say yes to the doctor?" is a question. It could be a
hypothesis too if you want. I don't see why the difference is

> Consider something true
> and then either shows a contradiction or not (if you find a contradiction
> starting from the assumption that the hypothesis is true... then you've
> disproved the hypothesis).

The question relates specifically to consciousness. Empirical logic is
a subordinate category of consciousness. We cannot treat the subject
of consciousness as if it were subordinate to logic without cognitive
bias that privileges reductionism.

> But as usual you cannot grasp basic logic. You have to past the hypothesis
> to discuss it and eventually find or not a contradiction... stopping at the
> hypothesis, will let you stuck... you can discuss it for an infinite time
> it won't help.

I can almost make sense of what you are trying to write there. Near as
I can come it's some kind of ad hominem foaming at the mouth about
what assumptions I'm allowed to challenge.

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematical_proof#Proof_by_contradiction



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