On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 1:20 AM, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

> There are many possible enormous changes that could happen without you
> being aware of them.

Show me. Show me a example of a change being made between 2 conscious
beings that resulted in a enormous difference between them, and yet the
individual themselves could detect no subjective change and still saw
themselves as so similar that even they themselves could not tell
themselves apart,  and a third party objective observer could not detect a
difference between them either, not even theoretically. Those are the
conditions in my symmetrical room thought experiment, I showed there was no
subjective difference between them and no objective difference between
them, if you can show me that despite that there is still a enormous
difference between them then you have won the argument. Good luck, you'll
need it.

> In the hypothetical duplicator/transporter the two persons would not see
> or otherwise perceive each other, so they would not be aware that a new
> individual was created.

So what, in my symmetrical room they would.

> They would only have memories of entering the transporter in Helsinki and
> of opening the door and seeing either Moscow or Washington - which would
> certainly change their consciousness.

Certainly, so they would no longer be each other although both would still
be the Helsinki man, he'd just be in new positions. You change positions
all the time and it doesn't seem to destroy your identity.

  John K Clark

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